Home Blanks for the winter How to make an invigorating drink at home. Can you drink energy drinks before training? Natural energy bomb for the body

How to make an invigorating drink at home. Can you drink energy drinks before training? Natural energy bomb for the body

Today, various energetics are very popular among the population of our country, especially among young people. Such drinks give strength, vivacity, give a huge boost of energy. An energy drink can be purchased at any store or kiosk of your choice and color. However, an energy drink can also be made at home. It should be noted that homemade drinks are always tastier than store drinks. Therefore, today the site At home.ru will tell you how you can prepare an energy drink at home.

Let's take a step-by-step analysis of the way to prepare an energy drink at home.

Stage 1 - preparatory

First you need to collect all the necessary ingredients.

1) Take 1 can of instant coffee (100 grams). It doesn't matter what brand of coffee. Choose the one that suits your liking.

2) Now take 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. In fact, you don't need to add cinnamon if the bitter taste of the coffee doesn't bother you. This is more for an amateur.

3) Honey is also required. Fill a third of the glass with it. Honey is essential for good taste.

4) Take vodka (200 ml is enough)

5) Collect water (no more than 0.5 l)

6) Prepare a saucepan right away.

Stage 2 - the beginning of cooking

So, now is the time to prepare an energy drink at home.

First you need to boil the water in the kettle.

At the same time, put the oven on preheat

Pour the entire contents of a can of coffee into a saucepan, as well as cinnamon

All this must be poured with boiling water, and then put on the stove.

The rest of the time, wait until the contents of the pan boil.

Remember to stir from time to time what is in the saucepan. After 10 minutes, cooking can be stopped. The purpose of this process is to completely dissolve the coffee. Plus, some of the water will evaporate, which it should.

Stage 3 - beverage processing

After cooking, you need to drain the contents of the pan into a container. Better to do this through cheesecloth. This way, you clear the liquid of various debris that is sometimes found in cinnamon.

As you can see, a power engineer at home is not preparing so quickly, you will have to spend some free time on this.

Your task now is to cool the liquid to a warm state. It should not be hot, as the drink may turn out to be of poor quality. Cold water will also kill some of the substances that contribute to the excellent taste of the drink.

Next, you need to pour the contents into a bottle. Add the prepared vodka there. After that, this drink should be shaken as thoroughly as possible. All contents should be well mixed, then the taste will be simply divine.

Features energetic

1) If you shake the drink vigorously, a lot of foam will appear, which may even dry out. Remember that the concentrate will be stronger if the foam lasts longer.

2) After a few days, the power engineer may even acquire the smell of cognac.

3) Ground coffee is also suitable for brewing, although in this case, you should expect some difficulties with the brewing.

It should be admitted that such an energy drink at home turns out to be much tastier than those that can be bought in a store.

In fact, there are many other recipes for making an energy drink with your own hands. Our site will share with you another recipe for a wonderful and wonderful drink.

You will need:

2-3 lemons

1 bunch of parsley

2 glasses of water

Sugar (100 grams)

1/2 teaspoon grated ginger root

So what to do with parsley? It should be rinsed well, dried, and then finely chopped. Pour the lemons over with hot water, then cut into small pieces along with the skin. Next, the parsley and lemon are twisted in a blender. Pour all the contents into a glass, add ginger there and make mashed potatoes out of it.

Syrup must be made from water and sugar, and then cooled. Now you mix the syrup with mashed potatoes, and filter the resulting liquid through cheesecloth or mesh. Then wait for the drink to cool completely. For beauty, you can serve an energy drink, after decorating it with a slice of lemon. Here's another energy drink at home ready. You just have to try it and draw your own conclusions, which drink you like best.

As you can see, it is quite easy to prepare an energy drink with your own hands. To do this, you only need to buy a few products that are easy to get on the market. You do not have to go somewhere, look for something, everything can be quickly bought at the nearest store. An energy drink at home is the best you can cook, as it will give you strength and energy for the whole day.

Skipina Anastasia

The energy drink is firmly embedded in the life of a modern person. With constant workload at work, solving various problems in everyday life, there are moments of lack of energy and strength. An energetic helps to return to a working state and to cheer up.

Drinking the drink does not eliminate the difficulties that have arisen, but mobilizes forces in order to cope with them. Therefore, the energy cocktail is extremely popular among active people.

The role of a power engineer for the body

How do energy drinks affect a person? The main role in the composition of the drink is assigned to caffeine. It is its effect on the central nervous system that leads to the necessary results: drowsiness and lethargy disappear, muscles tone up, and a surge of strength is felt.

The consumers of energy cocktails are most often:

  • athletes;
  • workaholics;
  • lovers of nightlife;
  • people who do not have time to rest.

Many consumers fear this substance, motivating their fears with the adverse effects of taurine on the heart and stomach. In fact, the amino acid can only be harmful to people with chronic diseases of these organs. But in combination with alcohol in the energy drink, taurine can really overexcite the nervous system.

Energy drinks help a person temporarily increase the body's resources when the need arises. But in order not to fear for your health at the same time, you can consider the option of making an invigorating drink at home from your ingredients.

Energy recipe

What is important to know about the drink? Coffee will help prolong activity and eliminate drowsiness, it will be the basis of home energy. The rest of the ingredients are designed to enhance the effect of caffeine, accelerate its transport to the organs, and complement the taste.
It is worth trying to prepare your own energy drink at home. After all, such a drink will be more useful and understandable than a purchased product. Manufacturers always indicate the composition of the energy drink on the bottle or can. But a consumer who is not particularly versed in the names of ingredients can find it difficult to figure out whether such a composition is harmful, whether it is contraindicated for his health.

Energy drink with cola

For the preparation of the drink, do not use instant coffee, which is recommended in many recipes. It is best to brew natural coffee from ground beans, strain from the grounds and cool. Add 50 g of Coca-Cola to a cup of chilled coffee (100 ml), you can also add a few ice cubes there. For those who do not like a harsh and bitter taste, it is recommended to pour a little cream into the energy drink to soften it.

Energy drink with butter

The drink must be prepared in a blender. To do this, first boil two servings of unsweetened espresso and strain from the thick. Pour ready-made coffee into the blender bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of butter, then beat the mass until a voluminous foam is obtained. You can add sugar to taste and a pinch of cinnamon to the prepared energy cocktail. This drink perfectly invigorates, and the taste is very delicate.

Energy drink with cognac

Alcoholic energy drinks should be taken with extreme caution and only in extreme cases. Such a cocktail will allow you to stay awake for a day, but it can cause heart palpitations and pressure surges. How to make an energy drink with cognac? First, you need to brew natural coffee from ground beans, the drink should be very strong (3 teaspoons of the product per 150 ml of water). The coffee must be drained and cooled. Then all the ingredients are mixed: coca-cola (one and a half glasses), cognac (50 g) and cold coffee. The mixture should be infused for a while. The addition of cognac to the cocktail is due to the fact that it is this alcoholic drink that enhances the combined effect of all components and gives a more powerful result for shaking up the body.

Energy Drinking Precautions

Given the fact that an invigorating cocktail is becoming more and more in demand, its consumers should be warned. Having the knowledge of how to make an energy drink at home does not eliminate the likelihood of harm to health from such a drink.

Energetics have a rather strong effect, penetrate the bloodstream and quickly spread throughout the body, which gets a real shake-up. Abuse of such properties of a cocktail can be detrimental to health. Therefore, you should use the drink only in case of emergency, when your strength and energy are already at zero, but you urgently need to be in shape to solve important issues.

Twice a month is the maximum dosage for the forced launch of additional body reserves. Otherwise, it will become so worn out that no power engineers will be able to help in the future. This rule applies even to absolutely healthy people, not to mention those who have diseases.

For example, those suffering from heart ailments, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, energy drinks are contraindicated. Also, you can not use energy drinks and people with diagnoses associated with the kidneys or blood vessels.

Eliminate invigorating drinks from your diet for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Even if the reserve of strength is catastrophically exhausted, it should be remembered that irreparable harm can be caused to the health of the fetus or child.

When preparing an energy drink on your own, you need to stop using instant coffee. It itself is harmful to the body, and in combination with ingredients that enhance its effect, such a drink can become a real poison.

If you remember about all the precautions and only occasionally resort to the need to consume an energy cocktail, then in difficult situations it can become an irreplaceable assistant.

A person takes energy and strength not only from food. There are a huge number of recipes for drinks that give energy and a feeling of cheerfulness to a person: teas, infusions, cocktails.

This is very convenient because the drink is absorbed faster, provides the body with nutrients and at the same time serves to quench your thirst.

They are prepared from plants: herbs, seeds, roots, vegetables, fruits, water, juices, milk or liquid fermented milk products. All voiced below are invigorating for a person, but it is important to know their specific properties and rules for preparation and use.

Top 6 invigorating drinks

The most famous energy drink is coffee, teas, decoctions and infusions on water. They are convenient in that you can cook them very quickly at home: raw materials are always at hand, you can choose what you like best for the taste and is suitable for health reasons.

So what's the best drink to boost energy levels for men and women? Here is a list of 6 effective drinks to boost vitality and motivation.

1. Coffee

This is one of the most popular drinks on the planet, which are legendary: some endow coffee with fantastic properties to give a person energy and strength, while others believe that coffee tones up only for a time, after which an energy decline occurs.

In fact, there can be an individual reaction to any tonic drink, and you need to select a drink based on this reaction of the body and the state of health.

In general, coffee is useful in that it:

  1. slightly raises blood pressure, so it is good to drink it at the beginning of the working day;
  2. relieves headache with hypotension;
  3. improves blood circulation, which are located in the heart and muscles;
  4. helps digestion;
  5. prevents the appearance of oncology;
  6. and improve performance;
  7. also proven to be, as it reduces the risk of developing many cognitive diseases.

After coffee, you can really get tired. Often this is due to excessive consumption and imbalance in water balance... If you adhere to the rules, then coffee can only bring benefits and give pleasure.

Recall that in the last article we looked at.

The following factors influence the effect:

  1. Type of coffee. Only natural boiled coffee, which is obtained by brewing ground coffee beans, can tone up without harm to health. Granular, freeze-dried and powdered drinks contain many flavors and other additives that impair well-being and cause many health problems.
  2. The amount drunk. Without harm, you can drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day: only this amount invigorates; increasing the dose leads to the opposite effect.
  3. Maintaining water balance. Drinking coffee is best in the morning. But since it is a diuretic, it is best to consume it after a glass of water. After half an hour, it is rational to drink water again. In this case, the work of the urinary system will not be disturbed, and the brain will not be dehydrated.

2. Black and green teas

Black and green teas are also known for their tonic properties. But they are used in different ways.

It is believed that black tea is best drunk in winter and in cold weather, and green tea in hot weather. Black should be given preference for hypotension, since it increases blood pressure, and green - for hypertensive, since after an initial increase in pressure, it has a subsequent hypotonic effect.

Thanks to caffeine, minerals, vitamins, catechins and other beneficial substances, both black and green tea:

  1. improves blood circulation in general and in particular;
  2. contains a large amount of antioxidants, thereby preserving youth and energy;
  3. prevents cancer;
  4. and improves mood, is an excellent antidepressant;
  5. increases the speed of mental operations, etc.

3. Ginseng

Ginseng root is brewed as a standalone drink and added to other teas. It is one of the most effective herbal remedies to help quickly increase the overall tone and add strength.

Biologically active substances ginsenosides help the production of hormones that activate brain cells... Thanks to this, as well as vitamins, a special set of micro and macro elements, ginseng tea:

  1. stabilize energy exchange;
  2. relieves chronic fatigue;
  3. helps to get enough sleep in a shorter time;
  4. has a positive effect on the properties of memory;
  5. sharpens attention and reactions.

4. Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus is close in composition and action to ginseng. It is also useful to brew it as a tea and take it for:

  1. increasing efficiency;
  2. increasing physical and mental stamina;
  3. elimination of symptoms of overwork;
  4. sharpening of hearing and vision.

Eleutherococcus is considered a good adaptogen used for nervous stress and physical exertion.

With all the similarity of the action of ginseng and Siberian ginseng, they have different effects on the processes associated with weight: if ginseng helps to reduce it, then Siberian ginseng, on the contrary, contributes to a set of kilograms.

5. Schisandra chinensis

This is also a well-known adaptogen that can be easily used by brewing in the form of regular tea. Organic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, minerals:

  1. help relieve fatigue;
  2. regulate reflexes;
  3. help to concentrate;
  4. contribute to the increase in efficiency.

But with hypertension, with heart disease, epilepsy and in a state of strong excitement, Chinese magnolia vine do not use to avoid exacerbation... It is also not recommended to take it during pregnancy and lactation.

6. Ginger tea

Ginger tea is best brewed using fresh root, although the infusion of the powder will work as well. Ginger can be infused by slicing or grinding in a blender, alone or in a mixture of lemon and honey.

Ginger tea is more often used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-cold remedy. But he also:

  1. tones well;
  2. from the build-up of cholesterol, which means it improves the activity of all the cardiovascular system;
  3. normalizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation in the brain.

Ginger is best brewed in grated or ground form, directly with the peel, since it contains the largest amount of gingerol - a substance responsible for the effect of ginger on mood and performance.

2 recipes to improve performance

A variety of smoothies and shakes are good options for boosting your energy levels. They are nutritious mixtures that taste good, are quickly absorbed and saturate the body with moisture, the presence of which also affects the tone of the body.

Toning smoothies

Smoothie is a whipped mixture of useful plant components and any liquid: milk, yogurt, juice or just water. There are a lot of smoothie recipes: you can experiment with their ingredients.

  1. With banana and dates. One banana, four dates and a glass of milk are enough to prepare an energy drink, which is especially useful before outdoor activities or sports.
  2. With raspberries and beets. In the morning, a smoothie made from one medium boiled beet, one banana, half an orange, half a glass of raspberries and 50 ml of milk will be a good energy drink.
  3. From avocado and berries. A fragrant and concentrated smoothie will well raise the tone of the body at any time of the day. To do this, grind in a blender half a peeled avocado, 125 g of berries, 2 teaspoons of honey and one and a half glasses of any milk: cow, almond or coconut.

Energy cocktails

To prepare an invigorating cocktail, it is enough to mix several energetic liquids. These can be juices, milk, liquid dairy products.

  1. Carrot, apple, parsley. If chronic fatigue and nervous tension has accumulated, you can do a course lasting 1-2 weeks, when in the morning you drink a mixture of freshly squeezed apple and carrot juices, taken in half, as well as a bunch of parsley. This cocktail is especially useful for hypertensive patients. If desired, you can grind the parsley in a blender and add to your shake. This will not spoil its taste, but it will make the cocktail healthier.
  2. Apple, orange, berries. You can raise your tone by drinking a cocktail with a high content of vitamin C. For this, juices of one apple, one orange and a handful of any berries are mixed. If the berries are not with a tough or coarse skin and have a delicate flesh, then you can add them to the cocktail in the form of puree, not juice.
  3. Oats, strawberries, banana. A mixture of 200 ml of milk, 40 g of pre-soaked oatmeal, one banana and about 10-15 berries of fresh or frozen strawberries will help to cheer up and relieve fatigue.

Drinking healthy teas or making smoothies from time to time is not enough to keep yourself in good shape. Other rules for maintaining energy must be followed.

  1. Everyday. In addition to tea made from healthy plants, other foods also support energy. These are all vegetables, fruits and herbs, nuts, directly squeezed vegetable oils, spices, dark chocolate, lean meat, cereals, whole grain bread, fatty sea fish and seafood.
  2. Exception . There is a range of dishes and products that, instead of supplying energy to the body, take it away from it. This is too fatty meat and dairy products, refined oils and sugar, spreads, margarine, confectionery, baked goods, convenience foods, chips, salted peanuts and other snacks.
  3. Correct drinking regime. To maintain vigor, an adult needs. Otherwise, all connections in the body are broken and the energy goes down.

And now we suggest you check out the video:

A proper diet means a lot for those who intend to get maximum energy and strength from nutrition. It is necessary for both men and women. Drinks play an important role in supplying the body with energy, so you need to carefully consider their use and use them to the maximum in the daily menu.

There are dozens of reasons why famous energy drinks don't work for professional athletes. A horse's share of sugar, a charge of dyes and preservatives, and an unbalanced formula - these are the three points on which power engineers noticeably lose. So it would be more rational to completely abandon soda in the bank in favor of professional products from sports food manufacturers, but that was not the case. High-quality sports food is not produced in Russia and is rigidly tied to the dollar exchange rate, which grows much faster than a chemist's biceps. But there is a solution. We invite you to play all-in and become a sports food manufacturer yourself, and today we will prepare a pre-workout complex at home. You will need 5-10 minutes of time, a free kitchen and a few ingredients.

Cocktail "Biorobot"

Of course, this version of the cocktail will not make you a full-fledged biorobot capable of lifting the entire Smith machine, but it will definitely help to cheer up after a working day. It tastes like iced tea, and the action resembles a couple of cups of strong coffee.

How to cook?

To make an energy drink at home, you will need a few bags of black tea and ordinary ascorbic acid,

  • Brew 3 bags of black tea and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  • Pour the tea into a 1.5 liter bottle and fill it with cold water.
  • Add about 20 tablets of ascorbic acid, 50 mg each.
  • Cool down the drink, pour it and take it with you to your workout.

How does it work?

The caffeine in tea will help you invigorate, water will help you stay hydrated, and vitamin C will have a positive effect on muscle fiber synthesis and inhibit catabolic processes by suppressing the secretion of cortisol.

Fourth speed cocktail

This energy option stimulates better than the previous one. Plus, it can help you recover better from your workout and provide your muscles with energy during exercise.

How to cook?

To prepare an energy drink with your own hands, you will need a few bags of black tea, a set of Eleutherococcus and BCAAs (essential amino acids) in powder form.

  • Take the ready-made cocktail from the previous recipe and add 10-20 drops of Eleutherococcus. The tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy in a bottle with a dispenser.
  • Add 10 grams of glucose. You can also take it in the form of tablets at the pharmacy, which then need to be crushed and added to the cocktail.
  • The last ingredient is 5-10 g of BCAA powder, which is sold in any specialty sports nutrition store.

How does it work?

Eleutherococcus tincture and tea will give a tonic effect, glucose will nourish the muscles with energy, BCAA and vitamin C will protect against catabolism and help you recover faster between workouts.

Cocktail "Assemble yourself"

This option is suitable for those who do not leave nostalgia for chemistry lessons. For the drink you will have to get all the necessary ingredients. You can find them in powder form in specialized sports nutrition stores, individually they are inexpensive, and together they will be little inferior to the pre-workout complex of the average hand.

How to cook?

To create an energy drink at home, you need caffeine, creatine, and beta-alanine. All ingredients must be in powder form.

  • Add 100-300 mg of caffeine powder to cold water.
  • Mix with 5 g.
  • Finally, add 4 g of beta-alanine.
  • So that your cocktail does not taste like water with powder, add an isotonic drink from any manufacturer to the drink. For example, Gatorade.

What else can you add?

Here are a few more ingredients to help make your cocktail even more advanced:

  • BCAA - 5-10 g. Will inhibit muscle catabolism and help recover faster.
  • Citrulline Malate - 3 g. Improves muscle nutrition and provides during training.

How does it work?

Caffeine will act as a stimulant and help energize, creatine will increase strength and provide blood flow to your muscles. On top of that, beta-alanine will improve your stamina and isotonic will keep you hydrated.

After taking the drink, you may feel a slight tingling sensation in your skin. This effect is caused by beta-alanine, it is temporary and will not harm your health.

How to take a home pre-workout?

Have a cocktail 20-30 minutes before training and try to do this no earlier than 4-5 hours before bedtime. Caffeine activates the nervous system, which can cause sleep problems. This in turn will hinder recovery and can trigger the release of cortisol, which leads to muscle catabolism and fat storage.

We recommend that you consult your doctor before taking any energy drink. Stimulants in their composition can raise blood pressure and increase heart rate, which is undesirable for people with heart and circulatory system diseases.

An important component of sports nutrition is energy drinks - drinks that support strength, increase endurance, resistance and improve mood and concentration, increase motivation, and allow you to feel a surge of vitality and energy. have a serious effect on the entire body and especially load the cardiovascular system, so it is important to choose an energetic for yourself that matches your capabilities and brings a real effect that does not harm the body if possible. You must always carefully study the composition of the energy drink before buying. But many people ask the question: is it possible to cook an energy drink yourself with your own hands, at home? Are there any components in power engineering that are inaccessible to an ordinary citizen?

Composition of power engineers

The main component of energy drinks is stimulants, most often it is caffeine. Previously, energy drinks and those containing DMAA (the so-called "geranium") were produced, but now the production of additives with this substance is prohibited in some countries, and DMAA itself is considered a doping, so today you will rarely meet an energy drink with DMAA. Therefore, caffeine remains the main stimulant used in energy drinks and pre-workouts.

Often they are used as part of energy drinks, many of which have stimulating effects, for example, ginger, etc.

Other important components of energy drinks are fast (glucose) and (, etc.), which nourish muscles with energy, regulate energy metabolism, suppress fatigue, accelerate recovery, etc.

This drink can be sipped throughout your workout. It contains a little caffeine and ginger that will lift your mood, salt will restore electrolyte balance, glucose will give your muscles and nervous system energy, BCAAs will nourish muscles, suppress catabolism and stimulate recovery and growth, ascorbic acid will help recovery.

No. 5 Exot

1 tbsp hibiscus, 1 tbsp. rose hips, a pinch of cinnamon, 1-2 pcs. cloves, 20 drops of Eleutherococcus extract, 15 drops of tincture. Brew hibiscus and rosehip with spices with boiling water (300-400 ml), leave for 30 minutes. Strain, then add the tinctures - and you can use it. A surge of vivacity and energy is provided.

If you need a stronger effect, you can add more or ginseng (10 drops) - you will get a super-energetic, you will definitely not be able to fall asleep after that for 4-5 hours. Caution: use only if you have a healthy heart!

And, of course, do not forget that if you do not have tea, coffee, ginger and all kinds of pharmacy tinctures at home, then an excellent energetic from Be First will always come to your aid: extract.

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