Home Blanks for the winter How to address the president on the air. How to contact President Putin on a direct line. Straight line format will be changed

How to address the president on the air. How to contact President Putin on a direct line. Straight line format will be changed

Another conversation between Russian leader Vladimir Putin and citizens of the state in the Direct Line format is scheduled for June 7, 2018. The organizers explain how you can ask Putin what methods exist, what rules should be followed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will again - for the 16th time - answer the most pressing questions of Russians: a unique event is scheduled for next Thursday, June 7, 2018. The Russians had the opportunity to formulate and send their question from May 27, 2018, the answers to the most important and interesting ones will sound live.

How can you ask a question to Putin?

Any Russian can voice the problem that worries him. This can be done by phone, on the "direct line" website, in social networks, through a mobile application, by SMS and mms messages.

Calls are registered and recorded by toll-free phone 8-800-200-40-40. If a person is outside of Russia, then you need to call the numbers: 7-499-550-40-40 and 7-495-539-40-40.

By number 0-40-40 - you can send sms and mms messages. Note that there are restrictions for this form of question: they are accepted only from the numbers of cellular companies in Russia, the length of the text should not be more than 70 characters, messages must be written in Russian.

Another option for sending a question is via the moskva-putinu.ru Internet portal (moskva-putinu.ru), and from a smartphone - via the Moscow-Putinu app. By the way, it will allow to go live, if the operators recognize it as interesting for the entire population of the country.

Questions are also accepted in the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki - in specially created groups. They can be set both in writing and in video format. There is also a mobile application "OK Live", it will also allow you to get direct video contact with the TV studio.

Rules for conducting the "Direct Line" in 2018

The format of the Direct Line, according to the organizers, will remain the same, however, the technical innovations introduced in 2018 will make it possible to broaden the volume and coverage of communication. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov spoke about this earlier. Another change: there will be no viewers in the TV studio during the "Direct Line". This was done so that the head of state was maximally focused on the questions asked to him.

The Direct Line on June 7, 2018 will be available on Channel One, on the Russia 1, Russia 24 and OTR TV channels, as well as listen on Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii ". The beginning of the "Direct Line" - 12.00 Moscow time. The call center will be open until the end of the event.

The date of the president's communication with the Russians changes annually. The day and time have already been announced when there will be a direct line with Vladimir Putin in 2019. We will tell you why the head of the country communicates with the Russians in this format, where to see the broadcasts, and most importantly - how to ask a question on a live line in 2019.

When will the direct line with Putin take place in 2019?

Earlier, the media reported that a new direct line with the Russian president was scheduled for the end of April, later the date was announced on June 15. Today it has already been officially announced: a direct line with Vladimir Putin is planned for June 20, 2019. The time when the next straight line will pass was announced - 12:00 (Moscow time).

What is the essence of direct lines with the president?

The President of the Russian Federation during video communication with citizens.

The live television format allows ordinary citizens to ask questions of their concern to the president. The Russians send questions and complaints in advance to the call centers for the preparation of the video bridge. Residents of large cities connected to the conversation can participate in the annual direct line.

Usually about 3 million questions are received. During the broadcast, the head of state manages to respond to 60 - 90 of the most burning, acute appeals. Complaints are forwarded to state executive bodies according to their competence, which are obliged to conduct inspections and report the results to citizens.

How to contact Putin directly?

Every citizen has an opportunity to ask Vladimir Putin a question on a direct line - 2019.

Methods of handling: by telephone; through the Internet; by writing an SMS message. Below we will tell you in detail how to take advantage of the provided opportunities.

Call the President on the phone

Free direct telephone line for voicing questions to the president: 8-800-20-0-40-40. Those outside Russia use different phone numbers to call Putin on the direct line: + 7-499-55-0-40-40, + 7-495-53-9-40-40.

200 call center specialists started receiving calls to the hotlines on June 9th. In addition to Moscow, such centers are located in Lipetsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk. You can call and leave messages for Vladimir Vladimirovich around the clock.

Before calling Vladimir Putin, clearly formulate your question outlining its essence on a draft.

Ask Putin a question on social media

Send an appeal to Vladimir Putin using internet social networks:

  • VKontakte - the group vk.com/moskvaputinu;
  • Odnoklassniki - ok.ru/moskvaputinu community.

Click "Write a message" and follow the prompts from the virtual assistant.

Attention! You can ask the President a question only after logging into your account.

Write a letter to Putin on the official website

Not everyone knows where to send a letter to Vladimir Putin. For this are available official services:

  • moskva-putinu.ru;
  • kremlin.ru.

How to ask a question to Vladimir Putin using the official website of the direct line?

How to write to Putin on a direct line on the official portal of the head of state?

  1. Follow the link letters.kremlin.ru.
  2. Scroll to the end of the page, select the "Write a letter" option.
  3. Fill out a short form. Enter the text of the letter.

The only requirement for users is e-mail.

Download app for direct line 2019

Any Russian can complain, ask the president something using mobile devices. For inquiries, you will need to download the Moscow-Putin application. The program is available for Android and iOS users.

To compose a text message, record a video message, make a video call, you need to register in the application.

Send SMS to the President

The fastest way to ask a question on the direct line of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is SMS, MMS. A free message to Russians should be sent to 04040. Its maximum size is 70 characters.

How to get to the direct line studio

In recent years, the studio has been located in Gostiny Dvor. Before the last meeting, there were spectators in the hall who had the opportunity to directly ask a question to Putin. To get on the live broadcast, people passed a special selection.

In 2018, the format changed: the audience was absent. Some questions were displayed on monitors, others were voiced by presenters, volunteers. The new format is explained by the fact that the head of state wanted to pay attention to residents of the regions who are unable to come to the capital.

Where to watch the broadcast 2019?

TV channels broadcasting a direct line with Vladimir Putin:

  • First;
  • Russia 1;
  • Russia 24;

The communication of the head of the country with the population is also transmitted by radio waves of the stations:

  • Vesti FM;
  • Lighthouse;
  • Radio Russia.

On June 20, 2019, the broadcast of the Direct Line can be watched online at moskva-putinu.ru. The broadcast starts at 12:00 (Moscow time). Residents of all regions of the Russian Federation will be able to see the program live.

Video: Full recording of Vladimir Putin's direct communication with the Russians in 2018.

Dates and totals of previous straight lines

Year date Questions asked Duration
(h: min)
2001 21 December 47 2:20
2002 December 19th 51 2:37
2003 December 18 69 3:00
2005 September 27 60 3:00
2006 the 25th of October 55 3:00
2007 18 october 69 3:00
2008 4 december 46 2:30
2009 December 3 80 4:00
2010 December 16 88 4:25
2011 December 15th 90 4:33
2013 25th of April 85 4:46
2014 17 april 81 4:00
2015 16 april 74 4:00
2016 14th of April 80 3:40
2017 June 15th 73 4:00
2018 June 7 73 4:20

As a result of direct connections, the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin assigns tasks to the government, heads of regions, ministers, and heads of enterprises to sort out complaints. None of the questions remain unanswered.

Only a few hours remain until the sixteenth straight line from Vladimir Putin, during which the President of Russia will answer the most pressing and pressing questions of Russians and fulfill some of their requests. For those who have not yet had time to ask the president a question, there is still such an opportunity. The last chance to ask a question to Putin will be those who call the president during the most direct line, but, of course, it is better to do this in advance.

As a reminder, you can ask the president a question until the end of the direct line, you can do this by phone or via the Internet. To do this, we will once again recall the direct line phones and provide links to resources with which you can also ask the head of state about what worries the most.

Direct line with the president: what, where, when

What: annual broadcast live TV program "Direct line with Vladimir Putin".

Where: The event usually takes place at the Gostiny Dvor exhibition complex in the center of Moscow.

When: direct line with Putin will take place on Thursday 7 June 2018. Beginning at 12.00 Moscow time.

How long will it last: usually a direct line with the president takes 3.5-4 hours.

Where will the broadcast of the direct line with Putin

The program "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin" will be broadcasted First channel, TV channels "Russia 1" and "Russia 24", Russian Public Television (OTR)(with sign language translation), Radio Russia, radio stations "Lighthouse" and "Vesti FM".

The sites of all the above and other federal channels will also broadcast live. All major media outlets will broadcast text online, including through their Twitter accounts. All the most important news from a direct line with Vladimir Putin will be promptly reported Federal news agency.

How to ask a question to Putin

Questions can be asked in advance or right during the straight line, right up to its end.

Telephones (all calls are free):

From Russia: 8-800-200-40-40 ;

from abroad: +7-499-550-40-40; +7-495-539-40-40 .

Number for SMS and MMS (only through Russian operators):

0-40-40 .

Questions in SMS and MMS must be in Russian and no more than 70 characters.


Special free applications installed on mobile devices: "Moscow to Putin" or OK Live.

On Thursday, June 7, the sixteenth Direct Line with President Vladimir Putin will take place. During the program, the head of state answers questions of interest to citizens - social, political and even personal.

Applications for the direct line began to be accepted a week ago. On average, about 200 thousand questions from Russians and foreign citizens are sent to all the so-called addresses to Putin every day. People are interested in foreign and domestic politicians of the state, inflation, prices, pensions, complain about injustice or inaction of law enforcement agencies and officials, are interested in the state of health and interests of the president as a person, and not as a politician.

Most of the questions are received by phone and SMS. Social networks and the website of the program are also popular.

There are plenty of ways to ask a question - you can just write it on the Web, or you can call the hotlines and dictate to the dispatchers. All incoming questions are sorted by spheres and topics, so that only those that most concern the citizens of the country will be heard on the air.

Questions recorded on video are very popular - they are often broadcast a lot in order to diversify the picture for the viewer.

So, how can you ask your question to the head of state: There are several ways at once:


By phone number 8-800-200-40-40 (within Russia), as well as + 7-499-550-40-40 and + 7-495-539-40-40 (from countries of the world). Calls from landlines are free.

SMS or MMS message

You can send SMS or MMS in Russian to the short number 04040, the text size is not more than 70 characters.

Program website

On the website http://moskva-putinu.ru (moscow-putinu.rf) you can also leave your question to the president.

Mobile app

The official Moscow to Putin application for mobile devices is available in the AppStore and GooglePlay online stores.


Finally, it will be possible to ask a question to the head of state directly on the air, using the application "Moscow-Putin" and "OK Live" by entering a video link with the studio. The applications are distributed free of charge in the AppStore and GooglePlay stores.

Citizens will receive answers to exciting questions on June 7 - the transmission will start at noon. All federal channels and radio stations will broadcast the president's conversation with the people. you can also watch the video online on the web. The broadcast time is not limited - it is set by the president himself, it became known to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Inform. In 2017, Putin answered 68 questions after spending nearly four hours in front of the cameras and eyes of millions of the country's residents.

This year, the Direct Line format was decided to change and innovate. Now, in order to answer the controversial question, the president will directly contact ministers, officials and heads of regions in order to solve problems without leaving the cash register.

They also say that there will be no spectators in the studio, although the Kremlin press service has not confirmed this information.

The traditional direct line with Vladimir Putin will take place on Thursday, June 20, at 16:00 Novosibirsk time. Novosibirsk residents can also ask their question to the president. This can be done by phone, through social networks or in a special application for smartphones "Moscow-Putin".

Make a phone call

You can ask the President a question at 8-800-200-40-40. This number is available from any phone absolutely free. All calls are handled by operators, and then the most interesting of them are voiced by the presenters.

For international calls, special lines are allocated + 7-499-550-40-40 and + 7-495-539-40-40.

All calls are received and recorded around the clock. If the operator does not answer the call, then the call is recorded using an answering machine.

In 2019, direct line phones will work until June 20 inclusive, so citizens will be able to leave their calls until the very end of the direct line.

send SMS

You can write an SMS to Putin on the short number 0-40-40. Messages are accepted only from subscribers of Russian operators. This service is free, but there is a limitation: the maximum message size is 70 characters.

Through social media

In the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, the Direct Line official communities have been created. To send a letter to the President, you need to join the group and press the button "Ask your question to the President of the Russian Federation". In the window that opens, you will need to enter your contact information and enter a question.

Through the website moskva-putinu.ru

You can send your question through the moskva-putinu.ru website by filling out a simple form there. To do this, you will need to enter contact information, age, social status and place of residence. Then you need to select the subject of the message (no more than three at a time). To select multiple themes, select them while holding down the CTRL key.

Order a video call

You can use video communication to communicate with the President in person on the air. To do this, you need to download the application of the same name "Moscow-Putin". It is available for all desktops, as well as the Google Play and App Store content stores.

Log in to the application using your account or register using your phone number. From the main menu, you can call the editorial office of the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin program by clicking the Video Call button, record a video message or send a pre-recorded video.

Where to watch the direct line

The Direct Line with the President is an annual television broadcast during which citizens can ask questions of the head of state on any topic. This year Direct Line will be broadcast on June 7, the air will begin at 12:00 Moscow time (in Novosibirsk it will be 16:00).

The conversation with Putin will be broadcasted by Channel One, Russia-1, Russia-24, NTV, OTR, Mir radio stations Mayak, VestiFM and Radio Rossii.

For VK users, the broadcast will be available in the official community of the direct line.

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