Home Preparations for the winter Goose. Not pawed, but crystal. Notable natives and residents

Goose. Not pawed, but crystal. Notable natives and residents

When we were driving to Gus-Khrustalny we were warned: "here people do not smile, they are sad." Still would! Why would they be funny? Lost in the swamps, standing on the border of three regions at once, Gus-Khrustalny, in itself, causes sadness and sadness. This is a classic mono-city that is slowly but surely dying. Founded in the 18th century, it has seen a lot and is now in decline. Occasionally a tourist will drop in here, if you're lucky, even a foreign one. Locals have long stood up like a thoroughbred spaniel at the sight of a bus with foreign numbers. They will bring here swans, candlesticks, crystal shoes - Goose-Crystal ... As it is not difficult to understand from the name, this very crystal is produced in the city. Or rather, produced. The huge plant was shut down, and now there are several private tenants and several dozen specialists who work at a state-owned enterprise. Most of them try to go to work in Vladimir or Moscow. The city is very dirty, the embankment is littered with bottles and other rubbish, sidewalks are far from being everywhere, and those that still remain have not seen repairs for a long time. The population in the city is restless - everyone moves quite quickly, and they try to stay in groups. In the center of the market there is a dense stream of people, at the museum, a little further away - there is no one. There are many identical houses in the city - they were built for the workers of the glass factory, and so they stand, like a monument to the former dawn of the city. New buildings are rare here, old houses are being patched up, it looks quite wild from the outside. They don’t really bother with garbage - they throw it right here, or behind the nearest shed. But everyone is trying to ignore him.

01. We are met by a textile factory. Part of the windows in it are bricked up, we will return to this later, part of the plaster has fallen off ... The enterprise, as I understand it, is rented out as warehouses ...

02. We are used to the house upside down, but to the house at 45 degrees?

03. Guide to Gus Khrustalny calls the market a local attraction. As a result: we have two more plates at home. A salad bowl could also appear, but for this you need to start accepting cards ...

04. Goose Crystal chip - close up window openings with bricks. This phenomenon can be observed everywhere ...

05. However, there are also islands of civilization here.

06. I vividly imagined the dialogue:
- Weigh the shreds for me, 400 grams ...
- 420 turned out? Fine? Leave!
- Leave!
dva_loskutka ,
where do you get raw materials?

07. The space of the tablet was used in a strange way, and the tablet itself could have been made of crystal, not iron ...

08. The service in the local church is over, people are pouring out. A lot of children. Incredibly many. I have never seen so many parishioners with children before.

09. However, the path to the temple is not fast - you need to go around all the puddles, of which there are countless on the way. Maybe it is this quest that attracts children to the temple?

10. local battle cat

11. Street names in Gus Khrustalny generally deserve a separate post. Might have to do that next time...

12. Behind a loud sign is a banal repair of umbrellas and keys

13. Typical Goose Crystal.

14. Typical Goose Crystal. 2.0.

15. Typical Goose CrystalSP2.

16. Almost fresh press. Almost, because the newspaper is already 10 days old ...

17. Square

18. Brevity is the soul of wit. And then they will write: "depositing and withdrawing cash" ... It should be easier!

19. In general, I prepared to shoot monuments to geese, it is logical to assume that they should be in the city, but apparently the swan geese flew to the south ... And Lenin, here, remained. Worth voting...

20. The local promenade is buried in mud

21. Here I can't help but quote from the guidebook: "With a high level of culture, there is practically nowhere to relax culturally in Gus-Khrustalny. There is the only entertainment center Almaz. For this reason, even a youth disco on Saturdays from 6 to 10 pm is very popular. There is a bowling alley, a pizzeria and a cinema, several children's attractions, fast food cafe "

22. This foolishness with castles captures more and more new territories ...

23. Factory gate. In general, it seems to me that Gus Khrustalny can become an all-Russian center for lovers of "Encounter", or "Night Watch", and in general all similar quests with casting ... I give the idea!

24. We continue talking about strange streets ...

25. In general, if you look at the map, the Crystal Goose is somewhat reminiscent of New York, there are also only "street" and "avenue" ...

26. Founder of the city and factory Maltsev. Not to be confused with prosto_vova

27. Ornamental cabbage is the basis of the interior of city flower beds. Here, only, seedlings are clearly stingy here, and cabbage grows in rare heads of cabbage ...

28. The railway station is deserted. Apparently, because of this, he trades in spare parts.

29. The whole essence of Goose Crystal: damn it, that the balcony is falling apart, we will cover it with siding, and okay! What we don’t sheath, we’ll patch up with bricks!

30. With garbage, as I wrote, no one bothers, old wooden frames are thrown out not far from the place of work ...

What do the inhabitants of Gus-Khrustalny call themselves? January 8th, 2017

After I graduated from the institute in Belgorod, I almost left to work as an automation engineer at one of the factories in the city of Gus-Khrustalny. Friends have already collected things there and I almost got ready, but it didn’t happen.

I wonder if it were not for that twist of fate, what would I be called now - Guskhrustalevets, Guskhrustalets?

In Meshchera, among forests, rivers and lakes, stands the city of Gus-Khrustalny. It is by no means ancient. However, it is one of the oldest centers of the glass industry. It stands on the Gus River in the eastern part of the Meshcherskaya lowland. Founded in the 17th century. At first it was the village of Gus, like the river.

The city owes its appearance in these places to one of the first decrees concerning, surprisingly, environmental protection. In 1754, the government was forced to pay attention to the predatory destruction of forests in the central part of Russia and issue an order "general destruction of a number of enterprises located closer than two hundred miles from Moscow," since they were using a huge amount of forest for fuel. The list of these enterprises also includes "glass and crystal factories in the Mozhaisk district of the owners of the Maltsovs." According to the stories, Akim Maltsov bought forests and land in Meshchera from the landowners Simon and personally went with guides to choose a place for the future factory. Here is how the legend tells about it:

“For two hours they have been walking through the forest. And then a strip of water flashed through the branches of trees. A flock of geese flew up with a noise from the surface of the river, shining like a mirror ...

So this is the Gus River? - asked Maltsov.
- She, your degree! - answered the conductors. And when he returned to the fire, where the guides were drying wet bast shoes, he sat down on an alder felled by a storm, thought about something for a long time, then announced:
- Here I will put the plant!
The guides, wishing good luck to the owner, crossed themselves.
- And how do you order to write in papers?
- Why, as it should be, - answered Maltsov, - according to the place and rank. Mother Moscow, what a great city, and even then it is called by the river ... I will order you to write in papers: "Goose-Crystal". Here the place is indicated, and what kind of goods we will work ... "(see Gilyarevsky P.V. Gus-Khrustalny, Yaroslavl, 1971, p. 5-6).

However, the essence of the toponym in this legend is accurately conveyed: the city got its name from the river on which it was built. The village began to be called either Gus-Maltsevsky, or simply Gus. Officially, it was better known as the Gusev Crystal Factory. And only in Soviet times, in 1926, when the Gusevsky district was formed, the village of Gus became the working settlement of Gus-Khrustalny. Since 1931, the village officially received the status of a city. The city is still considered the flagship of the Russian glass industry. Developed in Gus-Khrustalny and another industry - textile, the area is also famous for agricultural products.

The name of the river itself, on which the city stands, for the perception of a Russian person has a “bird etymology” - you might think that she got it in honor of some kind of goose. Who knows, maybe it really is. It is likely that the word that gave the name to the river is associated with some kind of bird cult among the Slavs who previously inhabited this area. However, it is possible that this word is not of Russian origin at all, but goes back to Turkic or Finno-Ugric roots.

The locals have a witty legend about how the name of the city came about. It tells that the wife of Prince Vladimir, the princess, released her beloved goose into this river and at the same time said: “You are my crystal goose, you swim, swim and rejoice! You will now live in freedom, where you wish - to sail!

And the inhabitants of this city are called - Gusevchane, Gusevchanka, Gusevchanin. Also, in the local press, the self-name of the inhabitants is "gusevets", "gusevtsy"

Subject of the federation Vladimir region urban district the city of Gus-Khrustalny Chapter Sokolov Alexey Nikolaevich History and geography Founded in 1756 First mention Former names Goose, Gus-Maltsevsky City with 1931 Square 43 km² Center height 125 m Timezone UTC+3 Population Population ↘ 54,533 people (2018) Density 1268.21 people/km² Katoykonym Gusevchan, Gusevchanin, Gusevchanka Digital IDs Telephone code +7 49241 Postal codes 601501-601509 OKATO code 17 420 OKTMO code 17 720 000 001 Other Awards gusadmin.ru Audio, photo and video at Wikimedia Commons

Gusev residents made a great contribution during the Great Patriotic War. There were five hospitals in the city. In the autumn of 1941, a defense committee was created in the city, and a fighter battalion of the people's militia operated. In a short time, production was rebuilt in a military way. The Crystal Factory at that time produced thermoses, flasks, flasks, thermometers, etc.

Gus-Khrustalny was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor () for success in the development of the domestic glass industry and contribution to the development of the national economy. In the 1970s, an embankment was built, roads were paved. During the Soviet period, such large industries as a crystal factory, a textile factory, a pilot plant, a glass factory named after Dzerzhinsky, a quartz factory, Shveymash, an armature factory worked in the city, the Institute of Glass, a creolin factory, a meat processing plant, a dairy plant, and a bakery operated. Clubs, schools were built, children's country recreation camps were opened.

The population of Gus-Khrustalny is more than 60 thousand people. Gusevskoy Crystal Factory is the largest domestic enterprise for the production of art glass and crystal. In 1996, the city of Gus-Khrustalny was awarded the international prize "Golden Mercury" for the preservation of the historical and architectural appearance of the city. The Quartz Factory, the Textile Factory, Shveimash cease to exist, the Institute of Glass, the Crystal Factory, the Meat Processing Plant disappear… The rest of the industries are split into pieces. Part is pulled apart, part somehow continues to work.

At the end of 2010, Gus-Khrustalny entrepreneurs wrote to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin about the dominance of crime in their city: “More than three dozen arsons, robberies, beatings and other ‘exemplary’ crimes against business representatives. And these statistics are only for the last 4 months. The situation in the city was described as "criminal terror". During the investigation, the heads of local law enforcement agencies were removed from their posts and later resigned. The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin came to restore order in Gus-Khrustalny. But there was no mass purge of the ranks of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Vladimir Putin commented on the criminal situation in Gus-Khrustalny as follows: “As for the terrible situation in Kushchevskaya, and in Gus-Khrustalny, it’s not just about the internal affairs bodies. Here the matter is completely different: the fact that all the authorities turned out to be insolvent.”

Until 2010, Gus-Khrustalny had the status of a historical settlement, however, by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2010 No. 418/339, the city was deprived of this status.

In November 2011, the famous Crystal Factory, which gave the city its name, ceased to exist. Production at the plant was stopped on November 5, 2011 due to a power outage for debts of 11 million rubles. The last employees of the enterprise were fired in January 2012.

In September 2012, Andrey Murtazin, the leader of the organized crime group operating then in 2010, was detained, as well as his brother Ruslan Murtazin.

On December 26, 2013, the Crystal Factory resumed its work, or rather, its 4th workshop, which specializes in the production of colored crystal. The launch event was attended by Governor of the Vladimir Region Svetlana Orlova, Chairman of the Regional Legislative Assembly Vladimir Kiselyov, and Mayor Nikolai Balakhin.


1859 1885 1897 1920 1923 1926 1931 1939 1959 1970 1973
3282 ↗ 6229 ↗ 11 981 ↘ 9971 ↗ 12 191 ↗ 17 910 ↗ 25 500 ↗ 40 225 ↗ 54 158 ↗ 64 516 ↗ 67 000
1976 1979 1982 1986 1987 1989 1996 1998 2000 2001 2002
↗ 69 000 ↗ 71 598 ↗ 73 000 ↗ 75 000 ↗ 76 000 ↗ 76 360 ↘ 75 900 ↘ 74 800 ↘ 73 400 ↘ 72 300 ↘ 67 121
2003 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
↘ 67 100 ↘ 64 900 ↘ 61 900 ↘ 61 013 ↘ 60 784 ↗ 60 800 ↘ 59 653 ↘ 58 571 ↘ 57 616 ↘ 56 676 ↘ 55 973
2017 2018
↘ 55 421 ↘ 54 533

As of January 1, 2018, in terms of population, the city was in 302nd place out of 1113 cities of the Russian Federation.

The population of the city is decreasing due to the excess of deaths over births and the outflow of part of the able-bodied population to other cities.


Climate Gus-Khrustalny
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Average maximum, °C −6,7 −5,3 0,8 10,1 18,3 22,4 24,4 22,3 15,7 7,9 −0,1 −4,6 8,8
Average temperature, °C −9,8 −9,1 −3,3 5,2 12,6 16,8 18,9 16,7 10,7 4,3 −2,5 −7,3 4,4
Average minimum, °C −13,2 −13 −7,2 0,9 7 11,2 13,5 11,7 6,6 1,3 −4,9 −10,2 0,3
Precipitation rate, mm 41 31 30 43 48 74 70 70 54 65 50 50 626
Source: Climate-data.org , Meteoinfo


One of the sights of the city is St. George's Cathedral, built in 1904 at the expense of Yu. S. Nechaev-Maltsov, designed by architect L. N. Benois and consecrated in honor of St. George the Victorious. The murals of V. M. Vasnetsov are partially preserved in the cathedral. Currently, the Crystal Museum is located in the former building of the temple.

The Holy Trinity Cathedral has been counting its history since 1816, when a small monastery appeared in the village of Gus next to the crystal factory. The temple was erected and named after Saints Joachim and Anna. After 35 years, a temple was built next to the church and consecrated in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity. In 1936 it was closed. Restoration work began only in 1989. Almost everything in the temple had to be restored from scratch, from the floors to the dome of the monastery and the bell tower, which was almost completely destroyed.




  • City Library Information Center;
  • Cinema center "AlmaZ";
  • Palace of Youth "Khrustalny"
  • Gus-Khrustalny Historical and Art Museum
  • Crystal Museum


  • Hotel "Meshchera";
  • Hotel "Barinova Roshcha";
  • Park-hotel "Usadba Meshcherskaya".



The city is one of the centers of the glass industry, dominated by enterprises specializing in the production of glass and crystal products. Among the city-forming enterprises:

  • OSV "Fiberglass"
  • Gusevsky valve plant "Gusar"
  • Glass Research Institute
  • Experienced glass factory
  • Brickworks
  • meat processing plant
  • Gus-Khrustalny Dairy Plant
  • Enterprise "Meshchery Bread"
  • Textile plant

The Gusevsk Crystal Factory, the Steklovolokno Factory and the Dzerzhinsky Gusevsk Glass Factory in Soviet times were city-forming enterprises of strategic importance, which employed the majority of the city's population. But in the 1990s, the disastrous economic situation of the country could not but affect these plants as well. There were practically no state orders for the production of glass at that time. As a result, production was greatly reduced. Currently, a huge part of the production area is not used.


city ​​buses

Main article: Bus station Gus-Khrustalny

There are 6 bus routes in the city. One of them connects the city with the nearest settlement Gusevsky.

Suburban buses

The bus station in Gus-Khrustalny provides regular bus routes. Directions: Vladimir, Ryazan, Moscow, Ivanovo, Voronezh.

commuter trains

  • The Gus-Khrustalny railway station of the Gorky Railway is located on a dead-end non-electrified single-track line Vladimir - Tumskaya (two pairs of suburban trains daily). The line is served by diesel-drawn trains, consisting of 2-3 common or seated cars.
  • From Moscow, you can take an electric train to the Nechaevskaya station (with a transfer at the Cherusti station), located 15 km from the city, a taxi platform is equipped at the station.


mobile connection

Mass media

Russian Orthodox Church

  • Gusev Orthodox Theological School. Founded in 1995 Mitred Archpriest John Kravchenko [ ]
  • Gusev parish. Temple-chapel of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara.

Photogallery of the city

Notable natives and residents


  1. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2018 (indefinite) . Retrieved July 25, 2018. Archived from the original on July 26, 2018.
  2. Gorodetskaya I. L., Levashov I. A. Russian names of inhabitants: Dictionary-reference book / Ed. E. A. Levashova. - M.: Russian dictionaries, 2003. - S. 91. - ISBN 5-93259-033-5..
  3. Pospelov E. M. Geographical names of Russia: Toponymic dictionary. About 3000 units. - M. : Book find, 2002. - 352 p.
  4. USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the union republics on January 1, 1980 / Comp. V. A. Dudarev, N. A. Evseeva. - M. : Izvestia, 1980. - 702 p.- S. 106.
  5. Skulov N. Fire Tower (indefinite) . Echo Meshchera. (unavailable link)
  6. Criminal terror continues to emerge in Russian regions (indefinite) . vesti.ru. Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  7. The head of the investigative committee, Alexander Bastrykin, will arrive in the Vladimir region today (indefinite) . Echo of Moscow. Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  8. Vladimir Putin is more and more direct and linear // Kommersant newspaper. - 2010-12-17. - S. 1.
  9. List of historical settlements in the regions of the Russian Federation (indefinite) . Russian newspaper (September 29, 2010). Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  10. Like crystal from Goose. What awaits the city after the closure of the famous plant. , RIA News(January 26, 2012). Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  11. "Gusevskoy Crystal Factory" dismisses all employees, RIA News(January 12, 2012). Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  12. The leader of the "Eight" from Gus-Khrustalny was arrested, Lenta.ru(September 15, 2012). Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  13. In Voronezh, the former "eight" Ruslan Murtazin was detained, IA REGNUM. Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  14. Lists of populated places in the Russian Empire. VI. Vladimir province. According to the information of 1859 / Processed by Art. ed. M. Raevsky. - Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. - St. Petersburg. , 1863. - 283 p.
  15. Vladimir province, the first general population census in 1897. (indefinite) . Archived from the original on March 1, 2012.
  16. Preliminary results of the census in the Vladimir province. Issue 2// All-Union population census of 1926 / Vladimir provincial statistical department. - Vladimir, 1927.
Confessional composition Telephone code Auto code rooms Official site OKATO

Gus-Khrustalny district(previously Gusevsky district listen)) is a municipality in the south of the Vladimir Oblast of Russia.

The administrative center is the city of Gus-Khrustalny (not part of the district).

Geographical position

The administrative district of the Vladimir region with the center in the city of Gus-Khrustalny is located in its southwestern part and covers an area of ​​4.3 thousand square kilometers. The city itself is the fourth largest among other cities in the region. The configuration of the boundaries of the region has fairly regular outlines and resembles an apple, so the length of the region both from north to south and from west to east has approximately the same value and is about 80 km. More precisely: 55gr. 40 min. NL - 95 km; 40 gr. 45 min. o.d. - 75 km. The area is located in the northeastern, or Vladimirskaya, part of the Meshcherskaya lowland, which, in turn, is part of the vast system of outwash plains of the Central Russian strip, stretching from Polesie in the west to the Balakhna lowland in the east, which create landscapes that are unique in individuality. The district, in turn, borders on the Sobinsky District in the north, on the Sudogodsky and Melenkovsky Districts in the east, on the Ryazan Region in the south, and on the Shatursky District of the Moscow Region in the west. One of the most important railway routes Moscow-Kazan passes through the district, which plays a large interregional role. A single-track railway passes through Gus, from Tuma to Vladimir - the regional center, which plays an important intra-regional role. However, despite this, both the city itself and the region occupy an unfavorable geographical position. This is primarily due to the remoteness from the centers and limiting natural factors: swampiness, large forest cover, many small and medium-sized rivers that have a transit character and impede the construction of communications (despite the direct proximity to the Shatursky district of the Moscow region, there are no highways connecting the regions). Even proximity to Moscow in this case has little effect on the population, since Meshchera, as it were, creates a natural barrier on the ways of people's migration, and therefore most of the regional and interregional communications are carried out through the regional center. But such a remote position has created an advantageous strategic position that has attracted people here since ancient times. Therefore, it is not surprising that in such a disadvantageous position, a large industrial center arose in the very center of Meshchera, which owes its appearance not only to strategic benefits, but also to a combination of rich natural resources: mainly quartz sands, water and forests.


  • Area - 4,370 km² (1st place among the districts of the region).
  • The main rivers are Gus, Kolp, Pol, Buzha.
  • The climate is temperate continental, typical for central Russia as a whole.

Natural resources

The flora of the region includes 955 species of vascular plants. According to this indicator, the district is one of the three most floristically diverse districts of the region. The flora of the Meshchera National Park has been studied the most.


The history of the emergence of the Gusevsky district on the territory of the region has long roots. This part of our country has long been mastered by people. At the sites during excavations, many evidences of the daily life of our distant ancestors were found. Thus, the finds made it possible to determine that primitive people ate mainly elk meat and fish, but also hunted deer, beaver and other animals, as well as wild chicken and other inhabitants of an environment close in characteristics to the steppe zone. It can be seen that the zone of the steppes of the Oka floodplain ended here. Stone tools (piercing drills, arrowheads, adzes, polished axes), vessels and necklaces have been preserved since the Neolithic (New Stone Age).

At that time, when communities of sedentary fishermen, people of the lakes, lived here, their distant relatives from northern Belarus and from the upper Dnieper moved to them. What made them migrate? Probably, the pressure of militant, aggressive neighbors-cattle breeders. People of the North Belarusian culture moved here en masse and, having mixed with local tribes, formed in fact a single people ... The Slavs were not some kind of occupiers here - these were their ancestral lands. And the excavations convincingly prove that five thousand years ago there was a single people, who also mastered the modern Meshchera.



The volume of shipped goods of own production by type of manufacturing industries (2008) - 5.32 billion rubles.

The region as a whole is in a state of economic decline. There is no stable, income-generating production.


The main road is the regional highway R-73 "Vladimir-Ryazan", included in the list of federal roads.

Single track diesel locomotive railway line


Gus-Khrustalny is a city in the Vladimir region. It stands on the Gus River in the eastern part of the Meshcherskaya lowland. Founded in the 17th century. At first it was the village of Gus, like the river. In the middle of the 18th century, the Russian merchant Akim Maltsev built a factory in Gus-Khrustalny for the production of crystal, after which the village became famous as the center of its production. The village began to be called either Gus-Maltsevsky, or simply Gus. Officially, it was better known as the Gusev Crystal Factory. And only in Soviet times, in 1926, when the Gusevsky district was formed, the village of Gus became the working settlement of Gus-Khrustalny. Since 1931, the village officially received the status of a city. The city is still considered the flagship of the Russian glass industry. Developed in Gus-Khrustalny and another industry - textile, the area is also famous for agricultural products.

Regarding the origin of the city's name, there is a very convincing version, according to which the decoding of the city's name literally "lies on the surface." Since the city stands on the Gus River, the first part of its name clearly comes from the name of the river. Previously, it was the village of Gus. The second part of its name, the now existing Gus-Khrustalny, standing on the site of this village, is due to the fact that for several centuries there was a center for the production of crystal in Russia.

The name of the river itself, on which the city stands, for the perception of a Russian person has a “bird etymology” - you might think that she got it in honor of some kind of goose. Who knows, maybe it really is. It is likely that the word that gave the name to the river is associated with some kind of bird cult among the Slavs who previously inhabited this area. However, it is possible that this word is not of Russian origin at all, but goes back to Turkic or Finno-Ugric roots.

The locals have a witty legend about how the name of the city came about. It tells that the wife of Prince Vladimir, the princess, released her beloved goose into this river and at the same time said: “You are my crystal goose, you swim, swim and rejoice! You will now live in freedom, where you wish - to sail!

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