Home Preparations for the winter Forms of the genital organs of men. Types of penises and deviations from the norm (analysis of the forms and types of penises). Classification of types of penises

Forms of the genital organs of men. Types of penises and deviations from the norm (analysis of the forms and types of penises). Classification of types of penises

Men tend to arrange acts of mental anguish for themselves and worry about the size and appearance of their own genitals. To a lesser extent, they worry about the size of the legs, plump or thin lips, long fingers or other points that may not correspond to their own canons of beauty.

Taking into account the fact that the anatomy of each man is basically the same and the structure of the penis does not differ in different men, external differences for the most part represent variants of the norm, if not accompanied by pathological phenomena and processes.

In contact with

It is necessary to analyze the question of what is the classification, as well as what form the penis like girls and what can be done to change this characteristic.

What are the types of male penis?

So, what are the members in their appearance? It is impossible to answer such a question with one or two examples, since the classification of such a parameter will include seven options at once. And each of the examples is quite common among men, so it could be included in this list.


The type of penis, which belongs to the category of thick ones, is characterized by the fact that it is quite voluminous, but on the contrary, it is short. Most often, such a member visually resembles a barrel. However, there are situations when a man has a rather impressive and long, and the width of the phallus.


Thin types of male members are characterized by rather modest indicators of the diameter of the penis, but the length can be both insignificant, and vice versa - impressive. But the shape for them is characteristic in most cases swept.


The length parameter for long penises is often impressive and exceeds the mark of 15 cm. Moreover, most often, despite their considerable length, their width noticeably lags behind in development.



It is worth considering that this type of members belongs to the category of pathology. Its development is often associated with a violation of the functional activity of the endocrine system, while an insufficient amount of testosterone is synthesized in the body. Namely, testosterone directly affects the development of the male reproductive system and in many respects its effect is aimed at the formation of the penis.


The meaty appearance of members in men is always has an impressive size, even in a completely relaxed state. They are often quite voluminous in all respects, although sometimes there are combinations of large diameter with insignificant length.

Why fleshy members are called nothing more than huge can be seen in the photo.


The owners of this type of penis can have any anatomical model, and a striking difference of such an organ is pronounced swollen veins. Such organs look quite impressive and even rude, but at the same time they evoke an enthusiastic reaction from girls.

The photo clearly shows examples representing the indicated varieties of penis.

Member Forms

No less interesting are the forms of the penis. But this characteristic is also rich in options and depends on many factors, the main of which is the heredity of a young person.

Twisted or curved

This type of penis is characterized by the presence of a deviation of the head or trunk from its middle in any direction. Deviation is most often observed in straight directions: to the right, to the left, up or down. But sometimes there can be curvature in an oblique direction. This variant is more typical for those whose shape was affected by frequent improper placement of the penis in underwear.


Cylindrical is one of the most common shapes. In this case, it looks even, without any veins and irregularities, even the veins on it do not rush into the eyes. In this case, the head and the barrel have approximately the same diameter, and it is difficult to determine the transition between them. The head is rounded.


The members of the conical shape are also common, which are characterized by a rather thick and long trunk with a much smaller head, because of this ratio, the general appearance resembles a cone, which is expanded towards the base and significantly narrowed towards the top.


Often there are types of male penises called "mushroom-shaped". In this case, men have a rather thin trunk, but it expands and visually resembles a mushroom cap. The figure of the head may be more tapered towards the tip, resembling a cone, or rounded with a uniform width.

The shape of the penis, resembling a barrel, is characterized by the fact that the length of the phallus is not large, but the diameter is impressive. At rest, it is not noticeable, and when excited, it is not very long, but thick, and resembles a barrel.


What is the correct or normal form of the penis is difficult to answer. Actually there is no complete and generally accepted idea of ​​the correctness of this characteristic. Each nationality perceived various options as the only correct ones. For example, the Chinese were convinced that mushroom-shaped organs belonged to this category.


There are also many opinions about what the ideal penis shape is. In fact, any physiological figure is obviously ideal, but both the man himself and his partner can have more specific ideas in any direction.


Members of an unusual form can be classified, since this category includes:

  • banana shape. In a state of full erection, the head of such a penis is directed to the south and slightly curved. Also, such an organ has a natural bend, somewhere up to 10 degrees, and with a larger deviation, a visit to the hospital is necessary, since this is an example of pathology.
  • C-shaped. Such a penis, with the development of an erection, begins to bend to the right, and most often a similar phenomenon is observed in those who make a mistake in laying the organ in underwear or have experienced an injury in this area.
  • graviola. This variant visually resembles the ripened fruit of the East African plant, after which it is named. The phallus in this case is short, most often about 10 cm, and extremely wide. In the scrotum, the impressive size of the testicles is also determined.


Often there is a type of member called an arrow, for which the type of head is most important. This can be explained by the fact that such an organ has a rather pronounced narrowing from the base to the head, and in an excited state it resembles an even arrow.

The forms of the members are clearly visible in the photos presented above.

Other differences

The shape and size of the penis are not the only differences between male genitals. This diversity can manifest itself in color, texture, and even in the size of the foreskin.


In most cases, in men, the shade of the penis matches the rest of the skin. However, there are member types that differ in some way from the classic variant, for example:

  • The penis is darker than skin tone, close to brown, and sometimes even reddish.
  • The skin of the phallus is lighter than the main shade on most of the body.
  • Observed dark spots on penis, sometimes it is combined with the same spots all over the body, but such a phenomenon is possible only on manhood.

It is worth mentioning that the shade may not be constant, that is, in an excited state, the penis of one color, and in a relaxed state, of another. This phenomenon is physiological only if it is not combined with pain or the appearance of any pathological elements.


Most men's penises are far from perfectly smooth. In a normal and classic situation, there are visible and even protruding veins on the genitals, especially during an erection. Other men have hair follicles on the phallus, located on the shaft and tactilely perceived as small bumps.

Regarding hair follicles, a man needs to be careful. As soon as redness, irritation, itching or burning, or several signs appear at once, you need to worry and visit a dermatologist, as this clearly indicates the development of a pathological process.

Approximately 25% of the male population have tiny and smooth balls, resembling pearls, located on the head of their dignity. They appear initially at a young age and are harmless, moreover, they are not sexually transmitted, so they should not cause concern.

And in 50% of the population there are so-called, which are located on the trunk or scrotum and look like tubercles of a light red hue. This phenomenon is also harmless and is not transmitted to the partner.

It should be borne in mind that the appearance of irritation or an increase in granules indicates the presence of pathology and requires an urgent visit to the doctor.

Foreskin size

There are differences in what the penis is in terms of the size of the foreskin, which passes to them from their parents. However, there are a number of other factors that affect this characteristic. They include:

  • Surgical manipulations and injuries affecting this area. Under the influence of external factors, the formation of a curved model is possible, which may be associated with trauma to the penis or even tissue rupture, as well as with improperly formed scars on the skin after surgery.
  • Diseases of various etiologies. For example, a large number of venereal diseases, especially in the last stages, have a negative effect on the tissues of the penis. And as a result of exposure to certain pathogens, these tissues can not only be deformed, but even completely destroyed, which leads to curvature of the organ. A striking example of such a pathology is syphilis.
  • Impact of environmental conditions. The change in the shape and size of the penis can be influenced by pesticides, synthetically created antibacterial substances that adversely affect the endocrine system of men and lead not only to the deformation of the phallus, but sometimes even to its gradual destruction.
  • Underwear. What is important here is not the underwear itself, its material or brand, but how the penis fits into it, especially this option, affects the penises of adolescents.

The effect of erection

Erection does not directly affect the development of the shape of the penis. In fact, the erect state only indicates whether there is any curvature of the penis, which may not be noticeable in a relaxed version.

It is interesting for men and what form of penis girls like.

There is no clear answer to this question because each woman has her own preferences in matters of the sexual sphere, and so if one likes mushroom-shaped penises, then the other may prefer cylindrical ones.

However, if a man correctly assesses the shape of his dignity and chooses the appropriate comfortable positions for sex, his version will be ideal for his partner.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video with information on the importance of penis size and shape:

How can I change, correct the parameters of the penis

Men often want to ensure that they have the correct form of the penis. To this end, they can resort to a variety of methods, including:

Despite the huge difference in the possible appearance of male virtues, there is no clear understanding of what form the member should be. Without pathological abnormalities, injuries and diseases, a man can lead a full-fledged sex life and impress his sexual partners by choosing the right positions and having certain skills in sex.

The type of penis depends on the individuality of each man. Phalosi can be very diverse in length, width and shape. By medical standards, this is absolutely normal.

Shapes and sizes of penises

Male members are of the following sizes:

  • extra small. This includes male members up to 8 centimeters.
  • Small. Male penis category 9-12 cm.
  • Medium. The size of male dignity is 13-15 cm.
  • Large. The length is 15-20 cm.
  • Huge. Length over 20 cm.

Sizes shown are for erect penises.

The smallest penis sizes are considered among Asian peoples, on average, 12-14 cm in the process of arousal, among Europeans about 15 cm, in dark-skinned people it reaches 20 cm.

The shape of the penis is classified as follows:

  • Pointed. The head of the penis is smaller in diameter than the entire penis. If the penis itself is thin, then visually it looks like an arrow, and if it is thick, then it looks like a cone.
  • Mushroom. The head of the members is much wider than the trunk.
  • Cylindrical. The width of the penis along the entire length is approximately the same.
  • Barrel-shaped. Short but voluminous phallus.

Resting state

On average, the length of the penis in an unexcited position is from 5 to 15 cm, and about 3 cm in diameter. The size of the penis decreases in the following cases:

  • Fatigue.
  • Fear.
  • Overexcitation.
  • After ejaculation.
  • Diseases of a psychological nature.
  • Hypothermia.

With normal and full excitation, the penis increases approximately twice in length, in comparison with a calm state. The maximum recorded increase in the phallus during excitation is 4 times.

There is a very interesting fact regarding sexual strength and penis size. A small penis from a state of rest is able to stretch more than ten centimeters when aroused, but a sufficiently large penis in the same situation will increase by five centimeters.

Pathology of the genital organs in men

Developmental disorders of the penis can begin during the development of the fetus in the fetal stage.

Some types of deviations:

  • phimosis. When the head of the penis has grown together with the foreskin. This defect complicates both the process of opening the head and the process of urination.
  • Afallia. Absence of a penis. This is the rarest type of abnormal development, usually accompanied by other forms of malformations of the genitourinary system.
  • Ectopia. A congenital disorder where the penis is behind the scrotum.
  • Difallia. Congenital anomaly when the sexual organ is double.
  • Micropenis. Underdeveloped penis.
  • Complete absence of head.One of the rarest violations.
  • Hidden penis. The case when the phallus is in fatty tissue in the pubic area.

All of these anomalies are extremely rare.

Size considerations:

  • If a man has large limbs or a big nose, then the size of manhood does not lag behind. There is no relationship between the parameters of the penis and other parts of the body.
  • The more manhood, the more he wants sex. Complete nonsense. Sexual attraction depends on physical health, psychological state, connection between partners, but not the size of the phallus.
  • The bigger the penis, the better the man in bed. Not true. It is very difficult to establish a relationship between size and bed skills.

The ideal penis size for everyone is different, the main requirement is to maintain the hygiene and health of your penis at the highest level, and he will thank you more than once, giving pleasure from sexual intercourse. And remember "size is not the main thing, the main thing is the ability to use it."

Many men worry about the size of their phallus. Some male representatives believe that the presence of any deviation in the structure, shape of the organ indicates some kind of violation, pathology. Often this situation leads to the development of psychological disorders, fears. However, the male anatomy is the same, external features are considered normal variants (in the absence of pathological disorders).

The types of members of the strong half of humanity are different - each man has his own unique type of phallus, which can differ from generally accepted norms.

What are the types of male penis

The size parameter of the penis usually affects the self-esteem of the male. It has long been believed that men with a large phallus are the most successful in the intimate sphere. But there is little evidence to support this view. The shape and size of the penis does not affect the success of the male in intimacy.

The average shape of the penis, its length - up to 15 cm in an erect form, at rest - 8.5 cm. The diameter of the phallus in the erectile process increases to 4 cm.

The classification of penises is based on certain factors - the shape, color features, texture of the penis, the size of the foreskin, and other indicators.


This type of phallus looks like a barrel. Thick forms of the penis are distinguished by the presence of a sufficiently voluminous diameter, they are short in length. Sometimes it happens that a male representative in this situation has large dimensional indicators of length and width.


In this category of genital organs, the shape is usually swept. Types of penises have insignificant indicators in the diameter of the phallus, length - members can be short or, conversely, impressive.


The parameters of the penis are often impressive in this situation. The length of the penis can exceed the mark of 15cm. But indicators of the width of the phallus, as a rule, lag behind the parameters of length.


The diameter of the penis in this category varies. Indicators of the length of the phallus - up to 12 cm.


This type of genital organs is classified as a pathological category. Violation of the functional work of the endocrine structure, insufficient synthesis of testosterone can provoke an abnormal development of the phallus.


This type of penis is characterized by an impressive size, even at rest. A situation is possible when a phallus large in diameter has a small length.


A pronounced feature of this category of penises is the presence of swollen veins on the organ. The anatomical model of the organ in this situation can be any.

Member Forms

Often the heredity of a male representative affects this indicator. Varieties of penis in the shape category are due to different factors.

Twisted or curved

This type of penis is characterized by the existing deviation of the head/stem in any direction, as a rule, up/down, left/right. Possible oblique curvature.


It is considered a common type of penis - without veins, bumps, the organ looks even. The barrel, the head are characterized by the same diameter, the transition between them is not noticeable. Also has a rounded head.


This category of penises is characterized by the following features - a long, thick trunk of an organ, a small head. Thus, the phallus looks like a cone, widened at the base, narrowed at the top.


This type of penis has a thin trunk, the head resembles a mushroom cap. Therefore, this category of phalluses is called mushroom-shaped.


The indicator of the length of the organ is not large, but the diameter of the penis is significant. The shape of the penis is similar to a barrel, especially in an excited state.


There is no generally accepted opinion in the world about the correctness of the penis, its normal form. Each nationality has its own characteristics in this area. For example, mushroom-shaped phalluses are considered the norm for the Chinese.


Same with this option. Different opinions exist about the ideal shape of the penis. The idea of ​​the norm, the ideal for each person is subjective - for some, the arrow-shaped form is considered ideal, and someone dreams of a barrel-shaped form of the phallus.


Classification of this category:

  • The form of graviola is a short penis, up to 10 cm long, wide. Large testicles in the scrotum;
  • C-shaped view - during an erection, the organ bends to the right;
  • It resembles a banana in shape - the head in an erect state is inclined to the south, slightly bent. The presence of a natural bend (up to 10 degrees) in the organ.


Other differences

The diversity, the difference between the male penises can manifest itself in the texture, shade, dimensional index of the foreskin.


Usually the shade of the phallus is similar to the rest of the skin. But another situation is possible - there are certain types of penises that differ from the classical norm:

  • The color of the organ is darker than the skin tone, closer to reddish brown;
  • The skin tissues of the penis, on the contrary, are lighter than the main color of the body;
  • The presence of dark spots on the organ (or these spots are common on the body and phallus).

The shade of the penis can change - when excited, it is one color, at rest - another. This factor is considered a physiological feature of a man, if it does not manifest itself against the background of the development of pathology, pain.


In almost all males, the phalluses are not perfectly smooth. Veins are visible on them, sometimes there are hair follicles resembling bumps.

25% of men have smooth, small balls, similar in shape to pearls - they are located on the head of the organ. This feature is formed even in a young age period, is harmless in nature, is not transmitted sexually.

50% of males are owners of Fordyce spots - on the phallus, scrotum. They look like red bumps, are also harmless, and are not transmitted during sex.

Foreskin size

Penises can vary based on this indicator.

Dimensional parameters of the foreskin can be varied.

What determines and because of what geometry can be violated

Medical studies have shown that the forms of the phallus can differ based on certain phenomena - some factors gradually affect the organismal structure of the male representative, others change everything dramatically.

What affects the shape of the penis? Today, experts distinguish the following types of impact on this body:

  • Genetic predisposition, including the belonging of a man to a particular nation, race, which is characterized by its own structural features of the sexual structure;
  • Injuries, surgery - scarring, changes in the length, width of the penis after surgery;
  • Certain diseases - some negatively affect the skin tissues of the phallus, changing its shape, for example, syphilis;
  • Environmental factors - the development of endocrine abnormalities due to pesticides, synthetic antibacterial agents provokes penis deformity;
  • The use of devices for intimacy, specific condoms also slightly changes the shape of the phallus;
  • Underwear - the process of placing the penis in them.

The effect of erection

The erectile process does not affect the shape parameters of the phallus. In an erect state, the curvature of the organ, if any, is especially noticeable. In a relaxed form, it is not always possible to notice it.

Lack of standards and human prejudice

Until now, there is no definite opinion about the correct form of the phallus. Each man has his own unique penis structure - for some it is short, for others it is long, resembles an arrow or mushroom type. The correct shape of the penis is a subjective concept. Without pathological abnormalities, diseases, other disorders, any male representative is able to lead a full sexual life.

One of the most discussed topics in the male environment is the types of members in shape and size. This topic is of interest to men not only from a medical point of view, but also out of curiosity. Many representatives of the stronger sex believe that even the slightest deviation of the penis from ideal proportions signals a pathology.

In fact, each man's penis has an individual shape that may not meet the generally accepted indicators of ideality.

Variety of forms of male members

The male reproductive organs vary in both size and shape. The main types of penises are listed below by shape.


By the name of the form, you can understand what such a member looks like. When erect, the penis, resembling a banana, is slightly curved, the tip is directed upwards.

There is no need to worry about the curvature: if the organ is slightly curved, then this is a variant of the norm. The longer the shaft of the penis, the more noticeable the bend.

But the curvature should be no more than 25 °, otherwise we can talk about a pathological condition.

It should be noted that girls like sex with guys who have a banana-shaped penis. Such a penis intensely stimulates the vagina, so the girl gets a lot of pleasure.


A specific form, but quite common. Of course, it cannot be said that such a penis really looks like a hammer.

It's just that in this case, the penis is distinguished by a large head, resembling the base of a hammer, and a thin barrel that acts as a tool handle.

Despite the strange appearance, such an organ is able to give a girl great pleasure in any position of an intimate act.


Such a penis is curved in the shape of a crescent, and in an erect state rushes to the right.

This type of shape is incorrect, indicating damage to the organ.

Usually, a pathological phenomenon occurs in men who have a large reproductive organ that has to be bent in order to fit into underpants.

In order not to run into serious problems, owners of a large phallus should carefully put on their underwear. Such a penis does not cause discomfort during sexual intercourse, but it is better to choose side poses.


This type of shape is very similar to the "hammer". Only the mushroom-shaped penis has a smaller shaft and an umbrella-like head.

Despite its small size, the mushroom-shaped penis, thanks to its voluminous head, is able to deliver strong and unusual sensations, as it intensely stimulates the vagina.


This shape is also called a "cylinder". Such a penis is straight, even, in most cases long, devoid of tubercles, veins, folds and other deformations.

Many men dream of such a form, consider it ideal. The head of the penis, which is shaped like a pencil, is almost equal in diameter to the trunk.

It should be noted that women do not consider such a penis ideal. It is long and thin, does not stimulate the vagina well, but can cause pain with active penetration.


This kind of shape is the opposite of the "hammer" and "mushroom". Such a penis has a small head, but a thick trunk.

For sex, you can choose any position, and the partner gets the most pleasant sensations with deep entry.

But a man should not be brutal, move too abruptly and intensely, otherwise, instead of pleasure, a woman will get severe pain.


A special kind of male organ. Such a phallus can be of any shape, but has tubercles on the surface formed by swollen vessels.

In an excited state, a veiny penis looks intimidating, especially if it is large.

Many girls, when they see what kind of “monster” a partner has between their legs, get scared and refuse an intimate act.

When the penis is in a state of erection, the blood vessels swell even more, which gives the impression that the penis is too hard and rough, capable of causing pain. In fact, the sensations during sex do not depend on the shape of the penis, but on the strength, endurance and experience of the man.

Classification of male members by size

The size of the reproductive organ has a huge impact on a man's self-esteem. There is an opinion that the owners of large penises achieve great success in sexual relationships. In fact, for successful intimate relationships, the size of the penis does not matter much.

is not the same for men of different races and nationalities.

However, through numerous studies, the average length and thickness of penises in the world have been established.

It turned out that the world average length of a male organ in an erect state is 15 cm, and the length of a relaxed member is 8.5 cm. The average world diameter of an excited penis is 4 cm.

What are the types of male organs in length?

  1. Micropenis. Such a member has a pathologically short length, even in an erect state not exceeding 8 cm. Usually, such a pathology is associated with the fact that a man’s body produces little testosterone due to a malfunction of the endocrine system.
  2. Small penis. In an excited state, such a member has a length of 8 to 12 cm.
  3. Medium penis. Most men in the world have such a member. The length of the penis in a state of arousal ranges from 12 to 18 cm.
  4. Big penis. The length of such an organ exceeds 18 cm.
  5. Giant. A rare type of male reproductive organ. In length, the giant phallus exceeds 21 cm. Men with such sexual dignity face problems in their intimate life, since they do not deliver pleasure to their partners, but mostly pain.

Member types by color

Male organs differ from each other not only in shape and size.

In different men, the color of the skin of the penis is also not the same. In the vast majority of cases, the pigmentation of the penis is similar to the color of the skin of the rest of the body.

But there are penises that have a specific color.

In some men, in an excited state, the organ has one color, and in a relaxed state, another.

This is normal, but only if the change in pigmentation is not accompanied by discomfort, pain and other unpleasant effects.

Types of members according to the structure of the skin

An absolutely smooth and even penis is a rarity. In most men, the genitals are rough and bumpy.

The skin of the penis is dotted with blood vessels. These vessels are quite noticeable, forming veins and knots on the surface of the organ.

With an erection, vasodilation is noted, due to which the veins turn into tubercles.

Many men have tubercles of a different nature on the shaft of the penis or on the scrotum - reddish Fordyce spots.

These formations are completely harmless for both the man and his partner, they are bulging sebaceous glands.

Some penises have hair follicles on their surface. And this is also normal.

To the touch, they look like small nodules. But you need to be careful with hair follicles.

If the nodules become inflamed, reddened, begin to itch and hurt, then you need to go to a dermatologist.

In a few men, specific formations are noted on the head of the penis - small and smooth balls. They are formed in adolescence, harmless to men, non-contagious. Therefore, you should not worry about their presence.

Types of members according to the size of the foreskin

The male reproductive organs differ in the size of the foreskin. Moreover, both natural and acquired features of the prepuce are taken into account.

The penises stand out:

  • with circumcised foreskin;
  • with uncircumcised foreskin of normal size;
  • with uncircumcised long foreskin.

The latter option is considered the norm, but only if the prepuce does not interfere with the opening of the head, does not provoke any pathological phenomena.

Anomalies in the structure of the penis

The abnormal structure of the reproductive organ is a congenital phenomenon. The penis begins to develop incorrectly already in the male embryo located in the mother's womb.

The main anomalies of the male penis include:

A child diagnosed with any of the above malformations requires urgent medical attention. Most anomalies can be corrected in childhood. And in later life, a man will not face sexual problems.

A man's penis is the key to his personality © Flickr

According to Eastern philosophy, sex is not only a way to get purely physical pleasure or procreate, but also a spiritual act.

“Sex can lift a man and a woman to great heights and just as easily bring them down to the level of animal unconsciousness,” say Tao adepts. And they say that a man's penis is a symbol of his spiritual strength, a special sign of his psyche and health.

From what kind of member “gets” a woman, her physical health largely depends.

There are five types of male members

In the East, a man's penis is called much more beautiful: a jade rod, for example.

According to Tao, the appearance of the penis and the quality of sperm are determined by the elements: Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood.

If metal reigns

The member of such a man is long and muscular, the head is large, fleshy, pronounced.

For sex with a man whose penis is under the auspices of Metal, no lubrication is needed: the head of such a penis abundantly secretes a transparent secret, similar to saliva.

© Flickr This "saliva" is very useful for a woman's body: it strengthens her immune system.

The sperm of the "metal" man heals the woman's kidneys and relieves her of bladder diseases.

A man with a "metal" member never speaks during sex, moreover, he does not even moan.

If a man's penis is under the auspices of Water, get ready for oral sex

This is the favorite entertainment of the "water" man.

You can distinguish a man with a "water" member by the head: he has a flat, wide head, with a barely noticeable ring at the base.

The lubricant released during intercourse is similar to semen and is highly desirable for women with diseases of the endocrine system.

Men with a "water" member love sex in nature and in the light of day. They really like role-playing games, especially if the girl actively seduces the impregnable hero.

A small nuance: alcohol greatly spoils the "water" man. Learn it at picnics!

Member by Type Tree

External signs: thin, with a not pronounced head and a soft rim.

The excreted secret is similar to sweat and is very useful for women with diseases of the circulatory system. Yes, and just with anemia.

A man with a "wooden" member does not like sex with, preferring to quickly get to the point. But "quickie" sex in a dirty entrance is also not for him. “Everything should be beautiful” is the main setting of the “male tree” and its member.

© Flickr A man with a "wooden" penis rarely agrees to sex in order to relieve stress, intuitively feeling that his sperm at this moment is not of the best quality. But the mood can quickly change if you offer the "Tree" aromatic oils and incense.

The “wooden” member also determines the gastronomic preferences of a man: these guys are very fond of citrus fruits.

(Here's a hint for you: if a man throws himself at oranges, don't go to your grandmother: his penis is thin, with a small head).

If a member is under the auspices of Fire

Oh, men with a "fiery" member can be proud of the grace of their boyfriend. The head of the "fiery" penis is pointed and looks very intriguing. The secret of the "fiery" member is similar to viscous mucus and is very useful for the female digestive system.

The sperm of Fire also has a characteristic appearance and taste - it is hot, pinkish in color, with a bitter taste.

But this sperm cannot be used as facial masks (a very popular cosmetic procedure, by the way, pure protein, after all) - due to its fiery qualities, such sperm can easily cause allergies.

A man with a "fiery" member loves to take the initiative in bed, to dominate in sex. The “fiery” member is especially tireless, if candles are burning next to the bed - keep this in mind!

The favorite pose of a fiery man is the pose of a rider. Train!

A man with a member of the Earth can be distinguished by the veins on the member

The element of the Earth gave men a member with a powerful, thick head and a thick ring at the base. The body of the penis is often embossed, with well-marked, protruding veins.

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