Home Blanks for the winter State structure of Ukraine. State structure and political system of Ukraine. From parliamentary republic to presidential

State structure of Ukraine. State structure and political system of Ukraine. From parliamentary republic to presidential

Ukraine is a sovereign state. It has its own territory, supreme and local governing bodies, government, coat of arms, flag and anthem. Ukraine has a ramified structure with division of functions of various branches of government and complies with world legal democratic standards.

Acquiring sovereignty

In July 1990, the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) adopted the "Declaration on State Sovereignty." This document opened a new page in the history of the country, which leads to the construction of a democratic state based on the rule of law.

According to the Declaration, the Verkhovna Rada is authorized to express the interests of society. No parties, organizations or individuals (with the exception of the president, and then on a number of issues) had the right to do this. The document consolidates the power of the Constitution on the territory of the state, denotes the interaction of the branches of government, approves the borders of the state (Ukraine borders at the moment with seven countries), civil rights and other issues.

From parliamentary republic to presidential

The path taken by Ukraine from the adoption of the Declaration to the adoption of the state Constitution is slow and difficult. This is easily explained by the great transformations in political and economic life.

In July 1996, the structure of state power changed. The Verkhovna Rada approved the new Constitution of Ukraine. According to her, Ukraine is now a parliamentary republic with a presidential administration. The president is elected every five years. He is the head of state, and he cannot serve for more than two terms.


  • Makarovich (5.12.1991 - 19.07.1994).
  • (19.07.1994 - 23.01.2005).
  • Yushchenko Viktor Andreevich (23.01.2005 - 25.02.2010).
  • Viktor Yanukovych (02/25/2010 - 02/22/2014).
  • Poroshenko Petr Alekseevich (from 7.06.2014).

Governing bodies

The types of government in Ukraine correspond to generally accepted democratic standards. The entire totality of power is divided into three equivalent branches:

  • legislative;
  • executive;
  • judicial.

The Verkhovna Rada is the highest Ukrainian legislative body. It is a unicameral parliament, chaired by a speaker. The functions of the Verkhovna Rada are lawmaking and careful monitoring of government activities. Parliamentary elections are held every 4 years. They are carried out by secret ballot. All citizens over the age of 18 have the right to vote.

The executive structures headed by the president are represented by the government under the leadership of the prime minister and regional authorities. The executive bodies include ministries, law enforcement agencies, the army and other services.

The Constitution of Ukraine is the main law of the country. It guarantees certain rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens and defines their responsibilities. The judiciary is endowed with independent decision-making powers. In practice, in countries in transition, it can be difficult to completely distance oneself from the executive and legislative branches. The dominant body is the Constitutional Court.

Forms of government

There are the following types of government in the world:

  • unitary (simple);
  • with a complex form of structure (federation, confederation).

Unitary - states with a territory divided into administrative equal units (regions, provinces, districts, etc.), subordinate to the center.

A federation is a complex union state containing administrative entities (republics, autonomous regions, states, lands, etc.), which legally have a certain independence.

The grounds for the formation of a federal state and consolidation of federal relations may be the Constitution and (or) a federal agreement. On the basis of direct agreements, for example, federations of Australia, Switzerland, USA, USSR, Malaysia, Russia and other states arose. They are usually called contractual, in contrast to non-contractual ones, such as, for example, Canada, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, which arose on the basis of the granting of autonomy status by the central authorities of the state or metropolises to the future subjects of the federation.

A confederation is a temporary union: it either disintegrates or turns into a federal state. For example, Switzerland now exists as a federal state, while it retained the name "confederation". Confederations arose for different reasons and in different eras also in the USA, Germany, the Netherlands.

In Ukraine, all types of government were considered (and are being considered) that are the most optimal for effective administration. At the moment, the unitary system operates.

Ukrainian parliamentarism

Separate fragments of the Ukrainian parliament during its history were the people's vecheings of Kievan Rus, the Seimas of the Polish-Lithuanian state, the Cossack councils of the times of the Hetmanate, later - the highest legislative bodies of the Austro-Hungarian, then the Russian empires, the Ukrainian SSR as part of the Soviet Union.

The creation of Ukraine as a state is impossible without the formation of a legitimate governing body delegated by the society, which in most countries is the parliament. The result of the beginning of the practice of parliamentarism in modern history was the creation and activity during March 1917 - April 1918 of the Ukrainian Central Rada - a kind of national proto-parliament, which went through the evolutionary path from a social and political association to a "representative" body of the Ukrainian people.

The emergence of the Rada and its activities became a logical step in the consolidation of the Ukrainian people on the way to national-state independence in the twentieth century. It is this historical tradition of the Ukrainian Central Rada that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine continues in modern conditions.

Along with the parliament, the interests of the majority are represented by the President of Ukraine.


The state structure of Ukraine in administrative terms has a clear structure. The administration is headed by an elected president, empowered by a majority of those who voted to govern the country.

A step below are the ministries in charge of the most important areas of all spheres of society: economy, defense, health care, culture, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regional development, agricultural policy, ecology, energy, foreign affairs, information, youth and sports, infrastructure, education and science, justice, finance, social policy, the Cabinet of Ministers.

The structure of the ministry is approved by the minister, and individual central bodies - by their heads. The composition of the central executive bodies is approved by agreement with the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the First Vice Prime Minister, and Vice Prime Ministers in accordance with the distribution of their functional powers.

The prime minister becomes the head of government, whose candidacy is proposed by the president, but finally approved by the deputies of the Rada. Unlike a number of countries (Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Italy and others), the Prime Minister of Ukraine does not have full decision-making. He reports to the president.

List of Prime Ministers and Acting Ministers:

  • Vitold Fokin (1990-1992);
  • Valentin Symonenko (1992);
  • (1992-1993);
  • Efim Zvyagilsky (1993-1994);
  • Vitaly Masol (1994-1995);
  • Evgeniy Marchuk (1995-1996);
  • Pavel Lazarenko (1996-1997);
  • Vasily Durdinets (1997);
  • Valery Pustovoitenko (1997-1999);
  • Viktor Yushchenko (1999-2001);
  • Anatoly Kinakh (2001-2002);
  • Viktor Yanukovych (2004-2005, 2006-2007);
  • Mykola Azarov (2005, 2010-2014);
  • (2005, 2007-2010);
  • Yuri Yekhanurov (2005-2006);
  • Sergey Arbuzov (2014);
  • Arseniy Yatsenyuk (since 2014).

Administrative division

The peculiarities of the state structure of Ukraine are reflected in its administrative division. It is natural for a young country to “grope” for the most optimal form of interaction between the population of different regions. The situation around Crimea and Donbass only confirms that it takes time, and possibly certain reforms, in order to build a monolithic administrative system that takes into account the interests of all sectors of society.

The republic is divided into regions, the borders of which have not undergone almost any changes since the times of the USSR - there are 24 of them in total. The regions, in turn, are subdivided into 490 districts. 176 large cities have a special status - regional (republican) subordination and, like districts, are territorial objects of the second level. At the third level - closest to the people - are local councils: city, town and village. Kiev is a metropolitan region.

State characteristics

The state structure of Ukraine includes a constitutional form of government, an administrative-territorial structure and a political regime. The last point is a system of means and methods of exercising state power, characterized by the level of guarantee of civil rights.

Article 1 of the Constitution positions Ukraine as a democratic state. The document enshrines the principles of popular will, separation of powers, political, economic and ideological diversity, responsibility to a person, and the like.


The unitary state of Ukraine professes the principles of democracy, which is carried out directly, through state bodies and local bodies with the powers of self-government. The Constitutional Court of 26.03.2002 approved that “local self-government should be considered as a form of the people's exercise of power”.

The manifestation of direct democracy are elections, all-Ukrainian and local referendums, popular initiatives, public discussions and the like. In the case of implementation through the state, bodies of people's representation are formed.

In the state apparatus, one should distinguish between the bodies of primary and secondary representation of the people. State bodies of primary representation are formed by their elections, with the help of which power is delegated to the state directly by the people. In the country, they are the Verkhovna Rada (VR) and the President of Ukraine.

State bodies, which are formed by the Verkhovna Rada and the President, are the bodies of secondary, indirect representation. The advantage of direct democracy is the breadth of involving the population in solving state affairs. The advantages of the functioning of representative bodies are that they are permanently operating, they function on a professional basis.

State sovereignty

The unitary state of Ukraine is sovereign and independent. Sovereignty is called the supremacy of the state elective power within the country and the actual independence from external forces (countries, movements, organizations, etc.).

Sovereignty is divided into internal and external. In modern conditions, the first is governed by the norms of the constitution, and the second concerns the nature of relations between different countries, taking into account the norms of international law. Sovereignty is not a property of the entire state, but specifically of state power. She is above the party, religious, financial - no one can dictate her will. Within the country, sovereignty is limited only by basic human rights.

The creation of Ukraine as a state was impossible without ensuring external sovereignty. It denotes the boundaries within which interstate integration processes typical for today's conditions should take place.

The state independence of Ukraine is based on the so-called popular sovereignty. It is the people, mainly through free elections, that legitimize state power. Since its source is the population, then the power should belong to it. Popular sovereignty is exercised through an elected representative body and directly by local residents through elections, national discussions, and a referendum. So, in a democracy, state sovereignty actually coincides with that of the people.

Compliance with law and order

In order for the legal state of Ukraine to remain so, the authorities must guarantee compliance with legal norms at all levels: from the highest state bodies to every citizen. The legal order is the legal state of orderliness, organization, regulation of social relations. In this capacity, he:

  • acts as a powerful antipode of anarchy, chaos, disorganization, uncertainty and instability of relations between people;
  • by legal means restrains possible illegal manifestations on the part of the state, its organs in relation to citizens, as well as one person in relation to another.

With the weakening of power, the growth of protest moods in 2013-2014, the state structure of Ukraine was under threat. The rule of law is the legal model that determines the status of subjects of public relations, their nature, the relationship between individuals, legal entities, as well as methods, methods, procedures for resolving conflicts.

According to the territorial principle (sphere of distribution) or in scale, the rule of law can be distinguished within:

  • states (countries) as a whole;
  • intrastate entities (subjects of the federation, autonomous state entities);
  • administrative-territorial units - cities, districts, regions, etc.

Depending on the impact of law, its structural parts on the process of forming the rule of law, it is possible to distinguish a general, sectoral, special or institutional order. The general arises and functions as a result of the implementation of the entire system of law. In terms of volume, this class actually coincides with the rule of law on a territorial basis. The sectoral one is drawn up on the basis of the norms of a certain branch of law (constitutional, financial, civil procedure, etc.). Special (institutional) arises on the basis of the implementation of individual institutions of law.


The judiciary is the third system of state structure in Ukraine. It is implemented through special state bodies - courts. The country has formed a three-tier system, at the top of which is the Constitutional Court. He is in charge of solving global issues affecting the basis of all power - the Constitution.

Practical issues (public, economic) are assigned to the general and arbitration courts, respectively. Thus, the form of state structure of Ukraine acquires a balanced structure, balanced by the Rada (legislative body), the president (representative of the executive system) and the Constitutional Court (as the highest form of manifestation of the judicial system).

Ministry of Internal Affairs

The legal order is the actual legal state of orderliness, regulation, organization of social relations, a consequence of the actual implementation of the norms of law, their implementation. The concept of state structure is inseparable from the concept of "strong" legal power. To maintain and implement it, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been created in Ukraine.

Initially, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was subdivided into specialized services:

  • Public police.
  • Criminal police.
  • State security service.
  • Various special forces.


The 2014 reform significantly changed the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. First of all, instead of the police, the National Police was approved by the order of the President of 08/04/2015. It is planned to exclude the transport, veterinary police and GUBOP from the structure. Since 2016, the functions of the traffic police will be "transferred" to the created electronic system designed to replace the "living" employees of the state traffic inspectorate. On September 16, 2015, the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were abolished. The reform will end in 2017. Of course, this will not change the state-political structure, but the transition period may affect the criminal situation.

It is planned that the finally new structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take the following form:

  • Criminal Police.
  • Special police.
  • Police guard.
  • Cyberpolice.
  • Patrol police.
  • Pre-trial investigation bodies.
  • Special police.
  • Department of Drug Trafficking.
  • Economic police.

Growth problems

There are different types of government. In Ukraine, they chose a unitary form of interaction between administrative entities. The situation around Crimea and Donbass, talks about granting large powers to the regions, up to federalization, pose questions to legislators, political scientists and society, for which there are no simple answers.

The process of creating a new democratic state is complex. But in a short period of time, a new system of government was created, the national Armed Forces, the security service, and the police.

The state as a multifaceted social phenomenon has a certain set of components that form a new quality of the state. Each state of the world has its own qualitative form.

The form of the state is the order (method) of organizing and exercising state power in the country. Traditionally, the form of the state is understood as a triune concept of such components: forms of government, forms of government, and forms of government.

Conventionally, these three concepts can be defined as follows:

1) the form of government - "who exercises power";

2) the form of government - "where power is exercised";

3) the form of the state regime - "how power is exercised."

The form of government is a legally defined procedure for the formation and activities of the highest bodies of the state. The form of government of any state is determined by the legal status of the head of state. The head of state in the monarchy is the monarch, in the republic - the president.

In addition, the head of state can be a collegial body, junta, tribal leader, etc.

a) collegial head of state in Switzerland. In Art. 95 of the Swiss Constitution of 1999 states that "the highest administrative and executive power is exercised by the Federal Council, which consists of seven members." The Federal Council is chaired by the President and his Deputy Vice-President of the Federal Council, who are appointed by parliament. Consequently, the Federal Council for the Swiss Constitution is not only an executive body, but also performs the functions of the head of state;

b) the junta is the sole or collegial head of state who comes to power illegally, most often through a military coup, for example, in Chile (1973 p.);

c) the leader of the tribe is the most original legitimate head of state, for example, in Western Samoa, the functions of the head of state are performed for life by the leader Mametoa Tanumafili II.

The species diversity of heads of state does not affect the number of forms of government, since there are only two of them: the monarchy and the republic. More than 150 countries of the world have a republican form of government, the rest - a monarchical one. History knows non-traditional republics, for the organization of state power is close to monarchies. These are super-presidential, presidential-militaristic, theocratic republics.

According to the form of government, Ukraine is a republic, which is defined in Part 1 of Art. 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

A republic (from Lat. Respublica - public business) is a form of state government, where the highest state power is exercised by a national representative collegial body of state power - parliament, elected by the citizens of the state for a certain period. In Ukraine, such a body is the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The head of the Ukrainian state is the President of Ukraine.

Signs of a republican form of government:

1) the president is the head of state;

2) the people are the only source of power in the state, which manages state and public affairs both directly and through their authorized representatives - the parliament, the head of state, self-governing bodies;

3) state power is exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial;

4) the functioning of the legally enshrined system of checks and balances between different branches of government;

5) the possibility of bringing to legal responsibility representatives of state authorities, including the head of state;

6) the presence of state-power powers in all state power bodies without exception;

7) generally binding decisions of the legislative branch for all other state bodies and citizens.

Traditionally, there are three types of republics: presidential, parliamentary and mixed (presidential-parliamentary and parliamentary-presidential). The type and name of the republic depends on which of the highest bodies of state power has more powers.

A presidential republic is a form of government in which the head of state (president) is vested with a significant amount of authority.

Signs of a presidential republic:

1) the head of state - the president - is elected not by the parliament, but by the citizens of the state in national elections;

2) the head of government is the president, who exercises general management of the hierarchical system of executive bodies;

3) the president cannot prematurely terminate the powers of parliament, but the masses have the right of a suspensive veto on legal acts of parliament (laws);

4) Parliament cannot dismiss ministers;

5) the government is formed by the president with the formal consent of the parliament (USA) or the consent of the parliament is not required (Venezuela);

6) the government is accountable to the president and is elected for the term of his office, etc.

A parliamentary republic is a form of government in which the supremacy of power in the state belongs to parliament. Signs of a parliamentary republic:

1) the head of state (president) is elected by parliament from among its members;

2) the president is the head of state, but he cannot be the head of government, so the government is not accountable to the president;

3) the government is formed by the parliament from representatives of political parties that won the election races;

4) the government is accountable to parliament;

5) the president has the right to veto legal acts of parliament, etc. A mixed republic is a form of government that combines

signs of presidential and parliamentary republics. If the president has a greater scope of powers, then this is a semi-presidential republic, if the parliament, then it is napivparlamentska.

Ukraine, according to the form of government, since the time of its own independence, is a mixed republic. However, the essence of the mixed republic was constantly experiencing dynamic changes. In the first years of independence, Ukraine gravitated towards a presidential form of government, which, incidentally, was typical of all the former republics of the Soviet Union. Prior to the adoption of the 1996 Constitution of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine was vested with a large amount of powers in the field of legislative activity, determination of the main directions of foreign and domestic policy of the state, formation of the government, economic strategy for the development of the state, etc.

The strong positions of the head of state remained after the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine. In particular, its transitional provisions (clause 4) indicate that the President of Ukraine, within three years after the entry into force of the Constitution of Ukraine, has the right to issue approved by the Cabinet

Ministers of Ukraine and signed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine decrees on economic issues not regulated by laws, with the simultaneous submission of the relevant bill to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the manner prescribed by Art. 93 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Such a decree of the President of Ukraine comes into effect if, within thirty calendar days from the date of submission of the bill (except for the days of the intersessional period), the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine does not adopt the law or reject the submitted bill by a majority of its constitutional composition, and is valid until the law enters into force, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on these issues. The above gives grounds to speak about the significant severity of the form of state government of Ukraine during this period to the presidential republic. Forms of state government of independent Ukraine:

3) presidential-parliamentary republic - from October 2010 to the present day.

Ukraine with a presidential-parliamentary republic, which is confirmed by the following constitutional provisions:

1) The President of Ukraine is elected by the citizens of Ukraine on the basis of general, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a period of five years (part 1 of article 103 of the Constitution of Ukraine);

2) The President of Ukraine appoints, with the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine; terminates the powers of the Prime Minister of Ukraine and decides on his resignation (clause 9, part 1, article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine);

3) The President of Ukraine, upon the recommendation of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, appoints members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, heads of other central executive bodies, as well as heads of local state administrations and terminates their powers in these positions (clause 10, part 1 of article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine);

4) The President of Ukraine forms, reorganizes and liquidates, upon the proposal of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, ministries and other central executive bodies, acting within the funds provided for the maintenance of executive bodies (clause 15, part 1 of article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine);

5) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is responsible to the President of Ukraine and is controlled and accountable to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (part 2 of article 113 of the Constitution of Ukraine);

6) The President of Ukraine, with the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, appoints the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, dismisses him from office (Clause 11, Part 1, Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine);

7) The President of Ukraine appoints half of the composition of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine, half of the composition of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting (clauses 12, 13, part 1 of article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine);

8) The President of Ukraine is endowed with the right of legislative initiative in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Article 93 of the Constitution of Ukraine);

9) The President of Ukraine has the right to early terminate the powers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (part 2 of article 90 of the Constitution of Ukraine).

Thus, according to the form of government, Ukraine is a semi-presidential (presidential-parliamentary) republic, which means a shift in the center of gravity of state power from parliament to the president.

The form of state structure is an integral part of the form of the state. History knows several forms of government: federation, confederation, empire, unitary state, and the like.

The federation is a complex union state, parts of which are state formations, which have a certain legal and political independence. Federations are characterized by a certain system of features, among which a three-level system of powers of state authorities is very significant:

a) the exclusive powers of the federation;

b) the exclusive powers of the subjects of the federation;

c) joint competence.

A confederation is a voluntary temporary union of sovereign states created to achieve a specific joint goal (activation of economic cooperation, defense of the state, etc.). The states that make up the confederation have equal rights and obligations.

An empire is a forcibly created complex union of states, in which one state - the metropolis - is dominant, and the rest are colonies that have no signs of sovereignty. There are no Empires on the geopolitical map of the world today.

A unitary state is a simple unified state in which there are no territorial units endowed with political sovereignty. Unitary states are divided into simple and complex.

A complex unitary state, along with administrative-territorial units, can have one or two territorial autonomies, which are endowed with certain sovereign rights.

A simple unitary state consists only of administrative-territorial units.

Unitary states are republics and monarchies:

* republics - France, Bulgaria, Egypt, Italy, etc.

o monarchies - Japan, Great Britain, Denmark, Spain, Saudi Arabia.

Signs of a unitary state:

1) a unified system of state power bodies (legislative, executive, judicial, law enforcement, control and supervisory, etc.), which extend their state and power powers to the entire territory of the state and to all individuals living in the state;

2) a unified system of legislation, where the constitution is at the top of the hierarchical system of normative legal acts and applies to the entire territory of the state;

3) single citizenship;

4) the state consists of administrative-territorial units that do not have sovereign rights;

5) acts as a single whole in international relations;

6) the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the state within the state border;

7) a single national currency;

8) a unified tax, financial, banking system, and the like. The Constitution of Ukraine in Art. 2 regulates that according to the form of the territorial structure, Ukraine is a unitary state. An analysis of the theoretical foundations for building the territorial structure of the state gives grounds to assert that Ukraine is a complex unitary state, since it includes the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. In general, the territory of Ukraine within the existing borders is integral and inviolable, and its territorial constituent parts are distinguished by internal unity. The system of the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine is composed of: the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, districts, cities, districts in cities, villages and townships (part 1 of article 133 of the Constitution of Ukraine).

The form of the state regime can be interpreted in narrow and broad meanings:

1) the procedure for exercising state power in certain ways, methods and means (narrow meaning);

2) as a set of political relations characteristic of a certain type of state, means and methods of exercising power, existing relations between state power and society, dominant forms of ideology, social and class relationships, the state of the political culture of society (broad meaning).

The term "form of state regime" was not immediately established in the scientific legal literature. For a long time, lawyers equated such concepts as "state regime" and "political regime". The political regime was defined as the forms and methods of exercising state power. However, the content of the political regime is not limited to state power. For example, political parties that did not win the electoral race are deprived of the right to exercise state administration, since they are not endowed with state powers. At the same time, they influence society and the state in a different way - through the organization of rallies, demonstrations, campaigning events and the like.

Thus, the political regime is a broader concept than the state. The political regime characterizes the forms, methods and means of activity of both government bodies and public organizations, political parties, movements, and the like. Therefore, the state regime is related to the political regime as a part and a whole.

The form of government and the form of government, in comparison with the state regime, is characterized by increased stability. If the change in the first two components of the form of the state (government and structure) occurs on the basis of objective factors in normative regulation, then the change in the state regime partly depends on the personal qualities of persons holding high public positions. For example, regime change can occur through the usurpation of power by an official. In the XX century, this was typical for the countries of Latin America,

Traditionally, the state regime is divided into certain types.

The state regime is divided into the following types: anti-democratic and democratic. The democratic regime has taken root in those states where there is a real legislatively enshrined the ability of citizens to control the actions of the government. In those states in which there is no control over state bodies, officials by society, individual citizens, or such control is minimal, an authoritarian, totalitarian or administrative-command state regime prevails.

A democratic regime is a type of state regime that is characterized by the decentralization of public power; citizens of the state must have a legislatively defined opportunity to exercise control over government bodies and officials, to take direct part in public administration; social and political life is based on democratic norms of the constitution and laws, the person and the citizen are guaranteed constitutional rights and freedoms. There are three types of democratic regimes:

a) a conservative-democratic regime is a type of democratic regime in which the principle of separation of powers is implemented, human and civil rights and freedoms are ensured, state and public life is based on democratic legal principles and legal traditions determined and guaranteed by the state. States with such a regime sacredly cherish the legal traditions of their state and people, constitutional legislation is introduced extremely rarely. Great Britain is a classic example of a state with a conservative-democratic regime;

b) a liberal-democratic regime is a type of state regime that has signs of a conservative-democratic regime, however, changes in constitutional legislation are accepted more mobile, in accordance with the requirements of public and state life. The liberal democratic regime is inherent in the countries of Latin America;

c) a radical democratic regime is a type of state regime in which there is a separation of powers, the people are recognized as the only source of power, human and civil rights and freedoms are guaranteed, there is political pluralism and economic diversity, but the state is in search of the best option for state building and lawmaking , therefore, there are relatively frequent changes in constitutional legislation.

An anti-democratic regime is a type of state regime that is characterized by almost complete control of the state over all spheres of public life, power is concentrated in the hands of one person or a small group of people, human rights and freedoms are violated, a plurality of political parties is prohibited, and the like. There are such types of anti-democratic regime:

a) an authoritarian regime is a type of state regime in which power is concentrated in the hands of one person or a small group of persons, the power of the head of state has an unlimited character, the command-administrative method and the method of coercion are the main ones in the activities of state authorities, political rights and freedom of citizens, there is an alienation of the people from power, elections are turning into a fiction, the activity of the punitive organs of the state is increasing. An authoritarian government regime is now in place in Venezuela;

b) a totalitarian regime is a type of state regime, which is characterized by the centralization of power, all-encompassing control of public life by the state. For a totalitarian regime of power, there is no principle of separation of state power, the state ideology is actively implanted in society, local self-government is not recognized, there is a merger of state bodies and one party, intolerance of political pluralism, disregard for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, state power is held by the force of punitive bodies.

According to the form of the state-legal regime, Ukraine is a radical democratic state, which is confirmed by constitutional changes aimed at improving the organization and activities of public authorities in the state:

a) the state recognizes the right of the Ukrainian people to determine and change the constitutional order in Ukraine;

b) power in the state cannot be usurped by state authorities or officials;

c) the state is responsible to the person for its activities;

d) legally enshrined and guaranteed democracy;

d) recognition by the state of human and civil rights and freedoms;

e) high activity of public authorities, individual officials, government agencies, public organizations, scientists in the development of new drafts of the Constitution of Ukraine, as well as amendments to the Basic Law of the State, etc.

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