Home Preparations for the winter Kfu check-in at the hostel. Everything is going according to plan, or how the settlement of nonresident students is going on in KFU. Academy of Construction and Architecture

Kfu check-in at the hostel. Everything is going according to plan, or how the settlement of nonresident students is going on in KFU. Academy of Construction and Architecture

Submit documents

All non-resident applicants entering the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU in 2018 are provided with a hostel.

To get a place in a hostel, you must:

When submitting documents to the admission committee for admission to the institute, make a “+” mark in the questionnaire that you need a hostel.

Lists of accommodation in the hostel will be posted on the website of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of KFU website / chelny after the issuance of orders for enrollment in the institute after August 23, 2018.

The cost of living in a hostel

(without additional services) is:

Building A - 410 rubles per month.

Building B, C, G - 260 rubles per month.

Attention! The payment receipt must indicate the full name of the student who will live in the dormitory building, and not the parent who will pay.


Lists for settling in the dormitory will appear on the website of the NChI KFU after the release of orders for admission to the institute

Settlement of graduate students and undergraduates will begin August 31 and will last until September 7.

To check into the hostel, you need to go to the corresponding buildings of the hostel at Nab. Chelny, pr. Mira, 17 (stop Studgorodok on pr. Mira) according to the attached check-in schedule)

Check-in dates

For freshmen

According to the lists in the corresponding buildings of hostels

For students of other courses

According to the lists in the corresponding buildings of hostels

For graduate students and undergraduates

According to the lists in the corresponding buildings of hostels

Far-reaching consequences for the students of Kazan Federal University. To ensure the safety of all foreign students, they were moved to the Universiade Village (in terms of comfort, these are two-star hotels). The former inhabitants got the less well-equipped "dormitories" of KFU.

The "evicted" students are indignant - all year they studied well and participated in the life of the university in order to earn the right to live in decent conditions. For the second month in social networks, the discussion has not subsided about who deserves to live in good conditions and are students obliged to repair shabby rooms at their own expense if they have already paid a lot of money for education? And some are wondering why the university cares about the safety of foreigners more than about Russian students. The correspondent of "AiF-Kazan" understood the situation.

For the sake of safety

Recall that in February this year in Kazan, near the KFU hostel on the street. Adela Kutuya was Mahjoub Tijani Hasan. The suspects were found quickly - they turned out to be neo-Nazis - last week. In the meantime, the university administration decided to relocate foreign students to the guarded Universiade Village, and the students living in the village were redistributed to other dormitories. Many were dissatisfied with this turn. Foreign students now have to get to educational buildings from the other side of the city and spend money on travel. Some even offered to run free buses from the village to the university, if the leadership is so concerned about their safety.

“Well, yes, of course, all the best is for foreigners. Neither academic success, nor social activities, nor subbotnik work, nor any other generally accepted benefits will secure your place in the Universiade Village. You are a Russian, be patient, harden yourself from a young age, you are not worthy of living in good conditions,” students pour out their anger on social networks.

“If a Russian student had been killed, then nothing would have been done. And then immediately grabbed their heads. Well, of course, they cut such money at the expense of foreigners, why do they need us? others are outraged. Still others complain - they simply “bought” many rooms for themselves. “I personally know that one Arab “bought out” a three-ruble note and now lives there alone,” says one of the students.

“The settlement of first-year state students in the bulk takes place in the Universiade Village,” explains Head of the press service of KFU Kamill Gareev.- To stay in it to live, it is necessary to meet certain requirements, since the number of applicants is greater than the number of places. Among the requirements are good studies, active participation in the life of the university, and, of course, the absence of complaints about the behavior of the commandants. If all these conditions are met, then the student gets the opportunity to stay on the second year. It also happens that a student is an excellent student and participates in social events, then additional factors begin to play a role. Living in the Universiade Village is, one might say, an indicator of the university's gratitude. Foreign students are settled in different dormitories, this year they mostly live in the Universiade Village”.

No lift or shower

In total, the university has 35 dormitories, 25 of them are compactly located in the Universiade Village, they are designed for 8 thousand people. The rest of the hostels are scattered around the city. For understanding: in the new academic year, 12 thousand students from the regions of Russia and 1634 foreign students were enrolled.

The order of settlement in 2017 is described as follows: "All needy non-resident students of KFU 1st year of full-time education are provided with a bed in the Universiade Village."

So, out of 8,000 places available in the Universiade Village, foreign students occupy 5,000, the remaining 3,000 places are divided between freshmen and some senior students from the regions.

While foreigners are getting used to the Universiade Village, the relocated students are adapting to life in the new conditions. Indeed, in the hostel number 3 on the street. Adelya Kutuya, 2b, a non-working elevator was waiting for them, a shower was only on the first floor (and there were 9 floors in the building) and there were no refrigerators. The rooms have not been renovated for a long time: there are remains of wallpaper on the walls, rusty stains from batteries and smudges, mattresses with a pop-up spring and a “new” plastic window that is about to fall off the fasteners. Few students decide to make repairs for their own money, motivating: “And so we pay a lot for education.”

“We were immediately warned that refrigerators should be bought by ourselves, they should not be older than 2012 and not prefabricated, and these are not the cheapest. Many of the guys who bought the equipment were forbidden to keep “objects that were not suitable according to the regulations” in the rooms, the students say. - It’s okay to “keep” them, but we can’t even drag them to the 9th floor. The elevator doesn't work."

And here is how the living conditions in the same “hostel” are described on the KFU website: “The rooms are cozy and bright. There are clean walls, neat furniture and good lighting ... You will get a personal bed, a nightstand for things and great neighbors to boot!”

There are also pictures that are far from reality.. Probably realizing this, the authors of this announcement make the following clarification: “Believe me, student life is not walls with imported wallpaper, but a carefree and joyful atmosphere, which is abundant in hostel No. 3 ... We will be glad to see you in hostel No. 3 of KFU and We will be happy to open the romance of student life for you!”

On the Internet, hostel number 3 looks completely different. Photo: AiF

We are looking for pluses

Parents of out-of-town students are outraged. In the campus administration, to the question: “Is it possible to move the child to a renovated hostel (and there are such)?” the answer is short and clear: “The university had to provide a bed in a hostel - it provided. If you don't like it, rent an apartment.

Realtors confirm that the demand for apartments among students has increased compared to last year, and the average price of a rented one-room apartment in Kazan with "grandmother's" repairs will cost at least 11,000 rubles, not counting utilities. A lot of money for a student.

Those who nevertheless decided to live in the new conditions begin to get used to the "atmosphere" and find their advantages here.

“Perhaps the main plus is the relatively close location to frequently visited places (university, shopping centers). You can get to almost any place in the city without transfers. No need to worry about cleaning the bathrooms and the kitchen, in the mornings the cleaner does it. A huge minus is the lack of an elevator and a refrigerator, you can get used to the shower on the 1st floor, but we, elementarily, have nowhere to store food, ”said Alexandra, a 2nd year student, to us.

“Yes, the old dormitories do not stand next to the Universiade Village for comfort. So what to do? My friend and I spent a whole month finding out about vacant places in the village in the hope that we would still be relocated, because we have excellent academic performance, and all the measures have been worked out. We were recently told that there are several vacancies, and we can apply for them if we have a large family, one guardian, or retired/disabled parents,” hopes a sophomore of the Faculty of Political Science.

It would be fair to say that the university is investing in the social infrastructure. So, in 2016, two hostels were overhauled - in Naberezhnye Chelny and on the street. Pushkin in Kazan. In the latter, designed for 600 students, all communications were replaced, new windows, plumbing, roofing were installed, new furniture was bought. In the campus on Adel Kutuya, a renovated canteen was opened, designed for 1,500 people.

“In total, the university has more than 800 buildings, and at the same time this volume cannot be overhauled. Therefore, there is a schedule according to which these premises are put in order, - explains Kamill Gareev. - A hostel was opened on Pushkin Street a year ago. At the opening, rector Ilshat Gafurov said that now it is an example of how standard university dormitories should look like. As for cosmetic repairs, every year in the summer all the necessary work for a suitable living in the dormitories of the university is done.

How about others?

Not only KFU students are dissatisfied with living conditions in hostels. “If you enter the fourth faculty, comfortable conditions await you in the form of one shower for the entire hostel, by appointment!” - KNITU-KAI students are ironic.

And here are the reviews about hostel No. 2: “In prison, it will be comfortable even”, “How can you live there ?! You walk along the corridor, as if you were walking along a prison ... "

A sleeping place, a set of furniture and bedding are promised to students at KSMU. And also the use of washing machines and the provision of first aid. The fee for state employees is symbolic - from 160 to 315 rubles, interns, graduate students and state employees will have to pay 630 rubles, "payers" and foreigners - 1050 rubles a month. If desired, they can also accommodate applicants for 720 rubles. per day or "other categories" (3900-4430 rubles per month). By the way, KSMU recently announced a tender for the construction of a new hostel.

Two years ago, a new dormitory was opened at KSEU (the construction of the fourth is planned) on the territory of the university campus. The remaining two buildings were built in the Soviet years, one of them underwent a major overhaul in 2016. New kitchen sets, refrigerators, stoves appeared in the kitchens. There is even a laundry room. A month of living costs from 450 to 480 rubles. In the university itself, their hostels are called comfortable.

Dormitories of KNRTU-KHTI are also very democratic - a place will cost 290 rubles. per month. There is a laundry room for students. But the beds - "bunk beds" (four in a room) are embarrassing. “Yes, hostel No. 5 is on the verge of fantasy, there are no tables, chairs, and you can’t even be indignant, they will say:“ Rent an apartment. Does management really care about their students to such an extent? students are outraged. “It’s bad that they give a room only for a year, and then it’s unknown, so no one settles well there. If they told us: you will live here all 4 years, we would have done repairs, the door and window have been changed.”

However, everything is known in comparison: the dormitory of the Kazan Conservatory is generally unfinished. Students huddle in the same building and literally sit on top of each other.

By the way

There are sanitary and epidemiological requirements for student dormitories (approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 23 of March 23, 2011). Here is what should be in them:

  • toilets, washbasins and showers in multi-storey dormitories should be on each floor (clause 3.1)
  • In dormitories with a height of six floors and above, there must be an elevator (clause 3.11)
  • Each room should have hard and soft inventory, wardrobes for clothes and shoes, bedding. The number of bedside tables, chairs and beds in living rooms should correspond to the number of residents (clause 4.4.1)
  • In kitchens, there should be not only stoves and sinks, but also tables, cabinets (clause 4.4.3). But there is no mention of refrigerators.
  • Soft equipment (mattresses, pillows, blankets) must be subjected to chamber disinfection annually, as well as after each eviction of residents (clause 5.9)
  • In the hostel, bed linen should be changed at least once a week (clause 5.10)

The process of settling non-resident students in KFU dormitories continues. As we wrote earlier, this year in connection with the holding of the World Aquatics Championship in Kazan and the postponement of the start of the academic year for a number of categories of students, the terms of settlement have also shifted slightly - the start of the placement of first-year students was given on August 24, and it will end on August 29 numbers. The next in line are students of 2-5 courses and masters of 2 years of study, who will be accommodated from September 2 to 6.

Together with the Director of the Department for Youth Policy, Social Issues and the Development of Physical Culture and Sports Education, Yulia Vinogradova, we tried to find answers to the most popular questions that arise among nonresident students.

Strictly on schedule

During the week, students preparing to move in, meet early in the morning with employees of the Department for Youth Policy, Social Affairs and the Development of Physical Culture and Sports Education in the hall of the KSK KFU UNICS, where arrivals are registered. After completing the necessary documents, students go to one of the KFU dormitories, which will become their second home in the coming years.

Traditionally, the right to live in the Universiade Village is given to bachelors of the first and second courses, masters of the first year of study and foreign students. The rest of the students receive places in the dormitories of the campus in accordance with their affiliation to a particular institute or faculty.

According to Yulia Vinogradova, this order was coordinated with all structural divisions related to the settlement process. “The decision to give priority for settling in the Universiade Village to representatives of the first and second years of undergraduate studies and students starting their studies at the magistracy was supported by the student trade union, the leadership of institutes and the Faculty of Law of KFU, as well as student councils,” emphasized the director of the department. Despite the emergency pace of work, the employees of the department cope with the duties assigned to them, the settlement is strictly on schedule. By the way, those who have not yet studied the schedule can familiarize themselves with it.

Pay less

Many do not know that accommodation in KFU dormitories is much cheaper than in dormitories of other universities in Kazan. So, this year the cost of living in the dormitories of the campus will be 200 rubles per month, and in residential buildings of the Universiade Village - 450 rubles. For comparison: according to the latest information, for a place in dormitories, for example, Kazan State Power Engineering University, you will need to pay at least 360 rubles, and in five dormitories of KNRTU-KHTI, the price for a month of living varies from 400 to almost 800 rubles.

“The cost of living in dormitories of various universities is approved annually, of course, some changes are made, so it is too early to talk about exact numbers. However, I know that the price for a place in the dormitories of other universities in the city reaches 1000 rubles,” said Yulia Vladimirovna.

What to take with you from home?

Students are often worried about what household items they will be provided in the hostel, and what they need to bring with them from home: for example, is it necessary to bring bed linen with them, as well as various household appliances. “As for household appliances, residents of the hostel are given the opportunity to use a refrigerator, located, depending on the hostel, either in a block or on a floor. In addition, an iron can be borrowed. Other household appliances are not provided. Of course, there are bed linen in the dormitories,” the director of the department explained. She also drew attention to the fact that household appliances imported into the hostel must be accompanied by relevant documents.

However, Yulia Vinogradova advised students who will have the opportunity to go home to take only essential items with them to begin with. Having mastered, the guys themselves will understand what else they need and what should be left at home.

Regulations met

Interested in newly arrived and how many people will live in the room. “First-year students are settled mainly by three or four people. Masters and graduate students are given great freedom - we populate them in rooms designed to accommodate no more than two or three people, - Yulia Vladimirovna explained. “However, it is worth emphasizing that in any case, we comply with all standards.”

Family entrance open

As you know, some students are interested in starting a family while still at the university. Those who are lucky enough to meet their soul mate during their student days are welcomed in the KFU dormitories. “We receive few such requests, so there are usually no problems with providing a hostel for married couples. To do this, it is necessary to contact the settlement department with the relevant documents confirming the registration of marriage and write an application, ”summed up Yulia Vinogradova.

Source of information: Alina Iskanderova, KFU press service

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To get a bed in a KFU dormitory, a nonresident student of the 1st year of full-time education must:


  1. Fill out an application for a bed in a hostel ( the application is filled in by hand and given to the profile dean's office of the structural unit).

Minor students (birthday later than August 28, 1997) must come accompanied by a legal representative (only a parent or guardian) or with a notarized consent (if it is impossible for a legal representative to be present at check-in). Please note that other relatives (aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, grandparents) are not legal representatives and can accompany a student without his parents only with a notarized consent.

Sample Consent:

I, (full name of one of the parents, passport details, registration), hereby express my consent to the conclusion with _______________________________ IN AND. Vernadsky” of the Residential Tenancy Agreement and an additional agreement to the Residential Tenancy Agreement by my (her) son/daughter (full name, year of birth, passport details).

I agree (to) also be a guarantor for making payments with joint and several liability under the Residential Rental Agreement and the supplementary agreement to the Residential Rental Agreement in full.

Date Signature

2nd STEP

  1. Issues an order;
  2. Certificate of enrollment of a student for training (with Order No.)

3rd STEP

To provide the head of the hostel with a health certificate, you must contact the Medical Institution, and have with you:

  1. Medical certificate form 086-y;
  2. Certificate of fluorography during the year;
  3. vaccination certificate;
  4. The passport;
  5. Medical policy;
  6. Insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS).

4th STEP

Contact the head of the hostel and provide:

  1. Issued warrant;
  2. Certificate of enrollment (with order number)
  3. Concludes a tenancy agreement (in 2 copies), filled out strictly according to passport data, without errors, blots, corrections and abbreviations of names;
  4. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a stamp of permanent residence (without an extract from permanent residence) + a clear photocopy of the passport (pp. 2-3, pages with the last registration at the place of residence);
  5. Young men should not be removed from the military register at the place of residence, they must have a registration certificate with them, a military ID - for those who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  6. Health certificate;
  7. Photos 4 pcs. 3x4;
  8. Conclude an additional agreement to the rental agreement.
  9. Issues a pass.

He is instructed on the Internal Regulations, fire safety, public safety and safety regulations against signature in a special magazine.

5th STEP

  1. With a settlement order, he receives soft inventory from the clerk. The property of the hostel is issued against the personal receipt of each resident.

6th STEP

In the passport office for registration at the place of stay, you must provide:

1. Passport of the Russian Federation with a stamp of permanent residence (without an extract from permanent residence) + 1 photocopy;

  1. Two photos 3x4;
  2. Certificate from the dean's office with the number of the order on enrollment for the passport office;
  3. Attribution certificate.
  4. Passport certificate.
    Foreign citizens (specify)
    1. Passport + photocopy (for international passports - a copy of the translation of the passport);
  5. Migration card + photocopy;
  6. 1 photo 3x4;
  7. Certificate from the housekeeper about settling in a hostel;
  8. Certificate from the dean's office with the number of the enrollment order (certificates are at the head of the hostel).

Location of student dormitories of structural divisions and branches of KFU:

Academy of Bioresources and Nature Management

  • Dormitory №1 st. Scientific, 1, town. Agrarian, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №2 st. Scientific, 2, town. Agrarian, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №3 st. Scientific, 3, town. Agrarian, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №4 st. Parkovaya, 4, town. Agrarian, Simferopol

Academy of Construction and Architecture

  • Dormitory №1 st. Strilkovaya, 91, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №2 st. Rostovskaya, 11, Simferopol

Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky

  • Dormitory №1 st. River, 1, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №2 blvd. Lenina, 5/7, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №3 blvd. Lenina, 5/7, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №4 st. River, 2, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №5 st. River, 2a, Simferopol

Taurida Academy

  • Dormitory №1 st. Student, 10, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №2 st. Bespalova, 46A, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №3 st. Radishcheva, 76, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №4 st. Ryleeva, 4, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №5 st. Ryleeva, 2, Simferopol
  • Dormitory №6 Bespalova str., 45B, Simferopol

Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College

  • Dormitory №1 st. Student, 1, p. Coastal, Saksky district

Order of the Red Banner of Labor Agro-Industrial College

  • Dormitory №2 st. Student, 7, s.Malenkoe, Simferopol district
  • Dormitory №5 st. Student, 10, s.Malenkoe, Simferopol region
  • Dormitory №6 st. Student, 11, s.Malenkoe, Simferopol region
  • Dormitory №7 st. Student, 13, s.Malenkoe, Simferopol region

Bakhchisaray College of Construction, Architecture and Design

  • Hostel st. Komsomol members of the underground, 15, Bakhchisarai

Technical School of Hydroreclamation and Mechanization of Agriculture

  • Dormitory №5 st. Zoya Kosmodemyanskoy, 1, town. Soviet

Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy

  • Dormitory №1 st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 15, Yalta
  • Dormitory №2 st. Stakhanovskaya, 11, town. Gurzuf, Yalta

Institute of Teacher Education and Management

  • Hostel st. Gaidar, 6, Armyansk

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