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Gastrointestinal tract folk remedies. Treatment of the stomach with folk remedies: the most effective unconventional methods. Erosion remedy

Tarot cards are a widely used magical practice. Contrary to popular misconception, this method of obtaining information is not just fortune telling. Tarot is a complex system of symbols, the key to a deep level of the subconscious, allowing you to look into the hidden corners of the soul and consider any situation from different angles.


The traditional image of the "8 Pentacles" card (Ryder White's Tarot, Universal and some other classic decks) is as follows: a person is drawn who engraves on disks (or mints coins). Seven of them are already ready, the master is working on the creation of the last - the eighth denarius.

8 pentacles of the tarot: meaning in a straight position

Well-being, prosperity, success, a favorable outcome of the case, diligence, patience, diligence, attentiveness, development and self-realization ... This is just an incomplete list of the main meanings of the 8 pentacles. Tarot gives a fairly accurate description of the situation. However, when performing any layout, you should not immediately look for the interpretation of the cards. First of all, you need to carefully consider the image, listen to your own inner voice and catch the first thoughts that arise about the question asked. Perhaps it is in them that the main answer lies. But, if on the basis of such inferences it was not possible to draw up a complete picture that reveals the essence of the situation, you can turn to interpretations and get the missing pieces of information. This method allows you not only to find answers to exciting questions, but also helps to develop intuition, insight, the ability to foresee the future and understand the true essence of what is happening.

Inverted position

Like the rest of the cards, 8 inverted pentacles have the opposite meaning. She foreshadows future difficulties, possible obstacles to success and warns against danger.

If the question concerned a specific person, then the eight denarii in an inverted position speaks of negative personality traits, such as dishonesty, hypocrisy, lack of self-confidence, laziness, incompetence, vanity and the desire to seem better than in reality. If it was not about the nature of the person, but about the state in which the person is, then such a card can speak of financial difficulties, problems at work and other failures.

In questions regarding professional activity or education, such a sign tells about boring, tedious, monotonous work that does not bring positive emotions.

However, you should not consider such signs as something inevitable. The answers received should be taken as advice on what is better to pay attention to at this stage of life, on what is worth working on. This is only a reflection of the situation at a given moment in time. The appearance of 8 pentacles in the layout suggests that, despite temporary difficulties, everything is in the hands of a person, and any obstacles can be overcome if the situation is not allowed to flow.

Also, the reverse position of the card can indicate wasted effort and time, wasted labor, financial loss or fraud.

Alignment for love and relationships

Wands and goblets represent passion and emotion. As for the 8 pentacles, the meaning in the relationship in this case is somewhat different. In matters of love, this card implies a strong relationship, built primarily on mutual understanding and respect. Wisdom, judgment and responsibility prevail over passion. In such families, peace and harmony reign.

If the questioner (that is, the person who is being guessed to) is lonely, then the loss of this lasso foreshadows a meeting with his soul mate in the near future. For those who, due to disappointments in the past, were afraid of starting a new relationship, the card advises to start working on themselves. Self-improvement, organizing your own thoughts and feelings will help change your life for the better.

Inverted 8 pentacles in a relationship warns of possible misunderstanding, lies, mistrust, unwillingness to compromise. There is a chance of parting. In combination with some other arcana, it can mean (for example, 8 swords + 8 pentacles), duplicity and betrayal (if the Devil is present). But such conclusions can be made only in cases where the alignment was carried out on one of the partners. If it was about relationships in general, then the inverted lasso speaks of discord, misunderstanding and, perhaps, even a quick separation.

Another question, the answer to which can be the Tarot card of 8 pentacles is a relationship that is at the completion stage, that is, parting, divorce. But in this situation, everything will go pretty peacefully. The understanding came that this relationship is futile. Both partners will behave judiciously and be able to disperse in a civilized manner.

Work and education

Another aspect to watch out for is caution. Sometimes this card serves as a warning. This is a sign that you need to be more attentive to what is happening, since in some cases, success in one area of ​​life can cause failure in another. Don't make hasty decisions. Before taking any important steps, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Additional meanings of this lasso are wisdom, regularity, orderliness.

In some cases, the appearance of 8 pentacles should be taken as advice to focus on the important and not be distracted. The business you are currently doing should come first. Don't be discouraged if something went wrong. Over time, your patience and persistence will be rewarded.

An inverted position of the card may indicate impatience, a desire to let things go, or find the easiest ways without putting any effort. However, this is not a situation in which you can rely on luck. In this case, you will have to take responsibility for yourself.

In any scenario, in order to understand the true meaning, it is important to pay attention to which cards with which 8 pentacles (Tarot) fell out. The combination with some arcana, such as the Devil and 7 of swords, can speak of deception or fraud.

Growth perspective

In matters related to personal growth, this card personifies successful self-realization and advancement. If you have been planning to do self-improvement for a long time, now is the time to translate your plans into reality. We can talk about both career growth and the beginning of spiritual development. However, don't expect quick results. You need to be patient and start implementing your plans. It is important to take a responsible approach to working on yourself. Prudence, patience and endurance - these are the qualities that you should pay attention to in the near future. They are the ones who will help you succeed.

If an inverted 8 pentacles (Tarot) fell on this question as an answer, the meaning takes on a completely different meaning. This can mean a stop in development, laziness, stagnation, indifference to everything, apathy and depression. You should not deny what is happening and look for excuses for your own inaction, otherwise it can lead to very disastrous consequences. The only way out of this situation is to admit honestly to yourself that you are in such a state. Awareness of the problem is the first step towards solving it. Most likely, the root of the problem lies not in external circumstances, but in relation to what is happening. Changing your way of thinking will help you reach a new level of self-development.

Cards of a different suit with the same numerical value

All eights have some common characteristics: success, the beginning of something new, stability and harmony. Among the major arcana this numerical value corresponds to the card "Strength" (in some other decks "Justice"). Regardless of what kind of symbol falls out in the layout, be it 8 swords, 8 pentacles or wands, this speaks of the beginning of something new, the opening of new paths and, perhaps, even a reassessment of values ​​and the choice of new priorities.

In global issues related to life's purpose, the appearance of eights in the layout can portend future changes in any area. Changes can happen in your personal life as well as in your career. A little more about the combinations of minor arcana:

  • 8 pentacles + 8 cups indicate the end of the previous period of life and the beginning of something new. Do not take the completion of a certain stage as a loss. This is just a transition to a higher level, an opportunity to turn the page and start creating something new. You need to find the strength to admit that the old way of life no longer suits you. If you do not take this step, the consequences can be very negative, the questioner risks falling into despondency, despair, depression. Don't cling to the old. It's time to let go of the old emotional burden and allow change to take place. It can be about a relationship, a career, or getting out of a creative crisis.
  • 8 Pentacles + 8 Wands: In any case, these cards portend success. The appearance of these arcana in the layout suggests that you need to start taking action, since good prospects await you. If before that there was a period of stagnation in life, now is the very moment when the revival will take place. These minor arcana represent productivity, perspective and creativity. The presence of wands in the layout may indicate the spontaneity of what is happening.
  • 8 swords + 8 pentacles: this combination most likely carries a negative connotation. These arcana can mean burdensome work, wasted time or stagnation in creativity.

Card of the day

This is one of the easiest ways to find out what the coming day portends. Eight denarii says that on this day you need to devote time to work, you should not indulge in laziness. In addition, it can also be about creativity, talent development or education. The efforts expended will lead to success in the future. It is important to be patient and diligently carry out your plans.

However, 8 pentacles in an inverted position warns that you should not overestimate your own strength. Perhaps your knowledge and experience is not enough to carry out your plans. Don't jump to conclusions.

The main advice given by the minor lasso of 8 pentacles: meaning in a global sense implies that a person should build his own life, not relying on a coincidence or on the help of others. You should not be afraid of failure, it is important to start working on yourself and improve your skills in various areas. Tune in to good results and unleash your talent.

Direct position

The eight of pentacles symbolizes a person who works for the benefit of other people. He creates both material and spiritual values. This person is free and successful, but only if he is not looking for personal gain.

If a fortuneteller is looking for a job, then very soon he will find the job of his dreams. You may want to develop your professional skills. Anything new that you undertake will be crowned with success.

The map portends useful acquaintances that can help in the future. Be more connected to expand your social circle.
Inverted position

The card speaks of the vain labor and efforts of a fortuneteller. This does not mean a failure in business, but you need a mentor-patron who will give the right advice.

There are many deceitful people, scammers and lovers of dark adventures in your environment, so you should be careful in dealing with them.

Eight of Pentacles: Meaning in love and relationships

Direct position

The desires and plans of your couple are quite real and feasible, you just have to make a lot of efforts to make them come true. Relationships will develop slowly but surely.

If the fortuneteller is lonely, then the card speaks of a new acquaintance, which fate itself will arrange. It will certainly end with a serious relationship, a wedding. The marriage will be strong, the partner will accept the fortuneteller with all its disadvantages and advantages.

Eight of pentacles always indicates a successful development of a relationship. A lonely person will find a mate for himself, leaving in the past all complexes regarding his own appearance and fears in relation to the opposite sex, will become more liberated, learn to love and accept love from others.

Inverted position

The relationship has reached an impasse, a crisis has come. This happened for the reason that your partner initially tried to make a good impression, creating the image of an ideal person, but in everyday life, he relaxed, and showed his true character.

There is a chance that your partner does not have the slightest desire to seek you, to hold you. He appreciates your presence in his life, but takes it for granted. He does not try to analyze his own mistakes and mistakes, he does not want to correct it, because you will accept him back anyway.

In the layout for the character of the beloved, the card symbolizes duplicity, deceit, bad taste, laziness.

Eight of Pentacles: Meaning in a Situation and a Question

Direct position

Don't be afraid to try new things, especially when it comes to career choices. There is a chance that soon you will be offered a new business in which you will not have experience, but you will cope with it brilliantly. This will bring pleasure and additional good income.

Your skills should also not be left in the shadows, find a business where you can apply them for a decent wage. Do not underestimate your bar, because you do your work with high quality and soul.

If there are doubts about the current career, whether it is worth changing the workplace or not, the map suggests that the time has come to decide to change the field of activity to a more successful one.
Inverted position

It is worth working on the inner character traits. You have all the necessary skills, work experience, but because of your own rudeness, impatience and uncompromisingness, you are missing out on valuable opportunities that fate itself sends.

It will not be possible to solve the problem in an easy way, this will only complicate and confuse the matter more, there will be conflicts with the authorities for these reasons. Exercise more diligence in business, then your work will be appreciated.

Eight of Pentacles: The meaning of the card of the day

Today is the day of new opportunities and desires. It is worth trying to take up a new business, go to study or develop mastery skills. Success is on your heels, therefore, whatever you do today, everything will be resolved safely.

The main condition is not to overestimate your own chances and strengths. Do not take on a lot of worries if you understand that you will not be able to cope with something in the allotted time.

Gain experience, work hard on each case, and then everything will work out, because you have excellent prospects in the future.

The card advises: Think first before you say or do. This should be your motto in life, because you often commit rash acts.

Be more patient, tolerant of others, attentive to little things. This will prevent you from making an oversight that will entail serious consequences and ruin your reputation.

Eight of Pentacles: Combination with other cards

Major arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

interrupt the process; let everything take its course; lack of independence; idle

Ace of Wands

to approach the goal step by step; motivation at work

hone skills; master of his craft

King of Wands

develop creativity

study; pore over books

Queen of Wands

professional promotion

The empress

work bears fruit; do household chores

Knight of Wands

desire for more; an attempt to get away from the routine; lack of patience

The emperor

business owner, boss; build a family; to protect interests

Page of wands

skillful use of their talents

discover talent; teach

Two of Wands

stopping the process


build relationship

Three of wands

thorough preparation for starting a business


practice driving skills; forge your happiness; collect things for the trip; conveyor; manage production

Four of Wands

preparation for a holiday, celebration

show perseverance, diligence

Five of Wands

lack of independence; interference in the process



Six of Wands

teamwork; successful business promotion

uneven movement: sometimes empty, sometimes dense

Eight of Pentacles - Minor Arcanum

From the standpoint of astrology, the Eight of Pentacles correspond to the Sun and Mercury in Virgo. Mercury in the Third House, symbolizing dexterity, diligence and diligence. Also this Arcana corresponds I decade of Virgo.

This decade is under the control of the Sun. She personifies the natural course of all natural processes, including the natural activity of a person who, through his labor, maintains the natural balance and dynamic balance. Virgo in this decade gives a person a desire to work, endows him with the ability to work, and not only in physical, but also in mental activity. It requires from a person the consistency and completeness of each process.

Other names for the Eight of Pentacles: Eight Denarii, Eight Coins, Eight Money, Lord of Prudence.

Brief description of the Arcana: Work, Diligence, Striving for creation, Caution, Slowness, Restraint.

Description of the Eight of Pentacles

The traditional Arcana depicts a master who is bent over a table and enthusiastically working. His work requires maximum concentration, he is carried away by him and does not notice what is happening outside the open window. The expression on his face suggests that the master is completely satisfied with the work process. Eight coins on the Arcana show that his work will definitely be rewarded.

The Arcana Tarot of the Age of Aquarius depicts a richly dressed wealthy young man who listens to a woman, she consoles him while a thief tries to pull out eight coins from him. The card makes it clear that you do not need to prioritize money, since it can easily be lost, but the experience gained during work will remain with a person for life.

The sacred meaning of the Eight of Pentacles

Taking a close look at the image of the Eight of Pentacles on a classic deck, we can understand the deep content of the Arcana. We see an experienced person who, with full immersion and maximum enthusiasm, does some kind of work. This is a Master who has gained vast experience, has the skills and enough knowledge to create in a lonely workshop, in its complete silence.

He knows what to do, he does not need advice, because his professionalism is more than enough. He even chose a position with his back to the window so that external circumstances would not distract him from his work. In the window, we see a knight standing on a hillock. The master does not notice him, for he does not need either spectators or advisers. He understands that his success lies in fruitful but hard work. He is ready to work tirelessly, patiently and persistently, because a good reward for his hard work looms on the horizon.

For the Master now the most important thing is to concentrate on his work, not being distracted by trifles, not getting upset if something suddenly went wrong. He is patient, and his work tests this quality of him. The harvest time has not yet come, but it will come only on condition of thorough work and deep immersion in it, which gives additional experience as well.

Mythological correspondence of the Eight of Pentacles

In mythology, Arkan is represented by a legend about the most gifted and successful student and nephew of Daedalus, the great sculptor, Thala.

The value of the straight line of the Eight of Pentacles in the layout

The Eight of Pentacles in the layouts indicates that a person will have to fully immerse himself with maximum concentration in the process that is very important for him at the moment. Everything happens according to plan, it is true, although it slowly moves forward towards the intended goal, but it is very important to pay attention to every detail. Here you will not be able to release everything "on the brakes" or do something carelessly. A positive result can only be achieved with maximum effort and concentration on the issue. At the same time, Arkan indicates that all this will be a joy to a person.

In any matter, the Eight of Pentacles shows that a person, through personal efforts, moves towards a good result. You just need to always remember that with such a card, you should not expect an instant result.

Arkan says that victory in any issue awaits a person who concentrates not on the result, but on the process of work itself, and does this not out of pressure, but enthusiastically, experiencing satisfaction from each stage. He acquires not only the result, but also colossal experience, skill, knowledge, becoming invincible.

Any situation with the Eight of Pentacles indicates that a person has to show patience, and there may be options when he wants to give up everything. It is imperative to bring the matter to the end. Whatever the circumstances, they will not prevent you from getting a positive result. One must act dexterously, carefully and judiciously.

The most negative phenomenon in this Arcana, which should be considered in the event that "heavy" senior Arcana or negative Younger ones fell nearby, is that the situation can be accompanied by events pressing on the psyche, routine work, troubles that will not be noted by anyone.

The card indicates putting all your affairs in order.

If a Magician (I Arcanum) is located next to the Eight of Pentacles, then it can be said that a person will have favorable circumstances that he can successfully use. The Empress (III Arcanum) warns of the need to approach the situation deliberately and carefully in order to achieve the desired result.

The meaning of the inverted Eight of Pentacles in the layout

The Inverted Eight of Pentacles has a negative connotation in the layout. She points to the collapse of plans, the destruction of ambitions, in vain work to resolve the situation. Quite often, this is caused by arrogance or even abusiveness of plans, vanity. But sometimes the reason can be interpreted exactly the opposite: lack of ambition, recklessness, carelessness, lack of discipline, lack of skill or ultimate understanding of what is happening. What exactly the inverted Arcanum says in a particular case - the cards nearby in the layout will tell you.

Arkan points out that the problems may be associated with mercantile spirit, the desire to get something "for free", without investing their own labor. And this more characterizes a fraudster or a person who comes to unseemly compromises.

A person tries to achieve a result using lies, intrigues, dual concepts, falsehood and flattery.

The card can also speak of excessive caution, inopportune response to emerging situations, delay in resolving some issues due to fears. If the Emperor is located nearby (IV Arcanum), then it can be assumed that a person is persistently trying to achieve his goal, while logic and prudence indicate the need to stop and reconsider his methods. The Seven of Cups in combination with the inverted Eight of Pentacles indicates lost opportunities and incentives.


For layouts for professional activities, the Eight of Pentacles is perhaps the most revealing card, because it denotes work in its purest form.

For businessmen, this card promises a successful business, since a person came to its beginning very carefully and thoughtfully. He set himself realistic goals that he could achieve, developed ideal business tactics, has a natural flair, common sense and foresight. It should be said that a person has to get lucrative orders, to conclude serious successful deals. However, success will be ensured not only by a good "groundwork", but also by hard work, order and structuring of the company, the use of the latest technologies, a serious attitude towards the professionalism of employees. Profits will only be made with prudence, sufficient investment and hard work.

If the alignment is done to a person who is in search of work, then the Eight of Pentacles promises successful employment, enthusiasm in the work process, and satisfaction from their activities. In addition, the card indicates the opportunity to show their professional abilities, as well as gain new experience, improve their skills.

The Eight of Pentacles describes professions that require concentration, a responsible approach to detail, and scrupulousness in work. It implies the monotony of everyday activities, while the person likes it. He lives by his work and is inspired by the intermediate results.

The team with such an Arcana is hardworking, focused on the result, but not as a source of material wealth, but as pleasure from the end of an interesting work process. If the card falls on a person in a team, then we can talk about his good reputation, deservedly received respect from colleagues and superiors. He is considered a neat and competent specialist who knows how to calmly conduct business. This person is successful in negotiations, since he manages to convey his point of view to the interlocutor in a measured and reasoned manner.

The Inverted Arcanum speaks of the impossibility at the moment to achieve the goals set, while you should not think that the situation is fatal and cannot be resolved in any way. What difficulties have arisen and what to do to overcome them - the neighboring Arcana will tell you.

The options can be different - from lack of competence and professionalism to laziness, negligence and carelessness. A person may be too slow or, conversely, too fussy and reckless.

The Inverted Eight of Pentacles can talk about blockages at work, inability to cope with a piled-up task. In this case, there is a danger that a person will look for a not entirely correct method of solving the problem, try to act with the help of intrigue and deception.

Self-development direction

The Eight of Pentacles teaches a lot, but the most important thing is patience and endurance. A person can learn this lesson if he takes a responsible approach to working on himself.

The card also teaches prudence and caution, and a person has to determine for himself the line between caution and fear.

An inverted card threatens to stop development for an indefinite period if a person succumbs to the laziness that persecutes him during this period. You can lie to others, you can build intrigues, you can cheat someone, but no one has yet been able to lie to themselves, even if a person has come up with a very tempting motivation for his inaction. Sooner or later, such self-talk will serve a sad service, and time will simply be wasted.

Personal relationships

The Eight of Pentacles in the layouts for personal relationships somewhat echoes the Three of this suit. Here, too, we are talking about the fact that a person is very enthusiastic about building relationships, making every effort to this, often we will devote ourselves to relationships without a trace. He understands that feelings alone will not go far, that relationships require work. It is about convincing courtship, caring, trying to get it right, and getting your partner's approval. Moreover, as a rule, the more a person has invested in a relationship, the more he gets from them.

The map does not indicate a rapidly emerging and spontaneously developing relationship. She speaks of a slow but sure formation, where not passion is paramount, but respect. There are no violent emotions, but a sincere relationship between partners, caring and attentiveness reigns.

With such a map, one can speak of serious intentions. Partners are ready to take responsibility for the union, they understand what obligations they will have to bear. Often, the card falls out to people who have experienced a feeling of love at an elderly age. They are already ready to overshadow passion and work to create a strong family, where the interests of both spouses will be taken into account.

For a lonely person who is in a state of searching for his soul mate, the Eight of Pentacles indicates that the period of loneliness is coming to an end. Now we have to work on ourselves and the real work to find a partner. Quite often, this Arkan falls out to people who in the past had a negative experience of relationships and were “closed” for new meetings for some time. Now a person will readily take steps to get to know his future soul mate, since he is already ready to start a family.

If the alignment is made for a union in a state of divorce, then here the Eight of Pentacles says that it will be quite civilized, with the division of property, none of the spouses will be offended, everything will be decided fairly.

The Inverted Arcanum indicates a relationship that doesn't stick together. Partners cannot find a middle ground, everyone considers himself special, so they do not make concessions, no one takes the first step in the event of an internal conflict. This is a map of people who do not agree with the characters. Rather, their negative qualities are very similar, which is why they are not capable of compromises.

If the card falls on one of the partners, then we can talk about his deceit, especially if the Devil is present in the layout (XV Arcanum). Such a person can be two-faced, weave intrigues, charm with flattery. He is most often cynical, and this quality transfers to a loved one.

Personality characteristic

The Eight of Pentacles describes a single-minded person who is not afraid to work hard to achieve his goals. He strives to improve himself in order to do everything as efficiently as possible. He is disciplined, and first of all it is self-discipline. He is diligent, executive, attentive to any process in which he is involved. Has a natural curiosity, is easily inspired.

One of his qualities is caution. He is practical, discreet, prudent. To those around him, he seems wise and attentive enough, but often boring. It can be interesting if a person manages to "reveal" it. The personality of the Eight of Pentacles owns a huge amount of information due to the fact that he notices any little things, studies any issue to the end.

The Man of the Eight of Pentacles never, under any circumstances, gives up, he is not threatened with depression, apathy or melancholy. He is always optimistic, because he understands that everything is in his hands, and he is never lazy to do something. Quite often, having got into an unpleasant situation, such a person finds positive moments in it, analyzes it, sets himself tasks to get out of the current situation and systematically solves them.

Such a person is always patient and restrained. He easily adapts to life, enjoys learning something new for himself. He usually tries to achieve his goals, but if common sense says that you need to stop, he will not contradict him.

Sometimes Arkan shows the negative qualities of a person - unrestrained work, because of which he does not notice those close to him, pushes the family into the background.

The Inverted Eight of Pentacles shows a person who is lazy, prone to manipulation and intrigue, trying to shift responsibility to others. He may be dishonest in business or be a dishonest partner in a relationship. Sometimes such a person resorts to fraud.

With an inverted Arcana, one can speak of paranoid caution, which can lead to inaction. A person is not inclined to appeal to common sense. He often wants to get everything at once, without thinking about the correctness of the methods to achieve what he wants.

He is illegible in actions and words. In the eyes of others, he looks like a sloven and a frivolous person. It often lacks taste.


The Eight of Pentacles speaks of the need to restore health after a long illness or injury. The map shows that now it is necessary to devote time to training, to follow a diet.

This Arcanum warns of possible overwork, as well as that a person has "overworked" some organ. It can be heart, kidneys, headaches.

An inverted card speaks of fatigue, which threatens to deteriorate health. With such an Arcana, a person definitely needs rest, otherwise he will have to turn to specialists, for example, to a psychoanalyst.

Alignment for the situation

Eight of Pentacles in situations promises a very favorable outcome, but on condition that the person does not let everything take its course, but will work hard and persistently for the result. The main thing is not to give up and not give up your goals. The situation will not evolve very quickly, but it will still bring positive results, even if they are difficult to achieve.

At the everyday level, Arkan indicates a reasonable economy, since there is an improvement in the home, housekeeping. At the same time, this card does not mean lack of money, the financial condition is stable within the framework of the salary received. She does not promise large incomes, but also speaks of need.

In any situation, a person needs to show maximum patience so as not to break down and spoil the result.

Inverted Arcanum indicates the impossibility of resolving the situation as we would like. But here the problem is no longer in the surrounding circumstances, but in the person himself: he does not pay enough attention to the issue, tries to dodge any actions, is lazy to do anything in the direction of solving the problem. Sometimes he gets in the way of being too careful.

The result can be achieved, but it should be understood that not entirely correct methods will be used for this. A person can take advantage of someone's weakness or an unfortunate situation for someone. He may resort to intrigue or lies.

The card also warns of a possible falling into a financial pyramid due to a person's desire to get a lot at once. In addition, she accompanies bad loans, unpaid bills and debts.

Card of the day

On this day, one should not be lazy, but hard work will bring very tempting fruits. Today is a good day to reveal your talent - he will definitely deserve recognition.

Laziness overpowers, unwillingness to work pushes to come up with some reason to evade. For this, lies can be used.

Card of the year

If you set yourself up for a result and work hard to achieve it, then this year can be very fruitful. It will bring not only dividends in the form of wages, but also good experience, skills and knowledge. This year, you can safely plan professional development, training in courses, and the acquisition of a new specialty.

Inverted, Arkan indicates that everything planned will be difficult, and it is not a fact that the result will be expected. Failures will force you to look for new methods of work, but laziness will prompt you to use something that is not very legal. During the year, there will be a desire to give up everything and close from everyone.

Arcana Council

The Eight of Pentacles reminds that a person builds his own destiny, the blacksmith of his own happiness, so he needs to persistently, roll up his sleeves, to work for his own good. You should not be afraid of work, the main thing is to get involved in it, and then it will bring satisfaction and, as a bonus, a good financial condition.

The Tarot card of 8 pentacles depicts a young man in solid peasant clothes, keen on his work. He sits on a wooden bench and makes coins with a hammer. He has already done seven of them and is now working on the eighth. This is a chaser who is ready to work for the benefit of others. Behind him, in the distance, you can see the towers of the city.

general characteristics

At first glance, the meaning of 8 pentacles can be understood intuitively: this card is closely related to work and passion for your business. She says that a person has a certain idea and a way to achieve it, and he does not sit idly by, but is already working with might and main. However, success is related to the quality of the result of work, so this activity requires concentration.

Immersed in work, he does not see anything around and is focused on an important matter. This does not always suit the person himself - sometimes he may be unhappy with the situation. But still, in most cases, this lasso indicates enthusiasm, love for one's work, and these feelings feed the determination of the worker. He does not waste his time just for the sake of money, but learns something new and expands his own horizons in order to be able to do even more, even better in the future.

The main thing that the Eight Denarii card teaches is the raising of creativity over profit, the ability to enjoy what a person does. Success on it will come if you do not chase after rewards, but attach importance to everything that is done. First of all, it is the joy of personal achievements and personal development that comes to those who have found their place in life. This is possible only for those whose professional activities correspond to their own strengths.

Nevertheless, this creative person cannot be called windy and fickle: the Eight of Pentacles know that methodical, systematic work is important for any advance. Gusts of inspiration have nothing to do with this card, rather, it patronizes the gradual path to mastery in their field for a person who wants to become a real professional. His passion does not allow him to do anything carelessly - on the contrary, he seeks to work out every little thing.

There is another, not so rosy meaning in 8 Tarot coins: this is a routine, boring and monotonous work that does not cause positive emotions. However, even if it depresses the questioner, the alignment usually indicates that for him at this moment it is necessary to do just such things.

In addition, according to the Eight of Denarii, all systematization in production and a series of repetitive tasks passes. This is the constant folding of documents into folders, and the need to memorize the necessary replicas in order to achieve perfection.

Love and marriage

From the general interpretation of this Arcana follows the meaning of the 8 pentacles of the Tarot in relationships, and it is described by the phrase "love is work." This is responsibility for your love life, in which there is an understanding that any connection between two people does not arise by itself, but becomes the fruit of their joint work. If you leave everything to chance, nothing good will come of it - such is the firm confidence of the person who is personified by this card. He may even be overly keen on building relationships, but his intentions are pure.

In addition, for him, a romantic union is another opportunity for self-improvement. He views his contribution to life together as a reserve for the future, expecting to receive an equal benefit for himself. For this, he is ready to constantly work, improving his personal qualities. This is a patient, attentive, caring and tactful person who is alien to bright displays of emotions. The feelings that he expresses are muted and delicate, and he is ready to both talk about himself and listen.

In this love there is no place for haste, suddenness and risk. Two people decide to build a relationship, and they do it slowly, calmly and deliberately. They have joint plans, and they both are ready to take responsibility for what happens between them. They see each other together even many years later, and this is a rational, reasonable decision.

Most often, on this card there is a connection between mature or even elderly people. Although this is the love of two adult personalities, it may well be the first in the life of one or both of them. She is full of chastity, purity and modesty. Although an inexperienced partner feels somewhat insecure, thanks to his life experience he quickly learns and acquires all the necessary qualities.

To a person who does not have a partner, the Eight of coins carries good news. It means that the questioner is ready to move to a new stage in life. Perhaps past negative experiences made him abandon the very idea of ​​a relationship, but now he is ready to try again. He feels quite responsible to build his own future with someone else.

First of all, it is a card of honesty and openness, even in not the best relationships or in divorce. Fair deals with a partner also pass through it.

Career and finance

In the case of a professional situation, the meaning of the Eight of coins in the Tarot is quite straightforward. A person is waiting for a job in his specialty, in which he can plunge headlong. This position will give him not only material benefits, but also allow him to acquire new knowledge and skills, and will lead to the improvement of skills. One of the possible interpretations is that there is still a lot of work to be done for higher achievements.

This is a good time to start a business or start your own business. If the questioner does not expect that everything will turn out by itself, but is ready to work and work, then he will be able to get a considerable profit. At the same time, one should adhere to clear development tactics and draw conclusions from past experience in order to find good partners and conclude profitable deals.

This map is also associated with bringing order to the business sector, with streamlining and more methodical work. The case will either be rebuilt from the ruins, or recreated from scratch and using more modern and progressive technologies. Eight coins keep pace with the times, because a lag in this area can turn into a failure. Therefore, everything should be clear and according to plan, and the plan is built taking into account the latest trends.

The professional areas associated with this Arcana require focus and precise adherence to directions. Here several career variations:

  • construction and restoration of buildings;
  • jewelry making;
  • engraving;
  • office work;
  • positions that require constant rehearsal, for example, acting;
  • everything related to filling out a lot of papers.

These are not the only positions that fall within the sphere of influence of the Eight of Pentacles - it oversees all areas that require painstaking, repetitive work to achieve mastery.

In financial terms, this card means that everything a person deserves by his honest work. Although he often had to invest a lot of his own energy into the work, the result was worth it. This card is associated with reasonable cost savings, a small profit, the necessary costs.

In addition, this Arkan indicates the provision of one's own and someone else's future: insurance, care for old age, inheritance or drawing up a will are associated with it.

Health status

In the hands of health, this card does not have the most positive meaning: 8 coins in the Tarot indicate the need to start restoring the body after complex injuries or serious illnesses. The final state of a person depends only on him, and in order to start feeling good, you should go through a long rehabilitation. In some cases, the questioner may even be on the verge of disability.

To stay healthy, you need to make a plan and follow it. Disciplined behavior here is the key to a further happy life. Most often, a person begins to do all this after he is seriously ill, and then these are the necessary measures to maintain life. But sometimes healthy people follow their diet carefully or engage in regular exercise - such behavior also obeys this chart.

Diseases pointed out by the Eight of Pentacles are usually caused by excessive fatigue from strenuous work. Such congestion can hit various organs and lead to increased pressure, headaches, kidney failure and many other diseases. In these cases, do not despair, because if the disease cannot be completely defeated, then you can always return to a productive life and monitor your body.

Meaning in combinations

Despite the fact that the Eight of coins has a positive meaning, in combinations with other cards, its interpretation can be different. Here are the most positive or neutral combinations of this card with the highest lassos:

But its meaning is not always so rosy, and there are many disappointing forecasts associated with this card. It is worth considering and negative combinations of the Eight of Denarii with other Arcana:

Inverted card

If in the upright position this Arcanum has a positive meaning, then the inverted 8 of pentacles cannot boast of this. She symbolizes wasted efforts that do not lead to the desired result, the collapse of hopes, obstacles on the way to the goal.

The specific interpretation of this map can vary greatly from one source to another. The most likely interpretation is the inability to work and the inability to cope with the obligations imposed on the person, for example, due to too low qualifications or unwillingness to work. Professional burnout is associated with the same Arcana - the feeling that the chosen area no longer justifies itself, and the desire to change the direction of development.

It is also quite possible that the questioner likes the work itself, but some circumstances of the work do not suit him. For example, he does not see further prospects and understands, or understands that the pay is too low, and he spends a lot of energy. He can even make plans for the future and see that he will receive a low pension if he continues to work in the same place where he is now.

The aspect of honesty and openness associated with the direct position of the Eight is also reversed. Lies, intrigues, flattery, vulgarity, falsity are associated with an inverted card.

In addition, a lack of ambition and professional growth, the unwillingness of the person himself to develop and go forward can pass along this map. He may be comfortable with what he has, but he may fail in the future if he does not follow the trends of his time. The card invites you to think about the future, make plans and improve your life.

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