Home Potato Topics of individual conversations with students. The topic of discussions on legal education is a document. Conversations on the prevention of juvenile delinquency at school

Topics of individual conversations with students. The topic of discussions on legal education is a document. Conversations on the prevention of juvenile delinquency at school

To help the class teacher: approximate topics for writing a VR plan by section

To help the class teacher: approximate topics for writing a VR plan by section

Educational goals and objectives:
1.forming and rallying a classy team;
2. fostering a benevolent attitude towards comrades and respect for elders;
3. fostering love for school and school traditions;
4. instill a sense of responsibility in learning; behavioral culture skills, responsiveness and mutual assistance;
5. to teach to bring the work started to the end, to study and work conscientiously;
6. not to allow a single case of violation of discipline either in the premises of the school or on its territory;
7. control the rules of behavior of students in school, in the classroom;
8. to cultivate love for the native land, respect for nature;

Conversation topics (class hours):

1. Knowledge Day.
2. Organizational hour. School mode.
3. Conversation on the rules of the road. Month of safety. (conversations seasonally)
4. What is a collective? Friendship and camaraderie.
5. Ecology and man. Ecology of the planet.
6. In the world of interesting. (through the pages of newspapers and magazines).
7. Behavior in public places. Place and time for games.
8. Professions. Types of labor.
9. What do the symbols of the Republic of Crimea, in which I live, mean?
10. Everything in a person should be perfect!
11. Rules of conduct during the holidays (seasonal).
12. Business time, fun hour!
13. About honesty and the ability to keep your word.
14. My class is my family.
15. Houseplants. Clean air in the classroom. Order and cleanliness.
16. Respect your elders! Be attentive to the younger ones!
17. The book is your best friend!
18. Conversation on the rules of student conduct in the school premises and on school grounds.
19. Our Motherland is an independent Ukraine!
20. Coat of arms and flag of Ukraine. Country attributes.
21. Who are the MPs? Deputies of our region.
22. Conservation of nature is your responsibility.
23. Your rights and obligations.
24. How to behave in public places.
25. Me and those who are near. Conversation on an ethical topic.
26. Friendship, help, mutual assistance.
27. Conversation "Home Alone" about the behavior of a child at home.
28. Streets of the city.
29. Workshop of Santa Claus. The beauty of the surrounding world. Ethical Conversation
30. Ethical grammar about kindness, compassion and humility
31. Defenders of the Fatherland.
32. Lovely women. International Women's Day.
33. Be neat, neat!
34. Our hobbies (technology, music, design).
35. Fool's Day.
36. Day of Cosmonautics.
37. Culture of behavior at a party, at home and on the street.
38. About honesty and ability to keep your word.
39. The culture of our language. Can you talk?
40. Victory Day. "Life is given for bold deeds."
41. Pictures of native nature.
42. "Dad, mom, I am a readable family."
43. "Dull time, charm of the eyes" Reading competition.
44. "This interesting animal world."
45. From the life of wonderful people.
46. ​​"Sports, health, beauty are our best friends."
47. Famous fellow countrymen. Poets and writers about Crimea.
48. On the dangers of nicotine and alcohol.
49. Where does Santa Claus come from?
50. The world has not only the necessary, but also the beautiful.
51. Carrying out the operation "Live, book!"
52. Entertaining mathematics.
53. Army of Ukraine. History and modernity.
54. Commonwealth of Nations.
55. Where do fairy tales lead us? The actions of the heroes (moral education).
56. Music in our lives.
57. Theater. What is it like?
58. Art in our life.
59. There are thousands of roads in the world. Which one should we go through?
60. "We keep our books and notebooks in order."
61. "What is good and what is bad?"
62. "About labor, about working people".
63. "It is not enough to want, you need to be able."
64. Through the pages of Fairy Tales. Quiz.
65. My city, my area, my street.
66. Save time!
67. "The miracle of the earth - bread."
68. "Let's play, think, answer"
69. The birth of the book. Conversation about publishing books.
70. Conversation about frugality.
71. Learn to learn!
72. School of courtesy.
73. "Green Pharmacy".

School-wide activities:

1. Knowledge Day. Peace lesson. "Be able to live in peace and harmony"
2. Day of the elderly. "Pass the good around."
3. Teacher's Day. Take part in an exhibition of bouquets - autumn flower arrangements.
4. Autumn ball.
5. Month of traffic safety.
6. Competition of readers "Multinational Crimea".
7. Competition "Is it easy to become a star?"
8. Week of health.
9. "Know, love, take care of nature."
10. Welcome Miss Math!
11. Local history quiz. The streets of the city are named after them.
12. Weeks of Pushkin, Shevchenko.
13. Tournament of the Knights.
14. "We cannot live without women."
15. "My own director."
16. "Lucky!"
17. "Hello, we are looking for talents!"
18. Holiday of the Primer.
19. "Eaglet" Sports game.

Working with parents:

1. Parents' meetings.
2. Meetings of the genus. committee.
3. To involve parents in conducting conversations, excursions. Visiting the circus, theaters, museums.
4. Conduct conversations with parents:
- a healthy lifestyle at home and at school;
- your child and his organization of classes, daily routine;
- your child's academic performance and behavior;
- help from parents in teaching children, doing homework;

5. Involve parents in the design of the classroom, the production of visual
6. Individual conversations with parents about the behavior and performance of the child.
7. Joint action by family and school.
8. Visiting students at home in order to survey housing conditions, conduct conversations with the child and parents about academic performance at home.
9. Provision of methodological assistance to parents.
10. Involvement of parents in conducting conversations, organizing class hours (about professions).
11. Conversation "Raising in a family."
12. Conversation "Teaching a child to be kind."
13. Conversation "Home Reading Guidance".
14. Conversation "Everything should be beautiful in a person."
15. Conversation about the culture of the child's behavior.
16. Conduct open parent-teacher conferences.

Activities carried out for educational purposes:

1. Visiting students of the library.
2. Conducting conversations on self-government in the classroom.
3. Conducting competitions, Olympiads, exhibitions within the class.
4. Excursions to nature.
5. Libraries and friendship with them.
6. Visiting the circus, theater, museum.
7. Preparation for festive events.
8. Creation of wall newspapers.
9. Carrying out events dedicated to aesthetic and ethical education. Quiz.
10. Rules of good manners.
11. Conducting contests: "Traveling on the map", "Treasure! Treasure! Treasure! ”,“ In the world of stars ”,“ Come on, girls! ”,“ Come on, guys! ”.
12. Mutual assistance among students.
13. Labor troops
14. Green landing.
15. "Humorina". April Fool's Day.

Individual work with students:

1. Provide learning assistance to weak students.
2. To develop the activity of passive children, to bring up discipline, responsibility for the assigned task, for their actions.
3. Monitor the appearance of students.
4. Develop rules of cultural behavior.
5. Conduct individual conversations on moral and ethical topics.
6. To instill in children a sense of beauty.
7. Home visits.
8. Individual conversations separately with boys (about the need for fights), separately with girls (about neatness and cleanliness).
9. Being late for lessons.

Children's self-government work:

1. Duty at school.
2. Class duty.
3. Caring for indoor plants.
4. Cleaning the classroom.
5. The work of orderlies.
6. Fasting frugality of textbooks.
7. Fasting the frugality of school inventory.
8. Conducting search work.
9. Cleaning of school grounds.

Individual work with students:

1. Neatness, neatness in clothes.
2. How to properly prepare your workplace.
3. How do you fulfill your responsibilities?
4. Be kind and considerate towards your fellows.
5. Your daily routine.
6. Diseases of dirty hands.
7. Your appearance.
8. Culture of behavior during a change.
9. Respect your time and the time of others.
10. The book is your best friend.
11. Patience and work - they will grind everything.
12. Business time, fun - an hour.
13. Games at school during recess and on the street.
14. Appreciate a minute in the lesson.
15. The class is a single family.
16. Measure seven times and cut once.
17. Respect your elders!
18. Take care of nature!
19. Performance of their duties.

Health protection:

1. Watch your posture.
2. Safety of pedestrian traffic during ice conditions.
3. Health protection (seasonally).
4. How to maintain good eyesight.
5. The danger of playing with fire.
6. Air condition. Cotton-gauze bandages.
7. Personal hygiene.
8. Everyone's health is everyone's wealth!
9. Rules of conduct in extreme situations.
10. Clothes, footwear - part of the guarantee of health.
11. Diseases of dirty hands.
12. Cleanliness and order in the classroom is the guarantee of the health of all.
14. Traumatism and its prevention.
15. Poisonous mushrooms and plants.
16. The correct daily routine is the guarantee of your health.
17. Proper nutrition.
18. Colds. Prevention.
19. What is a healthy lifestyle?
20. Chemicals. Medication handling.
21. Microorganisms. Raw water, unwashed vegetables and fruits.
22. Caution: cutting and stabbing objects!
23. Sports in our lives.
24. Healthy teeth. Oral cavity care.


what are the consequences?


on crime prevention

among minors

Development of

history and law teachers

Stepanenko V.P.

Today we will talk about your rights and responsibilities. After all, every person, regardless of age, should be responsible for the actions that he commits. And every person in our country must live according to certain rules. There are many rules of human behavior in society and they are combined into laws. The laws relate to various spheres of human activity.

What do you think is the name of the violation of the rules of conduct in society? These are offenses, and in more serious cases, a crime.

Offense - this is an illegal, antisocial action (or inaction) that either violates the established prohibitions, or does not comply with the rule of law.

What laws of school life do you know?

  • You can't be late for lessons.
  • You cannot skip lessons without a good reason.
  • You can not bully at recess.
  • No smoking at school or on school grounds.
  • You can not use foul language, etc.

And outside of school? What laws must students follow outside of school?

  • Do not appear on the street without your parents after 22.00.
  • It is forbidden to buy and drink alcoholic beverages on the street and in transport, smoke in public places.
  • Participate in hooligan actions, in beating up other persons.
  • Do not carry with you piercing - cutting objects, etc.

There are 4 types of legal liability for violations:

1. Criminal liability- responsibility for violation of laws stipulated by the Criminal Code. A crime stipulated by the criminal law is socially dangerous, infringing on the social order, property, personality, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order (murder, robbery, rape, insults, petty theft, hooliganism).

For malicious hooliganism, theft, rape, criminal responsibility begins from the age of 14.

2. Administrative responsibility is applied for violations provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses. Administrative violations include: violation of traffic rules, violation of public order, fire safety, smoking, drinking alcohol in public places, etc.

For administrative offenses, they are brought to justice from the age of 16. Punishment: fine, warning, correctional labor.

3. Disciplinary responsibility- this is a violation of labor obligations, i.e. violation of labor laws, for example: being late for work, absenteeism without a good reason.

There are three forms of disciplinary liability: reprimand, reprimand, dismissal.

4. Civil liability regulates property relations.

Punishment for the offender: compensation for harm, payment of damage.

Let's look at the situations with you and determine: what offense did the teenagers commit? At what age does responsibility for this offense come about? What kind of punishment can you expect?

Situation number 1 ... Seryozha and Sasha played ball in the yard. The guys smashed a window in a neighbor's house with a ball. What offense did the teenagers commit?

(civil liability)

Situation number 2. The teenager was detained on the street at 23 hours 40 minutes, unaccompanied by adults. What punishment does he face?

(administrative responsibility)

Situation number 3 . Pupils of the 7th grade were in the locker room before the physical education lesson. After the call, everyone went to the gym, and Dima stayed behind and stole a cell phone from his classmate. What crime did the teenager commit? At what age is responsibility for this offense?

(criminal liability, begins from the age of 14)

Situation number 4. Roma and Petya were on the bus, talking loudly, laughing, using foul language, aggressively reacting to the comments of others. What did the teenagers violate?

(Administrative Code: Administrative Responsibility).

Situation number 5. If you have taken absenteeism at school. What kind of responsibility for this offense?

(Disciplinary responsibility).

Situation number 6 . Classmates Andrei and Dima began to swear, and a fight ensued, as a result Dima suffered as the weakest. What kind of liability is threatened for beating?

(Criminal liability)

Parents are responsible for children under the age of 14... For non-fulfillment of parental obligations, parents are deprived of parental rights.

Who determines the measure of guilt and punishment?

The police and the court take into account the degree of guilt when committing an offense.

1. If the crime was committed with malicious intent. A person understands the dangerous nature of his actions, knows their result and waits for their occurrence (for example, theft). In this case, the punishment will be severe in accordance with the law.

2. If the crime was committed through negligence. Most often, such a crime is committed from frivolous behavior (example: everyone knows that electrical appliances cannot be left unattended, because a fire may occur), or negligence: people know about the consequences, but continue to act (example: the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). For such crimes - less severe punishment.

What offenses exist?

Hooliganism(Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Hooliganism is a gross violation of public order, a clear disrespect for society. A clear disrespect for society means a deliberate violation of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, dictated by the desire to oppose others, to demonstrate a disdainful attitude towards them. A distinctive feature is publicity (for example, when property is destroyed or damaged in public places). A gross violation of public order should be recognized, for example, actions committed in public places that are associated with mockery, derisory attitude towards strangers, or with disruption of transport, disruption of mass events, violation of public peace for a long period of time.

Vandalism- is the desecration of buildings or other structures, damage to property on public transport or in other public places. The danger of vandalism lies in the fact that it disrupts public order and peace of mind of citizens, causes significant property and spiritual damage to society. Shall be punished with a fine of up to forty thousand rubles, or correctional labor for a period of 120 to 180 hours, or correctional labor for a period of six months to one year. The same acts committed by a group of persons, as well as for reasons of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or for reasons of hatred or enmity against any social group, shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

Theft, that is, secret theft of someone else's property - is punishable by a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles or compulsory labor up to 180 hours, or correctional labor for a period of six months to one year, or imprisonment up to two years. Theft is considered the most common type of crime. Theft is considered petty if the value of the stolen does not exceed 1000 rubles.

- What do you think should be done to avoid burglary?

To prevent burglary from happening, you need to take some precautions. In an apartment about which the thief knows nothing, he will not go. Therefore, do not talk about the major purchases that your family has made recently. This information can go further to strangers and lead to unpleasant consequences. Our lack of foresight and gullibility often plays into the hands of criminals. House thieves commit crimes all year round, however, from May to September, they are especially active. This is understandable: the summer season, the townspeople leave their apartments, and sometimes there is no one to look after them. Mailboxes are filled up to the top with correspondence, no one answers the calls on the intercom, the lights are off in the apartment in the evenings. All these signs are used by "burglars".

ROBBERY(Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) can be defined as open theft of someone else's property - punishable by corrective labor for a term of 1 to 3 years, or arrest up to 6 months, or imprisonment up to four years.

Theft of cell phones, especially expensive models, has become one of the most pressing problems. In addition, cell phone manufacturers strive to reduce the size of each new model. Unfortunately, graceful and small "pipes" often become even easier prey for thieves. Street robbers often don’t think about the fact that the pursuit of easy money can lead to big problems with the law and years of imprisonment. However, the owners of expensive (and not only expensive) cell phones should think about how to protect their "pipes" and their own lives from the encroachments of criminals. As a rule, any mobile phone is at risk if its owner is on public transport or on the street. Thanks to the "crush", attackers can get into their pockets on public transport. On the street, criminals can attack, snatch the phone from their hands, thereby committing robbery. But, in addition, go to the trick, asking to let the phone call and run away with him. Owners of elite models need to know that there is a certain category of thieves who specialize in stealing expensive phones. As a rule, they work to order, rarely alone, more often as part of a well-organized criminal group. The target of thieves is usually models costing from 6-10 thousand rubles and more. For some time the robbers are looking for a suitable phone model, then they arrange surveillance of the owner and attack in a convenient place: in a back alley, on a dark street, in an entrance. Usually two people can participate in a robbery: one pushes in the back or hits with a heavy object on the head, the second grabs the phone. Then both disappear, while the victim does not have time to remember the signs of the attackers. Such a crime is considered a robbery. Most often, criminals attack women or adolescents - those who are unable to resist.

1. Try to avoid uninhabited and unlit places, especially in the evening.

2. Do not wear cell phones on your belt, around your neck, or in your hands. It is better to put them in an inner pocket of clothes, in a bag, so as not to attract the attention of a criminal once again.

3. If for any good reason (especially in summer) you carry your phone openly, then it is best to carry it in a closed waist pouch or case that is securely fastened to the trouser belt.

4. Do not talk on the phone while walking, if necessary, stop and follow what is happening around you while talking.

5. When using public transport, especially during peak hours, do not forget about thieves - pickpockets, put your phone in the inside pocket of your bag - so you can better control it.

6. For children and adolescents, a cell phone is an indicator of well-being. The phone is shown to others with or without reason. Children just play with their mobile phones, forgetting that there might be a robber next to them.

Unlike theft and robbery ROBBERY Is a crime that simultaneously encroaches on property relations and on human health. This is an attack in order to steal someone else's property, committed with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such violence - it is punishable by imprisonment from three to eight years.

Harm to health- entails criminal liability, even if it was completely negligent. A banal fight can turn into big legal troubles.

Fraud- This is the theft of someone else's property by deception or abuse of trust. Do not think that scammers are only cheating the elderly. This can happen with your peers.

A fraudster may appear at the door of your apartment disguised as a postman, television technician, plumber, policeman, social worker, or an acquaintance of your neighbors or relatives. Some ask for a glass of water or medicine. Others say they want to return the money or give a note to neighbors. The reasons can be very different. What they really want is one thing: to break into your apartment. Be careful! If your doorbell rings, do not rush to open it!

A relatively new type of fraud is when people send SMS messages to people, and they send them their hard-earned money with a response message. All SMS frauds are based on the fact that messages to short (four- and five-digit) numbers are charged differently from regular 12-digit numbers. Short numbers are specially designed to provide certain paid services, moreover, the money for these services is debited from the subscriber's balance. Fraudsters take advantage of many people's ignorance of this feature of short numbers, and in some cases the banal carelessness of subscribers, luring them into "mobile traps". We will talk about some of these traps today.

Trap # 1. Did you order a prize from Europe Plus?

Usually this trap looks like this: an SMS message is sent to the victim's number stating that as a result of the lottery, this phone number won a prize from the Europe Plus radio station, but to get it, you need to send your address to a short number ... That is, in fact, all , the message was sent, and 200-300 rubles were spent with it.

Trap number 2."Hello, let's get acquainted?"

Another trap for gullible citizens is offers to get acquainted via SMS. The databases of mobile operators contain not only the numbers themselves, but also the names of subscribers, and sometimes their age. Therefore, SMS messages are received quite lively, despite the fact that a robot is sending them. For example, a young man may receive a message like: “Stas, hello, we do not know each other, but I would like to get to know you. Write to me whether you agree or not. " They collect money according to the worked out scheme with short numbers.

Trap number 3. One missed call.

Perhaps the most commonplace kind of divorce, but some citizens still come across it, especially those whose work is connected with communicating with clients on the phone.

Imagine that at one fine moment you notice on the display of your mobile one missed call made from an unknown number. It would seem that if a person needs to get through to you, he will definitely call you back, however, curiosity takes over, and now the usual beeps are heard in the receiver, and then a completely unfamiliar voice. This voice strongly apologizes, and for a few seconds explains to you that in fact he wanted to call his aunt from Norilsk, but he was mistaken in literally one number, and got to you. These few seconds are usually enough for the operator to charge you 100-200 rubles for a call to a paid number.

Offenses in computer networks. Today, in their free time, many people prefer to sit at the computer. Many organizations have confidential information about their customers that is carefully stored. There are young people who are trying to break ciphers and obtain information in an illegal way - we are talking about hackers. There is a whole chapter in the criminal code that deals with such violations. For illegal access to computer information, an offender can be punished with imprisonment for up to two years. The punishment for creating and spreading viruses is imprisonment for 3 years.

In life, you need to be able to protect yourself from trouble, let's look at six rules that may be useful to you.

Six protective rules:

These six rules are effective when combined with each other. By applying them comprehensively, you create truly reliable protection against crime.

Rule one:

Keep in touch with your parents and loved ones.

“To be in contact” - presupposes the presence of an open two-way communication. You can not tell everything, but you must be sure that there is a person who can be entrusted with the most intimate, if the need arises.

Talk with loved ones about everything and it doesn't matter if it is sheer trifles, the main thing is communication with each other.
Respect your parents' advice, do not interrupt, be lenient and you can learn a lot of useful things for yourself related to your safety.
Don't laugh at the feelings, thoughts, and fears of those close to you. Remember, they are as vulnerable as you are. If people learned to listen and not judge, half of the world's problems would be solved.

Rule two:Learn security well.

The modern lifestyle makes it impossible to constantly spend time with parents. The skills that you, without noticing, learn, are preserved for life.
Observe what precautions parents are taking, grab them, memorize them, and then start applying them yourself (if your father never leaves the car open, you will obviously do the same.)

Recommended questions for child safety:
“What will you do if a stranger stops you on the street and asks you for a cell phone? "
"What will you do if you are stuck in an elevator?"
"What will you do if someone unfamiliar comes to the front door and asks to let you in?"
"What will you do if high school students demand money from you?"
"How are you going to act if we lose each other on the street?"

Rule three:Close and lock.

Practice confirms that more than one third of all property thefts and many crimes against the person are the result of underestimating the closing of windows and doors, which gives attackers a chance to commit a crime. If it were not for your parents, and you yourself are so careless, the chance for a criminal might never have presented itself. As we said, criminals are attracted to easy targets, so any action that complicates the criminal's task will be effective.
Closing and locking should become your constant habit, even if someone tells you, "Don't worry, it's completely safe here." The unlocked doors of a house or car can be viewed as an invitation for thieves, while by simply closing and locking them, you get rid of the encroachments of the largest group of offenders who commit crimes only under favorable circumstances.

Rule four: Be visible.

About two-thirds of the crimes against children and adults alike are committed when we are alone in deserted places. Being in crowded places and avoiding wastelands, the child increases his own safety many times over.

Walking alone in a park or on the street puts yourself at much greater risk than walking with a company.

Do not get into the car with strangers.

Almost all criminals avoid witnesses and, accordingly, crowded places.

Meeting a group of walking teenagers, the attacker simply passes by, because the risk of possible complications for him increases many times.

Being in a crowded place practically prevents crime. If you are in trouble or just scared, then the most simple and useful thing for you is to be in front of people.

The fifth rule: Check it out!

From time immemorial, verification, whatever it may involve, has remained the cornerstone of prudent behavior. This habit appeared in humans at the time when he was struggling for survival in the surrounding wildlife. Observe the behavior of cats or birds, constantly refining and assessing the situation around you, so as not to be taken by surprise.

The habit of checking contributes to the development of keen observation, discernment and the so-called "sixth sense", which will warn you of possible danger.

Many victims recall that they had a sense of the need to leave the party, not to walk down that street, but they neglected it. No one can find a satisfactory explanation for the "sixth sense" of their intuition, but experts believe that it is constantly present in our subconscious, being inherited from ancestors who lived in a hostile, dangerous world: in order to survive, they had to always be on the alert and pay attention to the smallest changes in the environment.

Exercise has been shown to help develop this feeling.

Whether it's about your new friend, rumors, doctor's recommendations, your own romantic story, or an upcoming trip to unfamiliar places - check it, and this will help you make a deliberate and balanced decision and will not allow you to make an irreparable mistake. Unfamiliar companies increase the risk of being in a dangerous situation. You shouldn't expose yourself to this kind of danger.

Rule sixDo not break

There is no doubt that peaceful behavior is as important to crime prevention as the habit of locking doors. Disagreements and quarrels constitute a large part of all conflicts that occur between children and adults. Very often the crime is provoked by the victim herself. As the investigations of many cases have shown, the roots of scandals, petty theft and manifestations of cruelty often lie precisely in the inability of people to establish contact, to agree.

There are many ways you can get along peacefully with others without looking annoying, and it would be great if you learned to behave properly. In addition to the fact that this will help to avoid crime, you will also get the opportunity to make new friends.

The rule "Do not quarrel" assumes that you will communicate with others without rudeness, using all possible diplomacy, and, as necessary, explain the reasons for one or another of your actions, so as not to cause anger among others. Do not provoke people to behave aggressively.

You should not make fun of others, as those whom you make fun of, and perhaps even humiliate, can take the offense too close to your heart, and who knows what kind of revenge may arise in their souls. And if someone laughs at you, then this is not at all a reason to get involved in a fight.

We cannot give you complete guarantees of safety, but whatever the prevailing conditions, the described six rules, if applied in a complex manner, reinforce each other, creating powerful protection for your safety.

Approximate topics of conversations with parents

  1. What kind of sport is good for a child.
  2. About bad habits.
  3. Hardening the child's body.
  4. Importance of preventive vaccinations.
  5. Daily routine at school and at home.
  6. The role of parents in the upbringing and development of the child.
  7. Your child's eating habits.
  8. The health of the future student.
  9. If your child is shy ...
  10. How to deal with a child's whims.
  11. Proper nutrition is the key to health.
  12. Problems of adaptation of the child to school.
  13. How to prevent the manifestation of aggression in the behavior of a child.
  14. Toys in a child's life.
  15. Children and cruelty.
  16. The book is our best friend.
  17. Walk and its role in child development.
  18. Schoolboy's clothes and footwear.
  19. Development of attention and memory in a child.
  20. How to answer children's questions?
  21. On the safety of life of children in the summer.
  22. Child and computer.
  23. Proper nutrition of the child in the summer.
  24. How to develop a child's speech while walking.
  25. Education of independence in children.
  26. The first labor assignments for children.
  27. Our girls: what are they?
  28. Features of raising a child in an incomplete family.
  29. The role of the father in raising his daughter.
  30. Differences between boys and girls.
  31. Boys and girls are so different.
  32. Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren.
  33. The role of the family in the physical education of the child.
  34. Fostering responsibility in school-age children.
  35. How to spend a day off with children.
  36. Games that can be played at home.
  37. Preparing children for admission …….
  38. Proper nutrition for school-age children.
  39. Father as an educator.
  40. Cooperation with parents as one of the conditions for the successful adaptation of children to school.
  41. Success in preventing road traffic accidents with children.
  42. Discipline on the street is the key to safety.
  43. Creation of an effective subject-developing environment at home.
  44. Hyperactive child
  45. Is it easy to teach a child how to behave on the road?
  46. Not looking up from business.
  47. Childish stubbornness.
  48. Drinking water and child health.
  49. Father's strike or why dads are indifferent to their own children.
  50. Talk to me mom.
  51. Family and family values.
  52. How to overcome absent-mindedness in a child?
  53. Baiu-baiushki-baiu, or how to put a child to bed.
  54. Formation of children's interest in people of different professions.
  55. Features of communication of children with peers.
  56. Interaction of children in a different age group.
  57. Another child appeared in the family.
  58. How to teach a child to cope with anger.
  59. The art of praising a child.
  60. You have a son (daughter).

GPA educator

Class 1 ... "Me and my child - the search for mutual understanding"

Purpose: creating an emotional mood for joint work, an atmosphere of mutual trust, the ability to provide support.

Class 2 ... “Types of family education. Possible violations of the upbringing process in the family "

Purpose: to acquaint parents with specific types of upbringing, to determine possible reasons for deviations in family upbringing, to normalize the style of parenting towards children.

Lesson 3 . "How to develop responsibility in our children"

Purpose: to give the concept of "internal motivation", an idea of ​​the sense of responsibility, the possibility of its development in children, the difference between obedience and responsibility. "

Session 4 . “Parents' help with the child's homework - what should it be? Paths to Conflict-Free Discipline ”.

Purpose: developing the ability to competently interact with the child at home, establish discipline, establish family rules.

Session 5 . “The motives for the bad behavior of children. The reasons for persistent disobedience. "

Purpose: to promote understanding of the child's internal motives in the event of disobedience, the construction of normal relations with the child.

Session 6 . “Rules of Expression of Feelings. Types of incentives "

Purpose: developing the ability to build "I - statements", recognize other people's feelings, mastering ways to encourage good behavior, finding options for effective praise.


1. The child's readiness to write.

2. Swarm and the importance of entertainment in the life of children.

3. The hyperactive child.

4. About education of love for nature.

5. Why don't children read?

6. The value of memory in the intellectual development of a student.

7. Is it necessary to cultivate patriotism in a child?

8. The child goes to school. The problem of the transition period from preschool to student status.

9. Signs of lagging - the beginning of student failure.

10. A mark in the life of a child.

11. Homework.

13. How to encourage a child in the family.

14. Advice to parents of first graders.

15. Aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren.

16 family conflict and children

17 why do children lie? Moral problems.

18. Your child and his friends.

19.What to do if ... (you do not want to interrupt your child from school, but you need his help; the child fulfilled your order; your child has become taciturn and withdrawn; your child has no friends; what to do if your child suddenly starts to be insolent ; your child is insecure; your child is behaving outrageously; you are unfortunately getting a divorce.)

Joint work of the school and family on raising children.

On the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children.

Labor education of children in the family.

Teaching children to be frugal.

Development of children's interest in science and technology.

How to help children with homework.

Fostering a responsible attitude to learning in students.

Educating children of independence and perseverance in educational work.

Raising diligence in children in the family.

Methods of fostering conscious discipline in children in the family.

On measures to encourage and punish children in the family.

Education of politeness and courtesy in children.

Teaching children to be modest.

Fostering respect for elders.

The value of the regime of the day in raising children in a family.

The role of the family in the moral education of children.

Raising honesty and truthfulness in children.

Developing a sense of collectivism in children.

Fostering friendship and camaraderie in children.

Education of character in children.

Developing skills and habits of cultural behavior.

On the sex education of children in the family.

A healthy life is a necessary condition for the successful upbringing of children in a family.

How to supervise the extracurricular reading of children in the family.

Hardening the child's body.

The role of the family in the development of children's sports.

Aesthetic education of children in the family.

How to develop creative talents in children.
How to develop children's interest and love for work.

Organization of a schoolchild's working corner in the family.

How to help schoolchildren choose a profession.

The state of the modern labor market and educational services.

Rules and mistakes of choosing a profession.

Features of professional self-determination of adolescents with difficulties in social adaptation.

Social and professional orientations of youth.

The position of youth in the modern labor market.

Demand for professions in the labor market.

Employer requirements for young professionals.

Educational institutions in Kemerovo and the region.

Features of the choice of the profession of children with diseases of internal organs.

Objective conditions for choosing a profession.

Interests, inclinations, abilities and their role in professional self-determination.

Prevention and resolution of conflicts in the family.

Difficult teenager. Who is he?

Prevention of drug and alcohol addiction.

Formation of achievement motivation.

Formation of motivation for learning.

Psychology of communication.

Psychophysiological characteristics of adolescence and adolescence.

Psychosexual development of adolescents.

Psychological characteristics of adolescents.

Psychological characteristics of children of different ages.

Topics of conversations on legal education




Communication rules

Conversation "Acquaintance with the rules of school life"

The main values ​​of our life

Conversation "Personal safety rules"

Conversation "What is" good "and what is" bad "?"

Conversation “Your street company. How do you get into a criminal group? "

Round table "Legal assessment of modern informal youth movements"

Rules of behavior

Conversation "Man in the world of rules"

Conversation "Roughly behave at school, at home, on the street"

Conversation "Why are they registered with the school?"

Conversation "School Conduct"

Conversation "Why are they registered with the police?"

Conversation "Take good care of school and other public property, your belongings, the things of your comrades"

Conversation "Getting to know the rights and responsibilities of learners"

I am a citizen

Conversation "I am a citizen of Russia"

Conversation “What is the law? The main law of the country "

Conversation "Citizen and Everyman"

Conversation "Your Military Duty"

The rights of the child

Conversation "Your rights and obligations"

Conversation "Equality of human rights from birth"

Business game "Main Questions"

Oral journal "Convention on the Rights of the Child"

Conversation "Children's rights are the concern of the state"

Drawing competition "The Convention" On the Rights of the Child

Conversation "To a teenager about labor law"

Conversation "What to do if you got into the police"

Project competition "Your version of the declaration of human rights"

Administrative and criminal liability

Conversation "Pranks on the railways

Conversation "Crimes and Offenses"

Conversation "Administrative and legal responsibility when creating a traumatic situation"

Conversation “Types of punishments assigned to minors. Children's educational colony "

Conversation "On the responsibility of a teenager for crimes committed on the railroad"

Quiz "Lessons of Themis"

"Administrative responsibility of a teenager before the law"

Conversation "Responsibility for acts related to drug trafficking"

Discussion "There is one step from irresponsibility to crime"

Asocial behavior

Essay competition "NO to school hooliganism"

Workshop on situations "How do teenagers get involved in drug use?"

Round table “Non-traditional religious associations. Why are they dangerous? "

Round table "Suicide among adolescents"

Conversation "Social norms and antisocial behavior (crime, drug addiction, alcoholism)"

Conversation "Alcohol and the rule of law"

Responsible for legal education:

Authorized participants in the educational process:

Aksenova N.I.


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