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How to finish a letter to a friend in Russian. How to end a business letter. Letter of rejection of invitation

She is a classic lady: stylish, always in trend, but at the same time without unnecessary pretentiousness, glamor and detachment from life. Yes, the Sagittarius lives on earth and makes specific plans. Moreover, this lady is not used to constantly looking at someone and waiting for help.

She is firmly convinced that the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. The Sagittarius girl does not look for guardianship in a relationship and does not want to remain on the sidelines. She is for an equal partnership, for excellent joint projects and a bright, beautiful life. How to please her heart, what type is optimal for this not quite ordinary girl - the stars will tell you right now.

Sagittarius (Latin "Sagittarius") is the 9th sign of the zodiac, which immediately follows the scorpio and passes the astrological baton to Capricorn, which opens the new year. These people were born on the shortest days of the year, but judging by their temperament, this cannot be said at all. Even archer symbol- an arrow fired from a bow. Such a sign shows a person's aspiration for the future, his assertiveness and enthusiasm.

These qualities are promoted by fire element archer... Representatives of fire are distinguished by their activity, a large scale of personality and an inexhaustible desire to live, with which they infect everyone around.

The colors of luck- blue, purple, turquoise and crimson. Mascot stones- opal, topaz, emerald, turquoise, and chrysolite.

The sweep of the Sagittarius girl is well explained by the influence of her the patron planet is Jupiter, which is the largest of all bodies in the solar system. Jupiter symbolizes expansion, rapid development, maximalism, the ability to set really big goals and achieve them, regardless of everyday obstacles.

Tina Turner

That is why, among the famous women born under this sign, we will meet not only bright, talented people, but also brave personalities who fight not only with their appearance, but also with their natural strength of intelligence. These are Britney Spears and Amanda Seyfried, Tina Turner and Anna Smith, Juliana Moore and Daryl Hannah, divine Patricia Kaas and Nelly Furtado, Ekaterina Andreeva and Anastasia Vertinskaya, Victoria Bonya and Elizabeth Boyarskaya. The list is truly endless.

Sagittarius woman: her character from the point of view of the stars

Everyone around who knows the archer girl simply adores her company. It was she who started the companies. It is interesting to shine with her and attract attention to herself. It is necessary to take it in those cases when you have to go and defend your legal rights. Finally, it is with the archer that you can watch a funny comedy in order to laugh the way you want. Surprisingly, the archery women somehow combine true feminine charm with a completely non-feminine character.

The Iron Lady

Yes, she knows how to be weak, sweet, affectionate and peaceful. But only in those cases when it is very much needed. In general, a Sagittarius is a fiery lady with a bright temperament. She is by no means conflicted, for she has unfeminine endurance and willpower. But defending your interests is sacred. Sagittarius will never back down, she will not give up her place in the sun. And all because it is unfair.

The strength of character of this girl is not at all connected with aggression, greed and other impartial qualities. She stands for honesty, for world peace, for contracts, not persuasions. Sagittarius is a true business lady. A woman who makes herself and according to her taste. The phenomenon of this lady is that her fiery, strong energy is always under control. Sagittarius is not characterized by saber-rattling, bragging and provocation. She soberly calculates her strength and will never take risks for the sake of risk. This is why she is so popular with those around her. An original outlook on life, a combination of the best male and female traits, assertiveness and determination - yes, she has a lot of trump cards, and they are all genuine.

Passion for adventure

Sagittarius is not a homebody, not a kitchen worker, not a deliveryman of groceries from the store to the plate. She adores her home and her family, but everything is in moderation. Moreover, the fiery temperament constantly requires an exit. Leaving home. The shooter, as a rule, prefers a male society, so she goes there for adventures.

This lady just loves drive, and not endless discussions of small news, living room design and the latest fashion trends. She needs real, not virtual emotions. And another interesting point - the Sagittarius hates gossip. About myself, about others - it doesn't matter. She is a business lady, and these are not pretentious words. This lady comes to work to work, and home to rest. On a walk, she walks, and at events, she throws out emotions. Everything in good time is the motto of the typical archer.

I myself

It will not be an exaggeration to say that archer girls are among those self-sufficient women. From her point of view, male concern is not at all about calling 20 times a day and reminding her, how little, what needs to be done, and whether she is cold on this rainy day.

In fact, this archer is ready to take care of anyone, but she will not allow herself to take care of herself. These girls very quickly become independent, they want to see what is there - on the other side of the threshold. And they go to travel to this crazy, but such an interesting world.


No, but this is exactly how she seems to others. Especially in young days, when the sky is blue and the grass is green. Yes, people who allow themselves to reason superficially find it difficult to prove something that differs from their point of view.

In fact, Sagittarius is a permanent, stable sign of the zodiac. He is not characterized by unnecessary turns, dubious wobbling and everything in this spirit. It's just that our heroine has been looking for herself in life for a long time. And the reason is her ambition. She is not content with little, but constantly strives for more. That is why one job is replaced by another, some friends leave, but new ones come.

The stormy period of formation, radical changes, of course, will pass in due time. The hurricane will subside, and the Sagittarius will live a completely normal life. Of course, in my understanding. It just takes time.

Attitude towards work and money

As already mentioned, the Sagittarius is likely to change more than one job in order to finally find something of his own. This lady is not attracted to work for an idea. She is interested not so much in the current income as in the real prospect. She gladly rotates in the company of influential, rich people, for she knows one ancient truth: with whom you will behave.

When, at last, after the next lap, a female archer lands on a successful airfield and takes a quite interesting position, work replaces her life. She goes to career heights patiently and with inspiration. He does not lose optimism, but treats difficulties like sports tests. Such is she - the restless fiery lady.

As for the money, the financial manager of the shooter, perhaps, will not hurt. Although she is not a spender, she has such a generous nature that she can quite spend a decent amount for the sake of her beloved friends, a brilliant evening, or just in order to remember this day for a long time. But she does it quite consciously. It's just that the Sagittarius believes in himself: that she should earn another round sum. Therefore, he does not worry about such trifles.

What kind of man does a Sagittarius woman need?

The shooter, as a rule, does not drown in either romance novels or TV shows. She loves to watch real life, real people and non-fictional stories. That is why her ideas about the ideal chosen one take shape pretty quickly. She is a straight girl and makes fair demands on herself and her future soul mate.

Another thing is that the Sagittarius is in no hurry to get married. It's just that there are still a lot of interesting, unknown and alluring things in life. On the other hand, this girl is capable of falling in love and literally losing her head. After all, she does not do something by half. Pan or lost, all or nothing - the Sagittarius lives in these specific coordinates.

That is why if the chosen one really comes across an interesting, worthy one, she can quickly change her plans. But this is a very big “if”. However, the stars can paint her character quite clearly:

  1. He is a Big Man. Yes, the chosen one of the Sagittarius girl in no case should be petty, too calculating, correct. This lady does not like any pre-created framework, strict agreements. Sagittarius always needs to leave room for a fairy tale, improvisation, surprise. If a man is all the time preoccupied with some earthly, current tasks, she may just get bored.
  2. He is an optimist. Yes, the archer does not like to surround herself with melancholic people. Of course, she is used to inspiring, calling for battle and everything like that. But if you do it endlessly, you can waste all your energy. Sagittarius is looking for a companion, like-minded person, if you like - the same extreme with a fiery heart. She will not constantly push, plead, and beg. Better to keep this in mind in advance.
  3. He is a leader by nature. The shooter is used to surrounding herself only with reliable, interesting and influential friends. It would be strange if she made completely different requirements to the half. Our heroine herself is not a timid dozen, and expects from men a chivalrous attitude, a big heart and concrete actions.
  4. Finally, he is a romantic. The Sagittarius herself is not particularly sentimental. She is, rather, a supporter of direct dialogue than the manifestation of tender feelings. But in fact, this girl so wants to experience the ocean of emotions that she is constantly looking for someone with whom she can dissolve without a trace. Therefore, her image of the chosen one is an energetic, optimistic man with a kind heart and fair outlook on life.

How not to behave with a Sagittarius

Sagittarius girl - for equality. She is not a supporter of traditional ideas about male and female roles. Nevertheless, this lady is not at all opposed to a man making decisions. In addition, she is not going to claim leadership in the family - she is quite satisfied with an influential position at work and in the company of friends.

Therefore, it is important to keep in mind a few helpful tips to help you maintain your relationship with a Sagittarius in the world:

  1. First of all, you need to be well aware that commanding tone and commanding instructions are the worst version of a dialogue with a Sagittarius. Remember: this lady is a real chieftain. She herself knows how and loves to command, but the truth does not allow herself to behave like that with a man whom she respects. That is why, in return, the Sagittarius expects a calm dialogue and collective decision-making.
  2. Sagittarius does not tolerate greed. She is a diamond in an expensive setting, and she demands quite an adequate price for herself. Moreover - whims and tantrums are never satisfied. Therefore, any man can only rejoice at the unusual chosen one that fate has awarded him.
  3. More than greed, the archer hates deception. She is a straightforward person who loves to speak everything head-on. You don't hurt her that much if you say something unpleasant. But if you hide, or even more so compose a fable, expect a violent conflict.
  4. The thought that logically follows from all of the above is that the archery hates unspecified men, for whom word is at odds with deed. Yes, no one sympathizes with such people. But this lady is even ready to leave, if the gentleman constantly does not fulfill the promise.

Who suits the Sagittarius woman, and who is not very

Sagittarius is great for temperamental people. On the other hand, astrological opposites coexist well with her. There is no contradiction in this - after all, the character of this lady allows her to converge with any person for whom she has deep sympathy.

From the point of view of astrology, the compatibility of the Sagittarius woman with other signs of the zodiac looks like this:

  1. It is difficult, but in its own way beautiful is the union with representatives of its own fiery element. True, with a stubborn ram, a Sagittarius can lead endless conflicts in which no one will yield to a partner simply out of principle. And in a lion, pride and vanity can irritate her. With a representative of her own sign, the archer will willingly find a common language, but such an alliance runs the risk of becoming a company of two risky companions who can stumble and lose.
  2. Interesting. On the one hand, this is not her type. But on the other hand, Aquarius is able to attract to itself thanks to its open-mindedness, endless humanity and inner charisma. Yes, she will have to constantly push her faithful to reach new heights. But if she is willing to pay this price, the tandem will turn out to be very promising. Among other air signs, an alliance with the astrological opposite is promising -. To a lesser extent, a Sagittarius will find understanding in aristocratic and indecisive scales.
  3. With the water signs of the zodiac, a walking Sagittarius will be able to experience a true family environment. True, she needs to take into account that the timid man of the fish and the careful cancer will have to constantly inspire to feats. But the domineering scorpion can suppress its fiery nature, therefore, in such a tandem, it is necessary to agree on important points already on the shore.
  4. As for the earthly representatives (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo), the situation is somewhat worse. These are wonderful, reliable men who value stability and concreteness of plans. They need a completely different companion - an ally, a housewife who knows how to protect the rear and endure hardships. Sagittarius is unlikely to be interested in such proposals.

Sagittarius in bed

The night with the archer never ends. At least that's what all men want. She is a real tigress, the queen of her position. This lady is for vivid emotions, for frank displays of love. Sagittarius is given to the partner without a trace, but there is one important nuance.

If she is looking forward to night adventures with you, this is a very good sign. This means that she at least trusts and respects your personality. Yes, the archer sees in a man much more than a set of physical indicators. It is important for her to deal with personality, and not with a set of muscle mass.

The Sagittarius woman is a chieftain, a leader, a bit of an adventurer, a femme fatale. If you give her a foothold, she will definitely turn something over. But only in the best sense of the word.

Sagittarius woman is a brilliant, independent, free from prejudice, very lively, natural woman in her behavior.

Sagittarius charms with her friendliness, simple and sincere attitude, there is nothing fake about her. And her tears, and her laughter - from the heart. She is noisy, cheerful, cheerful, interesting in communication, intelligent, extravagant in ideas, inexhaustible visionary and knows how to surprise others with her enthusiasm and optimism.

Melancholy and pessimism of Sagittarius is completely uncommon, and she needs to get enough blows from fate to be touched by gloom for a long time.

Everything this woman does - she does with brilliance. She is quick in movements and decisions, clever, attracts people, and especially men.

In relationships with men Sagittarius woman does not accept any conventions. She is with them on a short leg, does not consider herself inferior, always in their environment and from the outside seems frivolous, ready for flirting and love affairs, especially since she is feminine and alluringly desirable for men.

But you need to know that Sagittarius woman so careless about what they think of her, and does not care about his reputation, behaves so relaxed and free with men, because he knows himself, his honesty, decency and impeccability. This knowledge is enough for her to ignore rumors and gossip. In addition, this is a strong-willed woman who knows how to protect herself and not give offense.

Men who communicate with her Sagittarius woman can be misleading too. It seems to them that she is easily accessible, since they consider any flirting as a prelude to intimate relationships. In fact, this is not so, and the woman of this sign knows how to show men how superficial they are in their assessments and do not know how to understand women. She can plunge into despondency any seducer, forcing him, perhaps for the first time, to suffer defeat, coldly and proudly rejecting his claims.

This woman does not know how to lie and will tell the merciless truth to anyone who asks for her. And to her loser, gentleman, she will directly express everything that she thinks about him, without trying to soften the blows to male pride in any way.

Sagittarius value a sincere, honest, direct relationship with others. Often they do not have enough feminine sensitivity, feminine softness, to feel for themselves all the horror of their straightforwardness. Often their remarks are tactless, but never intended to offend or humiliate. Everything they say is from the heart and for the good, as it seems to them. Lying is simply disgusting to them, and they rush into battle with their truth bravely and fearlessly, not realizing that it is sometimes better to remain silent. This has nothing to do with heartlessness, and they will be perplexed and deeply resentful if their desire for sincerity and truth does not cause the reaction they expected.

Sagittarius woman as independent and appreciates freedom as a man of this sign. She treats marriage with prejudice and may well remain an old maid, without experiencing any inconvenience and without becoming a man-hater. For her, getting married is losing her freedom. First of all, she will have to forget about her broad interests, she will have to stay at home, travel will be ordered for her, and her energy and passion for movement, diversity in life will be chained into a family framework. She does not see the meaning of life in a family calm way, and future cares for her husband and children for her are fetters and fetters that prevent her rapid flight through life.

Fearing to fall into a hotbed of passions, leading, as it seems to her, to an abyss of vegetation in dull goodness, in submission to the generally accepted norms that a married woman is obliged to adhere to, she may pretend to be cold and restrained, which, of course, is completely wrong. In fact, she is romantic and remembers everything that touched her heart, carefully keeps gifts and letters. Sagittarius belongs to the fire signs, this woman has a warm heart, a kind and beautiful soul, asceticism is alien to her, she loves life, is sensual and emotional.

Having conceived to tie such a woman with family ties, you need to show a lot of patience and a lot of imagination in order to show her how varied and emotional her role as a mistress, mother, wife can be. It is necessary to direct her curiosity towards the family hearth and promise her in the future to dominate her own destiny, firmly promise not to interfere with her interests and hobbies, not to put a slingshot in front of her desire for freedom, not to demand obedience from her.

Although Sagittarius woman reluctantly allows herself to be tamed, bound by marriage, she will be interesting and energetic in her new role. After all, she always believes in a good future, she is an optimist to the core. Not very inclined to domestic daily work, nevertheless she will become a good housewife, hospitable, inventive. She will find an opportunity to create and experiment here too. As the objects of application of her imagination and ingenuity, she will choose exquisite, unprecedented dishes and a house, which she will transform into a secular salon. She will find a way to spend the money that was usually spent on her travels and entertainment - now she will furnish rooms, dress children, arrange parties for friends.

If the husband knows that his wife is from the "breed" of Sagittarius, he will not make scenes when she picks up her suitcase at a time not planned for vacation, he will not suspect her of selfishness or infidelity, when from time to time she will prefer his company to another. A woman of this zodiac sign values ​​trust and will answer it with an honest attitude towards her husband. She is not capable of double play and loves clarity and sincerity.

Children will adore their Sagittarius mom, interesting, funny, sociable, romantic, dreamer, proud, sincere, wise, incapable of tricks and deception.

For husband Sagittarius woman will be the perfect sexual partner. She knows how to do everything gracefully, with brilliance. Intimate relationships are no exception. She craves new experiences - and in sex, too, is inventive. Her partner gets real pleasure, since her energy and temperament are inexhaustible, she seeks to convey to him all her emotions, which she also gives without a trace.

Sex for Sagittarius women- this is part of the pleasures that life gives people. It is sad if the husband of this woman does not have the same openness of feelings and the same temperament. This is fraught with complications in the relationship. A woman of this zodiac sign, usually faithful to her sexual partner, will be forced to suffer, which can result in nervous stress. There are other possible ways out, to which disharmony will push her: either extramarital affairs, or divorce. At the same time, this strong woman, faithful to her fiery sign of the Zodiac, can perceive such an outcome as an unsuccessful joke of fate, not lose heart, and not see a tragedy in this.

The Sagittarius man is a born lover of flirting and a seducer, a connoisseur of feminine charms, who goes through many romances before coming to the altar.

Sagittarius falls in love quickly, but cools down even faster. It is possible that this happens because he quickly loses his head when a girl with admiration in her eyes and passion in her voice shares his views - regardless of whether it is about globalization, the protection of flies or the secrets of religious faith.

Nevertheless, women love Sagittarius, because they are never aggressive, they can be sympathetic, friendly and cheerful, interesting, rarely complain about the lack of success.

Sagittarius man in marriage: what is he like in family, home life, when he gets married?

If you put a wedding ring on the ring finger of a Sagittarius man, do not indulge yourself with the illusion that this was followed by his transformation into a virtuous spouse. He will feel like a bachelor for a long time, sometimes even until the end of his life. A married Sagittarius man is a cheerful, warm-hearted, friendly, sociable partner who will allow you to experience many happy moments - provided that you are very tolerant of his interests, colleagues, friends, frequent independent outings out of town, etc.

Home for Sagittarius is a relative concept. A nomadic lifestyle in a gypsy wagon train or holding constant “open days”, when guests are welcomed around the clock, would suit him. The Sagittarius man in marriage feels an almost innate disgust for homebody. The warmth of the hearth begins to seem attractive to him only in old age, and mainly because of the rheumatism that bothers him.

How does a Sagittarius husband provide for a family?

Sagittarius husbands are often financially successful. It is also a hardworking zodiac sign. If he has professional problems, it is usually only because of his inherent independence or lack of motivation. The Sagittarius husband cares about the earthly blessings of the family, but at the same time he is very wasteful, prone to reckless spending. To achieve the stabilization of the material sphere, he needs the care of a wise, practical and firmly standing wife on the ground. It often happens that the life companions of Sagittarius-husbands travel with him around the world, because often people of this sign are looking for a suitable job somewhere abroad, after which they transport their family to them.

Is the Sagittarius husband cheating or not, jealous or not?

In marriage, Sagittarius husbands are not very jealous and try to be faithful, although they are tempted. They are very attached to the very institution of marriage. Many people of this zodiac sign are religious at heart, and, of course, they do not like divorce. But his own too flirtatious and spontaneous character can sometimes lead to parting with her Sagittarius husband. Often Sagittarius men deviate from the straight and correct path in life and seek comfort in a glass. And on the right path they are led to happiness by another female hand, because a Sagittarius man cannot exist for a long time in a free status.

Sagittarius man: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep Sagittarius husband?

For a person of this zodiac sign, the so-called male friendship with comrades in arms is very important. A spouse who made her Sagittarius husband choose between herself and friends may be disappointed with his preferences. Sagittarius has a social nature, loves to participate in all kinds of societies, committees, associations, often to the detriment of the family and the time spent with her. He is attracted by history, religion, politics or ecology, and not by the prospect of spending hours making shelves for a bathroom or garage.

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by great liveliness, independence, natural manners, friendliness, kind-hearted, honest attitude towards people, lack of hypocrisy and prejudice. Whether she laughs or cries - she does all this from the heart, completely sincerely. The Sagittarius woman has a mind, a cheerful and cheerful disposition, optimism, enthusiasm, extravagance of ideas, a stormy, inexhaustible fantasy; it's interesting to talk to her.

It is almost impossible to find a representative of this zodiac sign immersed in pessimism and melancholy. To transform into a gloomy, depressing creature, fate must beat her too much.

Sagittarius women cope with all their affairs just brilliantly; their decisions and movements are quick. They are very smart, people have sympathy for them.

If we talk about the relationship between Sagittarius women and men, then the former do not adhere to any conventions in this matter. They communicate very willingly, on an equal footing, on a short leg, and, in the eyes of others, often it looks quite frivolous from the side of beautiful ladies. This is supported by the fact that by nature the representatives of this sign are very feminine and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex.

However, this behavior has its own reasons. Sagittarius women are very decent, honest, impeccable and confident in these qualities. All of them, from the point of view of Sagittarius, are sufficient reason not to be afraid for their reputation and ignore gossip and rumors. In addition, the ladies born under this constellation are strong in spirit, and therefore they are quite able to stand up for themselves.

This manner of dealing with men can be misleading. The stronger sex tends to perceive flirting as a prologue and an invitation to intimate relationships. Sagittarius women are able to teach men an instructive lesson and show that they are very far from the correct understanding of female behavior. Too zealous attempts will be rejected by them with pride and coldness, and even the most successful seducer will suffer an inglorious defeat. Moreover, being unable to lie, the Sagittarius woman will plainly tell her unlucky boyfriends everything she thinks about them, not even trying to soften the blow to male pride.

Preferring directness, sincerity, honesty in relationships with people, Sagittarius women often demonstrate a deficit in their nature of softness and sensitivity inherent in the fair sex. The tactlessness of their statements does not stem from an unseemly intention to make someone experience humiliation or resentment. Representatives of this sign are ardent fighters for the truth, in which they see only good for people. It would never even occur to them that sometimes the best solution would be to simply remain silent. They expect a certain reaction to their desire for sincerity, and if it does not coincide with the intended one, Sagittarius will feel strong resentment and bewilderment.

Sagittarius women can pretend to be restrained, cold persons, and everything in order not to allow themselves to slide into the abyss of dreary goodness, into which, in their opinion, all married ladies invariably fall. In reality, women born under this constellation are very romantic and even sentimental; they can keep letters for a long time, things that at one time touched their soul. Sagittarius is a fire sign, and therefore its representatives are distinguished by emotionality, passion, sensuality, love of life, denial of asceticism, beautiful, kind and generous soul.

If a man dreams of getting a Sagittarius as a wife, he will have to patiently and calling for help all his ingenuity to lead his beloved to the idea that the role of a wife, mother, homemaker can give a lot of emotions and various impressions. He will need to reorient the innate curiosity of the Sagittarius woman towards family life, to convince her that she will still remain the mistress of her own destiny, that her husband will not seek her submission and will not interfere with her hobbies and interests.

Sincerity, honesty, romance, pride, wisdom make the Sagittarius woman a great authority among her household members, and children simply do not love their sociable, interesting, cheerful, with inexhaustible imagination mommy.

A Sagittarius woman might just be the perfect partner when it comes to intimate relationships. The desire for new impressions makes her inventive, and temperament, activity, emotionality are aimed at a partner who can get true satisfaction with this woman.

However, there is one important condition here: the spouse of Sagittarius must match her temperament and show all his feelings just as openly. If this does not happen, then the relationship in a couple can be noticeably complicated. Sagittarius women tend to remain faithful to their life partner, but will secretly suffer at the risk of chronic stress. However, sexual disharmony can lead to more dramatic results: going “to the left” or to divorce. However, even in such sad situations, Sagittarius remains a worthy representative of the fire sign: she will not perceive this as a tragedy of her whole life and will not lose heart, considering all this not a very good joke that fate has let go of her.

Sagittarius woman and sex

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius is a seductress and an incorrigible flirt. She loves flirting and gambling in love games. She will experiment with light feeling sex so that her partners remain friends. She is incapable of deep emotional attraction and is more inclined to follow the whims of romantic moods. If the connection fades away, she will take it philosophically. After a while, she will have a new lover.

A woman born under this sign does not mind having sex with a partner, but she is much more interested in friendship, exchange of ideas and romantic adventures. She can be very seductive, and it is sometimes difficult for a man to know if she has started a sexual game or is just looking for a friend.

Her enthusiasm, willingness to meet halfway, sense of humor and wit will delight any man. She is a good listener, a good companion for a man who loves sports and adventure, and a great hostess who can liven up any party, interesting people are always drawn to her.

She loves her freedom, and nothing should interfere with her freedom-loving nature. She does not sit still, she loves to travel. She loves variety and is ready to quickly part with a man who no longer interests her.

Her frankness in matters of the heart misleads men. She does not seek to restrain her desire to talk about other men she knew, and if her lover disappointed her, she does not hesitate to say so.

Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A person with a well-hung tongue can easily win her heart. As a result, she often becomes a victim of unscrupulous men, while a real person is not around. Proud, changeable and windy, she is difficult to understand and almost completely uncontrollable.

The biggest difficulty is her inability to give herself entirely to a man. She indistinctly moves from one to another, never offering much resistance, but also not experiencing much pleasure. She has a lot of experience, but little real feeling.

Women - Sagittarius are suitable

Oddly enough, but the most ideal union of a Sagittarius lady can create her sign with a man. The sign itself does not bear a pronounced gender identity, therefore Sagittarius and Sagittarius will see themselves in each other, love and understand to the last ellipsis.

Slightly less ideal will be the relationship with Aries and Leo. The lamb has an amazingly subtle feeling of his Sagittarius partner, he has that solidity and pressure that the Sagittarius young lady sometimes lacks. In his skillful hands, her unthinkable plans will quickly turn into reality. In addition, Aries and Sagittarius have a rather similar temperament, they will feel good in the same bed in any position.

The Leo man is inferior to Aries only in his position relative to the Sagittarius lady. If the first is on a par with it, then the second will definitely put it higher and will admire it like a work of art. Leo is harder to spin on financial assistance in the implementation of projects. But in this tandem, a big plus will be the complete power of the lady over the gentleman in a horizontal position, in the heat of which he will give everything and even more.

Not the best combinations

An interesting and exciting romance awaits Sagittarius with Aquarius, however, this tandem is likely to end in pure friendship. Aquarius is good for his calm attitude to any antics of the Sagittarius, but in her affairs he is not an assistant, after all, he needs to save the world!

Pisces and Scorpio men rarely get involved with Lady Sagittarius. Pisces is frightened by her unbridled imagination and speed of reactions; they are more interested in the concept than in its embodiment. Scorpios do not agree to be on the sidelines after ideas, and their friends turn out to be very egocentric. The Scorpio man prefers to be the sole target of his lady.

A love affair with Cancer often leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in the Sagittarius's soul. He quickly lights up with her plans and desires, but then instead of a gait forward slowly crawls backwards, which is shameful in the representation of the Sagittarius lady.

Women - Sagittarius are not suitable

Despite the similarity in outlooks on life and the desire to experiment, the love affair of a Sagittarius woman and a Gemini man ends quickly, and not at all on a friendly note. It may seem to the lady that the gentleman is too demanding, although he himself does not perform the functions of protection and support, Gemini will be embarrassed by the Sagittarius's exactingness. And he, as always, does not owe anything to anyone!

Any relationship with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is excluded for the Sagittarius lady. Representatives of earth signs in the world of fire and air have nothing to do. Lady Sagittarius can only become interested in Capricorn as a last resort, but then quickly flee from a world in which there is no place for a miracle.

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac horoscope, symbolizing the savior and mentor. The Sagittarius symbol is a centaur with a drawn bow and arrow, striking its target. The constellation Sagittarius is located in the southern hemisphere, and includes many of the brightest stars and several nebulae.

An ancient legend says that the centaur-archer was called Chiron, and he was the wisest of all centaurs, and was also the teacher of all the famous mythological heroes. Chiron's cave was located at the foot of Mount Pelion, in which the centaur reclined on the branches of a laurel and played the golden lyre. It was with his songs that Chiron taught the wisdom of his disciples - he sang about love, about chaos, about darkness and light, day and night, about herbs and metals, about fire and disease. So, day after day, the wise centaur passed on knowledge to his students.

After the death of Chiron, the gods turned him into a constellation and placed him in heaven - as a token of gratitude for the fact that he was able to raise the most famous disciples of Greece.

Under the constellation Sagittarius, many outstanding personalities were born, forever leaving their mark on world history. Among them are Walt Disney, Yuri Nikulin, Nostradamus, Emir Kusturica, Bruce Lee, Woody Allen, Mark Twain, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Beethoven, Brad Pitt, Joseph Stalin and many others.


The element of Sagittarius is a fire, stable, strong, even, only becoming brighter from gusts of wind. The fire of Sagittarius is easily controlled, so the man does not burn out in the flame of his passion (like Aries), and does not indulge in empty dreams (like Leo). Sagittarius fire gives a person the necessary energy to always move forward.

Fire endows a man with quick-wittedness, decisiveness, irascibility, fervor, impatience for little things. The impulsiveness of a Sagittarius can lead to rash actions, while he is not characterized by feelings of regret or remorse. Thanks to the element of Fire, the Sagittarius man is very sexy - women are attracted to him by the warmth of the soul, indifference, the liveliness of nature.

Sagittarius is not inclined to long explanations and lengthy speeches, he quickly delves into the essence of any issue, his lively mind catches everything literally on the fly. Ideas in his head flare up constantly, and at this time he is ready to rush headlong into work, but he also cools down quickly, usually immediately after the first failures. It is not always easy to communicate with a fiery person, since most often he is self-confident, loves to argue and command.

A fiery man pathologically needs freedom, the habit of a sedentary lifestyle is alien to him. Sagittarius are constantly looking for new travel and new experiences. They differ in the same inconstancy in their personal lives - loyalty is not a strong side of their character.

For permanent residence, a fiery Sagittarius is best suited for a spacious, well-ventilated room, in which the presence of a fireplace (at least artificial) or any other source of fire is desirable. In the interior, a predominance of soft, rounded shapes, the absence of sharp corners is desirable.

A cramped, dark room for Sagittarius is categorically not suitable, since the lack of air will suppress the freedom-loving Fire. To maintain their tone, Sagittarius need a lot of time to be in the fresh air, in nature.

The best was combined with people of the elements of Air with people - it is the air that provides the combustion process. These people will perfectly complement and understand each other. At first glance, the union of Fire with Fire is impeccable, but in fact, a combination of different elements is needed for harmonious relations, although they will definitely never be bored with each other.

Recipe for the occasion::

The Fire-Earth combination allows both partners to benefit from both business and love relationships. When both signs realize their dissimilarity and incompatibility, a conflict in relationships is inevitable, and then you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to gain mutual understanding and learn to find compromises.

The worst compatibility of the fiery element with people is the element of Water - these are elements that are antagonistic to each other. They will always mutually suppress each other, and sooner or later any relationship will end in rupture, or this union will make both partners unhappy.


Planet Sagittarius - Jupiter, named after one of the sons of Saturn. According to Roman mythology, Jupiter, who ruled after the death of his father, personified masculinity, dignity and honor. Jupiter has always favored people, instilled in them optimism, generosity, the ability to enjoy life.

Under the influence of Jupiter, a man looks at the world broadly, has multifaceted abilities. He never stays in a bad mood for a long time, always hopes for good luck in the future. Very often Sagittarius are distinguished by their extravagance, both in life and in their choice of occupation. The good mood and optimism of Sagittarius are not unreasonable, their basis is the strong energy of Jupiter. All Sagittarius are optimists in life, so they do not understand well the experiences and feelings of other people.

Of the negative qualities that Jupiter endows his wards, one can note a tendency to exaggeration, talkativeness, sometimes arrogance and arrogance. In the worst case, this is extravagance, laziness, a morbid passion for luxury and various excesses, mental callousness and selfishness. The bad influence of Jupiter inclines a person to sloppiness and gluttony, nullifying all his efforts and works. A tense Jupiter is expressed in a lack of a sense of proportion in everything that Sagittarius takes on his own initiative. Often the feeling of superiority leads him to complete loneliness.

Another ruling planet Sagittarius, expressed more weakly, is Mercury. It rewards a person with tolerance, the ability to set long-term goals, an interest in teaching others, and a slightly idealistic view of the world. Sagittarius, in whose horoscope is strong Mercury, have a philosophical mindset and versatility of thinking abilities, manifested in different areas of activity. Due to the presence of many interests, Sagittarius sometimes finds it difficult to concentrate on one business and bring it to the end, and his knowledge can be superficial. A man with an inharmonious Mercury may have a tendency to instruct and teach others, which will not lead to anything good.

Stone talisman

An excellent talisman for a Sagittarius man will be a decoration made of turquoise, which is popularly called the "stone of happiness". This mineral is very friendly to Sagittarius, it perfectly complements their optimism and natural energy, gives confidence and determination. Turquoise will strengthen the strength of the man's spirit and give him the strength to move forward. This talisman stone will tell you in which direction you need to move, keep you from meaningless actions and fuss.

Another good amulet for Sagittarius is lapis lazuli. This incredibly beautiful mineral, used for jewelry and crafts, brings sincerity, good luck, and good feelings to a person's life. Lapis lazuli relieves a person of old grievances, bad thoughts and actions, helps to get rid of many diseases. It is best for a man to set lapis lazuli in gold and wear it around his neck.

Ruby will attract wealth, love and success to the life of Sagittarius, will help to gain leadership and power, and for a family person it will bring prosperity and mutual understanding in the family. Ruby gives strength, drives away despondency, protects against the effects of black magic. But a man needs to know that the energy of a ruby ​​is hardly tolerated by petty and spiritually weak people. This stone is able to enhance in a person the qualities given to him at birth - so a kind person becomes even kinder, and a weak person even weaker.

Choosing a talisman-stone for yourself, you need to feel its energy, "kinship of souls", to believe in its magical properties. But there are stones that are categorically unsuitable for Sagittarius - these are moonstone, carnelian and jade. The influence of black opal, dark sapphire, serpentine, chrysolite and aquamarine may be unfavorable.


The astrological symbol of Sagittarius is the centaur - half-man, half-horse, so a horse and everything related to horses can serve as a talisman for Sagittarius. These can be figures or images of the animals themselves, horseshoes, or any other piece of equipment. You can even get a horse or centaur tattoo.

Like the centaur, the salamander is also the symbol of Sagittarius. It is the salamander, according to Greek mythology, that maintains the balance in the element of Fire. In the Christian religion, the salamander symbolizes unshakable faith and virtue, it makes its owner more decisive and courageous, and also pacifies carnal desires. Salamander figurines can often be found in jewelry, tattoos, small figurines.

The scarab beetle has become a symbol of the sign for a very long time, and therefore a man should purchase such an amulet for himself. For example, a jasper or tin scarab beetle is suitable (tin is the metal most suitable for Sagittarius, since their patron planet is Jupiter), which should always be carried with you.

Since Sagittarius are children of Fire, the simplest thing they can do to feed their energy is to contemplate fire. To do this, it is not necessary to go to nature to make a big fire, a simple candle will be enough. If, after a hard day, you come home and at least for a few minutes in a calm atmosphere contemplate the flame of a candle, and at the same time let go of all the insults and the negative accumulated during the day, then the person will definitely feel a surge of strength and a state of inner peace.

Having picked up the perfect stone or amulet for himself, Sagittarius will quickly notice improvements in his affairs. Of course, you shouldn't wait for a miracle, but the amulet can significantly improve a person's health, increase his activity and efficiency, bring luck and good luck.


The main features of the appearance of a Sagittarius man are an athletic physique, tall stature, long arms and legs, broad shoulders. A typical Sagittarius usually looks impressive, he has a straight and open gaze, a high convex mouth, large sensual lips, and a strong-willed chin.

The Sagittarius man retains a youthful appearance for a long time, but since he has a tendency to be overweight, with age he may have problems with being overweight. Often he is the owner of a small abdomen, which, in his opinion, does not spoil him at all, but gives solidity. But if a man is under the negative influence of Jupiter, then his face will be large and bloated with age, a second chin and a large belly will appear. The expression on the face of such a person is haughty, overly important. If the influence of Jupiter is positive, then the man will only make a pleasant impression, since he has a direct and open look, a good-natured character.

The gait of a typical Sagittarius is smooth, unhurried, sometimes imposing by nature, he is phlegmatic and does not like to rush somewhere. He cannot be classified as one of the greatest fashionistas, since a man does not like to go against public opinion, and with clothes tries to emphasize his belonging to the group of people to which he considers himself to belong.

Personality characteristic

Most Sagittarius men are fighters for social justice, personal and spiritual freedom. He is self-reliant and independent, has a philosophical mindset, strong intuition, and sometimes the gift of prophecy. This is an addicting nature, in front of which new horizons are always open, to which Sagittarius always strives.

It is difficult to find a more optimistic person, even if his life is not going well. He does not like to complain about misfortunes, and therefore others often get the impression, partly true, that Sagittarius is a favorite of Fortune, and nothing terrible or tragic can simply happen to him. He firmly believes that tomorrow will be better than yesterday, and life rarely "hits" him really hurt.

A Sagittarius man is most often an outgoing and friendly person, distinguished by directness towards others. The fact that with his frankness he can offend a person simply does not reach him, therefore it makes no sense to take offense at him, since every Sagittarius is sincerely convinced that he is the most diplomatic person in the world.

Usually Sagittarius leave the parental home early and start an independent life, because they are so attracted by travel and tempting distances. Each Sagittarius is an incorrigible romantic of the roads, and this must be taken into account by the one who decides to connect her life with him. In order for a Sagittarius to be happy, his soul must always be in a state of anxious expectation, excitement and anticipation of something new.

The constant striving for new knowledge and sensations can turn a Sagittarius man into a superficial person: he too easily switches from one to another, whether it concerns his personal life or professionalism. The main problems of Sagittarius are carelessness and irresponsibility. He can give out many promises, and at the same time completely sincere, but can he keep them ...

An inharmonious Sagittarius offends people with his inconsistency, and even his cheerfulness and spontaneity in this case are hardly tolerated. Mental brilliance can turn into sarcasm and eccentricity, as well as talkativeness and an inability to keep secrets. His independence often turns into self-confidence, and his sense of humor develops into caustic irony and rudeness. However, Sagittarius does not know how to run wild for a long time, just as he does not know the pangs of conscience. Sagittarius is generally not prone to long experiences.

The love of freedom and independence of the inharmonious Sagittarius man turns into dogmatism and an unchanging desire to "comb everyone under his own comb," the desire to subjugate everyone. Such a person often becomes a fanatic, and then he may even be dangerous, since the charm of Sagittarius has a strong effect on others, especially young people.

Struck Sagittarius is no less charming than harmonious Sagittarius, and sometimes he uses his charm for selfish purposes, becoming a desperate adventurer. He is stubborn, never answers directly to the question posed, bypasses or ignores objections.

However, with proper upbringing and work on oneself, from a well-developed, struck Sagittarius, a person turns out who knows the true value of optimism, faith in people and fate. He feels well when and what needs to be said to a person, what to support him and direct him to the true path.

The harmonious Sagittarius man has an absolutely irresistible smile, he is invariably friendly and sincerely believes that the world around him is beautiful. He is characterized by great warmth and generosity, he does not skimp on the manifestation of feelings. But we should not forget that Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, and it flares up quickly, so you should not touch him with excessive familiarity or exercise power over him. Sagittarius's self-esteem is very strong, and the concept of honor plays a big role in his life. It is very important for a self-confident Sagittarius to maintain authority - both in his own eyes and in the eyes of those around him. Even in the most difficult situations, a harmonious Sagittarius man does not make deals with his conscience.

Some idealism, laziness and unwillingness to delve deeply into the essence of things of a harmoniously developed Sagittarius does not seem to spoil, since sincerity, benevolence and broadmindedness come to the fore. All Sagittarius are generally bad psychologists, so you should not require them to understand subtle emotional impulses.

Whatever the Sagittarius man may be, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist. He thinks with his mind and heart, does not always act wisely, stumbles, gets up and moves only forward. He is in a hurry to live and wants to be in time for everything and everywhere.


Most of the Sagittarius nature has endowed with excellent health, but due to the careless attitude towards his body, constant nervous overstrain and excessive activity, with age, a man may have some problems. The Sagittarius lifestyle is most often hectic, he is ready to sleep little and eat irregularly, immerse himself in an interesting business and ignore the alarming signals sent by the body. If Sagittarius does not spoil his health with his frivolous attitude, then he has every chance of living to a ripe old age.

Sometimes a man has incomprehensible, unexplained attacks of fever - the temperature can quickly rise and also quickly return to normal for no apparent reason. There can be both a surge of strength and a strong decline, also for no apparent reason. Most often this happens due to nervous strain.

The back is one of the most problematic places for all Sagittarius, most often it is with back pain that they begin to have health problems.

Sagittarius metabolism is fast and active. But he still needs to be more careful about nutrition, so as not to overload the liver and not gain excess weight. Many health problems in men are associated with overeating, leading to lesions in the pancreas, liver, intestines and stomach. Overloading your liver is strongly discouraged for Sagittarius.

There is a high probability of getting various injuries, since all Sagittarians are famous hurry. Sports injuries or car accidents are common.

Men born under the constellation Sagittarius are prone to frequent colds, especially sore throat, as well as infectious diseases. They should avoid visiting public places during periods of mass epidemics, and also observe preventive measures.

As a patient, Sagittarius is not too diligent, he does not like to waste time on treatment, but at the same time he lends itself well to psychotherapy. He will definitely not stay in a hospital bed for a long time, with the slightest relief he will try to immediately stop treatment - this is the main danger.


In his youth, a Sagittarius man aims high, sometimes overestimates his strength. Since he is characterized by inconstancy, he often enters an educational institution, but never finishes it, is carried away by business, but quickly loses interest in it. All this does not contribute to a successful career, as well as the acquisition of professionalism.

The main weapons in striving to achieve success are justice and honesty. Fate awarded Streltsov with a heightened sense of self-esteem and great willpower, which can be easily mobilized at any moment to implement the plan. Failure rarely knocks these people out of the saddle.

The desire for high social status is in the blood of all Sagittarius, they adore all kinds of titles and awards. He is not alien to the spirit of teamwork, and in solo swimming he does not feel very confident. He treats the authorities with respect, or openly rebel against him. As a boss, the Sagittarius man is democratic, generous in praise, truthful and friendly. His sore spot is to find out that someone is more talented and smarter than himself. Subordinates will have to get used to his manner of forever lecturing and giving advice in an edifying tone. As a subordinate, a man is full of enthusiasm, invariably friendly, quick and adventurous, however, at the same time a little absent-minded and inattentive.

Sagittarius are best suited for professions that require foresight, quick wits, and imagination. It is good if these professions are prestigious, respected in society - this will satisfy the ambition of a man. Streltsy make excellent officials, statesmen, lawyers, travelers, researchers, teachers, artists, medical and scientific workers. Among the archers there are many religious leaders, preachers, creators of their own trends in religion and culture.

The Sagittarius man is perfectly suited for the type of activity associated with communication, vigorous activity, travel. He can make an excellent journalist who is not afraid to conduct dangerous investigative journalism. Communication skills allow him to become an excellent sales agent or find himself in advertising.

Physical labor Sagittarians dislike, as well as too simple work that does not require creative and emotional costs. He does not accept routine, hopelessness, monotony, boredom in the workplace. But where a global approach is needed, open-mindedness, the ability to think abstractly, Sagittarius will feel in their place.

Financial well-being

All Sagittarius are bright idealists, and therefore their relationship with money is complicated. In terms of squandering, Sagittarius is the recognized leader of the zodiac, his broad nature has a penchant for beautiful gestures and big spending. He loves various holidays, banquets, corporate parties. But the paradox is that most often he is lucky in everything, including finances. Powerful patrons often help a man to earn a fortune, it is possible that he will receive a large inheritance.

Money as such is not a goal for Sagittarius; the pleasures that can be purchased with it are much more important. Money rarely lies idle with him, because it is much more interesting to spend it. Sagittarius are often very successful in business, because they are famous favorites of Fortune. Even in gambling, they are more fortunate than others. But business success is achieved not only through luck, but also through business acumen, the ability to work with information and extensive connections of a man.

Representatives of this sign often live for show, like to invite guests and show off beautiful furniture, expensive interior items. Sagittarius are not inclined to hoarding, they can spend a month's salary per day in order to show off or buy another thing they like. Price tags in stores rarely confuse them, especially if there is a certain amount of money in their pocket. Sagittarius is patronized by Jupiter, which means that pettiness is alien to them.

Sagittarians are often involved in charity work and missionary work. Their wallet is always open to family and friends, they can easily help a complete stranger. But Sagittarius should not be considered a careless person, he knows the price of money very well and knows how to earn it.

Sexuality and love

Sagittarius is a temperamental and cheerful man, rightfully considered one of the most loving signs of the zodiac. In his life, a man goes through many novels, he equally easily falls in love and breaks up when feelings cool down. He is characterized by uncontrolled, passionate hobbies, but the fire of emotions, quickly flaring up, also quickly extinguishes.

During the period of courting a lady of heart, the Sagittarius man shows incredible perseverance and determination, and, having outlined a goal for himself, does not retreat from it. I must say that rarely what woman can resist the charm and assertiveness of this man. For Sagittarius, the very process of conquest, the feeling of victory is very important.

You should not count on a long and serious relationship with Sagittarius, at least at the initial stage of acquaintance. The fear of losing inner freedom can make a real Don Juan out of a man, or lead to a superficial relationship. If the partner shows even a hint of possessive instincts or jealousy, then she will forever lose her Sagittarius. Also, she should not judge his love of travel and adventure.

Sagittarius prefers a woman who stands out from his usual surroundings. For example, he can easily strike up a relationship with a person of a different nationality, race, religion, she can be much older than himself. He is attracted by extravagant ladies who are not like the rest.

Sagittarius begins his intimate life early, he retains sexual activity until old age. He does not tie sex and love together: sex is possible for him simply as a result of physical attraction. Women in general are often mistaken about Sagittarius, mistaking their friendliness for courting. An attentive woman will notice a slight tinge of contempt in Sagittarius, although usually he is gallantry and courtesy itself.

Having sex, Sagittarius will not at all pretend to be a hurricane of passion, rather he will quietly rock his partner on the waves of pleasure. He loves the intriguing promises on the way to the bedroom more than the process itself. But do not accuse him of hypocrisy, Sagittarius will willingly go for any sexual experiments. There are many bisexuals among Sagittarius men; in homosexual relationships, he prefers to take an active position.

Marriage and family

Sagittarius is considered a recognized bachelor, his strong desire for freedom immediately manifests itself as soon as an attempt is made to restrict her by marriage. The hearth cannot keep a man with its warmth; he generally appreciates family ties very little. Despite this, the average Sagittarius man gets married three times, and only the latter has a chance to last long. Only with age does Sagittarius realize the full responsibility that marital relations bear in themselves.

The ideal marriage for a Sagittarius is about partnering with your significant other with the same attitude towards life. Common interests are what can make a marriage with Sagittarius last. The spouse's task is to create an atmosphere of prosperity and ease of communication. She should be good at housekeeping, always raise Sagittarius's opinion of herself. He, in turn, is quite capable of becoming a protector, earner and an excellent father. But communication on the side is a common thing for Sagittarius, and the wife will have to come to terms with it.

A Sagittarius cannot sit still for a long time, so family life with him will never be boring - constant parties, forays into nature, active communication with friends are guaranteed. He will often stay late at work and spend a lot of time outside the home. The wife must definitely leave him a little freedom and allow him to spend some time as he wants, otherwise conflicts are inevitable.

Compatibility horoscope

Sagittarius + Aries- a good, lasting union, both loving and friendly. True, one cannot count on a quiet, calm relationship, since the element of Fire in this case doubles. But these people will be able to turn their lives into a holiday, and love will become the link that holds this marriage together.

Sagittarius + Taurus- this couple does not have too many chances of a long-term relationship. Sagittarius will be irritated by the measured and too homely rhythm of the Taurus woman's life, and she, in turn, is not attracted by the numerous unfulfilled promises of Sagittarius, his n = changeability and inconstancy.

Sagittarius + Gemini is a union of two idealists who are never bored together. These are two opposite signs to each other, so their union will be either very good and mutually beneficial, or useless. But partners will always experience mutual attraction, because they are interested in together.

Sagittarius + Cancer- a difficult and rare union, since a Cancer woman with her subtle mental organization will have a very difficult time with a cheerful and straightforward Sagittarius. If they want to live together, then both will have to change their traditional views of the world, and this is very difficult to do.

Sagittarius + Leo is a union with good psychological compatibility of partners. In general, this is a successful marriage of two strong, courageous people, a union of two like-minded people. But the Leo woman will have to make a lot of efforts to limit the riotous nature of Sagittarius, and she does an excellent job with this.

Sagittarius + Virgo- these are two opposite signs to each other, so it is difficult to imagine partners no longer suitable for each other. However, if both spouses, understanding the basis of the partner's character, begin to interact with each other, then the result will be a great relationship in which both can learn a lot about each other.

Sagittarius + Libra- a good, harmonious union in which the Sagittarius man's dream of an ideal woman comes true. Libras are great at giving in and forgiving, without much damage to their psyche. But there is a small danger, such a marriage can be a little boring for a restless Sagittarius.

Sagittarius + Scorpio- this union will not bring anything good to both partners. The little things of life, the constant betrayal of Sagittarius, his tendency to self-admiration, the resentment accumulated by the Scorpio woman sooner or later will lead to a break. And even perfect compatibility in bed cannot save them.

Sagittarius + Sagittarius- great relationships await them, especially at first. Their life will be filled with fun, travel, sudden surprises. Both partners are potential leaders, and this is where the catch lies. The marriage union threatens to become a continuous test, even in the case of the most tender love and affection.

Sagittarius + Capricorn- This is a good union, although not an easy one. Perhaps the gloomy Capricorn just lacks some lightness and carelessness of Sagittarius, and he, in turn, lacks a little solidity and seriousness of the Capricorn woman. If both partners understand and accept that the spouse cannot change the lifestyle, then this marriage has every chance of becoming successful.

Sagittarius + Aquarius- a rather promising union, where partners are well suited to each other in terms of emotional intensity. They both value their own and others' freedom, are easy-going, prone to adventurism. They look at the world with the same eyes, but the strangeness is that, for some reason, their marriage does not last long, despite the excellent compatibility.

Sagittarius + Pisces- the union is as rare as it is unsuccessful. The energetic and rude Sagittarius is not able to understand the subtle emotional impulses of the Pisces woman, they live in completely different dimensions. This union is doomed, and only the boundless love and patience of the Pisces woman can save it.

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