Home Blanks for the winter Igor Burtsev about the Kemerovo Yeti. Historian Igor Burtsev: “Nobody needs Bigfoot Igor Burtsev Yeti

Igor Burtsev about the Kemerovo Yeti. Historian Igor Burtsev: “Nobody needs Bigfoot Igor Burtsev Yeti

Recently, in one of the TV programs, the psychic warned the scientist who keeps the skull of the son of the snow woman Zana: “It brings misfortune. If you want your family to be healthy, bury him. " Did he heed the advice?

N. Larin, Yekaterinburg

- Once the skull was kept at my house on the balcony, then in the laboratory of the institute. He is now in a metal cabinet in the garage. I don't think he can harm anyone, - says I. Burtsev. - In addition, only one psychic said about the bad effects of the skull. Others denied this and said that my daughter, who now has health problems, will be fine and the skull has nothing to do with it ...

Although, of course, its influence cannot be completely denied. In Azerbaijan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Abkhazia, local residents confessed to me that they had seen Bigfoot, but refused to give details. “We have no right to talk about encounters with these creatures, otherwise our kind will suffer,” they said. Before the excavation, the old people warned me: they say, it is not worth digging graves - the sky may be indignant.

And, indeed, as soon as we finished, the sun instantly became overcast, thunder struck, downpour began ... When I took the bones to Moscow, my temperature rose to 39-40 degrees. In the Kremlin hospital, they could not make a diagnosis for 3 weeks. Then they wrote that it was mosquito fever, although such a disease in the country was last recorded already in 1918.

Of course, there were many losses in my life - one of the participants in the excavations died, another died of cancer, my ex-wife died a few years ago, but you shouldn't associate all this with Khvit's skull ...

What was the savage?

Today Burtsev is the country's chief expert on Bigfoot. Once he graduated from the Aviation Institute, was an engineer, then moved to work in the district committee of the Komsomol. He lived for a year in South Yemen - created a youth organization there, worked for three years in Afghanistan - was a press adviser. Knows Arabic, Persian, English. I would only be engaged in politics, if in 1965, at the age of 25, I had not gone on an expedition to Kabardino-Balkaria during a vacation. Heard there stories of residents about meetings with hairy creatures and caught fire with a topic for life ... And then I learned about the snow woman Zana, who lived among people in the Abkhaz village of Tkhina from the middle of the 19th century.

Old-timers said that they hunted the wild for a long time in the forest. Then they caught and named Zana (“zan” in Georgian means “black”). After several redirections, she went to the petty prince Edgie Genaba.

Zana was powerful, two meters tall, her whole body was covered with thick dark hair. The savage lived on the site of her master - first in a pit surrounded by a palisade, and when she became more tame - in a hut. A few years later, Zana began to respond to her name, obey the owner and worked in agricultural work - she easily dragged 50-kilogram bags of corn to the mill. But she still slept only on damp ground, ate with her hands and walked naked.

Who "saddled" her?

“In the 70s, I met a long-liver who, as a child, saw Zana. He said that they, boys, loved to tease her - they threw stones and sticks at her, and she growled in response, - says I. Burtsev. - Then I found a woman who said that the owner of the snow woman Edgy Genaba liked to arrange "bachelor parties", during which he gave Zana a drink and organized competitions - he handed a prize to the one who "saddled" the savage. There were daredevils, and Zana began to have children. She dragged the first babies to the spring and washed them in ice water, so they died. Then the inhabitants of Tkhina began to take away the newborns from her. Who were their fathers is unknown. "

Zana's children grew up in different families, they were given different surnames. In total, four grew up - two daughters ( Gamasa and Kojanar) and two sons ( Jonda and Khwit).

The descendant of Zana's Bigfoot is Khvit. Photo: Frame youtube.com

More than the rest, fellow villagers remembered Zana's youngest son Khvit - he lived in the village longer than other children and died in 1953 at the age of about 70 years. The two-meter giant was very strong, had thick curly hair, full lips and a violent disposition - once, during a fight, he even lost an arm. Unlike his mother, Khwit was a real intelligent person: he talked, lived in society, was married three times and left offspring - two daughters and a son.

The locals knew the burial place of Khvit and showed it to Burtsev - this is how the skeleton of the son of the snow woman was in the hands of the scientist. His skull differs from the skull of modern people: the beak-shaped occiput, rough relief, the minimum width of the forehead, "extra" bone on the occiput.

Whose Skull?

A few years later, one and a half meters from the grave of Khvit, another burial was discovered - in a wide and short grave there were the remains of a woman lying on her side and with bent legs. Her skull with a protruding lower jaw was also very different from a human ...

“Whether Zanin is a skull or not is not known for sure,” says I. Burtsev. - In 2006, geneticist T. Disotell in the laboratory of New York University, he examined the DNA of the bones of both skulls and came to the conclusion that they belong to close relatives. Here comes the anthropologist S. Bailey questioned kinship - there are differences in structure.

In general, initially, hominologists, including myself, believed that the Snowmen were Neanderthals who have survived to this day. But for some reason, neither we nor our opponents have found signs of Neanderthals in their bone remains. In this regard, a sensational discovery in 2012 made M. Ketchum, director of the Texas DNA Diagnostics Laboratory. For 5 years, she studied 111 biological samples of snowmen collected in the United States and Canada. Research has shown that their genetics are very close to that of humans. They are a hybrid of a person and a creature unknown to science. Dr. M. Ketchum even applied to the World Zoobank for the discovery of a new species, calling it Homo sapiens cognatus - consanguineous man. "

Now Burtsev continues to study the history of Zana. He has already found more than 30 descendants of the Snow Woman, who had their own grandchildren and great-grandchildren ... Some still live in Abkhazia, others have left the world. One great-great-great-granddaughter of Zana lives in Moscow, the other - near Orel, and her daughter recently had a son ...

"By the way, the correspondent of" AiF " Savely Kashnitsky, who conducted his own research in Abkhazia, helped to find some descendants of the Snow Woman, says the scientist. - Savely also found Anatolia Bgambu, who considered himself the great-grandson of Khwit. In fact, Khvit married the Russian woman Maria for the third time and adopted her two children from a previous marriage. The descendant turned out to be bloodless ... But it was he who recently helped find the graves of Zana's granddaughters through her daughter Kojanar! This is a real find! For the genetic identification of a species, it is very important to trace the female line. We only had materials from the descendants of Zana's sons - Jonda and Khvit. So, now there is a real chance to find out who Zana really was. "

The fact that the excavator driver of a mine from the city of Leninsk-Kuznetskiy Pashkov Evgeny Aleksandrovich sent to the International Center of Hominology a video of the footprints and of the humanoid creature itself, made by schoolboy Evgeny Anisimov from the Leninsk-Kuznetsk district of the Kemerovo region on January 21, 2013.

As the examination revealed, this creature is the so-called "Bigfoot", or Yeti, about the observations of which in the Kemerovo region have been reported by various eyewitnesses for several years.

By Igor Burtsev, Cand. ist. Bigfoot Scientist and Researcher

Since 2009, as an expert hominologist, I had a chance to visit the Kemerovo region several times, mainly in its southern part - Gornaya Shoria - in order to investigate reports of meetings there with mysterious wild two-legged known as "Bigfoot", or Yeti ( scientific name - relict hominoid, or in short - hominoid), and for searches and research on this issue. Of the most reliable reports, I will note the testimony of a former teacher Vladimir Ivanovich Sergeev, a resident of the village of Ust-Kabyrza and a former employee of the Tashtagol administration Lilia Vasilyevna Zenkova. I received her message in March 2011.

In addition to these messages, there were several more testimonies that were less vivid.

In addition, in my archive there was one testimony from the Kyshtovsky district of the neighboring Novosibirsk region, dating back to 2004 - about the meeting there of a "Bigfoot" by a teenager and the investigation of this case by local hunting experts and policemen, and one report about a meeting with such creatures in the city of Leninsk- Kuznetsky in 1942.

A large amount of material on observations of hominoids to the south, in the neighboring mountainous Altai mountainous region in Mongolia (Mongolian Altai), was collected by me earlier during a long expedition there in 1976 (the local name of the creature in Mongolia is almas).

During expeditions to Gornaya Shoria in 2009-2010. With the help of a local guide, police officer Valery Topakov (now the head of the administration of the village of Ust-Kabyrza), I managed to find a significant number of unusual man-made structures in the forest on the slopes of Mount Karatag - wood markers, which, in my firm conviction, were created by the hands of wild bipedal inhabitants of the forest. In appearance, they are similar to similar structures found in other regions of Russia (Kirov, Novgorod, Vologda, Leningrad, Tula, Tver, etc., in the Caucasus), as well as in other countries - the USA, Canada, Australia, in some European countries.

At the beginning of October 2011, the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Hominology was held in Kuzbass, it was attended by scientists and researchers from the USA, Canada, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, including several doctors and candidates of science. The conference program included two mini-expeditions - to the Azasskaya cave area and to the Karatag mountain. The conference participants found footprints, bedding and hair of supposedly hominoids in the Azasskaya cave, as well as several wood structures made by the hands of "snowmen" on the approaches to the cave and on the slopes of Mount Karatag in the Tashtagol region.

Opponents once again announced the finds were fabricated by order of the authorities, allegedly to attract tourists to the region. But - the taiga was not slow to answer the skeptics and to support the available data with new material evidence.

On November 6 of the same 2011, the traces of the two-legged creature in the snow were found by the Kungushev family - Yuri and Svetlana with children - on the way to their dacha in Aleksandrovka (near the town of Tashtagol), they also collected hair samples of the alleged "Bigfoot" (Yeti). Judging by the trail, the creature proceeded in a southerly direction.

In mid-December 2011, during an expedition to Kuzbass, a Japanese TV group (producer Katada, host of the Takihara program) examined and filmed footprints in the cave, as well as found creases in the trees along the trail chain indicated by the Kungushevs. The Kungushevs themselves drew attention to these creases only after I discovered them. These creases confirmed the message of the Kungushevs. Some of the hair samples were sent to Japan for research.

In the spring of 2012 (April 24), the Kungushevs discovered new creases on the bushes on the way to their dacha, from which they concluded that the hominoid was migrating back from south to north. During an Italian expedition in June 2012 (led by Marco Zamparelli), these creases were also documented. Some of the hair samples were also given to the Italian team for research.

At the October 2011 conference, Lilia Vasilievna Zenkova spoke about her meeting with the Bigfoot in the Spasskiye Lugi area on June 13, 2005. Her story also found material confirmation during the Italian expedition: in the place where the creature met L. V. Zenkova left, the members of the expedition documented the tree markers I found there - intertwined tree branches.

In the summer of 2012, a fisherman from Myski, Vitaly Vershinin, while sailing on a boat along the river, observed a humanoid creature on the banks of the Mrassu River. Around the same places, a similar creature was seen by tourists sailing along the river in a boat.

Photo by Oksana Zhukova (enlarged fragment on the right).

As it became known later, the young zoologist Oksana Zhukova in March 2012 accidentally saw and photographed, albeit from afar, a humanoid creature on a snow-covered field near the city of Yurga. This case was investigated and commented on by the zoologist Professor Alexander Polyakov from Kemerovo.

And on January 21, 2013, three schoolchildren aged 11-12 years, while walking near a village located 30 km from the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, saw mysterious footprints in the snow, followed them and suddenly noticed a dark two-legged figure not far away behind the bushes. One of them, Evgeny Anisimov, who filmed their hike on the tracks with a mobile phone camera, managed to film it until it noticed them, bent sharply to the ground and quickly rushed away from them, into the thickets ... The guys were also frightened , turned back, and gave a streak from him. As Zhenya Anisimov later explained, at first it seemed to him that it was some guy who was busy there, but then he saw that he was big, two meters tall, and shaggy.

Evgeny Pashkov, who sent me the video, said that Zhenya Anisimov, who took the footprints and the creature itself, is an orphan. His mother died of cancer, and his father committed suicide ... Zhenya has two more younger brothers, aged 8 and 5. They live with their grandmother, Valentina Petrovna Panova, and, of course, they are in need. Therefore, I sent the video to the governor of the region, Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev, noting the undoubted value of the filming and with a request to encourage the boy financially, given that this is the first in the history of Russia more or less reliable and sufficiently visual video filming of the "Bigfoot".

Unfortunately, the administration staff hastily posted the video on the Internet, without bothering to process it and drown out the profanity that the guys used during the filming. Based on this, according to the information received, some psychologists arrived at the scene, who told the guys that they had a sick psyche.

Later, the local authorities, instead of encouraging them, accused the guys of hooliganism and sent police representatives to take action, who were supposed to register them in the children's room of the police. At the same time, it would be necessary to bring to justice those negligent employees of the administration who distributed this video on the network.

When viewing the video, it can be seen that the creature was still standing, slightly stooped, its arms seemed to hang low. And then, when it noticed the guys, it bent down and abruptly recoiled to the side. When watching the video, our experts had no doubts that it was the "Bigfoot" who was filmed, this was evident both in his posture, and in his reaction, and in his movements - everything indicated that the shooting was real.

Thus, despite the insinuations of opponents, including foreign ones, the existence on the territory of the Kemerovo region of mysterious inhabitants - "snowmen", or yeti - is confirmed by an increasing number of visual evidence, and in particular - the first in the history of Russia, quite convincing, albeit poor quality video footage of one of these creatures.

From the footprints caught in the frame, it is clear that they seem to be double, that is, they were passed along them twice. Initially, we assumed that the creature was walking first towards the village, towards the river, and then following its own tracks back to the glade where the guys found it. But later researchers from the USA and Canada joined the discussion. They drew our attention to the fact that inside the large tracks, smaller tracks were imprinted, and from the nature of the snow removal of their tracks, it became clear that both tracks were going in the same direction. So, through joint efforts, we came to the conclusion that two creatures left footprints: a large one and a small one. Moreover, the big one walked ahead, paving the way, and the small one followed in his footsteps. By the way, when discussing the video on the website, our opponents noted that the creature's step is too short. But, apparently, this is due to the fact that the large creature deliberately took short steps, so that it would be more convenient for the small to follow in his footsteps.

Further, at the moment when the large creature noticed the guys, the small one was on his arms or on his shoulder, and the legs of the small one hung down. This was pointed out by our American colleagues, and we agreed with them. And when the creature bent down and darted to the side, it is clear that the body is too wide, which is quite consistent with the fact that the small creature is in his arms.

Later, Yevgeny Pashkov said that shortly before this meeting, a mink had poured a dozen chickens from one of the inhabitants of the village, and the owner threw them behind the river, just near the place where the guys began to follow the tracks. And the guys hung them in the same place on the trees and bushes, just out of pampering. But there were not even feathers left of the chickens, as is the case when they are torn to pieces by dogs. From this we can conclude that, probably, the creatures took the dead chickens and carried them away.

Evgeny became interested in this case and asked Zhenya Anisimov to take him to the clearing where the guys found the hominoids. They went there, the snow was already covering the tracks, but they were still noticeable. Eugene walked over them and said that the footprints left that glade, made a circle and came back. And then we left in the direction of the highway. In addition, he found several trees gnawed at a height of 150-170 cm in a clearing, and one was gnawed, and the gnawed piece was lying nearby in the snow. It was a dry tree, no more than five centimeters thick. And the bark of the neighboring living tree was gnawed. At my request, Eugene photographed these trees.

E. A. Pashkov next to a gnawed tree.

Bigfoot bait.

Since Eugene decided to keep an eye on this place, we advised him to leave some food for the hominoids. And just in the village, the mink again poured chickens. We told him to put some chickens in a sack and hang them on a tree, which he did. Let's see how events will develop further ...

Recently, all the news portals circulated a note that the excavator driver of a mine from Leninsk-Kuznetskiy, Pashkov Evgeny Aleksandrovich, sent to the International Center for Hominology a video footage of the footprints and of the humanoid creature itself, made by schoolboy Evgeny Anisimov from the Leninsk-Kuznetsk district of the Kemerovo region on January 21, 2013.

As the examination revealed, this creature is the so-called "Bigfoot", or Yeti, about the observations of which in the Kemerovo region have been reported by various eyewitnesses for several years.

By Igor Burtsev, Cand. ist. Bigfoot Scientist and Researcher

Since 2009, as an expert hominologist, I had a chance to visit the Kemerovo region several times, mainly in its southern part - Gornaya Shoria - in order to investigate reports of meetings there with mysterious wild two-legged known as Bigfoot, or Yeti ( scientific name - relict hominoid, or in short - hominoid), and for searches and research on this issue. Of the most reliable reports, I will note the testimony of a former teacher Vladimir Ivanovich Sergeev, a resident of the village of Ust-Kabyrza and a former employee of the Tashtagol administration Lilia Vasilyevna Zenkova. I received her message in March 2011.

In addition to these messages, there were several more testimonies that were less vivid.

In addition, in my archive there was one testimony from the Kyshtovsky district of the neighboring Novosibirsk region, dating back to 2004 - about the meeting there of a "Bigfoot" by a teenager and the investigation of this case by local hunting experts and policemen, and one report about a meeting with such creatures in the city of Leninsk- Kuznetsky in 1942.

A large amount of material on observations of hominoids to the south, in the neighboring mountainous Altai mountainous region in Mongolia (Mongolian Altai), was collected by me earlier during a long expedition there in 1976 (the local name of the creature in Mongolia is almas).

During expeditions to Gornaya Shoria in 2009-2010. With the help of a local guide, police officer Valery Topakov (now the head of the administration of the village of Ust-Kabyrza), I managed to find a significant number of unusual man-made structures in the forest on the slopes of Mount Karatag - wood markers, which, in my firm conviction, were created by the hands of wild bipedal inhabitants of the forest. In appearance, they are similar to similar structures found in other regions of Russia (Kirov, Novgorod, Vologda, Leningrad, Tula, Tver, etc., in the Caucasus), as well as in other countries - the USA, Canada, Australia, in some European countries.

In early October 2011, the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Hominology was held in Kuzbass, it was attended by scientists and researchers from the USA, Canada, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, including several doctors and candidates of science. The conference program included two mini-expeditions - to the Azasskaya cave area and to the Karatag mountain. The conference participants found footprints, a bed and hair of supposedly hominoids in the Azasskaya cave, as well as several wood structures made by the hands of "snowmen" on the approaches to the cave and on the slopes of the Karatag mountain in the Tashtagol region.

Opponents once again announced the finds were fabricated by order of the authorities, allegedly to attract tourists to the region. But - the taiga was not slow to answer the skeptics and to support the available data with new material evidence.

On November 6 of the same 2011, the traces of the two-legged creature in the snow were found by the Kungushev family - Yuri and Svetlana with children - on the way to their dacha in Aleksandrovka (near the town of Tashtagol), they also collected hair samples of the alleged "Bigfoot" (Yeti). Judging by the trail, the creature proceeded in a southerly direction.

In mid-December 2011, during an expedition to Kuzbass, a Japanese TV group (producer Katada, host of the Takihara program) examined and filmed footprints in the cave, as well as found creases in the trees along the trail chain indicated by the Kungushevs. The Kungushevs themselves drew attention to these creases only after I discovered them. These creases confirmed the message of the Kungushevs. Some of the hair samples were sent to Japan for research.

In the spring of 2012 (April 24), the Kungushevs discovered new creases on the bushes on the way to their dacha, from which they concluded that the hominoid was migrating back from south to north. During an Italian expedition in June 2012 (led by Marco Zamparelli), these creases were also documented. Some of the hair samples were also given to the Italian team for research.

At the October 2011 conference, Lilia Vasilievna Zenkova spoke about her meeting with the Bigfoot in the Spasskiye Lugi area on June 13, 2005. Her story also found material confirmation during the Italian expedition: in the place where the creature met L. V. Zenkova left, the members of the expedition documented the tree markers I found there - intertwined tree branches.

In the summer of 2012, a fisherman from Myski, Vitaly Vershinin, while sailing on a boat along the river, observed a humanoid creature on the banks of the Mrassu River. Around the same places, a similar creature was seen by tourists sailing along the river in a boat.

Photo by Oksana Zhukova (enlarged fragment on the right).

As it became known later, the young zoologist Oksana Zhukova in March 2012 accidentally saw and photographed, albeit from afar, a humanoid creature on a snow-covered field near the city of Yurga. This case was investigated and commented on by the zoologist Professor Alexander Polyakov from Kemerovo.

And on January 21, 2013, three schoolchildren aged 11-12 years, while walking near a village located 30 km from the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, saw mysterious footprints in the snow, followed them and suddenly noticed a dark two-legged figure not far away behind the bushes. One of them, Evgeny Anisimov, who filmed their hike on the tracks with a mobile phone camera, managed to film it until it noticed them, bent sharply to the ground and quickly rushed away from them, into the thickets ... The guys were also scared, turned back, and gave a streak from him. As Zhenya Anisimov later explained, at first it seemed to him that it was some guy who was busy there, but then he saw that he was big, two meters tall, and shaggy.

Evgeny Pashkov, who sent me the video, said that Zhenya Anisimov, who took the footprints and the creature itself, is an orphan. His mother died of cancer, and his father committed suicide ... Zhenya has two more younger brothers, at the age of 8 and 5 years. They live with their grandmother, Valentina Petrovna Panova, and, of course, they are in need. Therefore, I sent the video to the governor of the region, Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev, noting the undoubted value of the shooting and with a request to encourage the boy financially, given that this is the first in the history of Russia more or less reliable and sufficiently visual video of the "Bigfoot".

Unfortunately, the administration staff hastily posted the video on the Internet, without bothering to process it and drown out the profanity that the guys used during the filming. Based on this, according to the information received, some psychologists arrived at the scene, who told the guys that they had a sick psyche.

Later, the local authorities, instead of encouraging them, accused the guys of hooliganism and sent police representatives to take action, who were supposed to register them in the children's room of the police. At the same time, it would be necessary to bring to justice those negligent employees of the administration who distributed this video on the network.

When viewing the video, it can be seen that the creature was still standing, slightly stooped, its arms seemed to hang low. And then, when it noticed the guys, it bent down and abruptly recoiled to the side. When watching the video, our experts had no doubts that it was the "Bigfoot" who was filmed, this was evident from his posture, and from his reaction, and from his movements - everything indicated that the shooting was real.

Thus, despite the insinuations of opponents, including foreign ones, the existence on the territory of the Kemerovo region of mysterious inhabitants - "snowmen", or yeti - is confirmed by more and more visual evidence, and in particular - the first in the history of Russia, quite convincing, albeit poor quality video footage of one of these creatures.

From the footprints caught in the frame, it is clear that they seem to be double, that is, they were passed along them twice. Initially, we assumed that the creature was walking first towards the village, towards the river, and then following its own tracks back to the glade where the guys found it. But later researchers from the USA and Canada joined the discussion. They drew our attention to the fact that inside the large tracks, smaller tracks were imprinted, and from the nature of the snow removal of their tracks, it became clear that both tracks were going in the same direction. So, through joint efforts, we came to the conclusion that two creatures left footprints: a large one and a small one. Moreover, the big one walked ahead, paving the way, and the small one followed in his footsteps. By the way, when discussing the video on the website, our opponents noted that the creature's step is too short. But, apparently, this is due to the fact that the large creature deliberately took short steps, so that it would be more convenient for the small to follow in his footsteps.

Further, at the moment when the large creature noticed the guys, the small one was on his arms or on his shoulder, and the legs of the small one hung down. This was pointed out by our American colleagues, and we agreed with them. And when the creature bent down and darted to the side, it is clear that the body is too wide, which is quite consistent with the fact that the small creature is in his arms.

Later, Yevgeny Pashkov said that shortly before this meeting, a mink had poured a dozen chickens from one of the inhabitants of the village, and the owner threw them behind the river, just near the place where the guys began to follow the tracks. And the guys hung them in the same place on the trees and bushes, just out of pampering. But there were not even feathers left of the chickens, as is the case when they are torn to pieces by dogs. From this we can conclude that, probably, the creatures took the dead chickens and carried them away.

Evgeny became interested in this case and asked Zhenya Anisimov to take him to the clearing where the guys found the hominoids. They went there, the snow was already covering the tracks, but they were still noticeable. Eugene walked over them and said that the footprints left that glade, made a circle and came back. And then we left in the direction of the highway. In addition, he found several trees gnawed at a height of 150-170 cm in a clearing, and one was gnawed, and the gnawed piece was lying nearby in the snow. It was a dry tree, no more than five centimeters thick. And the bark of the neighboring living tree was gnawed. At my request, Eugene photographed these trees.

E. A. Pashkov next to a gnawed tree.

Bigfoot bait.

Since Eugene decided to keep an eye on this place, we advised him to leave some food for the hominoids. And just in the village, the mink again poured chickens. We told him to put some chickens in a sack and hang them on a tree, which he did. Let's see how events will develop further ...

© Lidia Burtseva

29 Oct 2010, 05:45

Bigfoot is a legendary creature, the director of the International Center for Hominology Igor Burtsev has been searching for many years. The Taiga.info correspondent talked to him about the results of the last autumn expedition to the Kemerovo forests. As they say, the locals have been seeing a hairy monster there for the second year.

The Bigfoot (Yeti, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Hominoid) is a legendary humanoid creature whose existence in the forest and mountainous regions of the Earth is confirmed by eyewitnesses. In 2009, traces of the yeti were found in Kuzbass. In September 2010, the second search expedition to the area of ​​the Ust-Kabyrza village took place. Taiga.info talked with a participant in the trip, director of the International Center for Hominology Igor Burtsev, about the results of bigfoot research in Russia and Siberia.

Igor Burtsev - Candidate of Historical Sciences, President of the Cryptosphere Foundation for the Promotion of Scientific Research and Search, Director of the International Center for Hominology. Has been researching the problem of hominoids (great apes) since 1965. He is a participant and leader of many search expeditions in the North Caucasus (Kabardino-Balkaria, 1965), in Azerbaijan (Talysh, 1970-1975), in Abkhazia (1971, 1975, 1978), in Mongolia (1976), in the Pamir-Alai (1979 -1982), in the Murmansk region (Lov-lake, 1990), in the Kirov region (2002-2007), in the Kemerovo region (2009, 2010).

Taiga.info: Igor Dmitrievich, you have been studying Bigfoot for many years. What can one say for certain about him: who is he, where did he live or does he live?

- The main thing is a person, not an animal. He has intelligence, intelligence. It appeared many centuries ago, long before the Sapiens, and represents a parallel branch of evolution. It's just that at some point our paths diverged: they went along the path of psycho-physical development (telepathy, hypnosis), and our ancestors went along the path of social development. Therefore, unlike us, they do not affect nature, but adapt to it, do not use fire and tools. Moreover, they are highly intelligent.

Bigfoot appeared many centuries ago, this is a parallel branch of evolution

The average lifespan of hominoids is about the same as that of humans. There is evidence of a baby yeti found in America, which is now 66 years old. However, their development is faster: puberty occurs at 8-10 years. They live in families: mother, father, child. In old age, they, like us, turn gray, bald, stoop, they develop wrinkles.

By the way, our ancestors definitely had ideas about Bigfoot, who called them Leshy. Here is the story of the gamekeeper of the Rybinsk forestry (Krasnoyarsk Territory) Grigory Bychuk, recorded in 2001 by Alexei and Ekaterina Malyshev, where he says that old hunters always called a living creature a goblin. This creature is taller than a person and is covered with hair. Goblin live in caves along rocky shores, where a casual guest cannot enter. In winter, they hibernate, and in summer they eat young shoots of pine trees, collect pine nuts, fish, dig the roots of sarans with their paws, and occasionally feast on bird eggs. This story, published in the Golden Tales of the Yenisei, fully corresponds to the description of Bigfoot!

According to American researchers, snowmen can speak. In the United States, they use Native American dialects. In Russia, there is information about the conversation with the Yeti, obtained from eyewitnesses.

Taiga.info: Where can you find Bigfoot?

- Usually, in search of Bigfoot, people go to the Himalayas, in fact, it is not at all necessary to go there. Yeti are very widespread, they live on all continents except Antarctica. In Russia, data on the existence of these creatures came from the Kirov, Perm, Leningrad, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Novosibirsk regions; they are known about them in Altai and Yakutia.

In Russia, data on the existence of these creatures came from the Kirov, Perm, Leningrad, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Novosibirsk regions, they are known about them in Altai and Yakutia.

For example, a few years ago a teenager in the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region collided with a three-meter snowman. More recently, I met with a group from the Vologda Oblast, which in August photographed amazing markers - structures made of poles, sticks, tree trunks, reminiscent of pyramids or a frame from a hut. Without a doubt, this is Bigfoot's handiwork. Animals cannot braid branches so skillfully, and ordinary people do not exist there. In addition, there were huge footprints nearby. Several well-equipped family nests were found in one clearing. The floor in such structures is usually covered with grass or spruce branches, and the nest itself is fenced with broken trees so as not to attract the attention of strangers.

As an experiment, the volunteer guys left chocolates in a bag in the forest for four weekends in a row, and after a while they found a torn bag and candy wrappers in the same place.

These creatures will take a fancy to some place and live there almost constantly. For example, in the Perm region, Alexander Fedenev watched a Bigfoot come to the same place. To mark their territory, the Yeti twist twigs and saplings, or rip large chips from the trunk of a tree and stick them between rocks.

Taiga.info: In 2009, a strange hairy creature was allegedly seen 450 kilometers from Kemerovo, about which hunting experts reported to the head of the Tashtagol region Vladimir Makuta. What are the results of your last expedition to the Kemerovo region?

- Judging by the buildings that I found on Mount Karatag, 30 kilometers from the Azasskaya cave, in Gornaya Shoria there really are snowmen. Last year I saw nine markers there, and this year I saw five more. These are fallen trees and broken off trees. It was difficult to make out the tracks on that soil. But we found a bush with branches woven into a pigtail.

By the way, the Shors know about these creatures and treat them with respect. In Altai, for example, snow people have long been called "almys".

Taiga.info: Why do yeti need these pigtails?

- For beauty, they also strive for art. I think this is also the reason why they braid their horses' manes. No other practical reasons can explain this.

Taiga.info: Are they aggressive?

- No, they are not evil at all, they just love to joke. For example, they can throw something to a person, wanting to play with him. And if a person misbehaves in the forest, kills animals, litters, then the yeti begin to confuse him, leading him astray. According to eyewitnesses, the yeti has the ability to influence living beings, to inspire them with something.

Taiga.info: Research in the field of hominology is not conducted by academic institutions, but by enthusiastic volunteers. Why? Indeed, back in 1958, the USSR Academy of Sciences created a commission to study the question of Bigfoot, and Professor Boris Porshnev was the first to give this creature the scientific name "relict hominoid" (humanoid preserved from ancient times).

- The problem is that the study of these creatures is not within the scope of interests of existing sciences and organizations. Anthropologists say: "Give us bones, then we will study the object", paleontologists are engaged in excavation of extinct animals and do not want to look for a living representative of humanity, ethnographers collect folklore, and not stories about real meetings with yeti, criminologists do not want to look for anyone without corpus delicti. It turns out that no one needs Bigfoot, no one wants to search for him. After the death of Porshnev, all studies of the Academy of Sciences in this direction ceased.

Bigfoot is not needed by anyone, no one wants to search for him

Abroad, this direction is developing more productively. Back in the 18th century, Karl Linnaeus called these creatures homo troglodytos ("caveman"). And recently the American anthropologist Jeff Meldrum suggested another name - the North American anthropoid. In 1992, anthropologist Grover Krantz recreated the skeleton of the creature's foot based on the study of Bigfoot prints and published the book Bigfoot prints.

However, not everything goes smoothly abroad either. Twice at the disposal of scientists were the bodies of the yeti: in 1968 in the United States and 1998 in France. But as soon as the press raised a fuss around them, the materials disappeared.

Taiga.info: How many people are there in your hominology center?

- A dozen veterans who are seriously dealing with the problem. There are also young people who organize expeditions. Moreover, there are dozens of centers similar to ours in the USA and Canada! We keep in touch with them. Soon I will be traveling to America to present my book Bigfoot: A New Twist in Research, which I plan to release in a month. There they promised to show me the Bigfoot.

Taiga.info: What kind of data on the existence of Bigfoot in Russia, in addition to eyewitness accounts, do you have? Maybe hair samples, bone remains, casts of footprints, photos, audio and video recordings?

- Previously, we had a lot of materials, but there were no reliable and accurate research methods. We handed over the objects to different authorities, but did not receive any samples or official results back. In general, DNA analysis is an expensive pleasure for us. For example, we have two skulls at our disposal that have been awaiting verification for 30 years.

We gave objects to different authorities, but did not receive any samples or official results back.

In 2008, the Novosibirsk academician Anatoly Derevyanko found a bigfoot bone in the Denisova cave in Altai, which was then investigated in Germany for two years. As a result, the scientists came to the conclusion that the sample belonged to an unknown human species homo altaencis ("Altai man").

We want to ask a scientist to help our research on Bigfoot. After all, at one time the Novosibirsk academician Aleksey Okladnikov was on the commission for the study of Bigfoot and included me in his expedition to Mongolia. There I spent a month and a half collecting information about the yeti with a group. Anatoly Derevyanko, by the way, was Okladnikov's assistant. I think Novosibirsk scientists are more flexible in this regard. I really look forward to working with them.

Taiga.info: Is there any data on the number of Yeti in the world?

- There are several thousand of them on all continents except Antarctica. It is difficult to give an exact figure.

Taiga.info: Why do you think the snowmen are hiding from ordinary people?

- Historically, it so happened that we drove them into remote places. Having weapons, we pose a danger to them, we are their competitors.

Taiga.info: You said that the authorities around the world do not want to hear anything about the Yeti. Why?

- The power points to science, and science is in such an abandoned state that they have no time for Bigfoot. Still, there are positive examples. In China, for example, the authorities will spend 1.5 million on establishing contacts between people and yeti.

Taiga.info: In 2009, the head of Kuzbass Aman Tuleyev, the head of the Tashtagol region Vladimir Makuta, the chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo region Nikolai Shatilov have already visited the Azasskaya cave, where traces of the yeti were allegedly found. The governor even allocated funds for the creation of an exhibition dedicated to Bigfoot at the Museum of Ethnography and Nature of Gornaya Shoria. Does the interest of the regional administration help you in your work?

- The attention of the regional authorities is an exceptional case. The Governor was very supportive of us, information about the expedition spread all over the world. All this caused a revival in the field of hominology. We can discuss for a long time the internal motives of officials, but there is an objective result - help in our research.

Taiga.info: Let's imagine what information about Bigfoot can give to science and people in general?

Information will affect our knowledge about the origin of man as such, about his place in the universe.

- I will refer to an article by Porshnev in 1966 in the journal Voprosy filosofii entitled "Is a scientific revolution in primatology possible now?" First, the information will affect our knowledge about the origin of man as such, about his place in the universe: who is a man, what are his criteria? Porshnev believed that the main criterion of a person is speech, therefore, yeti as speaking creatures may well be recognized by people. Secondly, knowledge about hominoids will change our understanding of ancient folk beliefs: about supposedly fairy-tale inhabitants of the forest, wood goblin and other characters. Thirdly, it will expand our knowledge about the abilities of the human body, because yeti can live in different climatic conditions without clothes.

Taiga.info: What else have you been or are doing other than researching Bigfoot?

- Now I go on expeditions and head a small publishing house "Crypto-Logos". I am an orientalist by profession, so for some time I was the deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Asia and Africa Today". For about 10 years he taught the theory and history of the Communist Party, the international communist movement. However, for 45 years now I have been dealing with the hominoid topic more than anything at all. In the days of the USSR, I traveled throughout the country with lectures about Bigfoot, but now this is somehow not accepted.

Interviewed by Alina Khabirova, photos courtesy of Igor Burtsev

So said Igor Burtsev, candidate of historical sciences, director of the International Center of Hominology, President of the Fund for Promotion of Scientific Research and Prospecting for the Cryptosphere. " He led an expedition to find Bigfoot in the taiga of Gornaya Shoria. And now Burtsev has provided irrefutable, in his opinion, evidence that the Yeti lives in these places. According to him, this is most likely a person of flesh and blood, who exists "adjacent" or in parallel with us. - There is nothing surprising in the fact that this creature is met here, no.

Gornaya Shoria is part of the Altai mountain system and is considered a "breeding ground for snow people." This is a sparsely populated mountainous area, where there are many caves, where it is warm enough, there is clean fresh water and a lot of food.

Based on my 45-year research experience, I am sure that the Bigfoot really exists in these places, - Igor Dmitrievich told reporters of the federal and regional media who arrived in the Azasskaya cave. The scientist's confidence increased after a chain of three footprints of a creature about two meters in height was discovered on the damp sandy-clay soil of the cave ...

Yeti ritual

We joined the expedition "In the footsteps of the Bigfoot", the reason for which was the new found artifacts, in Tashtagol. It was hard not to notice on the side of the road a "caravan" of two silver "gazelles" and the accompanying traffic police car. Journalists from federal and regional TV channels who came from Moscow, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo, while waiting for a trip to Ust-Kabyrza, talked with Valery Kimeev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, ethnologist of Kemerovo State University. Valery Makarovich told how in 1982, during one of the expeditions, he observed the flight of an unidentified flying object in these places. “I tend to believe him. He is a serious man, a scientist, "- said later Vasily Dovgoshei, deputy head of the All-Russian Scientific Research Public Association" Cosmopoisk ". He came to Gornaya Shoria as a UFO expert. Since the version was put forward about the appearance of the Yeti in these parts from ... space.

Finally, Vladimir Makuta, the head of the Tashtagol region, drove up to the scientists and journalists. And the members of the expedition moved to Ust-Kabyrza to visit the Azasskaya cave. This was the second day of the expedition participants' stay in Tashtagol. Before that, they visited the Museum of Ethnography. There Burtsev donated photographs, articles, plaster casts of footprints and other artifacts concerning Bigfoot that he found in Abkhazia, the USA and Mongolia to the museum exposition. In addition, the members of the expedition visited Mount Zelenaya in Sheregesh and visited the shamaness Nadezhda Kirsanova, hoping to hear something about the object of their search, or the spirit of the taiga "ezi", as the Shors of the Tashtagol region call it. Nadezhda made it clear to the guests that these conversations were taboo for her: "There is nothing without certain rituals to disturb the spirit of the forest for no reason ..."

The next day, the operator of the Russian TV channel Alexander Pushin spoke about this when we were driving an all-terrain vehicle Ural through the impenetrable taiga. Alexander admired the beauty of the taiga, every now and then adoringly repeating: "Well, this is real Switzerland!" And other cameramen constantly asked the driver Igor Povarentsev to stop to film another corner of the mountain-Shor exotic. “Here is a rock, there is no soil ... And birches, pines and cedar trees grow. Isn't it a miracle? " - commented Vladimir Makuta.

A place for hermits

The fact that they went in search of Bigfoot without a ritual soon really affected ... "Ural" got lost. The driver and guides rushed to look for a road in the direction of the Azasskaya cave. “After all, somewhere here in winter there was a cut,” Igor Povarentsev wondered. We went in search of the road and disappeared. "Have you really thrown it?" - the journalistic fraternity laughed nervously. Finally, the guides appeared, and the path to the Azasskaya cave continued. Descended almost over the cliff, adding to the guests of the capital the feeling of "complete extreme and fly away", as one of them put it.

We stopped in a clearing two hundred meters from the cave. “The hermit Nikolai Osipov lived at this place. For several years alone in the taiga, can you imagine? He kept cattle, a vegetable garden, milked a cow himself ... Here he had a bathhouse, - the driver nods at the remains of a log house. “There was a hut here ... Only in old age did I move closer to the people. Now Nikolay is building a house for himself in Ust-Kabyrza. " "Maybe he couldn't divide the territory with the Bigfoot?" - we assume jokingly. “Maybe,” Igor agrees.

Every year, before the beginning of winter, we leave a tree trunk burnt in a fire at the entrance. And each time, in the most incomprehensible way, he finds himself in the depths of the cave. A person does not need this, but after all, someone is transferring him there! - Vladimir Makuta is surprised. The fact is that this time, too, the charred "black mark" was not where it was left last time, but inside the cave. Let's go look at the surface of the soil. "Before us, nobody from outsiders has appeared here yet!" - assured the conductors. And then, after looking closely, they found gigantic footprints. With a meter swing in stride. The enthusiastic researcher Igor Burtsev had no doubts: "Bigfoot has been here!"

We are told that we are PR ... Yes, we already have a tourist for our beauty! And the river will not survive more than 25 thousand "rafters". Investments in the construction of a ski complex are coming in. In winter, 320 thousand people rested here ... We will successfully develop tourism without rumors about Bigfoot. We ourselves are interested to know from scientists: what are we dealing with after all? What phenomenon did you encounter? After all, since childhood we have been living among these stories, legends and constant meetings of eyewitnesses with the spirit of the forest ... - says the head of the district, nodding at the "Azass" footprints.

Artifacts from the "mountain of love"

Igor Burtsev gives his "those same irrefutable arguments." Last year, on Mount Karatag (translated from Shor means "Mountain of Love"), five hundred meters from the top, where he traveled together with the local guide Valery Topakov, he discovered pyramidal wood structures, so-called "markers", clearly not made animals and not humans. Similar to those that researchers find in the United States and Canada. These are the creases of branches, thin trunks of birches, aspens and pines in the form of pyramids, branches twisted with superhuman strength or structures made of sticks, erected on trees. Scientists also call them "forest houses". Thus, the yeti either mark their territory or pave a path for their relatives, explains Burtsev. Last year, on a patch of one hundred meters, he found a lot of these, both fresh and old "markers". I went in search of them this time too. Found, but only last year's. The spring, which was gushing here, dried up, and, apparently, the mysterious "owner" left these places, the researcher explained.

But the fact that “he is somewhere nearby” was also confirmed by one of the last cases encountered by the inhabitants of the taiga hinterland. And in particular, the hunter Afanasy Kiskorov, a resident of the village of Senzasskie Kichi, located 140 kilometers from Tashtagol. In April of this year, Kiskorov, along with two other villagers, went fishing on the Kabyrza River. Suddenly they heard a strong crunch and a piercing howl. They ran to the noise and saw, ten meters from the shore, a huge creature, similar to a person, but covered with dark brown hair. The snarling creature tried several times to get out of the water and stand on its feet, but, slipping, fell into the water. The villagers at first stood rooted to the spot from fright. But then they decided to hurry to the rescue. Kiskorov found a dry aspen trunk and, supported by his comrades, crawled closer to the drowning ... The creature grabbed a stick, got out of the water and quickly disappeared into the forest.

Before that, there were messages from Sergei Shulbaev from the village of Senzas, from Vasily Sheltrekov from the village of Sredny Bugzas, who also saw a strange huge creature covered with wool and his tracks. "But not a bear!" And both asked to send either a local policeman or a hunting expert in order to understand: is it a beast or a man?

Anomalous zone

This expedition found a "field of activity" for the "cosmologist" Vasily Dovgoshey. He watched a video of a flying object made by students of history this summer in the Ust-Kabyrza region. And I came to the conclusion: "Still a good fake!" But Elizaveta Vasilyevna Kilina, the head of the Ust-Kabyrzin rural area, objected ardently to him. In the early morning of February of this year, she and two of her fellow travelers were driving in a car to Tashtagol. And suddenly the residents of Ustkabyrzin noticed a strange phenomenon: a red glowing ball flew across the sky, as if accompanying a car. “I saw it with my own eyes! And I'm not alone, ”the head of the territory, Vasily Dovgoshey, argued. An elderly, serious woman cannot be suspected of fraud. So the search participants came to the conclusion that in the vicinity of Ust-Kabyrza there is still a certain anomalous zone. Judging by the vast geography of Kosmopoisk's work, there are quite a few of them all over the country. And why shouldn't a remote taiga corner be one of them ?!

Tuleyev urged to organize bait for bears affected by the yeti

Aman Tuleyev urged to analyze the observations of the scientist Igor Burtsev that the number of snowmen in Kuzbass has tripled. As a result, according to Burtsev, there will be less food in the taiga and bears will go to settlements for food. In addition to analyzing the situation with the Yeti, the governor of Kuzbass ordered to organize the feeding of bears, allegedly suffering from the invasion of snowmen, writes "Business Press".

Director of the International Center for Hominology Igor Burtsev said that forest fires forced all the snowmen of the Altai Territory to migrate to Kuzbass. He made such a conclusion after a two-day taiga expedition together with a group of scientists in Gornaya Shoria of the Kemerovo region - the place where most often residents saw the Yeti.

“The number of snowmen in Gornaya Shoria has tripled, now there are about 30 of them. New paths have emerged that lead these creatures parallel to human paths. The number of markers that hominids leave behind has increased, ”said Igor Burtsev. Also, according to him, due to the increase in the Yeti population in Kuzbass, "they experience some lack of food, which is why local residents often began to see them near the borders of villages." It is reported that during the expedition Burtsev recorded 15 eyewitness accounts. So, in the Shor village of Ust-Kabyrza, thefts of sheep and chickens were recorded. “Bears, of which there are also a lot here, are not involved in thefts. They, unlike the Yeti, do not carry pets with them. Today in the taiga of Gornaya Shoria there is interspecific competition. Moreover, the snowmen outperform bears in this competition, hominids are more cunning and strong, they have the rudiments of intelligence, unlike bears, "Burtsev said.

“In October and November, the interspecific struggle will be even more fierce, there will be less food in the taiga. As a result, there is a risk that the bears will not fatten up and will not go into hibernation, and residents of taiga villages may face serious problems, because hungry bears will go to them for food, ”Burtsev said. The scientist asked the local authorities to solve this problem.

According to the RIC "TASS-Siberia", the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, called on the administration of the Tashtagol region to analyze the scientist's observations and organize the feeding of bears "suffering from the invasion of snowmen."

In April 2009. Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev ordered to allocate 500 thousand rubles for the opening of an exposition dedicated to Bigfoot. In addition, two scientific expeditions dedicated to the search for Bigfoot were organized in Kuzbass.

Bigfoot Secrets

Film of the REN-TV channel from the Fantastic Stories cycle

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