Home Preparations for the winter Working rune becoming for exit to the astral plane. Astral exit. Reception and accumulation of various energies

Working rune becoming for exit to the astral plane. Astral exit. Reception and accumulation of various energies

Quote(Beliar @ 7.2.2009, 18:44)

For the past 2 years I have not been able to go into the astral consciously. The attempts were very good, but as soon as the astral body began to come out, something stopped me (but not fear, etc.) and the attempt ended unsuccessfully. Perhaps this is due to smoking (I read that smoking lowers the chance of exiting), but I can’t figure it out either. So I ask you to tell me if there is any ritual to facilitate the exit or something like that ?.

The exit problem is probably enclosed in imagining oneself outside the body and the emergence of unconscious fears (due to an illogical situation), here the gradual rocking of the astral body and distraction from visiting thoughts and internal dialogue can help, all this concerns direct entry into the astral. For awareness in a dream, the runic formulas presented in the Mannaz Eihwaz Ehwaz Jera catalog can be used.

Quote(Ysmir @ 7.2.2009, 21:20)

The exit problem is probably enclosed in imagining oneself outside the body and the emergence of unconscious fears (due to an illogical situation), here the gradual rocking of the astral body and distraction from visiting thoughts and internal dialogue can help, all this concerns direct entry into the astral. For awareness in a dream, the runic formulas presented in the Mannaz Eihwaz Ehwaz Jera catalog can be used.

maybe about imagining yourself outside the body ... I have never heard of such a thing that it is required when exiting. I worked with the Internal Dialogue, I think I can handle it quite well during the attempt.
Thanks for the recipe, I'll definitely try it. Once I saw a ritual that is aimed specifically at entering the astral plane, I will try to find and post it. I want to hear your comments. I did not try it because of the initial level of my knowledge ...

Failure in the central nervous system. She won't let you out. Find the reason, calm down and go!

If that's the case... (CNS)... it's not that easy... it's hard to find the cause. Yes, and it seems that everything is fine with me with her .. But literally one step is missing before the exit ... already almost in the astral plane, and then everything abruptly passes *(.

I have the same thing, only I don’t smoke ... but I can’t go out either, I have the impression that one step is missing ...

I think if you don’t lose heart, but try every day, then someday we’ll fizzle out))

Quote(karma @ 8.2.2009, 19:36)

There is, there is a moral and psychological reason, which does not let go at the last moment. You try to go out and at the moment of failure, remember what prevented you. Anyway, find the reason. Believe me - this is a trifle. Try another way. Through the dead you know well. The main thing - go, and then - where the soul desires.

Hmm... and where does the deceased? I don't understand...

Do you need it at all?

Quote(karma @ 9.2.2009, 21:00)

For me, complete freedom of movement without time and boundaries. I can come from the dead to the unborn. So what?
What do you think the astral? Outhouse with stars on the wall. Ah, Sirius in the middle. Sorry. What did you read again? They hit you on the head so that you can't understand where you are. Here you are, somewhere near the astral plane, but you cannot control anything.

Quote(Hertik @ 9.2.2009, 18:48)

Do you need it at all?
You first decide what you need to "astral", and maybe after that you will understand what this very "astral" is

I don’t have a specific goal for the astral as such... I just want to learn how to enter the astral consciously...

Quote(karma @ 9.2.2009, 23:23)

There was a time, I was interested, I climbed every night. Everything is gone. This needs to be said separately and seriously. Not so simple. Being engaged in the treatment of people, I always hang between reality and the astral. I consecrate the runes - the same thing. What is Astral!!!? It starts to piss me off when I feel clearly, I can’t explain, but I shoot and record information from somewhere. And I can not understand whether this is true or "bzik".
Well, if you start discussing all this, then this is the road to a madhouse.

Cool... every night. Sometimes I was able to evoke vibrations, not every night... So you say Karma: "I always hang between reality and the astral" Isn't the astral a part of reality??? In no case do I want to confuse you or drive you into a dead end ... Still, I will try to get out, I think it will work out. It is possible that I will try to use runes to help. The current before that, I think oh how far ...).

Quote(Beliar @ 9.2.2009, 21:24)

hmm... I don't think so. Karma, I'm not sure that you can see the exact future with the help of the astral. It's impossible. Yes, and I have a general idea of ​​​​the astral plane. (been there a couple of times unknowingly).
I don’t have a specific goal for the astral as such... I just want to learn how to enter the astral consciously...

Quote([email protected], 0:06)

Folks, for starters, you decide what "astral" is for you, because in order to go where you need to at least feel something.

I don’t have a certain feeling of the astral ... I have only some ideas, I don’t know if they are correct ...

Quote(Hertik @ 9.2.2009, 23:06)

Folks, for starters, you decide what "astral" is for you, because in order to go where you need to at least feel something.

It is truth too. First, about the terms...

Zombie lives for 15 years. Is his head in the astral plane?
Buddha marinated himself, head in the astral plane?
From overvoltage turned out to be in a state of wedge. of death. Head in the astral plane?
In my understanding, if the mind begins to lose the state of reality and begins to see another world, this is the beginning of contact with the astral. It could be worse next. Better ask KADUMA, he is always there.

Astral, astral, yes on ........ I'm on your astral. It's dark everywhere, no one calls for a visit, you come to visit with your wives - they kick you out, but leave your wives, they don't give a shit about such order. Later, they say, we'll make muses out of them, all sorts of armless Venus. Or maybe they will dictate the Dontsova book. Don't go to hell...

10.2.2009, 10:50

10.2.2009, 11:00

Quote([email protected], 10:50)

The ability to be anywhere in the world, ample opportunities for research, with regards to scrying (immersion in the subconscious), you can test the chain of events, and then use the intention in real life, all this allows the astral world and access to awareness.

10.2.2009, 11:08

10.2.2009, 11:43

Quote([email protected], 11:08)

What other methods and possibilities exist besides the exit technique, the inner world has already been mentioned.

10.2.2009, 13:00

Quote([email protected], 11:00)

To do this, it is not at all necessary to “classically” leave the body.

By the way, that's right. It depends on the purposes for which it is not necessary to completely lose oneself. It's also good to know "safety"

Quote([email protected], 11:43)

Through sleep, for example. You give yourself an installation - and in a dream the information you need comes

This is how my sister does it. I can not do that.

10.2.2009, 20:04

Quote([email protected], 12:43)

Through sleep, for example. You give yourself an installation - and in a dream the information you need comes

It's probably even more difficult than getting out of the body) ...

Quote([email protected], 11:50)

The ability to be anywhere in the world, ample opportunities for research, with regards to scrying (immersion in the subconscious), you can test the chain of events, and then use the intention in real life, all this allows the astral world and access to awareness.

This is exactly what pushes me to try to get out for quite a long time. I confess that I have no noble goals for going to the astral plane... (I have no exact idea about it), well, as always, a person is simply strongly drawn to the unknown...

10.2.2009, 21:12

Yes, about dreams. Has anyone experienced this: you are in darkness, but not at night, where space is felt, but thick, as if in some kind of gaseous ink, and all people and other living beings are bright? From the side of beauty, such Khokhloma is simple ... And when you get ... It’s not even scary, but somehow strange ... Not just feelings, but the very perception of reality changes. Words can't explain... But most importantly, such dreams are prophetic. But not literally: in this "ink" you somehow see images and with some "otherworldly" logic (in the same place in a dream) - "decode". Even from contact with this blackness, some kind of strange feeling arises ... Not bad, not good, just strange ...

Oleg Shaposhnikov

Quote(Mara @ 11.2.2009, 8:10)

Let's see, going out of the body and going into the astral are somewhat different things. OBE - out of body sensations, this is an exit from the body. In this case, you can not leave the room or apartment. You can get into the astral during meditations or with the help of the OS, without leaving the body.
Getting into the astral after leaving the body is much easier than with the help of meditation.

The ways of mastering these two "outputs" are different.

There are many simple out-of-body techniques. I studied in a group of six people, trained everyone in a couple of months. Later I taught people, though only three, but they mastered everything (not as a teacher, but just acquaintances who also longed for freedom).

These techniques are well described by two authors: Mikhail Raduga (all his books are devoted to aing, i.e. leaving the body) and Robert Monroe (do not confuse with Douglas). Perhaps there are other reasonable and useful books, but I have not read them, and these are available on the Internet and for sale (on ozone in particular). By the way, R. Monroe has very intelligible books, and there are (IMHO of course) senile ones.

The techniques are slightly different for the two authors. One of my students studied in Monroe, the other two in Rainbow. I myself studied according to the author's methodology of our teacher, completely copied from Robert Monroe. But personally, Michael Raduga's techniques seem more accessible to me. I think that for those who seriously decided to master the WTO, it is better to study both authors.

By the way, among those six with whom I was trained, two are avid smokers. And one of those whom I taught, too.

3.7. Complete triumph of will.

11.2.2009, 11:26

Quote([email protected], 22:12)

I have a similar problem: it almost already worked out, but here you just feel like “skin”, that you are falling into the abyss, almost physically, and this fear pulls me out. There was also a feeling of not even vibration, but rotation (as if instead of a bed - a spinning top), moreover, accelerating, and also breaking off. And I had lucid dreams more than once, sometimes without any installations, but, again, this did not lead to anything ...

All the same for me.

Quote(Oleg [email protected], 9:36)

1. Immediately it is necessary to distinguish between the level of work in this area.
2. If one is just trying to practice, that's one thing. He left the body, circled the room. Moreover, the place for this should be PROFESSIONAL.
3. If someone tries to operate, and actively, then this is completely different.
3.1. No tobacco or alcohol. Only a special diet without any meat.
3.2. 3-5 hours a day of physical training.
3.3. 2 times a week cross for 20-40 kilometers.
3.4. Complete isolation from public values.
3.5. Termination of personal life.
3.6. Complete control over emotions.
3.7. Complete triumph of will.

Please explain the concept of "Operate" here ....

11.2.2009, 13:35

Quote(Oleg [email protected], 8:36)

Moreover, the place for this should be PROFESSIONAL.
3. If someone tries to operate, and actively, then this is completely different.
3.1. No tobacco or alcohol. Only a special diet without any meat.
3.2. 3-5 hours a day of physical training.
3.3. 2 times a week cross for 20-40 kilometers.
3.4. Complete isolation from public values.
3.5. Termination of personal life.
3.6. Complete control over emotions.
3.7. Complete triumph of will.

"They accept a person into the party

- Yes..

- Yes..

- Well, yes…
- Will you give your life for the sake of the party?

11.2.2009, 13:53

11.2.2009, 18:15

Quote([email protected], 14:35)

I eat meat, I drink, I smoke, I swear, I communicate with girls, and with all this, I have an increased energy tone .. Tell me, what am I doing wrong? ))))))

And about going to the astral plane and such restrictions, an anecdote comes to mind -

"They accept a person into the party
- And you, Semenych, could you stop drinking for the sake of the party?
- Yes..
- Will you quit smoking for the sake of the party?
- Yes..
- Will you stop talking to women?
- Well, yes…
- Will you give your life for the sake of the party?
- Of course I'll give it to me, to hell with such a life .. "

If a person is engaged in magic, more precisely if he is a magician or at least magic, then this is from the word that he CAN .. Can perform an action, and don’t care that he smoked a cigarette an hour ago, and yesterday he sat down a liter of beer. Otherwise, it turns out that the same beer is an extremely powerful drink - it destroys any magic. And lard is so generally - downright antidotum from magical influences

funny joke).
Based on the facts that I have found (in the books of R. Monroe, etc.) it says that "the body must be completely relaxed." But if we eat a pound of fat before going out, I don’t think that the stomach and everything inside will relax =)). Some muscles work there ... which is for someone an obstacle to complete relaxation .... Everyone is different ...

Quote ([email protected], 14:53)

Despite the rigidity of the system proposed by Shaposhnikov for entering the astral plane, it can be extremely effective in order to overcome the internal blocks that interfere with this process.
As for alcohol for the magician...
In itself, it is not alcohol that is harmful to a magician, but the loss of control over oneself and over one's power...
There is no empty space. If you are not in control of yourself, someone else is controlling you. And with such an approach, climbing into the astral plane is dangerous, because there are a lot of things to be found there ... wanting to control someone.

As for the Hetrika post, ... it means that you have enough willpower and self-control to walk around the astral plane with all this ... and much more to do_)
Unfortunately, not all of them can. And given that Beliar, a novice astronaut, all of the above is not suitable for him if he wants to achieve practical results and at the same time not mess things up...

Altered states of consciousness are no joke. And it is dangerous to approach these processes lightly.

Thanks for the advice.

Oleg Shaposhnikov

11.2.2009, 21:15

Oleg Shaposhnikov

11.2.2009, 21:30

Quote([email protected], 13:35)

I eat meat, I drink, I smoke, I swear, I communicate with girls, and with all this, I have an increased energy tone .. Tell me, what am I doing wrong? ))))))

And about going to the astral plane and such restrictions, an anecdote comes to mind -

"They accept a person into the party
- And you, Semenych, could you stop drinking for the sake of the party?
- Yes..
- Will you quit smoking for the sake of the party?
- Yes..
- Will you stop talking to women?
- Well, yes…
- Will you give your life for the sake of the party?
- Of course I'll give it to me, to hell with such a life .. "

If a person is engaged in magic, more precisely if he is a magician or at least magic, then this is from the word that he CAN .. Can perform an action, and don’t care that he smoked a cigarette an hour ago, and yesterday he sat down a liter of beer. Otherwise, it turns out that the same beer is an extremely powerful drink - it destroys any magic. And lard is so generally - downright antidotum from magical influences

11.2.2009, 22:15

Quote(Oleg [email protected], 22:15)

To operate means to perform some action. Get in touch. Not an observer, let's say.


11.2.2009, 22:41

1.1. Introductory. Very tight, very, supper. And a bottle of vodka, as without it. Then with a couple of beauties in the crib and until two in the morning .... And get stoned to a stupor in an unventilated room. At two o'clock in the morning we get up and in full gear (30 kilos behind us, a machine gun with two horns, and two more in a jacket, two pistols, four grenades, a fin and a dagger, a walkie-talkie, a gas mask, body armor) 20 kilometers through the autumn forest in the rain. Time is limited. Very limited. Running and very intense.
1.2. How are you feeling when you arrive? And will it arrive on time? And will there be an arrival at all? In general, will it be possible to do something other than drop dead, even if you arrive?
2. About - why such a life. LIFESTYLE IS JUST WHAT WE ARE USED TO.

11.2.2009, 22:50

Quote([email protected], 23:41)

Extremes are fatal in ANY manifestation. It's one thing to get drunk before a march, and another thing to be afraid to drink a bottle of beer, because in a week you will run a cross for the collective farm championship.

11.2.2009, 22:56

Quote(Oleg [email protected], 21:30)

1. I'll start in the second. Astral travel and work in the astral plane is not exactly magic. This is somewhat different. Do not confuse and mix everything in one heap. By and large, work in the astral plane is just work in a different reality. And let me ask you a question:
1.1. Introductory. Very tight, very, supper. And a bottle of vodka, as without it. Then with a couple of beauties in the crib and until two in the morning .... And get stoned to a stupor in an unventilated room. At two o'clock in the morning we get up and in full gear (30 kilos behind us, a machine gun with two horns, and two more in a jacket, two pistols, four grenades, a fin and a dagger, a walkie-talkie, a gas mask, body armor) 20 kilometers through the autumn forest in the rain. Time is limited. Very limited. Running and very intense.
1.2. How are you feeling when you arrive? And will it arrive on time? And will there be an arrival at all? In general, will it be possible to do something other than drop dead, even if you arrive?
2. About - why such a life. LIFESTYLE IS JUST WHAT WE ARE USED TO.

What is this, a joke?

After this, you can fall into the astral.

Oleg Shaposhnikov

12.2.2009, 12:04

Quote([email protected], 22:41)

Extremes are fatal in ANY manifestation. It's one thing to get drunk before a march, and another thing to be afraid to drink a bottle of beer, because in a week you will run a cross for the collective farm championship.

1. I always speak, ask questions and answer them SPECIFICALLY.
2. I try to immediately and specifically explain the essence of things, and not to reveal the true state of affairs on the sly. So very often various sects and other structures act. Everything and everything is promised to the adept, and then, as we move forward, completely different facts are revealed. There is such. It is clear that in this case the adepts are used as material. The material has been worked out - everything.
3. The same applies to activities in the astral plane. It is clear that there are simply experiments with astral projection, and there is work (activity) in the astral plane. Everyone thinks that they "just come in." Further more, and the person is already starting to do something. Then again and again, - such is the essence of man. Therefore, it is necessary to speak clearly and specifically what a person expects. What I am doing.
4.1. Example. What's special about the example? The ordinary life of a normal man. Well, relaxed. And without much stress. As you can see, there was only one bottle of vodka, and for a good snack. Ate well, drank well. All other pleasures completed. Sleep well and go to work the next day. Certainly not in the morning... Like I'll be in the small Council of People's Commissars in the morning .... Everything is fine. But this is an ordinary person. Another thing is a certain employee of a certain structure. Stop accepting the nonsense that is shown on TV in this regard. There are cool guys from the operational special forces (pay attention - OPERATIVE) and constantly indulge in vodka and smoke one cigarette after another, and they have families and nothing human is alien to them. Rave. Complete nonsense. Will not work. AT ANY MINUTE, AT ANY HOUR, there may be a collection signal. Workout every day and many hours a day. Finished activities - got a new face, a new name and a new surname, and a new passport, and then relax.
4.2. A bottle of beer and competitions on the collective farm. There is no need to immediately try to bring the standard way of life of a Russian citizen to a bottle of beer. And work in the astral plane (or operating a serious magician) for competitions on the collective farm. I repeat once again. It was about the compatibility of a SERIOUS magician and the fact that he would lead a NORMAL way of life.
5. Must also specify the methods of magical work.
5.1. Mage Operator. Let's call it that. All techniques on the Odin Runes website are designed for this work. Or I would not even begin to use the term "magician", but used the term "specialist". Life is the most ordinary. The work is based on operating with the help of the Runic System. Imagine a person who speaks some ancient language and knows nothing of modern science. And give him a cell phone. What is it for him? Even chopped nuts are not convenient. A modern person will use a cell phone. An ancient person would run for herbs to help the sick, and a modern ambulance would call the sick by phone. An ancient person will defend himself with a stick from the attackers, and a modern person will call the police. An ancient person will learn something for a long time, and a modern person will receive information via the Internet. Exactly the same in our case. It is clear that you do not need to change your lifestyle for this. But HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FORM SHOULD BE FOLLOWED!
5.2. Mage functionary. It does not refer to any system, but works CAM. He goes to the astral plane and there he deals with the defendants in the case. Or does it with the help of other rituals. It is clear that a SPECIAL LIFESTYLE and SPECIFIC HEALTH are needed here. He can use some system (or systems), but only as auxiliary mechanisms.
5.3. Mage-initiate. The magician works for a certain System. He is NOT INDEPENDENT. No PERSONAL decisions are made. When operating him, the System can control his body. It is clear that he does not need to monitor his health and lifestyle. For example, work in the astral plane. Four angels descend. Two remain with the physical body, two go into the astral along with its subtle bodies. He works there and returns with two angels. Enters the body that the two remaining angels have prepared for the fusion, and all the angels leave. This is the upper world. If there is work with the lower world, then everything is similar.

Quote([email protected], 22:56)

What item do you mean?
1 or 2?

Quote([email protected], 22:50)

I remember ... I came across such an exit method, though I didn’t try it, my hands didn’t reach.
The method is simply called "Barbaric".
Conditions for the method: do not sleep for 2-3 days in general .... do not eat anything, and so on. In general, we bring the body to exhaustion ... Then we lie down, turn on the TV or something that will make a little noise (so as not to fall asleep right away). We relax... try not to fall asleep, well, then as usual...
What do you think? Campaign ... this is something like an extreme).

There is such a technique. Only here you find yourself in a completely different place in the astral plane. You won't be able to operate there. You can't get anywhere from this place - only back to the body. Fool protection.

12.2.2009, 14:11

Quote(Oleg [email protected], 12:04)

4. About the distortion. I do not distort. Let's be SPECIFIC. It was about a cool, or not very cool, but, let's say, SERIOUS magician. And about a rather NORMAL (conventional) way of life. A USUAL way of life, an ordinary person, but at the same time he is a SERIOUS magician. So, this doesn't happen. Let's finally become adults and serious interlocutors and stop believing in stories and fairy tales. It is clear that you REALLY want to BECOME A SERIOUS magician without parting with ANYTHING from ordinary life. And there are all 33 pleasures and here, too, 33. It will not work. Or there. Or there. Nothing else is given.

First, I did not notice _serious magicians_ in this topic, and the level of tasks "for the championship of the collective farm" is completely solved without changing my whole life to the ground.
Second, do not confuse dependence on habits (which is actually in the "usual way of life") and a hard intentional rejection of everything, these are again two extremes.
A serious magician does not _limit_ himself in something, he just does not need much.
Fundamental difference, don't you think? Yes, and for a magician, the same alcohol can also be a kind of tool for working with consciousness, and not an addiction as for an average person.

Strict restrictions for the sake of some _far-fetched_ goal, the seriousness of which a person cannot assess, will not lead to awareness, and if they do, then it will be a very crooked path.

The easiest and most effective way to enter the Astral


It is no secret that the degree of ease of getting into the phase depends both on the knowledge and on the natural data of a particular person.
Those who fail with standard techniques should not despair. There is a failsafe way.

The fact is that many find it very difficult to relax enough. Moreover, some will never be able to do it intentionally. However, normal sleep can be used to relax. Sleep is the most powerful relaxation the body can achieve. And you don't have to do anything. Just sleep. You can sleep all night, or you can fall asleep on purpose for just a few minutes, which is easily achieved during training.

The most important thing is what you need to do when you wake up. Get back how to do it.

1. The less time passes after the awakening of consciousness before you start doing something, the more chances.
2. in no case do not move.

And then try to implement various techniques directly to disconnect or create vibrations. You can just try to fly out or roll out. You may wonder how elementary this will turn out to be. This is often very easy.

Try different techniques for a few minutes. If nothing comes out, go to sleep.
I can safely say that the above technique is the easiest for most people. Of course, if it doesn't work the first time, it's nothing. You need to try for several weeks and preferably every time you wake up at all. You should always remember this when you wake up!

Usually the result is in the first two or three days.
But in the morning we can wake up up to 5-6 times. That is, you can make the same number of attempts. On average, 1 out of 3 is successful with experience.
The main problem is to remember the task about the astral as quickly as possible after waking up.
This is the easiest and most accessible technique for beginners, including those who want to experience it as quickly as possible.

Woke up. I lay down for a bit in thought and remembered about the phase. However, the brain, as is customary, began to assess the situation and vividly led to the idea that now nothing would work out, since there were no forerunners of this state nearby, and I was already 110% alert.

However, JUST for the sake of not violating the principle of TRYING IT ALWAYS, I started using various techniques. I tried to phantomly shake something, tried to "listen", then something else. Nothing worked, but I decided to try force falling asleep, after which I immediately began to mentally rotate and spin. And I was immediately taken over by vibrations.

Some time ago I came to the conclusion that after any waking up you can always enter the phase. So, now it seems to me that not always, but in 85% -95%. And if it doesn’t work out, then the reason lies precisely in the fact that you did not take advantage of all the chances that exist at these moments. There are two reasons for this: either you don’t know enough exit techniques, or it seems to you that nothing will work out and you don’t even try.

But there were cases when I tried to enter the phase after sleep for about five minutes. Then it already seems that you entered it not in an indirect way, but in a direct way - it took so much time.

In my book, it was not in vain that I singled out peculiar "commandments", one of which reads:
Remember that every time you wake up, you can get into the phase.

Wake up and immediately try:

take off
-create vibrations
- get out of the body
- move phantom limbs
- listen to inner sounds
-power falling asleep
-observation of images

Try everything at once in turn until you get your own. Sometimes it may take a couple of laps.
It is also useful between techniques, from time to time, to try to just disconnect or take off.

How to get out into the astral plane and then back in


We spent a lot of time studying the Astral Plane. Any magician or sorcerer is obliged to enter the Astral Plane upon reaching his goal. Everyone knows the way out himself, these secrets are by nature very subjective. The process of cognition is directed only by the firm will of the Magus, and we know that Astral Projection helps in this. So, you are given a ritual of transition to the ASTRAL PLANE, leaving the physical plane.


Sit on a chair facing east and relax, breathe deeply. It is not necessary to sit, who will be more comfortable lying, lie down. Turn off the phone, legs and arms do not cross. If you are sitting, place your hands on your knees, palms down, eyes closed.

Visualize a yellow-gold ball 5-7cm in size. This ball is filled with warm glowing light, it is not necessary to see the ball. Know that it exists, in time you will be able to see it. The ball gives complete relaxation, tension disappears, feel the warmth that goes through the legs. Let the ball go up your legs to your neck, then lower it down your hands to your fingers, then it goes back up to your neck and into your head.

You should feel warm and completely relaxed. If somewhere you feel discomfort, anxiety, excitement - send the heat of the ball there, and it will disappear. Remain in a state of complete relaxation for 10-15 minutes. If you suffer from insomnia or disturbed sleep, then perform this preparation ritual before bed, instead of sleeping pills.

After relaxing, you take a deep breath 3 times. Here you should feel new life, renewed energy that enters the body with every breath. At the end, clap your hands 3 times, open your eyes. Feel yourself after relaxation. If everything worked out for you, you can proceed to further work, if something did not work out - achieve the final result.


Getting started, as in the preparation of the above. After feeling warm and completely relaxed, visualize yourself facing you, sometimes you can start the preparatory work from the mirror. Imprint your image in your mind. When you have seen yourself clearly enough, your image, use your strength, energy and saturate your double with it.

Revive it! Your eyes are closed! Now mentally make him turn to the East, in the same direction as you, command him to turn and wish it strong. You must feel with your physical body, feel and visualize everything that your double does.

As soon as you feel it, do not let it go anywhere, but make it come to you and start absorbing it with deep breaths, absorb it until it disappears completely. Then clap your hands 3 times. The sounds of pops will bring you back to normal, open your eyes.

The technique you are mastering is mental projection. Here the mind and feelings are sent from the physical body by the force of will. In AP consciousness completely leaves the physical plane and connects with the Astral double. In the preparatory version, you used willpower visualization. There may come a time when you do not feel your physical body. This means that the true Astral projection has come, do not strive to immediately return to the body.

Instant Astral Projection. Instant exit from the body

There are three different ghost movement speeds.
The first, natural and normal speed, is used when the subject is conscious and moving freely in his immediate surroundings, or else when he is in a state of astral somnambulism. He's just walking around.
The second - the average speed - is an unhindered and accelerated movement, in which, however, perception is not lost. In this case, it seems to a person that it is not he himself who is moving, but that everything is swimming towards him, passing through him, past him, just as they rush past a field and a hedge when you ride in an express train. It seems that it is not the ghost that passes through the door, but the door through it. When the wraith moves at medium speed, streaks of light emanate from it that extend for a distance of about two feet. It seems that these flashes, phosphorescent (the color of the astral body), are trailing behind him, like a tail of sparks behind a meteor. This average speed allows the subject to quickly cover relatively large distances without losing consciousness.
The third is supernormal movement speed - a speed beyond human imagination. It always occurs when the subject is unconscious, and also when the ghost moves back and forth over long distances. It would be absolutely impossible to travel long distances at such a speed consciously, for our thinking process is very slow, and before the mind forms one thought, the goal will have already been reached.
What I have said about the three speeds with which the projected astral body moves is also true for the finally separated (dead) astral bodies. Some argue that the projected astral body is always moving at a super high speed. This is only true when the ghost is moving a very long distance. In other cases, an average speed is used, and yet sometimes the ghost behaves in a way that corresponds to its physical living half, with all the features of its gait, rhythm and posture.

It should not be assumed that the projection of the astral body is carried out during natural sleep. It can occur in any state of unconsciousness. During illness, especially chronic or debilitating illness, astral projection can and often does occur.
It has been established that the weaker and more exhausted the physical body becomes, the easier the astral body is separated from it, because in this case the material resistance to those internal processes that contribute to separation is weakened. Undoubtedly, at death, many people already rise in the astral body before the last breath of the physical body comes, although they may not be aware of this fact. I firmly believe that physical weakness contributes to most examples of mediumistic abilities, for the weaker the material coordination of a person, the less will be the material influence that will have to be overcome by subconscious means. This fact of pain is also characteristic of astral projection. In making such a statement, I am aware that it is contrary to many authorities. It is generally accepted that perfect material coordination (health) is a necessary condition for performing an astral projection, but I hope to disprove such a belief by giving examples and pointing out special reasons for believing the opposite. If I really disagree with others about what causes, promotes, and affects the projection of the astral body, then I do so because I myself have experimented in this area. Therefore, I can only say that if contemporaries who disagree with me are correct in their statements, then I am an exception! However, I will return to this problem of “soreness” later. Exteriorization can be caused by hypnosis and mesmerism. It is a remarkable fact that Andrew Jackson Davies - a clairvoyant from Paphcypsia, one of the greatest in the world - experienced the projection of the astral body at an early age, caused by the mesmerist William Livenstone. Davis' first out-of-body experience was spiraling through the air.

A severe blow, especially to the head, or some other extreme shock resulting in loss of consciousness, is another common cause of sudden astral projection. If you want to try the simplest recipe for sudden astral projection, let a friend or foe (preferably) hit you on the head with a racket - a concussive blow. This is the simplest method, however, since you cannot be aware of such an exteriorization, it may be better to try one of the other methods that will be explained later. However, in all seriousness, a strong blow or push will often cause a quick and brief separation, whether the victim is aware of it or not.

A neighbor, an old man in his seventies, whose dwelling is visible from where I am writing this, told me an incident that is an exemplary example of an instantaneous and sudden projection of the conscious type. One winter day he harnessed his horses and went into the forest for firewood. Returning, he sat on top of the loaded sleigh. Light snow fell. At this time, one hunter, who happened to be on the road, shot at the rabbit without warning. The horses rushed and overturned the sleigh, throwing the driver headfirst. Telling me this, he said that as soon as he fell to the ground, he became aware of himself standing and looking at another "me" lying motionless on the road, face down in the snow. He saw snow falling all around, steam rising from the horses, and a hunter running towards him. Everything was as it should be, however, to his great amazement, there were "two" of him, for at that time he believed that he was observing everything that happened from another physical body. When the hunter approached, everything seemed to go hazy. His next conscious impression was that he was lying on the ground, and the hunter was trying to bring him to his senses. It is possible that all people in their lives receive such blows, from which, as they say, "sparks fall from the eyes." The radiance seen is the aura that is visible for a moment when the two bodies are separated. The same glow can be observed to a greater extent during conscious projection, that is, at the beginning of a long separation. The astral ghost is our true self to such an extent that we do not realize how much we are connected with it, we do not positively imagine that we are using it at the moment. This astral body is our life, and when it is forever separated from the physical, the latter does not matter. I would like to convince you, reader, that this phantom body is not a new being that you will become in the future; it is the "You" of the present - your consciousness, your soul.
Without an astral body, your physical anatomy would be a gross mass of insensible material, inertly subject to the law of attraction. This ghost becomes accustomed to the habits of the physical body, being connected with it and forced to conform to its laws. When something unusual or unnatural occurs that disturbs the harmony of the physical body - a shock, a blow, a violation of habit, a passionate indomitable desire, an illness - in short, everything that leads to a violation of perfect material coordination is also a shock to the astral body. What he saw from the astral body was so real that he could not help but believe in the existence of two physical bodies and went so far as to look for footprints in the snow at the place where he thought he was standing.

Such an example not only shows that a person does not change at all, being outside his physical body, but also demonstrates that the astral body is an integral part, the true "I" of earthly existence, that it is the center of the conscious mind, which is not created by the will of man. Many people have experienced something more or less similar, but, not understanding what happened, they dismissed it as an inexplicable or unusual trick of the physical nature.
The duration of such a sudden projection depends on the strength of the shaking that caused it. If the blow or concussion was strong, then the result is a longer duration of loss of consciousness. It is easy to see that the longer the unconscious state, the longer the exteriorization will be. A brief coma causes only a brief projection, and often lasts a fraction of a second. Indeed, the exteriorization and interiorization of the astral body can occur at such a speed that the subject does not at all feel that he was out of the body, only for a moment, and it is possible that at that moment he believed that he had walked about a foot from where he actually stood.

Shaking to the point of damage is not the only way to achieve internal separation, for even an unexpected shock or push of the physical body can sometimes throw the ghost out of balance. Many are amazed at the idea that separation of the astral body can be achieved, and yet I dare say that almost everyone has experienced it in some mild form, often without realizing it. And an intense form of projection is only a continuation of a less intense one. Here are the two axioms inherent in this simple astral kind of separation:
A sudden force, unexpectedly directed against the body, while it is moving in a given direction, cannot at the same moment interrupt the movement of the astral body, and the latter will still move in this direction, leaving for a fraction of a second from a state of equilibrium with physical body. A material body moving in a certain direction, with a sudden and unexpected collision with a stationary body, will bring the physical body out of balance in the direction of movement (a moment later the astral body will move in the physical body). It must be remembered that this is only a short separation in time and distance, occurring at an instantaneous speed, so rapid that it does not allow the subject to lose consciousness, although he feels a rush of amazement when it occurs. In addition, at this moment there is such a feeling as if you are rising into the air, or there is a feeling of interception of breath under the spoon. In either case, the collision must be unexpected, sudden, and strong enough to interrupt the body's normal momentum.
When the car comes to a sudden stop, violently and unexpectedly throwing the passengers forward, there is a momentary disharmony of the two bodies (astral and physical), which gives a feeling of breathlessness. This may seem too common to be true; if so, it is because our astral half is so merged with our "I" that we are not aware of this, we do not know ourselves.

Here is an example of how an unexpected shock can throw a ghost off balance. One night, a few years ago, I was walking down the stairs of my house. Before that, I was sleeping and still sleepy. There were 15 steps, and I went down and up them hundreds of times, since I lived in this house all my life. I don't know why, but when I reached the last step, I tried to take another step down (as happens to many of us), and this push had a strong effect on me. My breath caught in my stomach, and even before the physical body fell, I found myself projecting out of it in a state of absolute consciousness. I'm not saying that I thought I was conscious - I really was conscious. I not only saw the physical body fall to the floor, but also felt it fall from a few feet away. Let's analyze this and see what happened, for in this way we will discover the basic law of astral projection.

It must be understood that it is not the conscious mind that causes the projection, but the subconscious will. We can walk with a conscious effort, but usually we walk unconsciously - under the influence of a subconscious will. Just when the body is under the influence of a subconscious impulse and an unexpected barrier delays the physical body, the astral body continues to move for a moment in the given direction. If the forward movement had been conscious, this would not have happened. If I had consciously stepped down the stairs, I would not have taken the wrong step. However, the descent was unconscious, under the control of the subconscious will, and when the barrier (floor) blocked the movement of the physical body, the subconscious will was still inclined to descend and thus unbalanced the astral body. The same principle is manifested in the bifurcation caused by the collision of a moving force with an immovable body. The motionless body is under the control of the subconscious will. When the force of the collision meets the physical body, the subconscious will tends to remain in the same position until consciousness comes into play. Thus, the astral body remains in the same position, while the physical goes out of the state of coincidence (balance).

When analyzing the reasons for the sudden, or slight, separation, the following conclusions become apparent:

Body(s) can move unconsciously
The body can move unconsciously while the conscious mind
The body can move unconsciously when the conscious mind is not functioning
When the body moves unconsciously, it is driven by the subconscious
These conclusions lead us to the basic rule of astral projection: if the subconscious will tends to move the body (coinciding bodies) and the physical double becomes passive, the subconscious will moves the astral body independently of the physical.

Since this is the basic law of projection, the question arises: how can the subconscious will be voluntarily impelled to activity if the physical body is limited in its ability to act or extremely passive? “It's not easy,” you say. And this is really not so easy to achieve with a simple thought or a frivolous attempt, although there are well-defined methods for obtaining such an effect.
If we identify the causes that cause the involuntary projection of the astral body and make those causes consciously act in order to achieve the projection, then why can't it be caused at will? All my early exteriorizations were accidental, unintentional. At first I believed that I possessed some extraordinary power that others do not have, but after a long study of such phenomena and careful recording of all features, I was finally able to determine the causes that cause the seeming miracle. By setting these causes to work in order to achieve astral projection, I successfully carried it out at will - long before I read a word on the subject. I will not go into these reasons now, but I will do so later, as I want to first give some more general information regarding this matter. However, it will not be superfluous to note here that repressed desire is often the most powerful and the only factor that causes involuntary projection. We see how decisively the subconscious will, once called to action, acts. When you start moving, you go and go if your conscious mind does not stop you. And when you are standing, you would be standing if your conscious mind did not urge you to move. Now let us ask whether the repressed desire has a subconscious will to control the body? When you are conscious, you desire something. You do not satisfy this desire. You would satisfy it - however, there is some obstacle in your way. So you go on desiring and desiring and desiring, all the while straining your subconscious will. The tension becomes so high that you are at war with yourself. You can feel how the subconscious mind is trying to accomplish what you want. And it would do it immediately if it had your conscious mind. At such a moment, the subconscious will goes into action, at the very moment when you no longer interfere with it. Therefore, when you are asleep, the conscious mind can no longer say no to the subconscious will and it tends to project the body to the desired location. And if the sleeping subject is physically incapable of action, the astral body will be projected.

What do we mean by the term "physical passivity"? Simply that the physical body is not sufficiently capable of reacting the moment the subconscious will begins to act. As a rule, during sleep, the body is much less active compared to the waking state. The heart beats more slowly, and the whole body is at a lower level of activity than usual. If the subject is unwell, the physical organism cannot react immediately, which further convinces us of the correctness of the statement made: the weaker the subject, the more easily separation can occur - provided that the illness is of a protracted nature. Wilkie says, “Once true sleep sets in, there are certain changes in the physical structure. The heartbeat and breathing rate slow down, become less pronounced, the pressure drops, as does the body temperature; perspiration becomes more profuse. The stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver and other organs, although they work actively, are still slower than usual. Also, the amount of work that the physical organism needs to do is much less than in the waking state, and these parts can rest. Since rest outweighs loss, the various structures recover sufficiently after sleeping for the required duration. Thus, the term "physical passivity" refers to a state of extraordinary passivity, whether the subject is bedridden due to illness or is fast asleep, so that he does not can instantly come into a state of activity when the subconscious will impels the body to move. Consider the somnambulist. When such a person is asleep, the subconscious will impels the body to move - usually through suppressed desire. The sleeper rises from his bed and walks in a state of balance (physical and astral body) because his physical body is not active enough to prevent the moment when the subconscious will begins to act, while, as if it were unusually passive, the astral body would go out from the physical and the subject would be in a state of astral somnambulism.

What is the conscious mind made of? Where is he located? Where is the conscious mind when it is functioning? These questions cannot be answered by the wisest or most occult philosophers, and no doubt they will forever remain food for thought. We do not even know the boundaries of nature or the location of the conscious mind. And yet we know that we are using this mind and that it can obviously become unconscious. But where is it during the unconscious state of a person? It seems almost ludicrous that the conscious mind can instantly evaporate when a coma sets in, just as without any proof it is hard to believe that it exists during a coma. If the conscious mind can turn into nothing during a coma, how can it be recreated after this state with similar abilities - from nothing? On the other hand, if it does exist, how can we understand the fact that we are unconscious in the place where consciousness exists? And where does it exist? The deeper we go into this riddle, the more necessary it becomes even deeper study. Even the briefest consideration of this problem will convince the most hopeless egocentrist that he does not know himself after all. That the mind exists is obvious, but what happens to it during a coma remains incomprehensible.
Some argue that it is the senses that stop functioning, not the conscious mind, but without the senses there would be no consciousness. But is it possible to define the nature of the senses more precisely than the nature of the conscious mind? What is a feeling? How does it function? What is sensitivity? Where is the sensitivity when a person is unconscious? Trying to solve one mystery, replacing it with another, we only come across even greater mysteries that require reflection. Others believe that when coma sets in, the conscious mind is exteriorized in the astral body, which is why the subject loses consciousness. But why, then, is the subject not always aware of such exteriorization, if it were so in reality? How can we sleep then? Where is the conscious mind of the somnambulist? There can be only one answer to this - "we don't know." The most we can do is to compare the conscious mind during sleep to a prisoner imprisoned in a crypt who cannot get out until he opens the door. If we could only determine what opens and closes the door of consciousness, we could also figure out why some astral projections involve consciousness and others do not. And then we could discover a way to make the consciousness of the unconscious projected ghost work instead of today's random experiments.

Trance state, neurosis and sleep
When consciousness is included in the exteriorization itself, the exit of the etheric body begins in a trance state, which is located on the border between conscious and
unconscious state. Of the trance state, Womi says: “When sleep begins, the subject often experiences a sensation of falling. This is due to the general relaxation of the muscular system. If a person is greatly disturbed while in a trance state, the normal transition from wakefulness to sleep can be markedly disturbed. Consciousness may already be fully awakened, but the motor centers are not yet completely, and this explains the temporary paralysis of the limbs, speech, and, consequently, the inability to move or speak. This form of paralysis, called "night paralysis" (this author calls it astral catalepsy), according to some authors, can occur after natural awakening.
As a rule, paralysis lasts only a short time, but if sleep is prolonged, this causes great anxiety. This paralysis is usually caused by fatigue, nervous
stress and illness."
This further confirms my belief that lack of physical coordination is a favorable condition for projection. During catalepsy, the etheric body is driven to a slight separation from the physical. Why does fatigue, nervous excitement, general malaise cause this so-called paralysis? Because in this state there is a lack of nervous energy in both bodies. Indeed, this is what neurosis is - the inability to contain energy within the framework.
Energy has a cosmic character, it is present everywhere; it can flow in and out of the etheric double, which is the true condenser of energy. I have found that when the etheric body is somewhat out of balance, it becomes, to a much greater extent than in a state of equilibrium, a magnet that attracts world energy. Thus, in a person of poor health, such paralysis is only astral catalepsy, which is always the first stage of exteriorization caused by the subconscious in order to separate the bodies so that the etheric condenser can be "charged" more freely. This happens to millions of people every night, and yet when the mind is turned on, it experiences this paralysis or catalepsy. What is regarded as the "aura" seen over the sleepers is in fact the etheric body which is out of alignment with the physical body by a few inches. As a rule, in normal people, consciousness is switched off before this phenomenon begins. It is not difficult to understand that if the preservation of consciousness is desirable throughout a full projection, the trance state is the ideal moment for the exit of the astral body. Alert catalepsy occurs more frequently during the transition from sleep to wakefulness than vice versa. Experience will convincingly prove that if the consciousness begins to act somewhat stronger after the subconscious has already made a slight separation, then, falling asleep, the ghost is more inclined to reunite, as if it happened under similar conditions when awakening from sleep. In other words, most projections would be more successful - in terms of the workings of consciousness - if they started in a trance state upon awakening from sleep. When a person wakes up and finds himself helpless in an astral catalepsy called "night paralysis", the first thing he usually does is worry. He wants to become physically active again and is fighting to free himself from this state. The subconscious will lacks - only subconscious suggestion, and this will responds. If this inconvenience could be removed and the subject was emotionally calm, the suggestion to return to physical activity would not be given to subconscious control. Then, if the subject thinks of going up to the ceiling and imagines that he is floating in the air, the subconscious will will continue the process of exteriorization and the result will be a fully conscious and intense projection. At such times the physical body is very passive. The subconscious will already possesses the astral body. And the question is only what kind of suggestion is given to this will - whether to continue the separation of the ghost or whether to return to the state of coincidence. It is exactly the same as the process of walking. As soon as you start your movement, it is controlled by the subconscious will, but as soon as you make a conscious suggestion that you need to stop, we stop. When you are consciously in astral catalepsy, you only have to wish to become physically active again, and you will be. Perhaps you will answer this in the same way that my friend answered: “I wish I could see a person who would not be worried to find himself paralyzed upon waking.” And yet I have achieved this and I bet that any person can cause an intense, conscious projection if he forces himself not to worry and gives the right suggestion when he wakes up and finds himself in a cataleptic state. He can't help but do it, that's the law. This is the same law that we use every day in our lives where we walk, guided by conscious suggestion by the power that makes walking.

The place the ghost has reached when consciousness is switched on (if it is switched on at all) will naturally determine the subject's first thought or feeling. Different stages of separation give different sensations. If consciousness first appears vaguely in a trance state and the subconscious will is prone to projection, the very first thought will be that you exist somewhere. Intermediate stages are more likely to cause discomfort. As experience is gained, the subject will instinctively associate their first conscious thought with being airborne instead of worrying, and will make every conscious effort to remain calm throughout the experiment. It is amazing how easy it is to do once. This is what happens to a person who hesitates whether to fly an airplane or not. As soon as he wakes up and finds himself taking off, he will immediately say: “Well, I flew! It's strange somehow, but I'm flying. ”It may seem paradoxical that the actions of a ghost cause emotions, and emotions affect the actions of a ghost, but this is true. It may also seem contrary to the generally accepted view that nervousness is not a favorable factor in separation and that emotions (experiences) should acquire a calm character, nevertheless it is so.
However, if projection were possible without such unusual conditions, everyone would practice it. Conscious astral projection can never be performed by those who cannot control their emotions. If consciousness comes a second or two later, the first impression will be a state of "gluedness" or catalepsy, another second later a state of "floating", the next a tremor, a zigzag movement, and so on. It is the nature of the movement or the location of the ghost that will determine the first conscious thought. And this first thought is extremely important! That is when you need to remain calm and give the suggestion to rise. Most conscious projections fail at the outset, simply because the movement of the phantom causes an unpleasant sensation, which in turn brings excitement. The following rule applies well to this phenomenon: unpleasant sensations, anxiety, fear, and so on are real signals to the subconscious will that the subject desires to be in a normal or physically normal state.
Thus, the first thought will immediately lead to thoughts of a similar nature, and if the behavior of the phantom causes excitement, then the desire to become physically normal will immediately follow, and it will impel the subconscious will to this. Conscious projection is better if the first conscious thought occurs before the astral body rises into the air, or after it has been projected extensively and is in an upright position, whether it be motionless or somnambulant.

Exit to the Astral by the method of the astral rope. Fast way

Attach a ribbon or rope to the ceiling. Let this tape hang over your chest so that you can easily reach and touch it with your hands. After that, you must touch it many times so that this feeling becomes familiar to you and fixed in your mind. The tape is a means of supporting the sense of touch. By stretching out your hands and touching it, you fix in your mind the spatial coordinates of the place where the invisible imaginary rope will be located. This rope will develop as an image in your consciousness and at the same time as a thought form on the mental plane, and in this way it will be easier for you to imagine yourself grasping it and pulling yourself up with the help of imaginary hands.

Remember, you don't have to visualize or try to see this rope, you just have to imagine where it is. After all, a feature of this method is that it does not use visualization at all.

Stretching your imaginary arms up and lifting them along an invisible rope moves the center of your consciousness out of the body and at the same time puts a lot of pressure on one single point of the astral body.

For those who have a “third eye” chakra more active than the heart chakra, which sometimes happens, it is necessary to modify this exercise so that the imaginary rope hangs not over the chest, but over the head, and thus your mental arms will not stretch perpendicular to the body, but at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to it. If you use a real ribbon for pre-preparation, as recommended, hang it over your head as well. This will allow you to make the most of the most active chakra and bring the best results.

In any case, the rope should be in the most comfortable position for you, in which it is easiest to imagine. It is important that the position of the imaginary rope and the angle of the outstretched arms are absolutely natural for you.

The relaxation, stillness, chakra opening, and energy uplifting exercises described above are intended to prepare you for the projection. However, during the actual exit from the body, you will not use all of them. You just need to quickly go through each stage and immediately move on to the next. If you try to work them out to the point of exhaustion every time before an astral projection, it will deplete your store of mental energy and at the time of exit you may not have the willpower and energy necessary for this.

Therefore, all developmental exercises must be performed at a different time. In the same way, any athlete performs exercises for the development of strength, endurance and agility, although they are not directly related to the sport in which he is fond of. It's just that thanks to them, he can do his main business with greater efficiency. If you try to astral project without having the "mental muscles" sufficiently developed for this, you will fail. On the other hand, no athlete will enter the competition after an exhausting workout, but a good warm-up will not hurt here. Therefore, before each attempt at astral projection, do the exercises for relaxation, entering a trance and saturating the chakras with energy - once and as well as you have already learned.

The whole point of learning astral projection is to learn how to separate the astral body from the physical body while maintaining a clear mind. The sooner you succeed, the better. Otherwise, you will think that it is too difficult for you and eventually give up your attempts. Therefore, it is best for beginners to focus their efforts on the most effective and at the same time the simplest methods of astral projection. Once you are successful and confident in your abilities, you can try other, more advanced out-of-body techniques.

So, before starting the experiments on the implementation of astral projection, you should get some experience in the art of relaxing the body, clearing the mind and concentration. Then you need to learn to listen to the sensations of your own body and create a clear, tangible image of "mental hands" with which you will perform certain actions both inside and outside your body. And finally, you should at least begin to open the chakras and raise the energy in them, and also spend quite a long time in a trance, getting used to this state and studying it. All of these skills will help you as you begin your out-of-body exercises. It is advisable that you do the relaxation, concentration, and calming exercises daily, while actively using your imaginary hands. Exercises for opening the chakras, raising energy and others must be performed at least once a week. It is possible more often, but it is important not to earn chronic overwork of the nervous system.

Sequence of steps in astral projection
It is difficult to give one universal sequence of steps for any person - after all, different students have different abilities and different levels of experience. Therefore, we will give here the most general description of the out-of-body procedure, and you yourself will supplement it with variations that take into account your desires and experience. Remember: you should use exercises that work effectively for you. Pick the combination that works best for you and works best for you.

Here is what should be the sequence of steps in the implementation of a real astral projection:

1. Deeply relax all the muscles of the body.
2. Clear and calm your mind by at least focusing on your own breathing.
3. Deepen the trance in whatever way is comfortable for you.
4. Raise the energy into the chakras and open them.
5. Push your astral body out of your physical body using the imaginary tightrope pull up method.
Steps 3 and 4 can be reversed if you feel comfortable, i.e. you can open the chakras first and then put yourself into a trance. However, most people prefer to do these exercises in the order we have suggested because energy and chakra work is more effective when you are in a trance state. On the other hand, if you consider yourself not very trance-prone, work with the chakras first - this makes it easier to enter a trance state.

Even if you are having difficulty with step 3, try using the rope climb method as a means of entering a trance until you are in that state. Then do the energy and chakra exercises and return to the rope method again.

Now let's look at this method in more detail. It will give particularly good results if you have developed the ability to concentrate, but for beginners it will most likely be the most effective. Therefore, we recommend that you master the “rope method” to perfection before learning other, more complex ones. Most people will be able to do true astral projection with it, and its duration will depend on the degree of opening of their chakras and the flow of energy achieved through them.

1. Perform relaxation exercises until you are completely calm, but no more than a few minutes, otherwise you will exhaust the psyche.
2. Stretch your imaginary arms up and begin pulling, hand by hand, up the strong imaginary cord or rope hanging over you. Try to imagine a thick rough rope that you hold with both "hands".
Remember: do not try to create a visible image! You have to imagine that you are grabbing a rope and pulling yourself up on it in absolute darkness, so that you cannot see anything at all, only know its location and feel it with your sense of touch. Visualization absorbs a lot of mental energy, which is best used to put extra pressure on your astral body.

During this action, you will feel a slight "circling", especially in the upper body. This sensation arises in the astral body, freed from the fetters of the physical as a result of pressure. It will be more intense the better you concentrate on the intention to pull yourself up on the imaginary tightrope.

There are two very important remarks to be made here:

Carefully note any sensations like the one above, as well as feelings of pressure and dizziness that come up as you pull yourself up the rope. Try to notice what kind of mental action is causing them, and practice it so that you learn to perform this action at your own will. In general, the first few times it is better to focus on finding such an action and only then move on to the “real” projection.

Ignore all the sensations that you will experience during the actual projection, otherwise they will distract you, destroy your concentration and exit from the body will not succeed. Focus all your attention on one single act of climbing up an imaginary tightrope and forget about everything else. Put your whole self into this action, but do not strain your body while doing it - everything should happen only in your mind.

3. Continue to "climb" the rope, hand by hand, and you will begin to feel a sense of heaviness. It occurs because the pressure exerted on the astral body causes you to go deeper and deeper into a trance. Ignore it and keep focusing on the "rise".
4. Shortly thereafter, you will feel your chakras opening in response to pressure. Again, don't stop and keep doing what you've been doing.
5. Then you will feel a vibration, which will soon cover the whole body, and it will seem to you that it is paralyzed. Don't let yourself lose focus and keep mentally climbing the rope.
6. And finally you will feel that you are freeing yourself from the body. Leaving it in the direction of an imaginary rope, you will find yourself hovering above it in weightlessness!

In no case do not lose concentration at the moment when the vibrations begin, and this is a rather difficult task. As mentioned above, vibrations arise as a result of the fact that a powerful stream of energy begins to flow through hundreds of large and small chakras in your body. If you can't manage to keep your attention focused when the vibrations begin, spend more time practicing concentration and you will overcome this problem.

Unless you have learned how to use imaginary hands to relax the muscles of the body, draw energy through the legs and open the chakras, it will probably be difficult for you to also imagine how you grab and pull the "astral rope" with them. In fact, opening the chakras is not absolutely necessary for astral projection, it just helps, and at the same time you learn how to use your "second" pair of hands.

The effectiveness of the method described above may be simply intimidating for you. It reduces the time required to master astral projection to a minimum! Once you start pulling your imaginary body up the imaginary tightrope in all seriousness and with a desire for success, it will cause you to go into a trance, open your chakras, cause vibrations, and very soon you will be out of your physical body. And although at first this whole range of new impressions will seem overwhelming to you, later you will appreciate the huge amount of mental energy that is saved in this way and which can then be used during the projection.

Those who boast of their ability to concentrate will achieve success with this method much easier and faster than with any other, even without much experience in relaxing the body and entering a trance. Another important ability is the ability to perform energetic imaginary actions without connecting the body, that is, the ability to separate imaginary and real actions.

If you feel any difficulty at any stage while using this method, pay more attention to it and engage in exercises to develop the missing ability.

There is another variation of the rope method that you can also try. Do all the preliminary steps, ending with raising energy and opening the chakras, but do not proceed to the projection itself. Without closing the chakras, get up and take a break - drink tea, leaf through a book, etc. Then get back into bed (or a chair if you prefer), spend a couple of minutes relaxing, and move on to the chin-up. Such a break will increase the supply of energy in the chakras and prolong it.

How the Rope Technique Works
This method is the most dynamic of all astral projection methods, and if you master it, you will hardly need to learn any other. Let's try to understand the mechanism of its action and highlight the main points.

Cleansing Consciousness: The mental action of climbing up the tightrope draws the entire consciousness into itself without a trace, and as a result, it is freed from side thoughts.

Brain Wave Activity: The clearing of consciousness and the application of unidirectional, dynamic pressure to the astral body reduces the electrical activity of the brain.

Deep Relaxation: Decreased brainwave activity brings the body into deep relaxation.

Trance state: strong pressure applied to the astral body while the physical body is completely relaxed, plus reduced brain activity automatically puts the mind and body into a trance.

Chakras: The pressure in the trance state on the astral body entails the opening of the chakras and the increased flow of energy through them.

Vibrations: The pressure exerted on the astral body while the chakras are open causes energy to flow through the more than 300 chakras of the human body, which begin to vibrate.

Separation: The pressure exerted on the astral body when it is energized and in a state of vibration causes it to separate from the physical body.

The entire sequence of operations, from relaxation to exit from the body, takes less than fifteen minutes, and some fit into five. This quickness and ease allows you to use almost all of your mental energy in one concentrated effort. If within the first fifteen minutes you do not leave the body, it is unlikely that you will succeed in the current session. In this case, you should either get up and take a break, or get some sleep.

During the implementation of the projection, some people may feel as if "glued" in certain parts of the body. For example, a person is released from the body, but feels like something does not let him go in the abdomen or head. If this happens, continued pressure on the astral body by lifting the "rope" can cause pain or discomfort. There are two explanations for this phenomenon.

If you experience such a sensation in the abdomen, it may be due to malnutrition, for example, you ate something difficult to digest before starting exercise. To prevent this from happening, prefer light food, eat fish and white meat together with red meat, avoid fats, nuts and cheese.

If you are “attached” to the body in the head or elsewhere, a similar symptom indicates that one of your chakras is inactive, perhaps due to a blockage in the energy flow. In this case, during energy work exercises, you should pay special attention to this chakra and its opening. If you notice a problem with a particular chakra while trying to project, stop and try to open it right away. The fact that you are already in a trance when working with the chakras is especially effective will help you to do this. But now your actions have reached the goal - now return to concentration on climbing the imaginary tightrope.

Trance way to enter the Astral

According to the dictionary, the term “kinesthetic sensations” refers to “signals transmitted by nerve endings present in muscles, ligaments and joints and arising from movement or tension of the body; as well as the sensory information these signals carry.” In other words, it is your sense of your own body and its movements. This is the same full sense as sight, hearing or touch. You know where your arms and legs are, you know the sensations transmitted to you by all the cells of your body, and so on. When you try to put yourself into a trance, you are still aware of your body lying in bed, and focusing on this feeling is an important part of the trance method. As you listen to your inner sensations, you notice that they change as the trance deepens, and you use that sensation as a feedback mechanism, as well as to keep you awake. In fact, you will know that you can already leave the body, precisely by changing kinesthetic sensations.
Let's deviate a little from the main topic of our discussion and remember that sometimes, after hard work or a sleepless night, a person goes to bed and it seems to him that he is rapidly falling somewhere. It is a very tangible, bodily sensation, and it comes on suddenly. If this has happened to you, then you know what it means to leave the physical body.
So, you lie down and relax, the body becomes heavier and heavier, and suddenly you have the feeling that you, as we said, are falling somewhere or slipping forward. Before this, you may observe hypnotic images, but they may not be there. Be that as it may, the main thing when such kinesthetic sensations appear is not to lose your calm. Don't be afraid, and everything will go well: such feelings indicate that you are leaving your own physical body. If you do not show internal resistance and allow the situation to develop, everything will go well and you will carry out what you have planned. Then you will find yourself in complete darkness. Don't be afraid of it. You have already left your body, but you are nowhere yet.

In fact, this is a very good place - quiet and peaceful. You can move around in it if you want, although outwardly nothing will change, or you can just sit still and listen to the silence. And, of course, it is in your power to be anywhere on the astral plane.
To do this, try looking at the arms of your new body. It may be quite difficult at first to bring them to your face, but you can do it. And find that you have no hands! However, you can look at where they should be, move your fingers, and so on. Eventually you will see your hands take on a visible shape, and at the same time a scene will begin to materialize around you! It can be said that with the help of your own intention you tune the vibrations of one of your subtle bodies to the vibrations of some sub-plane of the astral world. After that, you will have the feeling that you are "somewhere" are. Later we will discuss in detail what interesting places you can find yourself in.

Another way to leave "nothing" is to rotate around its own axis, like a top. Just start spinning, and when you stop doing it, you will end up somewhere. Both of these methods work, so pick whichever works best for you and stick with it.
Immersion in black space is not the only option after you leave the body. It is also possible that during relaxation you will suddenly experience a cloud of consciousness that lasts only a fraction of a second. After that, you immediately regain consciousness, but you no longer feel your body and do not examine the blackness in front of your closed eyes, but are in an astral projection, anywhere - in your room, in an unfamiliar place, on the Moon.
Another possibility is to use hypnotic imagery. You can just lie down and look at one of them and then jump right into it! With such an example you met above. Try to push yourself into the observed image.

Finally, by becoming well acquainted with the kinesthetic sensations that accompany a deep trance, you will learn how to enter a state where you can “push” yourself out of the body with one effort of will. Sometimes it feels like "twisting", like a butterfly leaving a cocoon. Other times you actually push off your own body, and sometimes you fall backwards. All these methods differ from others only in their activity and in the fact that real effort of will is required from you. And when you simply allow your consciousness to leave the body, this is a method that is passive in nature. Both work, but as you gain experience, you will notice that more and more you are "pushing" yourself out of the body, rather than passively allowing yourself to leave it.
Remember that the process of separation from the body, which was described above, is absolutely natural and spontaneous. Falling asleep, we all do it every night. The only difference is that when you astral project, you want to maintain a clear mind and memory. Therefore, you should not treat the out-of-body experience as something difficult and requiring a lot of effort. Calmly accept everything that happens to you, and do not allow yourself to fail and get lost in your own thoughts.

To begin with, let's analyze the well-known method of Robert Monroe.

The classes are facilitated by dry and clear weather, an almost empty stomach and the experience of meditation. The most successful time is considered from 11 pm to 3 am.

Monroe advises taking a comfortable lying position - as if before falling asleep. To “empty” the mind, that is, to completely control thought processes, a simple tool called “finger rest” will help you. Take a smooth pebble and, holding it between the middle and index fingers of one hand, roll it, repeating some mantra to yourself, for example, your own name.
It is even more useful to squeeze several thin, unpolished river pebbles between bent fingers at once, and even better, several quartz crystals 5-7 centimeters long. Thin metal plates or tubes can be used. Hold at least three thin, hard objects between the fingers of each hand, squeezing them almost to the point of pain. In the East, for the same purpose, they sort out the rosary and mutter aloud surahs from the Koran.
The muscles are relaxed. Accept that you may not succeed the first time. In this case, after ten minutes of trying, just go to sleep. But in order not to fall asleep prematurely, raise the elbow of a relaxed arm above the bed. As soon as you begin to doze, the hand will fall and wake you up.

Another similar trick.
Lying in the same relaxed position on your back, you imagine your astral body turning on its side, then on its stomach, back again, and so on, faster and faster. In the end, it will begin to rotate around the physical axis. Your flesh lies motionless within a spinning energy cocoon. At one fine moment, the centrifugal force will literally throw the cocoon out.

One more way.
Try to mentally roll over in bed, as if making yourself comfortable. Don't help yourself with your arms or legs. Start by turning your head and shoulders. Slowly, slowly, softly! If you rush or move in jerks, you can spin like a log on the water. Then you, having lost your orientation, will be forced to return to the starting position by touch, continuing to rotate.
However, if you feel that the rotation has become light, and the sensations of friction and heaviness have disappeared, then you have begun to separate from the physical shell.

About travel in the astral worlds

Let's try to figure out what and how to do in the Astral, or as it is usually defined, in the subtle world.

FLIGHTS - Like any action in the Astral world, flights are carried out by desire and willpower. For those who find it difficult to fly, you can try to imagine yourself on the slope of a cliff and, spreading your arms, try to soar up. Although, most likely, in the first steps it will resemble an attempt to slow down the rapid fall down from your imaginary cliff. Try waving your arms or growing wings. You can, for simplicity, start spinning top. Usually this simple trick will allow you to smoothly start hovering in space. For those who want to increase their speed or simply extend the flight, try the game of catch-up. The basis of this exercise is based on the fact that imagining any object, for example, an airplane, rapidly flying forward, is much easier than forcing yourself to fly upwards. Accordingly, imagining this very plane, spin around like a top and start soaring, try to catch up with it.

WIND OF THE FUTURE - A strange phenomenon encountered in the subtle world. Reminds me of something embracing the traveler and carrying against his will. It is impossible to resist the wind or stop its movement by willpower. Once in the wind stream, you do not need to be scared or try to change the picture of the world passing by you. After a while, the wind will disappear as suddenly as it appeared.

PASSING THROUGH WALLS - One of the features of traveling in the Astral world is that there is no need to use doors. By focusing your willpower, you can slip through almost any obstacle that comes your way. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, it is not possible to pass through an obstacle. In this situation, one can imagine a door and go through it in the usual way. Also, you can try to spin into an obstacle or try to turn your back and seep through your obstacle backwards. Sometimes this succeeds when normal slippage fails. As an extreme solution, your obstacle can simply be destroyed.

As a piece of advice - until you gain enough experience in Astral travel, do not try to use your interpretations of projections for any mercenary purposes.

The theory of astral projection is based on the assumption that a person has two bodies: a physical one that grows, ages and dies, and its "double" - the astral body. It is the latter that can completely consciously leave the physical shell and observe it with detachment.

The ability to astral travel will give you a number of advantages. First of all, you will be able to look at the world as if with different eyes: new horizons of the universe will open before you. Realizing that the mind can exist outside the body, you will understand that the soul is immortal and there is no need to worry too much about what will happen to its shell. The statement of one's own immortality is only the first step on the way to even more amazing "adventures".

Most of my students have learned to astral travel without much hassle. However, some of them had to sweat, and there were always specific reasons for this.
Most often, this was caused by fear, the depressing effect of which we have all experienced at one time or another. In my youth, I was fond of bungee jumping (Jumping from a height with a rubber cord fastened; a satisfactory Russian term does not yet exist). The first jump, no matter how brave we were, inspired some apprehension, and only those few for whom the experience was not the first, praised the sensations ahead for beginners. I am sure that, having stood on the parapet of the bridge and looked down from a great height, almost every one of us experienced fear. Oddly enough, the most nervous members of the group were the first to "rush into battle", perhaps obeying a natural desire to overcome their weakness. I will never forget the aching feeling in my stomach before the first jump.

Of the twenty members of the Group, nineteen jumped. The last was a man of about thirty, who was clearly uncomfortable from the very beginning. However, before the jump, he suddenly calmed down and, while the instructor fixed the line and gave instructions, he behaved with dignity. Some people threw encouraging remarks, and everything said that he was ready to jump. But now, swaying slightly, he recoiled from the edge. The instructor repeated his parting words; and again it seemed that he was ready to overcome himself. However, this did not happen. Five minutes later, the insurance was released, and, burning with shame, he went to drink tea with the rest of the group.

Wishing to show participation, the comrades told him about how they themselves struggled with fear, and finally he declared that he was ready to repeat the failed experiment. Together we returned to the bridge, and again nothing came of it.

Some students experience something similar before their first astral journey. On the one hand, they want to go on an astral flight, on the other hand, they are unable to overcome unreasonable, but no less "irresistible" fears. In my classes, I usually explain the reasons and talk about ways to overcome various kinds of prejudices, including fear.

Most often, beginners are afraid that they will not be able to return to their physical body after the astral journey is over. This fear is unfounded, as there is no written evidence that this has ever happened. As a rule, the exact opposite happens. Very often, the astral journey is interrupted against your will, and you are "forcibly" returned to the physical shell.

Many students fear that they will die during the astral journey. You should know that during the astral flight the etheric double maintains a direct connection with the physical body with the help of an elastic and infinitely long "cord". There is no doubt that a person will die if the cord breaks, but, as in the previous example, there is no written evidence of such cases. The cord is invisible to strangers; therefore, he cannot be circumcised through malice. There is nothing to be afraid of physical damage to this "connecting thread", since its substance is different from the structure of solid material bodies.
Some people are afraid that during the astral journey, their physical body may be taken over by an otherworldly entity. There is no need to talk about this seriously, although the topic is of some interest for a horror film script. Always remember that at the slightest threat to the physical body, the astral double "automatically" and instantly returns to its shell.

Some people think that during astral travel, the heart or breathing can stop. This never happens, and although it is generally accepted that the temperature of the body drops somewhat during astral exit, all the main vital organs continue to function normally.

The possibility of getting into a hopeless situation should not scare you - at any moment and in a split second you can return to your physical body. You should not be afraid that while you are "absent", your house may be engulfed in fire: at the first sign of impending danger, the astral double immediately returns to its shell.

A few years ago, I was able to verify this. While I was in the astral plane, the exhaust of a car was heard on the street and, unexpectedly for myself, I instantly found myself in a physical body. Frankly, such a sudden return led me to some confusion, and only after a couple of minutes I felt comfortable in the physical shell. At the same time, I cannot fail to note the feeling of deep satisfaction that seized my soul when I realized that I was able to control the situation in any state.
One Sunday morning, during another astral flight, my wife tried to wake me up by shaking my shoulder. Having not achieved a result and realizing what was the matter, she left me alone for a couple of minutes. When I tried again, I came to my senses after a light touch.

However, if there were a stranger in the bedroom instead of my wife, my astral double, sensing potential danger, would react in the blink of an eye. The body is very sensitive to extraneous touches. This indicates that during the exit to the astral plane, at least a particle of consciousness remains in the physical shell.

So, while the superconscious goes on an astral journey, a part of it remains on guard of the interests of the physical body.

Another obstacle to the astral exit is the fear of communicating with any undead. This cannot be excluded, and when this happens, it will be enough just to wish to return back, and the unpleasant astral journey will immediately end. Thus, the astral plane is much safer than everyday reality, since an unfavorable situation can be eliminated instantly.

Summing up, I will say that your possible fears of astral travel are groundless and are no different from the trivial fears of other people. And yet, if you are persistently haunted by such obsessive thoughts, first try to get rid of them and only then proceed to study the technique of astral exit.

Some people question the very existence of the astral double and consider the physical body to be the only essence of man. On the pages of this book, the presence of a subtle body is taken as an axiom. In the expressions "I love" or "I feel" "I" should be understood as the spirit or soul of a person, while saying "my hand" or "my body", I mean the physical body, or mortal shell of a person.

In the Hindu sacred book Rigveda, written 4,000 years ago, it is said that a person is like a driver in a chariot. The chariot refers to the physical body of man, and the charioteer refers to the true self, spirit, or universal life force.

Understanding the difference between the soul of a person and the physical body is absolutely necessary for some people in the implementation of astral travel.

I repeatedly heard from my students that some of them saw the aura of a sleeping person. In fact, they observed not an aura, but an astral double, which, during sleep, slightly rises above the physical body and soars at a height of about 25-30 centimeters.
There are other reasons that hinder the astral exit. One of them is too much lunch. On the days of astral travel, food intake should be significantly limited, since digestion requires significant energy costs. On a full stomach, a person would rather fall asleep than go on an astral journey.

In the West, most people overeat, and light food on the day of the astral exit will only benefit your body. Not being a vegetarian, I would like to note that the adherents of this diet for entering the astral plane have clear advantages over meat lovers. Going on an astral journey, I never eat meat, I limit myself to chicken or fish, while avoiding fatty foods in every possible way.

Light physical activity is also not forbidden. Before going to the astral plane, I usually go for a walk. In addition to emotional release, a walk saves me from annoying companions of our everyday life: TV, telephone, etc. - and allows me to focus on the upcoming journey. Returning home, I not only feel ready for astral flight, but also think with pleasure about the benefits of it for physical health.

When preparing for an astral journey, one should exclude the use of alcohol and drugs, since the influence of these substances makes it much more difficult to enter the astral plane. I know a few people who have experienced spontaneous astral exit while smoking marijuana, but their experience was not pleasant, as they could not control the situation. So, the soul of one of them for several hours involuntarily rushed from one dimension to another.

I used to think that a glass of wine drunk a couple of hours before an astral session is not a hindrance to business. However, I have found that this is not the case. During an astral journey, a person must maintain absolute control over the situation, and even an insignificant amount of alcohol in the blood can spoil the matter. I have been practicing astral exit for thirty years, and the only time I have experienced discomfort is when I have taken a small amount of alcohol.

Even cigarettes and coffee adversely affect the ability to astral exit. Thus, you should stop using them at least three hours before the session.

Astral travel is contraindicated for heart patients and other seriously ill patients. Very often it is the latter who have a predisposition to spontaneous astral exit. I am sure you have heard of cases where people in a borderline state left their physical body and felt like a rushing current carries them through a tunnel towards a blinding light. Such examples are an obvious case of astral flight, during which some people looked back and saw their physical body on the operating table.

There is considerable evidence that terminally ill people, compared with healthy people, have an increased capacity for psychometry. The author of three excellent monographs on astral projection, Sylvan Muldoon wrote his first book at a time when, in his words, "I was so sick that I could not get out of bed without help and did not know if I would live to see tomorrow." Despite this state of health, the courageous researcher took part in many of the experiments carried out to test the facts included in the book.

The German oncologist Dr. Josef Issels in the Bavarian clinic in Ringberg noted the extraordinary ability to astral exit in his terminally ill patient. During the morning round, an elderly woman told him that she could leave her own body. She said: "I will prove it to you, and immediately." A few seconds later she spoke again; "Doctor, if you enter room number 12, you will see a woman writing a letter to her husband. She just finished the first page, I saw it." The old woman then described exactly what she "saw." Dr. Issels went to the twelfth ward and made sure that his patient was accurate even in the smallest details. Intrigued, he hurried back, but did not find the patient alive.

Having talked about what not to do, let's move on to some preliminary recommendations.

The first necessary condition for the astral exit is a strong desire, experiencing which, we are affirmed in the thought of its possibility.

Then you should put yourself in a state of "positive expectation". To do this, you need to relax, free yourself from fears and look forward to the start of the experiment.

A lot of people don't really know how to relax. Without expensive electronic devices at hand, this can be done to the sound of special tape recordings. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and listen to the tape.

Before the session, you should get rid of all external stimuli. It's a good idea to turn off your phone and wait until your loved ones go to bed. Any extraneous influence can interfere with astral travel.

Exercise in a warm, ventilated room at a temperature not lower than 20°C.
Clothing should be loose. For this reason, many people strip naked. However, this does not mean that you will travel naked. If you are disgusted to appear in the astral in this form, just imagine yourself dressed, and it will happen right there.

For a while, forget about all the problems and hardships. For me it happens automatically, immediately following relaxation. Perhaps your way of getting rid of bad thoughts will be different. I know a woman who, for this purpose, mentally "throws" all her problems into the trash can. If that doesn't work, she flushes them down the toilet. One of my students actively plays squash before going to the astral plane. It is possible that the problems can simply be "put aside" and addressed after the session.

Before traveling, you should know where you would like to go. In ordinary life, we rarely get into a car and drive wherever our eyes look. As a rule, before we get behind the wheel, we already know where we are going. Once a decision has been made, its implementation is not difficult.

The same should be done before entering the astral plane. It's actually even easier than driving a car. Since we are not bound by the boundaries of the physical world, you just need to make a decision and in a split second be where there are no traffic rules, traffic jams and traffic lights.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Most people who regularly go on astral travel lead a healthy lifestyle, because they want to experience these sensations on a daily basis. I hope that readers will also like it and astral flights will enrich and decorate their lives.

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Becoming Lucid Dream 1 - Lucid Dream 1

Runes: 2Laguz-Gebo

It turned out to open such a stav effect, in a rather simple way and, as always, by accident.

Laguses - "connect" consciousness and subconsciousness, and Gebo ensures their well-coordinated work. Thus, it is possible to obtain not only OS, but informational dreams, i.e. - prophetic.

Even if the OS does not work out, then you can expect vivid dreams or several dreams.


Becoming Lucid Dream 2 - Lucid Dream 2

Becoming Lucid Dream 3 - Lucid Dream 3

Carve these magical marks into silver or white leather on the night of the midsummer solstice. Put them under your pillow and at the deadest hour of the night you will dream whatever you want.

Becoming Lucid Dream 4 - Lucid Dream 4


Svefnthorn - Sleep spike - acts like a sleeping pill put under the pillow

Becoming from insomnia and bad dreams

From insomnia and bad dreams. Material: a piece of coal (cut with something metallic, I think you can scratch it with a needle). Put it near the sleeping place.


Becoming Astral 1

I did several different staves, this one is the simplest and ten out of fifteen people had the first WTO after using it. You need to apply or make a couple of days before the exit, so that becoming would change the energy for the exit. During use, do not use stimulants, even coffee and tea should be excluded. It goes well with valerian root, preferably fresh, two to four roots 3-4 cm long, chew at night and drink half a glass of water; Although valerian is not for everyone.
Raido +2 Teyvaz + Laguz gives a push in the right direction, prepares energy.
Sovilu + Evaz + Ansuz as the ability to use the astral body.


Becoming Astral 2

Working runes: 4*perto (2 horizontally, 2 vertically), 2*sol, algiz, mannaz, 2*kano, mirror fehu, 2*teyvaz, laguz, naut, dagaz (m.b. 2 even), Raido, 2*(Ansuz+Naut), Cano+Eyvaz.

There is not enough experience or perseverance for a normal exit to the astral plane, therefore, on the works of other authors, such a becoming turned out. Judging by the dreams, we still managed to walk along the parallel one. Another tester said that it is advisable to use this one almost immediately after cleaning, until the channels are dirty and not clogged.


Becoming prophetic and lucid dreams

This talisman is designed to make lucid dreams.
Promotes lucid and prophetic dreams, also protects during sleep.
You can make it on wood, thick paper or cardboard. For reinforcement, you can circle with your blood. Activation is performed by the formula pronounced 7 times "utuldi gnari trod peorth tod"
Before going to bed, put the talisman under your pillow or under the bed, or at its head and go to bed. In the morning, carefully record your feelings during sleep and what you dreamed about. ATTENTION: The talisman is not intended to be carried with you all the time.


Becoming "skyr draumur" - a clear dream

It is used to know the right things and predict through a dream. It is drawn (cut out) on a brass or copper plate, on a growing moon. predictions are put under the head. This becoming is not used more than 3 times a month.


Becoming a prophetic dream 1

Becoming for prophetic dreams and receiving answers through a dream. Used runes: 2 Perth (direct and mirror), Evaz, Dagaz, Laguz, Ansuz, Fehu, Algiz, Mano runes and Gand-rune.


Becoming Drimmer Prophetic dream 2

Working runes: inguz, mannaz (although for some reason it is completely lost giving life to Dagaz in terms of energy and properties in the stav), 2 * tursa, ansuz (this heart of the authorship of Toshka), 2 * perto, 2 * ansuz, 2 * cano, secondary 2*yera, 2*eyvaz. A stream of dreams opened up. Dreams are sambourous, vivid, but interesting dreams. It was not possible to control and set the theme of the dream, no matter how I asked to show me one thing, the dreams were completely different. Each time using this stave in a dream, I saw some kind of stave or tie, usually consisting of a previously familiar tie (stave) or script.


Becoming Beyond Sleep - Lucid Dreams

Becoming designed simply for traveling in the world of sleep, where you can become anyone, imagine any real or unreal place, becoming consists of the runes Evaz, Algiz, and the Uruz runes for power support (to get up cheerful and full of strength in the morning), Kenaz runes for awareness in a dream, and the runes of Yera as a general result of the addition of the runes of Kenaz, to achieve the transition to a lucid dream.


Becoming To travel the worlds and the astral plane


Becoming a Ziggurat travel the worlds

1 - upper level - the idea of ​​transition to a new level of reality,
Internal plan, idea, plan + appeal for help to the sun, the gods
Ac - potential, energy necessary for the transition to the origin of life and growth.
Growth - as an elevation in fame, career or material well-being.
As is a "divine rune" denoting divine power in action. Rune As was believed to be dedicated to Odin
Ac and As form hebo
2 - level - the flow of changes that form a new reality
External plan - implementation, reflection of an idea, image, to the outside world
Tir, Man, Lagu - will, energy, aimed at creating a flow of necessary changes
Eh (Ehwaz), Rad - movement, directed effort to start events
The basis of the 2nd level - Ing, Odhal - the power given from above for personal reality to complete the task (base and support for personal actions)
Those. cumulative actions with the Sun - they give strength and support, we ourselves work, embody
Level 3 - result, embodiment of ideas,
Structuring of reality, according to the 1st and 2nd plans
Yr - the meaning of the rune corresponds to the concept of a bow from which arrows are fired.
bow, embodies creative forces and plans. the right application of efforts to achieve the chosen goal.
Gar - "spear". In mythology, Gar is associated with the spear of Odin Gugnir, Gar is considered the rune of completion and completeness.
Dag - the name of the rune is translated as "day".
rune of light, health and prosperity. In addition, it is the rune of half a day, as a turning point. Marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next.
Wyn - fulfillment of desires, achievement of well-being through reasonable and constant efforts
Feoh - well-being, the accumulation of power, the ability and opportunity to achieve success and the ability to maintain it.
Ger (yera) - "year" or "season". The climax of the process, a bountiful harvest.

Becoming a Dream Sign - Prophetic dreams

It is necessary to cut on a pine board, and then put it under the pillow. It helps to see prophetic dreams, by the way, everyone sees them periodically, but the sign helps to concretize and understand them. If you are good at interpreting dreams, then this sign can become your permanent tool.


Becoming Dreamcatcher 1

To be honest, I don’t remember who on one of the forums asked me to make a becoming for remembering dreams half a year ago, there was little time to do something, so I asked Kate to make such a becoming. From which she got a very interesting Dreamcatcher. I liked her idea, with the exception of some points, so I want to post my Dream Catcher, aimed at remembering dreams after waking up.


Becoming Dreamcatcher 2

Hands do not reach the creation of a normal catcher, becoming written after reading a couple of legends about the origin of this item. Composition: kano (2), eyvaz (2), naut (2), ansuz (2), pert (2), laguz (2), soul (2), pert (2), inguz, dot (we). Bad dreams get tangled in the web, while good dreams slip through the hole in the middle.

Becoming the Mystery of Dreams - for remembering dreams

Used runes and mechanism of action:

EIVAZ (translation) - the channel of the worlds, overcoming obstacles to the world of dreams.

TURS - passage, gate to sleep, clearing of unnecessary information

FEHU (mirror) - a projection of a given situation in a dream and a display of the result in our world.

PERT (up) - close the information in the subconscious.

PERT (down) - a remembered dream, the output of information

KENNAZ- manifestation. highlighting the received information.

DAGAZ - transformation of consciousness

LAGUZES - streams into sleep, our consciousness

INGUS-fixation of the result

ANSUZ + NAUTH-removal of blocks present in the subconscious. interfering with remembering the dream.


Becoming a Shaman Journey - for shamanic journeys around the worlds 2

In the center is the rune "Book" - Bitihe (Book).

Knowledge, wisdom, creativity, poetry, literature, science, magic, invention, philosophy, knowledge, communication, information, analysis, initiation, intuition, other realities, progression, learning, achievement, aspiration, profession, beauty, aesthetics, taste, sensation , pleasure, bliss.


1. Receiving and transmitting information.

2. Scientific works, theorems, discoveries.

3. Establishing connections with the gods.

4. Spiritual growth and improvement in all areas.

1. Oshekha (Star).

Magic, shamanism, ancient cults, comprehension of the world, occult experience, connection with the unknown, music, prosperity, mercy, peak of the spirit, achievement of goals, power, self-control, wisdom, finding one's place in the world, productivity, success, leadership, good changes, support , science, discovery.


1. Communication with the gods and higher powers.

2. Opening of energy channels of superpowers.

3. Implementation of the plan.

4. Success in everything.

2. Abuka (Sky).

God, higher powers, nature, cults, life, spirituality, cosmos, mind, unity with the world, harmony, help, salvation, glory, union, bright individuality, awareness, philosophy, culture, art, poetry, literature, honesty, friendship , reality, experience, prosperity.


1. Gaining spiritual and mystical experience.

2. Initiation into traditions and cults.

3. Restoration of mental and physical health.

4. Strengthening creativity.

5. Cleansing from negative influences and heavy karma.

3. Gaman (Fate).

Occult secrets, fate, evolution, acceptance of the world, self-control, energies of the Earth and Cosmos, vision of the future, obedience to a higher will, spiritual path, eternity, cyclicality, passing exams, miracles, manifestation of invisible power, rebirth through crisis, becoming, karma.


1. Development of magical abilities.

2. Change of destiny through crisis.

3. Access to the energy channels of other worlds.

4. Finding the way of the warrior.

4. Amin (Father).

Vitality, masculinity, patronage, protection, salvation, will, charisma, effectiveness of actions, quick resolution of all issues, sex, wisdom, intelligence, composure, success, influence, hypnotic gift, magic, persuasion, reliability, foresight.


1. Increase personal and magical power. Capacity building.

2. Protection from destructive magic with a retaliatory blow to the offender.

3. Solving business and profit issues

4. Help in learning and gaining new knowledge.

5. Help in passing exams.

5. Epkhe (Peace).

Universe, gods, spirits, locality, peace, law, regularity, expediency, life, obligations, salvation, various help, mercy, intelligence, nature, support, influence, wisdom, knowledge, happiness, adventure, comprehension of truths, harmony, love, forgiveness.


1. Receiving and accumulation of various energies.

2. Finding harmony and balance.

3. Love magic.

4. Restoration of spiritual and physical health.

6. Gibi (Bird).

Meditation, flight of thought, philosophy, creativity, art, literature, religion, gender, respect, freedom, ease, luck, temptation, beginning, omen, mystery, purity, communication, fulfillment of desires, brightness, naivety, courtesy, shamanic journeys, luck .


1. Help in everything planned.

2. Development of creative abilities.

3 Easy to communicate with people and spirits.

4. The magic of influence and covert manipulation of others.

Along the edges of the 6 runes of the Jurj - Number 6: advancement to the spiritual levels of consciousness, awareness of spirituality through matter, the discovery of new ways of growth and development, the emergence of new opportunities, the wisdom of a mature person, progress based on past experience. The numerology of money calls for using the number 6 for harmonization of the spiritual and material principles, so that money does not hinder, but helps spiritual development. The number 6 brings profit through experience and awareness of reality.

Inside the stave

Solar shield - covers you from any magical attack, has a mirror effect (Soulo, Eivas) - protection during magical development

To attract Divine energy, podkastava

Calling on the forces of nature to help and gain knowledge (Lagus, Ansus, Urus, Perth).

and Liter ofugletur hi? meira - "on the contrary, large letters" - bearing great power

Becoming a flight gandra - Get an answer in a dream

1. Becoming a "flight of the gandr" (gandr is a kind of "magic staff", this word also denoted magic wands used for "clear vision" and "flight of the spirit"):

Becoming drawn, starting from the central cross, then a group of signs in the center, and at the end the signs at the ends of the cross, starting from the top clockwise. Here you need to pay attention to the signs at the top of the "cross", the first and second circles need to be drawn with breaks, otherwise, another stave with a different meaning will turn out. This stave is drawn or cut out only on a branch of any shrub (not on a plank). After manufacturing, a visa spell is read:
"Eg andar i draumi dulbuningur
me? Gandria gildi skal finna nu,
hof?ar til einn hli?i? opnast,
ekki mein taka. "

"Yeg andar and draumi dabyoningin,
Mad Gandria Gildy Skal Fina Nyo,
hefdar til ain hlidid opnast,
ekki mein taka"

Approximate translation:
"I will see spirits in a hidden dream,
With gangr I will now gain strength,
I will open the gates to Odin,
Taking no harm."
When you need to find out something in a dream, becoming cleaned under the pillow and reciting the spell again (to yourself).

Becoming Penetrate a man's dream

Mannaz - crawl, Gebo - connects me with his subconscious and makes it possible to penetrate into his dream (Perth) naturally and imperceptibly for him (Laguz). I had the photo for two weeks, but the penetrations occurred when I stuffed the photo under the pillow and drew a ligature on myself, as if creating a channel. It is possible, it works without it and these are just my troubles, but my OS practice is negligible.

Becoming past incarnations

Formula "Past incarnations"
yer-pert - laguz - ansuz -dagaz - laguz-pert - yer
Perth - past incarnations
ansuz - the path deep into oneself
laguz - open the subconscious
dagaz - a bridge, a transition from one state to another. open information blocks
yer - result. Gives us the opportunity to learn from the actions taken in the past for further harmonious development. The formulas are negotiated, while you draw in your own words, tell the runes the task. The action is one-time if the runes are applied to oneself and long-term if a talisman is made, but you can’t wear it all the time without taking it off.


Becoming Ferðalög hinum forna heimi - Journey to Another World

Working runes: Middle: Celtic Ogham: PM, SM, DM, cardinal points; C-Cat, V-Blat, Yu - Seit, Z - Fis, center - Midhe, 2 horizontal sides: Alpha runes: 3 o, g, x, L

2 vertical sides: o, g, u, L

Becoming more focused specifically on opening the gates for one person, while the gates open only for his spirit, because the runes restrict the physical exit to another world, keeping the operator, becoming powerful enough and will allow you to freely travel to the desired world, while being protected . Plus, becoming a good protection from all external influences, it closes a person from everything, it is especially good if a person needs to take a time out, then becoming a warm circle of peace that will give a person strength for further actions, help to recover, gain strength, relax, on the other hand, becoming can help in solving any cases that are most important for a person. Draw on yourself, or on a piece of paper and under the pillow.

If you do not want to mess with the gods, make the following stipulation:

"This RF moves me to a parallel reality (with minimal differences from the existing one), in which I have (or will soon have) such and such (or in which I am such and such) (with the obligatory preservation of such and such in my life or such the conditions of my life).

The moment of transition is imperceptible, slight overlays are possible (what you remember or see changes, the time may not coincide with your previous reality).

Do not forget about the stability factor - if you want a permanent result, then diagnose a world in which the result is constant. So that there are no complaints "I moved to where he loves me, but he loved me for two minutes, and then stopped loving me."


Becoming a Sunny Bridge - the road to the Slavic-Aryan gods

This is a very ancient runic talisman, which I publish with the permission of the person who showed it to me. He says that the time has come for those who are to come, and therefore the seal of mystery is removed from many things. With the help of this sign, I made my first out-of-body journey. The Solar Bridge opens a direct path to the gods of the Slavic-Aryan pantheon. Of course, not everyone can cross this bridge, but I think that most of the visitors to my site will succeed. In working with this ancient sign, someone will gain knowledge and experience, someone will find solutions to their problems, and someone will be able to change their lives with the support of the Slavic gods.

Relax and focus your attention on the sign. Soon a bridge will start forward from the bottom of the sign. The upper part of the sign will move like the sun over the bridge, opening the way for you. Do not be afraid to mentally walk forward along the bridge. An amazing adventure awaits you.

C - rune of change, can be used in staves to change perception, OS, can be used in trance techniques, helps the spirit to leave the body, is used in staves designed to travel around the worlds. Often used in the symbolism of magic items that are designed for the travel of the spirit

Becoming Lucid Dream 1 - Lucid Dream 1

Runes: 2Laguz-Gebo

It turned out to open such a stav effect, in a rather simple way and, as always, by accident.

Laguses - "connect" consciousness and subconsciousness, and Gebo ensures their well-coordinated work. Thus, it is possible to obtain not only OS, but informational dreams, i.e. - prophetic.

Even if the OS does not work out, then you can expect vivid dreams or several dreams.

Becoming Lucid Dream 2 - Lucid Dream 2

Becoming Lucid Dream 3 - Lucid Dream 3

Carve these magical marks into silver or white leather on the night of the midsummer solstice. Put them under your pillow and at the deadest hour of the night you will dream whatever you want.

Becoming Lucid Dream 4 - Lucid Dream 4

Svefnthorn - Sleep spike - acts like a sleeping pill put under the pillow

Becoming from insomnia and bad dreams

From insomnia and bad dreams. Material: a piece of coal (cut with something metallic, I think you can scratch it with a needle). Put it near the sleeping place.

Becoming Astral 1

I did several different staves, this one is the simplest and ten out of fifteen people had the first WTO after using it. You need to apply or make a couple of days before the exit, so that becoming would change the energy for the exit. During use, do not use stimulants, even coffee and tea should be excluded. It goes well with valerian root, preferably fresh, two to four roots 3-4 cm long, chew at night and drink half a glass of water; Although valerian is not for everyone.
Raido +2 Teyvaz + Laguz gives a push in the right direction, prepares energy.
Sovilu + Evaz + Ansuz as the ability to use the astral body.

Becoming Astral 2

Working runes: 4*perto (2 horizontally, 2 vertically), 2*sol, algiz, mannaz, 2*kano, mirror fehu, 2*teyvaz, laguz, naut, dagaz (m.b. 2 even), Raido, 2*(Ansuz+Naut), Cano+Eyvaz.

There is not enough experience or perseverance for a normal exit to the astral plane, therefore, on the works of other authors, such a becoming turned out. Judging by the dreams, we still managed to walk along the parallel one. Another tester said that it is advisable to use this one almost immediately after cleaning, until the channels are dirty and not clogged.

Becoming prophetic and lucid dreams

This talisman is designed to make lucid dreams.
Promotes lucid and prophetic dreams, also protects during sleep.
You can make it on wood, thick paper or cardboard. For reinforcement, you can circle with your blood. Activation is performed by the formula pronounced 7 times "utuldi gnari trod peorth tod"
Before going to bed, put the talisman under your pillow or under the bed, or at its head and go to bed. In the morning, carefully record your feelings during sleep and what you dreamed about. ATTENTION: The talisman is not intended to be carried with you all the time.

Becoming "skyr draumur" - a clear dream

It is used to know the right things and predict through a dream. It is drawn (cut out) on a brass or copper plate, on a growing moon. predictions are put under the head. This becoming is not used more than 3 times a month.

Becoming a prophetic dream 1

Becoming for prophetic dreams and receiving answers through a dream. Used runes: 2 Perth (direct and mirror), Evaz, Dagaz, Laguz, Ansuz, Fehu, Algiz, Mano runes and Gand-rune.

Becoming Drimmer Prophetic dream 2

Working runes: inguz, mannaz (although for some reason it is completely lost giving life to Dagaz in terms of energy and properties in the stav), 2 * tursa, ansuz (this heart of the authorship of Toshka), 2 * perto, 2 * ansuz, 2 * cano, secondary 2*yera, 2*eyvaz. A stream of dreams opened up. Dreams are sambourous, vivid, but interesting dreams. It was not possible to control and set the theme of the dream, no matter how I asked to show me one thing, the dreams were completely different. Each time using this stave in a dream, I saw some kind of stave or tie, usually consisting of a previously familiar tie (stave) or script.

Becoming Beyond Sleep - Lucid Dreams

Becoming designed simply for traveling in the world of sleep, where you can become anyone, imagine any real or unreal place, becoming consists of the runes Evaz, Algiz, and the Uruz runes for power support (to get up cheerful and full of strength in the morning), Kenaz runes for awareness in a dream, and the runes of Yera as a general result of the addition of the runes of Kenaz, to achieve the transition to a lucid dream.

Becoming For travel through the worlds and the astral plane

Becoming a Ziggurat travel the worlds

1 - upper level - the idea of ​​transition to a new level of reality,
Internal plan, idea, plan + appeal for help to the sun, the gods
Ac - potential, energy necessary for the transition to the origin of life and growth.
Growth - as an elevation in fame, career or material well-being.
As is a "divine rune" denoting divine power in action. Rune As was believed to be dedicated to Odin
Ac and As form hebo
2 - level - the flow of changes that form a new reality
External plan - implementation, reflection of an idea, image, to the outside world
Tir, Man, Lagu - will, energy, aimed at creating a flow of necessary changes
Eh (Ehwaz), Rad - movement, directed effort to trigger events
The basis of the 2nd level - Ing, Odhal - the power given from above for personal reality to complete the task (base and support for personal actions)
Those. cumulative actions with the Sun - they give strength and support, we ourselves work, embody
Level 3 - the result, the embodiment of ideas,
Structuring of reality, according to the 1st and 2nd plans
Yr - the meaning of the rune corresponds to the concept of a bow from which arrows are fired.
bow, embodies creative forces and plans. the right application of efforts to achieve the chosen goal.
Gar - "spear". In mythology, Gar is associated with the spear of Odin Gugnir, Gar is considered the rune of completion and completeness.
Dag - the name of the rune is translated as "day".
rune of light, health and prosperity. In addition, it is the rune of half a day, as a turning point. Marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next.
Wyn - fulfillment of desires, achievement of well-being through reasonable and constant efforts
Feoh - well-being, the accumulation of power, the ability and opportunity to achieve success and the ability to maintain it.
Ger (yera) - "year" or "season". The climax of the process, a bountiful harvest.

Becoming a Dream Sign - Prophetic dreams

It is necessary to cut on a pine board, and then put it under the pillow. It helps to see prophetic dreams, by the way, everyone sees them periodically, but the sign helps to concretize and understand them. If you are good at interpreting dreams, then this sign can become your permanent tool.

Becoming Dreamcatcher 1

To be honest, I don’t remember who on one of the forums asked me to make a becoming for remembering dreams half a year ago, there was little time to do something, so I asked Kate to make such a becoming. From which she got a very interesting Dreamcatcher. I liked her idea, with the exception of some points, so I want to post my Dream Catcher, aimed at remembering dreams after waking up.

Becoming Dreamcatcher 2

Hands do not reach the creation of a normal catcher, becoming written after reading a couple of legends about the origin of this item. Composition: kano (2), eyvaz (2), naut (2), ansuz (2), pert (2), laguz (2), soul (2), pert (2), inguz, dot (we). Bad dreams get tangled in the web, while good dreams slip through the hole in the middle.

Becoming the Mystery of Dreams - for remembering dreams

Used runes and mechanism of action:

EIVAZ (translation) - the channel of the worlds, overcoming obstacles to the world of dreams.

TURS - passage, gate to sleep, clearing of unnecessary information

FEHU (mirror) - a projection of a given situation in a dream and a display of the result in our world.

PERT (up) - close the information in the subconscious.

PERT (down) - a remembered dream, the output of information

KENNAZ- manifestation. highlighting the received information.

DAGAZ - transformation of consciousness

LAGUZES - streams into sleep, our consciousness

INGUS-fixation of the result

ANSUZ + NAUTH-removal of blocks present in the subconscious. interfering with remembering the dream.

Becoming a time machine - time travel through dreams

Mannaz - you
Perto - creates a temporary tunnel for movement.
Lagu and Hyeres - provide temporary streams and travel along them (clockwise - the future, against - the past). Evaz - provides an exit for the object to the tunnel and makes it easier for him to travel through time streams. Principle of operation: becoming creates a temporary tunnel for moving an object in time, and also forms flows for moving into the past and future. The formula ensures that the object enters this tunnel and flows, and also contributes to the return of the object to the present. Necessary condition: when making a reservation, you must clearly formulate the time period and purpose of the trip.
Becoming experienced on himself and another rabbit. I drew on myself with a marker (left hand) and on the photo. The test was carried out in two directions: a journey within the framework of a conscious state and through dreams. In both cases, becoming worked. When traveling into the past, the picture was clear, clear. The point of impact, as stipulated: a given period and time. In particular, I watched how my relatives, whom I know only from photos, met. I saw details that I didn't know. I checked the information through other relatives - it matched.
One more time I checked how the corruption got on me and who sent it. The experiment was a success. I saw everything in detail, even heard the dialogues and the corruption slander itself. Also checked standing on a friend. According to him, the move went well. Everything he needed to see. As for the experiments with dreams, it worked too. The main thing is to clearly state the task, period and goal. But in this case, the information was, as in any dreams, allegorically and in hints. As for the future, there is one catch. Not all pictures are clear. The hit does not always occur on the target, often before the agreed time and after a certain moment there is a return to the present. During the “debriefing”, we found out that those events that have already formed in the future (ie, the point of “no return” has been passed) are visible. Otherwise, the journey simply stops.
How many times I tried this becoming (and I tried it many times))), anyway, it works better for me when I just write runes in a line.
Mannaz Perto Ewas Yera
, where I stipulate that Lagus is the variants of probabilities. I look through, right in the passage I choose the option I like, and it is implemented. The details add up on their own.

Becoming night dreams - for shamanic travels around the worlds 1

Allows a person to choose which world he would like to go to, what he would like to see or learn there, becoming can be used not only for shamanic travel, but also for clairvoyance.
The center of the stave is Gaman (Fate).
Access to the energy channels of other worlds.
Mannaz-Eihwaz-Ehwaz-Jera - For shamanic journeys, lucid dreaming. Plus a safe return.
Perth - the road to the dream that I want to get into, opening the gates to the world of dreams, protecting the spirit during the journey to the OS,
Gand - rune
Mano Runes
Ansuz - indicating the direction in a dream, where you need it, remembering the information received in a dream, after waking up,
Eyvaz - protection of the spirit during the journey, the way back - so as not to get lost
Laguz - protection, indication of the path, push to exit the OS,
Fehu - remembering information, the way back
Kano - protection of the body from attack, a push to enter the OS, obtaining the necessary information that you came for
Uruz - protection and push to exit
Algiz - protection
Soulou - the energy of the stav, a safe way back, remembering the information received
Raido, Berkano - a pointer to the right path.

Becoming a Shaman Journey - for shamanic journeys around the worlds 2

In the center is the rune "Book" - Bitihe (Book).

Knowledge, wisdom, creativity, poetry, literature, science, magic, invention, philosophy, knowledge, communication, information, analysis, initiation, intuition, other realities, progression, learning, achievement, aspiration, profession, beauty, aesthetics, taste, sensation , pleasure, bliss.


1. Receiving and transmitting information.

2. Scientific works, theorems, discoveries.

3. Establishing connections with the gods.

4. Spiritual growth and improvement in all areas.

1. Oshekha (Star).

Magic, shamanism, ancient cults, comprehension of the world, occult experience, connection with the unknown, music, prosperity, mercy, peak of the spirit, achievement of goals, power, self-control, wisdom, finding one's place in the world, productivity, success, leadership, good changes, support , science, discovery.


1. Communication with the gods and higher powers.

2. Opening of energy channels of superpowers.

3. Implementation of the plan.

4. Success in everything.

2. Abuka (Sky).

God, higher powers, nature, cults, life, spirituality, cosmos, mind, unity with the world, harmony, help, salvation, glory, union, bright individuality, awareness, philosophy, culture, art, poetry, literature, honesty, friendship , reality, experience, prosperity.


1. Gaining spiritual and mystical experience.

2. Initiation into traditions and cults.

3. Restoration of mental and physical health.

4. Strengthening creativity.

5. Cleansing from negative influences and heavy karma.

3. Gaman (Fate).

Occult secrets, fate, evolution, acceptance of the world, self-control, energies of the Earth and Cosmos, vision of the future, obedience to a higher will, spiritual path, eternity, cyclicality, passing exams, miracles, manifestation of invisible power, rebirth through crisis, becoming, karma.


1. Development of magical abilities.

2. Change of destiny through crisis.

3. Access to the energy channels of other worlds.

4. Finding the way of the warrior.

4. Amin (Father).

Vitality, masculinity, patronage, protection, salvation, will, charisma, effectiveness of actions, quick resolution of all issues, sex, wisdom, intelligence, composure, success, influence, hypnotic gift, magic, persuasion, reliability, foresight.


1. Increase personal and magical power. Capacity building.

2. Protection from destructive magic with a retaliatory blow to the offender.

3. Solving business and profit issues

4. Help in learning and gaining new knowledge.

5. Help in passing exams.

5. Epkhe (Peace).

Universe, gods, spirits, locality, peace, law, regularity, expediency, life, obligations, salvation, various help, mercy, intelligence, nature, support, influence, wisdom, knowledge, happiness, adventure, comprehension of truths, harmony, love, forgiveness.


1. Receiving and accumulation of various energies.

2. Finding harmony and balance.

3. Love magic.

4. Restoration of spiritual and physical health.

6. Gibi (Bird).

Meditation, flight of thought, philosophy, creativity, art, literature, religion, gender, respect, freedom, ease, luck, temptation, beginning, omen, mystery, purity, communication, fulfillment of desires, brightness, naivety, courtesy, shamanic journeys, luck .


1. Help in everything planned.

2. Development of creative abilities.

3 Easy to communicate with people and spirits.

4. The magic of influence and covert manipulation of others.

along the edges of 6 runes of chzhurdzhy - Number 6: advancement to spiritual levels of consciousness, awareness of spirituality through matter, opening up new ways of growth and development, the emergence of new opportunities, the wisdom of a mature person, moving forward based on past experience. The numerology of money calls for using the number 6 for harmonization of the spiritual and material principles, so that money does not hinder, but helps spiritual development. The number 6 brings profit through experience and awareness of reality.

Inside the stave

Solar shield - covers you from any magical attack, has a mirror effect (Soulo, Eivas) - protection during magical development

To attract Divine energy, podkastava

Calling on the forces of nature to help and gain knowledge (Lagus, Ansus, Urus, Perth).

and Liter ofugletur hi? meira - "on the contrary, large letters" - bearing great power

Becoming a flight gandra - Get an answer in a dream

1. Becoming a "flight of the gandr" (gandr is a kind of "magic staff", this word also denoted magic wands used for "clear vision" and "flight of the spirit"):

Becoming drawn, starting from the central cross, then a group of signs in the center, and at the end the signs at the ends of the cross, starting from the top clockwise. Here you need to pay attention to the signs at the top of the "cross", the first and second circles need to be drawn with breaks, otherwise, another stave with a different meaning will turn out. This stave is drawn or cut out only on a branch of any shrub (not on a plank). After manufacturing, a visa spell is read:
"Eg andar i draumi dulbuningur
me? Gandria gildi skal finna nu,
hof?ar til einn hli?i? opnast,
ekki mein taka. "

"Yeg andar and draumi dabyoningin,
Mad Gandria Gildy Skal Fina Nyo,
hefdar til ain hlidid opnast,
ekki mein taka"

Approximate translation:
"I will see spirits in a hidden dream,
With gangr I will now gain strength,
I will open the gates to Odin,
Taking no harm."
When you need to find out something in a dream, becoming cleaned under the pillow and reciting the spell again (to yourself).

Becoming Penetrate a man's dream

Mannaz - crawl, Gebo - connects me with his subconscious and makes it possible to penetrate into his dream (Perth) naturally and imperceptibly for him (Laguz). I had the photo for two weeks, but the penetrations occurred when I stuffed the photo under the pillow and drew a ligature on myself, as if creating a channel. It is possible, it works without it and these are just my troubles, but my OS practice is negligible.

Becoming past incarnations

Formula "Past incarnations"
yer-pert - laguz - ansuz -dagaz - laguz-pert - yer
Perth - past incarnations
ansuz - the path deep into oneself
laguz - open the subconscious
dagaz - a bridge, a transition from one state to another. open information blocks
yer - result. Gives us the opportunity to learn from the actions taken in the past for further harmonious development. The formulas are negotiated, while you draw in your own words, tell the runes the task. The action is one-time if the runes are applied to oneself and long-term if a talisman is made, but you can’t wear it all the time without taking it off.

Becoming Ferðalög hinum forna heimi - Journey to Another World

Working runes: Middle: Celtic Ogham: PM, SM, DM, cardinal points; C-Cat, V-Blat, Yu - Seit, Z - Fis, center - Midhe, 2 horizontal sides: Alpha runes: 3 o, g, x, L

2 vertical sides: o, g, u, L

Becoming more focused specifically on opening the gates for one person, while the gates open only for his spirit, because the runes restrict the physical exit to another world, keeping the operator, becoming powerful enough and will allow you to freely travel to the desired world, while being protected . Plus, becoming a good protection from all external influences, it closes a person from everything, it is especially good if a person needs to take a time out, then becoming a warm circle of peace that will give a person strength for further actions, help to recover, gain strength, relax, on the other hand, becoming can help in solving any cases that are most important for a person. Draw on yourself, or on a piece of paper and under the pillow.

If you do not want to mess with the gods, make the following stipulation:

"This RF moves me to a parallel reality (with minimal differences from the existing one), in which I have (or will soon have) such and such (or in which I am such and such) (with the obligatory preservation of such and such in my life or such the conditions of my life).

The moment of transition is imperceptible, slight overlays are possible (what you remember or see changes, the time may not coincide with your previous reality).

Do not forget about the stability factor - if you want a permanent result, then diagnose a world in which the result is constant. So that there are no complaints "I moved to where he loves me, but he loved me for two minutes, and then stopped loving me."

Becoming a Sunny Bridge - the road to the Slavic-Aryan gods

This is a very ancient runic talisman, which I publish with the permission of the person who showed it to me. He says that the time has come for those who are to come, and therefore the seal of mystery is removed from many things. With the help of this sign, I made my first out-of-body journey. The Solar Bridge opens a direct path to the gods of the Slavic-Aryan pantheon. Of course, not everyone can cross this bridge, but I think that most of the visitors to my site will succeed. In working with this ancient sign, someone will gain knowledge and experience, someone will find solutions to their problems, and someone will be able to change their lives with the support of the Slavic gods.

Relax and focus your attention on the sign. Soon a bridge will start forward from the bottom of the sign. The upper part of the sign will move like the sun over the bridge, opening the way for you. Do not be afraid to mentally walk forward along the bridge. An amazing adventure awaits you.

Sometimes a transparent tunnel or road appears instead of a bridge.

Becoming a gate - travel through the runic worlds

Becoming is intended for traveling through the worlds of Yggdrasil (the tree of runic worlds). I tried to get out by means of sleep - they did not let me through the gates to the right world (inexperience affects).

Becoming the dream of a novice shaman

Finskarunir:T - the rune of obtaining power, can be used as a rune of "initiation" in a sense, as it opens up a person's abilities, helps him control power and develop it, can open the gift of clairvoyance if a person has the prerequisites. Sometimes it is used in staves for well-being and prosperity, as a rune of personal success. O - the rune is used to increase magical power, to increase abilities (not only magical), is used in divination and for oracles as a rune of secret knowledge, can be used in staves for clairvoyance and in staves to get what you want ..K - rune of personal power, used to increase magical power, to attract good luck and success in rituals, can be used to open abilities (magic), in staves for clairvoyance as a rune for opening a gift, can be used as a rune of challenge spirits ..I - a rune of working with dreams, often used in staves for clairvoyance and finding out who stole or killed, sometimes used in trance techniques, may be depicted on tambourines or other ritual instruments.

C - rune of change, can be used in staves to change perception, OS, can be used in trance techniques, helps the spirit leave the body, is used in staves designed to travel around the worlds. Often used in the symbolism of magic items that are designed for the travel of the spirit

Feedback from Vannadis:

Elka excellent work Everything is very well done, the runes are perfectly selected, the structure of the stave is competent and sustained, everything is absolutely right and well done, it turned out great to make a shamanic amulet. It can be used in any technique related to clairvoyance, with trance states, with traveling around the worlds , everything is taken into account in it and the protection of the practitioner, and the removal of barriers to travel, and the opportunity to know something hidden, everything turned out right and well, you can also add that the talisman reveals a person’s abilities to some extent, removing various blocks as conscious, and subconscious, facilitating the process of trance and clairvoyance, opens up all the possibilities for using power, becoming can also be placed on ritual objects or used as a personal seal that opens up any action, everything turned out great

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We have 7 levels of education
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Films on entering the Astral https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL031FB3533599A69C
Astral and application of astral practice https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlY1T2vSiRtwESGDmpZM7hm8JotKKIh3c
Video conferences and seminars on astral travel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlY1T2vSiRtxScJVZGRgF4oFtGQ0Fv4CX
After Death. How to meet the dead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf0BIEKke3E&list=PLlY1T2vSiRtyqJGxuDv58yWKD5XFc6W9s
Magic Reality https://www.youtube.com/user/juragrek1/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=4
Nidra yoga. Magical meditations and theta practices https://www.youtube.com/user/juragrek1/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=7
Assemblage Point - how to work with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFsY8FflYu8&list=PLlY1T2vSiRtxDTonHxA9x_dIIYQKv2XMQ
The subconscious mind - how to work with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFsY8FflYu8&list=PLlY1T2vSiRtyfw-x_4XkLbVIXzQ-G_AJA
Egregors and work with them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iJTM954fyY&list=PLlY1T2vSiRtyoaJFqLfiAyalLMR529SNC
Past Lives, Karma, Kin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYRr4Ge-PxQ&list=PLlY1T2vSiRtzbnnrVPtIfyFPpGFQ1fkCf
Sexual Energy and Magic https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlY1T2vSiRtwvwsZKxWK8XXbc1f57tiwt
Cutting questions on Astral Exit https://www.youtube.com/user/juragrek1/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=13

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