Home Blanks for the winter How to use almond oil. Almond oil: benefits and harms, tips for use. Almond oil - properties

How to use almond oil. Almond oil: benefits and harms, tips for use. Almond oil - properties

An almond is a small tree or shrub with a stone fruit (often referred to as a nut). "Almond" is also the name of the edible and widely cultivated fruit of this tree.

The almond fruit consists of an outer shell and a hard shell with a seed inside (or "nut"). Processing almonds consists in removing the shell and opening the seed, which is similar in shape and size to an apricot kernel.

Almonds can be peeled or unpeeled. Peeled almonds are obtained by blanching the fruit seed in hot water. The water softens the fruit husk, which is then removed to obtain, directly, a white core.

Almonds are native to the Mediterranean climate. In ancient times, this plant was distributed along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in North Africa and southern Europe and Central Asia, and later transported to other parts of the world. The largest plantations of almonds are currently in the USA, California.

Composition and useful properties of almonds

Almonds contain about 26% carbohydrates (12% fiber, 6.3% sugar, 0.7% starch and other carbohydrates). Therefore, almonds can be processed into flour and used to make flour products for low-carb diets.

Almonds are the richest source of vitamin E. About 20% of almond raw materials contain protein substances, one third of which are essential amino acids. It is also rich in dietary fiber, minerals, and monounsaturated fats that can potentially lower cholesterol levels.

The kernels of the seeds of sweet almonds contain dyes - carotene, lycopene, carotenoids. (from 0.5% to 0.8%) determines their smell. Almond kernels, while maintaining integrity, do not smell. The kernels acquire a specific flavor when they are cut.

Almonds are the richest source of oil, with values ​​ranging from 36% to 60% of the dry weight of the kernel. Studies have shown that almonds contain approximately 44% oil, of which 62% are monounsaturated - oleic acid, 29% - linoleic acid and 9% - saturated fatty acids.

Almond oil is practically insoluble in alcohol, but highly soluble in chloroform or ether. Sweet almond oil is obtained from dried sweet almond kernels.

The kernels of wild-growing bitter almonds are poisonous, which is due to the presence of the glycoside amygdalin. This substance, upon splitting, releases hydrocyanic acid, glucose and benzaldehyde.

Almonds can also cause intolerance. Symptoms range from local (urticaria) to systemic symptoms, including anaphylactic shock.

Sweet almonds have found their way into cooking. The seeds are used fresh, salted and toasted, as well as a spice. Almond seed shells are used to improve the color and flavor of liqueurs, cognacs, and wines.

Almond oil is used in medicine, pharmaceutical and perfumery industries. The oil is a camphor solvent for various injections, as a base for cosmetic and medicinal ointments (it has an anti-inflammatory effect and softens the skin). Activated carbon is made from almond shells.


Moisturizing the skin

Almond oil is an excellent moisturizer, the use of which prevents the skin from drying out and prevents possible flaking. If you have dry skin that becomes even drier in winter, massage with almond oil helps restore the pH balance of the skin by retaining moisture and giving it a glow.

Cells lose their ability to retain moisture as they age. The oil is used by many who wish to prevent moisture loss and to smooth tough skin, especially on the elbows, knees and heels. Almond oil, with its fatty acids, works towards minimizing moisture loss in the skin, keeping cell membranes healthy and functioning properly.

Chapped skin and minor wounds can also be treated with almond oil.

Almond oil for face

Thanks to its emollient properties, when applied directly to the face, almond oil helps to improve complexion and skin tone, giving it a healthy glow. Also, the oil is widely used to lighten the skin, and regular use cleanses the skin, leaving it soft and supple.

Reduced skin irritation

Skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, which cause skin inflammation as well as redness, itching and rashes, can be reduced by using almond oil. Topical application of almond oil can temporarily relieve inflammation and irritation associated with such conditions. For some, however, almond oil can be an allergen and cause skin irritation. Therefore, before using, it is necessary to carry out a test on a small area of ​​the skin to determine if you are allergic or sensitive to almond oil.

Almond oil

Almond oil can help reduce dark circles under the eyes if they are the result of prolonged fatigue and not getting enough sleep.

Daily application of almond oil under the eyes every night and a gentle massage will improve the condition of the skin under the eyes. The massage will help increase blood circulation, which in turn will keep the skin around the eyes hydrated and hydrated.

  1. Dampen a clean cloth or cotton ball with sweet almond oil.
  2. Apply the oil under the eyes.
  3. Use your fingertips to massage the skin gently.
  4. Let the oil soak into the skin, leaving the skin under the eyes slightly damp. Do not wipe it off.
  5. Massage with sweet almond oil every night before bed for two weeks to a month and you should see a noticeable difference.

This procedure will not only reduce puffiness, but also make the skin under the eyes lighter and brighter.

Almond oil for smoothing wrinkles

Almond oil can make the skin soft and supple and helps to smooth out wrinkles. The oil is rich in vitamins E and A, which are important for health, making it an excellent tool to combat the effects of aging.

  1. Clean your face as you would normally. Pat dry your skin with a dry towel.
  2. Using cotton pads, apply sweet almond oil to the areas where you want to smooth or prevent wrinkles. The oil will maintain the proper moisture balance in the skin, which will help slow skin aging.
  3. Let your skin absorb the oil. Be careful, if oil gets on clothes, it can stain it.
  4. Store almond oil in the refrigerator.

Other common signs of aging (scars, age spots, loose skin) can be treated with regular massage using almond oil.

Almond oil for UV protection

Almond oil can be used to reduce skin exposure to UV rays. Research published in the journal Dermatology reports that almond oil has been successfully tested as a protective factor in preventing UV damage to the skin. This study tested skin exposure to ultraviolet rays for 12 weeks. Subjects who used almond oil beforehand experienced less skin photoaging.

Almond oil

When the glands produce more sebum, the pores become clogged, leading to acne. Almond oil contains fatty acids that help prevent and reduce acne breakouts.

Almond oil for hands and nails

The skin on the hands is exposed to sunlight, cold and dry air, as well as abrasive dishwashing liquids and various detergents. This leads to premature aging of the skin on the hands.

Almond oil is an excellent moisturizer for dry, chapped skin on hands, leaving skin soft and well hydrated. The oil also contains the mineral zinc, which is important for wound healing on the skin, which promotes faster healing of chapped skin on the hands without leaving scars or blemishes.

The vitamins and minerals contained in almond oil strengthen brittle nails, allow them to grow faster, be strong and healthy.

  1. Clean your hands with the cleanser you use.
  2. Apply almond oil on the palms and upper arms.
  3. Cover your hands with gloves.

This light treatment will moisturize and soothe chapped hands.

Hair, like skin, requires nutrients and protection from harsh elements. The easiest way to revive dull and unhealthy hair is with almond oil.

Regular scalp massage using almond oil prevents hair breakage and thinning. In addition, the oil acts as a good cleanser while protecting the scalp from dust and even dandruff.

The oil will nourish the hair and the massage will increase blood circulation. The combination of massage and almond oil will leave your hair looking shiny and luxurious.

Some Tips for Using Almond Oil

  • Sweet almond oil is skin friendly. However, bitter almond oil is toxic and unsuitable for skin care and eating. So make sure you use sweet almond butter.
  • Almond oil is not suitable for people with nut and nut oil allergies.
  • To prevent the oil from becoming rancid, store it in a cool, dark place away from sunlight.
  • Almond oil can stain clothes, be careful.
  • Almond oil can be used directly on the skin or mixed with other ingredients.
  • The quality of the oil is determined by the quality of the almonds and the extraction method. Always buy good quality sweet almond oil.
  • If you have any ailments after using almond oil, you should see your doctor.

Almonds are a tree that originally grew on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Today, the largest number of these plants are found in the United States. The fruits have a strong shell, and inside there is a stone or a nut. Almonds are used to obtain valuable oil. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.

  • monounsaturated oleic and polyunsaturated linoleic acid - protect the skin from harmful environmental influences, fight inflammation and prevent collagen destruction;
  • carotenes - have antioxidant properties, are effective against skin diseases;
  • bioflavonoids - antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory;
  • proteins - moisturize, nourish, rejuvenate;
  • minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium) - a deficiency of these substances disrupts cellular metabolism and regeneration processes;
  • vitamins A, E and F - endow the oil with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

Almond oil contains fatty acids, bioflavonoids, minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances

Almond oil properties

The beneficial properties of almond oil include:

  • slowing down the natural aging of cells;
  • creating a barrier to ultraviolet radiation (sun protection);
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • return to the skin of firmness, elasticity;
  • fight against dryness and flaking;
  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • increased hair growth;
  • treatment of skin diseases and herpes;
  • regenerative and anti-inflammatory action;
  • fight against vascular pattern.

Video: properties of almond oil

The use of almond oil in cosmetology

Almond oil is the base oil. It is used for and skin.

Skin care

Self-massage of the face should be carried out along the massage lines to avoid stretching the skin

Pure use

For any skin type, you can use pure almond oil. It normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, nourishes, relieves peeling and soothes. The product is applied at night 2-3 times a weekon a wet face along the massage lines instead of cream. You should not take it in large quantities, 10–20 drops are enough.

Adding to finished cosmetics

Almond oil is an excellent nutritional component, so it can be enriched with your usual means: mask or cream. To do this, you need to add 4 drops per serving, and over time, seeing the reaction of the skin, you can reduce or increase the amount of oil.

Almond oil can be added to your usual beauty products

Face masks

Almond oil is used as an ingredient in homemade face masks.

Table: face masks with almond oil for different skin types

Skin typeMask No. 1Mask No. 2Mask No. 3Holding timeApplication frequencyDuration of the course
Dry or withering1 tsp mix warm milk with 1 tsp. cocoa powder, 2 tsp. almond oil and 1 tsp. honey.Mash the pulp of half a small kiwi, add 2 tsp. fat cottage cheese and 2 tsp. almond oil.1 tsp mix fat sour cream with 1 tsp. grated apple and 2 tsp. almond oil.20 minutes2 times per week3 months
Oily or problematic1 tbsp. l. of ground oatmeal mix with 1 tsp. almond oil and 3 drops of lemon essential oil.Boil a small potato in a uniform, crush and cool. Then add 1 tsp to the puree. almond oil and 0.5 tsp. pharmacy tincture of calendula.Mix 1 egg white with 1 tsp. almond oil, 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal and 0.5 tsp. pharmacy tincture of St. John's wort.10-15 minutes2 times per week1 month
Sensitive1 tbsp. l. of ground oatmeal mix with 1 tsp. almond oil and 1 tsp. decoction of chamomile.1 tbsp. l. mix corn starch with 1 tsp. green tea and 1 tsp. almond oil.1 tbsp. l. of ground oatmeal mix with 1 tsp. almond oil, 1 tsp. green tea and 2 tsp. grated cucumber.10 minutes2 times per week3 months

Body care

For body skin care, almond oil can be used both in pure form and for enriching the cream. The tool is used for self-massage, preventing the appearance of stretch marks and combating them.

Body oil massage

For self-massage, the body is conventionally divided into 3 zones:

  1. Head and body up to pelvic level. On the front side of the body, movements should go from top to bottom, and on the back - from bottom to top along the spine.
  2. From the pelvis to the feet. It is necessary to smoothly and evenly massage from top to bottom, moving from the waist to the tips of the toes.
  3. From the collarbones to the hands. Movements go from the collarbones to the tips of the fingers.

The massage is carried out in smooth movements without pressure with a sufficient amount of almond oil. Hands should glide gently over the skin. If desired, you can add your favorite esters to the product. Self-massage is performed 2-3 times a week. In the morning it will help you to cheer up and tune in to a working mood, and in the evening, on the contrary, it will relax and prepare you for sleep.

In Ayurveda, oil massage of the whole body is called “abhyanga”, it also includes butting the scalp, face, palms and feet.

Oil self-massage of the body should be "soft", no movements that cause at least a little pain are allowed

Contraindications for self-oil massage include:

  • heat;
  • constipation;
  • vomit;
  • taking laxatives.

Prevention and elimination of stretch marks

During pregnancy and under the influence of other factors (low skin elasticity, unhealthy diet, etc.), stretch marks may appear on the body. They are white, pink, or purple streaks of connective tissue on the skin. The production of collagen and elastin in these areas does not occur. To get rid of or prevent stretch marks, almond oil is used, which is one of the most effective remedies for this problem.

Almond oil is an effective remedy for stretch marks

Table: recipes with almond oil to combat stretch marks and prevent

Hand, foot and nail care

Hands, nails and legs, like the rest of the body, require constant care. Many women use almond oil to nourish and moisturize their skin. In addition, the product is considered to be especially beneficial for nails and cuticles.

Table: recipes for hand and foot care with almond oil

ZoneRecipeHow to useApplication frequencyWellthe effect
HandsAdd 6-10 drops of almond oil to one serving of your favorite hand cream.Rub in the hands with massage movements.DailyNo restrictionsSoft and nourished hand skin.
Nails3 tbsp. l. Mix almond oil with 20 drops of lavender ether and 10 drops of lemon ether.Massage into nails and cuticles for about half a minute.DailyNo restrictionsStrong white nail plate without delamination and soft thin cuticle.
In 300 ml of warm water add 2 tbsp. l. almond oil.Take a nail bath until the water cools down.Daily2-4 weeksStrengthening nails, restoring their natural color and increasing growth.
LegsAdd 6-10 drops of almond oil to one serving of your favorite foot cream.Massage into feet and heels.3-4 times a weekNo restrictionsLack of peeling, calluses and calluses on the legs.

Video: using almond oil

Baby care

Basic cosmetic oils are successfully used in caring for the delicate skin of a child, since they do not contain artificial fragrances and petroleum products.

In addition to the basic function of moisturizing, almond oil is used to combat diaper rash, abrasions and dermatitis. It is recommended to use it in its pure form. It is enough to apply a slightly warm product with light massage movements once a day until the symptoms disappear.

Almond oil is also suitable for baby care

, phytosterol (in significant quantities), amygdalin , tocosterol .

Release form

The product is an oily aromatic liquid with a pleasant nutty taste. The color of the liquid is yellowish. The product is produced in accordance with TU 9158-005-01899557-01 in dark glass bottles of 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 ml.

pharmachologic effect

When taken orally, it has a mechanical laxative effect. When applied topically, it nourishes, softens and protects skin, nails and hair.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Almond oil (MM) has a softening, protective and nourishing effect on the face and body skin and hair. It penetrates well into the skin, accelerating the regeneration of its cells, regulating water and lipid balance, toning the skin and relieving inflammation.

Indications for use

Almond oil can be used for all skin types, but its properties are most valuable for dry, inflamed, irritated and flaky skin.

For the body, almond oil is used to care for problematic areas that are prone to a decrease in skin elasticity, to moisturize mature and dry skin, treat minor skin injuries (cuts, scratches) and burns (household thermal and solar), sprains.

The use of sweet almond oil is also indicated for giving the skin a velvety complexion and a beautiful even color, reducing skin laxity, washing the face and removing mascara from eyelashes, stimulating the growth and strengthening of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as giving hair elasticity.

In addition, the use of almond oil for the face can reduce skin irritation, remove dark circles under the eyes, smooth wrinkles, protect the skin from UV rays, and prevent acne.

The tool is used for sunburn and massage, for stretch marks, with ,herpes , dry dermatitis , as a base (base oil) for the preparation of mixtures from .

Bitter almond oil also treats problem skin, hardened mammary glands, ear pain, chronic hepatitis , , , , , and pneumonia ... Taking the drug orally helps to reduce the level ... The scent of bitter almonds repels mosquitoes.


Individual intolerance.

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions.

Instructions for use. Methods of application in cosmetology

As a laxative, take 1-2 tablespoons per day.

The beneficial properties of almonds are often used to enrich cosmetic preparations for the body and hair. For dry skin and hair, MM is added in a ratio of 7 ml per 100 ml of cream, gel, lotion or shampoo, with normal - 5 ml, with those prone to fat content - 3 ml.

For tanning cosmetics, add 15 to 20 ml of product per 100 ml of cream / lotion.

The beneficial properties of MM make it possible to use it for burns. For this purpose, the product is used in its pure form or:

  • with wheat germ oil (1: 1);
  • with the addition of essential oils of lemon, geranium (or juniper), rose, grapefruit, cajaput (2-3 drops per tablespoon of the base).

Burnt skin is treated with the mixture several times a day.

When stretching the ligaments, applications with MM are shown. The napkins soaked in the agent are applied in the areas of pain projection 1 or 2 times a day for 25 minutes.

Applying almond oil to the face

To nourish the skin, a few drops of MM are applied to the fingertips and gently rubbed into the skin. To remove makeup from eyelashes and eyes, a cotton swab is moistened in warm water, squeezed slightly, apply a couple of drops of MM to it and carefully - without stretching the skin - blot the eyelids and eyelashes with it until it is completely cleansed.

Almond oil for the face is often used in place of a cleanser. Before washing your face, rub 10-15 drops of the product with egg yolk. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the skin and after 15 minutes washed off with water.

To prepare a toning mask, you need to hang 2-3 tbsp of hot water. tablespoons of oatmeal until a mass resembling sour cream in consistency is obtained, and add 5-10 ml of MM and a couple of drops of sandalwood, rose, lemon essential oils or 1-2 drops of patchouli, sandalwood, rosewood and orange oils each.

Hot mask with MM: moisten a cotton napkin in hot water and squeeze, then apply 25 ml of MM to it and apply a napkin on the face and neck skin, cover with a towel on top. Remove the mask after 20-30 minutes.

To keep the skin firm and elastic, the procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a month. The mask is especially useful for age-related skin changes, since it allows you to reduce the negative effects of the use of artificial cosmetics.

For treatment herpes rash cosmetic MM is mixed in equal proportions with chamomile oil (or tea tree, or lavender or ylang-ylang). Treat the affected skin areas up to 5 times a day.

Applying Almond Oil for Hair

On hair prone to grease, MM is applied in its pure form: it is rubbed into the skin in a few drops (in the direction of growth, starting from the roots) before shampooing. For dry hair, the procedure is carried out after shampooing: it is necessary to rub MM into warm, damp hair.

For a stronger effect, Almond Hair Oil can be mixed with jojoba oil and essential oils.

For hair growth, Almond oil is mixed with 3-4 essential oils, after which the resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair roots, and washed off after 15-60 minutes. The mask is suitable for all hair types. With regular use, it not only promotes faster hair growth, but also vitaminizes hair, gives it shine and splendor.

Applying almond oil for eyelashes

MM is used for the growth of eyelashes, as well as for giving them thickness and shine. The effect is achieved by the action of unsaturated fatty acids ( ), which stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and thereby stimulate hair growth.

In addition, MM allows you to well strengthen the eyelashes, restore damaged hair areas and reduce hair loss.

Vitamin E stimulates cell regeneration, nourishes and moisturizes hair, increases its elasticity, vitamin A prevents keratinization of hair follicles.

It is not difficult to use MM: you just need to apply it to your eyelashes with a brush (so that the product does not get into your eyes). You can also add a small amount to your mascara.

Eyelid massage with MM also has a beneficial effect on the eyelashes. This procedure strengthens the roots of the eyelashes, nourishes the skin, stimulates microcirculation and relieves eye fatigue.

If MM is used to remove eye make-up, it does not need to be rinsed off, as it is absorbed into the skin and does not leave an oily sheen.

Almond oil for nails

For nails, MM is used in combination with lemon and ylang-ylang essential oils. The mixture is applied to the periungual skin and directly to the nail plate daily. When used regularly, these procedures help to reduce the fragility of the nails.

Almond oil for stretch marks

MM for stretch marks is used as a base, additionally enriching it with essential oils of mandarin, lavender and neroli (1-2 drops per 100 ml of base). In order for the massage mixture to be better absorbed into the skin, it should be warmed up to body temperature.

During the massage, the abdomen should be massaged clockwise, the buttocks - from the hips to the waist, the waist and legs - from the bottom up.

To get rid of existing scars and prevent new ones from appearing during pregnancy or in the process of losing weight, it is also very useful to use milk from MM and carrot juice.

To prepare the product, finely grate 1 medium-sized carrot, then add a little boiled water to it (so that it covers the carrot shavings) and infuse the mixture for 10 minutes.

The gruel is squeezed out and combined with MM to form a mass that resembles a liquid cream in consistency. Ready-made milk is applied to the places where stretch marks appear every evening. Store the product in a closed jar and only in the refrigerator.

Also, for stretch marks, you can use MM (100 or 150 (if the skin is very dry) ml), rosemary or petitgrain oil (10 ml) and body milk suitable for the skin type (1 bottle).

A mixture of 1 teaspoon of base and 10 drops of rosemary / petgrain oil is applied daily to problem areas. MM should be used as a basis on one day, body milk on the other (in the future, the funds are alternated according to the same principle). The product is rubbed into the skin until completely absorbed.

The treatment is continued for 4 weeks, supplementing it with , vitamin A , amino acids, zinc and magnesium. If the scars are old, the course can be repeated.

If stretch marks are formed as a result of rapid weight loss, for good results MM is used in a mixture with lavender oil, grape (or lemon) juice, oil solution vitamin E .

Application for cellulite

Good anti-cellulite mixtures are obtained by mixing MM (1 teaspoon) with any of the following essential oil combinations:

  • fennel, cypress, rosemary - 2 drops each;
  • lemon, geranium, rosemary - 2 drops each;
  • juniper and lemon - 5 drops each;
  • bergamot and grapefruit - 10 drops each, geranium - 8, nutmeg - 5, cinnamon - 3 drops.

To keep oils from cellulite fully manifested their properties, they should be mixed correctly. For mixing, use a glass container, into which the ingredients are added, starting with the smallest quantities.

That is, if there are 3 drops of cinnamon oil, and 10 drops of grapefruit, then first you should drop cinnamon oil on the bottom. Further - in ascending order: geranium, nutmeg, grapefruit and bergamot.

After all the essential oils are mixed, pour in the amount of base recommended by the recipe.

Application for massage

As a massage oil, the agent is used both in pure form and in combination with essential oils (for 10 grams of MM, you should take 3-6 drops of the selected essential oil). The product is ideal for baby massage.

For dry skin, 1 tbsp. spoon MM (or its mixture - in a 1: 1 ratio - with wheat germ oil, avocado or jojoba) add a couple of drops of essential oils of limetta, rose, neroli and sandalwood.

For oily skin, add a similar amount of essential oils of grapefruit, ylang-ylang and bergamot to it.

Before use, the agent is heated to a temperature of 37-38 ° C. To increase skin tone and smooth wrinkles, use it to massage the neck and face for 1-2 minutes.

Enriched with essential oils of patchouli, fennel, mandarin, orange, grapefruit, juniper, rosemary, sandalwood (1-2 drops should be taken for 1 tablespoon), MM can be used for deep massage with cellulite .

Use as a tanning agent

Thanks to its ability to reduce inflammation and accelerate tissue healing, MM is good at eliminating the effects of sun exposure, toning and soothing the skin after sunburn. In addition, cosmetics based on MM restore the natural balance of the skin after sea water, and also eliminate flaking and dryness.

Before applying to the skin, MM is heated to body temperature. Reapplication of the product is possible no earlier than 2-3 hours later.

If MM is used for tanning, it must be applied to the skin taking into account the absorption time: before it is absorbed, the product can cause burns. It should also not be applied too profusely.

MM is often used as a basis for the preparation of mixtures of essential oils:
2 parts - MM, 1 part - sesame, 1/10 of the total volume - shea, a few drops - ylang-ylang; shea and almonds - 40% each, jojoba - 20%, essential lavender - 5 drops.


Not described.


Not described.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Store the product in a dry, dark, cool place. The optimum temperature is 2-15 ° C.

Shelf life

18 months.

special instructions

In addition to various varieties of sweet almonds, Prunus dulcis var. Seeds can also be used for the production of MM. amara - bitter almond. The use of bitter almond oil for cosmetic purposes (for making soap and fragrances of perfumes), as well as for flavoring confectionery products.


Natural oils: peach, jojoba, American avocado, cosmetic macadamia, burdock.

Application during pregnancy

The use of MM during pregnancy can speed up the process of cell renewal and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. The product is used both in pure form and as a base in combination with other ingredients.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, a woman is recommended to take vitamin complexes that contain beta-carotene ( vitamin A ), magnesium, zinc, vitamin C , royal jelly and bee pollen.

If the stretch marks are fresh, the standard course of treatment lasts up to 1 month. With old stretch marks, treatment can last up to six months. The course is often supplemented with an anti-cellulite program and diet.

For pregnant women, MM for stretch marks can be used in combination with wheatgrass extract and cocoa extract. This healing blend is ideal for dry skin.

And skin. It contains many nutrients and health benefits that make it such an effective cosmetic ingredient. The results obtained after using almond oil for skin care can be compared with the results obtained after using many types of effective medicinal cosmetics without any unwanted side reactions. Helps get rid of dark circles within a few weeks. Sweet almond oil is also safe when taken internally. What's more, it has proven itself well as a medicinal oil in the unani medical system.

Almond oil is extracted from almonds. There are many varieties of almonds, but generally they are divided into two classes.

Bitter almonds contain hydrogen cyanide, and eating just a few almonds can lead to dizziness or even death.

Bitter almonds- almonds taste bitter. It is very rarely eaten or used in recipes. However, bitter almonds are used to make bitter almond oil... These almonds contain a small amount hydrogen cyanide which is extremely poisonous. Eating only a few tonsils can lead to dizziness or even death.

Sweet almond- almonds, which we usually eat. It is used to produce sweet almond oil. This oil has a sweet taste, which makes almond oil is one of the most delicious almond oils.

Almonds are actually a stone fruit, not a nut. His homeland is the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The United States is currently the largest almond producer, most of which come from California. Spain is also known for its high quality almonds. Different varieties of almonds differ slightly in flavor, and this subtle difference is also reflected in the flavor of the oil.

Let's take a look at the medicinal properties of both sweet and bitter almond oil. In general, for topical application, the properties of sweet and bitter almond oil are similar. Only sweet almond oil is used internally, and there is no point in considering the health benefits of bitter almond oil because ingestion can be dangerous.

Medicinal properties sweet almond oil are given below.

  • Anti-inflammatory- reduces inflammation when applied externally and when taken orally.
  • Antioxidant- almond oil has mild antioxidant properties.
  • Boosting immunity... External as well as internal use of sweet almond oil enhances and provides reliable protection against various diseases.
  • Antihepatotoxic- Almond oil is known for its ability to assist the liver in eliminating toxins. Castor oil has the same property.
  • Emollient- the oil has exceptional moisturizing properties. It is used to relieve excessive dryness of the skin.
  • Sclerosing... The oil is used to treat vascular problems such as spider veins, hemorrhoids, etc.
  • Laxative- promotes bowel movements and relieves constipation. It has a mild laxative effect when compared to stronger laxatives such as castor oil.
  • Pain reliever- Almond oil can relieve pain slightly.
  • Relaxing muscles... Massage with almond oil helps with muscle tension and inflammation.
  • Scarring- promotes faster wound healing.
  • Antidandruff- removes dandruff from the scalp.

These beneficial properties of almond oil make it so beneficial in many individual cases. The oil has a number of health benefits.

Almond oil is the leader among oils due to its cosmetic properties.

Almond oil is the leader among oils for its cosmetic properties. It can be used for numerous problems of the skin, hair, in particular the face.

Almond oil works best for massage. Most widely used by massage therapists.

Almond oil can be used for the following skin conditions, as well as as the main natural ingredient for skin care.

  • Moisturizes the skin. Almond oil is an excellent cosmetic emollient. It blocks moisture inside the skin. Therefore, for maximum benefit, use it immediately after showering.
  • Treats dry and dull skin. Is your skin extremely dry? Then the best oil for massage is sweet almond oil. It helps to gradually improve the condition of dry skin. Cracks and flaking of the skin will diminish within a few weeks of regular use.
  • Heals chapped lips... If you ever have chapped lips, use almond oil instead of chapstick. You will be happy with the results. The best characteristic of almond oil is its sweet taste as opposed to the unpleasant taste of olive oil and virtually all other oils.
  • Promotes smooth, silky and radiant skin. Applying almond oil helps to achieve truly smooth skin. It becomes more elastic and homogeneous in structure. It also gives the skin a slight glow.
  • Helps with psoriasis, eczema and other forms of dermatitis. Almond oil may not cure these conditions, but it does promote faster and better healing.
  • Removes makeup. Apply a few drops of almond oil to a cotton swab and simply wipe your face. All makeup stays on the cotton swab. The skin becomes really fresh. Thus, there is no need to make an effort to remove the makeup.

The best massage oil. Almond oil is widely recognized and recognized as the most popular massage oil. Most widely used by massage therapists. Almond oil has a low viscosity (easy to spread), it is thin and light. A small amount of almond oil is spread over a large area of ​​the skin. It is absorbed slowly enough that the masseur does not need to reapply it.

By massaging your face with almond oil, you can directly smooth wrinkles and reduce skin laxity. It is by far the best remedy for dark circles under the eyes. Just apply a few drops to the skin under the eyes and massage gently. Go to bed without taking it off. The next morning, you may find the usual discharge from the eyes. Almond oil really increases blood circulation in the eye area and promotes better cleansing. With regular use, dark circles can be eliminated and the strain on the eyes can be reduced. Almond oil is an anti-aging agent for.

Almond oil is not only very good for the skin, but also great for hair care.

  • Dandruff. For many people, dandruff is exacerbated by dry scalp. In this case, almond oil really helps to reduce the flaking. Just apply a small amount of almond oil directly to the scalp, be sure to massage into the hair roots. Wash it off after 30 minutes. Most of the dandruff should disappear within 3 treatments.
  • Dry scalp. Almond oil can really moisturize dry, over-dried scalp. If you don't apply hair oil regularly, your scalp can suffer from dryness.
  • Shiny hair. Applying a small amount of almond oil to your hair shafts increases shine or shine. It is better to apply it on damp hair. Do not apply a lot of almond oil, because then your hair will be covered with oil.
  • Facilitates hair combing. Applying a few drops of almond oil makes hair easier to comb. Thus, combing them can be done with ease. It also prevents hair loss due to tangles, which is completely unnecessary.
  • Eliminates split ends. To get rid of split ends, apply a small amount of almond oil to the ends of your hair.
  • Hot oil treatment for healthy hair. Almond oil is effective when consumed hot. You can heat the oil and massage it into your scalp. Cover your scalp with a shower cap. Leave it on for 2 - 3 hours and then wash off with cool water. This provides the hair with deep conditioning, leaving it softer and healthier. This treatment once a week can improve hair growth.

Do not use pure almond oil for regular hair care. It is quite concentrated, so you should choose very light oils as your hair oil.

Add 4-6 drops of sweet almond oil to juice, smoothie, or milk. Drink late at night before bed. It is used to cleanse the intestines and cleanse the digestive tract easily. This remedy also helps with constipation.

Anesthetic massage

Almond oil massage is used to relieve pain and tension caused by muscle inflammation. It can also reduce muscle cramps and chest pain.

In addition to these uses for the skin, hair and intestines, there are significant health benefits to consuming almond oil in the diet.

There are indications that consuming almond oil may delay or even stop benign colon polyps from becoming cancerous.

Colon Cancer Prevention

Consuming pure sweet almond oil may reduce your risk of colon cancer. A similar effect was studied in one of the studies.

There is no detailed analysis of this effect. But it can be assumed that almond oil certainly has some kind of protective effect on the colon. It can be assumed that the consumption of almond oil can delay or even stop the transformation of benign colon polyps into cancerous ones.

Healing of scars and stretch marks

A similar study found that almond oil heals postoperative scars. Very little hypertrophic scarring remained. This highlights the potential uses of almond oil to reduce any scars. This method also applies to stretch marks.

The real cause of stretch marks is rupture of the dermis. This creates a characteristic movement between the dermis and the epidermis, as a result of which the collagen does not have time to fill the stretch. Treatment is slow. Almond oil can speed up this healing process and help the skin fill in the bump created by the stretch.

Almond oil has been extracted since ancient times. We are aware of this since its use is mentioned in many ancient and medieval books on medicine.

Almond oil has been referenced frequently in the writings of renowned botanists for centuries. What is their opinion on almond oil? Given the lack of better quality scientific research on almond oil today, here are our sources of reliable information on the health benefits of almond oil.

John Gerard... Herbalist and botanist Gerard mentioned almond oil. He points out that almond oil is great for pain relief through massage. It also reduces colic.

Culpeper talks about using almond oil to massage the temples, which is hypothesized to improve brain function and relieve stress.

Almond oil is renowned for its nutritional qualities. Rich in vitamin E. 100 g of almond oil provides about 200% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of vitamin E. All other vitamins and minerals are in negligible amounts, with the exception of a small amount of vitamin K. But what really caught our attention was the composition almond oil fat and its health benefits.

Macro composition of almond oil per 100 g of product includes the following fats:

  • fat with a high content of saturated fatty acids - 6.2 g;
  • monounsaturated fats - 69.9 g;
  • polyunsaturated fat - 17.4 g.

Detailed nutritional value

palmitic acid6,5
stearic acid1,8 fat high in saturated fatty acids
palmitoleic acid0,6
oleic acid69,39 monounsaturated fatty acid
linoleic acid17,4
alpha linolenic acid0,1 polyunsaturated fatty acid
arachidic acidtracespolyunsaturated fatty acid
aicosenic acidtracespolyunsaturated fatty acid
behenictracespolyunsaturated fatty acid
erucoustracespolyunsaturated fatty acid

The predominant fatty acid is oleic acid omega-9. Linoleic acid omega-6, thus almond oil contains 17% omega-6. The omega-3 content is very low in almond oil.

Almond oil may indirectly contribute to weight gain due to the palmitic acid it contains, which tells the brain not to stop eating.

However, one thing needs to be noted. Almond oil contains about 6% palmitic acid. This saturated fat is partly beneficial and partly unhealthy. This fat tells the brain not to stop eating. Indirectly, this may be due to weight gain.

Other important nutritional and chemical indicators of almond oil.

Almond oil and its comedogenicity

On a scale of 0 to 5, the comedogenicity of almond oil is 2. Where 0 does not cause acne, 5 does not cause acne. The term comedogenic means the property of a substance to clog the pores of the skin. Almond oil should not be used by people with acne.

Video: how to make almond oil at home

Cosmetic almond oil, obtained by cold pressing from an almond seed, is a real miracle cure that has been guarding women's beauty and health for more than a thousand years. Its active use in the manufacture of natural cosmetics at home, it's not a secret, but this is not the only area of ​​application for almond oil. It is unique in its properties, has disinfecting, analgesic, softening effects. It is able to relieve pain during menstruation (or with PMS) in a matter of days, qualitatively solve the problem of the formation of an unpleasant odor on "these" days, get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy and solve many other problems.

Almond oil has the following properties:

  • slowing down the natural aging of cells;
  • creation of a barrier to ultraviolet radiation (sunscreen properties);
  • preventing the expansion of pores due to the normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • return to the skin of firmness, elasticity;
  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • removing "bad" cholesterol from the blood;
  • treatment of skin diseases and herpes;
  • anti-aging, moisturizing, regenerative, anti-inflammatory.

Almond oil is often used to accelerate hair growth, but the use of almond oil is not limited to hair and face masks, it can be used to care for all parts of the body, used as a medicine for high acidity of the stomach, pain in the ears, disorders of the secretion of the skin.

Oil is used to saturate ready-made cosmetics and care products or prepared independently at home. Almond oil can be applied to certain areas of the skin in its pure form, but you should not get carried away, since the product contains a large amount of acids. After application to the skin, a "cooling" effect appears. There is no need to be afraid of this property of the oil, it does not pose a threat, if you do not overdo it.

Almond oil"Works" both independently and in combination with other substances. It is worth remembering that the oil has an amazing property of moisturizing the skin, therefore, when preparing the compositions, there is no need to add glycerin. If the skin is too dry, dehydrated and depleted, you need to apply almond kernel oil on wet surfaces (after washing). Oil completely "opens" if it is slightly heated (but do not overheat in any case!).

This product has excellent cleansing properties, therefore, on its basis or with the addition, you can prepare skin cleansing products, "remover" for removing makeup (including eyes), removing waterproof mascara and long-lasting lipstick. The effect will be the same quality as from the use of quality "store" cosmetics.

Almond oil: application in cosmetology

A huge number of women are familiar the problem of the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the intimate area. Some ladies suffer so much that they have to go to the shower several times a day and change their underwear. Of course, it is not always possible to perform hygiene procedures, especially if you are at work.

Almond oil, mixed with other aromatic oils (lavender, sweet orange, pink, patchouli, tea tree), can forever save a representative of the fair half of humanity from such a serious problem as the appearance of an unpleasant odor. It is enough to do douching, wash with scented water, or use tampons with a few drops of oils applied (it is also an excellent pain reliever during the menstrual cycle).

The people have known this for a long time property of almonds, and a mixture of almond and lavender oils is called "the smell of purity"... Regular washing with water, in which the mixture is diluted, ensures that the female body will exude a very pleasant aroma, similar in effect to aromatic aphrodisiacs. You can easily solve such a problem as foul-smelling sweat.

If antiperspirants do not help or there is simply no way to use them (the bottle has run out at an unexpected moment), and you are planning to go “into people”, you can use a mixture of soda with the addition of almond oil. The product is simply applied to the underarm area after showering. Of course, this option is only possible if clothes with sleeves are worn.

Almond oil and soda can be used to prevent profuse sweating after every shower. Leave the remedy until the next bathroom visit. It poses no threat to the skin.

What skin type is almond oil suitable for?

This extract is one of the universal cosmetic oils suitable for for all skin types(including hypersensitive, prone to irritation, damage). Almond oil is able to heal microcracks, relieve stretch marks during pregnancy, psoriasis, eczema and other manifestations of skin diseases, therefore it is allowed to use it even if there are wounds on the skin.

For baby skin care the product should be used very carefully. Sometimes children under 3 years old are allergic to almonds, so their actions need to be coordinated with a competent pediatrician. Better yet, contact an aromatherapist who will give recommendations regarding the dosage of oil for the preparation of various mixtures and products, based on their properties and possible contraindications.

Should I choose sweet or bitter almond oil?

The industry offers two types of this product, which is obtained from different (!) Plants. Sweet almonds are used for food (baked goods, desserts, salads, etc.). Bitter almond essential oil is used only for production and cosmetology.

If you plan to use the product for external use, then there is practically no difference between their types. Properties, efficiency, impact - everything is identical. But the recipe for some masks requires the addition of exactly bitter almond oil, so you need to be careful.

The main task of the buyer is to find a seller offering a high-quality product obtained in compliance with all technological standards. Only such oil can be used in cosmetology or for the treatment of diseases.

Some manufacturers offer essential oils that are used solely to flavor the air. Before buying, be sure to pay attention to this point.

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