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Spanish universities in English. Higher education in spain is a multilevel system. Tuition fees in Spanish universities

An interesting and highly paid job can be found in many countries of the world after graduating from one of the universities in Spain.

Democratic tuition fees, a modern educational base, world educational standards, comfortable living conditions, an interesting history and beautiful nature - these are the undoubted advantages of studying in this country.

Diplomas from universities in Spain are recognized from the European Union, Latin America, USA, Canada, Russia.

You can study by exchange, translation, or continue your Master's studies with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in your home country.

The structure of training at a university in Spain

Higher education diplomas can only be issued by universities. There are 50 public and 20 private higher education institutions in Spain. The programs in any of them are licensed. The largest universities in Spain are located in Madrid and Barcelona.

Education is paid everywhere. Consists of three cycles. The duration of the first cycle is 4 years, the second - 1-2 years, the third - 2 years. After completing each cycle, students receive a corresponding degree (see table).

Students of technical specialties study at higher technical schools, humanitarian specialties - at university faculties. Three cycles are available there and there.

At universities, there are also colleges and schools that provide training in first-level programs or prepare for admission to a bachelor's degree at a university.

Universities in Spain

The list of top universities in Spain is as follows:

  1. Complutense University (Madrid)
  2. Polytechnic University (Madrid)
  3. University of Seville (Spain)
  4. University of Granada (Spain)
  5. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona)
  6. Autonomous University of Barcelona
  7. University of Barcelona.
  8. University of Salamanca (Spain)
  9. University of Cadiz (Spain).
  10. Alicante University (Spain).

In them, students can study in humanitarian and technical specialties. Along with the traditional faculties (philology, economics, law, IT technology), there are programs such as oceanography, maritime science (University of Cadiz), fine arts (University of Salamanca), the study of solar and nuclear energy, nanotechnology (Polytechnic University of Madrid) ...

There are no “pure” medical universities in Spain, but there are medical faculties in 49 public and 15 private institutions in Spain. After completing the bachelor's degree, the graduate is awarded the Grado en entermeria degree, which gives the right to work as a nurse (nurse) in any clinic in the world. In order to become a doctor, you need to complete a master's degree and obtain a Master's degree. The opportunity to engage in scientific activities and teach is given to students who have completed the third cycle of study and defended a thesis. Medical education received in Spain is considered one of the best in Europe.

Cost of education

The cost of studying at universities in Spain depends on the location of the university (in the capital it is more expensive than in the provinces), on the chosen specialty, on whether this university is public or private.

A year of study at state universities costs approximately 1500 - 3000 euros, in private - from 7000 to 15000 euros.

Students will also have expenses for:

  • purchase of dictionaries;
  • additional language courses;
  • administrative services of the university (issuing a student card, maintaining a personal file, etc.);
  • library card (insignificant amount).

You can use language laboratories, laboratory equipment, and the library fund for free.

Almost all foreign students attend Spanish courses. One hour of individual lessons costs 18-20 euros, group lessons - 10 euros.

Some universities teach in English, so knowledge of English will be an absolute plus. Many students also learn French, which is very “close” to Spanish and is easy to learn.

Living expenses

  1. To rent an apartment. In the capital, the cost of a small studio apartment varies from 400 to 1200 euros per month, in the provinces it is about a third cheaper. The advantage of this option is that you choose comfortable housing, the minus is the cost of transport.
  2. The cost of a student residence is approximately 300 euros / month. It varies depending on the number of students staying in the same room and the availability of various amenities. There are dorm rooms, which are mini-apartments, with a private bathroom and kitchen. In other cases, the bathroom may be one for several student rooms. Dorms are usually located on college campuses and there are no travel costs.
  3. Transport costs: monthly subscription for all types of transport - 50 euros.
  4. Nutrition. 100-200 euros.

How to proceed

You can enter a university in Spain after graduating from high school.

Absolutely all applicants must pass the Selektividad exam (an analogue of the Russian Unified State Exam). It consists of two parts:

  • Spanish language test and foreign language short text;
  • exam in a specialized subject.

Preparation for exams at universities in Spain for Russian applicants begins several years before admission. There are two ways:

  1. Two years of studying at a Spanish high school according to the Bachillerato program, passing the same exam there. For admission to medical and mathematical specialties, it is often required to additionally complete preparatory courses at the university during the year.
  2. Prepare for the entrance exams at a language school. The course lasts 22 weeks and starts in January. Studied the Spanish language, the history of the country, geography, literature.

The maximum score for Selektividad is 10. An applicant is considered to have passed the exam if he scored more than 5 points. Further, you can send your documents to various universities. Your documents will be accepted at the university where you scored a passing score and "fit" into the quota of places for foreign students.

Translation training

Students of Russian universities, having studied several courses at home, can transfer to study at universities in Spain. You must pass the DELE language exam (TOEFL analogue). It is held in May and November, you need to register for it in advance, it will take 5-7 months to wait for the finished certificate. Next, take a certificate of incomplete higher education, which should indicate the curriculum (a list of subjects indicating the number of hours for each, exams, tests and grades received). All this is translated into Spanish and certified by a notary. If the curricula of Russian and Spanish universities differ, then you will have to pass the academic difference.

The cost of studying in Spain is a matter of concern to many parents. Lately study in Spain began to gain great popularity: on the one hand, it is the possibility of obtaining a diploma, recognized in many countries of the world, on the other hand, the cost of education is much lower than in many European countries. Those who decided to move to Spain for permanent residence, they are interested in many issues of teaching children in schools, including the cost. Very popular, in particular, are Spanish sports schools.

1. Tuition fees in Spain in schools and colleges

The education system in Spain is based on three types of general education schools: public schools (colegios públicos), dual co-financing schools, or semi-public (colegios concertados), private colleges (colegios privados).

According to Law 2/2006 on Education, primary and secondary compulsory education, i.e. for children from 6 to 16 years old, it is compulsory and free. Of course, free education is present only in public schools, although here it is also very relative, for example, uniforms, textbooks, extracurricular excursions and other costs associated with training, sizes which can reach several hundred euros per year, are carried by the parents.

As for private colleges in Spain, in this case the state finances only part of the school costs, the rest is paid by the owner of the school. 60.4% of these schools are colegios católicos, educational institutions funded by the Catholic Church, the Spaniards also call them "colegios demonjas", monastic schools. It is important to note that these schools are not strictly religious, they teach general education subjects, but the church oversees the selection of teachers, while in public schools teachers are hired based on the results of compulsory examinations (oposiciones). Parents are also responsible for some costs here, which are often higher than in public schools; for example, parents may be required to buy only a certain brand of uniform. Additionally, as a rule, “obligatory” donations to the school are introduced, which can reach 100-200 euros per month.

Educating children in private colleges in Spain certainly costs an order of magnitude more than studying in public and semi-public schools. Many private colleges in Spain provide the opportunity to study on joint Spanish-English or Spanish-French programs, which allows you to get education in two languages ​​at the same time and then enter higher educational institutions in England or France. Spain is dominated by Spanish-English private colleges. The most famous are Caxton College International Europa in Valencia, King's college (The British school of Madrid) in Madrid. The international American school Chester College International school (Santiago de Compostela) has an excellent reputation, the diploma of which is recognized in the USA. The cost of education in these schools is from 500-700 euros per month, excluding expenses for accommodation, excursions, school bus, meals, etc. When a child lives on the territory of a private college, the price can double. 10–12 years and more, thus, a child receives primary education in Russia, and secondary education in Spain.

2. Tuition fees at universities in Spain (first education and master's degree)

The cost of studying in Spanish public universities is quite low compared to other European countries, and if we add to this the low prices for room and board, then obtaining higher education in Spain becomes very attractive from an economic point of view. Indeed, the price for one year of study for obtaining the first education at a state university ranges from 600-1000 euros. In private Spanish universities, the tuition fee is much higher, this should be taken into account when choosing an educational institution. As for the master's programs, in this case, the price for the entire course of study ranges from 2500-3000 euros.

The most popular are the following public universities:

Faculty of Enterprise Management and Business Administration: Universidad Carlos III Madrid (Carlos III University in Madrid), Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona);

Faculty of Economics: Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona), Universidad Carlos III Madrid (Carlos III University in Madrid), Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona);

Faculties of medicine: Universidad de Valencia (University of Valencia), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Autonomous University of Madrid), Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona);

Faculty of Architecture: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Polytechnic University of Madrid), Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Polytechnic University of Catalonia), Universidad de Navarra (University of Navarra);

Faculty of Fine Arts: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Polytechnic University of Valencia), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Complutense University in Madrid), Universidad de Barcelona (University of Barcelona).

In total, there are about 50 public and 10 private universities in Spain.

3. Tuition fees for Spanish courses

Where else can you learn Spanish if not in Spain? There are many training options here.

  1. Education at language schools accredited by the Cervantes Institute in order to pass the international DELE exam (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera), confirming a certain level of language proficiency. This option is more suitable for those who plan to work or study in Spain and Latin America.
  2. Training in summer camps, where children can combine learning Spanish with football, tennis, basketball and other sports.
  3. Studying in private schools of the Spanish language during a tourist trip, in order not only to relax on the beautiful Spanish beaches, but also to join the language of the great Cervantes.

Spanish courses at the "Cervantes Schools" will cost at least 200 euros per week of study, if you choose a longer course, the price per week is usually reduced. Accommodation in dormitories at schools will cost significantly less than in private apartments or hotels. The DELE exam, which is taken in May, August and November, is subject to an additional charge. The cost of training in camps depends on the type of camp. A sports camp is more expensive, especially if it is organized by a famous club or famous players, from 500 to 3000-4000 euros.

4. Tuition fees in sports schools

Spanish sports schools are very popular, especially football and tennis. This is largely due to the success of Spanish footballers and tennis players in international competitions.

As a rule, all the best football clubs in Spain organize football schools for the younger generation, for example FCB Escola at Barcelona Football Club, La Escuela de Fútbol 7 at Valencia Football Club or Real Madrid Football Schools. A year's tuition at these schools costs approximately 1,000 euros. Additional fees may apply for on-site accommodation and meals. It should be borne in mind that if the subjects of the general education curriculum are not taught at school, then it is necessary to additionally arrange the child in a general education school, because receiving primary and secondary education up to 16 years in Spain is mandatory not only for Spaniards, but also for foreigners.

Spain is famous for its tennis clubs, recognized as some of the best in the world, here you can train on beautiful fields. Tuition prices vary significantly. So, 10 months of study at Academia Sánchez-Casal in Barcelona cost from 17,000 euros (the program includes not only tennis lessons, but also the study of subjects of the general education program), annual tuition at the Puente Romano school in Marbella - from 1000 euros. Separately, you should discuss the option of accommodation and meals on the school grounds.

Spain provides excellent opportunities for obtaining European education, both in general educational institutions and in postgraduate programs, language and sports schools, citizens of any country can choose training options in accordance with their interests and level of financial security.

Despite the outbreak of the economic crisis, it still continues to be one of the most powerful European states. However, not only investors and interested persons go to this country. Higher education in Spain attracts students and applicants from many countries around the world.

There seems to be no country more passionate and vibrant than Spain. It was here that the fiery flamenco dance was born, it is in this country that the most emotional football matches are held.

Of course, there is also a shadow side in the form of a bullfight, reminders of the atrocities of the all-powerful Fra Torquemada and the consequences of the economic crisis. But this can hardly stop someone who is interested in studying in Spain.

Every student and applicant knows that higher education in Spain is very prestigious. Every year, thousands of applicants from all over the world come to this country to gnaw the granite of science. Spanish universities have produced many highly qualified specialists. Higher education in this state meets all European standards. At the same time, it is quite affordable.

Higher educational institutions of the country

You can get an education in Spain at any chosen university. It can be either a public or a private educational institution. Administratively, they are divided into four main divisions:

  1. University faculties.
  2. Higher technical schools.
  3. University schools.
  4. University colleges.

International University building in Catalonia

Spanish universities have a special structure. Thus, universities in Spain include vocational schools. There can be absolutely any specialization.

Which university to choose

Even in the deep Middle Ages, Spain was famous for the quality of higher education. At that distant time, the universities of Spain trained mainly theologians, merchants and seafarers. Today, of course, the choice of professions has become much wider.

Today, students and applicants from Russia are invited by the following universities in Spain:

Cost of education

Today, studying in Spain cannot be called cheap. Foreign applicants who want to enter a university in Madrid, Barcelona and Salamanca have to pay dearly.

In other provinces, the prices for foreigners do not differ much from the tuition fees for Spanish students. The cost of studying at universities in Andalusia, Valencia and Alicante is quite democratic. On average, the annual tuition fees range from 2,000 to 3,000 euros.

Features of secondary education

Anyone who plans to commit and stay there forever should attend to enrolling their children in a private or public school. The legislation of this country obliges all parents to provide their children with primary and secondary education in Spain. For new Russian-speaking Spanish citizens, secondary education is available in almost every school.

Spanish School Classes

Teaching in educational institutions of this type is carried out only in Spanish or the second local dialect. Learning the first foreign language begins when the child turns 8 years old. The second foreign language is introduced when a teenager reaches the age of thirteen.

It is quite difficult to send children to study in a Spanish school. This is due to the fact that admission to such schools is carried out strictly at the place of residence. That is, for admission you need a residence permit in one of the Spanish cities.

However, if a teenager at the age of fifteen to eighteen is going to study, then he can stay with a host family. This is true when it is planned to obtain higher education in Spain. The child must become a participant in a special program. To do this, the child must have excellent marks and a certificate of proficiency in Spanish.

Private schools

It is not uncommon for a foreign student applying to study in Spain to prefer private boarding schools to public institutions.

Most often, children study in English-speaking schools. Only individual electives are taught in the state language. Most of these institutions are accredited by the British Council. This involves passing an exam that allows you to enter one of the universities in the UK.

In order to enter a private boarding house, you must go through the competition. Foreign applicants have very high chances, since such educational institutions are positioned as multicultural. Some of them have special programs that allow a foreign child to quickly adapt in an alien environment.

How to proceed

The school year in schools is divided into terms. The school year begins in mid-September. The end of the school year takes place at the end of June. Children wishing to attend state-funded schools are recruited from February to April.
Private educational institutions have their own training schedule.

Spanish school building and sports ground

In order not to be late for the beginning of the school year, you need to ask about this in advance.
It is quite easy to become a student of a Spanish school. For this you need:

  • pass an interview;
  • pass an exam in Spanish;
  • pass the general subject exam.

The submission of documents depends on how prestigious the educational institution is. On average, documents must be submitted one to two years in advance.
Private school tuition fees range from three to seven thousand euros for primary classes and from eight to twenty thousand euros for senior classes.

Features of preschool education

As in any other country in the world, it assumes the presence of kindergartens. These institutions are an important part of the education system and are not considered compulsory. In kindergartens, children are cared for at the age of six months to 6 years. These institutions have 2 levels, which in turn are subdivided into 3 sublevels.

Levels and sublevels

The first sublevel involves teaching children aged from six months to 3 years. The second sublevel involves teaching children from 3 to 6 years old. Modern Spanish kindergartens are almost indistinguishable from similar Russian institutions. To a greater extent, attention is paid to ethical education. Children attend various circles, learn music, dance, go to the theater studio.

Attention is also paid to logical thinking. Classes are held in mathematics and even computer science. Today in Spain there are many kindergartens, teaching in French, English and German. There are quite a few international groups. Many experts believe that a child will learn Spanish better if he or she goes to nursery school.

Adherents of home education do not agree with this thesis, who believe that there is no need to send a child to kindergarten until the age of four or five.

What documents are needed

Preschool education in Spain meets all European requirements and is of excellent quality. In order to register your child in kindergarten, you need to prepare a list of documents, including:

  • high-quality photocopies of certificates of vaccinations made;
  • 2 high-quality photographs;
  • medical certificate;
  • a photocopy of the child's identity document;
  • a photocopy of the certificate confirming the registration with the municipality;
  • photocopies of parents' documents;
  • social card.

Each certificate must be translated into the state language.

An example of a translation into Spanish of one of the documents

Depending on which kindergarten is chosen, the list of documents may be slightly changed.
Kindergarten education starts in September. The cost of visiting the kindergarten is relatively low. Today it is about one hundred euros per month.

Spanish language schools

What could be better for a student planning to enroll in one of the universities of the selected country than teaching Spanish in Spain? This state is now ready to offer foreign applicants training in three hundred language centers. However, one should take into account the fact that only ten percent of these centers have a CEELE quality certificate.

Today language schools offer the following programs for foreigners:

Experienced specialists believe that it is possible to truly master a foreign language only after a detailed acquaintance with the culture and life of the country. Therefore, studying in language schools also presupposes acquaintance with the history and even the cuisine of Spain.

Some Russians have the opportunity to learn the language practically for free. To do this, they are encouraged to become a member of the volunteer program. This option is more economical, but in terms of quality, it is no worse than the opportunity to study in a language school.

Additional education

Parents who want their children to grow up comprehensively are advised to think about additional education in Spain. This country offers many special programs for children who want to develop their talents. Almost all childcare centers are located in Barcelona and other major cities in Spain.

Sense of rhythm

No one will argue with the fact that it is necessary to study mathematics and the humanities. In the end, without certain knowledge in these areas, a person will not be able not only to enter the university of interest to him, but also to navigate in everyday situations. The Spaniards pay a lot of attention to the physical development of children. It's not just about sports, but also about dancing.

Spain is perhaps the most musical country. It seems that she is the only one and is associated with the name of an incendiary and passionate dance. Dance lessons are held at the International Dance Center. The center building is located in the center of Barcelona.

It is possible to bring children from the age of three - experts believe that three years is the optimal age for harmonious learning of this art.

In the international dance center, you can learn not only flamenco, but also other famous dances. They even teach classical ballet and hip-hop here.

Depending on his wishes, the child will soon be able to become a real "ace" in one or another dance direction.

After completing their studies at the rating international boarding schools in Spain, foreign graduates are well aware of the two demanded European languages, thereby acquiring indisputable advantages in the framework of admission to elite universities around the world. It is worth noting that Spanish higher education has been recognized and highly appreciated in all countries of the world, without exception. Within the walls of the prestigious universities in Spain, it is planned to teach academic disciplines in English as part of some educational programs. According to statistical data, Spain is included in the list of TOP-10 countries, the leading universities of which provide high-quality training for future managers of well-known international companies.

Professional advice from experienced experts

The specialists of our educational center provide their services to Russian schoolchildren and students in the selection of an educational program and university in Spain, preparation of the required package of documents for enrollment in an educational institution. Directly in our center, Russian applicants are given the opportunity to undergo preliminary testing, as well as effective preparation for the successful writing of entrance exams. In addition, if interested, a Russian teenager can become a participant in a study trip. Note that after enrolling in a leading Spanish university, our specialists do not interrupt communication with students, since abroad it is required to maintain constant communication with parents and resolve various issues that may arise during the period of study.

Ranking of the best universities in Spain

Below is a list of prestigious Spanish universities that provide high-quality teaching of disciplines within the framework of the developed educational programs.



Cost of the bachelor's program, USD

Master's program cost, USD

University of Barcelona


Autonomous University of Madrid

Autonomous University of Barcelona


Complutense University of Madrid

Pompeu Fabra University


Polytechnic University of Catalonia


Polytechnic University of Valencia


Universidad de Navarra


University of Granada

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Pros of getting higher education in Spain

  • Informal atmosphere in the classroom

Leading universities in Spain practice a lax approach to the majority of formalities. So, in case of delay in the timely delivery of the work, he is given the opportunity to hand it over for a whole week. In addition, Spanish universities do not set strict criteria for the writing of term papers, in particular, there is no limitation on the volume of the written text. Within the framework of the classes, teachers are encouraged to express the personal point of view of students, at the same time they show friendliness in dealing with foreigners and Russian students. Thus, the teaching methodology used to some extent simplifies the educational process and at the same time makes it fun for students to study.

  • Interdisciplinary programs

Close cooperation between leading universities, research centers and commercial organizations is a common practice in Spain. In the overwhelming majority of cases, on the basis of effective interaction, leading universities and universities are created, which have developed interesting interdisciplinary programs for undergraduates and postgraduates. At present, as practice shows, the most ambitious and advanced research is carried out in those areas that are at the intersection of sciences. In this connection, the target audience for admission to these educational programs are foreign applicants who dream of making a new discovery of science and technology.

  • Accommodation for the period of study in Spain

A distinctive feature and characteristic of Spain in comparison with other European countries is the low price of housing, food, and transport. So, the cost of renting a one-room apartment in the central part of the city will average 550 euros per month, if you choose the outskirts, the price will drop to 400 euros.

When it comes to food, the average restaurant bill ranges from 10 to 30 euros. In addition, students receive discounts at various museums, cafes and shops. Also, foreign students are provided with a discounted transport pass.

Spanish higher education system

  • Bachelor's programs

Thus, the duration of study for the bachelor's program is 4 years, corresponding to 240 ECTS. Every year it is planned to write term papers by foreign students, in the 4th year students are busy writing their final dissertation the whole year, the assessment of which is 30 ECTS. Additional academic credits can be obtained by attending electives and participating in various events organized by a leading university in Spain. Note that a wide selection of academic courses is offered to international students, however, their number is smaller when compared with the compulsory disciplines.

  • Master's degree

The duration of study in the Spanish Master's program is 1-2 years, which corresponds to 180 ECTS. It provides for the subdivision of master's programs into the following types, such as professional, academic, and research. In the case of the orientation of the master's program for the acquisition of skills by students within the framework of a certain specialization, then it is called professional. If you strive to become a sought-after scientist in the future, then you should choose an academic or research master's program. Their key difference between themselves is due to the fact that more theory is taught within the framework of the academic program, the research course, on the contrary, is associated more with work in a scientific laboratory.

  • Doctorate
After three years of study, the graduate is awarded a Ph.D. The postgraduate study period is divided into two stages. So, during the first year, it is planned to conduct lectures and seminars. Over the next two years, the student is actively writing a dissertation. After passing the educational stage, the graduate is required to defend his work in front of the members of the commission. As a rule, doctoral programs are taught in advanced graduate colleges, which are created on the basis of elite universities in Spain. At the same time, they can be located in leading research institutes.

The best universities in Spain - we study in English!

Among European countries, it is Spain that has developed and offers the attention of foreign and Russian applicants the largest number of educational programs taught in English. In particular, English-language courses are most in demand and popular in the master's program. In addition, the leading universities in Spain have developed a lot of bilingual programs, in which some of the disciplines are taught in English, and some in Spanish. As for the requirement for successful enrollment, it is necessary to speak English at a level corresponding to 6.0 in the IELTS language exam.

Performance monitoring and grading system for top Spanish universities

According to the Spanish higher education system, there are two systems for assessing students' knowledge. Thus, the first system provides for the assignment of marks from 1 to 10, while a score of 4.9 and below is considered unsatisfactory. Note that it is extremely difficult to get a grade of 9 or higher for the exam, only 5% of students achieve this. As for the second option, it is a 5-point assessment system, within which the following categories are distinguished, namely: Suspenso (Failed) Aprobado (Passed) Notable (Very good ) and Sobresaliente (Fine), Matrículade Honor (With Honours).

Believe it or not, compared to the written form of taking tests, an oral exam is more often used within the walls of elite universities in Spain. As practice shows, the time taken by the examinee is approximately 15 minutes. It is worth noting that within the walls of the leading Spanish universities, the emphasis is on the quality of writing coursework and graduation work, and not on the exam passing process. Immediately after graduation, graduates defend their graduation work in front of members of the attestation commission.

Experienced teachers from prestigious Spanish universities and academic careers

It is worth noting that in the territory of Spain, foreign students studying in graduate school are provided with an excellent opportunity to work within the framework of research grants, the number of which is large, and which are offered by the Spanish government and independent foundations.

To obtain the initial position of a researcher, the candidate must by this time have completed his doctoral studies and become a recipient of a certificate issued by the National Assessment Agency. To take the position of a lecturer, a foreign graduate is required to obtain a special document issued by the ANECA agency and the presence of which allows him to conduct teaching. The process of obtaining it will not be difficult if you have experience in conducting research for more than three years. As for the promotion to the position of assistant professor and professor, it depends on the number and quality of completed research, teaching and supervision of students.

It is worth noting the low level of the salary of a researcher, which is of a fixed nature and which is set by the Spanish government. So, the salary of a researcher is 1,584 euros per month, the position of a lecturer allows you to earn 2,250 euros, the salary of an associate professor and professor is 2,700 and 3,600 euros, respectively.

Employment while studying at a leading university in Spain

By obtaining a student visa, a foreign teenager is granted the right to work four hours a day. Having a job offer on hand, for the purpose of official employment, it is required to submit a package of documents to the prefecture, which includes a passport, a certificate of study hours, a copy of the contract in which the working hours are spelled out. The main condition for obtaining the consent of the prefecture is to ensure that education and work do not overlap. The permit review process takes place over a period of 5 weeks.

However, the process of finding a flexible job is difficult. Practice shows that employers show preference for those job seekers who can work full-time. Thus, the vast majority of foreign students opt for freelancing, thereby working from their home at a convenient time free from classes.

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