Home Blanks for the winter Onions exible cultivation from seeds. Exhibiting onions: planting and care in the open field, growing from seeds, when planting seedlings. Features of growing Exibishen onions

Onions exible cultivation from seeds. Exhibiting onions: planting and care in the open field, growing from seeds, when planting seedlings. Features of growing Exibishen onions

Despite its specific taste, onion occupies one of the leading places in the ranking of the most essential vegetables. It contains a whole range of vitamins, essential oils and many other beneficial substances that provide strong protection for the immune system. Since childhood, we were forced to eat onions that we then hated at the height of colds. We didn't like him then. But now we ourselves feed our children with it to avoid illness.

Despite the passage of time, onions do not lose their beneficial properties. Especially if it is grown in a vegetable garden, with love and care. There are many varieties of this vegetable, as well as ways to grow and care for it. We have already considered the methods of growing onions more than once. For example, this article discussed how to grow several varieties of onions.

Exhibiting onion seedlings in January can be planted from 5 to 9 January, 2-7 February, 3-9 March and 1-8 April. The exact planting dates depend on when you plan to plant your plants outdoors.

Today we will talk about the Exibishen onion variety. This newcomer from Holland fell in love with our summer residents for his taste. Sweet and juicy, it has practically no bitterness. In addition, it is a fairly productive variety and the fruits are very large. One onion can be up to 600 grams. But that's not all. More details below.

Despite its advantages, Exibishen also has a number of disadvantages. For example, you can only get a harvest of this vegetable by seedling by sowing seeds. You will hardly find a crop of such an onion. In addition, the freshness period of this species is very short - no more than 5 months. Therefore, if you want to provide yourself with a harvest for the entire next year, then this option is not suitable.

To grow such onions, you need to sow seedlings in early spring or late winter. It is better to do this according to the lunar calendar. It has long been proven that a bow planted on a waning moon will grow faster and better.

Growing seedlings from seeds in Siberia

We have already discussed many times the fact that even in a short Siberian summer, you can grow a full harvest of vegetables. Onions are no exception.

In Siberia, onion seedlings are best planted at the end of February. A few days before the intended planting, the seeds need to be prepared. First, the seeds need to be tested for germination to avoid the presence of empty holes in the future. To do this, put them in a glass of warm water for 2 hours. Good seeds will go to the bottom, and those that are left floating on top can be safely thrown away.

Then the seeds must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, dip them in a hot pink solution for a day. It is better to take volumetric boxes as dishes for seedlings. Mix seedling soil with sand and water well. Plant seeds to a depth of about one and a half centimeters at a distance of 2-3 cm. Before the first shoots, it is better to cover the container with glass or film, periodically watering the soil. As soon as sprouts appear, it must be removed.

In early May, the seedlings need to be hardened. In this way, we prepare her for unstable outdoor conditions. First, take the boxes outside for 15-20 minutes during the day. Increase the time every day. Thus, in two weeks, the time spent for seedlings in the open air should approach 8 o'clock.

In Siberia, even when the seedlings are sufficiently hardened and adapted to the outside world, the first days of onion life in the open field should be covered with foil overnight. Indeed, at this time, the danger of night frosts is great.

When to plant Exibishen onions in central Russia

In central Russia, the cultivation of Exhibichen onions has its advantages. For example, if the summer is not very hot and the humidity is good enough, then onions can be sown directly into the beds. This saves valuable window sill space during the growing season.

From 13 to 23 May, you can land directly into the ground. However, we can not always guarantee conditions suitable for growing onions. If you are not sure that the weather will be appropriate, then you can start planting seedlings at home from the end of February - beginning of March.

Recesses about 1.5 centimeters deep are made into the holes and 1 seed is placed there. Water generously before the first greens appear. As soon as sprouts appear, watering should be reduced. For the best effect, you can cover the container with foil. The greenhouse principle will ensure rapid germination.

The time of sowing seeds for seedlings in the suburbs

Moscow summer residents can sow Exhibichen onion seeds in early spring. Based on the lunar calendar, this can be done between March 4 and 8. Or in April from the 3rd to the 9th.

You can plant seedlings in the ground already in May-June. The beds initially need to be dug up with the addition of sand and well moistened. Plant the sprouts in the ground to a depth of one and a half centimeters. The distance between them should be about 20-30cm. Please note that this type of onion is very large and will need enough space to grow.

Fertilizer should be applied 2 weeks after transplanting. Mullein solution works well for this. This should be done in the evening, when the sun dies down. After another 14 days, feeding must be repeated.

How to properly sow onions for seedlings in one season

Exhibiting onion seeds can be purchased at every store during the height of the planting season. It is worth sowing seedlings 2-3 months before preliminary planting in the ground. Therefore, it is better to do this in March-April.

Before sowing, do not forget to check the seeds for germination. As we already know, they need to be poured into a glass of warm water for a couple of hours. Those who float above are discarded, and those who have descended are set in motion. Then wrap the seeds in a cloth and soak them in warm water overnight. In the morning dry the seeds a little and you can start sowing.

For this, you can use separate plastic cups or a common large box. Pour a special mixture of soil into a container and plant the seeds at a distance of 1-1.5 centimeters. Water the soil, cover the top with a film or glass and put it in a warm place, protected from sunlight.

As soon as the green loops appear, the glass can be removed, and the box can be moved closer to the sun. In the first din of life of green sprouts, it is better to water the ground from a spray bottle, because they are still quite weak. Then, when the seedlings get stronger, you can switch to a regular watering can.

A couple of weeks before planting in the ground, start taking the container of onions outside. The first day will be approximately 20 minutes. Then, day after day, increase the time and by the end of the adaptation period, the seedlings should be outdoors all day.

When planting onions, remember that the distance between the bulbs must be at least 20 centimeters. Onions growing in the open field need to be fed 2 times. The first time - two weeks after disembarkation, and then another 14 days later.

Closer to autumn, when the leaves of the green onions dry up and turn yellow, the onions must be removed.

Onions are one of the main vegetables on the table, without which it is difficult to imagine cooking. Exibishen, in addition to its useful qualities, also has an excellent taste. Lovers can eat it separately, with bread or in a bite with soup. It is very sweet and lacks the bitterness characteristic of onions.

Summarize. Growing onions from seeds is not at all difficult. And since recently the prices for the usual seedlings have grown significantly, seedlings from seeds will also save your money. In addition, you will know for sure that you are growing this particular variety in your garden, because you raised it yourself.

Have a good and rich harvest!

Almost always in any garden, except for potatoes and tomatoes, you can also find onions. This is a popular vegetable, which today has a huge number of varieties and types. One of them is the Exhibit bow. This is a very interesting variety and it is about him that will be discussed in our article today.

About the grade

Onion Exibishen differs from all its counterparts in almost all: taste, weight, cultivation technology and even smell. This is, without exaggeration, a giant onion variety. Its enormous size, as well as its unusual and pleasant taste, made it quite popular among gardeners. But not every person can grow it, since this vegetable has a rather difficult growing technology. Therefore, many gardeners give their preference to onions that are smaller and tastier, but easier to grow.

This variety was bred by breeders from Holland. Its main feature is its huge size, which often exceeds the average parameters of a bulb onion. One head here can weigh from 500 to 800 g. There is information that some bulbs weighed a whole kilogram!

In addition to its large size and mass, Exhibichen differs from other varieties in its tastes. Its pulp is devoid of bitterness and has a sweetish taste. Moreover, while cutting such an onion, tears will not flow from the eyes. Because of such a special taste, this onion can be eaten fresh, as well as used to prepare a variety of culinary masterpieces.

Despite the presence of such impressive characteristics, this variety has two significant disadvantages: difficult growing technology, which requires not only picking up a good seed, but also taking care of the plantings throughout the growing season of the plant, as well as its poor preservation. If you create the right conditions for storing the bulbs (+ 4 degrees), then they can be preserved only until the New Year.

How to properly grow this variety using sevok and seeds will be discussed below. Here, we will only consider the main features of the cultivation of this variety as its technical characteristics. In a situation where all agrotechnical recommendations have been followed, cultivation of the Exibishen variety takes place within 80 days, no more. In the regions of the country where there is a short summer, it is necessary to grow this plant only by the seedling method.

As you can see, in addition to its gigantic size and unusual taste, this variety also has a short growing season. This type of bow is famous for such features and disadvantages.

Video "Seedling of a huge onion"

How to plant onion seedlings is described in the video.

Seedling growing

One of the methods of growing the Exibishen variety is the seedling method. This method requires a significant investment of time and effort, as well as attention, and if the technology is violated, in most cases, it will lead to a negative result. Despite the complexity of reproduction, only the seedling method of growing, with the correct implementation of all agrotechnical requirements, will guarantee a rich and tasty harvest. It is with him that the bulbs will have their maximum size.

The seedlings (seedlings) obtained in this way are able to tolerate transplanting well into the soil, even in a situation where there will be no earthen lump on their roots. As a result, you can use the seedling method for growing Exhibitive onions in apartments of multi-storey buildings. In this case, you can do without picking.

Seeds to get sowing must be sown in early March. You can find information that the sowing of planting material should be carried out at the end of February.

Before planting, all the selected seeds should always be well selected and prepared in order to increase the success of the enterprise. To prepare seeds for planting, you need to do the following with them:

  • we select seeds. They must be healthy and free of mold. Also, it is not recommended to use frozen seeds, as they will not sprout well;
  • we immerse the planting material in warm filtered water for several hours. In order to "awaken" the seeds, you can drop a little freshly squeezed aloe juice into warm and filtered water;
  • after the seeds are removed from the water, they should be wrapped in gauze or cloth. In this position, they should stay 2-4 days;
  • upon the expiration of this period, the procedure for disinfecting the planting material is carried out. To do this, immerse the seeds in a solution prepared from 1 g of potassium permanganate, dissolved in 1 liter of water. The water temperature should be + 38-40C.

After you have done all the above manipulations, you need to prepare the place for sowing the seeds. In the selected planting containers (for example, in wooden boxes, small plastic cups or long flower pots) we place the earthen mixture. It is prepared from turf, humus, and well-rotted mullein. All these components should be squeezed in a ratio of 10: 9: 1, respectively.

When the planting containers are prepared, we sow seeds in them. We simply sow the planting material on top of the ground, and then cover it with soil on top. The top layer of earth should have a thickness of about 1.5 cm. After that, we water the plantings abundantly with water and cover all the planting containers with plastic wrap. This creates greenhouse conditions that accelerate the seed germination process.

Planting containers must be placed in a shaded area. Here they have to stand for 7-10 days. It is during this time that the first shoots should appear on the surface of the soil. When they made their way through the soil, we remove the polyethylene from the planting containers and put them in a well-lit place. It is best to place the boxes on the south side of the windowsill.

In order for the Exhibishen onion to give good seedlings (sets), it is necessary to organize proper care for the seedlings. It consists in the implementation of the following manipulations:

  • top dressing should be applied every day. For this, complex mineral fertilizers are used, 1 g of which is diluted in 2 liters of water;
  • regular watering with warm water;
  • the set should grow at an air temperature of about + 20C;
  • once every few days, it is imperative to ventilate the room in which the onion shoots are located.

Such conditions must be maintained for two months. If, in the process of growing onions, his feathers began to sag, then they can be carefully trimmed. The sevok should then have feathers 10 cm long.

Remember that in a couple of weeks after planting seedlings in open ground, the planting containers must be hardened. To do this, it is recommended to take them out on the balcony during the day. Hardening will reduce stress on seedlings when they are transplanted into open ground. Usually the seedlings are transplanted in early May. Its landing is as follows:

  • choose a site. It should be well lit, and the soil should be moist and loose, and also well drained;
  • in terms of acidity, the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic;
  • before planting, do not apply manure fertilizers. Otherwise, the pulp of the onion will turn out to be loose;
  • small holes are made with your finger;
  • deepening of the roots of the seeding should be carried out by 2.5-3 cm.

To plant seedlings, you need to use a 20x30 cm scheme. After planting is completed, the plants are taken care of in a standard way.

Growing with seeds

Exhibichen onions can also be grown from seeds. This method is much easier in terms of growing technology than the seedling method. But he cannot guarantee a bountiful harvest.

You need to start growing this variety in early April. At this time, strong night frosts will no longer be observed. As in the seedling method, a certain preparation of the planting material is also needed here. In this case, you need to prepare the seeds as follows:

  • the seeds of this onion are very small, which complicates the preparation process. Therefore, to simplify the procedure, the seeds should be glued to a piece of toilet paper or an ordinary white napkin;
  • you need to glue not on super-glue, but on a specially prepared paste. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 1 tsp. starch in cold water (150 ml). Then we heat the mixture until creamy. Then we cool the finished mixture and add the AVA fertilizer to it. This will reduce the number of dressings in the future, since this fertilizer is not washed out of the soil;
  • the finished and cooled paste is applied to the paper base drop by drop at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. Then put one seed in each drop and leave it to dry. This will take approximately one day;
  • we twist the dried papers into a roll and place them in plastic bags. In this form, they can be stored until the moment of planting. Seeds prepared in this way will be much easier to plant then in open ground. Also, after planting in the future, it will not be necessary to thin out the beds due to the insignificant weed vegetation.

Planting of prepared seeds is carried out in loose soil, which has been treated with "Fitospirin". The seeds are placed in shallow trenches and covered with earth. After that, you need abundant watering and further proper care of the emerging seedlings.


After planting seedlings in open ground or the appearance of the first shoots (growing by seed method), Exhibichen needs proper care. It is not very difficult and includes the following actions:

  • moderate and regular watering. If watering has been properly organized, the bulbs will turn out tasty and juicy. Watering is stopped at the end of July. Otherwise, the bulbs will become too watery and poorly stored;
  • so that the soil does not dry out very quickly, the ground between the plants can be covered with straw, peat or moss;
  • after watering, the soil is loosened;
  • carrying out preventive measures to combat pests and pathogenic microflora. To protect planting from insects, onions can be grown next to carrots;
  • feeding. Here you should use nitrogen, potash, phosphorus and magnesium fertilizers;
  • periodically it is necessary to carry out weeding to remove weeds. Weeding must be done very carefully so as not to damage the vegetables being grown.

Cleaning technology

Onion Exhibition has a simple harvesting technology, which is not much different from other varieties. The signal to the fact that it is time to collect the long-awaited harvest is laid down greenery. This is due to the fact that simultaneously with the wilting of the tops, the dying off of the root system occurs. Therefore, it is very important to harvest this vegetable on time, as otherwise the bulb may take root again. And this will lead to a decrease in shelf life.

Usually Exibition is cleaned in dry and windy weather around mid-August. The bulbs are plucked or dug out of the ground and allowed to dry slightly in the sun. Then the crop should be well dried in a barn or attic for one month. When the neck of the onion becomes thin, the onion is cleaned of dry scales and sent for winter storage.

We carry out all the agrotechnical recommendations correctly, starting from receiving the seeding and ending with harvesting, you will receive a quality product that will be stored for the entire period allotted for this. At the same time, Exibishen onions will be tasty and healthy.

Video "Growing onions in the garden"

This video details how to grow giant onions.

One of the common vegetable crops found in our gardens is onion. Widely popular are such types as, onion, multi-tiered, garlic Rokambol, Batun, etc. We talked about them on the pages of our Online magazine Gardener and Ogorodnik. Some species are grown for turnip, others for greens. Along with this, summer residents are beginning to actively master other, new types of this culture, which are not typical for our regions.

A striking example of this is the Exibishen medium-late onion. This species, bred by Dutch breeders, is distinguished by its rather large size. With proper cultivation techniques from 1 m 2, you can get a fairly high yield of this crop (up to 3 kg). At the same time, the weight of one onion can fluctuate within 120 - 500 grams. In addition to the high yield, Exibishen has excellent taste characteristics. It tastes sweet. And it lacks the bitterness characteristic of many types and varieties of onions. At the same time, it is not possible to store it for a long time, since Exibishen belongs to salad varieties.

WARNING: The excellent tasting heads are difficult to maintain after the entire crop has been harvested; after three to four months they start to deteriorate.

Growing through seedlings

The seedling method of growing Exhibichen onions is the most difficult and troublesome. But on the other hand, when using it, you can get the largest heads that reach their maximum weight. The optimal time for planting seeds for seedlings is the month of March. But before that, all the seed material should be prepared. How to do it?

  1. Soak the seeds in warm water for several hours.
  2. Wrap in a damp cloth and leave for another 3-4 days.
  3. Before disembarking, it is imperative to carry out disinfection.

DISINFECTION METHOD: It is necessary to prepare a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). For this, 1 gram of potassium permanganate is taken per liter of water. In this solution, the seeds are kept for about 8 hours. At the same time, it is very important to maintain a constant temperature of 40 ° C.

The next step in growing Luca Exibishen seedlings is the preparation of boxes with soil. The highlight is potting soil. It is prepared by mixing the following ingredients:

  • Humus - 9 parts.
  • Sod land - 10 parts.
  • Overripe mullein - 1 part.
All this is thoroughly mixed and prepared boxes are filled with this mixture. After that, the previously prepared and disinfected Exhibishen seeds are sown thickly to a depth of 1.5 cm, and the box itself is covered with plastic wrap or glass. Next, the box is placed in a dark and warm place. With the emergence of seedlings, and this happens in a week and a half, the cover is removed, and the seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place.

Caring for Exhibitive onion seedlings in the future is reduced to maintaining the temperature regime, moderate watering with warm water and regular ventilation. Speaking about the temperature regime, they are different for different periods of development of the bulbous culture:

  • While waiting for seedlings, the temperature should be within 22 o C.
  • When young leaves appear:
  • daily t o 17-20 о С
  • night t o 10-14 о С

Two months later, the grown seedlings of Exhibishen onions, two weeks before planting, begin to harden. Planting of mature plants occurs in the first ten days of May. For this, a non-shaded area of ​​soil with neutral acidity is selected. Moreover, it must be sufficiently loose, moisture-absorbing and breathable. Having formed the beds properly, holes are made in the soil according to the scheme 20cm x 30cm, where the seedlings are planted.

NOTE: Exhibichen onions can be cultivated well on soils that have been well fertilized with manure two years before. Using manure before planting will cause overgrowth and loose bulbs.

Basic care activities

  1. Moderate watering;
  2. Loosening;
  3. Weeding;
  4. Pest control.

Since this onion crop is very fond of water, it is very important to preserve it in the soil. To do this, you can use such a technique as mulching the soil. This measure will also get rid of many weeds. Do not forget that the plant also requires regular loosening. As an effective one, you can alternate rows of onions with rows of carrots.

Weeding, loosening and watering are the main summer chores for growing strong Exhibitive heads. They are formed in such a way that they are almost completely located on the surface of the garden, which facilitates harvesting. Dig the heads with a pitchfork, without cutting off the feather. They are laid to dry in the attic, where they are ventilated.

Growing by seeds

The seed method of growing Exibishen onions is quite simple. It does not require as much labor as the previous method. Since the seeds need to be planted in the month of April, you can prepare for planting in advance. Somewhere in late February or early March, in their free time, seed is prepared, which is glued to specially prepared strips of toilet paper. But first things first.

The need to glue Dutch onion seeds is dictated by their extremely small size. To carry out this procedure, you will need:

  • Prepared paste;
  • Roll of toilet paper;
  • The Exibishen seeds themselves;
  • Solid surface.

First you need to prepare a paste. This will require the following ingredients:

  • starch;
  • cold water;
  • fertilizer AVA;
  • plastic container and plastic board for spreading seeds.

Pour half a glass of cold water into a saucepan, add one teaspoon of starch with constant stirring. Over low heat, while continuing to stir, bring the contents of the saucepan to a state of not too thick sour cream, let cool.

After preparing the paste, you need to glue the Exhibitive onion seeds with it on a pre-prepared paper tape. The width of the tape depends on the width of the bed and the number of rows, so if the width of the bed is 80 cm, then eleven rows are obtained.

  • A paper strip is rolled out on a hard surface.
  • With the help of a toothpick, droplets of paste are applied to the tape;
  • One seed is placed on each droplet.

Preparation of Exhibitive onion seeds for planting in this way allows you to place the plants evenly in the garden bed, eliminates the tedious pulling of thickened plantings. After the droplets with the seeds dry out, and usually one day is enough for this, the tapes are rolled into rolls and placed in plastic bags. Such "sowing" is more comfortable than spring planting in the ground at a summer cottage. At home, sitting in a comfortable chair at the table, you can take care of each seed, carefully and carefully arrange them, without overstraining from an uncomfortable posture.

Onions are one of the most popular vegetable crops. In this review, we want to tell you about such a variety as Exhibitive. It was bred by breeders from Holland and is quite large in size. Provided proper agricultural technology, up to 3 kg of crop yield can be obtained from a square meter of sown area. The mass of one onion is up to 500 g. In addition to the high yield, the culture has high taste characteristics. There is no bitterness in Exibishen like other onion varieties, so it is often used for making salads. The main disadvantage of the variety is its short shelf life. You will learn more about the rules for growing a plant and how to care for it.

Description of the variety

Exhibiting onions have many differences from other onion varieties - they are weight, taste, cultivation technology, and even aroma. The culture is gigantic, in addition to its enormous size, it has a pleasant sweetness (bitterness in Exhibiting, as in others, is not). The plant also does not present any particular difficulties in growing. Onions are used as food in pure form or as part of various dishes (mainly salads). The main difficulties associated with crop breeding:

  1. The need to choose high-quality seedlings and the need for careful care during the entire growing period.
  2. Short shelf life- it is no more than 4 months.

Subject to all agrotechnical requirements, the culture will grow in 80 days. The methods of breeding it are seedlings and seeds, but in some regions only the first one can be used.

An important advantage of the Exibishen onion variety is a short growing season.

Beneficial features

Onions are a useful and inexpensive vegetable, a healer for all ailments. Not a single kitchen in the world can do without it - cut into small cubes or slices, it is added to food in its pure form, boiled and stewed. In ancient times, people wore an onion on their chest, it was believed that such an amulet protects a warrior from death. Useful properties of the Exibishen variety:

  1. High content of vitamins and valuable substances- these are nicotinic, folic acids, vitamins C, group B, carotene, zinc, copper and so on.
  2. Availability of phytoncides- these elements kill viruses and bacteria or suppress their activity.
  3. Boost immunity- although skeptics say that regular consumption of onions in the cold season does not protect them from colds, this is not the case. If prevention is carried out correctly (in optimal volumes and regularly), most seasonal viruses and colds can be forgotten.

Onion has a specific taste due to the presence of esters in the composition.


In areas where the summer is not very hot and rather short, it is recommended to grow Exhibichen onions through seedlings - the main method of its reproduction. This technique is more troublesome than seed, but it accelerates the process of crop development. Please note that the plant can be transferred to the ground only after it reaches the age of 60 days. Read about the root system of onions.

Good to know. It is advisable to grow onions for two years - first sow nigella on a set, and then grow a turnip from a set.

The most favorable soil for growing Luca Exibishen is turf and humus, mixed in the same proportion.


There are two ways to grow the Exibishen onion variety - from seeds or seedlings. The former is simpler, but the latter also has its advantages.

Planting seedlings

Seedling growing is a troublesome process, but it allows you to achieve maximum yields. Before planting, you will need to take care of buying high-quality seeds, choosing fertile soil, and watering it sufficiently.

An important role in the cultivation of Exhibishen is the correct hardening of seedlings.

After the fertile potting mix is ​​ready, pour it into the crates. It is recommended to plant seeds as often as possible, deepening them into the ground by about 1 cm. Cover the boxes with plastic foil and put them in a dark place. Seedlings should appear in about 2 weeks - when this happens, remove the film and transfer the boxes to a better-lit place.

Growing Luca Exibition from seedlings

Sowing seeds

It is easier to work with seeds than with seedlings, which explains the popularity of this method.... In the month of March, you will need to prepare the planting material () and stick it on paper strips - this is necessary so that the plants are distributed as evenly as possible over the garden bed. Before starting work, prepare a sticky mixture of water, starch and fertilizers, to which you will then attach the seeds.

He will tell you how to grow onions from seeds.

To keep the bulbs as long as possible, watering will need to be reduced by the end of summer.

For seed planting, start preparing the soil in the fall - loosen it, remove weeds, add mineral fertilizing. In the spring, you will again need to thoroughly loosen the soil, make approximately the same grooves in it, into which you then lay ribbons of paper with seeds (be sure to sprinkle them with earth).

Growing Onion Exible from seeds

Care rules

The main care of Exhibiting onions consists in its abundant watering, maintaining the optimum air temperature (the culture loves warmth), regular feeding and good lighting. When the third leaf appears, pinch the seedlings. Leave the green feathers as they are to keep the heads large enough. This one will tell you about the rules for watering onions.

Before planting the seedlings, abundant watering is carried out - otherwise the seedlings will not be well separated.

Care conditions:

Incandescent lamps are not suitable for illuminating Exibishen seedlings.



Exibishen is an onion variety with a sweetish characteristic taste, which is used for making salad. It is unpretentious in care (special conditions are not required), but has a short shelf life (up to 4 months). It can be grown by seeds and seedlings; special attention must be paid to the fertility of the soil to obtain large yields.

For gardeners, there is a certain list of crops grown on the plots. The bow is sure to be included in the list in the first positions. Among the generally accepted varieties, there are also extraordinary ones, the cultivation of which is not so popular, but no less interesting. Onions are grown for the purpose of producing greens or turnips. Onion Exibition differs from other representatives of the species in basic parameters. In the article we will tell you about the cultivation of Exibishen onions, give recommendations on planting, caring for a vegetable crop.

Description of the Exibishen onion variety and its characteristics

The Exibishen onion variety is bred by Dutch breeders. It differs from the usual varieties:

  1. Taste characteristics. The lack of bitterness and the sweetish mild flavor inherent in the variety favorably distinguishes it among its brethren. Suitable for fresh consumption for people with digestive tract problems.
  2. By weight. One bulb of a perennial herb, when sown with seeds, grows to a mass of 500-800 g. Records in weight grown by seedlings reach a value of 1 kg.
  3. Smell. A pleasant, not harsh aroma does not bother when consumed. And when slicing, it does not irritate the eye receptors and does not stimulate lacrimation.
  4. Growing technology. Not every summer resident is able to grow the variety. It requires the ability to correctly choose the seedlings, regularly care for the plant during the growing season. Onions do not store well. Under optimal temperature conditions (+ 4 ° С), it can withstand the period until the New Year holidays. Therefore, beginners are more likely to prefer traditional onion varieties for on-site cultivation. Read also the article: → "".
Grow sweet giant onions at home to enrich your diet.

Methods for growing Exibishen onions at their summer cottage

There are two main ways:

  • seedling;
  • direct sowing into the ground.

Exhibiting onion is a medium late variety. The ripening period of the culture lasts 95-115 days. Therefore, in regions with a short summer, it is possible to grow a variety only by seedling. This will guarantee a decent harvest.

When sowing in the ground, there is no need to care for the seedlings, which significantly saves time. But, larger bulbs are obtained by seedling. In the first year, a high-quality set is formed, and the next - giant bulbs. There are nuances when growing seedlings of any culture. Onion Exhibition is no exception. Therefore, summer residents get out of the situation by purchasing a ready-made set for planting. Let's take a look at both growing methods.

Technology of the seedless method of growing Exibishen onions

This method is great for growing onions in large areas. The bulbs will not necessarily reach a kilogram weight, but they will not be small (up to 250 g). For home use, this is quite enough. Admirers of the seedless method are summer residents who do not have enough space to grow onion seedlings in the spring. After all, at this time you have to grow seedlings and other crops.

For Exhibiting onions, the garden bed is equipped with a shelter to protect the plantings from low temperatures. But, in the northern regions, it is better not to use this method. Gardeners who grow Exhibishen onions in a seedless way recommend sticking the seeds on paper tape. There is no unequivocal opinion on this matter. There are opposite options for this procedure:

  • delays the germination of seedlings and increases labor intensity;
  • facilitates sowing and reduces time spent.

Provide enough space for the seedlings to allow the adult bulbs to gain maximum weight.

Tip # 1. Sow carrots next to the Exhibichen onion to protect it from pests.

Sowing Exhibishen onion seeds for seedlings at home

This option takes more time and effort. Sowing onion seeds for seedlings is carried out in early spring. Optimally - the end of February or the beginning of March. Seedling growing stages:

  1. Seed preparation. When selecting seed material, they are carefully monitored so that frozen seeds or with traces of mold do not get on the sowing. Soak healthy ones in warm water for 3-4 hours. Drain off water, wrap with a damp cotton cloth, set aside for 48-62 hours. Disinfection is carried out for 8 hours with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram / 1 liter), in which the seeds are kept for 8 hours. At the same time, the temperature of the solution is maintained at about 40 ° C.
  2. Preparing the soil mixture. The onion responds well to the peat mixture, improved by the introduction of complex fertilizer (mineral). The second option is sod land, humus, rotted mullein (10: 9: 1).
  3. Preparation of containers for sowing. A landing box or cassettes will do.

Provide seedling containers with optimal lighting and temperature conditions so that the seedlings develop normally.

Types of purchased soil for growing seedlings of Exhibichen onions

Delicate seedlings are sensitive to the composition of the soil in which they grow. The health and strength of plants depends on the balance of nutrients.

Name Advantages disadvantages
Terra vita or Living Earth Natural balanced composition.

The presence of vermicompost, microelements.

Release in several versions.

Ready to use.

Requires the addition of Agrovermiculite.
"Microparnik" Soil with a neutral environment.

Suitable for growing onion seedlings or forcing greens.

Do not apply in pure form. Requires the addition of sand or sawdust.
"Universal" Contains mineral components with a minimum amount.

Natural composition - peat and semi-rotten sawdust.

Enrichment with vermicompost is required (at least 20%).
"Earth - Mother" Contains vermicompost and humates.

Suitable for feeding seedlings.

Not loose enough.

Requires the introduction of Agrovermiculite or sawdust (semi-rotten).

Exhibiting onion seedlings care at home

Exhibiting onion seedlings are tender and thin. In order to obtain high-quality seedlings at the output, it is necessary to provide conditions for the development of seedlings. Seedling care consists in:

  1. Compliance with the optimal temperature regime. Variations of the parameter are admissible in the range from + 10 ° С to + 22 ° С.
  2. Proper watering. Warm water is used, watering is regular and moderate, without moisture stagnation.
  3. Top dressing. It is necessary to add 1 g of complex fertilizer to 1.5 liters of water daily.
  4. Airing. Do it regularly 2 times a week.
  5. Hardening. They start no earlier than two months after germination. This period is obtained two weeks before disembarking in the garden. The first decade of May is the optimal time for planting seedlings for permanent residence.

Tip # 2. Trim the feathers of the onions if they begin to droop during the growing season. The length of the remaining feather is 10 cm.

Correct planting of Exible onion seedlings in the ground

Fortified seedlings are planted under the open sky. The process begins with the selection of a lighted area with drained and loose soil. For good growth of seedlings in the ground, the following conditions are required:

  • neutral or slightly acidic soil;
  • the introduction of manure is not recommended, which threatens the looseness of the bulbs;
  • the holes are made small (the diameter of the finger is enough);
  • the roots are buried by 3 cm;
  • withstand the 20x30 landing pattern;
  • comply with the requirements for the care of the sevk.

Seedling care includes standard parameters:

  1. Watering that is carried out regularly, but in moderation. It is stopped at the end of July to prevent the bulbs from becoming watery. This will negatively affect the shelf life of the Exhibiton onion.
  2. Loosening is done after the plants are watered.
  3. Mulching that prevents the soil from drying out.
  4. Prevention and control measures for diseases and pests.
  5. Feeding. Complex fertilizers are used. Nitrogen is strictly rationed.
  6. Weeding to remove weeds. It is carried out carefully so as not to harm the delicate bulbs.

Tip # 3. Do not pluck the feathers of the onions during the growing season to get large heads.

Make the holes for seedlings the optimal size so as not to damage the delicate roots.

Types of mulch for onion beds in a summer cottage

Name Advantages disadvantages
Sunflower or buckwheat husk The soil does not overheat and remains moderately moist. Pulls nitrogen from the soil.
Hay or straw Suppresses weeds with a small layer.

Contains food for worms.

Keeps the soil from erosion.

Retains moisture.

For planting, onions require chopping.

The need for shelter during storage.

Sawdust Great for mulching small crops (onions) A thin layer does not protect against weeds.

Partially acidify the soil.

Before sowing or planting bulbous seedlings, gardeners sow siderates. Read also the article: → "". The best siderates for bulbous ridges.

Name Dignity Minuses
Mustard Fast germination.

Enrichment of the land with organic matter, potassium, sulfur.

Essential oils in the composition serve as protection against pests.

Insufficient nitrogen content.
Rape Acts like mustard. Not suitable for sandy soils.
Lupine An excellent alternative to manure. No explicit ones have been identified.

Gardeners' mistakes when growing Exibishen onions on their plots

When growing giant onions, summer residents make typical mistakes that affect productivity:

Questions of gardeners on the technology of growing onions Exibishen

Question number 1. What are the nuances of planting Exhibichen onion sets for the winter?

Sevok is planted at the onset of the first frosts, when they last stably for some time. At the same time, the following conditions are met:

  • temperature regime of air during the day up to + 5 ° С, at night no more than –3 ° С;
  • the upper layers of the soil are not cooled below + 3 ° С.

They begin to grow seedlings in November at an average air temperature of + 5 ° C. For planting, select a small set. with this method, the crop is ready for harvest in July.

Question number 2. Is it realistic to get a harvest of Exhibiting onions in one season?

Yes, it is quite. Bulb weight will be the only different parameter for different growing methods. With direct seeding into the ground, they do not grow to their maximum value. At the same time, chemical preparations are not used, due to the fact that onions strongly accumulate constituent components in themselves.

Question number 3. Is it possible to protect onion plantings from pests in a natural way?

Planting alternately rows of onions and carrots significantly heals both plants.

Question number 4. How to accurately determine the harvest time of the Exhibichen onion?

Lodging of greenery is a signal to start harvesting. If the deadline is missed, the bulb will re-root and the onion will not be ready for storage.

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