Home Preparations for the winter Presentation - Creative project using the “Crochet” technology - Pot holder “Butterfly. Creative project using the technology “Crocheting” Ready-made projects using the technology “girls crocheting”

Presentation - Creative project using the “Crochet” technology - Pot holder “Butterfly. Creative project using the technology “Crocheting” Ready-made projects using the technology “girls crocheting”

Municipal educational institution

Oryol secondary school"


Completed by: Nimaeva Balgit Soyolovna

Student of grade 8 "a" of the Oryol secondary school

Head: Gomboeva Dashima Gonchikovna

Teacher-psychologist, 1st qualification category

Orlovsky, 2010.

I. Selection and justification of the problem

II. The history of crochet

2.1. .

2.2. The healing effect of knitting

2.3. Crochet

III. Crochet technology

3.1. Types of hooks

3.2. Yarn selection and processing

3.3. A few words about workplace organization

3.4. Soft toy manufacturing technology

IV. Economic calculation

V. Bibliography

Selection and justification of the problem

A little bit from the history of knitting.

Do you know that Can knitting have a healing effect? This is real needle therapy!

Why is this happening?



There are crochet hooks metal, plastic, wooden And bone. They are selected according to the thickness of the yarn. Thick hooks are used for knitting items made from wool and thick yarn. Thin metal hooks are used to knit openwork lightweight items. As a rule, the hook should be 1.6-2 times thicker than the thread. But sometimes, to obtain an openwork pattern, they take thin threads and knit them with a thick hook. The quality of knitting largely depends on the correct selection of the hook. Therefore, before you start knitting a product, knit a small sample to make sure that you have chosen the right hook. After finishing knitting, carefully remove all existing thread ends to the wrong side and secure them there. Products made from cotton threads can be ironed through a damp cloth. Products made from woolen threads are lightly steamed through a damp cloth, almost without touching the iron, but only passing it very close to the surface of the damp cloth. Then remove the damp cloth and leave the product on the table for some time until completely dry. This is how individual parts of the product are steamed. Sewn products are lightly ironed at the seams also through a damp cloth. Many products are not ironed at all (hats, openwork and thick scarves). Finished knitted items are washed and dried, laid out on a piece of cloth on a flat surface.

Yarn selection and processing

We'll tell you how to do it.

First exercise:

Second exercise:

Third exercise:

Fourth exercise:

Fifth exercise:

Crochet technology.

Types of loops

Single crochets are called simple columns. After the “braid” is knitted, the hook is inserted into the second loop of the “braid”, the thread lying on the index finger of the left hand is picked up and pulled through the loop. Then they put the drink back on the hook and pull it through both loops on the hook. The second and next columns are performed on the following loops.

Half single crochet

Half double crochets

Double crochets

Double crochets

Columns with elongated loops

Half double crochet with an elongated loop

Columns with air loops

Convex columns

Concave posts


Pico (knot)

Making a piglet

To work you will need: 50 grams of light pink and the remains of dark pink yarn, a thick needle for sewing with wool thread, material for stuffing.

Description of work: torso


Economic calculation


    Maksimova M.V. “Friendly spokes” - M., EKSMO - Press, 2000;

    Giuliano Marelli “The Magic Ball”, LLC Premiere Publishing House, 2004;

    First knitting lessons. – M., AST, Astrel, 2001;

    Stolyarova A. “Knitted toys”, M., Publishing House “Culture and Traditions”, 1997;

    Kozik N.P. “Ideas for those who knit. Minsk, Helton LLC, 1999;

    Pavlovich S.S. "Knitting and crochet patterns." Minsk, Helton LLC, 2000;

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  • Technology


Municipal educational institution

Oryol secondary school"



Completed by: Nimaeva Balgit Soyolovna

Student of grade 8 "a" of the Oryol secondary school

Head: Gomboeva Dashima Gonchikovna

Teacher-psychologist, 1st qualification category

Orlovsky, 2010.

I. Selection and justification of the problem

II. The history of crochet

2.1. Knitting is one of the ancient types of needlework.

2.2. The healing effect of knitting

2.3. Crochet

III. Crochet technology

3.1. Types of hooks

3.2. Yarn selection and processing

3.3. A few words about workplace organization

3.4. Soft toy manufacturing technology

IV. Economic calculation

V. Bibliography

Selection and justification of the problem

In 7th grade we completed the crochet block. I already knew how to knit, and they offered me to knit a soft toy – a pig. Having tied one pig, we decided to tie mom and dad and a few more piglets. At the end of the school year, I formalized my work in the form of a creative project. And recently I knitted the same piglet for my younger sister, a preschooler. This fun toy is easy to make. From the point of view of the technique of mastering crocheting, this craft is interesting in that it allows you to master the following techniques: practicing the evenness and density of single crochet knitting, the technology of narrowing and expanding a knitted fabric, crocheting behind the back wall or both walls of a braid, crocheting knitted fabrics.

Knitting is one of the ancient types of needlework.

A little bit from the history of knitting.

Knitting is one of the oldest types of decorative and applied arts; it has existed for more than three thousand years. We are turning to ancient needlework, the beginning of which is lost in the depths of history. The oldest knitted items discovered in the Old World region date back to the 4th-5th centuries. AD, and in the territory of the New World (Peru) - by the 3rd century AD.
What happened before? After all, the most ancient finds already testify to a highly developed technique of knitting, making patterns, choosing colors, and the period of earlier development was, without a doubt, very long. Therefore, researchers are trying to prove that people really owned and used the knitting technique long before the beginning of our era. In various countries of the East there is supposed evidence of the use of knitted garments in ancient times. A wall painting dating back to approximately the 19th century BC was discovered in the tomb of Amenemkht at Beni Hassan. and depicting Semites. Four female figures among them are dressed in a kind of knitted jackets. In the ruins of Senacherib's palace in Nineveh, a relief of an Iliad warrior wearing socks strikingly reminiscent of modern ones was found. In 1867, William Felkin, in his work on the history of stockings, tried, with the help of more or less logical conclusions, to prove that knitting was known during the Trojan War, during the creation of Homer's Odyssey, and only due to the inaccuracy of translators and copyists, as well as from -due to the possible similarity of the terms, the words “knitting” and “weaving” were replaced. As you know, Penelope, who was awaiting the return of her husband Odysseus, restrained impatient suitors with the promise that she would get married as soon as the wedding dress was ready, but at night she always unraveled what she had woven during the day. In reality, Penelope had to knit, since only knitted fabric, but not woven fabric, can be unraveled quickly, without breaking the thread and without visible marks. And on ancient Greek vases from the time of the Troy War, there are images of captive Troy nobility in narrow, tight-fitting pants, reminiscent of knitted tights from the ceremonial attire of the Venetian doges of the era 2500 years later.

In ancient Rus', little secrets of needlework were passed down from mother to daughter: how to wind yarn on a spindle so as not to break the thread, what herb to add to make a dish tastier. But, unfortunately, many secrets have been lost. If you go to visit your grandmother in the village and take a closer look at the decoration of her house, you will understand that handicrafts have not gone away - they also live and please the eye, just like in the old days.
Nowadays, handicrafts for women are becoming more than just pleasant entertainment. Despite the fact that it is easy and simple for modern women to buy everything in stores, each of us perfectly understands that a purchased sweater is one thing, but a knitted one with our own hands is quite another.
And be one hundred percent sure that your handmade hands will be the envy of women and the admiration of men.
Did you know that knitting can have a healing effect? This is real needle therapy!
Many doctors believe that handicrafts in general, and knitting in particular, have an extremely beneficial effect on the human psyche.
The fact is that our nervous system is characterized by various rhythms - electrical impulses. They arise in nerve cells, muscles and in the nerve fibers connecting them. Specially recording devices note that every second, from eight to twenty similar impulses arise in nerve cells, affecting all functions of the body.
Irritability and bad mood inhibit the activity of these impulses and change their character. As a result, perverted reactions occur from various organs, which are often the direct cause of the disease.
Research shows that nervous tension and all sorts of troubles play a big role in the occurrence of hypertension. Numerous observations also indicate the reaction of the cardiovascular system to mood swings. Moreover, with age, the severity of the impact of emotional experiences on the circulatory organs increases.
Thus, older people often experience arteriosclerosis (thickening and compaction of the walls of blood vessels, and therefore loss of elasticity) or atherosclerosis (chronic disease of the arteries with the appearance of special changes and formations on their walls in the form of so-called atherosclerotic plaques). It is also known that painful emotional shocks can cause myocardial infarction or stroke.
The following sayings are not accidental: “It’s not the years that make you old, but grief,” “Moth eats clothes, but sadness is the heart,” “The day fades into night, and man becomes sad,” “From sadness - weakness, from weakness - death.”
It's no secret that to treat any disease you need medicine. These can be conventional medications, as well as elements of alternative medicine - from herbal medicine to therapeutic exercises and massage.

One of the means of alternative medicine that is absolutely harmless to the body is knitting. In fact, look at how rhythmically the knitting needles “walk” in the hands of a knitter. It is this rhythm that has a beneficial effect on nerve cells. Imagine that you came home from work, where you were in trouble. At home you cannot distract yourself from them, you literally cannot find a place for yourself, you cannot calm down in any way. Yes, the soup was over-salted and the cutlets were undercooked. No need to worry. Just at this moment the knitting needles come to the rescue. As soon as the loops begin to be strung one on top of the other, all the thoughts that worried you go somewhere, sadness begins to be repressed, and calmness sets in. You begin to smile and not take so seriously what happened to you recently.
Why is this happening?
First of all, because knitting is a creative work, moreover, the work is pleasant and not at all tiring. But this does not mean at all that this work is only mechanical. In the process of knitting, a person’s abilities and taste are revealed. Here a creative person approaches an artist in the full sense of the word. We have seen examples of artistic knitting, which in their design and artistic design were close to the works of masters of the brush.
Thus, the process of knitting not only drives away gloomy thoughts, but also promotes a good mood. After all, the result of labor - a beautifully knitted thing - brings complete satisfaction.
It is known that physiologists attach great importance to the influence of a good mood on the human body. They explain it as follows. Pleasant work stimulates (increases) excitation in the corresponding areas of the brain. In this stimulation, a major role is played by the neuropsychic factor, that is, mainly the mood of the worker. Increased tone contributes to the emergence of a leading focus of excitation in the brain. This focus is characterized by significant resistance. In addition, it is able to summarize the entire mass of signals coming to the brain.
The presence of a dominant focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex was first established by I. P. Pavlov. This same phenomenon was studied in more depth by another famous Russian physiologist and academician A.A. Ukhtomsky, who proposed calling this focus the special term “dominant” (from the Latin word “dominance” - dominant). Dominant is a process that determines the direction of excitations in the central nervous system. Thanks to this, each “portion” of new nervous energy entering the brain strengthens the resulting focus of excitation. In addition, this process continues by inertia even when the reason that caused it to act has already exhausted itself, that is, has ceased to have a stimulating effect. That is why the dominant in some cases becomes a powerful source of energy.
Everyone knows that rest greatly contributes to a good mood, and therefore an increase in tone. It relieves fatigue, prevents fatigue, and protects fragile nerve cells from exhaustion.
Everyone knows that rest can be active or passive. As for knitting, doctors consider this process not only as work, but also as a wonderful form of active recreation.
Doctors often recommend knitting as a preventative against various diseases. This is explained as follows. As you know, any disease is a disruption of the body’s vital functions. The causes of such a violation are the influence of stimuli coming either from the internal environment of a person, or from the external environment surrounding him. The onset of the disease is favored by a decrease in the resistance of the body's defenses (decreased immunity, as a result of which many infectious diseases can develop). Many doctors believe that one of the measures that helps restore lost strength is knitting.


You have decided to discover the unusual and wonderful world of knitting and want to surprise all your friends with your skills. You dream of a warm and soft sweater that will warm you up on cold winter days. You want to occupy yourself with something useful in those moments when you are just sitting at the TV watching your favorite series. You can't resist the idea of ​​dressing your child in original and exclusive handmade items. You sleep and see soft, funny toys that you can knit in just one evening. You wouldn't mind charming everyone with your decorated kitchen, crocheting a beautiful napkin, tablecloth, curtain and many other beautiful and pleasant crafts for your home.
Hurry up, pick up your knitting needles, crochet hook, and yarn: we’re heading off to the warm, fairy-tale world of knitted items for all occasions. Crocheting and knitting is simple, varied and accessible to each of us!
Today, the most common types of yarn are: wool, cotton, artificial and natural silk, etc. As with knitting, you can use a wide variety of materials for crocheting - wool, garus, iris, braid, soutache, artificial threads.


Crochet hooks come in metal, plastic, wood and bone. They are selected according to the thickness of the yarn. Thick hooks are used for knitting items made from wool and thick yarn. Thin metal hooks are used to knit openwork lightweight items. As a rule, the hook should be 1.6-2 times thicker than the thread. But sometimes, to obtain an openwork pattern, they take thin threads and knit them with a thick hook. The quality of knitting largely depends on the correct selection of the hook. Therefore, before you start knitting a product, knit a small sample to make sure that you have chosen the right hook. After finishing knitting, carefully remove all existing thread ends to the wrong side and secure them there. Products made from cotton threads can be ironed through a damp cloth. Products made from woolen threads are lightly steamed through a damp cloth, almost without touching the iron, but only passing it very close to the surface of the damp cloth. Then remove the damp cloth and leave the product on the table for some time until completely dry. This is how individual parts of the product are steamed. Sewn products are lightly ironed at the seams also through a damp cloth. Many products are not ironed at all (hats, openwork and thick scarves). Finished knitted items are washed and dried, laid out on a piece of cloth on a flat surface.

Sometimes it’s easier to get a beautiful design using a crochet hook than on knitting needles, and some products, especially openwork ones, can only be made with crochet.
When crocheting, a row is formed not from individual loops, but from columns and chains of loops. The pattern is created by alternating columns of different structures and heights and chains of different lengths.
Thus, columns and chains are the main structural units of a crocheted pattern.

Different combinations of loops and yarn overs create a variety of patterns.
If you knit from thick threads with a thin hook, then the knitted fabric turns out to be very dense, and vice versa, using a thick hook when knitting with thin threads gives a rare fabric with large gaps.

Everything about knitting is very simple. The most important thing is patience and accuracy, as in any other work.

Yarn selection and processing

The best material for knitting products is wool yarn. Recently, artificial yarn with an admixture of cellulose, nylon, nylon, “iris”, as well as cotton, have been used in practice.
The selection of thread thickness is of no small importance. From thin yarn you can knit beautiful lace blouses, scarves, shawls, from thick, fluffy yarn you can knit sweaters, jumpers, coats, etc. For the manufacture of thin products, for example, openwork dresses, women's elegant items, children's items, thin yarn is usually used thread folded in half (No. 32/2). Coats, sports sweaters, socks, knee socks, and bags are knitted from thick yarn.
The thickness of yarn produced by factories is numbered. For example, No. 32/2 is a thin wool thread folded in half. For knitting, such a thread should be folded in half, three, or four times, depending on the purpose of the product. Often, when describing models, the number of folds of this thread is indicated.

A few words about the organization of the workplace.

We will talk about the main points in organizing the workplace. But there are also a number of nuances, knowing which, you will not only be able to avoid spinal curvature or stoop, but also significantly improve your physical condition. Don't believe that knitting improves your posture?! Check it out for yourself!
It is traditionally believed that knitting spoils posture. This inevitable evil usually has to be tolerated. But it turns out that knitting can actually correct your posture rather than spoil it. True, for this you need to follow several rules and alternate the load on the muscles.
We'll tell you how to do it.
Your chair or armchair should have a hard or semi-soft seat and a straight back. It is desirable that the light falls on the hands not only from the left, but also from above, and also slightly from behind. When knitting, you should sit like this: the lower edge of your shoulder blades rests against the back of the chair, and your lower back moves slightly away from it. The feet are placed on the floor, parallel to each other if possible, the knees are slightly raised (if the chair or armchair is high, place a stool or stand under the feet).
In this case, the elbows should be pressed to the side of the body, the shoulders should be straightened. Sit in this position for a few minutes, and you will immediately feel that you have become more poised.
What is the secret of the influence of posture on posture? In this position, the main load falls on the extensor muscles to maintain the appropriate posture. These muscles work extremely hard in what is called isometric mode, which means they essentially train every day. In this regard, the volume and strength of the extensor muscles, responsible, among other things, for posture, quickly increase. The muscles of the back and lower back become so strong that they prevent the knitter from slouching, and she prefers to maintain good posture because it is more comfortable.
So, posture is the foundation of good (or bad) posture. But to correct stooping and improve posture, one pose is not enough; you cannot do without the correct alternation of loads and rest. Without the good recovery that occurs during rest, fatigue in the muscles, ligaments and joints inevitably leads to poor posture.
Sitting in the correct position with knitting needles for 10-15 minutes out of habit is not very comfortable. This is understandable - fatigue is growing. This means that rest is necessary, but in this case not simple, but active. At first, such active rest for 5 - 6 minutes is needed every 10 - 15 minutes of knitting.
Rest can consist of five exercises, which are performed for 45-50 seconds with a 10-15 second break to restore breathing.

First exercise:
Walk in place, raising your legs high and swinging your arms vigorously.

Second exercise:
From a standing position, arms down, legs wider than shoulders, straighten your torso, raising your arms up, and then do 3-5 bends, reaching the floor with your hands: in front of you, to the right and left of your legs.

Third exercise:
From a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, perform an imitation of boxing with your hands alternately with maximum turns of the body to the right and left.

Fourth exercise:
From a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips, bend your body to the sides with a swing of the opposite arm above your head.

Fifth exercise:
From the starting position, standing, arms down, feet shoulder-width apart, relax the muscles of the torso and arms as much as possible and rise on your toes, as if jumping.

First, you will have to constantly monitor how you sit. As you master the correct pose, you will feel that it has become familiar and even comfortable for you. From now on, you can rest assured that knitting will improve your posture if... You don’t forget about rest.

We consider the optimal ratio for knitters to be: 40-50 minutes of work and 8-10 minutes of rest, but active.

We hope that the proposed system of exercises and the basic principles of organizing a workplace will help all knitting lovers become beautiful, slim and cheerful.

Crochet technology.

When starting knitting, the thread is placed on the index finger of the left hand, holding it with the thumb.

The hook is held with the thumb, index and middle fingers of the right hand, like a pen or pencil. The middle finger lies slightly lower on the hook than the thumb and index finger. The hook is inserted from yourself under the thread! Pulling the thread upward from the index finger of the left hand, the hook with the thread is turned 360° counterclockwise.

Types of loops

Single crochet stitches are called simple stitches. After the “braid” is knitted, the hook is inserted into the second loop of the “braid”, the thread lying on the index finger of the left hand is picked up and pulled through the loop. Then they put the drink back on the hook and pull it through both loops on the hook. The second and next columns are performed on the following loops.

Half single crochet
The hook is inserted into the second loop of the braid, the thread lying on the index finger of the left hand is picked up, and a loop is knitted.

Half double crochets
Yarn over the hook, then insert the hook into the second loop of the braid, pick up the thread from the index finger of your left hand and knit through all the loops on the hook.

Double crochets
Yarn over the hook, insert the hook into the second loop of the braid, pick up the thread lying on the index finger of the left hand and knit through 2 loops, then pick up the thread from the index finger again and knit through the 2 loops remaining on the hook.

Double crochets
Make 2 yarn overs. Having picked up the thread lying on the index finger of the left hand, knit through 2 loops, again pick up the thread from the index finger and knit through 2 loops, after which again pick up the thread from the index finger and knit through the remaining 2 loops.

The columns can be with three or more crochets.

Columns with elongated loops
Insert the hook into the second loop of the “pigtail”, pull the thread of the required length from the index finger of the left hand, trim it, then pick up the thread from the index finger and knit through one loop, again pick up the thread from the index finger and knit through the 2 loops remaining on the hook.

Half double crochet with an elongated loop
First, make 2 chain loops and 1 yarn over, then insert the hook into the second loop, pick up the thread from the index finger of your left hand and pull it through the first loop, trim all the loops on the hook, pick up the thread from the index finger again and knit all the loops together.

Columns with air loops
In the bottom row, skip two “braid” loops and from the third loop knit a double crochet, one chain loop and a second double crochet in the same loop.

Convex columns
Pre-knit a series of double crochets. Then they yarn over the hook, insert the hook from the front under the column of the bottom row, pick up the thread lying on the index finger of the left hand, drag it and knit it through two loops, after which they again pick up the thread from the index finger and knit all the remaining loops on the hook.

Concave posts
Pre-knit a series of double crochets. Yarn over the hook, insert the hook from behind over the column of the bottom row, pick up the thread lying on the index finger of the left hand, pull it through and knit through two loops, then pick up the thread from the index finger again and knit through all the loops remaining on the hook.

Yarn over the hook, insert the hook into the second loop, and pull out the thread to the required length. Then yarn over again and pull a new loop from the same loop. This way, three, five or more loops are pulled out, depending on the thickness of the thread, and it is necessary to ensure that all loops are the same length. Finally, knit all the loops formed on the hook together.

Pico (knot)
Knit 3 air loops, insert the hook into the first loop of the “braid”, pick up the thread lying on the index finger of the left hand, and knit through two loops.

The last row is secured not from right to left, as usual, but from left to right. Then the edge becomes more rigid and protects the product from stretching. The last row is secured with simple single crochets.

Making a piglet

For work you will need: 50 grams of light pink and the remains of dark pink yarn, a thick needle for sewing with wool thread, material for stuffing.

Description of work: torso

  • Close 3-4 air loops in a circle with a half-column. You will get the center of the heel;
  • 1st row: 1 loop to lift the row, then knit 5 single crochets in the center of the resulting circle, close the row with a half-stitch;
  • 2nd row: 1 loop for lifting a row, then knit 2 single crochets into each braid and finish the row with a half-stitch;
  • 3rd row: 1 loop for lifting the row, alternate 1 and 2 single crochets in each braid until the end of the row. Close the circle with a half-column.
  • 4th row: attention! Knit this row behind the back wall of the braid. 1 loop for lifting a row, 1 single crochet in each braid, at the end - a connecting column;
  • 5th row: 1 loop for lifting a row, 1 single crochet in each braid, close with a connecting stitch;
  • 6th row: 1 loop for lifting the row, alternate 1 and 2 single crochets in each braid until the end of the row. Close the circle with a half-column.
  • Perform the next two rows differently.
  • 7th row: 1 loop to raise the row, repeat alternating 1 and 2 single crochets in each braid 7 times, then work 1 single crochet in each braid until the end of the row. From this moment on, there is no need to close the row; it is better to immediately move to a new circle without lifting, and use a paper clip to mark the beginning of the row;
  • 8th row: repeat alternating 1 and 2 single crochets in each braid 11 times, then work 1 single crochet in each braid until the end of the row;
  • Rows 9-21: This is the main part of the body. All rows are worked 1 single crochet into each braid;
  • Rows 22-25: begin a smooth decrease. Knit 5 single crochets, decrease 1 loop (pull one loop from the braid, pull one loop from the next braid, grab the working thread and knit the loops together). So alternate until the end of the row. Stuff the toy tightly with stuffing material;
  • Rows 26-28: begin a sharp decrease. Knit 1 single crochet, decrease 1 loop. Knit in this way until 8 stitches remain. Pull out a long loop and cut the thread so that the remaining end is at least 50 cm long.
  • Thread the end of the thread into the needle and sew up the hole, after adding a little more stuffing material. Then, without cutting the thread, make the first loop from it and knit 13 chain loops for the tail. Starting from the third loop from the hook, perform a row of single crochets (one in each braid). Fasten the thread and sew the tail to the body. To make the ponytail curled, you need to knit single crochets tighter.
  • Close a chain of 3-4 air loops in a circle with a half-column. This is the central part of the hoof piece;
  • 1st row: 1 loop to lift the row, then knit 6 single crochets in the center of the resulting circle, close the row with a half-stitch;
  • 2nd row: 1 loop for lifting the row, alternate 1 and 2 single crochets in each braid until the end of the row. Close the circle with a half-column.
  • 3rd row: attention! Knit this row behind the back wall of the braid. 1 loop for lifting a row, 1 single crochet in each braid, at the end - a connecting column;
  • 4th row: 1 loop for lifting the row, 1 single crochet in each braid, at the end - a connecting stitch.

You can complete rows 3 and 4 without moving to the next row. Cut the thread, leaving an end about 20 cm long. Thread it with a needle and sew the leg to the body, having first lightly stuffed it with padding material.

  • Knit 2 pieces from light pink yarn and 2 from dark pink yarn. All parts are knitted the same way, but for light pink parts the thread is not cut and is used to connect the two parts of the ear;
  • Cast on 6 chain stitches. Starting from the third loop from the hook, knit 1 single crochet, 1 half double crochet (yo, pull out the loop, knit all the loops in one step), 2 single crochets. Fasten the thread on the dark pink parts;
  • Place 2 different colored pieces with right sides facing out and join them with single crochets, one in each braid. At the top of the eyelet, for turning, knit 3 single crochets at one point. Cut the thread, leaving an end 25-30 cm long, for which you can sew the eyelet to the figure.

Economic calculation

One piglet used yarn worth 25 rubles.

I value my work at 50 rubles. They sold it at the fair for 80 rubles.


1. Maksimova M.V. “Friendly spokes” - M., EKSMO - Press, 2000;

2. Giuliano Marelli “The Magic Ball”, LLC Premiere Publishing House, 2004;

3.First knitting lessons. – M., AST, Astrel, 2001;

4. Stolyarova A. “Knitted toys”, M., Publishing house “Culture and Traditions”, 1997;

5.Kozik N.P. “Ideas for those who knit. Minsk, Helton LLC, 1999;

6. Pavlovich S.S. "Knitting and crochet patterns." Minsk, Helton LLC, 2000;


1 Creative project Topic: “Crochet. Napkin" Contents Author: Valeria Surgucheva, 4th grade Association "Masterilka" Sibirsky village, 2014 Head: Alexandrova Alevtina Ivanovna teacher of additional education MBU DO KhMR Organizational preparatory stage 1 Selection and justification of the project Goals and objectives of the project 2 Sequence of project implementation 2 Thinking scheme 2 Criteria that the project must satisfy 2 Identification of the main parameters and limitations 2 History of crochet 3 Purpose and scope of application 3 Possible options and choice of model 3 Expected result 4 Selection of materials, equipment, tools and devices 4 Technological stage 4 Technological sequence Safety rules 5 Organization workplace 5 Safety rules for crocheting 5 Sanitary and hygienic requirements 5 Final stage 5 Environmental justification Economic justification 6 Advertising 6 Assessment of the quality of work 6 List of references 6 Appendix 1 7 Organizational preparatory stage Selection and justification of the project We all love to receive gifts. But, you see, it’s nice to give them yourself. And giving gifts made with your own hands is doubly pleasant. During the class, I gained knowledge about crocheting and decided to create a beautiful gift with my own hands. Knitting is a fun activity. It develops perseverance and patience in a person. Every generation discovers its appeal. A modern model knitted with your own hands turns out to be unique and more affordable than a finished product. The ability to use a variety of threads and patterns has made crocheting a favorite pastime for me. Knitting calms me down and helps me collect my thoughts. Crocheting is a fairly simple technique that does not require special equipment, perhaps except for a hook and yarn. But, despite this, products, 1

2 made in this technique amaze with their diversity and originality. Knitting will help you make useful, and sometimes necessary, things for your home. These can be not only clothing items, but also interior items. And most importantly, this work contributes to the development of creativity, which will help in the future to become a good housewife. Use materials rationally, create beautiful things for your family and apartment. I thought about it and decided that a beautiful napkin would be a great holiday gift for my mom. You can't buy such beauty in a store. Time to get to work! To implement my project, I set myself the following goals and objectives. Goals Assess your capabilities in creative activities. Develop a project. Make a napkin. Improve and develop skills in working with yarn and crochet. Objectives To develop the ability to independently acquire knowledge and expand your horizons. Develop taste and creative initiative. Prepare for independent living and economical housekeeping. Familiarize yourself with the elements of economics. Evaluate the work done. Sequence of the project 1. Selecting a topic. 2. Search for the necessary literature. 3. Generalization and systematization of the found material. 4. Writing a draft. 5. Manufacturing of the product. 6. Text correction. 7. Selecting a text formatting method. 8. Compilation of visual aids. 9.Registration of the final version. 10.Preparation for project defense. Scheme of thinking Criteria that the product must satisfy Identification of the main parameters and limitations - the work must be careful; - the product must be beautiful and meet all requirements; - the product must have a manufacturing diagram that is clear to me; - the product must have a low cost and cost as little as possible. 2

3 In the process of work, I asked myself: “Who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​creating necessary things in everyday life from threads using a crochet hook?” To broaden my horizons, I turned to the Internet for information on the history of knitting and this is what I learned. History of crochet The date of birth of knitting is lost in the depths of history. Now scientists are trying to prove that long before the beginning of our era, people already mastered the knitting technique and knitted at first without any special devices, but simply on their fingers. Knitted items have been found in ancient burial sites in Egypt, Greece and Rome. So far, the oldest knitted item, a decorative knitted belt with a hummingbird bird, was found in Peru and dates back to the beginning of the 3rd century. AD The complexity of the pattern, the subtlety of execution and coloring indicate a high knitting technique. It is interesting that knitting was initially an exclusively male craft, and women performed only auxiliary work. And the hook looked like a straight stick. After the Crusades to the East, around the 9th century, crochet came to Europe. Knitted products have always been highly valued. Nowadays, this art continues to develop, enriched with new motifs, compositional techniques, and modern materials. Hand knitting allows you to make unique, unique patterns. Knitted products are comfortable and durable, practical and elegant, they are warm and cozy. Hand knitting allows you to express your individuality and your intended image by choosing the texture and color of the yarn, its weave, design and style of products. Purpose and scope of application A white openwork napkin will decorate the room, make it more comfortable and beautiful. It will please me and my parents and contribute some benefit to the family budget. I think I made the right choice. Possible options A knitting magazine featured an original napkin on the cover. I really liked her. This find satisfies almost all my requirements and is able to decorate the interior. You need to immediately decide what color the product will be. I think that a plain white tablecloth will emphasize the uniqueness of the festive table setting. Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 3

4 Expected result I chose model 4. I found the napkin pattern in a knitting magazine. Selection of materials To make a napkin you will need cotton yarn. Knitted from threads and yarn. In this case, different threads are used, both special knitting and sewing. The yarn is intended for knitting only. Both threads and yarn differ in the chemical composition of the fibers. They can be natural, chemical and mixed, i.e. consisting of a mixture of fibers of different composition. For the napkin I will need about 60 grams of yarn. Let us now consider in more detail which yarn is better to choose for knitting. The most suitable yarn is cotton. It washes well, is easy to starch, and is durable to use. The finished product will look neat. Synthetic yarn stretches a lot, while wool blend is thick and impractical. The most important thing is the right color scheme. White is the most suitable color for the interior of my mother's room. Selection of tools and devices Tools and devices: steel hook 3; scissors; pins; tape measure. Auxiliary materials: magazines and books on knitting, pencils, ruler, paper. Technological sequence We close the chain of eight air loops into a ring using a connecting post. First row: three chain stitches, *7 chain stitches, 4 unfinished double crochets, knitted together with one loop in a ring of chain stitches* we perform five times, 7 chain stitches, a connecting stitch in the 3rd lifting loop and in the next 2 chain stitches loops. Second row: 1 chain stitch, 1 half double crochet, 7 double crochets, 1 half double crochet, 1 single crochet, *1 single crochet, 1 half double crochet, 7 double crochets, 1 half double crochet, 1 single crochet* performed five times, connecting column into the lifting loop and into the next 5 columns. 4

5 We knit rows 3-25 according to the pattern, and at the beginning of each row we perform the required number of lifting loops, and we close the row and move on to the next one using a connecting post or as shown in the diagram (Appendix 1). Then you need to wash the napkin, starch it and dry it, leaving it slightly damp. Carry out wet-heat treatment. Safety rules Organization of the workplace It is best to knit while sitting on a chair. The back should be straight. The arms hang down and hold the instrument freely. There is no need to place your elbows on the table, as this will make your hands go numb. While knitting, it is better to keep the ball in a special ball box on the floor to the left side of the person working. A diagram or text describing the drawing is in front of you. You can work on a sofa or in a chair without leaning on the armrests. When working with light threads, you should knit the product on a dark background. This way the eyes get tired much less and, consequently, labor productivity increases. Safety rules for crocheting Hooks and other devices must be well sanded; They must be stored in special cases. You cannot make sudden movements with your hand with a hook in the direction of the person sitting next to you. Do not use rusty needles or pins. Needles and pins should be stored in a box with a lid. The scissors should lie with the blades closed and should be passed with the rings forward. Carry out wet-heat treatment of products in a designated place, placing the iron on a special stand. Make sure the iron is in good condition. The cord should not get under the soleplate of the iron or get twisted. After use, immediately turn off the iron from the power supply. Sanitary and hygienic requirements Before starting and after finishing work, you should wash your hands so that the thread and knitted fabric are always clean and no small particles of fiber remain on your hands. Knitting work requires good lighting. The light should fall on the work from the left or front. The distance from the product to eye level must be at least cm. You cannot work for a long time without breaks. We work for 40 minutes and rest for about 10 minutes. This break allows you to relax and rest your eyes, arms and back. During 40 minutes of work, it is also recommended to take short breaks of about 3-5 minutes. At the end of the work, all tools should be put into the work box, the hook and knitting needles should be stuck into a ball and put away along with the unfinished work. Final stage Environmental justification Making crocheted products is an environmentally friendly production. It is practically waste-free (remains of thread can be used in the manufacture of other products) and harmless (no substances harmful to the body are released, no emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, soil, or water bodies). When working with the material, substances harmful to the human body are not released, because The yarn consists of natural fibers (cotton). Currently, the composition of chemical fibers is close to natural ones. I did not cause any harm to my health while knitting, because... complied with all hygiene and safe work rules. I knitted no more than two hours a day with breaks. I hope that the gift I knitted will serve for many years if you properly care for your knitted items. 5

6 Economic justification Economy is a system of measures aimed at ensuring careful use of raw materials, materials and time. The rational use of natural resources is one of the most complex and pressing problems of our time. Therefore, the more each of us saves materials, the less it will be necessary to extract natural raw materials and, accordingly, destroy the natural environment. The napkin was made from threads that are available. Thus, the cost of making my product is small - the time spent and my labor. Advertising price per unit quantity cost Hook available 1 free Threads available 1 free Total - - Don’t waste your life with idleness Do your handicrafts! And the work is finished, now there is a new concern: choosing subjects again. Knit them and knit them... The result is a joy for us, our loved ones and friends. Evaluation of the quality of work I consider that my work was a success. I fulfilled all the requirements for my project, achieved my goal and solved all the tasks assigned to me. I wanted to have an original product made with my own hands, and I got it. In the process of working, I learned how to carefully make a product, developed my aesthetic taste, and acquired the skill of designing a project. During the preparation of documentation for a creative project, I improved my computer skills. I also believe that the project may be continued in the future. The work does not require expensive materials, is simple to perform and original. While doing my job, my range of knowledge, skills and abilities expanded; interest in the culture of decorative and applied arts increased. In the process of work, I learned a lot of new and interesting things. The obtained result inspires and inspires the creation of more complex models, teaches patience, calmness and the ability to see things through to the end, which is extremely important in our fast-paced times. By developing a project and making a product based on it, I improved my capabilities in the field of design activities. I hope that the implementation of this project helped me develop and produce an original product. I want the product I made to serve as a good gift and be a worthy addition to the interior. A knitted napkin can be used as coasters for glasses, glasses, vases, souvenirs and similar interior details. References 1) Magazine “Crochet: knitting for adults”, 1/2007 2) Handicrafts: popular encyclopedia / ch. ed. I.A. Andreeva. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia,) Internet resources 6

7 Appendix 1 7

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P16 P., G. P. P. MODEL KA SYNOM AND KAKOM / GAPIANIA. Manufacturer: State University “Y”, 2016. 64 pp. : èë. (Àçáókà rðókîäëèÿ). In other words,

Explanatory note The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Various types of handicraft are one of the oldest in applied human activity.

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Anna Sokolova Blankets and pillows for knitting and crocheting MOSCOW 2015 ÓÄÊ 746.4 ÁÁÊ 37.248 Ñ 59 Ñ 59 S., Àíía Åâãåíüåâía. Proceedings and information about the meaning of the word and the text of the book. Manufacturer:

Department of Education of the Administration of the Kizelovsky Municipal District Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children “Center for Children's Creativity”. Agreed with methodological

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Technology teacher Kolykhalina S.S. General safety rules 1. Come to class five minutes before the bell rings. 2. Enter the Technology room only with the permission of the teacher. 3. Wear special clothes

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GOU Secondary School 380 Krasnoselsky District St. Petersburg Creative project Technology Theme of the project “I will decorate my house myself” Performer Manokhina Tatyana Alekseevna Evaluation SAMPLE. Project Manager 2010

Knitted pillow “Gluttony cat” News: Wonderful knitted cat pillow, shelter him soon! Eyeliner: This handsome guy will surely appeal to all those who like to take a nap on the couch! Soft and warm knit

ÓÄÊ 689 ÁÊ 37.248 Ê 18 size: Å. B. D. F.: V. MASTER Ê 18 CM. À. Shàïkè, øàðôû, âàðåæêè: âÿæåì ñïèöàìè i èêðþ êîm / Åëåíà Êàìèíñêàÿ. M. : Eznim, 2012. 64 pp. : èë. (Àçáókà rðókîäëèÿ).

1. EXPLANATORY NOTE. 1.1. The focus of the additional general development program. Knitting is one of the most ancient types of needlework, widespread and loved at all times. Currently knitting

ÓÄÊ 746.4 ÁÁÊ 37.248 Ñ 59 Ñ 59 S. S., A. S. A. S. Proceedings and information about the meaning of the word and the text of the book. Manufacturer: Eznim, 2015. 64 pp. (Àçáókà rðókîäëèÿ). In other words,

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus MAOU "Sagan-Nur Secondary School". Creative project “Cross stitch.” Completed by Ekaterina Kuklina, 8th grade student at Sagan-Nur School. I checked-

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "House of Children's Creativity" of the Taiga urban district Creative project: "Do-it-yourself shoes" Completed by: Mel Maria,

Municipal budgetary educational institution –

secondary school No. 1 in Zavitinsk, Amur region.

Project work

Subject:"Dress with a round yoke

with braids"

Performed: 8th grade student

MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Zavitinsk,

Amur region

Finkova Ekaterina

Supervisor: technology teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Zavitinsk,

Amur region

Bozhko I.V.




From the history of the development of knitting. pp. 3 - 4

2. Sequence of project execution. pp. 5 - 13

2.1. Justification of the problem that has arisen. page 6

2.2. Definition of a specific idea and its formulation. page 7

2.3. Yarn selection. pp. 8 - 10

2.4. Selection of tools. page 11

2.5. Sequence of product manufacturing. page 12

2.6. Quality control. page 13

2.7. Project design. page 13

2.8. Cost calculation. page 13

3. Used Books. page 14

1. Introduction.

From the history of the development of knitting.

Knitting- one of the ancient types of needlework. And handicrafts have been considered a noble activity since ancient times. Nobody knows who and when invented the first miracle - the loop, but it is known that it appeared long before our era.

One of the legends of Ancient Greece tells about knitting. Of all the gods of Greece, Athena was the most revered. She gave people knowledge and wisdom. The girls loved her because the goddess taught them various crafts and needlework.

Among the craftswomen who wove fabrics as transparent as air, Arachne was the most famous. She was proud of her skill and decided to challenge Athena herself to the competition. The goddess appeared before the proud woman in the form of an old woman and warned her: you cannot be higher than the gods! Arachne did not listen and wove a cloth. But the gods did not recognize her victory.

Arachne, unable to bear the shame, committed suicide. Athena saved the girl, but turned her into a spider. Since then, the spider Arachne has been forever weaving her web.

People have repeatedly used spider webs as yarn and made beautiful things from it. Thus, there are museums that display collections of clothing made from spider silk. The people of Peru wove spider webs. Spider silk is much more beautiful and of higher quality than synthetic silk, but the complexity and high cost of obtaining it do not allow its use in the textile industry.

When excavating tombs, archaeologists found knitted items. In the 9th century knitting began to spread throughout Europe; only kings and their retinue could afford knitted stockings, as they were very expensive. In the 12th century The Spaniards and Italians began to knit; a century later, the French, Scots and English joined the ranks of knitters. They did the work mainly with knitting needles: wood, bone, metal (there were also silver ones back then!)

In the 16th century invented the first knitting machine, and in the 18th century. - a circular knitting machine used to make fabric in the form of a tube.

Knitting as a type of needlework has not been lost over the centuries, and its technique has been brought to a very high level in our time. Knitting and crocheting is the art of creating unique products. There are all the conditions for this - new techniques, quality and colors of yarn, compositional methods.

Historians say hand knitting was invented by men. The most skilled knitters of antiquity, they say, were the Arabs. The work was done mainly with knitting needles: wood, bone, metal. They were used to knit stockings, socks, and gloves. After all, they were much warmer and more comfortable for a medieval knight immured in cold armor. Male knitters for a long time tried to prevent female competition in this craft and therefore did not hire a single woman. They were not in vain to be wary! Soon women became excellent, inventive and skilled knitters. Demonstrating their skills in competitions, some of them even received the title “Queen of Knitting.” One of them -

A Swiss craftswoman with amazingly dexterous fingers knitted a sweater in 71 minutes! True, with thick knitting needles.

Nowadays, millions of women and a handful of men devote their free time to knitting. Sociologists in our country, studying the leisure time of young families, found that 90% of young women called it their favorite pastime. Using only a minimal set of available means, women almost completely dressed themselves and their households, decorated their homes, made household and household items, while incurring minimal costs, since the source material - yarn - could be used several times and without much loss.

Hand knitting has spread like an epidemic across the planet, simultaneously covering all parts of the world. Gradually it penetrated into big fashion, although it was incredibly difficult! It is unlikely that this ancient beautiful craft will ever be forgotten, helping to create things so necessary that neither a newborn nor a very old person can do without them.

In the old days, all kinds of patterns that were formed from intertwined threads represented unique symbols.

It was believed that they have the magical power of a talisman that protects a person from illnesses, troubles and adversity.

Modern knitting lovers prefer hand-made products, of course, not at all because they are able to magically heal ailments or protect against failure. The fact is that such things attract attention with their unique beauty, special grace and sophistication.

After all, in order to knit something you need patience, accuracy, perseverance and, of course, a rich imagination. You can buy a beautiful thing in a store, but you will be especially pleased to make it yourself. A little patience - and you can create a very non-standard and original image for yourself. In addition to the aesthetic pleasure that a successfully knitted fashion item brings, the knitting process itself has a calming effect on the nervous system and is a worthy and useful activity.

2. Sequence of project execution.

A creative project is an independent, creative, final work.

For my project I chose a knitted dress with a round yoke and braids

manually using knitting needles.

The goals that I set for myself when completing the project:

    Improving your capabilities in the field of technology project activities.

    Development, selection and implementation of a creative project.

    Evaluation of all work done.

    Final result.

When choosing a project, I took into account:

    Personal interests.

    Specifics of the region and local conditions.

    The complexity and labor intensity of the chosen work.

    Creative individuality.

    Possibility of implementation or use of this product.

Stages of work:

    Justification of the problem that has arisen.

    Definition of a specific idea and its formulation.

    Development of ideas and options.

    Selection of materials.

    Selection of tools, fixtures and equipment.

    Sequence of product manufacturing.

    Quality control.

    Project design and cost calculation.

2.1. Justification of the problem that has arisen

For many years I have been interested in this type of activity - knitting. I learned to knit and crochet in the fifth grade, but initially I was only good at small projects. Starting from the fifth grade, my very first product was knitted baby booties, then socks, mittens, the next product was a children's set, which included a hat and scarf, then a children's overalls and in the 10th grade a jumper already knitted. This year, while studying in the 11th grade, during technology lessons we were offered several

topics of project work, but I naturally chose knitting, because... I like this type of activity the most. I have been knitting for quite some time and I think that artistic knitting is my favorite hobby. Moreover, this is a very profitable activity. At the moment, I knit things to order, i.e. I do what I love and at the same time help others.

Why did I choose the dress? At first I wanted to knit a blouse, but since I already had to do this kind of work in the 10th grade, this year I settled on a dress. It can be worn in any weather for all occasions.

I love wearing hand-knitted clothes. Moreover, knitting, as doctors rightly say, drives away gloomy thoughts, calms you down, and improves your mood. When knitting, I show imagination in choosing a product, color combination, and finishing.

My modern clothes are simple, harmonious, comfortable and light and, as a rule, of the same type. But by doing hand knitting, I can make it original, fashionable and beautiful. When practical, elastic, wrinkle-resistant, knitted or crocheted clothes appear in my wardrobe, I can wear them on weekdays, on vacation, and on special occasions. For many women, the passion for knitting is not only an opportunity to create something new, original, but often with the modern pace of life and nervous stress, and the need for carefree relaxation, which is facilitated by a uniform rhythm of knitting.

In modern society, you want to look fashionable; knitted items are practical and comfortable for everyday wear, they are elegant, warm and cozy. And if they are made with your own hands, it is doubly pleasant, because they are individual. Such products allow you to express your uniqueness.

2.2. Definition of a specific idea and its formulation.

My project “Dress on a round yoke with braids.” It is knitted with needles No. 3. In the store I saw an original dress, I liked the model itself, but the color was very dark, nondescript and unattractive. And then the idea came to my mind that I could knit such a product, but changing it to my taste and not being similar to others. At home, I sketched the model, decided on its shape, and chose my favorite shade of thread - “sea wave”, to match the color of my eyes. I set a goal for myself that I would wear this dress for my birthday.

2.3. Yarn selection.

In order to make any product, you first need to decide on the material. When knitting, yarn made from wool, cotton, flax, silk or synthetic threads is used. The material is selected depending on what product is to be knitted.

Types of yarn

Choosing the right yarn is both easy and difficult due to the variety of manufacturing companies and yarn composition.

It is imperative to pay attention to the density of the yarn; it must be well twisted, but not excessively, otherwise the knitted fabric will be skewed and hard to the touch.

To check the elasticity of the yarn, you need to stretch the thread in your hands several times. If the thread returns to its previous state, then it is suitable for knitting.

It is also necessary to check the strength of the thread, and it is checked in the same way as elasticity. If the thread breaks under tension, then products made from such yarn will quickly fray. To correct this drawback, it is enough to add a synthetic or cotton thread that matches the color.

It is easy to examine the uniformity of spinning; it will be noticeable even in a small area of ​​knitting. When knitting an openwork pattern from uneven yarn, combine it with a contrasting color or the most suitable color scheme. As an additional thread, you can use threads of uneven composition.

Yarn for knitting one product must be from the same batch. Yarn from different batches may differ in tone, which will lead to the formation of stripes on the product when knitting.

To check the composition of the yarn, you need to separate the twisted threads and set them on fire. The wool thread burns evenly, releasing a characteristic odor. When burned, a small fragile ball remains.

Cotton, linen or viscose thread burns quickly and brightly, producing a burnt paper smell, and after combustion, an easily split wick remains.

Synthetic thread does not burn, but only melts, and the smell of burnt plastic appears. After combustion, a hard ball appears at the end of the thread.

For each season, you can choose the appropriate type of thread. For warm weather, yarn made from natural cotton, linen or synthetics is suitable.

For the spring-autumn period, it is good to knit products from mohair or angora. At this time of year, you don’t have to worry that under the weight of outerwear, the fibers will wrinkle and the product will lose its attractiveness.

For winter, wool with added fluff is a good choice for warmth. For knitting, you can choose yarn from natural or synthetic fibers. But they differ in their properties.

Natural fibers retain heat well and are pleasant to the body. Synthetic or artificial yarn quickly absorbs heat, but also quickly releases it. But things made from such fibers are less subject to deformation and wear. Therefore, it is better to choose yarn made from natural fibers

with the addition of synthetic ones. Of all types of wool, angora, merino, camel and mohair are the most wear-resistant.

When purchasing homemade yarn or goat, rabbit, or camel hair, you need to combine the yarn with artificial fibers for strength. When worn, such things will become less downy, but the thing will not lose its shape and will remain strong again.

Yarn storage

To ensure that the yarn does not lose its elasticity and that the loops lie flat when knitting, the yarn must be stored correctly.

    It should not be wound into tight balls, as this will degrade the quality of the yarn. The yarn must first be wound around the hand, then removed from the fingers and made several turns around the resulting skein. In this case, you should not tighten the thread; it is better to place your index finger under the thread with each skein. After this, turn the ball over and wind the thread in the opposite direction.

    You can wind the thread in another way. To do this, you need to roll a sheet of paper into a tube, while grabbing the end of the thread. Then make several turns, covering the entire space of the sheet, turn the sheet and wind it at a slight angle, constantly turning the ball in one direction. Once the thread is finished, the yarn can be removed from the paper.

    If you decide to unravel an old product, do not immediately wind the threads into balls. The yarn must first be straightened.

    To do this, you need to separate the parts of the product and find the end of the knitting, unravel the last row. Carefully unravel the parts of the product, being careful not to break the thread. You should not use threads from the collar or pockets for a new item - there will be many knots in the yarn.

    After this, the yarn needs to be straightened. It should be washed in warm water with washing powder, rinsed and hung to dry without squeezing. Then hang a weight on the yarn that will pull it out. Periodically, you need to move the load along the skein so that there are no traces left of it, and the skein itself, in this case the yarn will evenly restore its structure.

    You can also steam the yarn. The skein is straightened and attached to the edges of a pan of water, which is placed on the fire. The yarn must be steamed for at least 25 minutes.

When purchasing natural yarn, you need to pay attention to the quality of the threads. They should be silky, smooth, elastic, uniform along the entire length and thin.

Conclusion: Since my product will be used in the spring, I chose a wool blend thread with the addition of synthetic. And I needed 600 grams to complete my project.

2.4. Selection of tools.

You need to choose knitting needles with well-sharpened ends; blunt knitting needles are difficult to knit, and too sharp ones can injure your fingers. Before work, you should sharpen or slightly blunt their ends.

There are several types of knitting needles. The most common ones are straight, with one working end, and at the other end there is a stopper that prevents the loops from slipping. Their length ranges from 20 to 40 cm. These knitting needles are usually used to knit individual parts of jumpers, skirts, blouses, and dresses.

For knitting socks, mittens or gloves, knitting needles with two working ends are used. They are usually sold 5 pieces per set. Their length is small - from 15 to 20 cm. When knitting, the loops are distributed over four knitting needles, and the fifth is the working one.

When making a product, it is convenient to use short circular knitting needles connected with fishing line or nylon thread, which have different lengths.

Auxiliary knitting needles are used to remove loops during the knitting process; their thickness differs from the main knitting needles by 0.5 numbers.

Conclusion: I used metal knitting needles to knit my project.

3 and ring needles No. 5

2.5. Sequence of product manufacturing.

Knitting technique for my product:

Back. I started knitting my dress from bottom to top. On two metal knitting needles No. 3. The set was 96 loops, then 1.5 cm elastic 2 * 2p., 50 cm garter stitch, but 1p on both sides. symmetrical decrease. 10 cm. Gradually close the loops to knit the armhole. At a height of 60 cm from the bottom edge, the loops remain open.

Before. The set for knitting the front was 104 loops, then 1.5 cm of knitting an elastic band 2*2p., then the loops were distributed for knitting a garter stitch on both sides, 6 loops each for knitting a “harness” pattern and 9 loops for knitting a central pattern “ braid." Knitting continued up to a height of 50 cm, but at the same time it was necessary to perform a gradual closure of 1 stitch on both sides. on each side and 10cm. for the armhole. At a height of 60 cm from the bottom edge, all loops remain open.

Yoke. To knit a yoke, I cast on metal knitting needles No. 5 but with ring needles - 200 loops. But at the same time the loops from the back and front came in. I started knitting by knitting a “braid” pattern of 9 loops, then knitting 9 cm of elastic 1*1p. and 3cm. double elastic band 1*1p.

To decorate my product, I used 8 glass beads, which I hand-sewed onto the yoke.

Knitting samples

Sample “tie” Sample “garter stitch”

2.6. Quality control

After the main work on the project had already been completed, I began to design it: I secured the remaining threads with a hook and cut them.

Rinse the product with a mild synthetic detergent at

temperature 40 degrees.

Dried at room temperature in a lying position, while

I created a shape on gauze.

I carried out a wet-heat treatment, but only in those places where it was knitted with garter stitch.

Conducted self-control.

2.7. Project design

Even at the very beginning of working on my project, I couldn’t even imagine what a beautiful thing I could knit. My dress turned out really wonderful. Now this wonderful dress called “Blue Lagoon” diversifies my wardrobe.

I am very proud of my work and am confident that it looks great both in everyday life and on holidays.

2.8. Cost calculation

1 .Yarn: 1 skein of yarn, 100g = 23 rub.,

A total of 6 skeins were needed;

Total: 6 * 23 = 138 rub.

2. Knitting needles: 25 rub.

Total: 138+25=163 rub.

Total total costs for the production of my project “Dress on a round

coquette with braids” without taking into account wages, amounted to 163 rubles.

3. Used Books

1. Magazine “Knitting” Anna Krause, 2008

2. ABC knitting, Maksimova M.V., Moscow “STROYIZDAT”, 2004.

3. Artistic knitting, Telenkova N.A., Moscow “Swallowtail”, 2002.

4. Favorite handicraft, I.V. Akvilyanova, Moscow “Swallowtail”, 2004.

5. Handicrafts, Grekulova A.L., “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1998.

6. Handicraft technique, Dorozhkina T.N., “Polymya”, 2003.

Municipal educational institution –

basic secondary school with. Usatovo

Creative project on technology

On the topic : Crochet. Napkin.

Performed: 6th grade student

Sevyan Maria

Supervisor: Demyanenko Margarita Aleksandrovna

technology teacher


Project goals........................................................ ........................................................ ......................3

Justification for choosing the project topic.................................................... ....................................3

Fashionable handicrafts................................................... ........................................................ .............3

History of knitting................................................... ........................................................ .................4

Model selection................................................... ........................................................ .....................5

Selection of materials, tools, equipment................................................... ................6

Technological sequence of production.................................................... .......7

Knitting patterns......................................................... ........................................................ ...............7

Choosing a hook................................................... ........................................................ ...................8

Crochet lessons.................................................................. ........................................................ ...8

Safe work rules................................................................... ...............................................10

Sanitary and hygienic requirements.................................................... ...............................10

Environmental and economic feasibility study of the project.................................................... ...................eleven

Assessing the quality and complexity of the project................................................... ................................13

List of used literature......................................................... .................................14

Project goals

1. Learn to crochet

2. Get acquainted with the history of this type of needlework

3. Tie a useful item

4. Decorate the interior of your home

Justification for choosing the project topic

Since the 5th grade I have been mastering various types of needlework. I learned to embroider, weave with beads, mastered the techniques of sewing, knitting and crocheting.

There is a widespread belief that knitting is an activity for grandmothers and seems boring and monotonous. This is absolutely not true, because today handmade knitwear items are very popular. A sweater or vest knitted yourself is exclusive, and you can be sure that no one else will have it. In addition, according to doctors, knitting brings invaluable health benefits.

Crocheting or knitting is, first of all, creativity, bringing pleasure and driving away bad thoughts. The whole process of knitting helps to raise vitality and lifts your spirits.

Fashion handicrafts

Currently, crocheted napkins are coming back into fashion. This product of extraordinary beauty will decorate any room.

Napkins are made using various techniques and have a wide variety of shapes. Napkins are knitted from individual motifs, in the round; they can be openwork and dense. Napkins can be decorated with beads, pearls, satin ribbons and many other materials, depending on your imagination. You can tie several napkins made from the same fabric with threads, while maintaining the lace pattern.

History of knitting

Knitting is one of the oldest types of decorative and applied arts; it has existed for more than three thousand years. Knitted items have been found in ancient burial places in Egypt, Rome, and Greece. A children's knitted sock was found in one of the tombs of the pharaohs. The big toe was knitted separately, since at that time they wore shoes similar to our beach shoes. In the 5th century knitting flourishes in the East and around the 9th century. ends up in Europe, where until that time stockings were made from linen and thin leather. Knitted stockings appear in Europe. They were worn by both kings and their retinue. In Spain only in the 16th century. Knitted stockings gained recognition, and the English king Henry VIII received a pair of hand-knitted stockings from there as an expensive gift. Stockings were a necessary item of clothing in the 17th and 18th centuries. in cold weather, men put on 12 pairs of stockings at once. It is known that then, as a rule, men, not women, were engaged in knitting. In 1589, Galverton priest William Lee invented the first knitting machine, but Queen Elizabeth I of England refused him a patent because the stockings knitted on this machine seemed thicker to her than those made of silk, and advised the inventor to earn money by honest work. Lee moved to France and founded the first mechanical knitting workshop in Rouen. At the end of the 18th century. In France, a circular knitting machine was invented that knitted fabric in the form of a tube. Stockings knitted by machine quickly replaced hand-knitted ones, as they were much cheaper.

Model selection


An openwork snow-white napkin is a great accessory for any interior!


A napkin knitted from individual motifs is light, airy, unique!


Multi-colored napkin, knitted in the round with interesting decor.

Selection of materials, tools, equipment

    Of the three options, I wanted to knit napkin number 3 more.

    Red and blue yarn are suitable for making napkins.

    Hook No. 7.

    Valentina Magazines.

Manufacturing sequence



Materials, tools

Knit a napkin according to the patterns in a circle.

Hook, yarn, patterns.

Lightly steam the reverse side

Ironing board, iron

Pattern for knitting a napkin

Row 1: Work 6 chain stitches using the circular weaving method.

2nd row: carefully knit 18 double stitches.

3rd row: cast on 23 chain stitches on the 1st slip stitch of the adjacent row and weave into the same stitch. Knit 1 stitch without using a yarn over. The total number of such loops is 9 pieces.

From the 4th to the 9th row we tie with a single crochet stitch. In the center of each such loop, add 3 single stitches in each row. You should have 9 “petals”. All of them need to be turned to the left after the 9th row

At the last stage of finishing knitting a napkin, you need to be especially careful. Using a separate thread, make a tie according to the following pattern: in the center of the “petal” - a single crochet stitch, then - 7 single crochet stitches in all single crochet stitches of the adjacent row, 15 single crochet stitches in the center of the next “petal”, at the end – 7 single crochet stitches in the first “petal”. »

Hook selection

The right tool is of great importance when performing any job.

Crochet hooks come in different types: steel, plastic, wood or bone.

The most popular crochet hooks are steel. They are durable, do not bend, do not break, do not stain the yarn, and do not wear out during large volumes of work. The thickness of crochet hooks ranges from 0.5 mm to 8 mm. You need to select hooks in accordance with the threads. The crochet hook should be 1.5 sizes larger than the thread size.

Crochet lessons

The hook is held in the right hand like a pencil or pen. The index finger is slightly extended forward and lies on the hook. Hands should move freely, elbows should not have support.

TO The end of the thread from the ball is thrown over the index finger of the left hand towards you and pressed with your thumb. The thread to the ball passes between the palm and the remaining fingers of the left hand. Its tension is adjusted with the middle and ring fingers. The thread from the ball is called the working thread.

C THE BASE BASE CONSISTS OF AIR LOOPS. To form the first loop of the chain, we place the working thread coming from the ball on the first joint of the index finger of the left hand (leaving the end 3-4 cm hanging freely), support the thread from the ball with the thumb, bring the hook under it and turn it together with the thread on 360° counterclockwise. We loosen the cross of the thread formed as a result of this turn a little, throw the thread onto the hook with a “towards you” movement, hooking the working thread with the head of the hook, and draw it through the formed loop.

HALF COLUMN. The hook is inserted into the third loop of the chain, the thread is grabbed and pulled directly through the loop of the chain and the loop on the hook. It turns out to be a half-column (double loop). A half-column is used when closing a circle of a chain of air loops, knitting together the first loop from the end of the chain and the last, and when knitting products in a circle to connect at the end of the circle the last loop on the hook with the first and second lifting loops, as well as at the beginning of the row when decreasing the stitches in the pattern without a crochet.

SINGLE CROCET. 1r. – 1 lifting loop; The hook is inserted into the third loop of the chain under the two strands of the braid, the thread is picked up and pulled through the loop of the chain. There are two loops on the hook. Pick up the thread again and pull it through two loops. All subsequent columns of the row are knitted in the same way. All rows of the sample are knitted as the first.

SINGLE CROCHET. 1r. - two lifting loops, make a yarn over, insert the hook into the fourth loop of the base, pick up the thread and pull it through the loop of the chain. There are three loops on the hook. They are knitted in two steps: pick up the thread and knit two loops. There are two more loops left on the hook. They pick up the thread of the ball again and knit them. A double crochet is formed. All subsequent stitches are also knitted into each loop of the chain.

COLUNA WITH TWO CROCHETS. 1r. - three lifting loops, make two yarn overs and insert the hook into the fifth loop of the chain from the end, pick up the thread and pull it through the loop of the chain. There are four loops on the hook. These loops are knitted in three steps, two loops each (similar to a double crochet). The result is the first double crochet stitch. All subsequent stitches are knitted into each loop of the chain, like the first.

Rules for safe work and sanitary and hygienic requirements

    When knitting, you need to sit upright, touching the back of the chair with your body.

    The distance from the eyes to the work should be 35-40 cm.

    At a shorter distance, myopia develops and particles of dust and yarn get into the eyes.

    Before starting and after finishing work, you should wash your hands with soap to ensure that the thread and fabric always remain clean.

    While knitting, it is better to keep the ball in a special ball container - a small basket or box standing on the floor on the left side.

    At the end of the work, the hook should be stuck into a ball and, together with the work begun, placed in a cellophane or fabric bag, which is stored in a closet or on a shelf.

    The scissors must be placed in a special box.

Environmental and economic feasibility study of the project

To make the napkin, I used environmentally friendly materials - wool yarn. This means that during the natural processes of smoldering or burning, my product will not pollute the environment. I made an environmentally friendly product.

Economic calculation





Red yarn

50 rub.

50 rub.

Blue yarn

50 rub.

50 rub.


30 rub.

30 rub.


130 rub.

Conclusion: I was in the store, and similar products cost from 250 rubles, but my napkin cost me 130 rubles and there was still yarn left for 2 similar napkins. Therefore, making products yourself is not only pleasant, but also profitable.

Assessing the quality and complexity of the project

The result completely met my expectations. I really liked the appearance of the work, the color scheme, and I think that this work will perfectly complement the interior of my home. When I knitted a napkin, I did not have any difficulties. I am very pleased with my product. Also, my grandmother liked the napkin. I decided to knit the same one for her.

Quality control.

The finished product meets the following requirements:

    Design requirements: the resulting product is reliable and durable. The finished product fully matches the style. It matches the interior in an original way.

    Technological Requirements: The crochet technique is not very difficult to perform, but it requires a lot of patience to make.

    Aesthetic requirements: I used red and blue yarn to complete the work, they go together perfectly.

    Environmental requirements: the product is made of environmentally friendly materials. It will not harm the environment or human health.

    Economic requirements: handmade work is so expensive that it is profitable to do it for yourself and not for sale.


Magazine "Valentina" No. 6, 2012

Magazine "Valentina" No. 7, 2013

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