Home Blanks for the winter My role as a subject of political science. Personality as a subject of politics. Political socialization of the individual. Personality traits necessary for a successful politician

My role as a subject of political science. Personality as a subject of politics. Political socialization of the individual. Personality traits necessary for a successful politician

2. Personality as a subject and object of politics

In solving the problem "personality - politics", it is important to determine the place and role of a person in public life, in political activity, in government. Most of the political doctrines are based on the interests of a person, his freedom, as a priority value. The forward movement of society is a movement from lack of freedom to freedom, in the course of which the creative potential of the individual is realized, universal human values ​​and democratic ideals are embodied. The entire development of society, from the economy to the spiritual sphere, is aimed at meeting human needs, at his all-round development. Does the economy depend on the person? Of course. From what place a person occupies in production, from how he behaves in production, from his labor activity, conscientiousness, interest in work, etc. The social sphere and social relations directly depend on a person and his ability to realize all economic successes to ensure life, everyday life, and working conditions. In the development of the political system, a lot depends on the political maturity, education, and initiative of a person. Increasing attention to the individual, its social qualities, social and political consciousness and behavior is closely related to the reorganization of the education system, upbringing, culture, morality.

The concept of "personality", expressing the social essence of a person, exists in an indissoluble connection with the concept of "society". Personality is a person who embodies concrete historical social relations, influencing them to the extent of his strength and abilities and depending on the position he occupies in society.

Psychologically, the political activity of an individual is due to the human need to belong to a society, that is, a community, to identify oneself with one's nation, social stratum, group, political party, association. Often a person joins politics in order to become precisely a part of a social community. This relieves loneliness, makes you feel the strength and ability to influence the course of political processes. The scientific approach to determining the place and role of a person in society makes it possible to show under what conditions a person becomes a true subject of social relations, a subject of power, to determine the social status of an individual.

What is the social status of a person? This is the place of the individual in the social system in relation to other individuals and groups, the totality of her social functions, as well as her assessment and self-esteem, i.e. a person's understanding of his social significance. The social status of an individual is characterized by economic, professional and other characteristics.

Status is closely related to the political role of an individual. A political role is a dynamic side of a status, its function, a certain behavior. Each person not only occupies a place in the social, political structure of society, but also performs the functions corresponding to this place. The political roles of an individual can be the role of a voter, deputy, member of a political party, socio-political organization, participant in a rally, demonstration, etc.

Thus, a measure of politics, the driving force behind the political activity of a nation, class, political party, political movement, etc. is precisely the personality, its interests, value orientations and goals.

The classification of policy subjects is quite diverse. The most widespread division of them into two main types: social and institutional.

Social encompasses individuals and various social strata, including professional, ethnic, demographic and other groups.

Institutional includes the state, political parties, trade unions, political movements, interest groups, etc.

Sometimes a third type of political actors is also distinguished - functional, covering social institutions designed to solve mainly non-political tasks, although in reality they have a noticeable and sometimes very significant influence on politics: the church, educational institutions, corporations, sports associations, voluntary societies, etc. .NS.

American political scientist Gabriel Almond distinguishes three groups of subjects of politics depending on the awareness and degree of participation in political activity. Firstly, the subjects, clearly aware of their goals and ways of their implementation and using institutional mechanisms for this (political parties, political movements, etc.). Secondly, the subjects, driven by concern for the realization of their immediate, local, everyday interests and are not aware of the political consequences of their participation, their political role. Third, the subjects are subjects who understand their political role and purpose, but do not see the opportunity to go beyond them, to independently influence political life.

To be a subject of politics, i.e. its conscious guide, it is possible only in a democratic society, where political rights and freedoms prevail, there is completeness and reliability of information, publicity, the ability to propagandize and defend their convictions, at their discretion to participate in various forms of political life.

Totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, in which political life is strictly regulated by the state or party, are characterized by the lack of opportunities for independent, creative participation of the individual in politics. Here, the personality is not a subject, but only an object of politics, i.e. executor of someone else's will. At the same time, its participation in political life (demonstrations, processions, various kinds of political actions) is not excluded, which, however, is carried out formally on a voluntary basis, but essentially on a compulsory basis. Soviet times are rich in examples of this kind.

An individual can act as an object of politics in a democratic regime, but only to the extent that he is obliged to comply with the constitution, laws, government orders, norms of community and other regulations that ensure a normal, civilized life of society.

In recent years, two contradictory tendencies in the relationship between the individual and politics have emerged: an increase in interest in politics, since it significantly affects the life of every person, and the loss of confidence in its officials, who constantly resort to lies and deception of the people, do not fulfill their promises and election programs.

In this regard, is it possible to talk about a person as a subject of politics? The term "subject of politics" refers to the one who creates politics, takes an active and conscious part in it. Political science considers a social group to be the main subject of politics, the interests and mode of functioning of which determine the possible sphere of political activity of the individual. In this regard, the personality turns out to be a secondary, derivative and service subject of politics, not so much the subject of the totality of social relations as the direct subject of political practice.

Not a professional politician, but an "average" person becomes a subject of politics if he knows what the social needs and interests of various social groups are, what causes the contradictions between them, what are the ways to resolve these contradictions, what is the connection between his own needs and interests and the state of social opportunities their satisfaction. But this is not enough either. An individual as a subject of politics must navigate the rules and mechanisms of the political "game" in society, know what she wants and can take a place in this game. Only under these conditions does a person become a full-fledged subject of politics.

Objective factors of a person's political activity affect her both positively (shaping her political activity) and negatively (forcibly including her in political life). An individual can live outside politics for a certain time, but such isolation is artificial: when the results of real politics threaten the interests of not only the belonging group, but also personal interests themselves, the individual is necessarily included in political activity.

The specific participation of an individual in political activity is determined by two factors:

1) motivation, in which the defining dominants are the abilities and ambitions (claims) of the individual;

2) the presence of social conditions in which these abilities and ambitions can be realized.

Only a person whose abilities and characteristics correspond to current political demands can influence political life in certain specific conditions.

In general, the political influence of an “ordinary” citizen depends on the following factors:

a) the social status of the individual (class affiliation, profession, place in the professional and social hierarchy, degree of maturity in life);

b) the connection of his own interests with certain social contradictions and conflicts;

c) the volume and social significance of the social roles performed, the degree and effectiveness of the implementation of the requirements for these roles;

d) their own efforts and ability to conduct political activities;

e) the strength of social barriers and restrictions on the activity of the individual (group privileges, various kinds of qualifications: property, educational, national, religious; the burden of traditions, etc.);

f) the political consciousness and culture of the individual, his political orientation, the professed system of values.

The legal system existing in society, which defines the boundaries and permissible norms of political activity, is of great importance in the development of the political subjectivity of the individual. They are reflected in the officially proclaimed (first of all, in the Constitution) civil rights and obligations, and in the system of their guarantees (both formal and material).

A person could participate in political life only as a member of official structures with strict regulation of political functions. In advanced societies, there is a tendency to "bring" the individual to the fore in politics. This is predetermined by the development of democratic tendencies in society and the world as a whole, by the growing distrust of political institutions, and the achievements of the ITR in the media sphere. Not...

Separating management functions from society. Third, through the development of democracy, society satisfies the need of its members to participate in the management of state affairs. Section I. Personality as a Primary Subject and Object of Politics Analysis of a person's place in political life opens a large section of political science devoted to subjects of politics. Usually, subjects are understood as ...

... the international states of the world do not in any way question the recognition by them, as well as by the international community as a whole (UN), of the status of an individual, of any person as a source of power, the primary and main subject of politics. To guarantee such a personality status, to ensure the real or potential transformation of every citizen into a conscious and free subject (subject-participant) of politics and ...

In our time, everyone is trying to solve it in one way or another. 4. Typology and functions of leaders The richness of the concept of political leadership is reflected in its typology. There are various classifications of leadership. First of all, depending on the attitude of the leader to his subordinates, it is divided into authoritarian and democratic. Authoritarian leadership involves one-man influence based on ...

Personality as a subject and object of politics 2


The personality is the primary subject of politics. As a political subject, it is characterized by the possibility and degree of influence on political processes in society and mainly on political power. Whatever significant role social groups, mass social movements, political parties play, ultimately its main subject is the personality, since these groups, movements, parties and other organizations themselves consist of real personalities and only through the interaction of their interests and will are determined by the content and the direction of the political process, the entire political life of society.

the ideal of most political doctrines, movements, organizations. Of course, concrete political practice is far enough from this ideal. Therefore, the development of issues related to the political role of the individual is important for modern political practice. The personal dimension of politics is extremely important when analyzing current political processes, conflicts and situations. The problem of the personal factor in politics is the problem of the relationship between the individual and society, the individual and the state, the processes of political socialization of the individual and his participation in political life.

The problem of personality has at least three main aspects in political science:

1. Actually a person with his inherent individual traits and qualities: intellectual, emotional, strong-willed;

2. An individual as a representative of a group: status, class, socio-ethnic, elite, masses, etc., as well as a performer of a certain political role: a voter, a member of an organization, a parliamentarian;

3. Personality as a conscious, active participant in the social and political life of a person, who usually interacts with the authorities and acts as a subject and object of the influence of politics.

The most influential of these are the teachings of Confucius, Plato and Aristotle.

Confucius developed a paternalistic concept of the state, according to which the state was presented as one large patriarchal family, in which all power belongs to the ruler-father. In the paternalistic concept of power, the ordinary person is given the role of a simple executor of the royal will, that is, a passive, unconscious participant in politics.

In the teachings of Aristotle, the political life of society was considered in relation to human nature. Aristotle considers the individual to be political in nature due to his natural predestination to live in a society, a collective. In the state, as the highest form of communication between people, the nature of the human being is realized - the individual becomes an organic part of a living and integral political organism. Although Aristotle advocates the priority of the state in relations with the citizen, in contrast to Plato, he is opposed to the stateization of society. In general, Aristotle, like his predecessors, does not separate the individual and society from the state.

In the political concept of Machiavelli, man was viewed as a negative beginning, and the relationship between people was characterized by the formula "man to man is a wolf." People unite in a crowd of dark and uneducated people. According to Machiavelli, the ruler should consider all people evil. However, he was also a theorist of the organizational behavior of people. The theory of elites, the technology of effective leadership, is associated with his name.

The role of the individual in politics in general has been considered in many political doctrines. However, it was predominant to consider the role of prominent politicians in relation to the activities of the masses, classes, or even the crowd. In political teachings, it was mainly about the political role of prominent personalities - statesmen, leaders of political movements, ideologists, leaders, etc., those who had a noticeable influence on politics and the masses. Therefore, the policy is often personified, gets the name of the one who defined or implemented it. At the same time, the question of the role of an “ordinary” or “mass” personality in politics turned out to be least of all elaborated. And only in the second half of the XX century. under the influence of the collapse of totalitarian regimes and the further democratization of public life, this direction in political doctrines began to be given quite serious attention.

Politics in any form is reflected in one way or another in the fates of ordinary people. In this sense, we can say that the final object of politics is always the ordinary citizen. This circumstance determines the active position of the ordinary citizen in political life, that is, to act as a subject of politics.

The active involvement of the individual in the political process requires certain prerequisites. They can be divided into three groups: material, socio-cultural and political and legal. Experience shows that for a person to participate in normal political activity, the primary satisfaction of his vital needs is necessary. It is noticed that the richer a society, the more open it is to democratic forms of functioning. The level of well-being has a significant impact on a person's political beliefs and orientations.

A necessary condition for ensuring effective opportunities for the influence of the individual on the state and its organs is the political culture of the individual, in particular such a cultural factor as education. There is a well-known Leninist saying that an illiterate person stands outside politics. This means that an illiterate person, outside of a personally conscious policy, is the object of political action and not their subject. And vice versa, the higher the level of education of a person, the more he is politically oriented and, most importantly, predisposed to democratic orientations, attitudes and actions.

culture, legal security of democratic procedures for the formation of all structures of power, participation of members of society at all stages of political decisions.

Thus, the political activity of an individual is based on a set of certain prerequisites that either contribute to the development of political activity, the disclosure of the potential qualities of a person as a public and political figure, the formation of an individual as a real subject of the political life of society, or significantly complicate all these processes and preserve political apathy and passivity. ...

The problem of the individual as a subject of political activity is not limited only to the conditions in which his political functions are carried out. Much depends on the political activity of a person, on the degree to which he realizes his role as a subject of politics. In this respect, two aspects are usually distinguished - the participation of ordinary citizens in public and political life and the political activity of persons for whom politics becomes practically a professional occupation.

The term “political participation” is used to denote the actions of ordinary citizens in the sphere of politics. It usually means the participation in politics of autonomous, private citizens who are neither political leaders nor functionaries of power structures or political parties. Political participation involves overcoming the alienation of the individual from power and politics, and its active involvement in the political process.

The political activity of citizens is different. In modern democracies, the political activity of citizens appears mainly through participation in voting in elections, referendums, in various forms of pressure on power structures when making and implementing certain important decisions.

and organizers of such actions of citizens as participation in election campaigns, demonstrations, rallies, collection of signatures for petitions, etc. The bulk of the population shows a moderate interest in politics and is limited to voting in elections and occasional participation in events of local bodies. A sharp increase in political activity occurs during periods of political instability. However, such activity can be destructive.

The participation of citizens in politics is one of the central indicators of the qualitative characteristics of political systems, the degree of their democracy. In a democratic society, this is massive, free and effective participation in resolving issues that affect the essential interests of citizens. In an authoritarian society, part of the population is completely or partially excluded from participation in politics. The totalitarian, on the other hand, seeks to mobilize the maximum share of the population in ritual actions to support the regime.

From the point of view of political subjectivity, the following main types of personality are distinguished:

a) a person with high political activity who participates in political life. Activists are constantly interested in political issues and are informed about them. It can be a citizen - a member of a political or public organization, purposefully and voluntarily involved in political activities; public, socio-political figure; a professional politician for whom political activity is the main, only or main occupation; political leader, leader of the highest authority - formal or informal;

b) personality political observer with different levels of competence, showing interest in politics, but not personally participating in it. If involved, then only under the influence of any arguments or circumstances that she considers dominant. This category of people is also constantly interested in politics, has its own opinion about it and can exert political influence on others, often shaping public opinion;

c) personality is enough

d) with a neutral, negative or indifferent attitude towards politics;

e) apolitical and alienated person with a negative attitude to their participation in politics, not interested in it and knowing little about it.

Mostly from among them, leaders are nominated to lead political movements and institutions. And vice versa, those who are alienated from public life have a negative attitude to politics and are inert. Of course, passive, apolitical and alienated citizens cannot be genuine subjects of politics. They are most often the object of political manipulation.

The basis of the differences between active and passive participants in social and political life is the motives and attitudes by which specific individuals are included in political activity.

AND sociocentric. Egocentric motives are those that focus on the individual's own personality. Sociocentric (or public) - motives concentrating on the welfare of a broader social group of people, national community, residents of a certain region. These two behavioral motives are often combined, mutually reinforcing, and leading to the same type of action.

What are the reasons why, under the same conditions, one person is willing to take part in political life, and the other will shy away from it. In this situation, the reasons for the activity of one and the passivity of the other should be sought in their personality traits, family upbringing, social environment, and lifestyle.

What personality traits of an adult or a young person contribute to a departure from politics, the adoption of a more or less consciously apolitical role in society? The political activity or passivity of an individual is a consequence of a number of personal qualities.

First of all, it is the strength of individuality, which includes such traits as self-confidence, in one's own competence, a tendency to communicate, a desire for self-affirmation, an attempt to prove one’s superiority, etc. These traits are positively correlated with participation in political and public life. Most people who avoid politics show a weak individuality, lack of confidence in their strengths and capabilities.

The personal involvement of an individual, which makes him take an active part in various life situations, correlates positively with participation in political life. People who also show weak involvement and passivity in other life situations avoid politics and participation in public life.

Their high intellectual level, interest in learning new things have a positive effect on people's attitude to politics, and avoiding participation in political life is often characteristic of people with low intellectual activity.

Psychologists believe that participation in politics can be facilitated by extroverted inclinations characteristic of people who are most ready and directly responsive to external events, seeking communication with others and feeling good in their society. And the opposite, introverted tendencies, characteristic of a person, whose thinking activity is directed mainly at his own inner world of feelings and emotions, and represent the psychological prerequisite for "escape from politics."

The need to release internal tension often inclines people to participate in social activities, but at the same time interferes with the achievement of success in it. People with a very strong psychological tension and aggressiveness fail and therefore avoid participating in politics. At the same time, persons free from aggressiveness and psychological tension do not seek to participate in politics and may even avoid it because of the conflicts associated with this tension.

Participation in political activity can be influenced by the example of a popular political leader, the idea of ​​the sufficiency for participation in politics of simple common sense. Under the influence of the mass media propagating political ideas in a popular form, many people consider themselves entitled to make political assessments and recommendations.

It should be borne in mind that social and political activity is not an ordinary measure of general vital activity, but it can coincide with it in various ways. Usually, four main types of people are distinguished from the point of view of the ratio of political activity (or its absence) with other forms of activity.

First, these are people who are active in all areas of life; secondly, people who are active in non-political areas, but passive in the political sphere; thirdly, people who are weakly active in non-political areas of life, but very politically active; fourthly, people who are passive in all spheres of life.

Thus, an individual can become a true political subject only in a democratic society and a state governed by the rule of law, subject to a high political culture, active joint activity with other individuals and if there are conditions for political activity.


The formation of an individual as a subject of politics occurs gradually, as a person socially matures in the process of his political socialization.

Political socialization it is the process of a person entering the world of politics; the formation of political ideas, orientations and attitudes; assimilation of experience, norms and traditions of political culture.

the position of a person based on the assimilation of social experience, his civil formation.

In the process of political socialization, a person receives certain knowledge about political life, acquires the skills of social and political activity, which allow him to become a full participant in political relations. At the same time, the formation of certain orientations, preferences, tastes, attitudes of the individual in the sphere of political reality is also taking place.

As a result of political socialization, political consciousness is formed, the foundations for its political behavior are laid. However, the socialization of the individual does not imply the passive assimilation of the values ​​cultivated by the political system. Political practice, the individual's own social experience and the development on this basis of a rational political behavior adequate to the emerging realities are of great importance.

The pace and degree of socialization is determined by many factors.

c) biopsychological characteristics

d) self-education

1. This is a purposeful effort of the political system to educate the population politically. These include, first of all, the socializing impact of studying political science, historical and social sciences in educational institutions, the influence of official propaganda, propaganda of political parties and movements, especially during election campaigns.

2. This is a spontaneous influence on the political consciousness and behavior of the individual of social and political practice at the macro level - international and domestic political realities, global problems of our time, the economic and social situation, individual political events, etc. True, the spontaneity of this influence is relative: it is mediated by means mass media, contributing to the interpretation of social and political practice.

in beliefs, their verification by personal experience, departure from some illusory ideas. Personal experience helps a person

to correct previously acquired ideas, to assimilate new values ​​and patterns of political behavior.

The political socialization of the individual begins in childhood and continues throughout life. In its most general form, it can be divided into two stages.

The first stage is the formation of a personality, its formation as a citizen and obtaining the constitutional right to participate in elections. At this stage, there is an accumulation of political knowledge, the assimilation of basic political values ​​and orientations.

At the second stage, political socialization continues with the use of the experience of one's own political activity, the development of new social and political roles.

The primary cell of socialization is the family, where the fundamental motivational norms of social behavior, or socialization, of the individual are laid. It has been noticed that the strongest values, norms and political preferences are acquired under the influence of moods in the family. In the process of a child's entry into the world around him, the family acquaints him with some attitudes, which are further reflected in his participation in public institutions. The psychological attitudes and values ​​acquired in the family largely determine the further attitude of a young man or girl to power. Political ideas and values ​​acquired in the family circle (in the process of primary political socialization) can either be preserved or subsequently modified under the influence of further experience of socialization.

Within the framework of the political system, various institutions operate, the purpose of which is to develop the processes of political socialization. They are: secondary school, secondary vocational educational institutions, universities, youth organizations, military service, social and political organization or political party. The role of secondary school is especially important, without which it is difficult to imagine the process of political socialization. In many cases, the level of education affects a person's perception of political reality.

Socialization does not end with youth, it continues throughout a person's life, as he enters certain social groups and movements, and gains experience in the real stream of political events. A definite result of political socialization is the formation of the political culture of the individual. Assimilated political norms and values, attitudes towards the implementation of certain socio-political roles, developed stereotypes and habitual reactions give rise to more or less stable models of behavior in the sphere of politics in a person. A person not only assimilates social experience, but also transforms it into his own values, attitudes, orientations, and actions. The results of political socialization are directly reflected in his practical participation in social and political life, on the degree to which he realizes his role as a subject of politics.

1. Personality as a subject and object of politics.

2.Political socialization of personality: essence, stages, agents.

3. The rights, freedoms, duties of the individual in society.

1. In a civilized society, politics is carried out for people and through people. A person is not only an object, but also a subject of politics, its creator and executor, when he is involved in political-power relations, in the process of decision-making and management.

Already in ancient times, they discussed the relationship between the individual and the state, the place of a person in political life. Can be distinguished three types of correlation between state and personality: 1) personality for the state; 2) the state for the individual; 3) harmonious connection of personality and states... Let's consider each of the types:

1).Personality for the state... In the projects of Plato's ideal state, the person is only an object of power. Plato gives priority to the state over the individual. The state, led by a wise king or aristocracy, must affirm like-mindedness and collectivism, monitor the correctness of thoughts, and regulate a person's life. The question of human freedom, his participation in political affairs is not raised.

2).State for the individual... Modern democratic states are based on a liberal understanding of the relationship between the individual, society and the state. It was liberalism that separated these concepts, affirmed the value of the human person and "from birth" the equality of all people, inalienable human rights: the right to life, freedom, property. The state is created in order to protect natural human rights. The source of power is the individual, and the state is controlled, accountable to the people.

3).Harmonious combination of personality and state... According to social liberalism, the state is assigned a number of social functions: to take care of human rights, social security, employment, health protection. The state should be used to achieve the common good, maintain and improve the quality of life of people. On the basis of Christian teaching, social democratic ideology, the principles of the interdependence of the individual, society and the state are affirmed.

Liberal the principle of the unique value of each human means respect for each person by the state and society. The principle of solidarity- this is a responsible fulfillment by a person of his social duties, everyone's care for everyone and everyone about everyone. Third principle of christian teachingssubsidy means the responsibility of each person for their own well-being. The state should provide support only to those who cannot provide for themselves: minors, the disabled, the elderly.

In modern democracies, people and authorities interact both in the field of politics and in matters of income distribution and social policy. The status of the individual as a source of power, the primary and main subject of politics is generally recognized.

2.Political socialization- This is the process of formation and development of political consciousness and political behavior of a person.

Stages of political socialization:

The child's political world is formed already in preschool period, the most significant development takes place between 11 and 13 over the years, own political "I" is developed by the age of 18, identification with political parties and movements is consolidated at the age 20-30 years old, after which it either increases even more or begins to decrease.

At an early stage, the individual receives and assimilates a certain amount of socio-political knowledge. Then, as a result of social and political practice, this knowledge is tested for viability and is transformed into beliefs regarding the truth or falsity of socio-political actions. On the basis of political convictions and analysis of their own experience, a political orientation personality. It expresses not only the attitude towards politics, but also the attitude towards the forces acting in it (towards parties, the government). Political orientation determines political behavior, since is the source material for identifying ways to meet human needs.

Political socialization agents: family, school, university, labor collective, public organizations, mass movements, political parties.

3. The status of the individual as a source of power, the primary and main subject of politics is generally recognized.

Legal status of a person is a system of rights, freedoms and obligations of an individual recognized by the state. Their content is enshrined in constitutions and is determined by real social relations.

Human rights classification.

1). Human rights are usually divided into civil, political, economic, social and cultural.

2). It is also accepted that all rights are divided into negative and positive, which is associated with a negative and positive understanding of freedom. The negative meaning of freedom defined as a lack of coercion, positive- as freedom of choice, a person's ability to achieve their goals. Negative rights protect personality from the intervention of the state and other people in her affairs and life. These rights are not granted, but protected and guaranteed by the state; they do not depend on the capabilities and resources of the state (equality of all before the law, the right to life and inviolability, etc.).

Positive rights consolidate the obligations of the state, individuals, organizations to provide a citizen with certain benefits: the right to work, rest, education, property, housing, social security in old age, etc. The exercise of positive rights requires sufficient resources, a well-developed economy.

Civil rights and freedoms constitute the basis of the constitutional and legal status of a citizen of the state. They are designed to protect a person from arbitrariness on the part of the state and other people. These are: the right to freedom and equality, to life, freedom from interference in personal and family life, the right to protection of honor and dignity, freedom of thought, religion, belief, etc.

If civil rights determine the relationship of all individuals with each other, then political rights determine the relationship between the state, power and personality. The political ones include legal norms that determine the position of a person in the state, the possibility of his participation in the management of society, holding public office, in the formation of government bodies. Political rights and freedoms include electoral rights, freedom of speech, freedom of information, the right to hold public office, the right to create political organizations, freedom of peaceful assembly, and the right to citizenship.

Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, approved by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948, mentions that everyone has responsibilities in front of society. Rights and obligations form a single whole, they are inseparable. No society is yet able to satisfy all the legitimate needs of its citizens and others. Therefore, excessive attention to the rights and forgetting of the duties of a person adversely affects the relationship between the individual and society. Therefore, it is important to form not only respect for the law prohibiting any actions, but also the moral, political responsibility of people for their actions.


Maltsev V.A. Fundamentals of Political Science. M., 1997.

Mukhaev R.T. Political science. M., 1997.

Political Science: A course of lectures. Ed. Denisyuka N.P. Minsk, 1998.


The personality is the primary subject of politics. As a political subject, it is characterized by the possibility and degree of influence on political processes in society and mainly on political power. No matter how significant social groups, mass social movements, political parties play, ultimately its main subject is the personality, since these groups themselves , movements, parties and other organizations consist of real individuals and only through the interaction of their interests and will are determined by the content and direction of the political process, the entire political life of society.

The concept of "the human dimension of politics" has become firmly established in the political vocabulary of the late XX century. The involvement of citizens in the socio-political process as its conscious participants is proclaimed everywhere the ideal of most political doctrines, movements, organizations. Of course, concrete political practice is far enough from this ideal. Therefore, the development of issues related to the political role of the individual is important for modern political practice. The personal dimension of politics is extremely important in the analysis of current political processes, conflicts and situations. The problem of the personal factor in politics is the problem of the relationship between the individual and society, the individual and the state. , the processes of political socialization of the individual and his participation in political life.


The problem of personality has at least three main aspects in political science:

1. Actually a person with his inherent individual traits and qualities: intellectual, emotional, strong-willed;

2. An individual as a representative of a group: status, class, socio-ethnic, elite, masses, etc., as well as a performer of a certain political role: a voter, a member of an organization, a parliamentarian;

3. Personality as a conscious, active participant in the social and political life of a person, who usually interacts with the authorities and acts as a subject and object of the influence of politics.

The place of a person in political life was generally considered in many political doctrines. Already in ancient times, doctrines appear that differently assess the attitude of the individual to politics and the state. The most influential of these are the teachings of Confucius, Plato and Aristotle.

Confucius developed a paternalistic concept of the state, according to which the state was presented as one large patriarchal family, in which all power belongs to the ruler-father. In the paternalistic concept of power, the ordinary person is given the role of a simple executor of the royal will, that is, a passive, unconscious participant in politics.

In the political concept of Plato, a totalitarian interpretation of the individual was developed. With such an understanding of the personality, the question of its autonomy and political role is deliberately excluded and a person is only an object of power.

In the teachings of Aristotle, the political life of society was considered in relation to human nature. Aristotle considers the individual to be a political being by nature due to his natural predestination to live in a society, a collective. In the state, as the highest form of communication between people, the human nature is realized - the individual becomes an organic part of a living and integral political organism. Although Aristotle advocates the priority of the state in relations with the citizen, in contrast to Plato, he is opposed to the stateization of society. In general, Aristotle, like his predecessors, does not separate the individual and society from the state.

In the political concept of Machiavelli, man was viewed as a negative beginning, and the relationship between people was characterized by the formula "man to man is a wolf." People unite in a crowd of dark and uneducated people. According to Machiavelli, the ruler should consider all people evil. However, he was also a theorist of the organizational behavior of people. The theory of elites, the technology of effective leadership, is associated with his name.

The role of the individual in politics has been broadly considered in many political doctrines, but the predominant one was the consideration of the role of prominent politicians in relation to the activities of the masses, classes, or even the crowd. In political teachings, it was mainly about the political role of prominent personalities - statesmen, leaders of political movements, ideologists, leaders, etc. those who had a noticeable influence on politics and the masses. Therefore, the policy is often personified, gets the name of the one who defined or implemented it. At the same time, the question of the role of an “ordinary” or “mass” personality in politics turned out to be least of all elaborated. And only in the second half of the XX century. under the influence of the collapse of totalitarian regimes and the further democratization of public life, this direction in political doctrines began to be given quite serious attention.

Politics in any form is reflected in one way or another in the fates of ordinary people. In this sense, we can say that the final object of politics is always the ordinary citizen. This circumstance determines the active position of an ordinary citizen in political life, i.e. so that he acts as a subject of politics.

The active involvement of the individual in the political process requires certain prerequisites. They can be divided into three groups: material, socio-cultural and political and legal. Experience shows that for a person to participate in normal political activity, the primary satisfaction of his vital needs is necessary. It is noticed that the richer a society, the more open it is to democratic forms of functioning. The level of well-being has a significant impact on a person's political beliefs and orientations.

A necessary condition for ensuring effective opportunities for the influence of the individual on the state and its organs is the political culture of the individual, in particular such a cultural factor as education. There is a well-known Leninist saying that an illiterate person stands outside politics. This means that an illiterate person, outside of a personally conscious policy, is the object of political action and not their subject. And vice versa, the higher the level of education of a person, the more he is politically oriented and, most importantly, predisposed to democratic orientations, attitudes and actions.

Political and legal factors are also an essential prerequisite for active political participation. These include a democratic political regime, the dominance of a democratic political culture in society, the legal security of democratic procedures for the formation of all structures of power, the participation of members of society at all stages of political decisions.

Thus, the political activity of an individual is based on a set of certain prerequisites that either contribute to the development of political activity, the disclosure of the potential qualities of a person as a public and political figure, the formation of an individual as a real subject of the political life of society, or significantly complicate all these processes and preserve political apathy and passivity. ...


The problem of the individual as a subject of political activity is not limited only to the conditions in which his political functions are carried out. Much depends on the political activity of a person, on the degree to which he realizes his role as a subject of politics. In this respect, two aspects are usually distinguished - the participation of ordinary citizens in public and political life and the political activity of persons for whom politics becomes practically a professional occupation.

The term “political participation” is used to denote the actions of ordinary citizens in the sphere of politics. It usually means the participation in politics of autonomous, private citizens who are neither political leaders nor functionaries of power structures or political parties. Political participation involves overcoming the alienation of the individual from power and politics, and its active involvement in the political process.

The political activity of citizens is different. In modern democracies, the political activity of citizens appears mainly through participation in voting in elections, referendums, in various forms of pressure on power structures when making and implementing certain important decisions.

The most important mechanism for involving citizens in the political process is the activities of political parties, social and political organizations and movements. They are the ones who most often act as initiators and organizers of such actions of citizens as participation in election campaigns, demonstrations, rallies, collection of signatures for petitions, etc. The bulk of the population shows a moderate interest in politics and is limited to voting in elections and occasional participation in local government events. A sharp increase in political activity occurs during periods of political instability. However, such activity can be destructive.

The participation of citizens in politics is one of the central indicators of the qualitative characteristics of political systems, the degree of their democracy. In a democratic society, this is massive, free and effective participation in resolving issues that affect the essential interests of citizens. In an authoritarian society, part of the population is completely or partially excluded from participation in politics. The totalitarian, on the other hand, seeks to mobilize the maximum share of the population in ritual actions to support the regime.

From the point of view of political subjectivity, the following main types of personality are distinguished:

a) a person with high political activity who participates in political life. Activists are constantly interested in political issues and are informed about them. It can be a citizen - a member of a political or public organization, purposefully and voluntarily involved in political activities; public, socio-political figure; a professional politician for whom political activity is the main, only or main occupation; political leader, leader of the highest authority - formal or informal;

The question of who is the subject of the political process has been and remains very controversial. In accordance with the most "ancient" theory, which goes back to the political ideas of Plato and received theoretical substantiation in the philosophy of Hegel and F. Nietzsche, the elite theory, the main subjects of politics are the most gifted, "chosen" people, that is, the elite.

Marxist theory proceeds from the fact that the main creators of history and subjects of politics are social (political) classes headed by a certain political organization, for example, a party. Democratic concepts and theories declare the principles of democracy or the democratic majority as a subject of politics.

Most modern researchers agree that the subject of politics can be any formal and informal organizations that are aware of their political interests and are able to defend them in political confrontation.

There is also another point of view, according to which the subjects of the political process can only be formal subjects of political relations, performing their political functions.

The question of the subjectivity of non-“political” actors, for example, mass social movements, is very relevant for modern Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to dwell on it in more detail.

In Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people ... The people exercise their power directly, as well as through state authorities and local self-government bodies. " Consequently, from a legal point of view, social movements, as a certain part of the people, are still a source of political power and a collective subject of political relations. In addition, they have political powers and legal grounds to exercise their power not only through representative bodies, but also directly - through elections, referendums and mass demonstrations.

Undoubtedly, subject of law and subject of politics - not identical concepts. The effectiveness of the conflict behavior of the "collective subject" in a political conflict depends on its mass character, organization, purposefulness and decisiveness. The velvet revolutions in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and the popular revolt in Kyrgyzstan have clearly demonstrated the ability of the masses to act as subjects and participants in the political process and achieve their goals. Who organized the performances of these "subjects" is a separate question.

The "collective subject" of the political process is not a homogeneous monolithic group. Already at the stage of its formation and development, it begins to be structured into: "activists", "support groups", "ordinary participants", "curious fellow travelers", etc. ", Leaders. For example, in Georgia and Ukraine, the demonstrations of the popular masses were organized (provoked) under well-known political leaders (Saakashvili, Yushenko), and the Polish Solidarity movement nominated its main leaders from its midst. Thus, the former electrician L. Walesa became not only one of the leaders of the movement, but also the president of the country. Leaders who lead the movement are empowered to represent the interests of the entire "collective entity." Thus, subjectivation occurs, and the mass movement itself becomes a “participant in the conflict,” which does not exclude its reverse transition.

Some authors propose to distinguish between concepts such as "subject of politics" and "political subject". For subject of politics political activity is the main one. These include the state, political parties, political institutions and organizations, political leaders, etc. political actors include those who are forced to engage in politics in addition to their main activities (ordinary citizens, social groups, public organizations, etc.). If for the first - formal subjects - political power and powers are an end in itself, for the second - only a means of solving their social, economic and other problems.

The subject of the political process can be a real or potential subject of political relations. It does not matter whether this subject is an institutionalized political actor or has become such only as a result of certain actions or events.

Subject of politics- is an actor of the political process (political relations), the bearer of substantive and practical political activity, capable of influencing the object of politics (power and power relations).

The subjects of politics can be an individual, a social group and an organization, a political organization and a movement, political institutions and state structures; social community (class, nation, ethnic or confessional group, society); political elites or counter-elites; the state, groups of states, the world community, that is, all those who influence the political process in society or in the international arena.

Some researchers propose to classify policy actors as follows:

  • subjects of the social level: classes, ethnicities, groups, individual, electorate, mafia, military-industrial complex, commercial bourgeoisie, etc .;
  • institutional policy actors: state, party, trade union, parliament, president, university, etc .;
  • functional subjects of policy: army, church, opposition, lobby, media, multinationals, etc.

The subject of politics must have the ability and ability to influence political processes, for example, make political decisions or suspend their action, organize political actions or prevent them from being carried out, actively participate in certain political events or deliberately ignore them.

Due to his many qualities or the position held in the political structure, the subject of politics is endowed with certain powers to make decisions concerning the fate of many people. At the same time, an ordinary citizen can also be a subject of politics, if by his actions, his position he is able to attract the attention of wide social strata, the political elite and exert a certain influence on the political process. The subject is active by nature and purposeful in his activities.

In real politics, the subjects, as a rule, are political elites and leaders who can be part of certain political groups, parties, movements, and head state institutions. Large social communities, defending their interests, can also act as subjects of politics. But the heterogeneity of interests and the difficulty of coordinating their activities often lead to the fact that they become the object of manipulation in someone else's political "game".

The role of the subject in the political process, as already noted, is decisive. Therefore, he must also have the necessary volitional qualities and organizational skills in order to attract to his side the number of supporters and appropriate resources necessary to achieve the goal. The tragedy of modern Russian society lies in the fact that the main social strata and classes, due to their passivity and disorganization, are actually removed from politics. Public policy in the country is ostentatious, declarative, and real political decisions are developed and adopted by shadow politics and the shadow economy in the interests of the ruling elite.

Personality as a subject of politics

Personality Is a set (system) of socially significant qualities that characterize an individual as a member of a society, as a product of social development, it is a social characteristic of a person, which is determined by the measure of a person's assimilation of social experience.

In the system of political relations, the person is the bearer of certain political qualities and is an element of the political system.

Some researchers associate the concept of "personality" with an active life position of a person or his involvement in political activity. Thus, V. A. Maltsev believes that “a person is a person when he takes an active social position”, “when the results of real politics threaten the interests of not only the belonging group, but also the personal interests themselves, the person (and not impersonality!) Is necessarily included in political activity ".

Such a definition of personality, in our opinion, is incorrect from a scientific point of view. Any person who has undergone a certain socialization and has mastered socially significant qualities (even negative ones) is a person.

As for social activity or involvement in political activity, these are qualitative characteristics of a person in certain types of activity and have nothing to do with the concept of “personality”. An individual who is socially passive and does not participate in politics can have many very important social qualities, i.e., be a person but are not subject politicians.

Personality as a subject of politics Is an individual who takes an active and conscious part in political activity and exerts a certain influence on the political process.

Even Aristotle said that a person is a political being, since he lives in a state and is forced, one way or another, to engage in politics. To this statement of the ancient thinker, we can add the following: if a person himself does not engage in politics (does not want, does not know how, etc.), then all the same he becomes the object of someone else's politics.

J. Locke for the first time in scientific theory distinguished such concepts as “personality”, “society”, “state”, and put personality in the first place in terms of its importance. This is how a theory arose that presupposes freedom of personal individuality, initiative, enterprise, and subjectivity.

With the emergence and development of civil society, a movement begins from "we" to "I", from an impersonal mass of subjects, guided by the instructions of the authorities, to free individual citizens who are able to defend their political interests.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual. Russian citizens can freely express their views and beliefs (if they are not extremist); join public organizations and movements; to create public organizations and political parties by himself; take part in representative bodies of power; be elected to any representative bodies and power structures; participate in the management of state affairs.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between personality - subject of law and personality - subject of politics. To become a real subject of politics, a person must have a certain political capital, have his own (group) political goals and interests, and engage in political activities for their implementation. An individual who is able to attract significant political potential to his side and is ready to defend his interests in a real confrontation becomes a subject of the political process. The subject of politics, avoiding political struggle, loses its "subjectivity" (the status of the subject of politics). For example, the President of Kyrgyzstan A. Akaev during the popular unrest in the spring of 2005, trying to avoid bloodshed, left the country and lost his presidency. Nicholas II abdicated the throne in February 1917 and turned from a subject of political conflict into his victim.

The following options for the participation (non-participation) of the individual in politics can be distinguished:

  • active active participation, when politics is a profession, vocation or meaning of life for an individual;
  • situational participation, when an individual participates in politics, solving his personal or group problems, or fulfilling his civic duty, for example, taking part in elections or expressing the position of his social group at a political rally;
  • motivated non-participation as a protest against the current policy;
  • mobilization participation when an individual is forced to take part in certain socio-political events or events. Such participation is most characteristic of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes of power;
  • dismissal from any political events, unwillingness to participate in the political process, due to personal apoliticality and passivity.

In the first cases of sin, the person acts as a subject of politics, since in one way or another he can influence the political process. In the cases specified in clauses 4 and 5, the person is not a subject of politics. Apolitical and passive individuals are easily amenable to political manipulation and, as a rule, become an object in "alien" politics. At the same time, it is appropriate to recall the words that have become an aphorism: "If you do not want to engage in politics, then politics itself will sooner or later take care of you."

The degree of a person's involvement in politics depends on a number of subjective and objective factors, including:

  • the level of political culture, civic consciousness and individual social activity of the individual;
  • the degree of infringement of personal and group interests and the desire to protect them;
  • objectively formed conditions and prerequisites that stimulate socio-political changes in society;
  • the socio-political and economic situation that has arisen in the society (region);
  • possession of various types of capital (economic, political, symbolic, etc.), allowing the individual to rely on the support of certain social groups.

The overwhelming majority of ordinary citizens have the opportunity to become (feel themselves) subjects of politics only during certain periods, for example, during elections, referendums, political demonstrations, etc. offer citizens to choose a political "product" that meets, first of all, the interests of the monopolists. Therefore, only a person who has the support of a certain part of the political elite or broad social strata can be a real subject of politics.

In the Russian political system, the number of ordinary citizens - subjects of politics is very limited, since there are no sufficiently developed civil society institutions and an appropriate regulatory framework that would facilitate the involvement of citizens in political activity.

Political actors and political participation

Large social communities become direct political subjects, as a rule, during mass political events: uprisings, revolutions, etc. But in quieter times they participate in the political process through their representatives, that is, indirectly. Therefore, in such cases, the definition of “participants in the political process” is more appropriate for them.

Participants in the political process- these are individuals, groups, organizations, labor collectives, social communities, etc., taking part in certain political events or political life in general.

If the subject of politics, as a rule, has its own interests and goals in politics, its own ways and methods of achieving these goals and shows increased political activity and initiative, then the participant, as a rule, does not possess all the listed qualities. He can consciously or not quite consciously take part in political events, he can accidentally be involved in these events or become their participant but coercion. For example, under the communist regime, the authorities in the USSR forced people to participate in mass political events (subbotniks, rallies, demonstrations, etc.), and various forms of punishment were applied to those who did not want to be "extras" in someone else's political game.

During the development of political events, subjects and participants can change places. Thus, an ordinary participant in a mass political event may realize his interest in politics and become a leader or be elected to a leading political position; and a former political functionary, having lost his legitimacy and his position, can join the ranks of ordinary participants in the political process.

In each state, depending on, on the level of development of civil society and the political culture of citizens, on historical traditions and other factors, one or another form and degree of citizens' involvement in the political process develops. This involvement of citizens in politics is called political participation.

Political participation should be distinguished from similar concepts such as political activity and political behavior.

Political activity is a set of organized actions of policy actors aimed at the implementation of the general tasks of the political system.

Political behavior reflects the qualitative characteristics of participation and activities.

Political participation is the involvement of citizens in the political process, in certain political actions. Here we are talking primarily about the participation in politics of citizens who do not claim the "title" of professional politicians, for example, the participation of ordinary voters in the election campaign.

The involvement of citizens in the political process, as mentioned above, depends on many factors, including the confidence of a particular voter that his vote in the elections will have at least some positive effect on solving his personal problems and on improving the general situation in country.

But in real life, some citizens, disillusioned with the effectiveness of their personal participation in the political process, do not want to participate in it, others do not participate due to their passivity, and others ignore political events for reasons of principle. There is a category of citizens who do not have the opportunities and means to take part in the political process. For example, such people prefer to work in their garden on election day. This problem was also pointed out by Aristotle. In particular, he complained that people of average income are not involved in politics much, as they are forced to earn their living when others are holding protests.

In political theory, the following reasons and grounds for the participation of an individual and groups in the political process are distinguished:

  • striving to realize their interests, to receive benefits from political participation;
  • participation as a desire to protect their interests, for example, to prevent a reduction in production in a particular industry;
  • a desire to express their loyalty to the existing regime of power or to support one or another political party, movement;
  • desire for success in life and public recognition through participation in politics;
  • understanding public duty and exercising one's own civil rights;
  • understanding (awareness) of the social significance of the upcoming political event.

There is also such a mechanism for involvement in the political process as mobilization participation. It involves the use of various methods of coercion or encouragement in order to attract citizens to participate in a particular political event. For example, in the days of the USSR, a person who refused to go to a vote or a rally could be deprived of the thirteenth salary or postponed the queue for housing. In the late 2001 presidential elections in Yakutia, voters were lured to polling stations with valuable gifts.

There are two main forms of political participation of citizens in the political process: direct and indirect.

Direct participation implies that an individual or group personally participates in a particular political event, for example, in the election of parliamentary deputies. Mediated participation is carried out through their representatives. For example, a popularly elected parliament, on behalf of its voters, forms the government, issues laws, that is, it exercises political control over the country.

Researchers of the problem divide the different types of participation into three main types:

  • participation-solidarity aimed at supporting the existing political system;
  • participation-demand or protest aimed at partial or radical change in the existing course of development of society;
  • deviant participation - the use of unconstitutional, including violent, methods with the aim of overthrowing the existing regime (A. Marshall).

The role, significance and forms of political participation largely depend on the type of political system, political regime in the country. In a democratic system, political participation is one of the forms of citizen participation in government. It performs such important functions as making demands for making the necessary political decisions, coordinating the political course of the government and the president, and monitoring the implementation of certain political decisions. Political participation can also confirm or deny the legitimacy of an existing political regime. The most important function of political participation in a democratic society is participation in elections with the aim of forming state authorities. In addition, political participation is an effective form of political socialization of citizens. Taking part in political events, citizens form certain political qualities.

In a totalitarian political system, as a rule, only one form of political participation of citizens is allowed - mobilization. Initiatives not sanctioned by the authorities are punishable. Usually, for the next demonstration of the unity of the people and the ruling elite (party or leader), parades, processions, rallies, election campaigns, forms of holding, the number of participants and the results of which are predetermined by the ruling regime are held. Such mobilization participation is one of the methods of political manipulation and imitation of the real participation of citizens in the political process.

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