Home Blanks for the winter Therapeutic massage for hip dysplasia in newborns. Technique for performing massage and gymnastics for dysplasia of the hip joints in infants

Therapeutic massage for hip dysplasia in newborns. Technique for performing massage and gymnastics for dysplasia of the hip joints in infants

Dysplasia of the hip joints in children and newborns is a congenital dislocation of the hip, accompanied by problems with the development of the hip bone, as well as the ligamentous-muscular apparatus in this area. Pathology is characterized by a progressive course and, as it develops, leads to the destruction of bone and cartilage tissues.
Consider how massage and exercise therapy help with hip dysplasia.


Massage for dysplasia of the hip joint in newborn children is not only a part of complex therapy, but, along with exercise therapy, is a mandatory component of it. Aimed at stabilizing the state of the joint, returning it to its place, strengthening the musculoskeletal system and eliminating limited movements, it contributes to the harmonious development of the baby and strengthens his health.

Attention! Before doing massage for dysplasia of the hip joints in newborns, the baby should be shown to a specialist who can diagnose the disease and assess the severity of the pathology.

Preparation and frequency

First of all, it is worth noting that massage of the pathology of the hip joints in infants is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and is performed by a massage therapist specializing in this pathology.

The baby (it is desirable that he was in high spirits, did not want to eat and sleep) in this case is laid out on a smooth, hard surface, for example, on a changing table.

An absorbent diaper is placed under the baby, which is necessary in case of urination.

The procedure is performed once a day, and the therapeutic course includes from 10 to 15 sessions (to achieve a stable result, as a rule, 2-3 courses are enough, carried out with an interval of one and a half months).

What are they doing?

As a rule, massage for hip dysplasia in children is performed as follows.

At first, the masseur does everything so that the baby can relax. As a rule, this is achieved by light stroking of the body and limbs. Then the little patient is turned over on his stomach and the legs are developed.

Moreover, the massage technique for hip dysplasia in infants will be as follows.

First, the specialist will stroke the baby's legs, then rub in such a way that the inner muscle layer is involved in the process. At the end of these actions, the masseur will take the baby's legs in his hands, bend and spread it to the sides. In this case, the pelvis will remain motionless.

Then the baby will be laid out on the tummy and the doctor will start working on the back, stroking, rubbing, tapping and pinching the skin. Upon completion of these actions, the masseur will begin to work directly with the joint, stroking and rubbing it with rotational, spiral movements (the exercise is performed for 3 minutes, after which rubbing and stroking continues).

At the next stage, the doctor will turn the child over on the back, stroke and rub the legs, and then gently bend them at an angle of 90 degrees at the knees and spread them to the sides several times and return them back.

In order to relax the thigh muscles, the doctor may perform a baby massage for hip dysplasia, which includes the following steps:

  • pressure with your fingertips on the damaged area;

  • alternate breeding of the legs;

  • development of feet and chest.

You can study how dysplasia of the hip joint in newborns is treated with massage in the video.


Exercise therapy includes simple and very effective exercises performed during the day (as a rule, 3-4 sessions are performed per day). Let's consider the main ones.

On the tummy

The baby is laid out on the tummy and proceeds to the following exercises:

  • flexion of the legs and their breeding;

  • pulling the legs up to the buttocks and placing them on the foot;

  • pressing the heels to the buttocks.


Contraindications to the procedures are:

  • infections;

  • hernias that cannot be repositioned;

  • congenital heart disease.

On the back

The baby is given the half-lotto pose.

For this purpose, the baby's left leg is placed on the right one. After that, proceed to the following exercises:

  • flexion of the knees and hips;

  • bending the knees and spreading them as much as possible, so that the baby takes the pose of a frog;

  • alternate rise to the head of the legs straightened at the knees;

  • simultaneous breeding of legs straightened at the knees;

  • simultaneous rise to the head and separation of the legs, straightened at the knees.

To study or not?

In view of the fact that the procedures significantly speed up the healing process, it is undoubtedly worth using them. However, they should be performed under the strict supervision of a doctor - only in this case it will be possible to hope for a positive result.

You can study exercise therapy and massage for hip dysplasia in the video.

Massage and gymnastic exercises for dysplasia are becoming an integral part of therapy... Such activities will help restore the correct development of the joint, correct the dislocation, strengthen the muscle girdle, and restore motor functions. The massage complex is appointed exclusively by a specialist and should only be dealt with by trained personnel who specialize in similar disorders in children.

However, parents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the general concepts of massage therapy. General developmental and strengthening massage is allowed to be performed, it will be useful not only for a patient with dysplasia, but also for healthy children. It should be done in the evening just before bedtime.

Left untreated, such a pathology can adversely affect the overall health of the baby: disorders associated with the coordination of motor functions and the development of the limbs may occur. Massage is able to relieve the baby from the manifestations of pathologies and normalize motor reflexes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Massage procedures will help achieve the following results:

  • reduce increased muscle tone;
  • normalize the circulation of blood flow in the extremities;
  • reduce excessive stress.

The disadvantages of massage for dysplasia include:

  1. Duration- to achieve the desired result, you need to go through 3 courses, each of which includes 10-15 sessions.
  2. Mode- it is desirable to conduct all sessions at the same time.
  3. Continuity- it is highly undesirable to interrupt the massage without completing the course completely.
  4. Impossibility of independent conduct- with such a pathology, without certain skills, massage can harm the baby.

It is better to postpone the procedures if the baby has:

  • increased temperature;
  • indigestion;
  • diseases of viral or infectious etiology;
  • severe developmental disorders;
  • deep lesions on the skin.

Important! Dysplasia is treated in a comprehensive manner and if the newborn is not provided with qualified assistance, then the situation may worsen. In this case, only the operation will help to correct the situation.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. The procedure begins with stroking. This is necessary in order to warm up the muscles of the baby, which are in good shape. The movements start from the lumbar spine, then they pass along the entire back, while the newborn should lie on his stomach. Then they turn it over and begin to stroke the chest area, then the stomach and legs.

    All movements should not be heavy, light touches will be pleasant to the baby, while he will not resist.

  2. The whole body of the baby is stroked in a spiral, that is, in a circular motion, while the child's legs are given special attention, during the movements they need to be straightened a little. The duration of this stage should be at least 10 minutes, it is better to massage before going to bed, after a bath.
  3. After stroking, you can start the next stage - rubbing and pinching, it lasts longer than the previous one. Rubbing starts from the buttocks, gradually moving to the back and limbs. The final touch is rubbing the feet, this will increase blood circulation.
  4. Then you can pinch the baby's body a little, then clamp the leg between two palms and roll it out like a sausage, gradually straightening the limb. At the same time, it is not worth putting special pressure on the knee and hip joint, after all, the baby is still very small and his joints are fragile. The legs should be systematically extended, as if setting the joint.

Advice! The massage should not affect the perineum: there are large lymph nodes in this area, their injury can lead to dangerous consequences.

Gymnastic complex

After all the manipulations done, you can proceed to gymnastics. However, to complete it, you must first receive training from a pediatrician or orthopedist. The whole set of exercises is not difficult to perform, but the results will be noticeable after a few procedures. You can perform them 3-4 times a day - in those moments when the child is in a good mood. Usually, kids like classes, especially if their mother does them.

The complex includes the following exercises:

Massage and gymnastics for hip dysplasia is an integral part of the treatment process. This pathology is congenital and is characterized by an inferiority of the joint formed as a result of its improper development. In the absence of timely and correct treatment, subluxation or dislocation of the femur can occur. As a result, the child becomes disabled.

Parents are advised to massage for hip dysplasia only when the child is in a good mood and ready to play. For the procedure, to make it more convenient, a changing table or chest of drawers is suitable. More than one session per day is not recommended so that the baby does not overstrain.

The entire course consists of 15 procedures. Treatment must be complete and comprehensive. Therefore, massage for dysplasia of the hip joints involves 2-3 courses, between which an interval of 45 days is maintained. It is recommended to put a diaper under the baby during the procedure, which can absorb moisture, so that it is not wet if urination occurs.

Relaxing massage technique

Depending on whether the baby is lying on his back or stomach, it is necessary to act in different ways. Movements can be performed in any order. If the baby wants to look at you, then it is necessary, with light, stroking movements, to walk along the arms and legs, chest, abdomen. After that, you can begin to gently rub the same parts of the body, and finally, stroking is done again.

When the baby rolls over onto the tummy, it is necessary to bend the legs and spread them apart, while stroking and rubbing. It is imperative to use the area of ​​the lower back, back and buttocks (light patting is allowed here). Then directly massage the hip joint and the outer side of the thigh. Finally, stroking these areas.

Therapeutic gymnastics for pathology

Exercise therapy can be performed in a hospital or at home. In the latter case, it is imperative that the parents initially complete the training. An orthopedist or a pediatrician should help with this. Like massage for hip dysplasia, simple gymnastic exercises will be invaluable in complex treatment.

It is best if the mother does the procedure at home. It is worth choosing a time when the child is in a good mood. It is allowed to carry out manipulations 3-4 times a day. The complex is as follows:

  1. The child is on his stomach in the "frog" position. You need to take the heel and pull it up to the buttocks.
  2. Alternate flexion of the knees and hip joints.
  3. The child is lying on his back, and the parent spreads his legs to the sides (they are straight).
  4. The legs at the hips and knees are bent, and at the time of dilution of the limbs, you need to try to reach the table surface with them.
  5. The legs are bent at the knees, they need to be spread apart like “opening the book”.
  6. Raising straight legs to the baby's head.

Massage for hip dysplasia is done in all, even very small hospitals. This is due to the widespread prevalence of pathology. A similar disorder is diagnosed in every seventh child. In order to prevent the development of complications, it is important to start treatment as early as possible.

The main components of exercise therapy

Massage for dysplasia of the hip joints in newborns will be effective only with several professional courses. On average, the interval between them is 3-4 months. In addition to this, you should study at home with your child. There are two types of exercises: massage and gymnastics. The first ones are done once a day, and the second - 2-3 times.

You need to do it regularly, otherwise the level of effectiveness of treatment decreases. It is forbidden to deal with the baby immediately after eating. Even when the procedure is carried out by a professional, the mother should be close to the child. It is important to massage for hip dysplasia in children with clean hands, without rings and with short-cut nails.

For better glide, you should use natural oils that do not cause allergies, such as peach or sunflower. The massage is based on rubbing, stroking and spiral movements. The child must be handled carefully so as not to injure delicate skin.

Preparing for gymnastics

Before any gymnastic activities, the child must be prepared. Otherwise, there is a risk of doing more harm than good. You can start by lightly massaging the outer thighs. This improves the blood circulation process in the pathological area, and the muscles are warmed up.

The child should be placed on his back, and then with soft but confident movements, stroke the skin in a circle. The duration of the procedure is within five minutes. The affected joint can then be rubbed with moderate force. For this, circular and straight movements are used.

The preparatory massage for dysplasia of the hip joints in infants ends with the study of the lumbar zone. This will also improve blood circulation and prepare the baby for the next exercises. On average, a warm-up takes about 15 - 20 minutes.

What rules must be followed

If you plan to perform children's massage for hip dysplasia at the initial stage, then initially the baby should be examined by a doctor. In the case of a complicated form of the disease, splints will be additionally used, and the wide swaddling technique is also widely used.

You need to adhere to the following rules:

  • you need to do it only on a hard surface;
  • before class, a diaper is placed under the child;
  • the baby should not want to sleep or eat;
  • if the baby is tired, they stop classes or take a break;
  • no need to give an increased load at once;
  • it is forbidden to carry out the movement to the end if the tire or swaddling is shifted at the same time.

For newborns, it will be enough to carry out three full circles every day. Thanks to this, it will be possible to cope with the pathology, as well as to avoid the development of negative consequences. At each stage, 15 exercises are done.

Complex of basic movements

Therapeutic massage for joint dysplasia includes exercises, during which the damaged joint will be affected. Oddly enough, but the greatest efficiency is achieved when performing simple movements. The first lesson is recommended to go under the supervision of a specialist (orthopedist or pediatrician).

The basic massage technique for hip dysplasia in the exercise therapy complex:

  1. Abduction of the hips. The baby is placed with his back on a hard surface, such as a changing table. When the baby relaxes, they take him by the knees with both hands and move them to the sides. If there is no resistance, the legs can be tilted to the side and down. Feet should be free to touch a hard surface. Repeat 15 to 20 times.
  2. Rotation of the joint. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. With one hand, they take the baby by the joint, and with the other, gently hold the knee. In this case, it must be smoothly moved forward, while twisting the leg inward. Repeat 10-15 times.
  3. Rotation by legs. The limbs are taken so that each is bent at the knee. After that, at the same time make circular movements, reminiscent of a "bicycle". It is important to observe the smoothness and accuracy of the actions. Repeat no more than 20 times.
  4. Flexion of the legs. One limb is bent at the knee, and the other is unbent at the same time. Then they change the position. Repeat 15 times for each leg.

If you act correctly, slowly and carefully, then therapeutic exercises according to the basic complex will help to quickly restore the normal position of the joint. It is also not recommended to be distracted during class.

Game movements

Since dysplasia of the hip joints is a congenital pathology and is detected in infants, the complex of physiotherapy exercises contains exercises that children of this age like. It turns out that at the same time he plays with his parents and gets rid of the problem.

Parents can, during the entertainment, perform clapping with their feet, which are similar to "sweetheets" with their hands. The baby should be put on a flat and hard surface, slightly bend the limbs at the knees, turn the feet towards each other and connect them. Rotation of the legs can also be done in the position of the natural bend of the knee, gently moving in different directions. It is necessary at this time to simulate the flight of a butterfly.

When combining such activities with songs, smiles and affectionate communication, the kids practically do not notice them, which allows them to stay relaxed and enjoy doing it.

Ball lessons

There are two interesting exercises you can do on a fitball. This is a large gymnastic ball. Such a simulator, although it seems simple at first glance, but it perfectly helps in restoring the natural position of the articular joint, and also prepares the child for the first steps in life.

The baby must be placed with his back on the ball. With one hand, it should be held in the lower back area, and with the other, rotate the leg inward, making circular movements. Repeat 10 times. Then they transfer the baby to the stomach, hold it with one hand in the same way, and take the ankle with the other, move it to the outside and at the same time bend the knee.

It should be understood that a child can be frightened by the ball and the sensations that he will experience on it. You just need to give him time to get used to. For very young children, such activities are often difficult, you may have to wait a little.

It is not recommended to work with a child more than five times a day, and for some a lot of four. Small children often find it difficult to endure even passive loads. It is necessary to work on restoring the normal position of the joint every day, but only on condition that the baby is not sick and is in a good mood.

If massage and physiotherapy exercises are combined, then it is worth pauses between circles. This will give the baby an opportunity to recuperate. With regard to contraindications to classes, they are minimal. They are limited in the presence of fever, feeling unwell, if a hernia or congenital heart disease has been diagnosed.

Massage for hip dysplasia is included in complex treatment to stabilize the joint, restore full range of motion. The massage strengthens muscles, ensures physical activity and physical development of the child.

Newborn babies are often born with hip dislocation - hip dysplasia. Dislocation also develops with improper treatment or lack of it in the very first months after the birth of the child. Therefore, early diagnosis, quick treatment, including massage for hip dysplasia, will allow the child to develop correctly anatomically and functionally.

When a baby is born, each mother examines his body daily and may notice the presence of some discrepancy in the hip joint:

  • different leg lengths;
  • asymmetry of the gluteal and pedicle folds;
  • asymmetry when the leg is abducted to the side;
  • incomplete abduction of the leg bent at the knee;
  • shortened thigh;
  • a symptom of slipping or clicking.

Parents may not immediately notice asymmetric skin folds of the thighs, but only by 2-3 months if bilateral pathology is present. The depth and shape of the folds, their location in the presence of congenital dislocation will be different. For diagnosis, you need to pay attention to the location of the gluteal, popliteal and inguinal folds.

With a posterior displacement of the femoral head relative to the acetabulum, a shortening of the thigh will be noticeable: the child is placed on his back, the knees and hip joint are bent. One knee will be positioned lower with a shortened hip.

Forms of hip dysplasia

Dysplasia of the hip joints comes in three forms:

The first form- "pre-dislocation" happens with an immature unstable joint. Timely treatment and massage for dysplasia will ensure the normal development of the joint in the future. In the absence of treatment, subluxation may develop due to a stretched capsule, slight dislocation and reduction of the head into the cavity. This is called a positive slip symptom.

Second form- subluxation is a morphological change in the joint: the femoral head is displaced up and to the side relative to the acetabulum. The contact between the head and the cavity will be preserved, since the head will not go beyond the limbus, but will only push it up. Proper treatment and massage will help form a complete joint. Otherwise, a defective joint is formed and a complete dislocation may develop.

Third form- congenital dislocation with complete displacement of the femoral head, which is the most severe form of joint dysplasia.

The diagnosis of hip dysplasia is confirmed after an ultrasound examination, radiographs, after which immediate treatment begins. Parents need to know the form of dysplasia of the child's joints and have an idea of ​​the anatomical location of the joints, as this is necessary in order to properly perform massage on their own and to prevent dysplasia.

Many orthopedists and related specialists call dysplasia a congenital joint pathology with its underdevelopment, which leads to dislocation or subluxation of the femoral head. Other surgeons and orthopedists use the diagnosis "dysplasia" as a collective concept, in which they include all anomalies associated with the hip joint: the slightest underdevelopment of the roof of the joint without displacement and true dislocation.

Parents should know and distinguish on the radiograph a dislocation of the hip with a complete loss of contact between the head and the acetabulum. As a result of subluxation, contact is only partially lost. With preluxation (dysplasia), the development of the joints of the pelvis and hips is disturbed without displacement of the elements articulating the joint.

Massage technique for treating dysplasia

Stroking. The child is placed on his back to perform general stroking movements on the front surface, relaxing the arms, legs (thighs, shins, feet, soles), chest and abdomen. You can cover the entire hip joint or only the front surface of it. Light rectilinear and spiral movements are directed from the lower leg to the thigh. On the inner thighs next to the genitals, massage is not done - damage to the lymph nodes is possible. Babies perceive this massage (2-3 minutes) with dysplasia as a game and affection.

Trituration. With some emphasis on the muscles, tendons and ligaments that lie deep, it is necessary to manipulate the pads of the fingers when performing circular and spiral movements. In this case, it is necessary to feel the joint and not to press on it strongly and with pressure.

  1. Performing massage for dysplasia from the back, after stroking, rub the back of the thighs, gradually directing the hands to the buttocks and performing local massage on the dysplastic joint with rubbing, pinching, tapping, circular movements. Then the hip joint is fixed with one hand.
  2. With the second hand, gently and dosed spread the leg, easily grasping it by the knee, lightly press on it and rotate the thigh inward.
  3. Stroking is performed again, pressing the hands tightly to the skin, without displacing it.
  4. With the thumb and forefinger, with the whole palm, massage is done with dysplasia with spiral movements, excluding the surface of the thighs near the genitals, for 3-5 minutes, then they begin rubbing with the same technique, but displacing the skin. This technique is especially important for the affected joints with dysplasia. The fingertips should be deeply penetrated into the muscles for 10 minutes.
  5. With the legs apart, gently and without sudden movements, they bend and spread them to the side. The legs are performed in circular movements in the area of ​​the hip joint inward.
  6. Wallow. The baby's thighs are covered with palms folded in a boat, they roll like a cutlet between the palms of the leg for a minute.
  7. The "bicycle" movement is performed - with bent legs at the knees and hip joint, imitating cycling.
  8. Bend and unbend the legs together and in turn, alternating with light kneading (pressing) of the calf muscles with four fingers.
  9. At the next turn of the child on the stomach, stroking is performed again, turning into rubbing. Then the legs are alternately taken to the side, imitating crawling.
  10. They switch to massage of the back and lumbar region with stroking and rubbing movements. Going down to the buttocks, massage for dysplasia with stroking, rubbing and pinching movements, light tapping on the fingertips and patting.
  11. Spiral kneading movements are performed along the spine with the phalanges of the fingers, sawing "herringbone" from the spine to the periphery. Rub the lumbar region with the palm.
  12. Stroke and rub the area of ​​the hip joint and the outer surfaces of the thighs, alternating with light kneading, abduction of the legs to the sides ("crawling") and "hovering" - raising the child above the table, supporting it under the breast and the pelvic area.
  13. Rub and knead the buttocks with spiral movements. When performing massage, you must remember that you cannot roughly examine the hip joint and look for congenital dislocation. This can damage the growth zone and delay the development of the femoral neck, deform the head (plow vara) and lead to early coxarthrosis. Improves blood circulation with foot massage.

Parents need to remember that massage and exercises in a standing or squatting position can only be performed with the permission of an orthopedist, as vertical loading may worsen the deformity of the hip joint.

Contraindications to the use of massage

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Irreducible hernias.
  • Exudative diathesis and skin lesions.
  • Various heart defects.

Massage for hip dysplasia video

Even newborn babies can have diseases of the musculoskeletal system. One of the most common pathologies is congenital dislocation of the hip. Parents are often frightened when they hear such a diagnosis, although there are few reasons for concern - the condition of the joints depends on how quickly measures are taken. Most often, massage is prescribed for hip dysplasia in children. But if you do not start treatment on time, then the child can become disabled.

Massage types

There are two main types of massage for children. General strengthening (general developmental) and therapeutic. The first type of manipulation can be performed on any babies, healthy and sick. It is performed by parents or doctors.

Therapeutic massage for dysplasia of the hip joints in newborns is necessary to strengthen the musculo-ligamentous apparatus and bones, return the dislocated joint to its normal position.

Indications and contraindications for massage

The massage is useful not only for children with TPA, it helps to strengthen muscles, improves the functioning of the immune system, soothes and improves mood.

Parents can learn the basic techniques of restorative massage, but therapeutic massage should be done by a professional with a special education. It is he who will help to correct the dislocation of the hip and stabilize the work of the hip joint.

But it is not always possible for children to massage the hip joint with dysplasia. Sometimes the procedure is contraindicated. The procedure will have to be abandoned if:

  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Body temperature above 37 degrees;
  • Hernia;
  • Congenital heart disease;
  • Various skin lesions and diathesis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Weight deficiency;
  • Diseases of the blood, liver or kidneys.

Basic massage techniques for hip dysplasia in children

Therapeutic massage for dysplasia of the hip joints in infants should be prescribed by a pediatrician or pediatric orthopedist. It is advisable that the procedure for a newborn child is carried out by a masseur with a medical education, specializing in such a pathology.

To do a massage of the hip joints at home on your own, you should learn some rules for the procedure:

  • The child should be laid on a firm, flat surface during the session; a changing table is best suited for this purpose;
  • The surface must be covered with a diaper that absorbs moisture, since manipulations can cause the process of urination;
  • Movements should be light, not cause crying in the baby. If the child is capricious and is not allowed to do massage, then perhaps you are doing something wrong, you should contact a professional.

On a note!

With a professional massage, the child may have discomfort when performing vigorous rubbing, which can lead to crying and poor mood. This is totally normal.

The main elements of massage:

  • Stroking. Perform when the baby is lying on the back, warming up the entire body from the shoulders to the sore hip joints. The intensity can change during manipulations; it is best to knead the affected hip joints. You can stroke only the front of the thigh or the entire joint. On the legs, the movements are directed from bottom to top, from the lower leg to the thighs;


There are many lymph nodes on the inner side of the thigh, so it is not recommended to actively massage this area.

  • Trituration. It can also be performed with varying degrees of pressure. Most often, spiral kneading is performed from the bottom to the top at a slow pace. Such a procedure helps to find the hip joint, but it should not be strongly pressed on it. It is better to do this element of massage with fingertips so as not to harm the little patient;
  • Felting helps to stabilize the hip, does not require complex manipulations. The child should be in a supine position, grab the baby's thigh with both hands and smoothly move it from one palm to the other. In this way, knead both legs in turn;
  • One of the most common massage exercises is imitation of walking. Bend and unbend the legs alternately, as if the baby is walking. You can also simulate cycling;
  • From a supine position, the masseur gently pulls the child's leg bent at the knee to the side. Each limb should be kneaded in turn;
  • Light patting stimulates blood circulation, but should not bring discomfort to the baby;
  • The next movement is best done by professionals. It is necessary to clasp the child by the legs in the knee area and raise, gently moving the legs towards the head. This element of the massage is done especially gently so as not to damage the spine of the newborn.


In addition to massage of the hip joint with dysplasia, attention should be paid to the back. Slow and light movements imitating a saw strengthen the muscles, and the herringbone movement - alternating warm-up of the back from the spine to the sides stimulates the correct development of the baby.

An approximate set of massage exercises

Depending on the condition of the baby, the treatment complex is selected individually. It is most effective to carry out manipulations for children until they reach 3-6 months. Most often, it consists of these movements:

  • Turn the newborn on the back, stroke and rub the entire body of the child with slow and gentle movements;
  • Put the baby on the tummy, stretch the back surface of the legs, then stroke them with gentle movements;
  • Fix the pelvis and move the baby's legs, imitating crawling;
  • Flip back over and rub and stroke the front of the legs;
  • Bend your knees, gently dilute to the sides, repeat on each side 10-15 times;
  • Thoroughly knead and rub the feet, but without causing the baby to experience severe discomfort;
  • With light touches of your fingers, knock on the entire surface of the legs;
  • Stretch the back with light movements.
  • You can finish the massage with the same light strokes all over the body from the extremities to the center, as at the beginning of the procedure.

Massage for hip dysplasia in children from one year old will not bring as much benefit as in infancy. Babies whose skeleton is formed with pathology are at risk of early disability or complications that can only be eliminated surgically.

The procedure should be carried out when the baby is in a good mood and not naughty. General massage is best done in the evening because the child is relaxed and may fall asleep during the session. And medical procedures are recommended to be done in the morning.

The duration of one massage session should be no more than 20 minutes per day, of which about 5 minutes is spent on warming up the muscles.


If the baby has to wear orthopedic devices, then the massage should be performed without removing them.

Symptoms and treatment of dysplasia in infants and older children are similar, but in older age, more effort is required to eliminate the disease.

Congenital dislocation of the hip in children is not a harmless disease. It can have serious consequences if left untreated. The child can become disabled. Massage of the hip joint for dysplasia helps to return the joint to a physiologically correct place, improves blood flow and muscle function, stimulates their development, and increases immunity.

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