Home Potato Things possessed by demons. Obsession - real cases of people being possessed by demons

Things possessed by demons. Obsession - real cases of people being possessed by demons

On Saturday. On March 11, 1978, the famous French singer Claude François was supposed to participate in the television show Les Rendez-vous Dimanche. But on the eve of the scheduled broadcast, shocking news appeared: the cult disco music performer died from an electric shock. As it turned out later, he tried, while standing in the bath, to fix the extinct light bulb with a wet hand.

The famous singer was killed by a bathtub!

For many years, there was a belief in society that Claude François died as a result of an absurd accident. However, the singer's biographer François Divo recently made a sensational statement that Claude was the victim of a damned killer bathtub in his apartment! Who cursed her is the tenth thing. The main thing is different. The singer bought this apartment in Paris on Boulevard Exelmans in 1963, after the previous owner committed suicide in them, more precisely, in the bathroom.

It would seem that two deaths in one place, separated in time by 15 years, are just a coincidence and nothing more! Skeptical readers might think so.

However, Divo has a different opinion. According to him, a few years after the death of Claude Francois, the famous apartment was acquired by a certain Parisian businessman (the biographer, for some reason, does not want to name his name), who, having learned all the "ins and outs" of the apartment, decided not to tempt fate and made a radical redevelopment in them.

The businessman believed that the place where the bathroom was located emits negative energy, and therefore he arranged a pantry in its place. The fact that the lethal radiation comes from the bath itself, by the way, quite old and almost royal, he did not think of. And in vain. Despite all the changes made, the curse overtook him. Three years ago, a businessman shot himself in the forehead while lying in the bathroom !!!

The terrible curse of the deceased

This is really incredible, but it is a fact: some objects that we constantly come into contact with in everyday life have, if not a soul, then definitely some kind of substance or unknown force that makes them move, make various sounds, bring evil to their owners and even kill! The so-called "death chair", which stood until recently in the lobby of the Busby Stoop Inn, located in the center of the English town of Terek in North Yorkshire, is notoriously famous.

It was originally owned by Tom Busby, the first owner of the hotel. In it, he was sitting in front of the fireplace on an autumn evening in 1702, when the sheriff came to arrest him for the murder of his father-in-law, the counterfeiter, Daniel Aveti. Clutching the arms of the chair, Busby did not want to get out of it, and the sheriff's deputies had to work hard to tear him from his familiar place.

At the same time, the sheriff himself, encouraging the murderer, repeated several times: "Get up, get up, now someone else will be sitting in this chair, and a well-deserved death awaits you!" To which Busby angrily said: "The one who sits on this chair after my death will soon die himself!" Surprisingly, the terrible curse began to operate almost immediately after the execution of Tom Busby. He was hanged in the courtyard of his own hotel.
The sheriff who oversaw the execution of the sentence was sitting, as if mocking the prophecy, "in the criminal's chair, and two days later he unsuccessfully fell off his horse and twisted his neck!

During the 18th century, at least twenty people followed him to the next world - all of them dared to sit in the "chair of death", as the locals dubbed it. In the XIX-XX centuries - not less than eighty. Basically, these were visitors, adventure seekers eager for exotic things. One of the victims of the mystical chair was the American tourist Melissa Doloney. She had already had a decent drink to celebrate her 18th birthday with friends at the Busby Stoop Inn, and she was knee-deep in sea.

"This is bullshit!" - yelled the mischievous girl in response to the words of the hotel owner that the terrible warning had already come true dozens of times. Lifting her skirt, she sat down on a rare piece of furniture, and when, accompanied by friends, staggering and laughing at local superstitions, she got out of the hotel and moved away from her for some hundred meters, two hefty bull terriers who escaped from the leash attacked her and inflicted on her, as doctors said, injuries incompatible with life.

A year before this incident, another American, 37-year-old Anne Counletter from New Jersey, who was on vacation in the Terek, even before her trip to England, promised her friends that she would certainly sit in the “death chair” and, upon returning home, would tell them what I felt at the same time. However, Ann's friends never found out about their friend's feelings. After the "fatal stunt" in the hotel, the woman went to her hotel, entered the elevator in the lobby and pressed the lift button. At the level of the sixth floor, the cable that held the cockpit suddenly broke, and Anne was smashed to her death.

After this tragic incident, the owner of the Busby Stoop Inn, Tony Earnshaw, was once again asked why he did not destroy the "killer chair". To which he replied: “History created him, and I dare not interfere in its course. Besides, I warn everyone about the danger. And if someone wants to try their luck, well, that's their business ... ”And the policemen, shaking their heads mournfully, only marveled at the self-confidence of the Americans, who cannot be convinced in any way that England is not the United States for you, and in this country there are curses as real as the queen.

“Every death was declared an accident,” says Nigel Stowel, a prominent English historian who has studied the death chair.
“However, it’s quite obvious to me that everyone who sat in the chair died under mysterious circumstances. To understand this, it is enough to delve into the details of the so-called accidents. In the end, the new owner of the hotel removed the chair, out of harm's way, in the basement, where it slowly rotted for several months with moisture. Until a young freight forwarder came down there, bringing a batch of alcohol to the Busby Stoop Inn.

Returning from the basement, the guy asked the owner why such an old and, apparently, expensive thing was put away in the back room? He sat in the chair and came to the conclusion that it was quite comfortable in it. The owner of the hotel just gasped and advised the forwarder, when returning to the base, to carefully monitor the road and not to exceed the speed. Did not help. A few hours later, the guy's car was found overturned and burned to the ground on an absolutely flat road.

As the police found out, the brakes in the car for some unknown reason failed! After this incident, the chair was removed from the basement and transferred to the city museum. Here the staff nailed it on one of the walls at a height of one and a half meters. The flow of the curious did not diminish from this to the Terek, but the deaths stopped ...

The secret life of dolls

But damn bathtubs and armchairs are not the only ones that can be deadly. The doll is known to be one of the most magical objects created by human hands. In early history, it was almost impossible to separate her from the idol. Figures resembling animals were made of stone, straw and wood (such dolls were supposed to contribute to a successful hunt). Or fat girls (they called on the goddess of fertility). Later, dolls were given to children. They helped girls develop the maternal instinct. If everything worked out for them, then soon they were trusted by real babies.

But even then bad rumors continued to circulate about dolls. In the villages, they were afraid to paint the face of the dolls. It was believed that if you make them eyes, you will revive. Draw a mouth - you have to feed. People believed that spirits live in dolls that can take possession of the soul of a child if he looks into their eyes for a long time. Therefore, the clergy recommended embroidering a cross on the doll's face just in case.

“I was cooking dinner in the kitchen,” says L. Kazakova from Kostroma, “when my daughter came running from her room and shouted:“ Mom! My doll runs by itself! Come with me, I'm afraid. " I thought it was a child's fantasy and reassured her: “The doll just wants to play with you. Go into the room and don't be afraid. " Imagine my surprise and fear when, two days later, I myself saw how an ordinary, without any clockwork device, my child's toy was running around the room, as if someone was playing with it.

The daughter was no longer afraid of her and ran away from the toy, laughing, and she was catching up with her. I told my husband everything. Naturally, at first he did not believe it, and when he saw everything with his own eyes, he stood for a long time with a lost face and could not say anything. The doll could run at any time of the day, it got out of any blockages that we arranged for it. In the end, we could not stand it and, out of harm's way, took the toy to the trash can ... "

Bai-Lo Baby is tired of being an exhibit

Not so long ago, a half-meter doll with a pale wax face and fierce eyes disappeared from a museum in the American city of Key West. She was known to collectors as Bai-Lo Baby. It was made in 1922 by a Chinese master, using a child dying from a serious illness as a nature. The doll was intended as a gift to a little girl, the great-granddaughter of the famous sea captain John Greiger. After receiving Bai-Lo Baby, the girl fell ill, went crazy and soon died.

After her death, the house in which she lived was converted into a museum, while the doll was left as one of the exhibits. And in vain. Visitors to the museum began to complain that Bai-Lo Baby's gaze haunted them for a long time after they left the premises. Many also suffered from panic attacks. Just in case, they decided to move the doll to the third floor in an empty room, where once the first owners of the house had a nursery and where children often died.

However, the oddities associated with Bai-Lo Baby continued. The security system, which reacted to the heat of the human body, turned on almost every night, but the security personnel did not detect anything. The police constantly received reports that someone or something was wandering around the nursery at night, but in each case they found no signs of theft or burglary.

The photographer, who took the picture of the doll, suddenly broke the apparatus. The insurance inspector, who was carrying out an inventory of the exhibits in the museum, flew head over heels out of the nursery and broke his leg on the stairs. He said that he was terribly frightened, but could not explain what exactly. And it was this doll that recently disappeared from the museum. There are no fingerprints of her captors, no signs of a break-in.

There were no alarms either. museum workers believe that Bai-Lo Baby just left by herself! All the children in the area are now afraid to sleep alone in their rooms, and collectors have announced a solid monetary reward to anyone who finds Bai-Lo Baby.

House of demons

Unlucky, to put it mildly, with toys and Francisco Romero from the Bolivian city of San Ignacio. Deciding to make his daughters Rosa and Camilla happy, he bought them a large dollhouse along with 15 adorable dolls. On the very first night, the girls heard a rustle coming from the toy house. We turned on the light and saw how one big doll ... beat the little one.

Rose and Camilla woke up their parents, but when they entered the nursery, peace and silence naturally reigned in the house. The next night, the children witnessed a real battle taking place between all the toy inhabitants of the house. The dolls behaved so aggressively that one of them bit Rosa, who was trying to separate them, on the finger.

The parents who ran to the girls' screams, seeing the dolls furiously attacking each other, took the house to the closet and locked it with a key. In the morning, Francisco went to the nearest church and invited a priest, who, having consecrated the apartment, advised the owner to get rid of the demonic toy. The restless doll house was taken to the trash heap. However, on the same night, a terrible roar alarmed the whole family.

Running into the nursery, the parents were dumbfounded with horror. The house stood in the same place, the entire carpet was covered with blood, the furious dolls, attacking Rosa and Camilla, bit them with their sharp, like needles, teeth. Francisco Romero was forced to seek advice from a well-known medium in the city. He, having familiarized himself with the situation, said that the devil was firmly seated in the dolls and, as the only way out, offered to burn them along with their house. The remedy was dramatic and, fortunately, it helped: the demons burned out in the fire and no longer bothered the Romero family ...

A stuffed shark attacked a teenager

There are other known cases when dolls attacked people. For example, not so long ago, many Irish newspapers wrote about the young architect Michael Sheers, who stayed overnight with his girlfriend, who, out of habit, put a Barbie doll under her pillow. In the morning, Michael found a toy near him, and when he went to the mirror, he saw that his whole body was covered with tiny bruises and bruises from the bites of an evil creature, which, apparently, was jealous of his mistress.

Meanwhile, 14-year-old Sam Howsron from the British city of Dudley said he was attacked by a shark souvenir hanging on the wall. The boy's mother woke up from the screams of her son and when she entered his bedroom, she saw that a stuffed shark grabbed her son's cheek. The wound was bleeding profusely. The woman says that this situation was like a scene from some kind of nightmare. After that, the scarecrow was immediately taken to the courtyard of the house and burned.

Experts on anomalous phenomena argue that such cases are by no means uncommon, it's just that most people who are faced with a riot of possessed objects and things prefer not to talk about it, rightly believing that after such statements they themselves will be considered possessed.

Gennady FEDOTOV, AN columnist

Abnormal news number 43

Specialists in anomalous phenomena explain the unusual properties of some things by the presence of a strong negative energy-informational charge in them. Most often it is passed on by people unconsciously or quite consciously. In such cases, they say that the thing is cursed, damage is directed at it. Hence, there are many bad omens associated with the things found. It is not advised, for example, to pick up small money, crosses, rings from the ground.

Most often it is passed on by people unconsciously or quite consciously. In such cases, they say that the thing is cursed, damage is directed at it. Hence, there are many bad omens associated with the things found. It is not advised, for example, to pick up small money, crosses, rings from the ground.

Negative energy can be obtained from things given to us by people who dislike us.

“In the third month of marriage, I received from my mother-in-law an antique mirror in a carved frame as a gift, like a family heirloom,” says Marina S. “Our relations were strained. Still, she took away her beloved son! I hung a mirror on the wall in the hallway. Passing by, I glanced at him. And after two weeks I suddenly had acne. Large, purulent. I've never had this in my life. And no treatment helped. Thank you, one grandmother was found, asked me about everything, immediately pointed to this mirror and, most importantly, removed acne in just two days ... "

It looks incredible, but one of the most powerful curses in the history of world occultism was imposed by a seven-year-old child!

The artist Giovanni Bragolini painted a portrait of his own son in 1973, and in order to create something emotional, he decided to bring the baby to tears. But he still did not want to cry and Giovanni began to burn matches in the face of the young man, threatening that. Soon, out of mixed feelings of fear and anger, the swearing boy shouted at his father: "So that you burn yourself!"
A month later, the baby died of pneumonia, and some time later a fire broke out in Bragolini's house, in which the artist himself died, and almost all of his works, except this one. There is also a lot of evidence that the painting itself is non-combustible, so, for example, in September 1985, a letter was printed in the British newspaper The Sun in which a married couple claimed that a terrible fire that destroyed their house and all property, according to which - then, for strange reasons, he did not touch the reproduction of the painting "Crying Boy", which hung on the wall in the living room.

After this note, letters to the newspaper started flowing. One widow reported that her husband and three sons suddenly passed away within a few years after purchasing the reproductions. But gradually the mentions in the press about the curse came to naught and there were statements that if the reproduction is treated well, the boy, on the contrary, will bring good luck to its owners.

But the notoriety of reproduction still lives on today, especially in Northern England. By the way, the original has not yet been found.


Some things, in their thirst to harm and kill, often behave quite meaningfully, almost intelligently. This makes us assume that they contain some kind of evil otherworldly essence, or demon, demon.

The introduction of a demon into a thing occurs in different ways. For example, as a result of the actions of an exorcist. When expelling a demon from a person, the exorcist moves him into an object.

The famous Russian psychic A. Shlyadinsky, during the rituals of exile, translated the demon into a small stone. Then he threw this stone into the river. The 19th century Italian psychic Lucas Picciolo translated demons into old human skulls. Subsequently, they showed signs of possession and caused poltergeist phenomena.

In mid-19th century England, the Reverend Thomas Blois used a doll for the same purpose. It is believed that he "locked" at least 100 demons in it. Blois often said that the doll was watching him: either grinning or blinking. After his death in 1888, the doll came to the London photographer Cedric Argyll. After taking several photographs of her, he was horrified: already on the negatives it was clear that the doll's face changes its expression from picture to picture.

After changing several owners, the doll settled in the Museum of Curious Things in Cornwall. It is very popular with visitors. The doll is constantly being photographed. She almost always has different facial expressions in the pictures. She is sad, then she smiles.

It looks like a boy, then like a girl. They tried to study her phenomenon. It was assumed that the change in expression depends on the movement of the camera tilt angle when photographing, on the lightest camera movements, on the play of light and other reasons. But all this did not clarify. There is no similar effect in the photographs of other dolls.


Occultists point to another way in which demons can get into objects.

It is assumed that there are many more people possessed by demons than is commonly thought. The fact is that most otherworldly entities, being in a person, do not betray themselves in any way. Is it just that a person's character deteriorates, he is overcome by illness and failure, or vice versa - he gets too much luck, which ultimately turns into a disaster.

Such an entity is discovered by chance, for example, during a hypnotic examination. But since people in life very rarely come into contact with hypnologists, the demon feels relatively safe. With the sudden death of a person, his carrier, the demon immediately moves into another person or into an inanimate object.

In a car accident, a demon from a person can go into a car. There are many cases when a car, after the death of its owner, suddenly began to show anomalous aggressiveness, killing and maiming people.

Killer cars include, for example, the car of Archduke Ferdinand, who was killed while driving through Sarajevo in 1914, or the sports car of the famous American actor James Dean, who died in a car accident in 1955. Anyone who has since had anything to do with these machines has been pursued by bad luck.

In Portsmouth, Ohio, USA, "obsession" displayed a pistol. In March 1985, the Kellerman family was killed from it - a husband, wife and two children. A 38 caliber pistol was thrown by the killer at the scene of the crime. On the first day of the investigation, one of the detectives committed suicide. Then the tragic incidents hit the police station, where the gun was kept as material evidence. For a month, as the press writes, under various circumstances, more than 20 people died in this area!

The series of deaths ended after the pistol was transported to another location. The further fate of this weapon is unknown. The killer of the Kellermanns was not found either.


Antiques, especially of unknown origin, are often fraught with supernatural threats. With such items, by the nature of their work, antique dealers have to deal. They carry things often with a dark past, surviving revolutions, wars, bloody crimes, family tragedies, used in seances and magic rituals.

In 1991-95, the Western press wrote about cases of mysterious insanity and inexplicable sudden deaths of antique dealers and prominent collectors of antiquities. In total, over 50 antique dealers and collectors died during this period, and about 20 went insane. The sad list was opened by the owner of a private museum in San Francisco, Malcolm Jefferson.

Then, in the same city, two antique dealers and four collectors died. Another collector has gone mad. From San Francisco, the "Jefferson virus", as journalists dubbed this "disease", spread to Los Angeles and the cities of the US east coast, from there to Europe.

Currently, experts associate this "virus" with a batch of ancient African ritual masks that entered the antique markets of Europe and America in 1991-92. Moreover, the first copies arrived just in San Francisco.

These "souvenirs" can be very dangerous. They are made to protect against evil spirits or target damage to enemies. There are cases when African sorcerers cured their patients from mental illnesses, transferring illnesses from people to specially made masks or idols. However, the cause of mental illness can also be a demon sitting in a person. Therefore, demons were moved into masks, which then manifested themselves among the owners of these "souvenirs".

From all that has been said, the conclusion suggests itself quite simple: do not get involved with dubious, unknown things. Keep in your house only something that is well known, dear, memorable, something that brings you joy, harmoniously fits into the atmosphere and you really need it.


  • Falling in love, be prepared for an agitated state and "butterflies in the stomach."
  • However, if, after a few months, you are still confused and completely absorbed in one person, this could be a sign of obsession.
  • Obsessed passion is the unhealthy foundation of a relationship.
  • We'll tell you how to feel the difference.

Usually, you either have feelings for the person you are dating or you don't. If you cannot figure it out, then the spark did not run, the chemistry did not happen, or you simply have too little in common. If everything works out, then you feel "butterflies in your stomach" and want to see this person again and again.

It's easy to swirl in a whirlwind of new relationships, but it's important to remember that there is a difference between healthy, growing love and obsession.

When you first meet someone, your expectations can be distorted by romantic movies and books. You probably assume that the feeling should just knock you off your feet, and the new lover should constantly reiterate that he cannot live without you. In real life, you do not need to strive for exactly this option.

If someone you are dating throws gifts at you and talks about love from the very beginning, this could be a sign of love bombardment, when the person tries to manipulate you and make you believe that you have found “the one”, so that later, as soon as you give up, become violent and distant from you.

This tactic is often used by narcissistic people to control their partners, because the victim will do everything to return the attentive and kind person whom, in her opinion, she once met.

To love is to give freedom

Getting into a relationship with your head early on can also be a sign of obsession. Being totally absorbed in you doesn't always mean your partner is cruel, but it's not a good sign.

Psychologist Robert Vallerand, in his book The Psychology of Passion: The Dark and the Light Side, says that obsessive passion has more negative effects on relationships than even no passion at all.

If a person is in love with you, he trusts you and wants only the best for you. Including he will be ready to give you freedom when necessary.

At the same time, the person possessed by you will be a jealous possessive. He will not like the idea of ​​your personal growth or showing any independence for fear that you will meet someone else and leave him.

People who are obsessed with passion are unreliable and so preoccupied with the fear of losing their partner that they end up ignoring them. They are defensive, controlling and resentful, so it's no surprise that women in relationships with obsessed men are less sexually satisfied.

One way to test your couple is to see if everything matches the stage of the relationship you are in.

The beginning of a good relationship is exciting, and it’s okay to feel butterflies in your stomach, but if months go by and you’re still distracted at work or ignoring friends, family, and hobbies because of your partner, it’s a sign of an unhealthy union.

Psychologist and relationship expert Jonathan Marshall told BusinessInsider that it’s okay when you’re in love if other people are out of sight for a while. However, if you begin to notice that you are focused on only one person and move away from things that were previously important to you, then something went wrong.

“When another person becomes the raison d'être, it’s too much,” he says. - If a person becomes your god, if your inner compass gets lost in a relationship and in a partner, I think you are in trouble. Falling in love is in some way a disease, at this time we are a little out of our minds, but if this madness continues for a long time, and you cannot tune your inner compass in any way, this is a sign of loss of balance.

Butterflies in the stomach, excitement and dreams in themselves are not bad things. In fact, these are the bells saying that you are on the right track to something great. But if you feel that your passion is taking over the world around you, things can get out of hand.

At the end of the day, you will most likely feel how the situation is developing and understand if either of the two of you is obsessed with passion.

Incredible facts

There are many things men become obsessed with about women, besides beauty.

When a man is in love, he never stops thinking about the subject of his desires.

It is obsession that makes the representatives of the stronger sex go for unexpected and courageous actions in order to be with the one they love.

Many women wonder what makes men go crazy over a woman.

At the same time, they often do not even suspect that these can be simple little things, and each of them has the necessary qualities, without noticing it.

What kind of women do men like

1. Your view

Don't ask why this is happening, but many men cannot resist an attractive woman looking at them.

Even scientific studies have confirmed that women who are able to maintain eye contact have a much higher chance of falling in love with a man.

Most guys just melt when they catch girls looking at them. Even a little interest and flirtatious looks can make a man spread his wings and demonstrate himself in all his glory.

2. Your concern

Deep down, most men seek a woman who can take care of them, make them better and be a good mother for their children.

This explains why many men can be stunned by a girl who knows how to cook, loves hugs and "the one who is not ashamed to show her mom."

Since these are predominantly female characteristics, many men desperately crave this in their life partner. In the modern world, this is becoming even more rare. So, if you naturally possess these qualities, many men can fall at your feet.

3. Your appearance

We would be deceiving if we said that men do not pay attention to the appearance of women. However, many young ladies are unaware that they do not need to look like a model for a man to fall in love with them without memory.

In truth, most guys love imperfect women... There are men who like a small tummy, freckles, or your little stretch marks. All this speaks about your personality, and, ultimately, a man wants a real woman.

4. Your sense of style

If you remember many of the sex symbols of our time, then many of them are remembered for their distinctive style.

Everyone remembers the iconic image of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's, complemented by a little black dress, pearls and classic hairstyle. Marilyn Monroe's unrivaled style is recognizable for her sexy blonde look in elegant, feminine dresses.

In other words, a man is able to fall in love with the way a woman presents herself. And it doesn't really matter if it's a slightly extravagant and indomitable style or sophisticated and conservative.

Female attractiveness

5. Your mind and depth of character

Many men from time to time complain about how difficult it can be for them to meet a woman with whom they could talk about serious topics.

Although you can often hear advice that ladies often pretend to be fools in front of the stronger sex, in fact, stupidity will not impress a man in any way.

On the contrary, standing out from the rest and challenging the man, you make him look at you differently, in a more favorable light.

6. Your confidence and self-will.

For centuries, society has been inspired by the idea that women should obey men. And men themselves often say that they would like more obedient and lovely women.

In fact, it turns out that this is not exactly what men want in a woman.

Insecurity and complexes are not sexy.... What he wants to see is the confidence and insistence that you won't put up with his lies or excuses.

7. Your opinion about him.

Some men become obsessed with the one who ignores them, simply because this girl becomes the only one who does not fall under his charm.

The other becomes completely unarmed in front of a woman who saw a lot of good in him, which others may not notice.

In other words, men really care what women think of him... Sometimes this attachment to opinion turns into a real obsession. Interestingly, sometimes it can be difficult to understand what really made a man fixate on you: your opinion of him or something more.

8. Your sexuality

When it comes down to it a woman's sexuality plays a huge role in how obsessed a man can become.

This does not mean at all that you need to go out of your way to demonstrate your sexuality or, on the contrary, behave like the Virgin Mary.

Everyone knows that men often represent women in a sexy way, but for each, the ignition button is triggered by certain female chips. Some secretly fantasize about a domineering "mistress", while others are turned on by modest and innocent young ladies.

excerpts from 2 articles.

With the advent of obsession with someone or something, the habitual way of life of a person and people close to him can radically change. Painful attachments tend to appear in the life of those people who, in childhood or even in adulthood, did not find warmth and understanding among people.

Passion, which turns into addiction, gives a person an illusory state of support, a sense of self-importance and fills his life with a kind of meaning. The danger lies in the fact that most often such attachments lead to a violation of mental and physical health, where a person is increasingly moving away from himself.

To get rid of this destructive type of thinking, it is important to understand that all the meaning that we feel from outside is actually inside us. And to treat yourself with love, support and understanding, it is important to first learn yourself, so that you can get it from the people around you later.

And what does that even mean? If a person is possessed, this means that an external factor controls his life (stimulus, goal), perceived by a person as a personal motive, and which he considers the only true and useful for everyone. All his actions are aimed at striving for the goal, which is indicated by such a factor. Goal achievement itself is not an obsession. In this disease, the achievement of the goal is permanent, that is, a constant, continuous path. It would be all right if the possessed would take into account the opinions of others, who may have different needs and goals.

A possessed person can be obsessed with things, material or spiritual ideas. For example, it may be a delicious food lover, or, a person similar to Trotsky, who is a classic example of spiritual obsession (the idea of ​​a permanent revolution). It is worth noting that it is not necessary to classify people with addiction as obsessed (patients with diabetes, alcoholics, drug addicts), that is, they are sick, and would gladly give up such addiction.

If everything is more or less clear with obsessed material things, then with spiritually obsessed things the situation is much more complicated. It seems that they are the same as everyone else: they smile, communicate normally, joke, lead an unremarkable lifestyle, have families and children, go to work. But they have a morbid attitude towards the opinions of other people, which do not coincide with their personal opinions. However, to what extent it is personal, you still need to figure it out.

Such people like to prove to others their point of view, which for them is the only correct one. But which of the normal people does not like to do this? Naturally, everyone is pleased to feel like a winner in an argument, strong and incredibly smart. All this has a connection with personal egoism. And how sometimes it is unpleasant, and we realize that we are wrong when the arguments of the interlocutor are more accurate than our own. This is a normal human reaction in the process of learning about the world. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone can fix them. But with the spiritually obsessed, things are different. An idea once fixed in his head and the presence of a feeling of inferiority (which is also associated with irresponsibility for the actions and decisions made: the possessed thinks that everyone else should do something) does not allow him to look at himself from the outside, to see his mistakes, and even more to admit in them. He always shields himself, leads to absurd conclusions, gets personal, hangs labels, avoids direct questions. For an obsessed person (as a biological species, and not as an aggregate of certain mental qualities), a different opinion, different from his, is a sign for calibrating the enemy. Those who are not with us are against us.

Since spiritual obsession is associated with the mental state of a person, the sociological term "mental Trotskyism" arose. Simply put, this is a person who says one thing, but in fact does another. This criterion applies to most public figures and modern politicians. But do not forget that politics is a type of activity in which there are many interests to consider. For example, Obama can be classified as possessed, but Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not, although he has been "playing naughty" lately. Other historical figures diagnosed with "mental Trotskyism" include Hitler, Churchill, Trotsky, Bukharin, Sverdlov, Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Tsar Nicholas II. This category can easily include the puppet leaders of various local revolutions and dictators in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. There are quite a few of them in a "civilized" society: they wear expensive suits, make sugary speeches, and give promising forecasts. All objections to their opinions are translated into the category of ignorant. Sometimes one gets the impression that such a person suffers from autism, although often this is not the case. They know exactly what they want and constantly adjust reality to fit their patterns and perception of the world. Anything that does not fit, they discard as malicious. All criticism is perceived as an unambiguous evil, detrimental to the cause. Such a person, given the resources, will never be able to abandon his plan. The obsessive's motto is that the end justifies the means, but in fact the means justify the end. The result of such "determination" can be various troubles: both with the possessed person (the same Trotsky) and with those around him (the Chernobyl disaster, 1986). It is definitely pleasing to notice such people near you, but if there are a lot of them, think about it: did you get there, and what to do about it?

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