Home Potato Rassorking stakes. Runic lapel - cool with staves. Complete rupture of relations

Rassorking stakes. Runic lapel - cool with staves. Complete rupture of relations

The magical effect of runes on a person has been proven by thousands of reviews from those who wanted to attract good luck to their business, find love and even become richer. The lapel theme is no less popular among people.

Runes will help save relationships between people from difficult, painful consequences, endless quarrels and problems

The rune lapel can help save relationships between people from difficult, painful consequences, endless quarrels and problems. For some couples, the period of mutual understanding and warm feelings for each other has long ended. But, breaking an unreliable love bond on your own is too difficult. In resolving this issue, everyone can be helped by special clashes.

When relationships are at an impasse

Every person on Earth radiates their own energy. He spends it on his own and public needs, concentrates on certain areas of his life. Sometimes, it becomes too little. And only a loved one, reliable support and support can help to restore one's own strength.

Strong feelings for a loved one are a strong energetic connection. But, over time, they become less durable. Some people try not to think about it, fearing that the relationship will end soon. Others are no longer able to restrain themselves and they want to bring the inevitable closer.

But how is rune magic used to break a relationship? The answer lies deep in history. Our ancestors believed that runic symbols have a strong energy that can influence a person for one purpose or another.

All fortune-telling and cuffs were carried out carefully, with careful observance of all instructions and plans. These features have been preserved in modern magic as well. Belief in the runes and their understanding leads a person to the desired, even if it is a lapel.

For the lapel to really work, you must believe in the power of the runes.

Sobriety of mind and rejection of one's own feelings

Sometimes love becomes a serious obstacle to achieving certain goals in work, business, creativity and other areas of a person's life. But, not many dare to go on their own to break off relations.

Sometimes sobriety wins over a loving heart. At this moment, you need to act. And one of the most effective ways to achieve what you want is to use cool runes. One of the most popular ways is to apply the stave to the photo.

To write the formula, the following runes are used:

  1. Gebo is a symbol of partnership.
  2. Turisaz is a symbol of strength and courage that is used to make an important decision.
  3. Isa - a pause, a stop in a relationship.

The main symbol in the stave is "Isa". It is its meaning that determines the course of further relationships between people. This formula is applied to your own photograph with a pen, felt-tip pen or pencil.

But, the symbols will not work until they are activated. To do this, you should come up with conspiracy words. No precise wording is needed. The main thing is to express in one or two sentences your desire to cool your own feelings.

In addition, such a becoming can be applied to your own body. To do this, use a felt-tip pen. The main thing is that the symbols located on the skin are not noticeable to others. We must not forget about the correctness of the spelling of the runes. Any mistake can lead to serious problems, which will be difficult to fix on your own.

To write a runic stave on your own body, you use a regular felt-tip pen

If you need a break in a relationship

Ostuda can also be temporary, necessary for a person to make some important decisions. One of the options is to take a photo together. It consists of:

  1. Gebo is a partnership.
  2. Algiz - protection, friendship.
  3. Isa - the end or pause of a relationship.

The combination of these runes is also referred to as cold. They are written in a joint photo with the person with whom the separation is planned. It is important, after the symbols cover the photo, to read the words of the conspiracy, which is necessary for the correct concentration of the energy of the formula itself. These words can be spoken in any form. The main thing is to believe in their strength.

There is another becoming that allows you to achieve the desired temporary break in relations. Its formula looks like this: "Isa" + "Algiz" + "Raido" (inverted) + "Turisaz" + "Halagaz". In this combination of runes, "Raido" is the main symbol that stops a person in search of a choice in life, and therefore relationships. The rest of the runes only reinforce the effect.

How to "win" the feelings of a loved one from a rival?

Cooling down on a rival can also help in achieving the goal if someone else appears in the relationship. To quarrel between a man and a woman, and to "tie" feelings to oneself is not an easy task. But, there are some squabbles that anyone can do. The main thing is to do everything right without making mistakes. For the split itself you will need:

  • photographs of people who need to quarrel;
  • sheets of white and black paper;
  • pen with black paste.

At midnight, you need to sit down at the table, take a sheet of white paper and write on both sides with the formula: "Soulu" + "Teivaz" + "Raido" + "Isa" + "Dagaz" + "Isa". Using these runes, the lapel will happen very quickly, within a few days. Place a sheet of paper between the prepared photographs of people and pronounce the words to activate the formula (in any form). They must accommodate the purpose of the lapel.

After the words of the conspiracy are pronounced, it is necessary to hide magic accessories from prying eyes. Photos and a sheet with runes are wrapped in black paper and placed in a pre-selected place. A person should also be aware that the formula will only work until the photographs lie next to it.

The strength of individual characters

In order to get rid of love feelings for a person, it is not necessary to use formulas. Sometimes the energy of one rune is enough to remove close ties with a loved one and break off relations. One of the most powerful runes that can achieve what you want is "Isa".

The rune symbol is the vertical bar characterizing the termination. Cooling of the senses is achieved through other signs traced in this symbol. In addition, its sacred meaning is associated with the strongest rejection, sometimes interpreted as death. Do not worry, this concept has nothing to do with the physical death of a person. Only feelings, interconnection with neighbors and a common future die.

Runes can not only help to obtain information about the future. They can be used to make special rituals to freeze and cool relationships. In magic, there is such a ritual as runic chill, which will allow you to cool not only the heart of an annoying admirer, but also get rid of unhappy love. With runes, you can not only protect yourself from unwanted relationships, but also spoil the relationship between people in love or spouses. This article will show you how to do this.

It all depends on who you want to ruin the relationship with, because the runic ritual cooling is a rather complex ritual and you need to clearly imagine what the result will be in the end. This is how easy and simple it is to influence the love of people with the help of runes.

Cool down for love relationships

This ritual must be done if you decide to quarrel with lovers, lovers, and also newlyweds. It should be spent on the aging moon late in the evening, as well as at midnight. In order to carry it out you will need:

  • clean sheet;
  • black leaf;
  • pen with black shade of paste;
  • runes.

The sheet is filled with a runic combination: Soulu-Teyvaz-Raido-Isa-Dages-Isa. You should also draw these symbols if you know the runes well. After that, write the same combination on the other side of the sheet and put those whom you decided to quarrel between the photos.

They need to be deployed one from the other. After that, you need to read the magic words:

"Between you (the name of both) strife, disagreements begin, and the fights do not stop, and your love (or love) will go away forever and will never visit you again, let my words be reality."

After that, you need to wrap the photo with a strip in a black piece of paper and put it in a secret place.

The ritual will be effective as long as the photos are inside the sheet with the rune spell.

Such a runic magic clash is often used in magic when you need to quarrel lovers, lovers or newlyweds by all means.

It is also used when a relationship needs to be stopped. For example, a mother wants to destroy the unreasonable relationship of her daughter who has fallen in love with an unworthy boyfriend, or if it becomes known that the groom or husband goes to his mistress. In this way, you can save love relationships with runes and, perhaps, he will love you again and become your man and he will not need anyone but you.

Complete rupture of relations

This can also be done using a ritual with runes, more precisely, with their names, so that people do not easily quarrel and no longer begin to put up, but completely break off their relationship. Such a runic and rather simple lapel will last for a long time. It is important to carry it out correctly so that no one interferes with you.

Here's what you need to do for it:

  1. Take photographs of lovers, between whom there should be a great distance. To do this, you need to specially take photos in a collage, even if you do not own Photoshop, and then send them to print.
  2. Between these people, you need to draw a formula: Turisaz-Hagalaz-Turisaz. Runograms must be arranged in a column. Turisaz will contribute to the fact that the lovers will repel themselves, and Hagalaz, in general, will nullify the love between them.
  3. After this ritual, put the photographs under the rays of the hot midday sun (it is best to do this in a hot summer, for example, in July or August), put a candle on them and burn it, and then wrap the photo in black material along with the candle and store it in a dark place for a week. ...

On the same day of the week, you need to burn it all with the wishes of quarrels for lovers, and scatter the ashes in the wind. After that, you can see for yourself that the relationship went wrong and nothing good will happen between the lovers. Such a quarrel will greatly spoil the relationship between them. For some, complications begin to appear immediately after the ritual, for others, after a week or several days, and some part after a few months, but at the same time they cannot clearly admit to themselves what happened between them, and why love cooled down so quickly.

This chill will help you fall in love with the fan you love again, but he treats you badly. But such a result will not always be guaranteed during the ritual. After all, in order for him to have strength, you need to imagine all the hatred that occurs between them, the anger and irritation poured out on each other by those who once loved each other very much and could not live a day without their soulmate.

Cool down on yourself

This magical action is done when your feelings are strong for a person who is married and happy in family life. The one whom you passionately love, but he does not love you and you began to annoy him with your feelings, or for a person unworthy of you, who mocks you and uses your love for his own purposes. To do this, you, too, can turn to the magic of the runes, which will help cool yourself and get rid of unhappy love.

Sometimes this is done when you just need to cool your heart. To do this, you need your own photo, on which the runic spell is applied: Gebo-Turizas-Isa. The same formula should be applied to your body with a felt-tip pen or eyeliner. It is also necessary to pronounce a special conspiracy during this ritual:

"Let my heart grow cold on the man (name) and I will be free from the hot flame of love, and my heart will freeze like a piece of ice, may it be the way I want it."

After that, the ritual will be considered complete, and the cold will soon enter your heart, and you will gradually become indifferent to this person. Especially it should be carried out by adolescents, since guys do not appreciate the feelings of young girls and often use their love for their own purposes, while the girl is suffering. She gives especially a lot of suffering to underage girls, since older guys often ignore them when meeting more attractive girlfriends.

There is another effective ritual that can be performed using rune magic.

Freeze relations

This can be done simply with the help of a magic spell, in which runes take part. You need to practice magic at home in the evening by candlelight, when no one is there, and no one bothers. The runic formula will be here: Gebo-Alziz-Isa. Then you need to do the following: read a special disclaimer in order for the cold to work, but you can also act according to a different formula, for example, say the following runogram: Iso-Algiz-Raino (inverted rune) -Turisaz-Halagaz.

It will be complete for this type of chill, which will act slower and more painful than the usual chill. Lovers will feel bad together, but it will be difficult for them to part. It will turn out as in the song "Together is bad, but apart is even harder." At the center of this ritual is the Raido rune, very strong, which means the overlap of almost all intersections of life.

A very strong cold, which you can do on your own, will help take revenge on the lovers. It will be difficult for them to just leave, but at the same time they will stab each other with the ice of their dislike.

However, it is worth remembering that any intrusion into a person's magical field can have consequences for both parties.

Modern magic science in all its diversity is an almost perfect sphere that offers a person a way out of any life situation (naturally, with the ability to perform certain rituals and actions, use specific practices, tune in to magic sessions, etc.). One of its specific and completely unknown spheres today is the rune (or the magic of the runes), and the most common practice of the rune is the lapel from the rival and the runic coldness for love, which has a number of special restrictions and rules.

Runes or, as they are also called, " Elder Futhark Alphabet”, - this is, without a doubt, a very strong and effective symbolic system, including 21 signs.

It dates back to the very beginning of our era and personifies not just the phenomena of the surrounding world, but very specific actions.

More precisely, all of the actions that are only possible in our reality. Therefore, by choosing the correct sign or combination of signs, you can always form the desired action, while controlling the strength of its manifestation and the specifics of the action.

Working with runic symbols is divided into three types:

  • Runalor- awareness and study of symbols,
  • Runagald- magical use of runes,
  • Runamal- fortune telling with the help of runes.

Specialists who operate with runes are called eryls. The advantage of working with this system of interpreting reality is its maximum focus on the result, even with minimal experience of the protagonist.

Rules for working with runes

All of the above is the minimum of knowledge that should be mastered before starting to learn cool rituals. If you are interested in the practice of cooling down for love by runes, you want to know what it is and how to apply it, then you will have to learn a few key points:

Runic symbols must be applied to amulets or other artifacts (in some cases, even to the human body), without writing they do not work.
It is desirable to paint the signs with blood-based paint, so the effect obtained will be stronger. This rule is especially true for making amulets for yourself.

After the desired action has been taken, the amulet must be destroyed or, if this is impossible, at least the rune that is inscribed must be removed from it.
It is also imperative to thank those gods who were asked for help in the process of creating enchantments, and not only to speak words, but also to bring gifts in the form of coins and food.
Not bad, but it is not at all necessary to consolidate the result obtained by applying additional runes, but not of a similar action, but enhancing the effect obtained or at least stabilizing it. For example, after the relationship between a couple is restored, a protective formula is suitable for them.

Isa + Sowulo + Algiz + Gebo + Hagalaz + Jera.

It is not difficult to understand how to make a runic chill for love. It is much more difficult to learn to recognize situations when it is really necessary, so as not to destroy a union that has prospects and is blessed in a special way from above.

Runic chill for love - conducting a ritual

A real runic chill for love, made in accordance with all the rules of runagald, gives the most accurate and fast result.

Usually it is taken for a joint photograph of those people whom they want to separate. In the absence of such a photo, a drawing, even a schematic one, will do. It is important to indicate on it the names and any information (known) about the people shown in the picture.

After that, runic signs are immediately written on the photo and the corresponding visu is read on top (their poems dedicated to this event). After that, they ask the gods for help and stipulate the period after which the picture is destroyed, and gratitude is expressed to the gods.

The hardest part is choosing the right rune formula. There may be several options:

The formula for classic coolness looks like this: Gebo + Algiz + Isa;

For global cooling of all potential partners of the facility, except for the agreed one, the following formula will be required: Isa + Thurisaz + Isa;

To permanently erase all memories of yourself from the memory of a loved one, the following formula is suitable: Ansuz + Ansuz + Perth + Laguz;

A total freeze of relations is possible after the following combination: Gebo + Thurisaz + Isa;

Complete destruction of relationships between people

The complete destruction of relations will come with the use of all the elements: Sowulo + Ehwaz + Laguz + Isa + Hagalaz + Algiz.

The main signs that the procedure was performed correctly and the effect will be positive:

  • Throughout the ritual, everything went smoothly, there were no hiccups or obstacles;
  • An amulet or photo, destroyed after the implementation of the plan, is quickly absorbed by water or fire;
  • People, over whose relations the runic action was performed, feel rejection from each other, grow cold;
  • Love (if it was) goes away, tension builds up, which pours out after a while or immediately into a complete break.

In the practice of a beginner or even an experienced eryl, situations often arise when you need to cool down for yourself. There are a lot of examples of such situations: relationships can be burdensome, take away strength and energy, exhaust a person psychologically and physically.

You can, of course, endure all this and hope for the favor of the Higher Forces, or you can act quickly and for sure. Moreover, in runagald there is always an effective combination that you can impose on yourself in order to avoid the continuation of an unnecessary love affair.

There are cases when correctly tuned practitioners of runic magic intuitively sense the time, place and type of formulas used for this kind of rituals.

In such situations, one image of the ice sign "Isa" and a heart-shaped visa - a Scandinavian quatrain that acts as a conspiracy-consolidation of the runes used - is enough. But for those who have not enough practice in versification, the formula of the "cross of relations" remains a classic of the genre:

  • Isa + Gebo + Hagalaz + Isa, where the two central characters are written in ligature.
  • Or it is in another modification: Isa + Hagalaz + Gebo + Isa (also a ligature in the center).

Such a runic chill for love to oneself helps very quickly. She blocks the relationship, severely freezing them (for this, two Isa rune signs are needed on the sides).

There are situations when runic practices for some reason do not suit a person or do not help. In this case, you can resort to such a powerful technique as chilling in the name of Adonai. This cold is not runic, but it helps out in almost a hundred percent of cases. After all, its formula directly addresses the Supreme Essence or God with the help of one of his oldest and most powerful names.

It is recommended to use this ritual action exclusively during the waning moon, on the second day of the week. Neglecting this rule can be costly, up to the opposite effect, therefore it is better to do everything strictly according to the instructions.

You should purchase some new metal item that has never been used for its intended purpose. For this, needles, scissors, tweezers and other metal products are suitable.

Then on the night of the agreed Tuesday, take a glass of cold fresh water and put it on the table in front of you. Ideally, you need to use spring water, but in the absence of it, tap water will do.

A metal object (for example, a sewing needle) should be heated over a fire until red, and then sharply cooled with water from a glass.
After the cooling procedure, without hesitation for a second, it is worth saying a conspiracy to cool down:

"In the name of Adonai, the passion for (indicate the name of the person) will extinguish in me, just as this iron has now cooled down in this water."

The procedure for heating the needle, cooling it and reading the magic formula must be repeated a total of five times. After completing the procedure, you need to drain the glass in one gulp.

The words of the conspiracy must be spoken to the water in a glass, practically touching the water with her lips, so that she probably heard the spell pronounced.

Often experts advise to play it safe, and after the cooling of relations is done according to the runes, they carry out a similar practice in another system.

For example, ice cold often acts as such an event.

In order to make an ice cold for love, you need to buy one white egg from a real domestic chicken on the collective farm market.

Exactly at midnight, the following spell must be said on him:

“I take my heart (indicate the name of the object of love), take it to cool down to the very icy kingdom, to a distant cold state, so that later (indicate the name of the object of love) (indicate the name of the love-lover) I no longer love, so that I can cool my heart at once, more I have never carried it in my heart. From now on I will endure forever! "

After this conspiracy, you must put the egg in the freezer for exactly one day.
Exactly one day later, you need to take out the frozen egg, take it as far away from your house as possible and bury it in a place where no one can see it.
After completing these actions, after another day of cooling on the rival and the object of love should have a strong effect and separate them.

Meaning, description and interpretation of the runes

The basis of our universe is energy. Using it correctly and directing it in the right direction, you can achieve almost any goal. It works on the principle of energy movement. In love magic and staves are often used to perform love spells and lapel rituals.

The main tool of rune magic are sacred symbols - runes. Magicians make up by placing these sacred signs in a specific sequence. Passing through a given formula, the energy of any ritual takes on exactly the form that the magician needs to achieve the desired result.

Most often, the runes of the elder futark are used in magic. This is a special runic alphabet consisting of 24 characters.

Runes and cuffs

To carry out the most powerful and effective lapel, a sign in the form of a vertical bar is used. She acts as a symbol of cooling and freezing. You can use it for the purpose of a lapel only once and very carefully. Otherwise, you risk harming your loved one: abuse of this rune can affect the brain activity of the rejected person and deprive him of his strength. Repeated use of this sign can also lead to incurable impotence in men, and women can completely deprive women of the ability to love.

Important nuances

To activate the rune lapel, you need clause- a special spell designed to program the rune formula in the desired direction.

I want to warn you that the words for the slander must be selected very carefully and carefully, to voice in them everything that you want to achieve as a result of the ritual.

This is because runes perceive the intention of the magician in the most literal sense and looking for the easiest ways to solve a given problem. For example, if in a clause you indicate that you do not want to see a person, then it is very likely that you will simply begin to lose your sight.

The appeal to the ancient Scandinavian gods will help speed up the action of the runic chain. This issue is decided by the performer of the ceremony on an individual basis. Remember only one thing: if you made a lapel, asking for help from a certain god, you must definitely leave gifts to him.

The phase of the moon for the runes does not matter. But if you wish, you can use the classic condition of love magic: love spells are carried out on the growing moon, lapels - on the waning one.

How to make a runic lapel yourself

Before starting the ritual, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the runes and study the principle of work and the meaning of each of them.

Cool yourself off a man

If you want to get rid of unnecessary feelings for a certain person and end a relationship that does not bring happiness and cause only negative, you can cool down your feelings with the help of runes.

For the ceremony, you will need your own photo, on which you need to apply the runic becoming (you can use a marker): — — ... Draw the same formula on your body. At the same time, pronounce a slip of the tongue - it needs to be formulated in your own words, but so that your intention is clearly formulated in the spell. The clause might sound something like this:

“Let this coolness cool my heart to (name of the chosen one). Let indifference to him settle in my soul. Let the runes (names of runes) help me feel free from his love. "

Strong way with a photo

The rite is used if you need to turn two people away from each other, to separate them. The runic formula is applied to a joint photograph of the victims of the lapel ritual and looks like this:

Runic grappling

The purpose of the lapel is to quarrel two people connected by love feelings. To conduct it, prepare individual photos of those who need to embroil, 2 sheets of paper - white and black, a pen or felt-tip pen with black ink... Perform the ritual at midnight.

  1. Take a white sheet and write on both sides of the rune becoming: - - - Isa - -.
  2. Place a sheet with runograms between two photographs. It is important that the photographs lie with their backs to each other.
  3. Say a slip of the tongue or visu (a spell in verse). A spell might sound something like this: “Between you (names of lovers), enmity begins! There will be no end to fights and quarrels. May your love disappear forever. May all my words come true! "
  4. Wrap the composition of photographs and a leaf with runes in black paper and hide in a secret place. Separating will be effective throughout the period as long as the paper with the formula lies between the photographs of the lovers.


The love triangle problem is as old as the world. Not all of us manage to meet the person of our dreams and stay with him for life. Some people have to deal with the situation when the beloved man is already married or the girl of their dreams is married. But the heart, as you know, cannot be ordered. And how do you sometimes want your loved one to finally make the final choice - to leave or stay with your family. If you no longer have the strength to endure uncertainty, you can try to make a runic becoming a divorce spouse. Another question - is this correct from a moral point of view? Let's figure it out.

Is it ethical to use stakes for divorce?

Of course, if we are in the position of a third party, it seems to us that it is right to quarrel a married couple so that a loved one stays with us. But on the other hand, you need to think about how this divorce will affect the abandoned spouse. Very often, such magical interventions destroy the lives of people and, naturally, sooner or later, the one who made such a split gets punished. Agree that it would be unpleasant for you if some stranger took your husband or wife away from the family?

The only exception can be situations when people are really destined for each other by fate. For example, a guy got married ahead of time, and met true love a few years after the wedding. Or the girl married the wrong person, and then met a man who really won her heart finally and irrevocably. And in many such cases, it is very difficult for those who are going to leave to do this: they can be stopped by children, human affection for a spouse who is no longer loved, housing and financial issues and other circumstances. In this case, you can use runic becoming to divorce a couple, but you need to be completely sure that your meeting with your loved one is karmic. Therefore, before activating the formula, it is better to make a detailed comprehensive Tarot layout, which will reveal all the hidden nuances of the relationship. And only if the alignment confirms your connection in fate, you can use the stav.

General rules

All split formulas are used in a similar way. Runes need to be drawn on a joint photo of the couple you want to breed. We negotiate individually or in full, taking into account all the desired nuances. Activation is carried out in any way you like. We deactivate becoming after it has successfully worked.

Runic becoming "Divorce" from kas-sandra

This formula allows you to separate people in different ways. She provokes quarrels, misunderstandings between spouses, makes them feel that it is no longer possible to live together.

Working runes

The list of runes is indicated for information only, we make a reservation by becoming obligatory in its entirety

  • Elm, including mirror Turisaz, Evaz and direct Turisaz - symbolizes quarrels, scandals, conflicts, showdown
  • makes the action of the formula permanent, that is, there will be no end to the quarrels
  • Two mirrored Eyvaz destroy the family
  • Mirror deprives people of the willpower for any changes, does not allow them to yield to each other
  • Two mirrors make each spouse perceive the other as an inadequate person
  • Mirror sows apathy, a feeling of fatigue, unwillingness to live together and keep a family
  • Elforuna, a member of the Kongorunir series - provokes parting, creates damage to relations

Runic becoming "Divorce" from Skilnadur (Dante laboratory)

This strong runic becoming for the divorce of spouses includes a fight that provokes further events, runes-amplifiers and a "pruner" - the ligature that separates former lovers forever. The entire ligature represents the Icelandic rune Stungin-Iss, into which other symbols are inscribed.

Important information: in no case can the formula be used to destroy pairs that are destined for each other by fate - not only will you fail, but you yourself will suffer.

Working symbols

  • Gebo, consisting of crossed Teyvaz - this is the split itself
  • Two Teyvaz, Dagaz, Elforuna P - amplifiers, catalysts of the formula
  • Mirror, Hagalaz - "secateurs" cutting the relationship

Formula "Collapse of relations" from forest Fairy

A simple runescript that allows you to cool the feelings of spouses for each other. Of course, in the absence of feelings, the union is unlikely to last long.

Runes working in ligature

  • Gebo - a symbol of relationships
  • Two - provoke quarrels, scandals, lead a couple to parting
  • Two - freeze, cool people's feelings for each other
  • Two make problems permanent
  • The reverse rune makes permanent cooling of the senses

Strong stabbing "Tangle of snakes" from Vitoria

This is a very strong runic becoming a couple's divorce, which is capable of destroying even a relationship held together by long years of family life. The consequences for an abandoned spouse can be very serious, up to nervous breakdowns and hospitalization. It can be used only when absolutely necessary. In addition to photography, the runes need to be activated with the saliva or blood of the spouses, who need to be diluted, and also bring gifts to the god Loki.

Working runes

The ligature contains runes of the Anglo-Saxon (Northumbrian) and Icelandic series.

  • (Northumbrian), imprisoned in the Hagal - destroys the connection between people at the subconscious level
  • Two Anglo-Saxon Nood runes reinforce divorce awareness
  • Straight and Mirror Thorn destroy everything that holds people together
  • Is freezes possible paths to reconciliation
  • Os envelops spouses in a ball of gossip, scandals, conflicts
  • Ear symbolizes the end of family life, partners no longer see each other as couples
  • Gar provokes recriminations
  • that appears when two Thorn and Gebo are combined - makes change inevitable
  • Icelandic runes: Esinger is responsible for swearing, scandals and other dirt; Stungin Kaun causes suffering from living together; Stungin-Iss block all possible attempts to avoid parting; four runes Yr send an endless stream of strife and conflicts to the couple. Those. until people get divorced, they cannot regain their peace of mind

Fracture of a person's fate under the influence of runes

We can say that all the formulas given above are, in fact, rune staves at a break in fate. They artificially change a person's life, break it in those places where this should not have happened. If you used rune magic in a case when it was impossible to do so, for example, by provoking a divorce of people destined for each other by fate, these people will definitely suffer. For such an action, the punishment will surely fly to you. And this must always be remembered.

What kind of punishment can this be? Diseases, problems, troubles in your personal life, work, and sometimes magical influences directed at you. All this may well await a person who has decided to take on the role of the ruler of other people's destinies. Never use rune magic to inflict evil - then your life will be harmonious and happy.

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