Home Blanks for the winter Does a person have blood of a different color? Green blood in humans? This is reality. Does she exist

Does a person have blood of a different color? Green blood in humans? This is reality. Does she exist

The red color of the blood is given by hemoglobin, a pigment that carries oxygen. But many invertebrates use other pigments to transport oxygen, not hemoglobin, but other pigments, the "working part" of which are ions of different metals. In particular, the blood of many mollusks, arthropods and some other animals contains hemocyanin, a pigment with a copper ion. Most often, this compound makes the blood blue, and sometimes bluish-green. One of the species of frogs found in Cambodia also has green blood. This is due to the pigment biliverdin. It is formed in the liver, including humans, as an intermediate product of the breakdown of hemoglobin, and it is he who gives the green color to bile. However, in a frog, unlike us, it is not excreted in the bile through the intestines, but goes back into the blood. There is also green blood in humans. This happens extremely rarely when there is an excess of sulfur compounds in the blood, for example, as a result of the abuse of drugs containing this element. Sulfur easily binds to hemoglobin. The resulting compound sulfohemoglobin gives the blood a dark green color, like the skin of an avocado. As a rule, the owners of green blood themselves are not worried about this.

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In rare cases, the blood can acquire a green tint in humans. This rare condition is called sulfhemoglobinemia. In this case, the structure of hemoglobin changes, sulfur atoms are attached to it, disrupting the ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen. The cause of such a disease can be the abuse of drugs of the sulfonamide group.

Finally, underwater at great depths, if bleeding begins, even normal human red blood will appear green. This is due to the fact that the red part of the spectrum cannot penetrate the water column. Of course, this will only be a visual illusion; in reality, the blood will not turn green in this case.

In 2007, seasoned Canadian surgeons had to go through a real shock. Blood suddenly flowed from the patient they were operating on ... a dark green color. Like an alien.

After a blood test, it turned out that this patient suffers from sulfohemoglobinemia - this disease occurs when a sulfur atom is attached to hemoglobin, changing its structure. In this case, the color of the blood also changes.

This disease developed in a Canadian due to the abuse of a migraine drug that contains sulfonamides. The patient was advised to refrain from taking these pills, and after a few weeks his blood turned red again. As a rule, the owners of green blood themselves are not worried about this.

The blood is red, we all know this from childhood. True, they say that aristocrats have it blue, but this, of course, is not so, this stable phrase is due to the fact that the veins look blue - of course, this requires that the skin be white so that it does not have a tan, which it was unattainable for medieval peasants, but for "beautiful ladies" - a different matter ... However, blue and blue blood really exists in nature, it happens in arthropods and mollusks. In these animals, the function of transferring oxygen is performed by the hemocyan protein, it is similar to our hemoglobin, but instead of iron it contains copper, which gives the blood a blue or blue hue.

Is there a different color of blood - for example, green? The creators of the series "The X-Files", apparently, proceeded from the fact that this does not happen. They endowed aliens with green blood, apparently presenting this sign as something completely impossible on Earth. Nevertheless, creatures with green blood are found on our planet.

The same composition and color of blood is inherent in the recently discovered species of tree frogs living in Indochina - Chiromantis samkosensis. They have not only green blood, but also turquoise bones. The blood vessels show through the transparent skin of the frogs, and this allows the frogs to easily camouflage among the plants, and they camouflage themselves very well, even the researchers were able to find them only by the loud sounds they made.

In rare cases, the blood can acquire a green tint in humans. This rare condition is called sulfhemoglobinemia. In this case, the structure of hemoglobin changes, sulfur atoms are attached to it, disrupting the ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen. The cause of such a disease can be the abuse of drugs of the sulfonamide group.

Finally, underwater at great depths, if bleeding begins, even normal human red blood will appear green. This is due to the fact that the red part of the spectrum cannot penetrate the water column. Of course, this will only be a visual illusion; in reality, the blood will not turn green in this case.

You probably well know that our blood is predominantly red in color. In we told you that this is due to.

However, there are cases when in some animals and even under certain circumstances green blood was observed in humans. Let's see what this is connected with.

In certain animals, instead of hemoglobin, various pigments, consisting of ions of certain metals, are used to transport oxygen throughout the body.

For example, in arthropods, hemocyanin is present in the blood - a pigment with a copper ion. It is he who makes the blood blue and bluish-green.

Also frogs were found in which the blood is green, which is also associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of their body.

Green blood in humans

An interesting fact is that humans also have green blood. True, this is quite rare. This happens mainly when a person abuses drugs containing sulfur.

As a result, a lot of sulfur enters the bloodstream, which binds with the same hemoglobin, forming the sulfohemoglobin compound. It gives the blood a green color, reminiscent of the skin of an avocado.

But this is not as scary as it might seem. After refusal of tablets containing sulfur, the excess of the corresponding compounds in the blood returns to normal, and the blood takes on the usual red color. This usually takes 2-3 weeks.

The phrase "blue blood" appeared in the vocabulary of the population of Europe relatively recently, in the 18th century. This expression is believed to have originated in the Spanish province of Castile.

It was there that the refined grandees proudly displayed pale skin with bluish streaks, which is proof that their blood was not defiled by impurities of the "dirty" Moorish.

Does it exist?

To ensure life, the body must consume oxygen and emit carbon dioxide. One of the main functions of blood is to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. For this, special elements of blood are "adapted" - respiratory pigments, which contain metal ions capable of binding oxygen molecules and, if necessary, giving them away.

In most animals, the respiratory blood pigment is hemoglobin, which contains ferrous iron ions. It is thanks to hemoglobin that our blood is red.

Blue blood in some vertebrates was first described by the famous Dutch naturalist Jan Swammerdam back in 1669, but he failed to explain the nature of this phenomenon. Only two centuries later, in 1878, the French scientist L. Frederico studied a substance that gave the blood of mollusks a blue color, and by analogy with hemoglobin called it hemocyanin, from the words "theme" - "blood" and "cyanos" - "blue".

By this time, it was found that spiders, scorpions and some mollusks are carriers of blue blood. This color was given by the copper ions in it. In hemocyanin, one oxygen molecule binds to two copper atoms. Under such conditions, the blood turns blue.

From the point of view of supplying the body with oxygen, hemocyanin is significantly inferior to hemoglobin, in which the transfer is carried out by iron. Hemoglobin copes with this task, which is most important for the vital activity of the body, five times better.

But, nevertheless, nature did not completely abandon copper, and for some animals and plants made it completely irreplaceable. And here's what's interesting. It turns out that related groups of living organisms can have different blood, and they seem to have originated from each other. For example, in molluscs, blood is red, blue, brown, with different metals. It turns out that the composition of the blood is not so important for living organisms.

Unusual people

In the 20th century, scientists again became interested in the origin of blue blood. They put forward a hypothesis that blue blood exists, and people, in whose blood copper predominates instead of iron - they were called "kyanetics" - have always lived on our planet. True, in fact, blood with a predominance of copper is not blue, but purple with a bluish tinge.

Researchers of the unknown believe that Kyanetics are more tenacious and resilient than ordinary people. First, they are less prone to a variety of blood diseases. Secondly, their blood has better clotting ability, and any wounds, even very severe ones, are not accompanied by profuse bleeding.

As an example, the events described in the historical chronicle are cited when the wounded Kyanetic knights did not bleed and continued to successfully fight the Moors.

According to some researchers, it is no coincidence that kyanetics appeared on Earth. Thus, nature was insured against any global catastrophe that could destroy most of humanity. The surviving more resilient blue-blooded animals will be able to give rise to another, already new civilization.

But there is another explanation for the origin of blue-blooded people: they are descendants of aliens from other planets.

Planet of the gods

The universe in which we live is diverse. Even within the solar system, according to the spectral radiation of the planets, it has been established that they differ in the elements prevailing in their structure. Therefore, it can be assumed that somewhere common on our planet, iron, which plays such an important role in the vital activity of the internal organs of organisms, is very small, and on the contrary, there is a lot of copper.

Naturally, the evolution of the animal world there will follow the path of using copper, not iron, for oxygen transport. Both people and animals of this planet will have "aristocratic", blue blood.

And so these blue-blooded aliens arrive on Earth and encounter local residents living in the Stone Age. Who could they, who flew on the "fiery birds", seem to people from the planet Earth? Omnipotent gods! Most of the peoples of our planet did not yet have a written language. But you can learn about the alien gods from myths, fairy tales, legends.

In fairy tales and myths, it is very rare to see iron in creatures from the "thirtieth state" or hear about solid white metal. And gold is found there literally at every step. You can read about this from the famous researcher of folk tales V. Propp:

“Everything in any way connected with the thirtieth state takes on a golden hue. The palace is golden, the objects that need to be obtained from the thirtieth kingdom are almost always golden ... In the tale of the Firebird the Firebird sits in a golden cage, the horse has a golden bridle, and the garden of Elena the Beautiful is surrounded by a golden fence ... The inhabitant of this kingdom, the princess, is always inherent in some kind of golden attribute ... The golden color is the seal of another kingdom. "

Copper instead of iron?

But was the metal of the gods gold? As you know, pure gold is not only a heavy metal, but also a soft metal. You can't make a chariot out of it, and you can't use it as a tool.

And here's what is interesting: in different regions of the Earth, civilizations that are not in contact with each other began to use not copper, but its alloys: brass with zinc and bronze with tin. Moreover, finding these "additives" to copper ore is a very difficult matter, which geologists can confirm. And metallurgists will not believe that the optimal ratio of copper and tin to give the future metal the necessary properties was identified by the "scientific poke method."

It's another matter if these technologies were brought by gods who flew from another planet, where such technology has been used for tens of thousands of years. And then the "golden kingdom", which appears in the tales and myths of almost all the peoples of the Earth, would be more correctly called "copper".

The manufacture of copper tools began during the time of the first pharaohs (4000-5000 BC), who were considered the descendants of the gods who flew from heaven. Moreover, the technology of extracting metal from ore somehow very quickly spread throughout the planet. Iron, on the other hand, appeared in the everyday life of people much later - only in the II millennium BC. NS.

Blue blood versus red

The gods who once flew to Earth, in addition to the ability to mine and handle metal, left another "gift" to the aborigines - blue blood from people who most often communicate with them, and then became rulers in different countries.

The arrival of the gods and, most importantly, their long stay on Earth can be explained by the need to extract here some elements that are absent on their home planet. Moreover, for this they needed to become part of the earth's biosphere. In order to survive, the gods needed to continuously replenish their own body with copper, which is necessary for hematopoiesis. But iron in the body is chemically more active than copper. Therefore, getting into the blood of the gods, it will displace copper from its compounds in the blood.

To maintain the properties of blue blood, one must consume foods high in copper and low in iron. Iron is found a lot in legumes, vegetables, berries and meat products, and copper is found in cereals, cereals, and bread products.

The gods are making a revolution

The desire to abandon the usual hunting and gathering was not an urgent need for ancient people. There were few people at that time, but there were a lot of forests and game in them. Berries and edible fruits literally lay underfoot. But man, under the influence of the gods, unexpectedly begins to grow cereal plants, poor in iron, but rich in copper.

Many centuries have passed since the “revolution” in nutrition, but even now in industrialized countries, where most of the inhabitants are cut off from natural nutrition, additional fortification of bakery products with iron is popular to compensate for the imbalance of elements.

The fact that this revolution was carried out precisely by the gods who appeared on Earth is evidenced by the specificity of sacrifices to them. This, incidentally, is reflected in the Christian Bible. One of the parables tells that God rejected the lamb brought by Cain and took the grain of Abel.

The desire to become like the gods, to achieve enlightenment, to touch the highest knowledge in all major religions that exist on our planet is associated with the vegetarian way of life, brought to Earth by the gods with blue blood.

You have to pay for everything ...

However, the gods who came to Earth from the "copper" planet left the earthlings not only the initial skills in metallurgy and the desire for vegetarianism as a path to moral self-improvement.

For the distant descendants of the gods, who, to one degree or another, retained blue blood, sometimes an excess of carbon dioxide in their blood is characteristic. It was not constant and familiar to their organisms.

This is confirmed by the constant need of such people for alcoholic beverages to compensate for the harmful gas. The legendary catfish, intoxicating kvass and honey, beer, nine sorts of alcoholic drinks made from maize were given by the gods to the American Indians and included in the list of sacrifices! The gods did not even neglect grape wine, which is rich in iron. Apparently, their life on Earth was difficult, since the need for alcohol to compensate for carbon dioxide was so great ...


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