Home Blanks for the winter Phrases that you need to say to yourself every day. What words should you say before bed to wake up in a good mood? The person remembers images better.

Phrases that you need to say to yourself every day. What words should you say before bed to wake up in a good mood? The person remembers images better.

It was often possible to notice that old people, before some important matter, whispered something, uttered some words. Why did they do it? Yes, they just wished good luck and good. And now, even from a scientific point of view, this is explained quite simply by saying kind words, a person programs his actions. And there is no black magic here, but there is the effect of a word, a sound on our life.

Various conspiracies, whispers can be read not only by healers, but also by yourself. Often short conspiracies were uttered so that money was found in the house, there was prosperity, to attract good luck, and there was success and prosperity in work. A person can come up with these conspiracies himself in order to adapt to any life situation.

Getting out of bed and touching the floor with your foot, you can say the following whisper:

"I get up, go to meet my happiness!"

You can recall the reminder of grandmothers that when leaving home, and especially if you have to return from the road, you need to look in the mirror.

Mirrors are generally credited with magical great power. A lot of fortune-telling and beliefs are associated with them. And don't be skeptical about it. Just try not to dismiss the age-old tradition and say, looking at your reflection in the mirror:

"May my reflection be good luck reflection!"

And be sure to smile sincerely.

Almost everyone starts their day by washing or showering. These must-haves can be used to attract good luck and good mood. Try saying a simple whisper while washing your face:

"I wash my face with clean water, gain strength!"

Tune in to a good mood and say what you want to wish for yourself that day. As experts explain, it doesn't matter which words you utter, it is important that they bring light and good, so that they do not bring trouble to anyone. Then such wishes, pronounced with hope and confidence, will definitely be fulfilled, they will bring you good luck.

The main thing is to be sure of this. Let many now call it self-hypnosis. What difference does it make how you call your actions, the main task of these words is luck!

Evening whispers

In the evening, before going to bed, many also wash or take a shower. During the day, you can gain a lot of negativity, pick up a bad, someone's negative impact, so it will be good if you utter such a whisper:

"I wash away the negative, I wash away the grievances, I wash away the melancholy."

Often grandmothers advised their granddaughters to say the following words when they go to bed:

“The blanket and the sheet are my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend! Everything that I plant for her will come true in reality! "

Closing your eyes, it's good to wish yourself for the coming sleep:

"Let in a dream and in reality, it will be as I want!"

Whispers for different occasions in life

When you leave home, and there is a very important business or meeting ahead of you, on which a lot depends, you can read different conspiracies, among which there is a simple but effective one:

“The Lord gave me a way, and an evil spirit gave me anxiety. The Lord will conquer evil and free from evil. God is holy and God is strong. Amen".

Often old people, before an important matter, in order to attract good luck to their side, said that they had to call their Guardian Angel. This can be done with the following words:

“My angel, Guardian, come to me and never leave me, wherever I go (went). Amen".

Try to have time to pronounce these words when a responsible and alarming moment in life comes and trouble will not happen to you.

If you don't go well at work and your boss is often angry and angry with you, then, looking at his door, quietly whisper:

“I am on this side, you are on that side, you would not shout in front of me, be silent. All are equal before the Lord. Amen".

Such words help a person to gain honor and respect at work, especially if you say them before entering the office of the authorities:

“I am going to court, in front of me they are carrying a coffin. As that dead man is silent, he will not say a word against me, the servant of God (name), so that (the name of the chief) is silent, he does not say a word against me. There are angels in front of me, angels behind, angels on top, angels on the sides. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to keep unwanted people away from home?

Some people notice that after some people visit their house, everything starts to fall out of hand, it does not go well, quarrels and disagreements begin in the family, in order to drive such people away from home and re-attract good luck, after they leave, you need to surround the threshold of the house with a broom and read whisper:

“I got you off, averted trouble. Truly. "

Conspiracies to keep money and luck in the house

So that the money is always in the house and not transferred, it is recommended that when you have a fairly large amount with you, say the following words:

“I bring wealth, I go with money. I hold it tightly with my hands. I'm not carrying it for strangers, but for my own. Amen!".

If you are in need and you do not have enough funds, then you should drink holy water and utter such a whisper:

“The water is holy, but I, your servant, Lord, are rich. Help in need, amen! " To increase your income on the day of the new moon, you need to pour water into a bucket (its size does not matter), throw a coin there and splash a little water on the threshold, saying: “Water with water, money - with a river. Amen!".

As you can see, any conspiracies to have money is a desire for wealth for oneself. Will attract money and wealth to you, and such a whisper:

“As there are many stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so my wallet should have a lot of money and always have enough. Amen".

In order for the money to be for the intended purchase, you should say to the wallet when you leave the house:

“Everything bad is forgotten, everything that is planned is bought. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This must be repeated 7 times. And in order to attract money into the house, there are words that are pronounced on the broom. It is necessary to get up before the first rays of the sun appear, take a new broom, which they have not done yet, and, sweeping the pedestrian intersection, say:

Wallet conspiracy

“Like dust goes after a broom, So let big money go after me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

There are special whispers, conspiracies that are uttered near the temple in order to have money. After the service, when people will leave their churches, they must cross themselves and quietly say:

"God! How many people here prayed to you, so much money would stick to me (name). Amen".

It is clear that it is advisable to do conspiracies on major holidays, when there are especially many people in the church.

For the whispers to work, the following rules must be followed:

The conspiracy in the temple

  • pronounce words clearly and distinctly, although it is possible and very quiet;
  • believe sincerely what you say;
  • put your energy and strength into words.

Only in this case, the words that you utter will help you, wishing yourself happiness, health, good luck, family warmth and all the best. When reading conspiracies in order to attract good luck and money to you, think about the good, do not wish anyone evil, do not compare, do not envy. It is important that you are neutral. Just say the words.

And also remember that conspiracies, whispers are effective when you will not tell everyone about them and boast about them. This is all done quietly, imperceptibly, pronouncing these words, try not to attract too much attention, do not boast later that money or something else good thus attracted to yourself. It is not for nothing that old people pronounced conspiracies in public quietly or in private, when no one was around. Then money, and love, and prosperity, and luck will be in the house.

Even small things have an incredible impact on the life of each of us. And yours too. And only a few words can significantly change someone's life! These are the words you shouldn't hesitate to say every day to your co-workers, colleagues, family members, friends, and anyone else who cares about you.

"That's what I think"

You are a leader, but that doesn’t mean that you are smarter, wiser, or more discerning than your employees. Support your orders and decisions with logical explanations, reasons, and not just your position and power.

Naturally, by explaining your decisions, you open them up for discussion and criticism, but you also open them up for improvement. Power will always make you "right," and cooperation will make everyone right and help you work together.

"I was wrong"

We can all make the wrong decision. What looked great in theory may not work as expected in practice. Never hesitate to admit your mistake, even in front of your employees. Surely you will feel stupid, but you will not lose the respect of people, on the contrary, you will gain it.


Nobody gets enough praise, but we all love to hear it. If someone did something well, be sure to tell the person about it. "Wow! How great you did it! "
You can even go back a little in time and remember how someone did something great a couple of weeks ago: “Listen, I remember how great you did the task last month ...” This phrase motivates the employee to new achievements, and in you are shown by attentiveness to people, because you remembered what he did and how well.

Praise is a gift that is free of charge to the giver, but brings great joy to the recipient.

"Thank you and please"

There were situations when you gave a gift, and the recipient felt uncomfortable and embarrassing to receive it? Surely this moment somewhat diminished your joy of giving.

The same can happen to the one who gives the gift to you. Do not spoil the joyful moment, because all you have to do is look the person in the eyes and say "Thank you." If a gift was made to you in gratitude for some service, then you should answer “Please! Happy to help!"

You praise others and give gifts, so let me thank you too!

"Could you help me?"

If you need help, no matter who or what you ask for, just say sincerely, "Could you help me?"

You will certainly get help. At the same time, your vulnerability, respect for the one to whom you turned to, and willingness to listen are slightly visible. And these, by the way, are the qualities of a great leader and a great friend.


We can all be wrong. Each of us has something for which you can ask for forgiveness: careless words, actions (or, on the contrary, inaction), etc.

Always ask for forgiveness if you understand that you are to blame. Just don't do it with reservations like: "I am very sorry about what happened, but you yourself were wrong ..." With such statements you are trying to make the interlocutor feel guilty. Just excuse me, tell me you were wrong. No more no less. And then both of you can start communication from scratch.

"Please show me?"

Advice is forgotten over time, knowledge remains with you forever. Knowing WHAT to do is good, but knowing HOW and WHY to do it is priceless.

When you ask someone to teach you to do something, to show you how to do something, two things happen: first, you show your respect, for the person who was asked for practical advice, you show trust in his experience and skill ... And secondly, you yourself will receive much more valuable knowledge.

Don't just ask for a prompt, ask to teach and train you right now. Both parties benefit from this interaction.

"Let me help?"

Many people consider asking for help a manifestation of weakness and, clenching their teeth, try to do everything on their own. But everyone needs help.

You don't need to ask, "Is there anything I can help you with?" Most likely you will get the answer: "No, everything is fine!"
Be special. You must see for yourself how you can help the person and say: “I have a few minutes. Let me help?" An offer made this way speaks of cooperation, not your patronage.
But after the offer, really roll up your sleeves and help as much as you can.

"I love you"

At work, you probably shouldn't use this expression. But in the family, with loved ones, say this every time you feel.


Yes, sometimes, the best you can say is nothing. If you are upset, angry, frustrated, shut up. You think it will be easier for you if you throw out negative emotions, but the consequences will be sad.

When criticizing employees, you must remember that work results change and feelings are eternal. The resentment at the awkward word remains forever.

Before expressing something, think about whether you understood the situation correctly? Maybe you drew the wrong conclusions about the state of affairs on the basis of incorrect data or for other reasons? Think about how the person you want to blame will feel. You can never restore damaged self-esteem in an employee.

Be silent until you know exactly what to say and how your words will affect the further situation.

The season of treadmills, ellipses and dumbbells is open again. Surely your coach has already advised you to make the gym a habit and not to skip workouts, even when traveling abroad. To communicate freely with foreigners about sports, SM recommends that you learn at least these basic words and phrases.

1. Barbell - barbell

You bought a card for the gym and immediately got yourself a new instagram, because, as the gossip photographers say, "If it wasn't filmed, then it wasn't." In the gym, first of all, you took a picture with a barbell and posted a picture with the following caption: “ I use a 45 pound barbell when I bench press"(" I carry a 20.5 kg barbell when I bench press "). And it doesn't matter at all how much the "pancakes" actually weigh. It's hard to see in the photo.

2. To feel the burn - feel a burning sensation in the muscles

You were unexpectedly given both a vacation and a bonus (which just doesn't happen!). You decided to spend money on a new bathing suit, but the light in the fitting room turned out to be merciless to you. Not knowing that the lights are arranged in such a way that even supermodels are depressed, you rushed to the gym to pump up your abs. Working out a certain muscle to pain in English is called feeling the burn(burning sensation). I added some extra weight to really feel the burn(“I added weights to make the muscles really burn.”)

3. Spare tire - "spare tire" or "life buoy" at the waist

While you were adding weights at the gym, a friend wrote to you and asked if you would like to take a walk to a new Georgian restaurant in the evening. You are very fond of khinkali, but courageously decided not to walk: it already seems to you that your fat fold on your stomach looks like spare tire(spare wheel). On our own, we add that you probably think, but in English you can laugh it off from a friend like this: “ I am trying to get rid of my spare tire”(“ I’m trying to get rid of my life buoy ”).

4. Dumbbells - dumbbells

On vacation, as a modern person, you took with you a minimum of luggage - two pairs of jeans, three T-shirts and a small sports equipment. Just so as not to stop training even on the beaches of the Cote d'Azur (why not) that have thinned out by tourists. In general, we put the dumbbells ( dumbbell, read [ˈdʌmbel]) into the suitcase and went to the airport. There, the customs officer asked why you need it. And you are like that, in the tone of a confident athlete: “ I usually work out my arms with dumbbells"(" I usually train my arms with dumbbells ").

5. Sit ups / to sit up - exercises for the press / swing the press

You wanted to buy a gym card, but unfortunately, your vacation trip has made a huge dent in your budget. Now the gym is not available to you for some time, but you are not discouraged and every morning you train on the sports field near your home. An expat neighbor walks by and asks what are you doing here, so tanned and ruddy. Speak English proudly: “ I'm trying to make a sit ups"(" I'm trying to pump up the press ").

6. Bench press / to bench - bench press / perform bench press

A month has passed, you saved up for the gym again and even hired a personal trainer (in English - personal trainer). He showed you an exercise in which you need to lie on your back on a bench that holds the barbell, grab the barbell with both hands and lower it to your chest, and then straighten your arms to lift the weight.

To English-speaking acquaintances who are not at all in the topic of sports, you can say: “ To build strength I bench press every time my work out "("To build strength, I do bench press every workout.") Well, for those who go to the gym every day, this will sound too obvious.

7. To max out - give all the best

In training, you decide to surpass yourself and lift the maximum weight. In English it can be called “ to max out", And those who shoot themselves on a smartphone in the process are called fitness bloggers. There is nothing wrong with either. The main thing is to do the bench press under the supervision of a trainer and make sure that the battery does not run out on the gadget. Sometimes I will max out on the bench press to impress my Instagram followers(“From time to time I want to do my best on the bench press to impress my Instagram followers.”)

8. Free weights - free weights (weights)

You have decided to study on popular English-language video blogs and tighten not only your body, but also your vocabulary. This is how you learned that the term "Free weights" can mean dumbbells, barbells, and barbell "pancakes" - that is, any sports equipment that is used in weight lifting exercises that is not a simulator. Now, when asked how your workouts are going, your answer is: "I prefer the free weights over the nautilus machines"("I prefer" free weights "to machines").

9. To pump iron - do weightlifting, "pump iron"

A few weeks of training, megabytes of bodybuilding video tutorials, proper nutrition and a new size of clothes - and that's it, now you are not interested in Friday parties. Friends call you to ask for a rave, and you say that you are not up to trivia and that you would rather do strength training on Friday night. "Sorry but this Friday I'm busy, I'm going to the gym to pump some iron"(“Sorry, but this Friday I’m busy - I’m going to the gym to rock the iron”).

10. Workout - workout

So in English is called any series of exercises that can improve the physical health of a person. Therefore, you boldly call workout as exercises on a treadmill ( treadmill) or exercise bike ( stationary bicycle), and the bench press of the cat from the chest: firstly, the cat weighs eight kilograms, and secondly, he does not mind. I had a great workout yesterday. I was exhausted when I got home(“I had a great workout yesterday. I felt exhausted when I got home.”)

11. Six-pack abs - "cubes"

As a cunning person, you bought tickets to the warm New Year's sea back in May. And they began to swing at the same time in order to apply a useful sports idiom to a trip to the beach: "I have six-pack abs"(literally "a press that looks like a pack of six cans"). This expression describes a press, whose shape resembles the silhouette of a six-pack of soft drinks. That is, with clearly distinguishable "cubes". Just a dream, not a press.

12. To get in shape - get in shape

At the Halloween party, you are determined to be the coolest and show that you have reached your ideal weight and fitness. Therefore, the costumes of Count Dracula, Frankenstein and Homer Simpson were dismissed as banal and inappropriate for the brief. You want to appear in the image of the coolest jock of all time, so talk about your new costume like this: "I am going on Halloween" s party and I want to get in shape to fit in Rocky Balboa’s costume! "(“I'm going to a Halloween party, so I want to get in shape to fit into a Rocky Balboa costume!”).

To get in shape not only your body, but also your English, sign up for a free lesson at Skyeng. Teachers will help you stay on course and only do what is really useful for you.

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One of the best things you can do for your mental well-being before bed is to simply step back from the world, relax, and realize that no matter how difficult the day is today, there is always the possibility that tomorrow will be better!

To create your tomorrow when you go to bed, be grateful even for the little things that happened, if something was not the way you wanted it, replay it in your mind the way you would like it. As soon as you start falling asleep say this: “I will go deep into my sleep and wake up full of energy. Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of my life. "

If you fall asleep tense and lost in bad thoughts, you will wake up with this heavy load the next morning. Lie in bed and look for the positive aspects of this moment, for example, what a comfortable bed you have, what a warm and comfortable room, look, mind, eyes, how well your body feels now, how good it is to be alive!

“I am already falling asleep, while I am sleeping, my thoughts will not be active, my attractiveness will be restored, my physical body will be completely refreshed at every level. I will have a good dream and I will wake up with renewed vigor and a positive attitude. "

Sweet Dream Meditation

Close your eyes, start with deep breaths, and feel relaxed. Release any tension on the body. Tell yourself “I am letting go of the past and all my regrets. I let go of the future with all my worries. I live only in the present moment, where I am free from any expectations and am in a state of peace. "

Everyone at least several times in his life doubted how to pronounce the word correctly, where to put the stress, because the Russian language is one of the most difficult languages.
Difficulties arise for several reasons.

In Russian, there is no general rule for preserving stress, it can be in any part of a word, unlike, for example, French, where the stress is always placed on the last syllable.

Stress plays a meaningful role. Depending on the stress, the meaning of the word changes, this can be observed in homonymous words, or rather, in homographs (words that are spelled the same, but sound differently): a steam and steam and th, a tlas and atl a s, cr e baby and creed and T.

Our language has a lot of foreign words borrowed from other languages. This, on the one hand, enriches the language, and, on the other, gives rise to difficulties in pronunciation and writing. Especially often difficulties arise with the letter "e": written "e", and pronounced "e" (parterre, sex, dash).

There are many territorial varieties of the Russian language - dialects - which also affect pronunciation. So, in St. Petersburg and in Moscow, meat cooked on a spit will be called differently: shawarma and shawarma.

Communication with the Slavic "brothers" has a huge impact on the native speakers of the Russian language. Even TV announcers began to pronounce many words in the Ukrainian manner, thereby making speech mistakes. Most often, I hear such errors in the stress of the verbs: a chala instead of beginnings a, NS O nyala understood instead a etc.

But despite the many factors that negatively affect the language, we must strive to speak correctly, since speech is the calling card of every person. By the way a person pronounces words, you can tell a lot about his origin, upbringing, education. And if native speakers, those for whom Russian is their native language, will not take good care of it, then who will keep the language?

Let's get it right!

With this article, I open a series of texts on correct pronunciation.

To begin with, like this a set of words that are difficult to stress.

One of the most common mistakes is the stress in the feminine past tense verbs (I wrote about this already above, but I will repeat it):

Wrong: started, understood, took, brAla, created
Right: started A, understood A, took A, took A etc. But in the masculine gender: n A chal, n O nyal, with O hd.

It is considered bad form to say it rings, rings. Correct: ringing AND ringing AND t, ringing I AM T.

You can buy Wed E dvdstva and enjoy Wed E by means, but not by means.

Child in childhood needs balls A be.

Ukrainian is spoken in Kiev AND nsk language.

The confectionery sells t O mouths, and the data is entered into the catalog O G.

And what they hang the key on is called keychain, not a keychain.

And 40 more words:

apostrophe aristocracy BANTS genesis
denim dispensary contract nap
enviously conspiracy get dark seal up
toothed Spark quarter whooping cough
flint more beautiful kitchen scrap
scrap faintly (faintly) garbage chute nagolo (naked)
intention security facilitate wholesale
funeral (at funeral) reward compel plum
in-depth dead Phenomenon (Phenomenon) cotton robe
host scoop scarves sorrel

Tell us about the words that make you difficult to pronounce. Maybe some words once or now surprised you with their accent?

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