Home Blanks for the winter Climate Wars. Professor Katasonov: “Climate War” is a showdown in a “noble family. A climate of mass destruction

Climate Wars. Professor Katasonov: “Climate War” is a showdown in a “noble family. A climate of mass destruction

The New Year promises to be turbulent - this is evidenced not only by the opinions of superstitious history buffs recalling the 1917 revolution, but also by the words of forecasters. Astrologers, seers and scientists told what 2017 will bring to Russia and the planet as a whole.


One of the country's most famous astrologers, Pavel Globa, believes that a number of bright events await the world in the new year, but one of the most pleasant will be the easing of the economic crisis. But, according to the specialist, it will finally be completed only by the end of the decade. Kudrin predicted record growth for the Russian economy

The next year, according to Globa, will be a landmark for the American currency. The astrologer believes that the dollar will depreciate significantly and may even cease to exist.

But the clairvoyant Vera Lyon claims that the crisis, on the contrary, will begin to attack the economy even more actively. But, according to the psychic, improvement is possible by the end of the year.

Clairvoyant Juna, who died in 2015, said that in 2017, Russians should forget about material goods in principle, and pay attention to such things as peace and strengthening of the state.

The winner of the show "Battle of Psychics" Alexei Pokhabov predicts a significant rise in the cost of natural resources in 2017. In his opinion, those countries that have significant reserves of minerals will prosper.

Peace or war?

Pavel Globa claims that the political situation in the world in the new year is unlikely to change. The current conflict will not end, but a global catastrophe is also not expected. Experts from the USA named the war with Russia as the main threat of 2017

Globa is also confident that, if not in the coming year, then in the near future Russia will become the center of a new alliance of post-Soviet states, forming a new, most powerful Eastern European bloc, which will include countries such as Russia, Belarus and even Ukraine.

Juna promised that there will be no new conflicts in 2017. But, in her opinion, it will not yet be possible to improve relations between Russia and the United States.

According to Vera Lyon, the situation in Ukraine will only get worse in the new year. People will start mass protests again, which will displease local authorities. But Donbass, on the contrary, has all the chances to create a cohesive state structure that is truly beyond Kiev's control.

Globa also believes that the situation in Ukraine will be tense for several more years, at least until the end of the decade.

According to the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" Bakhyt Zhumatova, a joyful event awaits the world in the new year - the termination of the existence of the terrorist organization ISIS, banned in Russia.

Vera Lyon, among other things, predicted the death of Mikhail Gorbachev for 2017: higher powers decided to take this person to themselves, deciding that his stay on earth had become meaningless, the psychic believes.

Ancient predictions

Perhaps the most famous clairvoyant of the last century was the blind seer Vanga. Her predictions for the once distant future were not at all comforting. Vanga's prophecy about Crimea and the war in Ukraine came true

According to Vanga, a real catastrophe could begin in the world in the new year: a terrible war that will gradually cover the whole world. It will start in the East. The clairvoyant also predicted epidemics, which may begin due to the use of biological weapons.

But the famous scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky believed that 2017 will be the time of high technologies. But it is not a fact that it will be joyful: the achievements will either benefit the planet, or cause a global man-made disaster.

The great astrologer Michel Nostradamus predicted a great threat of extinction to mankind in the period from 2015 to 2020. He also wrote that 2017 will be especially difficult for many because of the drought.

Scientists also talk about natural problems: the famous climatologist James Hansen is sure that in the new year there will be a sharp warming, large-scale melting of glaciers, and a large part of the land going under water.

Eight people became victims of the hurricane wind in Moscow, the capital's emergency services said.
Within a few minutes of a hurricane, a tree fell on a girl on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. She died on the spot. Another tree crushed a man to death in the area of ​​Jawaharlal Nehru Square.
On Novomaryinskaya street, a tree fell on a man, but he survived.

Hurricane in Moscow became the deadliest in decades

"According to preliminary information, the man survived, but he cannot get out on his own, rescuers are sent to him," an informed source told Interfax.

Photo and video evidence of the hurricane swept from different parts of the city has already begun to appear on social networks. In particular, several trees were uprooted in the area of ​​Shabolovka Street. Fortunately, there were no casualties there.
A storm warning is currently in force in the capital: heavy rain, thunderstorm, hail, wind gusts of 17-22 m / s are possible.

Video of a hurricane in Moscow on May 29, 2017

What do climate war advocates say?

Supporters of the theory of "climate wars" explain the cataclysm and hurricane in Moscow by the experiment of the American military.
So far there is no evidence that people have learned to arrange typhoons and hurricanes "on demand". But they already know how to "extinguish" them in the bud. True, not very powerful.

Michel Chossudovsky, a professor of economics at the University of Ottawa, Canada, who studies official military documents on the HAARP program, has no doubt that these weapons are ready for action. "There are clear statements from the US Air Force that climate change technology has already been developed. HAARP will be fully operational next year and can be used in real combat," he says.
“To declare that this system has at least some non-military use is to sin against the truth. I don't think it can be used for peaceful purposes - it is a weapon of mass destruction that can cause serious climate change.
The special grace of the project lies in the fact that the enemy may not even guess that weapons were used against him. In my opinion, this is undoubtedly a violation of the UN Convention. "

During a hurricane, a pyramid collapsed on New Riga

The Rockefellers Against the Rothschilds, or Fighting Global Warming as a Clash between Oil and Gas Producers and Alternative Energy

Trump spoke about his intention to withdraw from the climate agreement during his election campaign. He has repeatedly denied the theory of climate change, calling it a "scam." In his opinion, it was developed by China to destroy the US industry. The statement of the American president, made last week, provoked a violent reaction from the world community ...


President of the U.S.A Donald Trump late Thursday evening announced the US withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. “We are withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, but we will begin negotiations to re-enter either the Paris Agreement or a completely different deal on fair terms for American business, workers, people and taxpayers,” the US President said during a press conference. The Paris climate agreement puts the United States at a disadvantage, creating benefits for other countries, the US president said. According to Trump, the United States could lose about 2.7 million jobs by 2025 due to the Paris Agreement. At the same time, Trump promised that the United States will remain the world leader in environmental protection. He also stressed that further actions by the United States will depend on whether they can conclude a "fair deal".

Trump spoke about his intention to withdraw from the climate agreement during his election campaign. He has repeatedly denied the theory of climate change, calling it a "scam." In his opinion, it was developed by China to destroy the US industry.

Yesterday's statement by the American president provoked a violent reaction from the world community.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, speaking on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), said that climate action cannot be stopped, and states must adhere to their chosen course.

WWF said the US decision would ultimately harm their leadership.

Chairman of the Board of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais generally believes that the United States has become an outcast by abandoning the Paris Agreement. “I affirm that this is a very good deal for Russia. The US leader declared himself a country for which the global interests of humanity are insignificant. He declared himself a country that ignores the interests of humanity. He declared himself a country for which the interests of future generations are of secondary importance, "Chubais said during his speech at the SPIEF. “For some century we have not touched upon the situation when the United States became one of the rogue countries, and Russia, together with civilized mankind, signed the Paris Agreement,” he added. Chubais also called the Paris Agreement a unique technology driver. “We have received an additional tool to accelerate scientific and technological progress,” he said.

Meanwhile, as the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia said on the sidelines of the SPIEF Sergey Donskoy, Russia does not expect the terms of the Paris climate agreement to be adjusted due to the US decision to withdraw from it.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Khloponin clarified that Russia is not going to abandon its obligations under the Paris climate agreement and will consistently fulfill them. “This is their own business, we both moved and move consistently. We consistently fulfill our obligations. And we are not going to give it up, ”Khloponin said on the sidelines of the SPIEF.

Valentin Katasonov


- It is interesting not so much Trump's statement on the climate agreement, as the reaction of the so-called "world community." I would like to draw your attention to the phrase that sounded in the joint statement of Merkel, Macron and Gentiloni: "We are firmly convinced that the Paris Agreement cannot be revised, since it is a vital tool for our planet, society and economy." What kind of tool is meant, what is hidden in this phrase?

Indeed, the correct word "instrument" has been used. Since the founding of the Club of Rome, the following has been sounded: global ecology, global climate, climate change ... The problem of environmental protection and climate stabilization have entered the agendas of many international forums. Programs of the UN and other international organizations in the field of environmental protection and the fight against global warming have appeared. "Instrument" is, as they say, a Freudian slip of the tongue, because truly "ecological" programs and projects are not aimed at improving the physical environment of a person, but rather programs that are precisely instruments for realizing the interests of certain business groups and the financial oligarchy ... Whatever environmental problem you take, it is clear that the ears of these very interests stick out behind it.

In this case, the theme of the greenhouse effect - climate change under the influence of an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide CO 2 in the atmosphere - is a long-playing tool. It was fabricated back in the 70s and 80s. In the 90s, the World Bank already had its own projects in the field of curbing CO2 emissions. In the 90s, I worked as the financial director of the World Bank's environmental management project in Russia, and I can say that in relation to Russia, this tool was used to destroy our industry, because it is allegedly excessively energy-intensive, produces excess amounts of carbon dioxide ... So then (as, indeed, today) this tool was used against our state.

In general, if we take a global scale, then this tool was invented by those who wanted to shake the monopoly of the oil business, which really occupied key positions not only in industry, but also in the financial sphere. And not just in the financial sphere, but also specifically among the main shareholders of the Fed. This is the Rockefeller clan, which we rightly associate with the oil business. The Rockefeller clan is one of the largest shareholders in the Fed. So there is a multi-level fight, bickering between different clans. Trump is certainly voicing the interests of the oil business. Note that on his first international tour, he did not take almost any of his advisors with him, except for his family members and Secretary of State Tillerson, who is a very big expert in the oil business. So there are many signs that Trump is primarily pursuing the interests of the oil business, the interests of the Rockefellers.

Europe in this case is on different positions. It realizes the interests of the Rothschilds, who are also large - but not the largest - shareholders of the Fed. There is a "war of thrones" under the pretext that humane rulers are concerned about preventing climate change.

Please note: prices are low on the world oil markets today. It turns out that Trump's statement is a blow to the oil business? But it must be borne in mind that with the help of low oil prices, the Rockefellers and other representatives of the hydrocarbon business are trying to maintain their positions, because low prices do not make it possible to replace hydrocarbon and carbon fuels (hydrocarbon is oil and natural gas, carbon is coal) some kind of alternative energy sources. Today, oil and gas workers are ready to sacrifice even profits, because there is a war going on. During the war, profits decrease for a while. Now the "hydrocarbons" need to repel the attacks of the "environmentalists".

I am not inclined to idealize Trump. "Climate war" is a showdown in a "noble family". The whole history of the twentieth century is a continuous squabble, and there were many such situations. The Second World War was also a bickering. And although formally Roosevelt and Churchill sat side by side, mentally they were ready to gnaw each other's throats. Roosevelt in this case was interested in finally depriving Britain of its geopolitical support called the "colonial system". And I must say that Uncle Sam succeeded. Etc. That is, one should not consider the current situation as unique. Only in the twentieth century there were dozens of such situations.

But there is also something new. America is split, and it's not even about Trump. Although, of course, Trump is a litmus test that fixes the balance of forces of different interest groups. Behind Trump are the forces associated with oil. Military-industrial complex. Ministry of Defence. Part of the banking community is against Trump. Special services. Of course, against Trump "Silicon Valley", which is gaining weight. High-tech companies want to squeeze out traditional Wall Street banks. Trump really wanted to befriend the IT people, but they showed him that they were by no means ready to fraternize. So there was a complex alignment of forces - but very interesting. There has never been such an arrangement.

Let's talk about the fiercest defenders of the global warming hypothesis. Merkel, Macron, Gentiloni, the leaders of Canada and Japan, Theresa May from the UK - we see a kind of international. By the way, we can add to it our Mr. Dvorkovich, who said that Russia is indifferent to Trump's judgments on this issue. And Chubais, who agreed to "the United States is a rogue country." What is this international? I would say this: the international of the servants of the devil. You can also call them degenerates - it's not for nothing that practically all leaders of Europe do not have children. In fact, the devil is also a degenerate, but we understand that. Now I am increasingly quoting Saint Nicholas of Serbia, who said that all people are divided into godlike, bestial, and demonic. We are all to some extent bestial, and our task is to more often look at ourselves in the mirror and somehow correct ourselves. Actually, when I say "bestial", I am not excluding myself from this list. But there are also demonic ones. Most likely, the leaders of the West and liberalism belong precisely to the third category. And demons, as you understand, do not have children.

In addition to a completely clear utilitarian position on the climate agreement (that is, the desire to destroy the economies of countries that could compete with the golden billion), all these merkels, macrons and the Chubais who joined them pursue a long-term goal of world domination. This goal was born thousands of years ago. Turning to Holy Scripture, we remember the history of the Jewish people. The Jewish people at the time when Jesus came to earth, lived in the province of the Roman Empire and dreamed of crushing the imperial power. We remember that on Palm Sunday the inhabitants of Jerusalem shouted “Hosanna!” To Christ, because they thought that the very leader was coming who would allow this cruel people to become the master of the whole world. And they welcomed the crucifixion of the Lord when they saw that they had been deceived. Their heirs are still striving for world power today. For them, money is a means; a tool, not an end in itself. It is to their vassals that they instill the idea that money is everything, and for them it is just a tool. They have seized the money printing press and, of course, at some point, when full power will be in their hands, this printing press will be thrown into the dustbin of world history. He will no longer be needed when they build a worldwide concentration camp.

Understanding the goals and objectives of today's "ecologists", I stand for the true protection of the natural environment. Let me remind you that the Soviet Union used environmentally friendly glass for drinks, paper for wrapping food, there was no ubiquitous plastic container that flooded the environment, and when burned, emitting not just carbon dioxide, but terrible poisons. Undoubtedly, today's garbage state of society is a reflection of more serious deep processes of human transformation. If in the Soviet period of time he was still a creature that was creating and consuming to a lesser extent, today it is this hypostasis of him that is striking - a consuming person. That is, there is a person's spiritual degradation. This is proved by the fact that people have stopped doing long-term things. Our grandfathers and grandmothers did things forever, their descendants also used them. This concerned utensils, clothing, art objects. How is it now? The gadget becomes obsolete in a few months. A person buys a mobile phone, two months later a new version appears, he throws out the old one - and these are terribly poisonous things. Already in Africa there are whole countries that have turned into garbage cesspools. This can and should be the reason for the alarm. I can even list environmental troubles and ulcers until the morning of the next day - I have been professionally engaged in ecology for twenty-five years. Everything is very clear here, now even any housewife understands that disposable goods are, of course, profit. That is, a business satisfies its own needs, and does not produce goods necessary for human life. These are obvious things: here everything is turned upside down.

The most interesting thing is even more and more. The fact that not only a commodity, some product of labor becomes disposable, but a person becomes disposable. An entrepreneur today proceeds from the fact that he just needs a labor force. For example, in ancient Rome, the slave was the personal property of the slave owner. If something is personal property, then the object of this personal property is kept in order, clean. Naturally, such an object should be used as long as possible and, perhaps, even passed on to your children and grandchildren. It seems to be an understandable thing. And the modern capitalist slave system does not make the employee the property of the employer. In principle, this is quite simple. A law could be passed that would make workers serfs. What for? When in some countries 50% of young people are unemployed, you can, roughly speaking, use an employee for 2-3 years, then throw him out like a disposable glass or a disposable bottle. That's what worries me the most. And this topic is rarely voiced - a one-time person, a one-time worker. And when robots appear, there will be billions of such disposable people on the planet.

Entropic processes have led to the fact that humanity has degraded. This is what all honest defenders of nature should do in the first place - human nature. Man is the cause of everything. Man is the measure of all things. And a person who forgets God, departs from God, of course, can only destroy. And the modern ruler-degradant thinks that now he will do what Nimrod did not work out - he will finally build the Tower of Babel ...

Valentin Katasonov

"Tomorrow", 2.06.2017

Valentin Katasonov- Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Chairman of the Russian Economic Society named after V.I. Sharapova, author of 10 monographs (including “A Great Power or an Environmental Power?” (1991), “Project Finance as a New Method of Organizing Investment in the Real Sector of the Economy” (1999), “Capital Flight from Russia” (2002), “Flight capital from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary and financial aspects ”(2002)) and many articles.

Was born in 1950.

Graduated from MGIMO (1972).

In 1991 - 1993 he was a UN consultant (department of international economic and social problems), in 1993 - 1996 - a member of the advisory council to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

2001 - 2011 - Head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations, MGIMO (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Part I. There is a weather war

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" understands how reliable the rumors are that scientists have already learned to change the climate at will, arranging droughts and floods, dead calm and hurricanes

Bad weather is in fashion now

Sidney Sheldon's book Are You Afraid of the Dark? Has become a bestseller in Russia and the United States. The plot is straightforward. An unscrupulous scientist - the head of a large corporation - has learned to control the weather. And with this he is blackmailing entire states: “Transfer a billion dollars to my account, otherwise the orange plantations all over the country will hail. The peasants will go bankrupt, unrest, revolution ... "Or:" Do you want me to press a button and a giant wave will wash away all your oil platforms? " But everything ends well - the evil genius dies happily from the climate control system he has created. Pure fiction? Or is there something real in the plot? After all, the author describes real climatic cataclysms that have occurred in recent years, the reasons for which have remained unclear.

Indeed, according to the UN, the number of weather-related emergencies - hurricanes, droughts, floods, storms - has tripled over the past 25 years. And now, not jokingly, but seriously, politicians, military men and scientists from different countries are talking about ways to manage the climate. As if confirming their speeches, nature throws out new tricks.

A climate of mass destruction

The two main catastrophes of the past year were climatic. At the end of the summer, Hurricane Katrina in the United States - 1228 dead, 1 million evacuated. Flooding due to heavy rains in southeast China in early summer - 732 dead, 2.4 million evacuated. A bulletproof vest can save from a bullet, an anti-missile defense system from a nuclear bomb. And against the fury of nature, humanity is powerless: both in the United States and in China, people could not do anything about the elements.

And immediately there were rumors that these cataclysms were not at all the punishment of the Lord, but the work of human hands. They say that the Yankees sent rainstorms to China when they began to rattle their weapons too actively in the direction of Taiwan. And maybe that is why, a week after the terrible flood, Major General of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China Zhu Chenghu announced at an official briefing for journalists that in the event of a conflict with the United States, China could be the first to use nuclear weapons. The statement is extremely aggressive, if not hysterical.

As for the "authors" of Hurricane Katrina, rumors put forward three candidates:

1. China - revenge for allegedly sent downpours;

2. a secret coalition of European countries. This is a separate story related to the heat and floods in Europe the year before last. They were allegedly organized by the same Americans in order to bring down the euro against the dollar;

3. Russia. Why is not clear. But not a single global "horror story" can do without our country.

But. These versions seem wild only at first glance. After all, climatologists have been working for the military for a long time. And very successful.

What is known for certain

Ho Chi Minh's fighters, soaked and stained with clay, looking up at the sky, scratched their thin beards in bewilderment - never in North Vietnam had it rained so much as in the late 60s - early 70s during the civil war. Only a year later it became known about the "Spinach" project - for five years the American aviation was treating the clouds over Vietnam with special reagents that caused heavy showers. The goal is the destruction of fields in the rebellious areas and flooding, erosion of the "Ho Chi Minh trail" - the road in the jungle, along which the guerrillas received "humanitarian aid" from China.

Two more American operations carried out in that war: "Roman Plow" (200 bulldozers with special knives) and "Farmer's Hand" (90 thousand tons of herbicides sprayed from the air). On an area of ​​65 thousand square kilometers in Vietnam, all vegetation was destroyed and the topsoil was removed. The result is waterlogging of the area, local climate change.

It is believed that it was after these "strategic" Yankee measures in the UN that the "Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of means of influencing the natural environment" was developed. The countries that signed it pledged "not to harm another state party to the convention by deliberately managing the natural processes of the Earth, including its hydrosphere and atmosphere."

Both the USSR and the USA joined the convention in 1977 in Geneva. Very willingly. Because the loophole still remained. After all, the convention did not prevent “the use of means of influencing the natural environment for peaceful purposes”.

That's all the crumbs of reliable information regarding the "military" methods of influencing the weather. But much more - not entirely reliable.

Anyone can make it rain

Before dealing with the secrets of the military, you need to understand what civilian scientists really can do. Can they change the weather?

- Yes. And for a very long time, - the professor of the Department of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Protection of the Russian State Meteorological University, Doctor of Geological Sciences Gennady MAZUROV was surprised at my question. - I, for example, can cause rain or, conversely, prevent it. Now this is no longer a secret, but in the Soviet years we worked on the order of the military to create artificial fogs. At the same time, we learned how to disperse the real ones. Another is to prevent frost.

- We know how rain is prevented. In Moscow, before every Day of the city, planes take off and spray crystals of nitrogenous silver over the rain clouds on the distant approaches to the capital. Moisture condenses on them and rains down. Muscovites feel good, residents of the region feel bad. And how to make it rain if there is no cloud in the sky?

- In the warm season, our employees are often invited to Siberia to extinguish taiga fires.

We put the decommissioned jet engine on the butt and turn it on to the fullest. The air, heated to 500 - 700 degrees Celsius, rises into the sky in a stream - a "pipe" with a decent draft is obtained. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, hot air, as it cools, picks up moisture, and cumulus clouds are formed. It is necessary to install the aircraft engine in such a place that the wind drove the clouds into the area of ​​the burning forest.

- Probably, if everything was so simple, then there would not have been a fumes from peat fires hanging over Moscow several years ago. And any taiga fire could be extinguished in a matter of hours.

- Are you ready to place giant “fans” throughout the taiga or along the perimeter of peat bogs and provide them with fuel? And not every cumulus cloud can rain. The result depends on many more factors - air humidity, temperature ... But this method really works. Meteorologists are also good at fighting typhoons.

“Not only Russians, but also Americans,” says a senior researcher at the Aerosol Physics Laboratory of the N.I. VA Fock St. Petersburg State University, author of a dozen international patents for weather modeling Sergei VASILIEV. “They also tried to stop the ill-fated Katrina. Make her walk in circles until she fizzles out. But, it seems, they made a mistake in the calculations.

Unconfirmed Meteorological Weapon Test Information

In August 1952, in the British county of Devon, 230 millimeters of precipitation fell in 12 hours - dozens of times more than the average for this month in other years. The flood washed away the village of Linemat. 35 people were killed.

It is claimed to be the result of an Air Force experiment to artificially induce rain. At a parliamentary hearing, the British Department of Defense denied any involvement in the incident.

1972, USA. In South Dakota, 400 mm of precipitation fell in 6 hours. The water washed away 750 houses. About 250 residents were killed. There have never been floods here again.

September 1977, USSR. "Petrozavodsk phenomenon" - the inhabitants of Karelia for four minutes observed in the sky a huge luminous clot, similar to a jellyfish. The anomaly was also visible from the territory of Finland - the video footage reached the West. The Washington Post commented on several respected scientists who suggested that the phenomenon was related to military weather experiments.

In 1978 in the United States, multi-day torrential rains "drowned" two dozen villages in Wisconsin and caused $ 50 million in damage. Proponents of the theory of "climate wars" explain the cataclysm as an experiment of the military, who got out of their control.

In 1981, a strange drought reigned in California. Climatologists call it the most unusual natural phenomenon in the history of meteorology in the United States. For some unknown reason, a high pressure region appeared in the atmosphere, preventing cyclones from the Pacific Ocean from reaching the mainland. American geophysicist Manuel Serejo claims that this is the result of the work of a Soviet weather control station located in Cuba.

During the recent bombing of Yugoslavia, the weather in Southeast Europe was unusually good. And there were rumors that the Americans were supporting it artificially. Belgrade newspaper Politika: “On the evening of April 5, the sky over Nis was covered, we were waiting for the rain to fall. The hum of an airplane came, after which the sky suddenly turned red, the clouds began to roll up and disappear, the sun came out. That night Nis was bombed. In the evening of the next day, the same thing happened over Negotin and Prakhov. "

Part II. Climatic weapon abruptly atomic bomb

US military analysts think so

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" understands how reliable the rumors are that scientists have already learned how to control the natural elements

The new bestseller in the USA, Europe and Russia is Sidney Sheldon's book Are You Afraid of the Dark? It is about a climate weapon that scientists in many countries are allegedly creating now. It turns out that you can not bomb the enemy's territory, but simply send a hurricane or flood. And it's not a joke. The Americans have advanced the farthest in creating climate weapons. For example, in the last issue we already talked about how they used it in the Vietnam War. There is anecdotal evidence that US meteorologists are trying to use this weapon for peaceful purposes - an unsuccessful attempt to stop Hurricane Katrina. And recently, the Pentagon has developed a whole doctrine of climate warfare.

Submission to the weather

In the United States, air force analysts prepared a report that was later published in the media. The title is uncomplicated: "Weather as a multiplier of strength: the subordination of the weather by 2025" (the report in English can be read). Answering the question why the military needs it, the authors unfold the following picture:

“Imagine that in 2025 the United States is fighting a wealthy South American drug cartel that has patrons among the leaders of several local countries. The United States has no plans or is unable to start a full-scale war in this region. The only way out is to destroy coca plantations and warehouses with finished products from the air. But through their political backers, drug traffickers bought decommissioned fighters from China and Russia, and systems for tracking and intercepting missiles in France. Of course, our aircraft (the authors mean American technology. - A. M.) are more advanced. But for every aircraft of the US Air Force, there are 10 decommissioned, and therefore cheaper, Russian-Chinese aircraft. And not by skill, but by the number of drug dealers manage to protect their territory. What to do?"

The authors offer an elegant way out. According to long-term meteorological observations in equatorial South America throughout the year around noon, there is a high probability of heavy thunderstorms, and, according to the CIA, the pilots of the drug cartel try not to take to the air at this time of day (as in the document. - A. M.). On the day of the planned operation, a US Air Force high-altitude stealth aircraft processes the clouds over a given target to make sure it rains with thunderstorms. Enemy aircraft remain in the hangars, and American all-weather combat vehicles perform brilliantly in retaliation.

It's cheaper to fight with the climate

At first glance, the proposed situation looks unlikely. For example, why shouldn't such wealthy drug dealers fork out for Russian all-weather Su-30 fighters or buy modern anti-missile systems somewhere on the black market? But the meaning of the action is clear: it is much cheaper to cause rain, while risking one or two planes, than to endanger the pilots of tens or hundreds of cars. With the help of influencing the weather, it is proposed to carry out other actions on the territory of the alleged enemy - to arrange floods, provoke poisonous rains: poisons that affect fresh water sources and plants are added to the reagents that cause rainfall - silver iodide or solid carbon dioxide. And you can let a fog of many days on the enemy - a good way, for example, to demoralize the poorly educated soldiers of some small but still proud Arab or African country.

Summing up their analytical note, the authors say that it would be nice for the United States to withdraw from the Convention on the Prohibition of Military Impact on the Environment, and believe that in terms of their significance, climate weapons will revolutionize the world like the first atomic bombs. And this weapon is primarily of interest to the major powers. To, for example, make the same United States forget and think about world domination, it is enough for several years in seasons with suitable climatic conditions to "direct" hurricanes like the destructive Katrina to the major cities of this country. After all, while humanity is powerless against such an element.

How to "extinguish" a hurricane

- There is no data yet that people will learn to arrange typhoons and hurricanes "on demand". But they already know how to "extinguish" them in the bud. True, not very powerful. According to my information, the Americans also tried to stop hurricane Katrina, - Sergey VASILIEV, an expert in weather modeling, a senior researcher at the aerosol physics laboratory of the Research Institute of Physics of St. Petersburg State University, told KP, - but it did not work. Satellite images show that the hurricane changed its direction of movement several times, and then weakened, then filled with the same power. This is somewhat unusual. As if someone's hand moved him. Or something artificial. For the USSR and Russia, the fight against typhoons was not a primary scientific problem, since only a small part of the country - Sakhalin and Kamchatka - suffered from them. And the Americans have made significant progress in this matter. The essence of the methods of struggle is the same as with hail and thunderclouds. With the help of special reagents that can cause or, conversely, prevent immediate precipitation. It is theoretically known that by sowing the "eye" of a typhoon from an aircraft, its rear or front part, it is possible, by creating a pressure and temperature difference, to make it walk "in a circle", or simply stand still. The problem is that there are many constantly changing factors to consider every second. A huge amount of reagents is needed. I repeat that Russian meteorologists know about this only theoretically. The Americans, on the other hand, seem to be trying to do something in practice. And, of course, they hide their results - this is a matter of national security. And the fact that Katrina nevertheless turned towards New Orleans, although initially it seemed that the elements would pass by, scientists could not foresee all the consequences of the experiment. The strange trajectory of the hurricane prompts me to think like that. But I'm afraid we won't find out the truth very soon.


In the United States, they began to try to extinguish hurricanes back in the mid-60s of the last century. One of the successful experiments was carried out in 1969 off the coast of Haiti. Tourists and locals saw a huge white cloud, from which huge rings diverged, as if some giant was smoking a pipe. Meteorologists showered the typhoon with silver iodide and managed to turn it away from Haiti to the coast of unfriendly Panama and Nicaragua. True, this hurricane was dozens of times weaker than the destructive Katrina and did not bring much trouble.


Is it possible to send frosts?

Now almost all of Russia suffers from unprecedented cold weather. In many regions the temperature is lower than usual in mid-January by 10-15 degrees. As if in the climatic disaster film "The Day After Tomorrow": from the upper layers of the atmosphere, where the eternal 70 - 100-degree frost reigns, a powerful vortex began to suck in and lower the icy air to the surface of the Earth. Fantastic? So far, yes. But theoretically it is possible. And what are scientists capable of in practice? Can they let the frost on their own?

“They can,” replies Gennady MAZUROV, professor of the Department of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Protection of the Russian State Meteorological University. - This is the well-known "nuclear winter" from science fiction novels. The explosion of several nuclear bombs or the simultaneous eruption of large volcanoes will create a dust curtain over the planet, impervious to sunlight, and a long winter will come, which can last from several months to tens of years. But, I hope, no one on Earth would think to conduct such an experiment.

- Well, is it really possible to freeze the territory of a potential enemy?

- To let the cold in - no. But to make them hold out longer is quite. If it snowed, and then frost hit, then you just need to disperse the clouds over this territory. Natural water clouds, unlike dust clouds, let the sun's rays down, but do not release them back, creating a greenhouse effect - warming up the atmosphere. And if the clouds are not allowed to enter the hostile territory, then there will be no greenhouse effect, and the rays of the sun will reflect the snow on the surface back. As a result, the air and surface will not heat up - approximately the same climatic situation prevails now in Antarctica.

- So, on the contrary, driving away the clouds, we will raise the temperature?

- Yes, it's real. Each region, of course, has its own conditions. But if now a dense layer of clouds were created over Moscow, then the temperature would be 5 - 10 degrees higher. However, in this case we are talking about the usual temperature fluctuations without the participation of someone's ill will. And the frosts will soon subside.


in Alaska, on the territory prohibited for flights of civil aircraft, there are 180 antennas 24 meters high each, capable of arranging a magnetic storm and building a local Armageddon for any given country;

On the official website of this project, a very ambiguous phrase flaunts as a motto: “September 11, 2001. We are united, we are determined, we will never forget! "

N. B. Considering the fact that the promised "fried" material was never published (or I could not find it, despite great efforts), I decided to fill the "gap" with more balanced material from the magazine "MEMBRANA":

Of course, not so sensational, but more reliable 😉

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