Home Blanks for the winter How to share internet from iPhone to iPad. We share Wi-Fi from iPhone or iPad. Problems and Possible Solutions

How to share internet from iPhone to iPad. We share Wi-Fi from iPhone or iPad. Problems and Possible Solutions

Today, in almost any restaurant, cafe or entertainment center, you can connect to the Internet for free via a wifi access point. However, sometimes there are situations when, for some reason, there is no access to the network in a public place. If you have a laptop or smartphone from Apple iPhone, you can work around this problem. This phone can connect to the Internet using 3G or LTE standards.

Sharing Internet from iPhone

To activate the ability to distribute the Internet via wifi in an Apple smartphone, you must first enter the settings and enable "3G", "Cellular data" and "4G / LTE" if this standard is supported by the phone model. This format will make it possible to transfer data much faster.

After that, select the "Modem mode" menu item and activate this setting. Now the iPhone smartphone will be able to distribute the Internet via wifi. It does this by allowing the phone to operate as a modem for wireless communication. If there is no such item as "Modem mode" in the smartphone settings menu, then you must enter the "Cellular" section. Here you can see all the settings that are used by phones to use the mobile Internet. Similar information is also available on the official page of each mobile operator whose SIM card is installed in the device.

Here the owner of the smartphone will see three lines, namely: "APN", "Username" and "Password". Further below is the item "Modem mode". It is necessary to select this part of the menu and copy here the information from the lines "APN", "Username" and "Password".

After entering this information, under the line "Cellular" in the previous section of the phone settings, the inscription "Modem mode" should also appear. By default, this option is disabled. The user needs to move the slider and thereby.

It will be by the way to say that under the line for enabling the phone's mode of operation as a modem, you can see a brief instruction on how to configure the distribution of the mobile Internet via wifi by the device.

In addition, in this part of the settings, you can set a password for connecting other devices to the wifi network. To do this, select the line "Wi-Fi password" and in the window that opens, enter a combination of eight characters using the graphical keyboard.

Upon completion of these simple manipulations, the iPhone will switch to operating mode as a modem and will be able to provide Internet access to other devices connected via wifi to this unit. To join the formed network, the user of another phone, tablet or computer will need to select the required connection in the settings and enter the password specified by the iPhone owner.

If you need to create an Internet access point for other users on your iPad, then if you have WI-FI or a simple USB cable, this will not be difficult. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that only you will pay for the mobile Internet, and the rest of the users will receive free access to the Internet.

To broadcast the Internet from iPad, you need to take over modem functions on it. This can be done thanks to the "Modem Mode" function built into the iPad, using which the tablet will become an access point for other smartphones, laptops and even a computer. It so happens that at night the stationary wired Internet traffic has run out for your computer and it is rather late to pay the bill of the network provider, but the iPad has a 3G connection. Using the "Modem Mode" function on the iPad, you can connect your computer to the 3G Internet network via the tablet and work further on the PC. Agree that this is a pretty handy thing. How to distribute the Internet from an iPad? There are different ways. Let's consider them in more detail.

Before creating an access point for other devices on the iPad, make sure that your 3G Internet network is turned on and functional. If the 3G function is not enabled, then swipe the main menu "Settings", select the "Cellular data" mode, and then click "Enable".

Go to the Settings menu of your iPad and activate Tethering or Cellular Data depending on your tablet model. Next, enter the password in the opened lines of the window to connect. From now on, other devices will recognize your iPad as a modem. You can find an iPad modem in any computer or smartphone using the search function for available networks and connect to it.

In addition, the tablet must provide free access to its networks for the requested devices. The distance between devices and the tablet must be more than 10 meters. If you want to create your own virtual network, choose the connection methods: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB.

Internet distribution via WI-FI

In order to turn on the Internet via WI-FI in modem mode from the iPad, you need to turn on the Wi-Fi mode and go to the "Settings" menu in the connected device, and then select the name of the iPad that distributes Wi-Fi. Then write the appropriate password and connect.

When you cannot remember what password was from WI-FI, you can see it in the "Modem mode" section, which is in the "Settings" menu, and when there is a need to change it, you must activate the "Wi-Fi password" parameter to change to a new one. After changing the password on all devices that were previously connected to the WI-FI network, you will also need to change the password.

Internet sharing via Bluetooth

To connect an Internet network via Bluetooth, you need to create a pair between the iPad and the device to be connected. Then, on the tablet, execute the "Create a pair" command and enter the required code, which will appear in the connected device. After that, the two devices will be paired and will be able to transmit the Internet via Bluetooth.

Transfer Internet from iPad via USB wire

To connect the iPad modem with the connected device, you need to connect them using a USB cable. If your iPad asks for a connection method, then select "USB only".

Then iOS will detect the connected device. If you go to the "Network Services" section and select your tablet, you can connect this device to your network. It rarely happens that the system cannot identify your connected device. In this case, you need to restart it.

How to set up 3G internet on iPad 2

To set up internet 3G on your iPad 2, you need the tablet to support the SIM card function or duplicate the communication settings on your tablet through another iOS device. Accordingly, the SIM card must have the ability to support 3G, as well as have funds on the mobile account.

Log into the iPad in the "Settings" menu and connect to "Cellular", where select the "Cellular Data" section and click the "3G / LTE" option. Accordingly, an icon will appear in the upper corner of the tablet displaying a 3G connection.

When it becomes necessary to enter operator settings by APN, then enter them manually, if they were not filled in as a result of auto-tuning. To this end, open the "Settings" menu and enter the "Cellular" section, and then open the "Cellular data network" item and fill in the name and password accordingly. For the MTS network, for example, the name or password is mts, for Megafon, the name or password is not filled in.

Details Category: Settings, instructions for iPad. Published: 12.09.2013 10:34 iPad or iPhone to other devices? With the release of version 6.0.1 of the operating system iOS this opportunity has appeared, and now you can use your i -devices as an access point. True, the owners iPad 2 may get upset because their device does not officially support the so-called. "Modem mode".

There is a particular difference in the settings of this mode for iPad and iPhone no, except for the location of the menu items. So, here are the prerequisites for using the device in modem mode:

IOS version not lower than 6.0.1. To be sure, just update to the latest version. To find out what version you have, go to "Settings - General - Software Update". The system will check for updates itself. Here you can also update to the latest version;

Make sure your device is equipped with 3 G / LTE module and there is a working SIM card in it.

If all conditions are met, then for setting regime in iPhonego to Settings - General - Cellular data - Cellular data network. For settings regime in iPadthe path is a little shorter: Settings - Cellular Data - Settings APN.

It should be noted that if you have updated to the latest version iOS , then, most likely, the settings APN for your mobile operator will appear automatically. I personally do not iPad or iPhone I did not write these settings with pens.

If the settings are empty, then, depending on which operator's SIM card you have, you should register them manually:

APN: internet
Username: leave the field blank
Password: leave the field blank

APN: internet.beeline.ru
Username: beeline
Password: beeline

APN: internet.mts.ru
Username: mts
Password: mts

Further in the settings we find the item "Modem mode" and turn it on. To do this, you need to activate at least Wi - Fi. If Wi-Fi will be disabled, then when you enable this mode you will be prompted to activate Wi - Fi and Bluetooth.

Here, in the “Modem Mode” settings, you can assign a password to access the access point created by your device so that no stranger accidentally connects to your network.

Now all that remains is to connect your other device to the created network. For example, to connect iPad it is enough to activate on it Wi-Fi and choose a network. I turned on "Modem Mode" (and distributed the Internet) on iPhone , and connected to it iPad. Therefore on iPad the available network was called iPhone 77.

If the connection to the access point is successful, then, for example, in the upper left corner iPad this icon will appear in the form of two rings:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

We share Wi-Fi from iPhone or iPad

Hello everyone, honored users of Apple mobile devices. Now I will tell you how you can distribute Wi-Fi to other devices from your own iPhone or iPad (in principle, there is no difference between the options in the iPhone and iPad). Distribution WiFi to other devices in iOS is called a wonderful word combination - tethering mode.

In order to activate this mode, by default the modem mode is not active, you need to use the settings. Also, activation of this mode is not available on all devices. Supported Devices (Note that your iPhone or iPad must be 3G capable):

  1. iPhone from 4 models, namely: 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, 6s, etc. For example, I used this mode on the iPhone 5s, everything worked perfectly;
  2. iPad 3 Wi-Fi Cellular and of course later;
  3. iPad Mini WiFi model.

I repeat that your device must support a 3G network in order to activate the modem mode.

Modem mode

So, follow the steps below and you will safely activate the modem mode and you can hand out Wi-Fi from your device iPad or iPhone:

  1. The first thing to do is take your iPhone or iPad mobile gadget and go to settings. On the device desktop - an icon with a gear drawn on it;
  2. After the actions described above, you need to select the item "Cellular data" in the menu that opens;
  3. Next, move the slider next to “Enable LTE” to the activated position, for this move the slider to the right;
  4. After that, you need to select the "Modem Mode" item and click on it;

How to share Wi-Fi from an iPhone or iPad when there is no access point

What to do if there is no section in the parameters modem mode? Watch the video, everything is described in detail there! Customization

How to enable tethering on iPhone and iPad.WIFI

This video will teach those who do not know how to share WIFI.

  • On the page that opens, you need to activate the "Modem mode" item and select the distribution mode via WiFi;
  • Now come up with a strong password to increase security.
  • Important: for security reasons, in order to restrict access to your network by various intruders, I recommend that you come up with the most complex password, consisting of both numbers and letters in lower and upper case.


    I would like to note that for this mode to work correctly, your cellular operator must support the "Modem Mode" function. Here are the settings for the most popular mobile operators:

    1. MTS. To configure the mode with this cellular operator, you need to specify the APN - internet.mts.ru login and connection password - mts;
    2. Beeline. To configure the mode with this cellular operator, you need to specify the APN - internet.beeline.ru login and connection password - beeline;
    3. Megaphone. To configure the mode with this cellular operator, you need to specify the APN - internet login and connection password - gdata.

    In most cases, the modem mode will work immediately after activating it on your Apple mobile device iPhone and iPad, no additional settings are required, standard settings are enough.

    That's all for me, I hope you were able to easily distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from your iPhone and iPad mobile device. I would be very grateful if you share the article on social networks so that your friends and acquaintances can also use it. Still have questions? You can ask them using the comment form below. See you in the following useful materials.

    With the onset of summer, almost all people move from stuffy offices and concrete apartments to nature. However, no one wants to give up the Internet, especially the owners of "apple" products. Fortunately, the modern iPhone can be used as an access point in order to enjoy your favorite sites on multiple devices at once.

    Although this option is available and quite easy to connect, many do not know how to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7 and subsequent models. In fact, there is nothing difficult about it. You don't have to resort to gimmicks or connect additional devices to share your wireless signal.

    How to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7

    It is worth saying that you can share the Network signal from any iPhone in which the corresponding module is installed. In this case, the device, of course, must be connected to the mobile Internet.

    However, it is worth considering that when additional devices are connected, the traffic will begin to increase exponentially. Therefore, when wondering how to distribute the Internet from an iPhone 7, you should first make sure that an unlimited mobile Internet tariff is used on the phone. Otherwise, the costs will be enormous.

    In order to turn your favorite iPhone into a travel modem, you must first enable the "Cellular Data" options and activate the "3G / 4G LTE" function. To do this, follow these steps:

    • Go to the phone settings and select the "Cellular" section.
    • Enable "Modem mode". In some cases, it may be necessary to additionally activate Bluetooth.
    • When a message appears on the screen about the activation of the modem mode, all that remains is to enter the password from Wi-Fi.

    Your best bet is to come up with a complex wireless access code, especially if your phone doesn't have an unlimited plan. Otherwise, anyone can connect to the access point.

    This is the easiest way to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7. After activation, you can visit your favorite sites from any device running on Android or Windows. However, this is not the only way to gain access to the network.

    How to distribute mobile Internet from iPhone 7 via USB?

    This method requires purchasing the appropriate cable. With its help, you need to connect the phone to the laptop. After that, you need to go to the control panel of the laptop and find "Network and Internet". In this section, you need to go to "View network status" and check if the connection has been activated. In turn, in the modem settings of the phone, you must check the box next to "USB only".

    This method also answers the question - how to distribute the Internet through an iPhone 7. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case the connection speed will be much lower. Therefore, it will be very difficult to watch a movie or play.

    On the other hand, the phone will be constantly recharged.

    How to distribute the Internet via Bluetooth?

    In this case, you also need to link the iPhone to the PC. Only in this case, not a cable, but Bluetooth is used. After making the connection, you need to do the following:

    • Indicate the code (will be displayed on the iPhone), which is required in order to activate the "Create a pair" option.
    • Connect from a PC to the phone and wait until the last one displays the inscription "Modem mode".

    If everything is done correctly, the gadget will start working as an access point. In this case, it will be possible to use it as usual.

    APN settings of cellular providers

    In order for everything to work correctly, you need to connect the mobile Internet. Then make a few more manipulations. More precisely, you need to configure your Internet connection. To do this, just go to the gadget settings and find the "Cellular" section. If the APN configuration is not performed automatically, then you need to do it manually. To do this, select "Cellular data network". Then everything depends on the mobile operator:

    • "Megaphone"... In this case, "internet" must be specified in the APN field. You do not need to fill in the password and username fields.
    • "Beeline"... To activate the distribution of the Internet, "internet.beeline.ru" is indicated as the APN. The username is simply beeline.
    • MTS... In this case, you need to specify "internet.mts.ru" in the APN field, and enter mts as the user and password.

    Why is the internet not playing?

    Some users often face this problem. However, before you start to panic and wonder why the iPhone 7 does not distribute the Internet, you need to make sure that all the settings were made correctly.

    It is quite possible that the device is not simply switched to modem mode. In this case, it will be impossible to distribute the Internet.

    Another common mistake is that when the gadget is connected to the computer, it turns out that an outdated version of iTunes is installed on the phone. In order to solve this problem, it is enough to install the current software version, then reboot the devices.

    Also, the reasons for the inoperative modem can be more trivial. It is possible that the required module is simply missing on the device.

    In most cases, the phone starts distributing the Internet immediately after activating the necessary options. Additional settings are usually not needed.


    Knowing how to distribute the Internet from the iPhone 7 plus and on other models of "apple" products, you can use the benefits of the global Web in any conditions. If the signal is working properly, and all the settings have been made correctly, then many different devices can be connected to the iPhone. However, we must not forget about the security of the network. It is best to come up with a password that contains not only numbers, but also letters written in different registers. This will not only protect against freeloaders, but also from scammers who can hack mail or get other data from the phone.

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