Home Potato Tribal tattoo on the shoulder for women. Tribal Tattoo - Tribal Tattoos Meaning, History, Sketches and Photos. How much does a shoulder tattoo cost

Tribal tattoo on the shoulder for women. Tribal Tattoo - Tribal Tattoos Meaning, History, Sketches and Photos. How much does a shoulder tattoo cost



The meaning of mask tattoos

First of all, a mask tattoo is distinguished by the duplicity of the nature of its owner. The mask is designed to hide the face, personality and character of a person. A halo of mystery, intrigue and illusion hovers around her. She always symbolized the deceit and hypocrisy of the person who was hiding behind her.

Before you apply yourself a tattoo with a mask, you should make sure whether the perception of the meaning of the person who wants to do it coincides with the generally accepted perception. Of course, a mask painted on the body looks very good, especially if it is not alone. It is absolutely certain that the bearer of such an adornment must possess a certain mystery and artistry; in society he is perceived as the owner of a mysterious, obscure and extraordinary character.

Sketches of masks in the art of tattoos are divided into varieties: Venetian, theatrical, Hollywood and Chania masks.

Venetian masks were worn at carnivals, they were always expensively decorated. The main purpose of the mask at the holiday was to level everyone present. The meaning of a tattoo carries the same meaning - the equality of all people.

Theatrical masks are usually painted in pairs, tragic and comic. As you might guess, tragic is also sadness, and comic is joy and laughter. The image of two masks indicates that the owner of the tattoo is prone to changes in character. Actors like to do such tattoos. If one mask with a tear is depicted, then it will mean that the person is not who he is trying to appear in life.

Hollywood masks came to us from horror films, their main purpose is to scare and cause a feeling of fear, they symbolize heartlessness and lies.

The Chania mask is a symbol that personifies a girl who was turned into a demon because of her love for. This mask means a breath of passion, rage and vexation.

For some peoples, a tattoo in the form of a mask was and helped to communicate with the spirits of their ancestors and, like any similar symbol, served as protection from evil spirits. Such a mask tattoo looks unusual and original, but it requires a deep knowledge of its meaning, because any extraneous element can bring the opposite connotation.

The meaning of a mask tattoo is a reflection of the hidden character of a person, an expression of a certain position on a life situation.

The drawing on the body in the form of a mask is sometimes intended for those around them, so that they can understand what kind of person stands in front of them.

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The mask is designed, first of all, to hide a person's face, his personality and character. A certain halo of mystery, illusion and intrigue is formed around him. At all times, the mask symbolized hypocrisy and deceit. A person with a mask tattoo is distinguished from others by the duplicity of nature, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman. Sometimes a sketch of a tattoo is performed in the form of two masks - sad and cheerful.

It will be original if a tattoo with the image of one mask finds a place on the body, or it will consist of several. If a person who wants to decorate himself with a tattoo of a mask decided to apply it, it is worth considering whether his perception of this image coincides with the generally accepted one. Such a tattoo obliges the owner to a certain artistry and mystery, for everyone around him he will become the owner of a mysterious, extraordinary and obscure character.

For those who are looking closely at such a drawing, it will be interesting to know what a mask tattoo means. Masks, sketches of which exist in the tattoo world, are divided into the following types: theatrical, Venetian, Hollywood, Chania mask.

Theatrical masks: The tattoo consists of two masks - comic and tragic. The tragic mask denotes sadness and tears. Comic mask - laughter and joy. If both masks are applied, then the owner of the tattoo is prone to variability. Such tattoos are popular among the acting community. A mask with tears means that the bearer of this image is not what it seems in life.

Hollywood masks: the look of this tattoo came to us from horror films. First of all, such a tattoo is designed to induce fear and fear in others, symbolizing lies and heartlessness.

Chania mask: a symbol of Japanese tattoo, symbolizes a girl turned into a demon for her love for a monk, subsequently destroying him. The meaning of such a mask is rage, annoyance and a breath of passion.

Venetian mask: These masks were worn at the carnival. They were very richly decorated. The purpose of such a mask is to level all people at the carnival, the same meaning is also borne by a tattoo - the equality of people.

Some nationalities used a mask tattoo as a talisman, it helped to communicate with the souls of animals and ancestors, was a kind of protection from evil spirits.

Such a tattoo looks very original, but it requires a lot of knowledge of the culture, since any little thing that can carry a certain subtext is important in the drawing.

The meaning of a mask tattoo is a reflection of the hidden side of character, an expression of a position on a certain life situation.

Mystery is present in every person, hence the growing popularity of this tattoo. The drawing on the body with the image of the mask is attractive and unique, it is able to decorate any part of the body of its owner and convey to others the meaning that is intended for him.

Mask Tattoo Videos

Whatever the sketch of a mask tattoo, the main thing is that it is unique! And below are more photos of mask tattoos from different masters for your inspiration.

Since ancient times, masks have been used to hide their identity and have been associated with duplicity and secrecy. Previously, theater actors, spies and even doctors covered their faces with masks. Therefore, masks were associated mainly with reincarnation, deceit, and mystery. The peoples and tribes of ancient civilizations personified masks with gods and spirits, since masks were an integral part of rituals. For centuries, people have been wary of those who wear masks because they were distrusted, shunned, and considered two-faced. And what about the mask tattoo? Obviously, the owners of the mask tattoo want to emphasize the associated meanings, such as concealment, reincarnation, duality, protection from trouble.

Mask tattoos differ in appearance, but, basically, the following types of masks are considered as a sketch:

  • Hollywood masks;
  • Venetian masks;
  • theatrical masks;
  • Chania mask.

O hollywood masks obviously a lot of people know from Hollywood cinema. They appeared thanks to films in which the main characters wore masks, for example, someone was inspired by the mask of Jason from "Friday 13", and someone wanted to have a tattoo with a mask of Guy Fawkes from "V for Vendetta". However, such tattoos are chosen not only because they pay tribute to their favorite films and heroes, these masks also personify human vices, cruelty, danger and mystery, the domination of bad qualities of a person over good ones.

Venetian masks came to us thanks to the well-known Venetian carnivals. These masks stand out for their original color schemes and bright decorative decorations. However, the purpose of these masks was to equalize everyone participating in the carnival, to eliminate social status for one day. Venetian mask tattoos also tell us about ideas of equality and anonymity.

Theatrical masks- this is the union of two masks: smiling and crying, it is he who is the symbol of the theater. A tattoo with a smiling mask will be chosen by a positive-minded person who is not afraid of difficulties, he goes through life with a positive. A tattoo with a crying theatrical mask testifies to grief, fatalism and pessimistic mood. A tattoo with these two masks characterizes a person who likes to reincarnate, to play different roles in society.

Japanese Chania mask symbolizes the feelings of a person suffering from unrequited and unrequited love. The whole range of emotions of aggression, anger, revenge and jealousy can be attributed to the meaning of the image of this mask.

Mask tattoos are popular with both men and women. If men choose more aggressive and terrifying scenes with masks, then the fairer sex will have combinations of masks with flowers, feathers or wings, mainly on Venetian masks. The most suitable places for mask tattoos are the shoulder blades, shoulders, chest, back, neck.

The "mask" tattoo is perfect for eccentric, bright and active people, as well as those who are delighted with the theater and reincarnation. If you can call yourself such a person, then do not hesitate and sign up for a free consultation at our tattoo studio. Our masters will be happy to develop a sketch for your image!

Most experts agree that tribal originates in the culture of the Samoan tribes. An interesting fact is that representatives of this ethnic group are convinced that a tattoo is a special connection between the spiritual and material embodiment of a person. The Samoan tribes believe that a tattoo can reveal in a person his special abilities and talents, help to know himself and form his own special life philosophy.

The modern tribal is an evolved Polynesian tattoo style. It is believed that every third tattoo in the world is a tribal, which may be close to the truth. The name itself, which translates as "nominal", "tribal", says a lot about this genre. Such a tattoo often serves as a personal symbol or talisman, which explains its popularity even among those who are selective about bodypainting.

Most of the printed tribles are complex pointed patterns, which are interweaving and intersection of swift lines. As a rule, the tribal is executed in one color. But the genre is actively evolving and mixing with other directions, and today you can often see a multi-colored tribal in an outstanding stylistic performance.


To get a taste of the tribal idea, you need to turn to the tradition of applying Polynesian tattoos. Note that for local peoples, the process of tattooing is a special ritual. Before applying the tattoo, the priests make long prayers and ask for blessings. A tattoo is seen as a spiritual part of a person, resonating with his energy, desires and thoughts.

In the tradition of the Polynesians - to treat a tattoo as a magical design that should govern the life of its wearer. The patterns depicted on the body were designed to relieve a person of fears and help him on his life path.

The smooth sweeping contours of a traditional tribal tattoo are a visual reflection of your inner world outlook. The essence of a tattoo made in this genre consists not so much in the image embedded in the pattern, but in the emotions that a person experiences when observing this pattern. We will not deny that in tribal, as in the direction of tattoo culture, the aesthetic component of the tattoo is of priority importance.

Boys and girls

In modern bodypainting, there is no clear division into male and female tribal. It all depends on the creative content of the person who wants to get such a tattoo. We only note that a rough large-scale tribal on a graceful female body does not look as impressive as on a male one. Therefore, we can conclude - it is better for girls to give preference to graceful work with thin lines.


Among the admirers of the Polynesian tribal style the following were noticed:

  • Colin Farrell;
  • Dwayne Johnson;
  • Mike Tyson.

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