Home Blanks for the winter What do we know about summer. Nikolaeva S.N., Komarova I.A. Narrative games in the ecological education of preschoolers. Play educational situations with toys of different types and literary characters: A guide for preschool teachers. Not to sell, but to help

What do we know about summer. Nikolaeva S.N., Komarova I.A. Narrative games in the ecological education of preschoolers. Play educational situations with toys of different types and literary characters: A guide for preschool teachers. Not to sell, but to help

September 14 (September 1, old style) Indian summer begins. For us, this means that autumn gives a little more summer warmth before the cold weather.

What do we know about "Indian summer"? ...
It is interesting that the concept itself exists in other countries, but it is timed to coincide with different times. In Poland and the Czech Republic "Indian summer" is called long warm weather in autumn, regardless of the month. In Bulgaria, there is "Indian spring" - the so-called "Baba days" correspond to the end of March ...

In some areas of Germany, even at the end of the nineteenth century, there was one day or even several hours a year, which were considered female, female. On this day, husbands were to obey their wives and unquestioningly fulfill all their desires and orders.

In Brussels, there was also such a day - January 19, when a woman was considered the sovereign mistress of the house, and her husband was obliged to obey her in everything. In Ukraine, "Indian Summer" begins from October 1 to October 8, old style. Why this particular time, explains the legend.

Once upon a time, these days there was a severe cold. Not all of the fruits in the orchards had been harvested, so they had to inevitably disappear. So the women, having gathered together, began to ask the Lord God to return warmth to them. The plea was heard. And the warm time really returned, and the fruits were successfully harvested. It was then that the first week after the Intercession began to be called "Indian summer".

Since in the customs of different countries this time was considered such when a man had to obey his wife, it is suggested that the expression "Indian summer" contains the remnants of the former domination of women over men, and the word "summer" does not mean the time of the year, but the year, the time ...

In Russia, for example, Indian summer has long been timed to coincide with the week from September 1 to September 8, according to the old style. In this regard, there was an assumption that this time was called "Indian summer" because in September the constellation of the Pleiades, in other words, Baba, is visible in the sky.

Remember how at the beginning of September the thinnest cobweb that is barely visible to the eye begins to fly? It is now known to be woven by tiny spiders. And in ancient times, people did not know where the finest threads in the air came from. In the days of paganism, it was believed that the appearance of the cobweb was the result of the work of the gods.

The pagan Slavs believed that one of the gods they worshiped entangled the entire world with invisible thin threads of a web. Later, after the adoption of Christianity, the origin of the threads began to be attributed to the Mother of God.

In the minds of the peasants, the threads of the cobweb hovering in the air meant that it was time to start women's work: weaving, spinning, sewing, knitting.

At this time, women began a time when they had to prepare fabrics, threads in order to sew and tie up their entire family.

Indian summer begins with a day called Semin, or the Day of the Seed Flyer. The church remembers on this day one of its great ascetics Simeon the Stylite (IV-V centuries).

Since until 1700 the New Year began on September 1, many beginnings in peasant life are associated with this day. On the Semin day, they usually extinguished the old fire, and in the morning they carved wood fire again by rubbing wood against wood. There was a tradition on Semin Day to end contracts and transactions related to trade. For many centuries, there was a custom on the day of Simeon to put a boy, who had reached four years of age, on a horse.

From that day on, women soaked hemp, dried and crumpled flax, and dug potatoes. There was also a funny custom to bury flies and cockroaches on this day so that they would not be found.

The anticyclone is to blame
Indian summer is not summer at all, which returned for a week or two in mid-September. Warm autumn days are the last waves of the Azores anticyclone, thanks to which the air and soil do not have time to cool down quickly.

The Azores anticyclone is a huge zone of high pressure in the Atlantic. In summer, it only affects the northern hemisphere, from 40 ° to 65 ° north latitude. The United States, all of Europe and the European part of Russia are under his influence. Therefore, Indian summer is a local phenomenon.

From May to September, anticyclones bring heat, and in the remaining months - cold. Since the weather changes sinusoidally, about once every 5-7 days, the cyclone replaces the anticyclone and vice versa. In this respect, September at mid-latitudes is no different from the rest of the months. So the "Indian summer" is just an anticyclone, which has not yet had time to "cool down" by winter.

How trees help
Since the cyclone changes the anticyclone about once a week, why does the Indian summer last longer? It is believed that this is to blame ... fallen leaves.

Indian summer comes to us after leaf fall begins. Fallen leaves emit additional heat into the atmosphere, which does not allow the soil to cool quickly, and thereby delay the Indian summer for another couple of days.

Why Indian Summer doesn't last longer
If in Russia the arrival of Indian summer is traditionally expected by September 14, then in Ukraine, Europe and the United States, Indian summer comes much later. In America, "Indian summer" is expected from early October to mid-November, and in Germany - from late September to early November.

By October, the air masses of the Azores anticyclone, which gives us Indian summer, weaken. They can no longer cross Europe and reach Russia, because the continental cold comes into force there. But Ukraine and European countries enjoy the warmth brought from the ocean for a few more weeks.

About spiders and cobwebs
In some countries, Indian summer is called "spider summer" or "Maryina yarn". These names are connected with the fact that, due to the fall of leaves, tree branches are exposed and a cobweb that was previously invisible becomes visible. Moreover, often cobwebs are torn from trees and sent flying.

Two Indian summers
Until the middle of the 20th century, it was believed that Indian summer comes twice - at the end of August and mid-September. Many signs were associated with each of them, like "if there is a lot of tenebane (autumn web) in the air, then the autumn will be clear, and the winter will be cold"
or "dry Indian summer - wet autumn."

Kiev, Ukraine

Ontario, Canada


Paris, France

New York




Autumn, "Indian summer ..."

Poet Fyodor Tyutchev wrote about Indian Summer:
"There is an initial short one in autumn. But a wonderful time. The whole day is like crystal and radiant evenings" ...

“And it's scary that this magical, colorful fairy tale is about to end, rain and slush will start, and my intoxicating miracle - Indian summer will go away.”

Autumn photos in some countries

What should be the communication style to win the audience among the representatives of Gen Z - by 2020 they will make up 40% of the market.

To bookmarks

No sooner had the media and analysts lagged behind the millennials than the representatives of Gen Z got under the marketing magnifier. Everyone who was born after 1996 is now under scrutiny. And they are not the same annoying youngsters from the yard for a long time.

Why we don't understand them

I'm only 28, and I'm no longer in the subject. It's hard not to think about it when trying to figure out youth values ​​in the news feed. It's not clear why all of a sudden rap battles, game streams, swearing vloggers have become new trends. But you have to figure it out, because otherwise your articles and publications will stop working, and your clients will leave.

1. Lack of authority and subcultures

Each class has a student who understands computer science better than his teacher. Anyone can find on the Internet what the teacher does not know. The Zetas do not accept submission, they build partnerships with parents, teachers and supervisors at work.

This generation is not characterized by the emergence of any subcultures or archaic addictions in music. Hobbies are no longer markers of group affiliation. It's okay to listen to different music, dress in different styles, and constantly try new things.

2. Rapid success

Gen Z wants the quick success everyone is talking about. In recent years, enough crises have occurred in Russia to convince them that the most brutal efforts can turn to dust. Then why bother? They are looking for themselves.

It costs them nothing to graduate from the Higher School of Economics, and then take a place in a rock band on drums. At the same time, the lack of a simple and understandable plan for achieving success is frightening - they lack independence, which often makes them ideal performers.

Enjoyment of life is the main criterion. If it is difficult, then this is not the way. We need to look for a new one. Life should be varied and recognition social.

This generation has no stable preferences, no permanent brand loyalty. Trends change every second. Yes, these are not trends at all, but the so-called "hype". It's cool to be on a wave of excitement, it's cool to be on top of it. Hype is spreading virally on social networks. This explains the success in SMM, for example, Aviasales, which handles ad-hoc marketing with meticulous attention.

A few more facts that help to better understand the Z-generation:

  1. They are always online: 86% constantly use their smartphones during the day.
  2. But 79% think people could pay less attention to mobile devices.
  3. 76% are puzzled by the human influence on the planet.
  4. 84% perform multiple tasks on their smartphone at the same time.
  5. Expect to work for at least four companies in a lifetime.
  6. 80% think they are more motivated than their parents.
  7. 52% use YouTube or social media for their studies.
  8. 66% say technology provides endless opportunities for them.
  9. 72% want to start their own business one day.
  10. 43% say purchasing decisions depend on the opinions of friends (35%), friends of friends (23%) and celebrities (10%).

They don't have any attention problems. Since birth, they are surrounded by so much information that they have acquired a superpower - to filter out everything unnecessary. This explains the emergence of the rule of "eight seconds" in which you need to have time to attract attention. Therefore, video is close to them. In eight seconds of the video, you can understand whether it will be interesting, whether you like the presentation style or not.

How Gen Z is consuming content

Mobile traffic has never been as important as it is now. If you still think that having a website is enough and mobile platforms are secondary, then you are dead. First of all, check how the content looks on your smartphone and tablet. Always go with the version that looks best on mobile.

However, the unequivocal conclusion that the zetas prefer video are hasty. There are also pictures, interactive tests, games, infographics, comics, photo selections and memes. The text also does not give up positions. Of course, Gen Z reads with less enthusiasm than millennials, but they read nonetheless.

As for the video, the changes took place not in the volume of videos watched, but in the source of the videos. If Generation Y watched more TV, then it almost completely moved to the Internet.

Social networks are the main source of information, news, communication and entertainment. New media that pops up and live on social media pages is perceived better by the Zetas. If only because it allows them to directly participate in the life of the publication: he left a comment, started a "holivar", proved his point of view - and is happy.

What to do to make them like it

This is the first generation to have no problems with internet access. They understand the value of their attention and do not want to spray it on what is not interesting. They are allergic to openly sponsored projects. They don't like to feel barriers to information. They will not fill out unnecessary forms or register - instead, they will simply go to another resource.

1. Create value

Don't rack your brains over advertising and creativity, create value. The Zetas don't respond so well to vivid imagery anymore. Whatever you think, they are not magpies throwing themselves at everything shiny. The ability to perfectly filter information helps them isolate useful content from information noise. Rejoice, fans of the infostyle, in which the benefit and care of the reader is paramount.

Be careful with celebrities in advertising - sometimes it's better to save your budget. 63% of those surveyed say they would like to see ordinary people who are similar to them in their ads, not celebrities. This is one of the reasons for the popularity of video bloggers on YouTube. Seemingly ordinary guys and girls broadcast interesting things for a generation. This is more credible than the make-up Urgant. They care about the content, not the wrapper.

2. Allergy to old age

If you have a cool "message", but an outdated site, you will not be understood. You are automatically old and dull. They judge with their eyes first. It doesn't matter if you are an industry leader or not. Plus, most likely, the first acquaintance will happen through a smartphone, so if you have problems with the mobile version, I have bad news.

3. Not to sell, but to help and be on an equal footing

They know their strength very well. They know how to use social networks, they have absorbed it from birth. Many people from school create accounts and sites on the network, attract an audience, and having received the first results, they immediately think about how to monetize their attention. To do this, they have the tools and the beaten track. They are independent and appreciate the brands that give them great opportunities.

4. You should be everywhere

Their multitasking ability is enviable. The Zetas can do a dozen things at the same time, receiving information from different gadgets and sites. Your posts should be on all channels at the same time - social networks, YouTube, instant messengers, website, blog. Attention shifts from laptop to TV, smartphone or tablet often and chaotically, so you have to be everywhere.

speech therapist Zhumagalieva Kalamkas Zholzhanovna,

teacher-defectologist Bekbosynova Balzhan Mukhametkalievna

Semey. KSU "Auxiliary school - boarding school "

L oopedic ui matinee "What do we know about summer?"

Target: demonstrate the success of the children achieved during the school year.


1. enrich students with new knowledge about the season of summer.

2. create conditions for the development of visual perception, memory, phonemic hearing, coherent speech.

3. to form positive educational motivation by means of new information technologies.

Equipment: MMP, slides for assignments, cut pictures “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, texts of poems, riddles, proverbs about summer, flowers, attributes of the game “Make a bouquet”, “Pour juice into a mug”.

Matinee's course.

Org . moment ... Children are seated in their seats, the start of the holiday is announced. To find out what it will be devoted to, children are invited to guess riddles about the seasons.

Snow in the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard walks.

When does this happen?

The meadow came to life,

The snow is melting

The day is coming.

When does this happen?

The fields are empty

The earth gets wet

The rain is pouring down

When does this happen?

The sun is baking

Linden blossoms

The rye ripens

When does this happen?

You have guessed 4 seasons. What's your favorite? (Summer)

So let's check if you are ready for the summer and what you know about it. Let's do a little warm-up:

Name the summer months.

Which month is the longest day and shortest night? (slide 2)

Which month is the hottest? (slide 3)

In what month do nuts, apples ripen and taste the first honey? (slide 4)

Let's remember the poems about summer.

Summer.(slide 5)

The sun is shining brightly, the air is warm

And wherever you look,

Everything around is light.

The meadow is dazzling

Bright flowers,

Doused with gold

Dark sheets.

The forest slumbers: not a sound -

The leaf does not rustle

Only the lark in the air rings.

Summer song. (slide 6)

Summer laughs again

Out the open window

And the sun and the light

Full, full, full!

Again panties and T-shirts

Lie on the shore

And the lawns bask

In chamomile snow.

In the summer everything turns green and blooms. Flowers bloom here and there. Here are violets, cornflowers and forget-me-nots - wildflowers, and poets have written poems about them.

Violet.(slide 7)

On the sunny edge

The violet has blossomed -

She quietly raised her lilac ears.

She is buried in the grass

Doesn't like to go forward.

But everyone will bow to her

And carefully take

Cornflower.(slide 8)

Bloomed in the field

Blue cornflower.

That's how beautiful

Small flower.

Forget-me-nots.(slide 9)

They are visible and invisible,

You can't count them!

And who just invented them -

Cheerful, blue?

Must have been ripped off

A shred from the sky

Slightly conjured

And they made a flower.

And here the daisies sparkled with golden meanings.

Chamomile.(slide 10)

The golden mean,

And the rays go around, -

This may be a picture:

Is the sun in the blue sky?

No, not the sun on a piece of paper

Chamomile flower in the meadow.

Game "Make a bouquet".

On the table are two vases and flower petals, on which the names of wild and garden flowers are written. Children need to distribute wildflowers and garden flowers in two vases.

Game "What's wrong in this forest?" (a picture depicting an unusual forest in which berries and mushrooms are higher than trees and people) (slide 11).

Games for the development of perception: "Make a picture", "Vegetables", "Fruits".

In summer, vegetables and fruits ripen, but which ones are unclear; the summer wind stirred everything up. We need to put everything in its place. Children make pictures from fragments and name vegetables and fruits.

What's in the vase?

What's on the board?

There are many berries in the summer. And what can you cook from them? (Cook jam.) Which hero from a fairy tale loves jam very much? (Carlson) we'll make cherry jam. What kind of jam will it be? - Cherry. Raspberry? - Raspberry. Strawberry? - Strawberry. Currant? - Currant. (slide 12)

In summer it is very hot and thirsty. What juice are we going to drink? (pictures depicting juices from plums, tomatoes and apricots) (slide 13). Let's pour juice into glasses - you need to paint over the desired color to the mark according to the instructions. In the summer they go to the disco. Our girls will show you how to do it.

Dance "Boogie-woogie".

The mood has risen, let's sing.

The result of the holiday. Thank you all for your participation. Hope you enjoyed it and no one was bored.

(for older preschool children)

Didactic goal: to clarify the knowledge of children about summer: it is warmer, sunny, a lot of grass, flowers, vegetables and fruits ripen in gardens and vegetable gardens, berries and mushrooms in the forest. Develop a sense of humor, the ability of children to apply knowledge in new situations.

The course of the game. Dunno says: “Guys, tell me what you know about summer. For example, I know that in summer it often rains, strong winds blow, and there are yellow leaves on the trees. Right? “The children correct his mistakes, tell them where they were in the summer, that they saw what the weather was like. Then Dunno invites the children to take the nature calendar and find in it a picture that best matches the summer season. Asks: “Guys, have you been in the forest this summer? What were you doing there? Maybe you helped your parents in the garden, in the garden? "

Note. As a game moment, you can use Dunno's tales: “In the summer I was in the forest and saw an apple tree with a white trunk, on which were growing cucumbers and tomatoes. And also there are ripe potatoes. We dug plums straight from the ground. Don't believe me? " The guys must explain to Dunno what, where and how it grows. You can play the game "What grows where." By analogy, the knowledge of children about forest berries and mushrooms is specified.

After spring comes summer. People, plants and animals were waiting for him. In summer, the sun during the day stands high in the sky, shines brightly and warms - it gets hot. The day lasts long, the nights are short and bright. Everything blooms, smiles, rejoices in the warmth. Now you can walk in light clothes and shoes (or even barefoot) and take long walks. The water in the pond, river, lake is heated, so in summer everyone is happy to swim and sunbathe.

Thunderstorms and warm showers occur in summer. Chicks begin to leave the nest, learn to fly. Dragonflies circling above the water, butterflies and bees above the flowers.

Fruits are poured in the gardens, juicy berries ripen. In the meadows there is a lush carpet of herbs and flowers. A lot of people work in the field, in the meadow and in summer cottages.

Thunderstorms are frequent in summer. Summer thunderclouds are made up of an infinite number of electrically charged water droplets. An electric charge of high power slips between two such clouds. This is lightning. Sometimes lightning occurs between a thundercloud and the ground. Then a tree or a haystack, which has been struck by lightning, may catch fire. That is why, in a summer thunderstorm, you cannot hide from the rain under the lonely trees. During the discharge of thunderclouds, first we see a flash of lightning, and then we hear thunder peals. This is because sound travels more slowly through the air than light. If there is a very long interval between lightning and thunder, then this means that the thunderstorm is going somewhere far away.

Usually it is clear in advance that a thunderstorm is going to: the sun bakes strongly, moisture accumulates in the air, it becomes quiet and stuffy. An accumulation of powerful cumulus clouds is noticeable on the horizon. They quickly approach and soon occupy the entire sky, which begins to change in a special way and even a special - pre-storm - light is felt. The wind blows in gusts, changes direction abruptly, and then intensifies, raises clouds of dust, tears off leaves and breaks tree branches, and can rip off roof coverings from houses. Then a wall of pouring rain, sometimes with hail, falls from above from the advancing cloud. Lightning flashes, deafening rolls of thunder are heard. A dangerous but very beautiful sight!

Why is a thunderstorm dangerous? First of all, a lightning discharge. Lightning can cause a fire. A direct lightning strike can lead to death! Another danger is strong winds breaking tree branches and damaging buildings. Trees falling from the wind often damage power lines. Because of them, people can be injured. And, finally, a heavy shower of hail. The hail beats the crops. If you do not hide from him in time, then bruises and abrasions cannot be avoided. Tell us about the sizes of hailstones, show them with examples!

After the rain, when the sun peeps through the thick curtain of clouds, a beautiful seven-color rainbow appears in the sky. She appears where storm clouds go. The rainbow is visible as long as the raindrops fall frequently and evenly on the ground. The larger the drops and the more often they fall, the brighter the rainbow.

The colors of the rainbow are arranged in a strictly defined order: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple. These colors make up the white ray of the sun, which is refracted in drops of rainwater when it rains. To memorize this sequence, people came up with a sentence in which the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the name of the color: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits."

We usually see a rainbow when the rain has not yet ended, but the sun is shining in the sky. The rainbow can be seen not only in the sky, but also in the fountain, while swimming in the river, when a lot of spray rises. The main thing is that the sun and water "work" together.

In summer you can see many insects: butterflies, ladybirds, flies, mosquitoes, bees, bumblebees.

In summer, in the heat, you need to be attentive to food, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, and also not to eat perishable foods uncontrollably.

At the same time, you need to know the elementary rules, the observance of which reduces the risk of contracting intestinal infectious diseases:

Before eating, be sure to wash your hands, and always with soap;

Products must be kept in the refrigerator or quickly sold; in hot weather they deteriorate very quickly;

When going to the forest, you need to dress properly. Clothes should be light and shoes high. It is desirable to cover the neck with something. In no case should you go into the forest in shorts, in a sleeveless T-shirt and without a headgear, since tick bites are very dangerous. The tick is dangerous not only in the forest. This insect can get into a house with a bouquet of flowers, tree branches, grass, on the fur of pets, as well as on the outer clothing of a person who has returned from the forest. Therefore, leaving the forest, you need to carefully examine your clothes, and again do it at home.

In summer, people tend to crops in fields and vegetable gardens. At this time of the year, it is necessary to fight weeds, insect pests, water and feed the plants, and loosen the soil. To prevent the plants from fading from drought, canals are built in the steppe regions, sprinklers are installed in the fields. This makes it possible to grow corn, melons, watermelons, various vegetables.

In the summer people are busy preparation of feed for pets. Silage is one such feed. This is mowed grass laid in special pits. The pits are closed so that air does not penetrate into them.

Haymaking has just passed in July, and the peasants have even more new difficult work to do. It is not for nothing that they say that August is a bitter hard labor, but after that there will be a sweet poppy seed. In the warm earth, starchy potato tubers and sweet roots of beetroot ripen. In the fields, a cornfield is widely agitated, a ripe ear of rye has grown heavy, it asks for a thresher. Apples are being poured in the orchards, raspberries and late strawberries have not yet departed. In the gardens, cabbage heads are already curling, carrots are growing juicy, tall tomatoes are ripening. "August is a gustard, thick beetle, pickle: plenty of everything." The bounties of August are incalculable. They store up bread for the whole year, get food, prepare pickles: "Winter has a big mouth." Discuss proverbs:

August cooks, September serves.

August is the crown of summer.

August is also a nourishing time for fish.

In August, the woman's ridge is oppressed in the field; but her life is honey: the days are shorter, longer than the night; back aches, and pickles on the table.

August prepares pickles for the winter table.

What the peasant gathers in August will feed the winter.

What will be born in April will grow up in May, in June - July it will bloom, ripen, in August it will be buried in bins and barns.

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