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Calcium citrate tablets protective shell stearic acid. Calcium citrates (E333). Where is the best place to buy the medicine and at what price

The appearance of age spots on the skin is due to various factors. Both women and men suffer from excessive pigmentation on the face and body. You can fight the increased production of melanin cells with the help of pharmacy whitening creams, folk remedies or salon procedures. It is worth consulting your doctor before taking any action.

Causes of the appearance of age spots

What color a person's skin will be is determined by melanin. This pigment is produced by special cells called melanocytes. Its main task is to protect the skin from the harmful effects of solar radiation.

Under the influence of various factors, cells sometimes produce less or more melanin. Ultimately, age spots of a pale or dark shade appear on the face or body, respectively. The use of whitening creams is possible only after identifying the source of the problem.

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Causes of dark marks on the skin:

  • Ultraviolet. In small amounts, UV rays cause sunburn. However, prolonged exposure to the sun or the abuse of tanning beds causes a violation of the pigmentation of the skin. As a result, melanocytes actively produce melanin;
  • Change in hormonal levels. Contraception, pregnancy, menopause can affect cell function, resulting in excessive skin pigmentation;
  • Hereditary factor. Pigmented spots on the skin of the face, namely birthmarks, can be inherited from generation to generation;
  • Mechanical damage to the skin. Burns, improper treatment of acne and boils lead to darkening of the epidermis. It is quite difficult to whiten this kind of pigmentation;
  • Age-related changes. As we age, melanocytes begin to produce more melanin. As a result, the pigment is distributed unevenly on the skin, which leads to the appearance of age spots (lentigo);
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or gallbladder cause different shades of markings on the skin;
  • The use of substandard or unsuitable cosmetics. A complete rejection of the use of harmful cosmetic products will help get rid of the side effect;
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body interferes with the synthesis of melanin from tyrosine. The solution to the problem will be maintaining a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, taking vitamin complexes;
  • Taking medications. Long-term and often uncontrolled drug treatment affects the work of melanocytes. A reaction in the form of dark marks on the skin is noted after taking antibiotics, cytostatics, etc.

In most cases, age spots can be easily removed with special bleaching creams. You can buy a medicinal cosmetic product at a pharmacy.

Types of age spots

The pigmentation on the skin of the face or body is not always the same. Dark markings vary in shape, color, and size. This allows you to identify their belonging to any species and find out the reason for their appearance.

Freckles or, scientifically, ephelids usually represent a collection of small, uneven spots on the skin. There are light and dark yellow shades. Freckles are predominantly red-haired and fair-haired people. Pigmented spots of this type are localized on the face, neck, hands or body. Their appearance is due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

In the summer, freckles darken, and in the winter they turn pale. With age, their number decreases significantly. You can try to whiten age spots using special creams.

Another type of age spots are moles. They are also called birthmarks or nevi. They are an accumulation of melanocytes that produce melanin in excess.

Some moles are found on the skin from birth, while others appear over time under the influence of various factors. They can be flat or convex. Their appearance is provoked by ultraviolet light, changes in the hormonal background or injury.

There are different shades: light beige, dark brown, black, etc. Most of them are harmless, but they are able to degenerate into melanoma (malignant neoplasm). It is impossible to remove such age spots on the skin of the face with whitening creams.

As a preventive measure, moles should be periodically checked for malignancy by a dermatologist (at least once a year).

Lentigo- This is a benign skin neoplasm, most often provoked by ultraviolet radiation. Flat, dark brown pigmentation spots of small size usually appear on the skin of the face. The dark markings are well defined.

Most often, the elderly suffer from lentigo. Pigmentation occurs due to the increased production of melanin pigment by melanocytes. These age spots are difficult to whiten.

Melasma or chloasma- This is a large flat dark spot with an uneven outline. The dark markings often appear in clusters and are symmetrical across the face. There is a tendency to merge with each other.

Chloasma is commonly referred to as a skin pigmentation disorder caused by pregnancy. Another reason for the production of more melanin by melanocytes is ultraviolet light. Sometimes the appearance of melasma provokes serious diseases: cancer, liver pathologies, helminthiasis, etc.

The absence of melanin in some areas of the facial skin is called vitiligo... The nature of this kind of age spots is not fully understood. The disease is characterized by the appearance on the skin of white marks of various shapes and sizes. Often, age spots merge with each other, forming large foci of epidermal lesions.

Vitiligo does not pose a health hazard and is a purely cosmetic defect. The disease can be inherited.

When is whitening required?

It is not difficult to whiten age spots existing on the skin with the help of pharmacy products. However, before you start cleansing your face, you should understand the causes of pigmentation disorders. It is better to consult a dermatologist before carrying out the procedures.

You can use bleaching creams for age spots if:

  • There are no contraindications;
  • Pathology is not caused by disease;
  • Pigmentation on the skin of the face causes strong aesthetic discomfort;
  • Dark marks appear in abundance.

Freckles and lentigines can be easily whitened at home using pharmacy products. Other types of age spots require treatment or removal at a beauty salon. For example, you can get rid of nevi or moles using peeling, laser or cryotherapy. The method of removal is chosen by the beautician. However, you should make sure in advance that the neoplasm is not melanoma.

In the presence of wounds or inflammation on the skin of the face, the use of whitening creams is prohibited.

The lack of a positive result and the pigment spots remaining on the skin of the face are a reason to change the brand of the pharmacy used. Usually, the positive effect of the ointment can be judged after 2-3 months of treatment. To choose the right cream, you should consult a dermatologist.

How to choose a cream for age spots?

The appearance of excessive pigmentation in certain areas of the skin brings discomfort to its owners. You can get rid of a cosmetic defect with the help of pharmacy bleaching agents.

Creams for age spots on the face have two ways of affecting the skin: some ointments exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, others affect melanocytes, which produce a large amount of melanin pigment. The latter are more preferable for use, as they prevent the appearance of new age spots.

The rules for choosing a good cream for pigmentation on the skin of the face:

  • The product must have a quality certificate;
  • The following components should be present in the composition of creams for age spots:
    • Hydroquinone - prevents melanocytes from producing melanin in high doses. However, the substance is very toxic and its use is limited;
    • Glycolic acid - acts as a keratolytic, has a pronounced exfoliating effect. Also, the substance enhances the effect of other components that make up the creams for age spots;
    • Tretinoin - accelerates cell renewal, promotes exfoliation of the facial skin and faster regeneration;
    • Arbutin - inhibits the production of tyrosinase, which plays an important role in the synthesis of melanin. In this regard, it has a powerful whitening effect. Natural source - bearberry leaves;
    • Beta-carotene and retinol - block the work of melanocytes, have a positive effect on the regeneration of the facial skin;
    • Salicylic acid - exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, makes age spots subtle;
    • Fruit, lactic acid - act as keratolytics;
    • Ellagic acid - protects against solar radiation and helps to whiten age spots;
    • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - fights against aging of the skin of the face and the harmful effects of sunlight, has a regenerating effect. Application in creams is associated with a whitening effect;
    • Kojic acid - blocks the production of tyrosinase, thereby decreasing the production of melanin. As a result, age spots become less pronounced;
    • Rucinol - reduces the amount of melanin produced by the cells of the facial skin;
    • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - prevents the appearance of new age spots;
  • The choice of a product is made taking into account the type of facial skin.

A properly selected whitening cream will quickly eliminate age spots. In order to achieve a positive effect, the pharmacy should be used correctly. Improper procedures will increase the risk of side effects.

The best pharmacy creams for age spots on the face

The bleaching agent must not only be selected according to the criteria, but also used correctly. To keep side effects to a minimum, you must strictly follow the directions. A dermatologist or cosmetologist can help with the choice and technique of use.

General rules for the use of creams for age spots:

  • Before applying the product, an allergic reaction test should be carried out;
  • It is required to apply the cream exclusively on cleansed skin;
  • The best time for procedures is before going to bed, in the evening;
  • During the day, sunscreens should be used to protect the skin;
  • The course of treatment for age spots with bleaching ointments should last at least 21 days;
  • If adverse reactions occur, the number of daily procedures should be reduced.

It is recommended to use pharmacy products for cleansing the skin of the face in the autumn-winter period.


Skinoren cream has established itself as an excellent remedy for acne and increased skin pigmentation. It is a white matting substance. The positive effect is achieved due to the presence of azelaic and benzoic acids in the composition. Suitable for bleaching age spots like melasma or chloasma.

The principle of using the cream is simple. Apply a thin layer of the product to previously cleansed and well-dried skin. It is recommended to treat your face twice a day. During treatment, sunscreen should be used to prevent the appearance of new age spots. The duration of the whitening procedures is at least 3 months.

Side effects include slight burning, itching, peeling, redness. Usually, negative symptoms pass quickly and do not bother the patient. The cost of the cream varies from 700 to 1000 rubles.


Whitening cream "Achromin" effectively fights all age spots on the skin of the face: lentigo, freckles, chloasma. In addition to gentle cleansing, it protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The substance is white in color with a pleasant, light odor.


  • Salicylic acid;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Vitamin B3;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Licorice root oil;
  • Lactic acid.

Previously, the product included hydroquinone. It is an effective but highly toxic substance. For this reason, manufacturers have decided to exclude the component from the composition.

The application of the cream should be done regularly for best results. To whiten age spots, apply the product to your face twice a day. Already after 14 days, you can see a positive effect. The course of treatment is determined in each case individually.

Cream "Ahromin" is included in the list of products with a low price category. Its cost is about 100 rubles, which is an incomparable plus. Pigmented spots on the skin of the face become barely noticeable and completely disappear after a month of use.


To whiten existing age spots and prevent the appearance of new ones, the Melantiv cream will help. The tube contains 15 grams of active substance, which is enough for 1.5 months. The use of this product for cleansing the skin of the face is justified due to its unique composition.

The active ingredients of the Melanativ cream:

  • Acids - glycolic, kojic, stearic;
  • Alpha arbutin;
  • Vitamin E.

It is recommended to use Melanativ cream once a day, exclusively before bedtime. The product is applied with massage movements to the skin of the face. The first 7 days, the application of the ointment is carried out every other day. Side effects include itching and tightness.

The cream fights well against all types of age spots, including lentigo and acne. For freckles, the ointment is ineffective. The cost of the funds is about 700 rubles.

Snow White

A fairly budgetary whitening product "Snow White" is produced by the Biocon company. The price is from 100 rubles. For the complex removal of age spots, it is recommended to purchase creams for day and evening use, as well as a scrub and gel for washing. The manufacturer guarantees 3 levels of facial skin whitening.

Active ingredients:

  • Acids - kojic, ascorbic, fruit, lactic, stearic;
  • Bearberry, licorice, white lily, boa extracts;
  • The daytime agent has UV filters.

The cream is well absorbed into the skin and has a dense texture. The product fights dark spots such as freckles or acne. An evening ointment is applied to the face before going to bed. After half an hour, the leftovers are removed with a paper towel. Day cream needs to be applied 30 minutes before sun exposure, can be used as a makeup base. To get rid of age spots, you should strictly follow the instructions.

Badiaga Forte

Cream-mask "Badyaga Forte" with Indian watercress has a good effect on age spots and post-acne. Due to its composition, the product suppresses the production of melanin on the skin of the face. Among the active ingredients are extracts of Indian cress, string, wheat germ, grapefruit essential oil and badyaga.

The cream is applied to previously cleansed skin with light rubbing movements. In 20 minutes. the face is rinsed with water. It is not recommended to go outside for the first 2-3 hours after applying the mask. This can be irritating.

In parallel, sunscreen should be used to prevent the appearance of new age spots. It is enough to apply the cream on the skin of the face 1-2 times a week to achieve the effect. The procedure is best done at night.

The cost of a bleaching agent for age spots varies from 100 to 300 rubles.


To whiten age spots on the skin of the face, you can buy Pharmacos cream from Belita-Vitex in the pharmacy. The silver tube contains 50 ml. funds. The tool belongs to creams with a low price category. The price is about 170 rubles.

The cream is dense in consistency, milky in color and has a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. The pigment spot remedy contains citric acid, Indian Valteria leaf extract, ferulic acid, shea butter, bearberry, wheat germ, vitamin E acetate, safflower oil, UV filters.

Active cream

Means against sunburn and various kinds of pigmentation "Cream-active" is produced by the company "Best Traditions of Russia". For 100 ml. will have to pay about 100 rubles. Despite the low cost, it has a pronounced effect and quickly removes age spots on the skin of the face. With regular use, it whitens freckles, lentigo, post-acne.

White cream with light texture. It is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the skin. The composition of the remedy for age spots contains panthenol, linolenic acid, arbutin, vitamin E. In addition to whitening pigmentation, it protects the face from ultraviolet radiation (SPF 50).

The cream is required to be applied to the skin of the face in a thin layer before going outside. The product is water resistant, which is an incomparable advantage. The manufacturer recommends periodically renewing the protective layer after bathing. Pigmented spots with prolonged use of the ointment become barely noticeable.


Whitening cream "Skinolight" belongs to the middle price category. Approximate cost for 75 ml. funds is 2,000 rubles. Regular use of the ointment helps to reduce age spots on the skin of the face and is the prevention of their appearance in the future. Also, the cream protects from the harmful effects of sunlight, moisturizes and exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis.


  • Azelaic acid;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Liposentol-hydro complex: panthenol, glycolic, citric, lactic acids;
  • Macadamia, avocado, argan oil;
  • Bearberry and licorice root extracts;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin A palmitate.

It is required to treat age spots on the face with Skinolight ointment 2 times a day. With excessive skin pigmentation, it is advised to use the product as a cream for the daytime. Before use, it is worth making a test for the presence of individual intolerance to the components.


Cream "Neoton" copes well with lentigo, chloasma, age spots from acne. The cost is about 1000 rubles. The product evens out skin tone, mattes and moisturizes.

Facial whitening active ingredients include salicylic, glycolic, lactic, ascorbic acid and licorice root extract. To lighten age spots on your face, be patient. The ingredients in the cream help to exfoliate the top layer of the skin and protect it from sun exposure.

The method of using the product is simple. Apply a cream evenly on the pre-moistened and dried skin of the face. After 10 minutes, the mass should be completely absorbed. The excess should be removed with a paper towel. To achieve the desired effect, the procedure is carried out once a day, for example, in the morning.

A cream that lightens age spots can be used as a base for make-up. Its use is especially suitable for people with oily and combination skin types.


Elure cream blocks the production of melanin pigment by melanocytes. This helps to lighten existing age spots. To keep your skin clean and smooth, experts recommend using all whitening products from the Elure line. The complex includes: cleanser, lotion and night cream.

It contains rucinol, melanozyme, beta-carotene, ascorbic and citric acid. The whitening effect is achieved through the daily use of products from the Elure line. The active ingredients gently affect age spots, gradually lightening them. There are no irritations or other side effects after applying the cream. When using, avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the skin or eyes.

The cost of a miracle remedy for age spots varies within 2,000 rubles. Such a high price justifies itself with a positive result after the procedures. If your financial budget does not allow you to purchase Elure cream, you can use cheaper analogues.

No matter how much we would like to have smooth, clean skin without moles and age spots, you cannot go against nature, therefore we often have to deal with her ridiculous jokes using special methods and means. One of the safest, albeit far from quickly effective means of getting rid of excessive pigmentation is an ointment for age spots. Moreover, the whitening effect of various ointments may be more or less, because not all products were developed specifically to reduce the intensity of the pigment. For some creams, skin whitening is just a side effect discovered by accident.

ATX code

D11AX Other preparations for the treatment of skin diseases

Pharmacological group

Dermatotropic agents

pharmachologic effect

Dermatotropic drugs

Indications for the use of ointments for age spots

Probably, many have noticed that prolonged exposure to the sun provokes the appearance of dark spots on the skin, a change in the color of existing marks, an increase in the pigmentation of freckles on the face and body, etc. You can fight such manifestations with the help of special sunscreens with a protective UV filter. But if the moment is missed and the appearance of age spots on the skin cannot be avoided, to return the skin to its former whiteness and tenderness, you can use various ointments for age spots with a whitening effect.

But not only the sun's rays provoke an excess of the culprit of melanin pigmentation in the human body. Pigmented spots can be congenital and acquired as a result of hormonal changes, age-related changes, metabolic disorders. In this regard, the indications for the use of ointments for age spots are quite wide:

  • congenital age spots and moles
  • areas of increased pigmentation due to increased production of melatonin (chloasma)
  • dark spots that do not rise above the surface of the skin in middle-aged and elderly people that appeared after exposure to the sun
  • freckles on the face and body

Among other things, an ointment used for age spots is most often effective in treating acne, acne, acne and other skin imperfections.

Release form

In pursuit of beauty, we are often ready to spend any money to achieve the desired result, without even thinking that this same money can be used more worthy by starting the fight against skin imperfections with inexpensive pharmacy products. But in most cases the matter will not go further than them. Sometimes, however, homemade ointments come to the aid of pharmacy remedies. In any case, such skin care will give noticeable results at a low cost.

And the ideal can be achieved only with the help of serious cosmetic procedures, for example, laser peeling. Even the most expensive and effective ointments and creams for age spots will not give such a result, but will only improve the appearance of the skin.

Names of ointments for age spots

So, why pay more when there are decent inexpensive but effective means. Take zinc ointment, for example. Zinc oxide in its composition has outstanding whitening properties, which makes the ointment effective in lightening age spots on the skin.

Zinc ointment is universal, therefore it can be successfully used as an ointment for age spots on the face. Here we get a double effect. First, skin whitening. Secondly, the fight against acne and acne due to the antimicrobial and light drying effect. If the second problem is not relevant for you and the drying effect causes only discomfort, you can get rid of dryness and a feeling of tightness of the skin using moisturizers or oily creams.

Why is zinc ointment good? According to the reviews of many patients and doctors, it does an excellent job of lightening the pigment on the skin without harming health. The only side effects of the ointment are allergic reactions, and that happens in isolated cases. Yes, and a contraindication to the use of this medication is only an increased sensitivity to the active substance - zinc oxide, which is observed in a very small percentage of the population.

Zinc ointment for age spots can be applied 2 to 6 times a day until the desired effect is achieved, applying it to cleansed skin with point movements. In the struggle for the beauty of the skin, the ointment will not spare neither age spots, nor acne and acne, nor fine wrinkles, which is also important.

The method of administration and doses of the drug, which are negligible when applied as a point, exclude the toxic effect of the ointment on the human body, which means that we are not talking about an overdose. However, do not apply zinc ointment to areas of skin with open wounds and severe purulent inflammation.

Interaction with other drugs. Zinc ointment can be painlessly mixed with baby cream or castor oil. This will help to avoid overdrying the skin.

Antifungal and age spots

Sulfuric ointment- a fairly effective antifungal drug, which, among other things, is able to fight acne and excessive pigmentation. The sulfur-based preparation differs in its action from the previous one. Removal of age spots is achieved by drying and exfoliating epidermal cells at the site of application of the ointment.

Sulfur-based preparations are not as safe as those where zinc oxide acts as the active ingredient, therefore it is advisable to use them no more often than every other day, leaving them on the skin for a day. The course of treatment with this scheme will be only 12 days.

Side effects of ointments from age spots are most often reduced to allergic reactions, and sulfuric ointment is no exception. However, hypersensitivity to sulfur preparations is not the only contraindication to the use of sulfuric ointment. It is also not recommended to use it to remove age spots in babies under 3 years old, although the ointment is acceptable for use from 2 months of age.

The strong drying effect of sulfuric ointment can adversely affect dry and sensitive skin, therefore, if it is used according to the doctor's indications, after removing the ointment from the skin, lubricate the areas affected by pigmentation with a moisturizer. You should not mix sulfuric ointment with creams.

Interaction with other drugs. Before using sulfuric ointment, it is not recommended to treat the skin with "potassium permanganate" or hydrogen peroxide, giving preference to other means for cleaning the skin. Failure to do so could result in severe burns to the skin.

A significant drawback of sulfuric ointment is its unpleasant odor. In addition, it is difficult to wash off the skin, leaving yellow greasy marks on clothes that come into contact with the treated areas. Therefore, it is better to use it both on the face and on the body while at home.

Another antifungal drug that has proven itself in the fight against dark spots on the skin is Clotrimazole ointment. Noticeable effectiveness, a small number of contraindications and complications, and hence the relative safety, the absence of an unpleasant odor made this remedy popular among the owners of freckles and other age spots.

To lighten areas with hyperpigmentation, you need to apply the ointment to clean and dry skin 3 times a day: in the morning, in the afternoon and before bedtime. "Clotrimazole" is well absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. Suitable for use on the face, hands and body.

Ointment "Clotrimazole" when applied externally, it does not enter the bloodstream, affecting only the surface layers of the skin. Therefore, an overdose of the drug can be completely excluded. Nevertheless, sometimes during the use of "Clotrimazole" unpleasant phenomena can be observed: burning sensation, itching, which may indicate an intolerance to the drug and require its withdrawal.

It is undesirable to apply this ointment in the area around the eyes, where the skin is most sensitive. Pregnancy and lactation are far from the best periods for removing age spots with Clotrimazole ointment.

Antibacterials and age spots

Antifungal agents are not the only ones that can fight excessive pigmentation. Some antibacterial agents also have this ability. For example, synthomycin ointment on the basis of chloramphenicol, although it belongs to the category of antibiotics, it copes remarkably well not only with bacteria, but also with imperfections in the skin.

If someone is scared that this ointment is an antibiotic that can be dangerous to health, do not worry. The fact is that synthomycin ointment, like the previous ones, does not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and body tissues, does not enter the bloodstream, which means it is relatively safe for humans.

Apply synthomycin ointment to the skin of the face and hands, preferably after cleaning and steaming. At the same time, the skin should be dry. Duration of treatment is up to 1 month. In cases of longer use, addiction to the drug is observed. If 4 weeks were not enough to obtain the desired result, it makes sense to take a month break, and then continue the treatment.

It is necessary to keep the ointment on the skin for at least 1 hour, applying it pointwise to areas with increased pigmentation. Perhaps during this period there will be a slight discomfort at the site of application. Typically, this reaction is short-lived and goes away within an hour. But sometimes the allergic reaction is more serious, in which case it is worth stopping the drug.

Contraindications to the use of syntomycin ointment are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and a history of toxic reaction to the active ingredient of the ointment. Preparations based on chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) are not prescribed for psoriasis, eczema, oppression of hematopoiesis, impaired renal and liver function, pregnancy, lactation. But given that the external use of the ointment excludes its entry into the blood and other body fluids, the likelihood of complications is negligible. But it is still worth consulting with a doctor about the possibility of using this ointment for age spots against the background of the above diseases.

The popular antiseptic also has a good keratolytic and exfoliating effect. salicylic ointment... Salicylic acid in the composition of the ointment actively softens and removes the upper cells of the epidermis, in which melanocytes are concentrated, which are responsible for the pigmentation of a certain area of ​​the skin. Thus, a lightening of the skin is achieved.

Again, it is necessary to apply salicylic ointment to the skin pointwise, avoiding skin areas with normal pigmentation, no more than 2 g per application in order to avoid getting into the blood. This can be done up to 3 times a day. The therapeutic course should not exceed 4 weeks. An overdose of the drug causes severe allergic reactions.

Side effects of salicylic ointment from age spots are extremely rare. Usually this is redness, itching and a slight burning sensation, corresponding to an allergic reaction to the drug.

Contraindications to the use of salicylic ointment are cases of hypersensitivity to the drug. Sometimes children's age is also indicated, therefore, before using the ointment in babies, it is recommended to consult with a pediatrician. According to some sources, you cannot apply the ointment to moles and birthmarks.

This is not to say that salicylic ointment is a health hazard, but it is a potent agent, therefore it is often used as part of multi-component ointments and masks, where it brings many benefits to owners of unattractive dark spots. And yet, when using salicylic ointment together with other components, it is imperative to take into account drug interactions with other drugs, since salicylic acid in the composition of the ointment can enhance the effect, including the side effects of other drugs, as well as form melting agents (with "Rizorcin") and insoluble (with zinc oxide) compounds.

Nevertheless, pharmacists managed to combine the incompatible, as a result of which a practically safe and effective whitening ointment appeared on the shelves of pharmacies - salicylic-zinc paste. Salicylic acid, as one of the components of the ointment, provides an exfoliating effect, and zinc oxide (the main active ingredient) has a whitening effect by reducing the production of melanocytes.

You can apply the product to the skin 2-3 times a day without fear of overdose, which is possible only when the ointment is applied to large areas of the skin. Do not apply the ointment to open wounds, especially festering, mucous membranes, as well as areas of the skin that are constantly exposed to moisture (armpits, groin folds, etc.). The course of treatment can range from 7 to 20 days, depending on the intensity of the pigmentation.

Despite the seeming safety of the drug, salicylic-zinc ointment has certain contraindications for use. The drug is not used to treat children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Do not use the ointment and in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug in order to avoid severe allergic reactions.

You need to understand that salicylic zinc ointment dries the skin no less than one-component preparations based on salicylic acid and zinc oxide, therefore its use on dry and sensitive skin is undesirable. And yet, baby cream and castor oil, which can be used during treatment with this ointment, will help fix the problem.

Drug interactions with other drugs. Salicylic-zinc ointment is not used during treatment with antibiotics of the penicillin group, due to the ability to reduce the effectiveness of the latter. "Phenacetin" and "Rizorcin" can form mixtures with the ointment with an unpredictable effect, so the combination of these drugs is also undesirable.

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Vitamins and excessive pigmentation

Retinoic ointment is currently a less popular remedy for age spots, despite all its beneficial properties. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the ointment is dispensed only by prescription, and our people do not suffer from the lack of ointments that help with age spots. Be that as it may, retinoic ointment has a right to exist, including in connection with its skin-whitening properties.

Rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory retinoic ointment is nothing more than a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, hence the name. Its use implies caution, because an excess of vitamins is just as unsafe as a deficiency. Therefore, the use of the ointment is limited to 1-2 times a week. In this case, the ointment should be applied to the skin in a thin layer and only in the evening, since it increases the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. With daytime use of the ointment, the reaction can be exactly the opposite.

Do not use retinoic ointment for a long time. It is better to carry out treatment in short courses, interrupting it if discomfort occurs in the form of redness and peeling. After a couple of days, treatment with the drug can be resumed.

Retinoid ointment is not suitable for everyone. Children's age, pregnancy and lactation require prior consultation with a doctor about the possibility of using this ointment for age spots. Contraindications to the use of retinoic ointment may be hypersensitivity to the drug, insufficiency of liver and kidney function, neoplasms on the skin, increased levels of lipids and lipoproteins in the blood, excess vitamin A.

Side effects of the ointment from age spots in the form of allergic manifestations can appear both immediately and after 2-3 days. Other undesirable symptoms may result from vitamin A hypervitaminosis. These symptoms include dry mucous membranes and skin, the development of conjunctivitis, pain in muscles and joints, headaches and cramps. More serious consequences are also possible, such as bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, the development of pancreatitis and inflammatory processes in the intestines.

Interaction with other drugs. Retinoic ointment is incompatible with antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group and progesterone. The simultaneous use of ointment and vitamin A increases the risk of developing hypervitaminosis.

Pharmacy ointment for acne "Belosalik" and age spots

Ointment "Belosalik" is an anti-inflammatory agent with a pronounced keratolytic effect, thanks to which it has found application in the treatment of excessive pigmentation in adults and children over 6 months old. The ointment is based on salicylic acid and betamethasone, which effectively cleanse the affected skin.

This ointment does not belong to the category of budgetary funds, moreover, unlike the above-described ointments, it has many contraindications for use. This is chickenpox, and tuberculosis of the skin, and viral skin infections, and many other diseases that have their manifestations on the skin. The ointment is not applied to open wounds. And of course, the use of the ointment is prohibited if the patient has an intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

Method of administration and dosage. You need to apply the drug 1-2 times a day on clean and dry skin, using a small amount of ointment. The duration of drug treatment should not exceed 4 weeks. If it is necessary to increase the therapeutic period, the drug should be applied to the skin 1 time in 2 days to avoid drug overdose.

Side effects of the Belosalik ointment used for age spots are usually mild. These can be allergic reactions in the form of itching and redness, and sometimes more serious manifestations, such as skin atrophy, inhibition of pigmentation, the development of dermatitis, the appearance of acne and others. If the ointment is used for a long time, especially in the face area, betamethasone accumulates in the body and can provoke reactions associated with a decrease in the functionality of the adrenal cortex.

Cosmetology in the fight for clean skin

Achromine ointment, it is also a whitening cream for age spots "Achromin" based on hydroquinone, belongs to the category of medicinal cosmetics, which can also be found on drugstore shelves. It is one of the most popular ointments to combat dark spots and acne. Its effectiveness is actively discussed on the forums, and most of the reviews are positive. By the way, according to the same reviews, the updated "Akhromin" without hydroquinone is inferior in effectiveness to the original version.

To lighten age spots, it is recommended to apply the ointment twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, applying to clean skin with light massage movements. Usually the result becomes noticeable after 14-15 days, and after 1-3 months the age spots disappear completely.

Side effects of the "Achromin" ointment for age spots are very rarely observed in the form of irritation on the skin. In this case, it is recommended to let the skin calm down for 4-5 days, then start treatment again, applying the ointment once, in the evenings. After a week, if side effects do not occur, you can go to the standard regimen for using the ointment.

Despite all the effectiveness of "Achromin", this ointment for age spots is not designed for use by persons under 12 years of age. It's all to blame for the active substance of the ointment, which can be dangerous for the child's body. In large quantities, hydroquinone can also harm an adult body, therefore, it is necessary to apply the ointment for no more than a month. It is better to repeat the course of treatment after a while without danger to health.


The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of bleaching ointments used for age spots mainly depends on the main active ingredient of the drug, which can have an antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and membrane-protective effect on cells, i.e. prevents the destruction of the cell membrane.

Pharmacy creams used to combat increased pigmentation most often contain non-specific components such as vitamin A (or its synthetic analogue), zinc oxide, chloramphenicol (synthomycin), clotrimazole, salicylic acid, which have a sufficient whitening effect provided that ointments are regularly used based on them.

Products from various cosmetic companies may contain glycolic and azelaic acids, arbutin, rucinol, beta-carotene, hydroquinone, and even mercury. Despite the noticeable efficacy against age spots and a strong whitening effect, cosmetic ointments for age spots, due to some ingredients unsafe for the body, can do more harm than good.

The most common spots are spots after exposure to the sun - in this case, all existing problems become more noticeable, pigments appear. Also, the formation of various kinds of rashes can also be associated with other reasons:

  1. Abuse of beauty treatments such as peels and scrubs. The protective layer of the skin becomes thinner and more susceptible to negative external factors.
  2. Diseases such as disorders of the liver and kidneys, problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and others, in this case, creams and ointments for age spots will not be effective, the root cause must be eliminated.
  3. Hereditary diseases and a predisposition to the appearance of pigments.
  4. Take medication or use cosmetics that increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun.
  5. Disruption of hormonal levels due to pregnancy or other changes in the level of hormones in the blood.
  6. Fungal diseases or skin infections such as psoriasis or seborrhea caused by pathogens. In this case, the spots may itch and flake off.

Types of stains

As for the spots, they can be divided into several types:

  • Moles - These brown pigments are caused by the accumulation of melanothocytes in this area. They can be not only brown, but also brown, with a purple tint. They can be found not only on the surface of the body, but also on the scalp. Since it is better not to touch moles if they do not cause discomfort, therefore, we will not consider their lightening in this article. If these spots bring discomfort, they are removed under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Chloasma - usually these brown pigments with jagged edges appear in pregnant women or after taking hormonal drugs. Chloasma usually goes away on its own, after normalization of the condition, it can be lightened with an ointment after age spots.
  • Lentigo, otherwise these rashes are called "age spots", as they usually appear in connection with age-related changes in the structure of the skin. They can degenerate into a cancerous tumor with an unfavorable course. They can also be caused by diseases of the liver, biliary tract and others. Therefore, for lentigo, bleaching ointment for age spots is applied after consulting a doctor.
  • Spots caused by fungi and bacteria - they become especially noticeable after exposure to UV rays, since the production of melanin pigment is disrupted at the site of such rashes. In addition to this, they flake off, itch, and cause some discomfort. Therefore, an ointment against skin blemishes should be used with antibacterial and or antifungal effects.

Clotrimazole from pigments

Clotrimazole is an ointment for skin pigmentation, which is caused by fungal and bacterial lesions, for example, with seborrhea or psoriasis. The product is produced in an aluminum tube in the form of an external ointment, which is made on the basis of petroleum jelly.

This tool should be used after consulting a specialist. Usually, spots caused by fungi cause some discomfort - they can itch, peel off.

Clotrimazole is aimed at suppressing the activity of microorganisms on the surface of the skin.

The ointment is used in the following cases:

  • With fungal infections.
  • Pityriasis and colored lichen.

When using it, the following contraindications should be considered:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Allergy to the components of the product.
  • Childhood.

How to use

As for the method of application, for effective treatment of spots, the ointment must be used regularly as follows:

Treatment of fungal diseases takes about 1 month, during which clotrimazole should be applied 2-3 times a day. After the symptoms of the disease disappear, the ointment is applied for another 1-2 weeks.

In the process of its application, the skin may swell, peeling, itching and even blisters may appear. This usually goes away after you stop using the ointment.

Synthomycin ointment

Synthomycin ointment, like clotrimazole, is made on the basis of petroleum jelly. Its action is based on the antibiotic chloramphenicol, which is part of it. It relieves inflammation and inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria. It is applied externally. Additionally, castor oil is included in the composition of this ointment, for an antiseptic effect and a slight lightening of the body.

The drug should not be used during pregnancy, lactation, and should not be used for liver diseases. The ointment is used only for bacterial skin infections; it is forbidden to use it for fungal infections and eczema.

Since bacterial and fungal infections have similar symptoms, you cannot self-medicate, all drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.

How to use

Use ointment for skin pigmentation should be according to the instructions. Usually, the agent is used as follows: it is applied in a thin layer to problem areas, then, if possible, cover them with a bandage. The spots need to be lubricated daily.

On average, synthomycin ointment is applied no more than 5 days, the period of use of this ointment for a spot on the skin is determined by the attending physician individually.

Sulfuric ointment

It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it can be used as an ointment against age spots caused by infections, such as psoriasis, seborrhea and others.

This agent, in addition to antibacterial action, accelerates blood microcirculation and promotes cell renewal.

When treating skin diseases with sulfuric ointment, in addition to the main treatment, you should adjust your diet: avoid eating fatty, spicy, salty and smoked foods, which can aggravate skin problems.

Before the first use, an allergic reaction test is usually done on a small area of ​​the skin: if the product does not cause irritation, you can use it.

Apply sulfuric ointment to clean and dry skin at night. The course of treatment is on average 10 days, until the symptoms disappear completely.

Please note that this ointment for stains on the skin is quite greasy, so use things and bedding that can be boiled to remove the product. When using it, a specific smell appears, so it is not recommended to use it before traveling to public places.

Zinc ointment for pigments

One of the safest remedies for removing unwanted pigmentation or freckles is zinc ointment.

This is one of the best ointments for age spots. The drug is produced in an aluminum tube and consists of zinc oxide with the addition of paraffin and petroleum jelly.

The tool is indicated for use under the following conditions:

  1. Dermatitis.
  2. The presence of acne and acne.
  3. Hyperpigmentation.
  4. The presence of sunburn.

Before using the ointment, you need to pay attention that it is not recommended to use it for skin injuries, cuts, allergies to the components of the ointment, as well as for multiple pustules on the skin.

How to use

  • Cleanse the skin from impurities;
  • Apply ointment in a thin layer to dry areas;
  • You need to apply 1-2 times a day;
  • The duration of the course of treatment - until the desired degree of lightening.

If the skin is dry and tightness appears after application, a drop of base cosmetic oil can be added to the zinc ointment in the future. It can also be used as an ointment for allergic skin spots.

Other brightening ointments

If the appearance of pigmentation is not associated with a bacterial or fungal infection, but only as a result of increased pigmentation, you can use the following ointments to whiten age spots:

  • Melantiv - this remedy is suitable for lightening spots, it contains arbutin, which is quite safe. The cost of this cream is on average 600-700 rubles for a 15-gram package;
  • Skinoren - used as an ointment for age spots on the skin, for example, with chloasma. Skinoren can also help in the treatment of acne;
  • Akhromin is one of the most affordable products in terms of cost, since its price is 100 rubles per 45 ml package. This ointment for age spots inhibits the production of melanin pigment and consists of licorice root extract, lactic acid, glycerin and sunscreens.

The ointment for age spots on the face whitens the skin well, giving it an even light tone. Whitening agents normalize melanin production and also destroy melanocytes- cells that produce a pigment substance, due to which pigmentation disappears irrevocably.

The correct choice and application of a whitening ointment will help get rid of freckles and age spots on the face.

With the right choice and use of a cosmetic product, you can achieve a good result.

L'Oreal Age Re-Perfect Pro-Calcium Cream

The product is produced by the leader of the French cosmetic products L'Oreal.

L'Oreal Age Re-Perfect Pro-Calcium Cream is recommended for women aged 50+

The active components of the drug are pro-calcium and SPF factor 15:

  • Calcium activates cell metabolism and restores the skin at a deep level, making it more elastic and firm;
  • SPF factor Is a filter that protects the skin from ultraviolet rays of the sun, which cause age spots, dry epidermis and premature wrinkles.

The cream is recommended for women over 50: it moisturizes and brightens the skin, gives it firmness and elasticity. The period of application of the product is from 1 to 2.5 months. The price of this product is quite high - about 900 rubles per 50 ml bottle.

DermoAntistress Chicco

DermoAntistress cream for age spots, 40ml, Chicco is a product of the famous Italian brand Chicco.

DermoAntistress cream is absolutely safe, therefore it can be used by pregnant women

The main active ingredients of the cream are Jojoba oil, vitamins C and E, which give the skin:

  • moisturizing;
  • mitigation;
  • healing;
  • whitening;
  • prevention of new pigmentation;
  • natural protection against harmful external influences.

The product has been thoroughly tested for microbiological and dermatological properties.

The main advantage of the cream is the possibility of using it during pregnancy, since the product does not harm the health of the unborn child.

The cost of DermoAntistress cream, 40ml, Chicco is about 500 rubles.

Prodigy Age Spot Reducer

Prodigy Age Spot Reducer is a bleaching agent from the French manufacturer Helena Rubinstein.

The cream contains Peruvian Caesalpinia and gentian root in the form of extracts. Due to the properties of herbal ingredients, the cream has a therapeutic and cosmetic effect:

Cream action:

  • has a general healing effect on the skin;
  • perfectly whitens dark spots on the face;
  • makes it brighter and lighter;
  • gives the skin an even color.

The price for one bottle of 40 ml is more than 4000 rubles.

Garnier Orquid Vital

Garnier Orquid Vital complex cream for age spots on the skin is an anti-aging remedy for older women. The country of origin of the cream is France.

The active substance - orchid, has a beneficial effect on the elderly skin of the face, moisturizing and smoothing wrinkles, and has a whitening effect. The cream is sold in bottles. 30 ml of this product cost from 600 to 1200 rubles.

Guerlain Orchidée Impériale White

Guerlain Orchidée Impériale White (Royal White Orchid) - whitening cream with white orchid extract.

Significantly reduces age spots on the skin of the face, helps to reduce wrinkles. Deep moisturizing of the skin.

It is applied 2 times a day every day for 4 weeks. This cream has a number of undeniable benefits, although not suitable for every budget.

Dispenser bottle 40 ml - from 12,000 to 22,000 rubles.

How to use whitening creams

The method of application is the same for all whitening products.

A small amount of ointment for age spots is applied to the face and neck area, free from dust and sweat, evenly distributing the product, gently rubbing it into the skin. In the course of treatment, exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays should be avoided.

Note! When using a whitening product, protect your skin from the sun's rays with a special spray, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat.

Top 5 inexpensive pharmacy ointments for skin pigmentation

According to domestic cosmetologists, ointments for age spots on the face produced by Russian pharmaceutical companies are cheaper than any imported whitening cream, but in quality they are inferior to them quite a bit.

Among the most popular and effective means, experts note the following Russian-made products.

Table 1. Ointments for age spots of Russian production

Name (ointment),

Price (average in Moscow)

Composition Beneficial features Indications Application rules
Liniment synthomycin


Chlorampheniol, castor oil Antibacterial ointment, brightening, anti-inflammatory, emollient Pustular skin lesions, ulcers, burns, acne, boils, age spots from acne For treatment - the ointment is applied to clean, dry skin, pointwise for every 42-6 inflammation. For lightening - apply on the face in a thick layer for 1-3 hours. The procedure is carried out daily from one to three weeks.

25-30 rubles

Salicylic acid + excipients Softens and removes the top layer of the skin Antiseptic anti-inflammatory, anti-seborrheic action Apply three times a day to pigmented areas for a month

15-30 rubles

Zinc oxide, petroleum jelly, lanolin, fish oil, parabens Drying, astringent, anti-inflammatory, whitening action "Diaper" dermatitis, prickly heat, acne, shallow scratches, small cuts, burns, age spots, acne Acne treatment: the procedure is used to steam the face, cleanse of blackheads. Apply a thin layer 4-6 times a day on clean skin

20-60 rub

60-150 rub

Arbutin, lactic and fruit acid, licorice extract, vitamin C, glycerin Calming, anti-inflammatory effect. Cleansing and whitening effect Ointment for age spots on the face Apply on face 2 times a day for 14 to 30 days. Then - once in the morning

Interesting fact! If you keep the ointment for age spots on your face every day for only 20 minutes, then after 14 days you can get rid of age spots forever.

The best whitening ointments with healing effect

Retinoic ointment

The main active ingredient is isotretinoin.

Manufacturer - Russia.

The product is a biologically active vitamin A formula.

The drug has a dermatoprotective, keratolytic, anti-seborrheic and anti-inflammatory effect; regulates the work of melanocytes.

Indications for use:

  • perioral dermatitis;
  • acne breakouts;
  • wrinkled skin;
  • age spots on the skin.

It should be applied to the skin 2 times a day. The full treatment course is 4 to 6 weeks. The product is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

The cost of the ointment is 250-350 rubles.

Melanativ cream

Active ingredients of the funds- alpha-arbutin, kojic acid, glycolic acid, vitamin E.

Advantages of the cream:

  • high anti-pigment activity;
  • a decrease in the activity of cells that produce melanin;
  • high-quality whitening of dark areas and evening of skin color;
  • deep cleansing;
  • exfoliating action;
  • cosmetic and medical skin care.

The cream is used in the evening; during treatment, you should use sunscreen cosmetics. The product is safe and perfectly brightens the skin with regular use. Price - about 700 rubles.

Skinoren ointment

The product is produced in Germany by the Intendis business group, CJSC Bayer.

As part of the ointment- azalic acid, as well as additional components.

Possesses useful properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • keratolytic;
  • bacteriostatic.

Stops inflammatory processes in tissues, forms anti-inflammatory agents. When using Skinoren, abnormal melanocytes become unviable. Due to the properties of the ointment, the skin surface becomes less oily.

Skinoren ointment is prescribed for acne, melasma and increased pigmentation.

During treatment, the agent should be applied in a uniform thin layer and rubbed gently into the skin of the face. The procedure is performed twice a day. Treatment with the drug is carried out from 4 weeks to several months to consolidate the effect.

When using the ointment, it is necessary to protect the skin from the sun's rays. If the product irritates the skin, it is worth applying it once a day or replacing it with another drug. Skinoren ointment for age spots on the face costs in the range of 450-1200 rubles.

Belosalik ointment

The product contains salicylic acid and begamethasone. The main property of these components is effective cleansing of the affected skin areas and whitening of hyperpigmented skin, not only in adults, but also in children.

The ointment is applied 2 times a day, applied to clean, smooth skin with a thin layer. The term of use of the funds is 4 weeks. You can increase the treatment time by using the drug only once a day.

Belosalik ointment has a therapeutic effect on the skin:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiproliferative;
  • antipruritic action.

The drug extinguishes the foci of inflammation on the skin, relieving the sensations of itching, irritation and pain. Ointment is prescribed for skin pathologies. The price of the product varies between 300-450 rubles.

Clotrimazole ointment

Main active ingredient- clotrimazole.


  • polyethylene oxides;
  • propylene glycol;
  • methylparaben;
  • nipagin.

The drug is produced by pharmaceutical companies from different countries in the form of a gel, cream, solution, ointment.

Clotrimazole ointment qualitatively whitens age spots that have appeared due to age-related changes. Well moisturizes and heals flaky dry skin.

It is used for bacterial and fungal infections. The remedy is prescribed in cases of hyperpigmentation caused by a fungal skin disease.

Apply the ointment in a thin layer on the skin 2-3 times a day. Clotrimazole costs an average of 65-80 rubles.

Important to remember! Even a very high quality bleach may not have the desired effect. After 2 months of unsuccessful use of the cream, you should take a break for 1-2 weeks and try another drug.

Almost any ointment for age spots on the face has its own contraindications and side effects.

Therefore, before using bleaching agents, you should carefully read the instructions for use and, if necessary, consult your doctor. Using the ointment, you must follow the special instructions prescribed in the instructions.

Homemade whitening ointment recipes made from natural ingredients

A homemade whitening product can be a good addition to professional medicinal cosmetics.

The use of professional cosmetics is perfectly complemented by the use of home whitening products.

Various natural bleaching products can be used:

  • berries;
  • dairy products;
  • citrus;
  • ointment for age spots on the face from various types of cosmetic clay;
  • radish;
  • sauerkraut;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dandelion juice;
  • lemon.

There are many effective recipes.

Cucumber mask


  • fresh cucumber pulp - 50 g;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • borax - 5 g.

Mix all components thoroughly, spread the resulting mass on the skin, cover with a light cloth. Keep the mask for 20 minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

You can use a nourishing cream mixed with cucumber as a brightening agent. Also, the cucumber can be replaced with berries - black currant, strawberries, wild strawberries.

Whitening home remedies made from natural ingredients should be used immediately after preparation. They are not suitable for long-term storage.

Be careful! Some of the ingredients in the whitening mask can cause an allergic reaction.

For removing age spots on the skin of the face, a homemade scrub is useful. With its help, you can easily remove dead skin. Thanks to this procedure, whitening will be more even and safer.

It is better to apply whitening masks before bedtime, so that the skin "rested". In addition, it will protect her from the adverse effects of sunlight.

Homemade natural masks are used for oily skin 2 times a week, for dry skin - 1 time.

Be beautiful and healthy!

Useful video materials on how to get rid of age spots on the face and hands at home, make your own ointment

An overview of home remedies for removing age spots on the face and hands:

Preparation of an ointment to remove age spots and wrinkles from the skin of the face and hands:

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