Home Preparations for the winter Falling tower crane. Why dream of a crane (tower)? Dream Interpretation Crane (tower)

Falling tower crane. Why dream of a crane (tower)? Dream Interpretation Crane (tower)

Dream Interpretation Faucet

According to the dream book, the crane is a popular symbol that can be easily deciphered thanks to various dream interpreters. To get a correct interpretation, you will have to remember its appearance and purpose. The difference between a faucet and a faucet is striking, and therefore the resulting formulations will also differ.

What to pay attention to?

When you find out what the crane is dreaming of, you must remember every detail that at first glance seems insignificant.

tower crane

Dreamed of construction equipment

In most dream books, one can find interpretations that reveal the reason for the appearance of the building device seen.

Freud's version

I dreamed of a tower crane - a symbol of the masculine principle, according to Freud. If you decide to seek help from the interpretations of a psychoanalyst, then be prepared for the fact that most of the options will be related to intimate life.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Manage a construction crane in a dream - you will be able to help your partner cope with a difficult stage of work. The management will definitely notice your efforts and issue a bonus. The main thing is to do everything with pure thoughts, not counting on praise. To see yourself at work on a cantilever crane is a future acquaintance with an authoritative person.

If you saw prohibition signs hanging on the lift, then this means that it's time to pay attention to the problems of other people. Your selfish beliefs negatively affect your current relationship, and therefore you need to think about this topic.

Miller's interpretation

Lack of water in the plumbing

Opening a faucet from which water has not flowed is soon to be disappointed, and the scale will be significant. If in your dream there was a leaking water supply that did not allow you to concentrate, then in reality financial collapse and bankruptcy await.

When it comes to a tower crane used in the construction of high-rise buildings, you must be ready for a tough challenge to reach your true potential.

Possible problems

It happens that devices become unusable, and therefore it is important to remember the damage that they could cause.

emergency construction

Why dream of a falling lifting mechanism? If you have witnessed such a dream, then be sure to analyze the place of its fall:

  • the roof of the house - to the beginning of depression associated with the lack of support from loved ones;
  • various types of transport - you can get into an accident or fall from a great height, getting seriously injured, and therefore you need to be more careful in the near future.

I dreamed of a falling construction mechanism

If you see how the fall of a working crane begins, then this is a symbol of unstable health. Wangi's dream book says that it's time for you to take up the prevention of various diseases. It is better to localize and prevent the problem than to suffer from its consequences later.

A dreaming crane fell and destroyed an apartment building - to an exacerbation of a chronic disease, and therefore, after waking up, it is better to seek competent help.

Broken mixer

The battery broke in a dream and you can’t stop the flow of boiling water - you should not tell anyone about the planned business related to investing money. Such information may become public, and your benefit will disappear before our eyes.

If you touched the valve and saw it fall to the floor, then any attempts to increase your own capital will be futile. Dream interpreters are advised to seek help from professionals who can guide you on the true path. In Loff's dream book it is written that a fallen crane symbolizes a change of workplace. Oddly enough, but such a radical step will take your life to a new level.

Seeing a rusty faucet in a dream

Seeing a dirty rusty faucet that you can’t close in any way means unsuccessful and unnecessary acquisitions. The best solution would be to invest in bank assets, which can then bring solid dividends.

A fallen faucet cannot be screwed back - you have to learn how to stop in time, and this applies not only to money, but also to your time. Having lost rational thinking, you are threatened with the collapse of expectations.

What has flowed?

Some dreams not only amaze the imagination, but also confuse. The liquid flowing from the tap is not always water, and therefore this aspect will have to be analyzed in detail.


If in a dream blood flowed from a tap, then big troubles await the relatives of a sleeping person, and therefore he is faced with a difficult task - to provide them with everything they need.

Rusty water flowed in a dream


Sweet carbonated drinks flowed from the water supply - fun and carefree times await you. You must enjoy this period of life to the fullest, but do not forget about your future.

I dreamed of rusty and foul-smelling water flowing from a tap - you are on the verge of an emotional breakdown, and therefore it's time to take a vacation and enjoy solitude.


Seeing horror in a dream predicts a strong insult or upset. Remarkable is the fact that someone from close people can do this.

Other points of view

If some kind of liquid appeared in your sink, you will have to remember the smell that came from it:

  • pleasant aromas - to the implementation of the plan;
  • stench - to unpleasant conversations.

If a representative of the strong half of humanity dreamed of how he constantly opens and then closes a valve from which a liquid of unknown origin flows, then in real life he is characterized by self-satisfaction. Freud points out that knowing one's own organism is a wonderful thing, but not when it goes beyond all conceivable boundaries.

To collect water for cooking - family quarrels await you. To prevent them, try to get together with your family more often and express your fears and concerns.

If the fair sex dreamed that she could not turn off the tap, then she would be married to a wasteful person. The female dream book advises to stay away from such personalities, as they can ruin a young family.

If the faucet is leaking, you are recklessly spending finances. If the flow from the tap is strong, the loss will be large. If the tap is closed, be vigilant about your expenses.

Dream Interpretation: what the Screen is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The screen of such a dream means that you will have a party where you will make love with one of the invitees. However, a casual relationship will bring nothing but disappointment. If you break the TV screen, there is a danger of a quarrel with your loved one. You don't accept...

I had a dream "Water faucet"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

It portends domestic problems, family conflicts due to repairs in the apartment, cleaning, putting things in order.

I had a dream "Crane"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A sign that you are not able to cope with the duties assigned to you or with the task set alone, and you better not refuse the help of friends and colleagues. Lifting a load on a hoist is your self-doubt or dissatisfaction ...

Widescreen movie - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Movie). A widescreen film seen means scope for your actions. Give freedom to fantasy - go for it!

Dreaming of "Widescreen Movie" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Do not fall under the influence of someone who will soon be next to you.

Dreaming of "Stop tap" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

There will be some kind of limitation associated with the work,

What does the dream in which Hook (faucet) dream mean

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

"off the hook" - to avoid something bad. “hook”, “hurt” - offend, insult, interest. "crane" - lifting force and power. “Catch someone on your hook” - charm, seduce, make a victim. Hurt.

Dream Interpretation: what the Hook (faucet) is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Jump off the hook - avoid something bad. Hook, hurt - offend, insult, interest. Crane - lifting force and power. To catch someone on your hook - to charm, seduce, make a victim.

The crane is dreaming - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dreamed of a crane, in reality you will not be able to cope with your problems and carry out your plans. We'll have to look for allies, partners, sponsors. A faucet dreams of household chores.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Crane

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dreamed of a crane, in reality you will not be able to cope with your problems and carry out your plans - you will have to look for allies, partners, sponsors. A faucet dreams of household chores.

Why does the Crane dream in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a faucet portends family quarrels and domestic troubles. A fire hydrant seen means the awkwardness that you will have to experience from your own ignorance of the subject discussed in the company of erudite people. Climbing a crane portends the help of friends who will come to the rescue in a difficult time for ...

Crane (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you open a faucet, and water does not flow from it, then in real life you will be greatly disappointed. The dream in which your faucet leaks portends you major losses, up to ruin. If you dreamed that you…

Water tap - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Clogged faucet - usually indicates that you are not able to show your emotions. A rusty faucet is a symbol of the inability to get through to your emotions. Do you need to draw energy from your inner sources? .

Dream Interpretation Online - Screen

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

I dreamed of a cinema screen - soon you will be invited to a party that will smoothly turn into a romantic date with one of the guests. A casual acquaintance will disappoint you. They broke the TV screen - show maximum patience, otherwise you will face a quarrel with a friend. What makes...

What the dream portends: Screen

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The presence of paranormal abilities (prophetic dream).

According to Freud's dream book, a crane symbolizes the penis, if the crane is working, then the dreamer's health and his sexual tone are within the normal range, but if it is broken, then functional failures in the reproductive organs await the sleeper.

What if the crane is dreaming?

Dream Interpretation of the World believes that if you dreamed of a tap from which water flows, then the dreamer expects some changes in his personal life, however, not very significant. The blood flowing from the tap symbolizes the sad events that the dreamer will simply have to endure, since he cannot do anything to change the situation. If a sweet liquid flows from a tap instead of ordinary water, then the dreamer lives in a dream world and does not want to see reality, which is unlikely to have a positive effect on his life.

A water tap in a dream, in essence, indicates that the sleeper will have a lot of household chores associated with the household or the house, but if some actions were performed with the tap (opened or closed), then the dreamer will be alone in his grief. An old, rusty faucet indicates that the dreamer is trying to hide the true state of things from everyone, but if the faucet was also leaking, then the sleeper's troubles are related to money.

A dream in which the sleeper repairs a crane or installs a new one in an old place suggests that, despite the dissimilarity of characters, the dreamer lives quite happily with his soulmate and no sorrows can separate them.

The crane, according to the dream book of the World, indicates the dreamer as a person with a strong character and a developed imagination, which will allow him to finish the job and make a good profit. To see in a dream a crane that moves loads means that the authorities have noticed the dreamer's achievements and are ready to move him up the career ladder, now the main thing for the sleeping person is not to spoil the matter and once again prove his importance.

A fallen crane warns of an unpleasant situation in which the dreamer will find himself, moreover, none of his relatives will want to help him and he will be left alone with his problems. A dream in which the sleeper sits in the crane tower and controls it indicates that he is too categorical of himself, which may prevent him from succeeding.

Ivanov's dream interpretation regards this vision in his own way and believes that the tower crane dreams of career growth or salary increase, and the console crane predicts an acquaintance with an influential person who will be very useful in the future.

What portends?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z is sure that a dream in which a sleeping person climbs a huge crane means that friends who will come to the rescue at the first call will help him deal with problems, it can also talk about a promotion.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen believes that a crane at a construction site is a dream when the sleeper, thanks to his own wisdom and ingenuity, achieves the respect and recognition of society. If the construction crane has fallen or broken, then even the closest people will not support the dreamer, therefore, in solving problems, he will have to rely only on himself; if the dreamer claims a leadership position, then this dream indicates that he will not receive it.

Fedorovskaya's dream book characterizes a vision in which the dreamer carefully watches the crane, but does nothing at the same time, as an urgent need for influential patrons, apparently a misfortune will happen to the sleeper, which he will not be able to cope with on his own.

In principle, as can be seen from the article, a dream with a dreaming crane is not so negative, because it simply warns a sleeping person about possible troubles, so that he can overcome them and quickly achieve his intended goal.

Freud's dream book

Crane as a complex mechanism and a long object- is a symbol of the penis.

Working crane- symbolizes your normal health and good sexual tone.

Stopped crane- symbolizes your disappointment in your regular sexual partner. But all is not yet lost. Maybe just talking heart to heart is enough.

Overturned or broken faucet- symbolizes diseases or functional disorders in the activity of the genital organs.

Modern combined dream book

See a working crane at a construction site- says that your actions will be approved, and your opinion will be listened to.

If you dreamed that a construction crane was falling or falling- do not expect support even from your most devoted supporters. If you are applying for a leadership position- don't get it.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

tower crane- an early salary increase (bonus); career growth.

jib crane- Meet a very influential person.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Climb on a crane in a dream- portends the help of friends who will come to the rescue at a difficult moment in your life and share with you heavy grief.

General dream book

Dreaming crane- portends an urgent need for powerful patrons.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Crane seen in a dream- a sign that you are not able to cope with the duties assigned to you or with the task set alone, and you better not refuse the help of friends and colleagues.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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