Home Blanks for the winter Summary of GCD for applications in the second junior group of kindergarten on the topic: Spring. Abstract of the GCD for artistic creativity for the second junior group. Collective application "Spring has come 2 younger group open lesson application spring

Summary of GCD for applications in the second junior group of kindergarten on the topic: Spring. Abstract of the GCD for artistic creativity for the second junior group. Collective application "Spring has come 2 younger group open lesson application spring

Spring crafts for kindergarten

Master class "Spring Sun".

Intended: for children from 2 years old, for joint crafts of parents with children.
Kirill Bezzubov, pupil of MBDOU №22 "Eaglet", 2g. 5 months, year Karpinsk.
Supervisor: Gergert Lyudmila Valerievna, teacher of MBDOU No. 22 "Orlyonok", Karpinsk.
Purpose: group design, exhibition of children's works on the theme "Spring".
Target: master the technique of working with napkins; master an unconventional technique of drawing with palms.

development of fine motor skills, color perception, tactile perception, imagination. Development of interest in applications.
Material. Whatman sheet of A3 format, gouache, yellow napkins, scissors.

I cut the napkins into 5x5 cm squares.

Kirill rolls balls from napkins.

I draw a circle on a sheet of Whatman paper.

We draw rays near the sun. I apply red gouache to Kirill with a brush on one palm, and yellow gouache on the other. Cyril leaves his handprints on the outside of the circle. Wonderful rays are obtained.

Then Kirill starts gluing balls from napkins in the middle of the circle.

It turned out to be a sun with red and yellow rays.

I cut out the sun.

Our hand-made article with Kirill will serve as a good present for mom. This wonderful sun can be placed in the "Nature Corner" above the weather calendar. Our sun will remind all the guys about the coming of spring.
Behind the warm spring sun
Look out the window soon
And put your hands up
To catch a rabbit basket.
Midges doze on a blade of grass
And the snail warms its horns,
From under the leaves of the insect
Drawn to the sun muzzles.
A spider loves the sun
Worm, bug, cricket,
They love the flowers of the sun
Learn to love you too!

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Socialization", "Communication".

Software content:

Educational area "Cognition"

  • to acquaint with the characteristic signs of spring;
  • fix the names of geometric shapes - circle, square, rectangle, triangle, clarify knowledge of colors, develop color perception.

Educational area "Communication"

  • exercise in making suggestions for pictures.

Educational area « Socialization"

  • to form a caring attitude to the surrounding nature, birds; encourage the desire to help them;
  • to involve children in participation in the play situation created by adults.

Educational area « Artistic creation "

  • to teach how to draw birdhouses using the applique technique: create a composition using ready-made forms;
  • consolidate the ability to lay out ready-made forms overlapping each other;
  • to develop a sense of form and rhythm, to form interest and a positive attitude towards the applique.

Materials and equipment: tape recorder, musical soundtrack: "Voices of Birds"; easel, illustrations of spring nature; images of birds: rook, starling; for each child: a sheet of blue A4 paper with a pasted silhouette of a birch, ready-made forms for gluing a birdhouse square, triangle, circle, rectangle; oilcloth, glue, glue brushes, cloth napkins, a plate made in advance using the "origami" method of birds, two for each child.

Preliminary work: observation of trees, birds; viewing illustrations of spring nature, birdhouses, nests. Reading poems, riddles about birds.


- Guys, I went to kindergarten today and was happy. The sun is shining brightly. It's warm outside. Snow is melting. The birds are singing. So what time of year is it? (Spring)

Music sounds. For some time, the children listen to music, then the teacher reads a poem against the background of music.

Spring comes after winter
Warmth brings you and me.
Brings the sky blue
Icicles, the song of the brook,
Thawed patches and primroses
And melting on rivers of ice.

- Guys, tell me what has changed in nature with the arrival of spring?

Children alternately name the characteristic signs of spring based on pictures. (The sun is shining brighter, icicles are melting on the roofs of houses, streams are running along the roads, the first thawed patches have appeared, the first flowers have appeared on the hills, ice floes are floating along the river, birds are making nests, birds have returned to us from warm edges).

- What birds come from warm regions? (Starlings, rooks).
- Do you want to fly like birds?
- You guys turn around, turn into funny birds!

Music sounds. Children, "having turned" into birds, come out onto the carpet. The teacher performs movements to the music, the children repeat after him.

Small birds in spring
Everyone arrives home
Return from the south
A must for all birds.
Birds have fun all day
Danced: shadow-shadow-shadow.
Dancing in the morning
To wake the dawn
There are bugs and grains here
You can eat them deliciously.
Peck, peck,
And then dance
They flapped their wings
The feathers shook.
One wave, another wave
Fly away all home.

- Birds, birds, turn around and turn into children.
Spring has come from the warm regions, birds are returning, chicks will appear, but where will the birds live with their chicks if they have no houses? How can we help them? What can we do for them? (Build houses for them).

What is the name of this house? (Birdhouse). Now we are going to build birdhouses for birds.

-Come to the tables. You have parts of the birdhouse on the plates. Let's consider them. A long bar on which we will attach parts of the house, walls, roof, window

(The teacher shows the enlarged parts of the birdhouse, the children find similar parts on the plates, pick them up, showing the teacher).

- Now look how we will collect the birdhouse. I will put the block colored side down, hold it, apply glue and glue it to the tree trunk. I'll glue the walls - the house to the middle of the bar, I'll nail and glue the roof on top. I will make-glue a hole in the wall - a window (entrance). The window in the nesting box was named the entrance because the starling flies into its house. From this and such a name - letok. The birdhouse is ready. Now let's play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

The birds flew, flapped their wings.
We sat in the trees and rested together.

- Collect your birdhouses. Let's try to lay them out on a piece of paper (we will clarify the color and shape of the birdhouse details).

- What a fine fellow you are. They all made birdhouses. The birds will see them and will certainly come to visit you, they will say thank you for taking care of them, but now I can hear the birds singing.

“Guys, bring your birdhouses to me as soon as possible, the birds have already arrived and want to live in your houses. Place each bird in your birdhouse. How happy the birds are in their houses, they are warm and comfortable in their houses, they will sing resounding songs and delight us with songs.

Abstract of the GCD for artistic creativity for the second junior group. Collective application "Spring-Red"

Summary of GCD for artistic creativity (Application) for the second junior group.

Purpose: to acquaint children with the signs of spring; develop coherent speech, attention, memory; develop fine motor skills, an eye; to exercise the ability to work collectively; to educate children to be interested in creativity.

Materials: Whatman paper with "Spring-Red" pasted on, colored paper flowers for each child, paste, brushes, napkins (for each child), audio recording "Sounds of Spring".

GCD move:

1 Organizational moment.

Children enter the group, sit in a semicircle, the teacher reads a poem:

"Spring came"

The forests are rustling, the earth is blooming,

The stream is singing and ringing:

“Spring has come, spring has come -

In clothes made of rays! "

Children's hearts rejoice

Striving into the vastness of the meadows:

“Spring has come, spring has come

In a garland of flowers! "

V-l: Guys, what is this poem about? (about spring).

V-l: That's right, about the spring.

Guys, look closely at the picture (points to whatman paper)

With pasted "Spring-Red").

2 Chatting with children.

V-l: Guys, name the signs of spring.

Children: The snow is melting, streams are ringing, the sun is shining brighter, migratory birds are arriving, a warm wind is blowing, people have changed their warm winter clothes for light spring ones, buds swell on the trees, the first flowers appear.

3. The didactic game "Collect the flower"

The teacher gives each child an envelope with a cut picture. Children lay out their flower on the carpet. Then the teacher asks each child what kind of flower he got.

V-l: Guys, now we will show you how flowers grow.

4. Finger gymnastics "Flower"

A tall flower has grown in a meadow. (Show the flower with your hands).

In the spring morning, he opened the petals. (Spread your fingers apart).

Beauty and nourishment for all petals (Move fingers together-apart).

Together they give roots underground. (Palms down, back side).

V-l: Guys, you told the spring signs, showed how the flower grows, remembered the names of spring flowers, collected pictures, and now I propose to depict a meadow with flowers next to our "Spring-Red".

Children do the collective work "Spring has come" (teacher's help, if necessary)

Sounds of Spring audio recording

Results: -What did we do today?

What did you like the most?

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of the GCD for artistic creativity in the second junior group "Matryoshka's assistants".

Introducing children to Russian folk art. To instill in children a love for Russian folk toys, a sense of beauty, aesthetic taste, accuracy ...

Abstract of the GCD for artistic creativity in the second junior group "Let's help sick animals"

This material presents the joint activities of a teacher with children in the form of a trip on a ship. During which children learn new things, learn to solve complex problems, build, mold, sing and of course ...

Program tasks:
Continue to teach children how to work with paper, how to make applications in various ways (sprinkling, crumpled paper);
Continue learning to work with glue;
Develop fine motor skills of fingers, eyes.
Develop the ability to follow oral instructions;
Learn to solve riddles;
Develop a creative interest in work, imagination.
To cultivate patience, perseverance, hard work, accuracy.
Preliminary work: preparation of the background image ("clearing", cut out tree trunk, "sun") Equipment: glue, oilcloths, prepared background for crafts, paper sprinkles of different colors on trays, cut out applique details on plates, white napkins for applique Educator: Guys, let's sit on the chairs.
Children sit in a circle on high chairs. The teacher sits down next to them on a high chair. Draws the attention of children on the floor to a puddle.
What is it?
- And where did it come from? (the teacher looks closely with the children, they see an image of a gnome's cap in a puddle)
- Yes, the gnomes with Snow White tried, wept a whole puddle of tears.
- Where are you? Why are you crying?
Winter has hidden spring and does not want to let it go.
It will be very difficult, winter does not want to go away, and spring will have to fight it. It is necessary to wake up all nature, to grow flowers and leaves on all trees. If not in time, many trees will be left without leaves and will stand naked all summer long. Many meadows will be without flowers, and butterflies will have nowhere to sit. Help us. I know that if you try, you will succeed. We hope for you.
- Don't cry, we will help you.
Educator: Guys, what? Let's help the gnomes (yeah)
Come and see how we are going to create our paintings.
Educator: Here we have blanks, for these pictures spring has not come yet.
What do you see in the picture on the tables? (children's answers)
But we can change everything. Now I’ll ask you riddles, and you’ll tell you what should appear in our paintings for spring to come to them.
The fire walks slowly here,
Bypasses Mother Earth.
It shines merrily in the window
Well, of course, this is ... (sun)

The sun is not to blame
What is cotton wool hanging in the sky? (clouds)

Green beaks appeared in the spring,
They turned into green hands by summer.
A little breeze will blow
And green hands clap. (leaves)

We grow green in the open
We grow under the warm rain
The sun is shining - we are blooming. (flowers)

Is this how we can help the spring? (glue the bright sun and clouds, make green leaves on the tree, and grass, and flowers)
Is this how we will depict a bright sunny day? (we will paste the sun and white clouds)
What shape and color have we prepared for the sun? (yellow circle).
What are we going to make clouds out of? (from a blue napkin - we will doubt it). What can be easily used to make leaves on a tree? (from green sprinkles)
How should you work with sprinkles? (careful, try not to blow on her)
How much glue do you need to take to adhere all the dressing? (a lot of glue, you need to apply randomly to all branches)
How can we make flowers? (from colored sprinkles)
Together with the children, we recall how we will make all the elements of the craft: sticks on the sun, crumples a napkin and sticks on a cloud, sticks leaves on a tree and makes blotches of flowers in a clearing out of colored dust.
Children sit at prepared tables
But before we get started, let's play a little with our fingers.
Physical education "On the knees"
Then the children get to work.
Children do work to the music (music of the spring forest)
All works are exhibited on a typesetting canvas.
What kind of work did we get?
What do you like about your work?
What jobs do you like the most? Why? (neat, guys tried).
The Dwarf enters.
“Thank you guys, you helped us a lot. You are all great! "
Educator: You all did your best and you have great work. Everybody's Free.

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