Home Blanks for the winter Online calculator with capitalization. Investment calculator of compound interest with capitalization

Online calculator with capitalization. Investment calculator of compound interest with capitalization

The calculator will help you quickly "estimate" how much you can earn by placing a deposit in the bank.

Convenient calculator?


How to calculate income on a deposit (deposit)

Enter the following information into the form:

  • The amount of the deposit (deposit) that you are ready to make to the bank and the currency in which you place funds;
  • The placement period and the date of the deposit;
  • Next, select the type of interest rate and the amount of interest that the bank charges on the amount of the deposit;
  • Indicate how often interest is charged on the deposit. Most often this happens on a monthly basis, but there are other offers from banks. The frequency of accrual is necessarily indicated in the terms of the deposit;
  • Check the “Interest capitalization” box if the interest on the deposit, which was accrued by the bank during the period of placing the deposit, is added to the deposit amount. If the interest is transferred to a separate account or card, then there is no “Capitalization” of the deposit and the amount remains unchanged;
  • In the “Tax” field, indicate whether you are a resident or non-resident of the Russian Federation or select “None”, which is applicable to 99% of settlements;
  • Specify the data if you are going to periodically replenish or withdraw part of the money from the deposit, as well as the amount of the minimum balance in case of withdrawing funds from the deposit;

Resident of the Russian Federation- this is someone who has lived in Russia for at least 183 days over the past year, the rest are non-residents. Russian citizenship has nothing to do with the concept of resident / non-resident.

What the calculator will give

As a result, the calculator will calculate and display the data:

  • The total amount of funds accrued on the deposit is the income from the placement;
  • The size of the "Effective lending rate". With the "Capitalization" of the deposit, the size will be greater than the interest you entered on the placement of the deposit, since the funds that are credited to the deposit are taken into account;
  • The amount on the deposit at the end of the term. Actually, this is the amount of the deposit plus the amount of interest;
  • Schedule for accruing interest and increasing the amount of the deposit for the entire period of placement;
  • If the interest rate on the deposit is such that you need to pay income tax, then the calculator will automatically calculate the amount that will be withheld by the bank for taxes and will show the Income on the deposit minus tax payments (details on taxes are below).

Bank deposit tax

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, taxes on earnings on bank deposits must be paid in two cases:

  • You have placed a foreign currency (any currency, except for the Russian ruble) deposit with a rate of more than 9% per annum;
  • The interest on the deposit in rubles of the Russian Federation as of the date of opening the deposit is higher than the key rate of the Central Bank by 5 percent or more;

Deposit tax rate and tax amount calculation

  • The rate for residents of the Russian Federation is 35%;
  • For non-residents - 30%;

The tax on deposits in rubles is calculated not on the entire amount of income on the deposit, but only on the difference between income with interest at the Central Bank rate + 5% and the actual rate offered by the bank.

Tax on deposits in foreign currency, similar to rubles, is calculated not on the entire income on the deposit, but only on the difference between the “permitted” rate of 9% and the actual rate proposed by the bank.

An example of calculating tax on a deposit in a bank

Just for general development, the calculator takes that into account!

As of July 1, 2018, the Central Bank's refinancing rate is 7.25%, therefore, the tax will have to be paid on a ruble deposit with a rate of 7.25% + 5% = 12.25% and higher.

Initial data: We open a deposit of 1,000,000 rubles at 14% per annum for a period of 12 months;

  • We calculate the interest for 12 months: 1,000,000 * 0.14 * 12/12 = 140,000 rubles - this is the total income on the deposit;
  • We calculate the percentage of the permitted rate (Central Bank + 5% = 12.25%): 1,000,000 * 0.1225 * 12/12 = 122,500 rubles - this is tax-free income;
  • Next, we calculate the amount with which you need to pay tax: 140,000 - 122,500 = 17,500 rubles. This is the tax base with which we pay;
  • As a result, we calculate the amount of tax (for residents of the Russian Federation 35%): 17,500 * 0.35 = 6,125 rubles. This amount must be given to the state.

I will note one thing: I have never, in any bank, seen rates of such a size that I even had to think about paying the tax.

You can and should ask your questions in the comments.

Sberbank's deposit calculator is a software product with which you can determine which of the available deposit offers can provide you with the most favorable interest rate on the deposit.

If income allows you to make savings - free money should be protected from inflation, as a result of which they gradually depreciate, and if possible - and increase it. To do this, you need to choose such a deposit offer of the bank, the interest rates on which could overlap the level of current and projected inflation in the country. So, if you intend to place your funds on the Sberbank deposit, provided that the projected inflation for 2014 is 5.2%, you should consider proposals with an annual interest rate of at least 5.2% - and this is only in order to the amount of your funds was equivalent to the current one in commodity terms.

Specify deposit parameters

Deposit calculation result

Interest calculation options

The total amount of interest on the Sberbank deposit can be calculated using a simple formula only in the case of a one-time deposit of the entire amount of funds on the deposit, which does not imply periodic capitalization and withdrawal of the amount at the end of the term of the deposit. If the deposit program involves capitalization, in addition to this, you are going to regularly deposit additional funds to the account, the calculation will be carried out according to a more complex formula. In this case, the contribution calculator should be used to calculate the total profit. By setting the frequency of calculating interest and making additional amounts to the deposit, you can get a calculation taking into account these factors.

Don't forget about taxes

There are also nuances of calculation and deposit programs for which interest rates are offered that exceed the refinancing rate of the Central Bank by 5 points in rubles or by 9 points in foreign currency. The income received from such a deposit will be taxed, as a result, in some cases, deposits with high interest rates will be less profitable than deposits with moderate interest rates.

In general, there are many nuances. It is important not to get confused in the variety of deposit programs and choose the most profitable of them. It is for this that deposit calculators are created. Our Sberbank deposit calculator provides for all parameters that affect the final result, without exception, from the type of currency to the frequency of replenishment of the deposit. This makes it possible to calculate as close to reality as possible.

Save and increase your funds, and entrust the selection of the best options for this to the deposit calculator. A smart program will do it quickly, accurately and efficiently.

Each depositor, placing a deposit in a bank, wants to know how much income can be received at the end of the term. Today, there are two main methods of calculating interest: complex and simple, and each financial institution calculates profit in its own way. In this article, we will consider how to calculate the interest on the deposit.

What are the contract schemes

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Interest accrual schemes can be complex and simple, while a simple accrual scheme is that interest is charged either at the end of the contract, or on a separate account from which the client can withdraw it once a month or quarter.

The second scheme assumes the capitalization of interest, that is, the accrued interest is added to the amount of the deposit, increasing it. In the next period, interest income is calculated from the already increased deposit amount.

A complex scheme is more profitable because it allows you to get more income. However, the rates for such programs are also lower.

Basic formulas

Simple option

The formula for calculating the interest on the deposit must be spelled out in the terms of the agreement.

It looks like this:

, where:

Let's give an example. The depositor put on the deposit 10,000 rubles... Annual rate - 10% annual. The deposit program does not imply replenishment and capitalization.

According to the calculation for this method, we get:

Thus, for 3 months of the deposit, the client will receive interest in the amount of 246.6 rubles.

Simple interest is also applicable in cases of deposits being replenished. In this case, the calculation is carried out as follows.

Customer put 10,000 rubles under 10% annual, for a period of 3 months... The deposit was replenished twice for 1000 rubles... The first one is through 30 days, the second - two months later.

Thus, the client will receive 82.2 rubles in the first month before replenishment of the deposit, and 180.8 rubles and 295.9 rubles in the second and third periods, respectively.

Difficult version

The complex method of calculation involves the capitalization of interest. Let's take a look at the diagram using an example. Client placed a deposit 100,000 rubles at rate 8,7% , for half a year. Terms of deposit - p. The calculation is done as follows.

S = 100,000 * (1 + 8.7 * 30/365/100) 6 - 100,000 = 4,367.9 rubles.

At the end of the deposit period, the client will receive 4367.9 rubles additional profit. It is very easy to check the calculation using the simple interest formula. To do this, the term of the deposit is divided into separate periods and the balance is taken for the calculation, taking into account previous payments and accruals.

Month Deposit amount Interest rate Number of days Interest amount Deposit amount at the end of the period
1 100000 8,7% 30 days 715,1 100715,1
2 100715,1 8,7% 30 days 720,18 101435,28
3 101435,28 8,7% 30 days 725,34 102160,62
4 102160,62 8,7% 30 days 730,52 102891,14
5 102891,14 8,7% 30 days 735,74 103626,88
6 103626,88 8,7% 30 days 741 104367,88

Thus, it can be seen from the table that the compound interest formula is easier to use than the calculation of the contribution with capitalization using simple interest.

Substituting the values ​​for deposits into the formulas, you can independently calculate the final income

For an account with replenishment

Deposit programs with replenishment also have features of interest accrual.

The annual rate for such deposits is somewhat lower. This is due to the fact that during the period of the agreement, the refinancing rate may decrease, and the deposit will become unprofitable for the bank.

Let's give an example of calculating interest on a deposit with replenishment.

The client opens a deposit for the amount 70,000 rubles at rate 7% per annum for 3 months.

For the first month, the income will be:

After replenishment of the deposit on 3000 rubles, the account is the amount in 73,000 rubles.

Recalculation for the year:

Income for the remaining 60 days:

The total amount of interest on the deposit for three months will be 1242 rubles of the amount in 73,000 rubles... And the final amount of the deposit 74242 rubles.

Important caveats on calculating deposit interest

Effective rate

The effective interest rate allows you to estimate the real income from a particular deposit. It is this rate that allows you to compare various offers from banks and choose the most profitable ones.

Since the capitalization of deposits significantly affects the income from the deposit, the effective rate is calculated using the following formula:

S effective = ((1 + I / 100 / n) n - 1) x 100

, where:

Let's present the calculation using an example. The deposit is placed in the bank for 1 year at 10% per annum... Interest capitalization - monthly.

S effective = ((1 + 10/100/12) 12 - 1) x 100 = 10.43%

In this case, the effective annual interest rate will be 10,43% .

That is, when choosing a deposit, it is necessary to compare the effective rates. Today there are enough online services for calculating deposit rates. Similar calculators can be found on banks' websites.


Tax is levied on any income of a citizen of the Russian Federation established by law. In the case of a bank, such income is recognized as the percentage of excess of the refinancing rate.

As of August 2019, no refinancing rate has been set. From January 1, 2019, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation decided not to allocate refinancing as a separate rate, but to equate it with the key rate.

The key rate in 2019 is 11% , which means that if the interest on the deposit is higher than this value, then such income must be subject to personal income tax - 35% .

Let's turn to the legislation. Data on taxes paid by individuals from income is considered by article 214.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as amended and supplemented as of the date of circulation. So, you can make simple calculations.

If the client places a deposit for 10,000 rubles for a period of 1 year at a simple interest rate of 12.3%, then after the expiration of the contract he will have to pay to the tax office:

  • 10000 *12,3% = 1230 rubles;
  • 10000*11% = 1100 rubles;
  • (1230-1100)*35% = 45.5 rubles.

Thus, in the example under consideration, it can be seen that taxes will amount to 45.5 rubles... The bank is in charge of deducting taxes, and the client will simply receive a reduced amount.

Time dependence

The final income from the deposit depends on the timing and it is quite simple to calculate it manually.

With a deposit of 10,000 rubles at a rate of 8% per annum, we will make the calculation as follows:

  • determine what the daily charge is equal to 1% : 10000/100 = 100 rubles;
  • multiply by the number of percent that the bank gives: 100 * 8 = 800 rubles;
  • add a percentage to the body of the contribution: 10000 + 800 = 10,800 rubles.

If the money is placed not for a year, but for a different period, then the percentage is more difficult to calculate. Let's look at the same example, but the term of the deposit will be 182 days.

For the year, the profitability will be 800 rubles... Per 1 day year the depositor will receive: 800/365 = 2,192 rubles... This is the cost of the deposit, calculated daily. The terms of the contribution in the example say that the term is 182 days, respectively, it is necessary to multiply this period by daily income: 182 * 2.192 = 398.9 rubles.

In banks, the terms of deposits are indicated in months or years, but days are still used in the calculation.

So, frequent terms are:

  • 1 month - 30 days;
  • 3 months - 90 days;
  • six months - 182 days;
  • year - 365 days.

With a replenishing deposit, the process is more laborious. In this case, you can use the online calculator.
An example of how to check the total

When calculating on the calculator, an incorrect amount may be displayed, since a technical factor always exists. If the deposit was opened earlier and you have an account statement with all the accruals on hand, then it is very easy to check the correctness of the accrual of income.

For example, on February 20, a client opens a deposit with quarterly capitalization. Deposit amount 10,000 rubles, bid 10% ... Term - 9 months or 272 days... Took off on August 15 5000 rubles.

Days date Coming Consumption Account amount
20 february 2019 10000 0 5000
49 10 april 2019 30000 0 35000
42 20 May 2019 535 0 35535
85 15 august 2019 0 5000 30535
6 20 august 2019 744,77 0 31324,95
91 20 november 2019 789,95 0 32027,83
  • From February 20 to April 10: 10,000 * 9/100 * 49/365 = 120.8.
  • From April 10 to May 20: 40,000 * 9/100 * 42/365 = 414.2.
  • From February 20 to May 20: 120.8 + 414.2 = 535.
  • From May 20 to August 15: 35535 * 9/100 * 85/365 = 744.77.
  • From August 15 to August 20: 30535 * 9/100 * 6/365 = 45.18.
  • From May 20 to August 20: 744.77 + 45.18 = 789.95.
  • From August 20 to November 20: 31324.95 * 9/100 * 91/365 = 702.88.

The online deposit calculator in Moscow allows you to study the profitability of different offers. In 2019, banks have developed many new programs for individuals.

The calculator of deposits with capitalization in Moscow makes it possible to find out what amount of savings will turn out if you invest a particular amount with the possibility of partial cash withdrawal.

Calculate the contribution with a calculator online in Moscow

The calculator of interest on a deposit in Moscow is easy to use. The service allows you to enter information on terms, interest, conditions and amounts an unlimited number of times. You can calculate the deposit online in Moscow online from banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Sovcombank;
  • Post Bank and others.

A deposit calculator in Moscow is available on the official websites of banks. But unlike them, on our website you can use the deposit profitability calculator in Moscow for all available offers at once.

You can find a deposit by specifying:

  • terms;
  • amounts;
  • rubles or currency.

You can calculate a deposit online in Moscow with capitalization, the possibility of replenishment or partial withdrawal. After entering the data, a table with Moscow banks that meet the requirements will open. The calculator of profitability of deposits in Moscow allows you to get information about the income received from the results of data processing.

Calculating a deposit using a calculator in Moscow reduces the time it takes to find the desired option, allows you to find the maximum percentage, taking into account the required time for opening a deposit. Our website offers a calculator for deposits with replenishment and capitalization in Moscow.

From simple to complex ...

Why does a person bring their savings to the bank? Of course, to ensure their safety, and most importantly, to get income. And here the knowledge of the formula of simple or compound interest, as well as the ability to draw up a preliminary calculation of interest on the deposit, will come in handy more than ever. After all, forecasting interest on deposits or interest on loans is one of the components of prudent management of your finances. It is good to carry out such forecasting before signing contracts and performing financial transactions, as well as during the periods of the next accrual of interest and adding them to the deposit under an already executed deposit agreement.

To calculate interest on deposits (deposits), and loans too, the following formulas are applied:

  1. simple interest formula,

  2. compound interest formula.
The procedure for calculating interest according to the above formulas is carried out using a fixed or floating rate. In order not to return to this question in the future, I will immediately explain the meaning of the words and the differences between a fixed rate and a floating rate.

A fixed rate is when the interest rate established for the bank's deposit is fixed in the deposit agreement and the entire investment period remains unchanged, i.e. is fixed. This rate may change only at the moment of automatic prolongation of the agreement for a new term or in case of early termination of the contractual relationship and payment of interest for the actual investment period at the rate "on demand", which is stipulated by the conditions.

A floating rate is when the interest rate originally set under the agreement may change during the entire investment period. The conditions and procedure for changing the rates are stipulated in the deposit agreement. Interest rates may change: due to changes in the refinancing rate, with a change in the exchange rate, with the transfer of the deposit amount to another category, and other factors.

To accrue interest using formulas, you need to know the parameters of investing in a deposit account, namely:

  • the amount of the contribution (deposit),
  • interest rate on the selected deposit (deposit),
  • the cyclical nature of interest accrual (daily, monthly, quarterly, etc.),
  • term of placement of a deposit (deposit),
  • sometimes the type of interest rate used is also required - fixed or floating.

Now let's look at the above-named standard interest formulas that are used to calculate interest on deposits.

Simple interest formula

The formula of simple interest is applied if the interest accrued on the deposit is added to the deposit only at the end of the deposit term or is not added at all, but transferred to a separate account, i.e. the calculation of simple interest does not provide for the capitalization of interest.

When choosing the type of deposit, it is worth paying attention to the procedure for calculating interest. When the amount of the deposit and the term of placement are significant, and the bank applies the formula of simple interest, this leads to an underestimation of the amount of the depositor's interest income. The formula for simple interest on deposits looks like this:

Simple interest formula

Meaning of symbols:
S - the amount of funds due to be returned to the depositor at the end of the term of the deposit. It consists of the initial amount of the deposited funds, plus the accrued interest.
I - annual interest rate

P - the initial amount of funds attracted to the deposit

Simple Interest Amount Formula

Meaning of symbols:
Sp is the amount of interest (income).
I - annual interest rate
t - the number of days of interest accrual on the attracted deposit
K - the number of days in a calendar year (365 or 366)
P - the amount of funds attracted to the deposit.

I will give conditional examples of calculating simple interest and the amount of a bank deposit with simple interest:

Example 1. Suppose that the bank has accepted a deposit in the amount of 50,000 rubles for a period of 30 days. Fixed interest rate - 10.5% per annum. Applying the formulas, we get the following results:

S = 50,000 + 50,000 * 10.5 * 30/365/100 = 50431.51

Sp = 50,000 * 10.5 * 30/365/100 = 431.51

Example 2. The bank accepted a deposit in the same amount of 50,000 rubles for a period of 3 months (90 days) at a fixed rate of 10.5 percent "per annum". In the conditions, only the investment term has changed.

S = 50,000 + 50,000 * 10.5 * 90/365/100 = 51294.52

Sp = 50,000 * 10.5 * 90/365/100 = 1294.52

When comparing the two examples, it can be seen that the amount of monthly accrued interest using the simple interest formula does not change.

431.51 * 3 months = 1294.52 rubles.

Example 3. The bank accepted a deposit in the amount of 50,000 rubles for a period of 3 months (90 days) at a fixed rate of 10.5 percent "per annum". The deposit is replenished, and on the 61st day the deposit was replenished in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

S1 = 50,000 + 50,000 * 10.5 * 60/365/100 = 50863.01
Sp1 = 50,000 * 10.5 * 60/365/100 = 863.01

S2 = 60,000 + 60,000 * 10.5 * 30/365/100 = 60517.81
Sp2 = 60,000 * 10.5 * 30/365/100 = 517.81

Sp = Sp1 + Sp2 = 50,000 * 10.5 * 60/365/100 + 60,000 * 10.5 * 30/365/100 = 863.01 + 517.81 = 1380.82

Example 4. The bank accepted a deposit in the same amount of 50,000 rubles for a period of 3 months (90 days) at a floating rate. For the first month (30 days) the interest rate is 10.5%, for the next 2 months (60 days) the interest rate is 12%.

S1 = 50,000 + 50,000 * 10.5 * 30/365/100 = 50,000 + 431.51 = 50431.51
Sp1 = 50,000 * 10.5 * 30/365/100 = 431.51

S2 = 50,000 + 50,000 * 12 * 60/365/100 = 50,000 + 986.3 = 50986.3
Sp2 = 50,000 * 12 * 60/365/100 = 986.3

Sp = 50,000 * 10.5 * 30/365/100 + 50,000 * 12 * 60/365/100 = 431.51 + 986.3 = 1417.81

Compound interest formula

The compound interest formula is applied if the interest on the deposit is accrued at regular intervals (daily, monthly, quarterly) and the accrued interest is added to the deposit, i.e. the calculation of compound interest provides for the capitalization of interest (interest accrual).

Most banks offer deposits with quarterly capitalization (Sberbank of Russia, VTB, etc.), i.e. with compounding interest. And some banks, in terms of deposits, offer capitalization at the end of the investment period, i.e. when the deposit is prolonged for the next term, which, to put it mildly, refers to a publicity stunt that pushes the depositor not to take the accrued interest, but the accrual of interest itself is actually carried out according to the formula of simple interest. And I repeat, when the deposit amount and the placement period are significant, such "capitalization" does not lead to an increase in the depositor's interest income, because there is no interest accrual on the interest income received in previous periods.
The compound interest formula looks like this:

Compound interest formula

Meaning of symbols:

S - the amount of funds due to be returned to the depositor at the end of the term of the deposit. It consists of the amount of the deposit (deposit) with interest.

Calculating only compound interest using a formula will look like this:

Compound interest only

Meaning of symbols:
I - annual interest rate;
j is the number of calendar days in the period following which the bank capitalizes the accrued interest;
K is the number of days in a calendar year (365 or 366);
P - the initial amount of funds attracted to the deposit;
n - the number of operations on capitalization of accrued interest during the total period of raising funds;
Sp is the amount of interest (income).

I will give a conditional example of calculating compound interest and the amount of a bank deposit with compound interest:

Example 5. Accepted deposit in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. for a period of 90 days at a fixed rate of 10.5 percent per annum. Interest accrual - monthly. Consequently, the number of operations on capitalization of accrued interest (p) within 90 days will be - 3. And the number of calendar days in the period following which the bank capitalizes accrued interest (j) will be - 30 days (90/3). What will be the interest amount?

S = 50,000 * (1 + 10.5 * 30/365/100) 3 = 51305.72
Sp = 50,000 * (1 + 10.5 * 30/365/100) 3 - 50,000 = 1305.72
You can verify that the amount of interest calculated using the compound interest method is correct by rechecking the calculation using the simple interest formula.

To do this, we divide the term of the deposit into 3 independent periods (3 months) of 30 days and calculate the interest for each period using the simple interest formula. The amount of the deposit in each next period will be taken taking into account the interest for the previous periods. As a result of the calculation, it turned out:

So, the total amount of interest, taking into account the monthly capitalization (accrual of interest on interest), is:

Sp = Sp1 + Sp2 + Sp3 = 431.51 + 435.23+ 438.98 = 1305.72
This corresponds to the amount calculated using compound interest in example No. 5.
And when calculating interest for the same period using the simple interest formula in example No. 2, the income was only 1294.52 rubles. Interest capitalization brought the depositor an additional 11.2 rubles. (1305.72 - 1294.52), i.e. great profitability is obtained from deposits with interest capitalization when compound interest is applied.

When calculating interest, one more small nuance must be taken into account. When determining the number of days for accruing interest on a deposit (t) or the number of calendar days in the period following which the bank capitalizes the accrued interest (j), the day of closing (withdrawing) the deposit is not taken into account. So, for example, on 02.11.07 the bank accepted a deposit for a period of 7 days. The full term of the deposit is from 02.11.07 to 09.11.07, i.e. 8 calendar days. And the period for calculating interest on the deposit will be from 02.11.07 to 08.11.07, i.e. - 7 calendar days. Day 09.11.07 is not taken into account because the deposit is returned to the client.

Finishing the material, I want to once again draw your attention to the fact that according to the above formulas of interest, you can also calculate interest on loans. Successful calculation of your income and expenses.

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