Home Blanks for the winter Canned beans with onions and carrots. Hearty and healthy bean salad with carrots, meat, mushrooms and cheese. The best recipes for salad from beans with carrots: everyday, holiday. Bean salad with carrots, beef and walnuts

Canned beans with onions and carrots. Hearty and healthy bean salad with carrots, meat, mushrooms and cheese. The best recipes for salad from beans with carrots: everyday, holiday. Bean salad with carrots, beef and walnuts

Thyme (aka thyme) is one of the oldest spices, hundreds of species of which grow throughout Eurasia, the Canary Islands, northern Africa, and even Greenland. The first mentions of seasoning thyme found in ancient Sumerian annals and date back to 3000 BC. NS. The Sumerians used it as an antiseptic. In ancient Egypt, thyme was one of the components in the process of embalming, and the inhabitants of the ancient Greek cities burned it in the temples of the goddess Aphrodite. Before the battle, Roman legionnaires took aromatic baths with thyme, and the freedom-loving Scots drank tea with this herb, since it has long been believed that thyme gives courage before battle. Even the beautiful ladies of medieval Europe embroidered a sprig of thyme on the shirts of their fearless knights for the same purpose.

Fresh and dried leaves and young shoots of all types of thyme are used in the production of sausages and in cooking. A small amount of this spice is seasoned, and veal tenderloin. Thyme (thyme) perfectly emphasizes the taste and aroma of lentils, beans and peas. It is important to note that only with prolonged heat treatment is it able to fully reveal its aroma, therefore it is recommended to add thyme to food at the very beginning of its preparation.

It is one of the main herbs in French cuisine. In Turkey, Spain and Greece, the oil of the same thyme is used for pickling olives. This seasoning is popular not only in Europe, it is respected in Jordanian and Egyptian cuisines. In Central Europe, thyme is added to soups and egg dishes. In the USA, in the state of Louisiana, thyme is a part of the Creole specialty "jambalaya".

Jambalaya is a stew of rice, pork, vegetables, seafood, ham, chicken and a complex seasoning, which must include thyme. This dish is served only with a spicy Chili sauce.

Caraway thyme is a rather rare variety of thyme. It is unique in combination with wine and garlic, and best of all goes with fried chicken and fish.

Wild subspecies thyme - thyme lemon has pronounced citrus tones and is very common in cooking. The small heart-shaped leaves of lemon thyme are especially suitable for and. The citrus aroma of the spice facilitates the perception of fatty dishes, therefore, it is advised to season potatoes, minced meat, scrambled eggs, pork, smoked meats, duck, lamb, mushrooms, cottage cheese and cheeses with this type of this spice.

Thyme essential oil is widely used in perfumery and canning industry.

In official medicine, a decoction of thyme is used as an expectorant for bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as an analgesic for neuritis and radiculitis. Externally, thyme is used for lotions, compresses and aromatic baths.

To make dishes especially aromatic and tasty, housewives often add thyme seasoning to their culinary masterpieces. What properties this spice has, what it is made of, how to use the seasoning correctly - useful information in our article.

This spice, beloved by many, consists of leaves and inflorescences (less often) of thyme, a plant belonging to the subshrub from the Lipocystae family. It is also called spicy herb or thyme. It got its Latin name Thymus (translated as "strength") due to its particularly strong aroma.

The shrub has thin stems that creep along the ground, small oval leaves and lilac-purple inflorescences of small flowers. The fruits of the plant look like small black nuts.

But for seasoning, the plant must be harvested before fruit appears.

Thyme has more than four hundred varieties. The most common are creeping thyme and common thyme. It is these species that grow in our latitudes.

In Russia, the grass is called in a special way - Bogorodskaya. And all because small purple flowers appear on the eve of the big feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Previously, they were used to decorate the icons of the Virgin Mary in honor of this day.

Even before the advent of Christianity, thyme in Russia was considered a medicinal plant that can not only improve human health, but also bring it back from the world of the dead. It was this herb that was used for aromatic incense in the rituals of our distant ancestors. And not only. The ancient Greeks and Romans thus paid tribute to their gods by adding thyme to the fires for sacred sacrifices. In Rome, the herb was used to embalm mummies, as well as an antiseptic and an agent that improves the body's defenses.

Homeland of thyme, where does it grow?

Ideal conditions for the growth of fragrant shrubs are created in the Mediterranean countries. It is there that they bloom in rocky soil in dry climates.

Thyme grows well:

  • in sandy soil;
  • in open areas (meadows, meadows);
  • in pine forests;
  • in the steppe;
  • on the hills;
  • on the rocks.

The plant is found in nature throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and America (its northern part). Also, grass for industrial purposes is cultivated all over the world. In Russia, the natural habitat for shrubs is the central regions and the south of the country. Grass is harvested in the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus, the Urals and the Stavropol Territory.

You can grow thyme at home on the balcony, the plant is completely unpretentious.

Thyme taste and smell

The aroma of Bogorodskaya grass cannot be confused with anything. It is intensely spicy, slightly harsh, but pleasant. This smell is given to the plant by phenolic compounds in its composition.

The aroma is fully revealed during the cooking process, so thyme is almost always added at the very beginning of cooking.

The leaves taste a little bitter, with a specific camphor hue and slight pungency. They add new flavor to many dishes.

The best option is to add fresh leaves or a whole branch of a plant to food, enriching the dishes with useful vitamins. But this can only be done in summer, but dried spices are used all year round.

What can replace the spice

The spice has an original aroma, a similar spice cannot be found.

But if it so happens that during cooking it is impossible to add your favorite fragrant seasoning, then in dishes it is quite possible to replace thyme with marjoram or a motherboard common in our country (under the more fashionable name oregano).

What dishes are thyme added to

Different types of herbs are suitable for aromatic dishes. Lemon, caraway, creeping or common thyme - each has its own flavor and aroma.

It should be borne in mind that dry spice has a richer aroma than fresh leaves and twigs.

In recipes, 1 tablespoon of plucked leaves can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of ready-made dried seasoning.

Regardless of what kind of dishes the spice will be used for, it is better to put it not at the end of cooking. The fact is that heat treatment allows the aroma to fully unfold, emphasize the taste of the ingredients and create a real culinary masterpiece even from the simplest products.

Thyme sprigs give a unique aroma to pickles and marinades for canning vegetables.

Where to add thyme:

  • when smoking fish and meat;
  • in salads;
  • for infusing vegetable oil;
  • for meat dishes;
  • for making a paste based on butter and finely chopped leaves;
  • for first courses, especially bean soups;
  • in dough for bread and pastry;
  • in vegetable dishes;
  • when cooking homemade cheese.

It is important not to overdo it with seasoning, so as not to make the dish too bitter - this is negatively reflected on the digestive organs.

In the food industry, the herb is added to sausages, canned food and alcoholic beverages.

Thyme drinks

Tea with thyme has special properties. This drink is able not only to warm you on cold winter evenings, but also to cheer you up after a busy day at work, relieve fatigue and improve your mood.

To prepare the healing nectar, you can simply add a sprig of thyme while brewing regular black or green tea.

Or you can use other recipes with spicy herbs.

  1. Insist a teaspoon of dry thyme in 50 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes. Then add another 150 ml of boiled water, wait 5 minutes and drain. The drink tones up, adds vitality.
  2. Mix dry leaves of thyme, mint and oregano (5 g each), place them in a bowl, pour 300 ml of boiling water and close the lid. Wait 10 - 15 minutes, then you can drink. Tea soothes, improves mood and helps to sleep.
  3. Pour herbs and sage (1 teaspoon each), raspberry leaves (1 tablespoon) and currant (2 tablespoons) into a large teapot. Pour boiling water over the mixture (300 ml) and leave for 5 minutes. Add a tablespoon of black tea, a glass of boiled water and leave covered for another 5 minutes. Strain, add sugar or honey to taste. This tea can be drunk throughout the day. The drink replenishes the body with vitamins, improves mood and strengthens the immune system.

The herb aroma is also used to make alcoholic cocktails. A sprig of thyme adds spice to the drinks.

Health Benefits of Thyme

The use of herbs is not limited to cooking. The well-known Persian healer Avicenna mentioned the healing properties of this plant in his writings.

The shrub is rich in useful essential oils, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. The special composition determines a wide range of medicinal properties of the plant.

Among them:

  • diuretic;
  • blood-purifying;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • sedative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • disinfectant;
  • expectorant;
  • decongestant;
  • anesthetic;
  • anthelmintic.

The positive effect of drugs is also used by official medicine. Thyme is found in many cough medicines such as Pertussin.

Decoctions, infusions, rubbing, rinsing and lotions according to the recipes of traditional healers effectively eliminate the symptoms of various diseases:

  • bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough;
  • sciatica, osteochondrosis;
  • hypotension;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • neuralgia;
  • disorders of the heart;
  • problems with potency;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • anemia, chronic fatigue;
  • sleep problems;
  • skin diseases;
  • wounds, cuts, ulcers.

Thyme has rightfully earned the name of a medicinal herb. It not only gives dishes a special aroma and adds a pleasant bitterness, but also makes them healthier.

Dried thyme- This is a spice that is used in various branches of human life. Moreover, this seasoning can be bought in a supermarket already dried, or you can dry it yourself.

Thyme has several names. It is called thyme, motherboard, hog pepper, lemon scent, etc. It is important to know several names of this plant so as not to get confused while looking for it in the store, as the inscription on the price tag may not read at all what you are looking for.

Today thyme is grown in Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, France, Germany and other countries. The homeland of the spice is considered to be Southern Europe, where a warm climate prevails, which is favorable for the cultivation of thyme. In other countries, it is brought in seeds or in dried form, packed in sealed containers.

The collection of thyme sprigs for drying is carried out at a time when they have not yet begun to bloom. Often this moment falls on the beginning or middle of summer. After collecting, the twigs are dried by sending them to dark rooms that are well ventilated, or laying them out in the sun. After that, the shoots are crushed and get rid of tough branches and other debris so that it does not penetrate the finished seasoning. Dried thyme is transported in airtight containers or packaging overseas.

This aromatic seasoning has found application not only in the culinary industry, but also in folk medicine. We recommend reading more about this in the next section.


Dried thyme can be used as a fragrant spice that will enhance the taste of your dishes and give them a zest, or for preparing medicinal decoctions and infusions. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information below, as it will definitely come in handy in your everyday life.

In cooking

In cooking, dried thyme is usually added to oriental dishes, but this seasoning is suitable for preparing any other type of food. So, one of the most popular dishes in the United States with the addition of thyme is Jambalaya. It resembles Italian paella and consists of ingredients such as chicken, vegetables, rice, tomatoes, shrimp, ham, and crabs. Thyme plays a primary role in this dish, as it greatly enhances the taste and aroma of each of the ingredients, and also gives the dish an unusual aroma of spices. In addition to it, other spices are added to Jambalaya, but without thyme it will not work to cook a classic traditional dish.

In France, no less popular is the dish called "Confit". It is chicken or pork meat marinated in a broth with spices, which is subsequently stewed in fat at a temperature of no more than one hundred degrees. Before serving "Confit" to the table, the dish is additionally fried until crispy and moistened with sauce with the addition of lemon juice and dried thyme.

If you have no desire to cook foreign dishes, we suggest you do something simpler and more familiar. For example:

  • stewed potatoes with cabbage;
  • first courses with lentils and peas;
  • fried dishes from fatty meat;
  • meat pates;
  • vegetable preparations for the winter;
  • baked goods;
  • smoked fish and meat.

Fragrant dried thyme leaves or seeds can be used in any dishes you want to give a special smell and taste. Feel free to experiment, but don't add too much thyme to your food as it can completely overpower the flavor.

The presence of this ingredient in vegetable preparations for the winter will not be superfluous, as this will help not only improve their taste, but also extend the shelf life.

In folk medicine

In folk medicine, dried thyme is used to treat diseases by preparing medicinal infusions. Most often, decoctions from this plant are prescribed in the case of diagnosing diseases of the nervous system, as well as in diseases of the digestive system. The most popular are infusions, decoctions, tinctures and teas based on dried thyme. We have selected for you the most effective and simple recipes for their preparation, so that you can create a fragrant and useful medicine at home.

  • In order to get rid of cough or stomach diseases, prepare the following remedy: pour three small tablespoons of dried thyme with 300 milliliters of strong boiling water, leave to infuse for ten minutes, and then take it internally up to three times a day after meals.
  • For diabetes or allergies, it is recommended to take a decoction of thyme. It is very simple to prepare it, you need to mix four tablespoons of bitter wormwood with one spoonful of dried thyme, pour 260 milliliters of strong boiling water and heat in a steam bath. The broth should be heated for about five minutes, after which it can be used. You need to take such a remedy one large spoonful at least three times a day. The treatment procedure should last at least two months.
  • Such a decoction will help you get rid of a cold: pour a large spoonful of seasoning with 500 milliliters of boiling water, warm it up for about seven minutes with a water bath, after which you need to take time for the decoction to brew. You need to drink a healthy mixture up to three times a day, having previously filtered it.
  • Thyme infusion is also used to treat dandruff and hair loss. To do this, take half a glass of dried thyme and fill it all with a liter of strong boiling water. Cover the liquid with a lid and leave to infuse for an hour, then strain and rinse your hair with infusion after washing.
  • You can apply thyme tinctures topically to relieve or eliminate joint pain. To do this, pour a portion of dry grass with alcohol in the amount of 100 milliliters. You need to infuse the mixture for about two weeks in a dark place, after which you can rub problem areas with it.

Having the right amount of dried thyme on hand can not only make your dishes more flavorful and tasty, but also get rid of some diseases. The next section explains how useful dried thyme can be, and when it can be harmful.

Benefit and harm

Thyme can be both harmful and beneficial due to its amazing properties. So that you can better understand this, we present you with a list of the positive and negative properties of dried thyme.

Useful qualities include:

  • Thyme contains an incredible amount of essential oils useful for the body, with the help of which you can cure diseases of the throat and stomach.
  • On the basis of dried herbs, you can prepare many different infusions and decoctions for the treatment of diseases and strengthening the immune system.
  • Thyme has an antimicrobial effect, making infusions from it extremely useful during colds.
  • Infusions from this spice are very often used by folk experts to help alcohol addicted people.
  • When dried thyme is added to dishes, they better reveal their taste and acquire a richer aroma.

May be harmful:

  • It is not recommended to eat dishes with dried thyme, as well as infusions and decoctions based on it, for people with fever.
  • High blood pressure is another contraindication for condiments.
  • Too much spice should not be eaten, and an overdose is undesirable when treating with thyme decoctions, since the ingredient can cause poisoning.
  • It is not recommended to use decoctions and infusions with thyme for pregnant women, since the plant can cause contractions of the uterus.

If you follow the contraindications and do not abuse dried thyme, then it will benefit both women and men, as well as children and the elderly. Before using this spice, make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the product..

Thyme has been used in cooking for a long time and often. The special taste properties of this spice allow surprisingly reveal the taste and aroma of meat and fish dishes, as well as emphasize the freshness of salads. In recipes, you can often find both options with the use of fresh thyme, and its use in dried form.

Professional chefs most often use spices in combination with other herbs, as thyme has a rather strong aroma and flavor. It is impossible to imagine making a great beef steak without adding a few sprigs of thyme and rosemary. Consider what this seasoning is used for.

What can replace thyme in cooking?

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to purchase fresh or even dried thyme in the store, but its presence in the recipe is required. What can replace this seasoning?

The easiest substitute would be a ready-made mixture of Provencal herbs. It can often be found in supermarkets. Thyme is always included in the mixture, and the rest of the herbs will perfectly decorate any dish.

If you are looking for fresh thyme, you can use basil as a substitute. It also has a bright, pronounced taste and goes well with meat and fish.

Rosemary is also good. It combines especially well with beef and lamb. For marinades, coriander is best used instead of thyme. He is able to kill any unpleasant aroma and improve taste.

In addition, tarragon is a good substitute for thyme. It also tastes bright. However, it should not be combined with white fish and game. For salads, instead of thyme, it would be most logical to use any of your favorite greens.

Thyme is most often found in recipes for the famous Provencal herbs spice mixture. Such a mixture is easy to prepare at home, independently determining which spice to add in what proportion, depending on your own preferences and desires.

For cooking you will need:

  • salt;
  • oregano;
  • rosemary;
  • basil;
  • sage;
  • thyme.

All spices must be ground. In the classic recipe, all the ingredients are added in the same proportion, however, the dosage can be varied according to your own taste.

Many housewives use thyme as a seasoning for preserving vegetables. If you add a few pinches of spice to the marinade, cucumbers and tomatoes will be much more spicy and flavorful.

Olive oil with spices can also perfectly decorate your table. To make such a sauce, you need extra virgin oil and a few sprigs of thyme. Put the leaves in a dark glass container and cover with oil. The oil will be infused for ten days. You can add garlic or hot peppers to taste.

The correct use of thyme as the main seasoning will allow any housewife to make her dish more original and interesting. Experiment and find where to use the spice and delight your guests!

Thyme is found all over the world. Its popularity is associated with the presence of a pronounced aroma, pungent spicy-bitter taste, which, nevertheless, impose certain restrictions on the scope of application.

Name in English: thyme

Name in French: thym

Synonyms: thyme, thyme, Bogorodskaya grass

In what form is it sold: fresh and dried leaves, young twigs, ground

Where thyme is used:

In the Mediterranean, no cuisine can do without this spice. Caraway thyme is a persistent and popular supplement.

Marinated olives without thyme oil will not reveal their delicious taste, and pizza will not arouse traditional delight. In Louisiana, thyme is a constant companion to the legendary Creole dishes of gumbo and jambalaya.

The seasoning goes well with any plant food, so vegetarian cuisine "prays" for it! The spice is used:

  • for the infusion of vegetable oil, intended for dressing salads and snacks, additions to sandwiches;
  • in recipes for soft drinks, among which thyme tea is especially famous, as well as liqueurs;
  • in the manufacture of canned food, cheeses, sausages, pates, marinades (pickling tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, squash, etc.);
  • for fried and boiled dishes (traditionally in combination with rosemary) from fish, meat, poultry, game, including breading;
  • for soups and broths, green salads (fresh);
  • for making bread and other savory pastries - pies, pies and other products (one of the most popular spices among bakers).

Lemon thyme is a well-known addition to the Gascon confit. Housewives lay a plant among the clothes to scare away moths. Thyme is one of the most popular ingredients in perfumery. In addition, this honey plant is valued among beekeepers.

What thyme is combined with:

Thyme is one of the main spices in French cuisine. It is invariably included in the Provencal herbs, goes well with pepper, and even enhances its aroma. It is a component of the Jordanian seasoning zakhtar, Egyptian ducca. Thyme is ideal with:

  • potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables;
  • beef, pork, poultry and game;
  • seafood (especially with lemon thyme, wild);
  • offal;
  • eggs;
  • cheese of all types.

Thyme is revealed during prolonged heat treatment, so chefs put it in at the beginning of cooking.

What thyme cannot be combined with:

Thyme is found in recipes for a wide variety of dishes, but any chef will tell you not to pair it with mushrooms or sweet desserts. Thyme is irritating to the stomach, liver, and kidneys, so limit or eliminate it in any ulcer dishes.

Useful properties of thyme:

Thyme herb contains essential oils, tannins and bitter substances. The spice contains salts. The leaves of the plant are able to compensate for the lack of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

In their ancient treatises, Theophrastus and Avicenna always included plant seeds in the composition of medicinal preparations based on numerous natural ingredients. Since ancient times, this plant has been revered. He was called divine. According to legends, thyme has even returned life more than once. In ancient Greece, it was used for fainting, allowed to smell a person who had lost consciousness.

Thymol and other components of the essential oil give the plant bactericidal properties. On its basis, antihelminthic and analgesic drugs are created. It relieves neuralgia, painful sensations in the joints, heart, is indispensable for sciatica.

Thyme is a part of inhalations and expectorants, which are prescribed for bronchitis and whooping cough. In folk medicine, the plant is used for gargling for sore throat and dental diseases.

Thyme aids in digestion. It is recommended for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is part of choleretic, diuretic drugs, will help cleanse the blood and forget about insomnia. This unique herb will ease the suffering of itchy skin and fungal infections.

Contraindications for use:

Thymol in thyme often causes hyperthyroidism. It is contraindicated in some disorders of the cardiovascular system. It increases blood pressure, and the increase manifests itself gradually, accumulates and lasts for a long time, so hypertensive patients should refuse food prepared according to recipes using this spice.

Thyme should be used with limited use for liver and kidney pathologies, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Discard it during pregnancy. Baths with it are unacceptable at an increase in temperature and pressure. Excessive use of spices sometimes leads to nausea and vomiting.

  • For the first time, writers mention thyme in written sources from the 3rd millennium BC. Researchers read about him on cuneiform tables, where ancient recipes were immortalized.
  • The Sumerians used the plant as an antiseptic, and the ancient Egyptians used it for embalming.
  • The European name for the spice comes from the Greek thymiama - "incense". In ancient Greece, he was invariably associated with Aphrodite and used in her temples as incense, which served as a divine sacrifice. Other sources claim that the name comes from thymon - "strength". The Latin word thymus has a similar meaning. In many countries of the world, he was identified with male power.
  • It has been noticed for a long time that the use of Bogorodskaya grass forms a rejection of alcoholic beverages.
  • In nature, there are about 4 hundred species of thyme. Most often cultivated and used species are ordinary, capitate, creeping.

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