Home Blanks for the winter What kind of work suits Sagittarius women: business horoscope. The best professions for Sagittarius. Business types and professions for Sagittarius

What kind of work suits Sagittarius women: business horoscope. The best professions for Sagittarius. Business types and professions for Sagittarius

Sagittarius are distinguished by restlessness, scattered attention and its distribution over a wide range of different objects, to which they constantly switch. They want to know everything and everything. They make wonderful scientists, or religious figures, lawyers, judges and jurists, as well as businessmen.

Sagittarius are close to professions that require great knowledge, good erudition and diverse interests. They work great in the tourism business in any position, they can be wonderful translators, guides or excellent diplomats. A Sagittarius can be a wonderful language scholar, philologist, or literary scholar.

Also shown are all professions related to the movement of goods, import or export, business abroad, international transactions. Sagittarians are great in network marketing and can have a great career there. In addition, their ability to constantly shift attention and remember everything and openness in communication makes them good politicians and work in the advertising field.

Money and business.

They are phenomenally able to work with money, and it seems that they are capable of extracting it out of thin air in the full sense of the word. This is a Sign that attracts money, and Sagittarius very often become extremely wealthy people. Intelligence, vivid imagination and a willingness to work with everything new are very good for the ability to build a business, and the ability to communicate makes it possible to establish strong connections in the professional field.

Sagittarians are creative people, so it is easy for them to make money from creative products and a significant part of their income comes from royalties or money from patents. The business they are building should depend on them, they are weakly inclined to share a share with someone, or they simply leave such a business, selling their share to partners or on the side, and doing something new. As a rule, they do or are involved in several businesses, not just one.

The best professions for Sagittarius.

The best Sagittarius professions are those associated with knowledge and high professionalism. He can be an astronaut, work in the aviation industry, become a merchant, seller, advertiser or network marketing agent. Sagittarius do well in all variants of the legal sphere: lawyers, judges, lawyers.

It's very good for a Sagittarius to make a career in higher education or in the humanities, and it doesn't matter how you choose the scope of your skills. Business in tourism and hotel business, trade, international trade, export operations, etc. are also well suited.

Sagittarius are also often found among sailors and shipbuilders; in general, transport in all expressions is well suited for this sign. Sagittarius can make travel, writing, and travel career great. Also, Sagittarius are illegal scouts who constantly work abroad.

Sagittarius career

Sagittarius is very easy to communicate and work with, but does not recognize rigid frameworks and ultimatum pressure and rules. He needs personal freedom and the ability to do what he pleases. Sagittarius's inclinations are not suitable for career and advancement in one place. He feels much better in the role of a free and in-demand professional who can do everything or almost everything in his field and does not depend on anyone.

In terms of career, he can rise quite high, almost to the first places, he can often become a boss if he was noticed by a higher boss who went for a promotion. But he does not stay in high positions for long, because he does not tolerate the fetters imposed by responsibility for others.

Sagittarius (november 23 - december 21)
Sagittarius is patronized by the element of fire, and rest assured that the Sagittarius woman in her work will light up like no other sign. At the same time, she is unlikely to surprise her colleagues with extraordinary antics, but in solving problems she will show remarkable imagination and ingenuity.

Emotions and experiences in Sagittarius are always truthful and sincere. The nature of these women is such that they have a subtle sense of close people, tend to empathize and are almost always friendly to others. But at the same time, they are capable of deeply wounding even those whom they love immensely, and this behavior is often manifested in work.

Do not be surprised if this sign begins to show excessive straightforwardness, bordering on offensive attacks. This is an inherent quality that the horoscope prescribes for Sagittarius women.

There are other individual characteristics that determine how this sign will behave in professional activities:

  • Pessimism is completely inappropriate for these people. Such employees will always be cheerful in spirit and will not let the rest of the team get discouraged;
  • The tendency to assert the right to personal freedom can lead to the fact that the employee is willing to take initiative and monitor how her ideas are being implemented. Therefore, when doing her own projects, she will show particular passion and creativity;
  • The ability to speak and listen well means that you can safely go to negotiations with such an employee. Working for a Sagittarius woman is another opportunity to demonstrate her openness and her best qualities and intentions;

The latter quality is not suitable if the profession is associated with the need to play a double game, evade direct answers or hide plans. Honesty and sincerity accompany this female sign all my life. Sagittarians expect similar behavior from everyone around them.

Sagittarius at work

Representatives of this sign begin to live on their own early. And this implies a full-fledged source of income. Intelligence and self-confidence are important characteristics of the sign. They allow you to achieve success in many areas of activity.

And then there is independence, pride, public speaking, and a broad outlook. A similar set of qualities is also in demand in many industries. Therefore, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer which work is suitable for Sagittarius women, but it is possible to identify the areas of their professional interests.

What professions are suitable for Sagittarius?

Based on personality traits and qualities, we can say that the Sagittarius woman is always realized in work. She will not be an inconspicuous average worker, she will always stand out and achieve success. It is noticed that this sign shows itself well:

  • In the creative field. She openly shows emotions, knows how to expressively show passion, anger, joy and sadness. This is not pretense, but a completely natural Sagittarius trait. Therefore, women under the auspices of Fire look organically in the frame, on stage and in front of the public. .
  • Working with people. Sensitivity, kind-heartedness, responsiveness, mercy often become the defining qualities of these personalities. And social work for a Sagittarius woman is often an unconscious but right choice.
  • In teaching. Relentless imagination and energy, coupled with optimism, suggest that teaching and learning will be the right job for women of the fire sign. They approach this process creatively, inventing an original presentation of the material.
  • In organizational activities. Creative thinking and lively character are indispensable for celebrations of any scale. A holiday agency can't go wrong with providing a job for a Sagittarius woman.

For representatives of this zodiac sign, any work related to the ability to communicate and be in sight is permissible. However, even in the office, they find an opportunity for self-realization. The main thing is that there is no routine and monotonous activity.

For a Sagittarius woman, the work of a journalist, PR specialist, promoter, translator is still suitable.

Sagittarius career

This sign feels good both in the role of a subordinate and as a leader. The latter is not so uncommon, because a bright, charismatic and intelligent woman is often promoted at work.

Sagittarius chief

If a woman born from November 23 to December 21 occupies a leading position, then her subordinates will definitely be lucky. She not only requires the team to work hard, but she herself takes on difficult tasks with enthusiasm.

Such a leader is extremely self-confident. It is not uncommon for him to take on an unbearable burden on himself and the team. Employees are required to speak frankly about the impracticability of the task, otherwise there is a risk of being burned out at work or failing the plan.

Lying to the Sagittarius boss is highly discouraged. He will not hide information from his subordinates, he will always express what he thinks to his eyes. Honesty is a fundamental concept for the leaders of this sign, so its employees must behave in the same way.

Working for a Sagittarius woman who has climbed the career ladder is not an idle pastime. She is a real hard worker who managed to achieve the heights herself. She sees the tenacity and diligence of her subordinates, and they will be rewarded with a promotion or generous bonuses.

Pros that an employee will receive under the leadership of a Sagittarius woman:

  • Diverse and interesting work;
  • Understanding from bosses and constant feedback;
  • Rewards for good work;
  • Easy and friendly atmosphere in the team;
  • The ability to independently make decisions;
  • Lack of total control.

Greedy, unprincipled and deceitful employees will not get along with this boss. She selects the team carefully, so that later she can rely entirely on each member of the team. The Sagittarius director will defend their interests with the same zeal as the interests of the company. She is characterized by a democratic type of management, but kindness should not be abused - no one will like the result.

She willingly suggests how to act, even if no one asked for advice. Such recommendations should be listened to carefully, especially since they will definitely be useful. And even when reasoning, the leader answers for himself many questions regarding the assignment itself. And if upon closer examination it turns out to be irrational or unnecessary, then she will refuse to implement it.

The image of the boss-darling is spoiled by the inability to accept in other people what they do better than herself. If you are talented in knitting openwork blouses, and the leader cannot master the scarf for the third year, save the demonstration of talent for family gatherings.

Sagittarius subordinate

Such an employee will not appreciate complete control and will only be successful in free flight. However, the leader has nothing to worry about: the Sagittarius woman is very dedicated to work, knows how to manage her time, and has excellent characteristics.

She also has disadvantages:

  • She is self-confident, which sometimes prevents her from critically assessing her capabilities. But she will not give up even a difficult and almost impossible task, trying with all her might to find the right solution;
  • She is straightforward, and will say something in the heat that not every enemy dares to say behind his back. Sagittarius, sensing a catch from the interlocutor (regardless of his rank), will certainly tell him what the counterpart is wrong and not good at;
  • Dislikes detailed instructions. It gives her pleasure to build a way to solve the problem herself, to find non-standard ways. If an algorithm of actions from and to was prescribed for it, then do not expect high-quality work. For the same reason, it will be difficult for Sagittarius to listen to long lectures and debriefings at the planning meeting.

The worker, born from November 23 to December 21, is adventurous, makes quick decisions, acts decisively. On the other hand, it slows down the process in every possible way if the work is unpleasant, boring, and does not bring satisfaction. At the same time, a lively mind, the ability to intuitively feel even very difficult moments leads to the fact that the representatives of this zodiac sign are tolerated, accepted and respected by the bosses.

Streltsov compatibility with work colleagues

This sign has excellent compatibility with all people in the team. If this is not a serpentarium, but a community of friendly like-minded people, then the Sagittarius woman will perfectly fit into this company and become her soul.

  • You can and should turn to her for advice.
  • She will help both morally and financially.
  • Perfectly defuses the atmosphere, knows how to cheer up, cheer up.
  • Will not build intrigues, expresses all discontent directly.

Want to get closer to Sagittarius? Compliment her intelligence, outlook, resourcefulness. A woman will accept such flattery with pleasure, especially since praises are always justified. She really has a lively mind and is very versatile educated.

Her honesty borders on tactlessness, which is why colleagues often take offense at her directness. This character trait can be understood, accepted, or hated. But nothing can be changed. She herself does not have to choose - harsh judgments break out by themselves, and she often regrets what she said.

It is difficult to say how negative or positive this is, but this zodiac sign is free from prejudice. On the one hand, such a quality helps a woman to accept everyone as they are, and on the other, she herself can compromise generally accepted norms. For example, she will not give up an affair with a colleague.

It is definitely worth inviting a Sagittarius woman to work or putting her at the head of the team. She is a born leader and quality performer. Its disadvantages border on advantages, which, if properly adjusted, works for the benefit of the company.

Fire sign. The ninth sign of the Zodiac, which rules the ninth house - the house of ideas and principles. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The opposite sign of the zodiac is Gemini.

Business types and professions for Sagittarius

Higher education, public relations, marketing, advertising, airlines, hotels, restaurants, management, tourism, import - export, photography, sales and presales. Writers, translators, philosophers, lawyers, diplomats, politicians, priests, athletes.

Sagittarius - Aries

For this couple, joint work or business will bring success, their compatibility is suitable for both business and teamwork. Combining the dynamism of Aries and the inspiration of Sagittarius can mutually reinforce each other's qualities and help in achieving lofty goals.

Sagittarius - Taurus

In business, where some part of the structure has already been created, Taurus and Sagittarius will show themselves best in independent work. Perhaps they will be successful in a team that is working on new unusual ideas for commercial use. The peculiarity of the compatibility of this pair is that they should learn accounting and financial planning. In this case, the couple will be able to refrain from uncertainty or irresponsibility in financial matters.

Sagittarius - Gemini

This combination is difficult to tolerate in a work environment and, as a rule, it is better for these two not to work on the same team all the time, since business compatibility is unfavorable. If they work together on a permanent basis, their eccentricities can become a source of problems with the authorities.

Sagittarius - Cancer

For obvious reasons, this business partnership has little chance of success, and their compatibility for work and business is questionable. The dominant character of Sagittarius prevails in such an alliance, but Cancer is not able to withstand this for a long time.

Sagittarius - Leo

The work and business relationship between the two is rarely successful, although business compatibility is good. Success is possible only at the highest management levels, where innovation can be highly valued.

Sagittarius - Virgo

In business partnerships, research activities, the couple's creative vision can provide direction to any working group. They rarely clash, struggle for power and can, if necessary, exercise leadership jointly.

Sagittarius - Libra

It is best to build business relationships here in a somewhat detached manner, so that each partner works on their area of ​​work and does not ask for too much help from the other. Business compatibility is such that although partners can be distinguished by a calm attitude towards each other, they should avoid too personal contact. Much depends on how much these two are passionate about the common cause.

Sagittarius - Scorpio

As partners in work and business, they can agree on a protocol or work methods for a long time and then stick to them. If they manage to avoid too long discussions, the work will be completed on time. Ordinary or even routine short-term projects are probably the best choice for them. At least that way they will establish a mutually acceptable working rhythm.

Sagittarius - Sagittarius

The business relationship between the two Sagittarius is perhaps the most successful of all, and has excellent business compatibility. When working on large-scale projects, both professional and social, partners are usually able to see and implement them in full. Not because they are extremely responsible or even assertive, but because they have no other choice. In addition, projects that seem too ambitious to others, Sagittarius can be considered as quite real and therefore they can do a lot.

Sagittarius - Capricorn

Business and partnerships between the two are contradictory. They work best without hierarchical or bureaucratic constraints. When they meet at work in a large company, they can form a business idea and move on on their own. Another common scenario for a successful Sagittarius and Capricorn interaction is to work as freelancers or small business entrepreneurs, joining forces. Under this condition, they often create a completely new concept or idea.

Sagittarius - Aquarius

In business, these partners tend to create products or services for which there is demand, but not much competition, opening new niches for themselves in the market. The compatibility is positive, this pair is good not only when opening an enterprise, but also in further activities, in particular, in the field of profit reinvestment.

Sagittarius - Pisces

For this couple, working together can be effective if the partners are endowed with an innate sensitivity to each other's mood and are able to put aside personal ambitions for the sake of a project or for the good of the common cause of the team.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 05.22 - 06.21
  • Cancer 06.22 - 07.22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 08.24 - 09.22
  • Libra 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11.23 - 12.21
  • Capricorn 12.22 - 01.20
  • Aquarius 01.21 - 02.20
  • Pisces 02.21 - 03.20

Sagittarius man horoscope

Sagittarius man: appearance

Men of this sign, as a rule, look respectable, have an imposing figure that looks like that regardless of clothing. Often you can find them and the abdomen, while the Sagittarius men themselves believe that it does not spoil them at all, but only gives solidity. Most often, they opt for a business style of clothing, but they can also dress brightly, preferring rich, expressive colors. Those born during this period love expensive jewelry - chains, impressive gold rings and even bracelets. They also have a weakness for expensive prestigious watches.

Sagittarius man - a characteristic of behavior

The people around them usually sympathize with them - the Sagittarius men who have an open, very charming smile and a bright head, which is always full of ideas. Their language is the same as that of their minds, but they rarely take offense seriously, seeing their sincerity and inability to do nasty things on the sly. Sagittarius are smart, pleasant interlocutors, it is always interesting to talk with them, including on abstract topics. They know how to captivate others with their ideas, prefer to rotate in a society in which there is a place for interests that are consonant with their own. They are distinguished by activity, restlessness and passion with which they undertake each new business. No matter how old such a man is, his soul will always be young.

Sagittarius are the favorites of Fortune, with them more often than others cases of truly mystical luck occur. It is curious that close people of the representatives of this sign, under the influence of their bright aura, also become more optimistic, begin to believe more in possible miracles and more often fall into the field of vision of Fortune with their Sagittarius.

Men of the zodiac sign Sagittarius sometimes give the impression of people capable of deliberately offending and humiliating, but this is only a consequence of the same frankness and unconditional honesty. However, in its worst manifestations, all this takes hypertrophied forms, and sometimes the character of perversion. Sagittarius rarely act under the direction of ill intentions, they are not vindictive or calculating.

Their dislike of obligations of any kind is capable of spoiling relationships with others. They really dislike restrictions, even if these are generally accepted behavioral norms. Sagittarius can unexpectedly break away from their "familiar" place, ignited by a new idea, which is why they often earn a reputation as superficial and unreliable people, but such an opinion about them in most cases is unfair.

Sagittarius sign - man in work and career

Sagittarius men have extremely versatile interests, they are attracted by a variety of professions and areas of human knowledge. An irrepressible thirst for knowledge, curiosity and a disposition to explore everything unknown to a large extent contribute to the constant expansion of their life horizons.

Brilliant business qualities help Sagittarius to realize their plans, for example, the ability to think strategically, work with information, including fundamentally new information. Whatever the Sagittarius undertakes, he devotes himself to the cause with all his heart, can often exaggerate the importance of his occupation, but this only benefits the cause. The only thing that knocks him off this path is his tendency to catch fire quickly and cool down just as quickly.

Sagittarius man in love

Sagittarius are charming men who know how to capture and hold female attention. In any company, they find themselves in the center of events, which makes their companions a lot worried. As the horoscope assures, the Sagittarius man does not know how to lie, so all his declarations of love will be completely sincere - as well as compliments. He loves to talk about himself, about his fate, and he does it in his usual frank manner, but not without a share of boasting. When meeting a woman, she tries to immediately convey to her basic information about herself, so that she understands who she is dealing with and accepts him as he is.

Sagittarius are addicted natures, there are many novels in their lives, but in each of them this man is absolutely honest with his chosen one. He is not a hunter: if courtship for someone does not lead to success, then unrequited love will not make Sagittarius suffer, he will quickly find a new object of adoration.

Sagittarius man in sex

Men of this sign are considered very good lovers, whom nature itself has endowed with high sensitivity, sensuality. Often, Streltsov is interested not only in the purely physical aspect of intimate relationships; they like it when they can really be friends with a woman, communicate on interesting topics. They appreciate when the chosen one has her own interests and hobbies.

Sagittarius Man characteristics in marriage

Fearing any obligations, Sagittarius look with great apprehension at the marriage bond, they prefer an open relationship. Often they cut off the connection at the most culminating moment of happy development, sensing that the next stage will be the registry office. As a rule, the initiative to get married comes from the future second half. The character of a Sagittarius man is such that it is very difficult for him to find himself a woman who would suit him completely and completely. She will have to be very patient, since this man cannot imagine himself without preserving personal freedom. She will be forced to adapt to his active lifestyle, be just as easy-going, be sure to be interested in the same as her husband, condescendingly accept all his "projects" and not pay attention to too straightforward and not always disingenuous statements. But, having managed to adapt to the character of her husband, such a woman learns what passionate and sincere love is. However, there are usually more than one marriage in a Sagittarius life.

Sagittarius zodiac sign - male master

Even a cloudless life together is not a guarantee that the incorrigible tramp and romantic Sagittarius will not leave the cozy home harbor after some time. Sagittarius don't tend to spend most of their time at home; household, everyday life for them is not of serious interest. They can act as organizers of a family event, for example, initiate a spring cleaning, assign roles, but at the stage of execution they will prefer to do something else, unexpectedly "remembering" about a very urgent matter outside the home.

Zodiac signs: Sagittarius man - father

It is always interesting for children to communicate with Sagittarius dad, since this is an original personality, an understanding and kind person. Such a father knows how to captivate the younger generation with interesting undertakings, he has enough energy to spend time with children actively. Often the Sagittarius fiddles not only with his own child, but also with his entire company. It is important for this man to be proud of his children, so he can be strict in achieving the goals set for them.

Who is suitable for a Sagittarius man according to the horoscope for creating a family

If Sagittarius is a man, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such signs of the Zodiac as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius.

What to give a Sagittarius man

When choosing a gift for a Sagittarius man, one should not forget that for all his lightness of character and the same easy attitude to life, he often sets ambitious goals for himself, tries to achieve a high position. Therefore, offerings can emphasize his achievements, focus on status - for example, a prestigious watch (or its exact copy), a piece of jewelry or an expensive accessory. A hookah, anything from sports equipment, a poker set or hunting accessories will allow him to organize interesting leisure time in a pleasant company - and he loves it. An interesting book will give you the opportunity to spend time alone with your thoughts and impressions. An excellent gift for a Sagittarius man is an entertainment organized especially for him, a trip - however, his tastes must be taken into account. Practical jokes, surprises will not only not offend him, but will also bring real pleasure.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 05.22 - 06.21
  • Cancer 06.22 - 07.22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 08.24 - 09.22
  • Libra 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11.23 - 12.21
  • Capricorn 12.22 - 01.20
  • Aquarius 01.21 - 02.20
  • Pisces 02.21 - 03.20

Sagittarius (Latin Sagittarius) is the ninth sign of the zodiac. The Sagittarius period lasts approximately from November 23 to December 22 (dates may change depending on the year). The astrologer tells about the main features of people born during this period.

Background information about the sign Sagittarius

Element - Fire

Symbol - an arrow and a part of a bow

Sagittarius personality

Sagittarius are energetic, cheerful people with strong charisma. They are patronized by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and enlargement.

Where the expansion of a particular Sagittarius will be directed depends on the location of the Sun in his horoscope: he can choose “horizontal” expansion (travel, international business, wealth), “vertical” expansion (power, ranks and positions, politics, social activities) and expansion “ deep ”(religion, philosophy, spiritual development).

The scale of the Streltsovskaya expansion also depends on the personal horoscope. You can meet Sagittarius politician, oligarch, scientist, church representative. But in the same way, you can stumble upon the pompous petty boss-Sagittarius, who loves to teach, or the Sagittarius-burner of life, whose main pleasure is to buy and try everything, but more.

Sagittarius man: characteristics of the sign

Sagittarius men feel like the favorites of Fortune - and this, in general, is so. Therefore, they go through life boldly, counting where on their mind, where they are in touch, and where - on luck. They are good-natured and generous, but in communication they sometimes lack respect for people. They have a protective, condescending manner of communication.

Sagittarius woman: characteristics of the sign

Sagittarius women are independent, cheerful and good-natured. They have an adventurous temperament. They strive to live brightly and interestingly. Their virtues include straightforwardness, sincerity, honesty, enthusiasm and cheerful character.

Sagittarius lifestyle and psychological portrait

Sagittarius don't like to be bored. Their life is always filled with something interesting: travel, sports, adventure, spiritual development, learning, dating. It is believed that Sagittarius love to travel most of all. However, there are Sagittarius who never left their city, and did not want to. But even such Sagittarius are keenly interested in everything that happens in the world and have considerable knowledge about foreign cultures, traditions and customs.

Sagittarians love luxury. They like to dine in expensive restaurants, relax in prestigious clubs and shop in expensive boutiques. Not a single event of social life can do without them.

Sagittarius's house is rich, there are many things in it. But they do not have an intuitive good taste, they need to educate it in themselves, otherwise they will have an interior in the style of "gypsy chic" (however, many are satisfied with this, but they will only laugh at criticism).

Sagittarius in relationships and love

Sagittarius love adventures and adventures in love. They hate a showdown, tantrums and other things that complicate life. They are not jealous, but they have self-esteem and will not forgive their partner's neglect. Until the Sagittarius falls in love, he willingly enters into easy connections. In a permanent relationship, he is extremely decent.

Most of all, people of his own Elements are suitable for him - and the same Sagittarius, like himself. Relations with Air - and Aquarius are developing well. With more difficult - they may have irreconcilable contradictions in moral and ethical terms.

With the signs of Water, Sagittarius is difficult: in the eyes of Sagittarius, Scorpio and Pisces are too fond of creating problems out of the blue.

Sagittarius can combine love of comfort and sensuality. With Capricorn - the desire for social success. Sagittarius would have a happy relationship if Virgo had a more solid character: both Sagittarius and Virgo are not capable of being leaders, but they do not feel in a partner that inner strength that would allow them to give leadership to him.

Sagittarius in work and the business world

Among the Streltsy there are many politicians and public figures, university professors, big businessmen, priests, and lawyers. In science, Sagittarius gravitate towards social sciences - sociology, political science, history. Some Sagittarius make travel their job, becoming guides, translators, and reviewers.

The main requirement of Streltsov when choosing a profession is that it must be prestigious and interesting. It's good if she allows you to broaden your horizons and make influential acquaintances. Sagittarius are not suitable for boring and monotonous work, insignificant positions.

In their work, Streltsov is appreciated for good performance, enthusiasm and the ability to properly behave with both subordinates and superiors.

Sagittarius and money

Beggar Sagittarius is nonsense. Fortune protects even the most impractical representatives of the sign from poverty. There are Sagittarius who squandered wealth, but there is no Sagittarius who have never been rich.

Sagittarius agree to work only for a good salary. "Chicken by grain" is not about them at all. They need a lot at once. They love luxury and money, and live in grand style. Sagittarius are ready to spend on expensive vacations and prestigious things, they are the target audience for goods and services of the VIP segment. And - the most interesting - the easier the Sagittarius part with the money, the more it becomes. They are generous - they spend a lot on dating during the courtship period, they are able to help out with money in need.

This does not apply to business - there they are by no means generous. They do business with an iron fist and achieve great success. In business, they combine adventurism with respect for the experience of those who are already rich. Their element is international business, a network of enterprises, global business projects.

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