Home Blanks for the winter Rating of the 100 best rural schools of the Republic of Tatarstan

Rating of the 100 best rural schools of the Republic of Tatarstan

The republic has compiled a rating of the 100 best urban and rural schools. At the same time, points on the exam in the Russian language, mathematics and a subject of choice were taken into account. The number of winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads and students who did not receive a certificate were also assessed.

The first place in the rating "100 best schools of Tatarstan" was shared by two Kazan lyceums № 131 and IT-lyceum at KFU. The second place was taken by the Naberezhnye Chelny gymnasium No. 26, and the third - by the Lyceum named after Lobachevsky at the Kazan Federal University. The rating was compiled by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan in order to improve the quality of general education. Parents can be guided by it when choosing a school for a child, as well as specialists. In general, the department is satisfied with the successes of the republic's students at the end of the last academic year.

In comparison with the regions of Russia, the results of graduates in the Russian language are higher. The republic ranks second after Moscow, by a small margin. 7764 graduates of Tatarstan schools managed to achieve high-grade results on the Unified State Exam. The average score in the exam in eleven subjects is higher than last year's result, with the exception of geography and the German language, ”Tatarstan Minister of Education and Science Engel Fattakhov told reporters at a briefing at the RT Cabinet of Ministers.

The rating of the best schools in the republic has been compiled since 2013. Thus, the department encourages teachers and their leaders to work better. For the second year in a row, the first line of the table is occupied by Lyceum No. 131 of Kazan. 700 students study here. 11 of them became medalists, 6 - hundredballers, 9 - prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads and one - the prize-winner of the International Chemistry Olympiad.

At 131 lyceum, children are given a lot of homework

“We have a lyceum with in-depth study of physics and mathematics. Competitive selection is of no small importance. Children who are motivated to study come to us in grades 7-8. This plays an important role, but if you do not work with them far, then nothing will work. We are trying to constantly raise the bar, ”said Alfiya Khabibullina, director of the 131st lyceum.

It's not easy to get to the Lyceum. To become a student of the 7th grade, you need to pass exams in mathematics and the Russian language, and in order to enter the 8th grade, you still need to pass physics. The competition is 5 people per place. The school recruits successful students from all over the city; children from the nearby districts - Zelenodolsky and Vysokogorsky also study here.

Our graduates enter the prestigious universities of Kazan, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The role of the teacher in the educational process is great. If you just recruit children through a competition, then there will be no results. Our teachers find an individual approach to children, give them good knowledge. We work according to the old conservative system that was in the Soviet school. Of course, we have computers and projectors, but these are all auxiliary devices. Now there is a lot of talk about the fact that children do not need to be given homework, they need to conduct distance learning, introduce a five-day period. I disagree with that. We set homework for Saturday, Sunday and holidays. And we ask a lot. The child must learn. And if he only rests, then we will get a lost generation, ”- said the director of the lyceum.

Parents who send their children to 131 lyceums know that the children are expected to work hard here and are ready for it.

In the IT Lyceum of KFU, each teacher has his own specialty

IT Lyceum KFU is a specialized educational institution that was opened on September 1, 2012 at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. In the 2016-2017 academic year, 287 gifted children from Tatarstan and other regions of Russia studied at the lyceum. The lyceum employs 51 teachers and 24 educators, among them are candidates of pedagogical, technical and philological sciences, prize-winners of the "Teacher of the Year" competition. Education from this year is conducted from the 6th grade. During the academic year, all the children live on the territory of the boarding school. It is not easy to get here, the average competition is 25-30 people per place, and on some parallels - up to 45 people per place.

Last year we occupied the sixth line of the rating, and this year we climbed to the first place. There is no secret. There are five reasons for success: 1. We are in the structure of KFU and use its support and material and technical base. 2. We employ first-class specialists. I am proud of all our employees, from the cook and the watchman to the deputy directors. 3. We are very lucky with the parents of children who study here. They bring constructive criticism and always strive for the best. 4. The children who study with us really want to learn. 5. The guys come to us by competitive selection, we do not have a microdistrict, ”said Timerbulat Samerkhanov, director of the KFU IT Lyceum.

The lyceum is attended by 100 children from Kazan, 130 from Tatarstan and 70 representatives from other regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. They are trained by real professionals. Particular attention is paid to preparation for subject Olympiads and participation in various competitions and forums.

“Educators play an important role in the educational process. We have amazing teachers and educators, each has its own specialty. Someone is engaged in Olympiads, and someone is engaged in conferences, someone prepares children for the Unified State Exam and the OGE. All of them are excellent specialists who know modern techniques, ”said the director of the KFU IT Lyceum.

Starting this year, for the first time, admission to the sixth grade has been opened at the KFU IT Lyceum. For admission, the children had to pass the Russian language, mathematics and logic. According to the results of the Olympiad, from the top 10 of the republic in mathematics, seven children will study in this class. The admission took place in three stages: online testing, face-to-face test and interview.

Gymnasium No. 26 in Naberezhnye Chelny: We do not train children for the Unified State Exam

Last year, the gymnasium was fourth in the ranking, and this year it is already in second place. The educational institution is 42 years old. At first it was an ordinary high school, but soon there were organized classes with in-depth study of mathematics, which helped to obtain the status of a gymnasium in 1990. According to the results of the last academic year, the school has 10 students, 8 prize-winners and 2 winners of the All-Russian Olympiads, as well as the third place in the International Olympiad in Informatics.

We have nothing supernatural. The school consists of three parts: teachers, children and parents. All of them must work in harmony, understand common goals and objectives, and go in the same direction. We have specialized senior classes, in which mainly children from our gymnasium are enrolled, and for vacant places - from other schools. So, in this academic year, about 10 people were additionally admitted, "said Andrey Salnikov, director of the Naberezhnye Chelny gymnasium No. 26, to Tatar-inform.

Gymnasium teachers constantly strive for self-improvement, take advanced training courses, and the management encourages this in every possible way. The training system here is not aimed at training a high school student to take the exam. The teachers try to give the children in-depth knowledge of all academic subjects.

“I don’t like it when the final result of training is the passing of the Unified State Exam. We do not teach children to take the exam, we just teach. Children will pass the exam, go to university, and will not know, for example, history. And how many children will then be expelled after the first semester? I know examples when repeated winners of All-Russian and International Olympiads were expelled from the university because they did not know other subjects at all, ”the source said.

Family dynasties work in the Lyceum №2 of Bugulma

This year, 11 educational institutions of Bugulma were included in the top hundred of the best schools in the republic. The highest, sixth line was taken by lyceum №2. The educational institution has a 79-year history. Last year, the lyceum got into the rating, but did not make it into the top ten. Over the course of a year, he managed to significantly improve his performance indicators.

“The teaching staff is focused on results. Our children showed good results in the USE. We have the only 100 mathematics expert in the republic. This is Fyodor Yaronsky. We have three students in total - in computer science, Russian language and mathematics. We also have 26 prize-winners of republican Olympiads, ”said Natalya Bronnikova, head teacher of Bugulma Lyceum No. 2.

The lyceum has three specialized senior classes: physics and mathematics, physical and chemical and industrial and technological. Its graduates enter the leading universities of the republic and the country. Over 30 percent of the teachers of the Lyceum are teachers of the highest and first categories. The team includes teaching dynasties.

We employ teachers who themselves once studied at this school. Among them are four of my deputies, who run the school, keeping its best traditions. I myself came here by assignment in 1989 from the Tambov region. Our school employs 16 male teachers, they have a completely different approach to pedagogy. We have family dynasties. So, Galina Nikolaevna Zhilina worked as a teacher of the Russian language and literature, and now her two daughters teach in the elementary grades, ”said Gennady Ivanov, director of Bugulma Lyceum No. 2.

Unfortunately, in pursuit of a high rating, school leaders refuse to admit children with average academic performance to grade 10. Every summer, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan receives dozens of complaints from parents. People argue that now in order to enter the 10th grade, it is not enough just not to have triples in the certificate. To do this, you need to be an excellent student.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Tatarstan has published ratings of the best urban and rural schools in the republic. Among the city, the best of all the USE passed in the Kazan lyceum № 131, and in the IT lyceum of the KFU they gain more than 80 points in all subjects. However, Kazan schools occupy only a third of the final rating. [INFOGRAPHICS]

The first place in the rating of the best urban schools in Tatarstan is occupied by the Kazan Lyceum No. 131. Last year, 141 people took the Unified State Exam here. The average score in the Russian language is 83.2, in mathematics - 78.1, in other subjects - 75.8. At the same time, the share of those who passed the exam with more than 80 points is 48%. In the same lyceum, the maximum number of Olympiads is 114.

The lyceum has the best results in mathematics. The average score is 78.1. Also, high average scores - above 75 - were recorded in the Bugulma gymnasium No. 7, the Almetyevsk Lyceum No. 2 and the Kazan IT Lyceum of the Kazan Federal University.

At the same time, Kazan Lyceum No. 131 takes only ninth place in terms of the average score in the Russian language. The leaders in this indicator with a score of 85 points and above are the Bugulma schools - lyceum No. 2 and secondary school No. 6 (6th and 9th places in the final rating). According to the average score in Russian in the top ten, there are two more Bugulma schools - the first and the fifth, two Leninogorsk schools - the sixth and seventh, and two Chelny schools - lyceum No. 78 and gymnasium No. 57.

In the IT Lyceum of KFU, the exam is best passed in subjects of choice - the average score is 79.8. Here is the largest share of graduates who scored over 80 points in all subjects.

In total, the ranking includes 38 Kazan, 20 Chelny, 11 Bugulma, 8 Nizhnekamsk schools, 5 each in Leninogorsk and Almetyevsk, three each in Elabuga and Zelenodolsk, 2 each in Zainsk, Chistopol and Aznakaevo, as well as a lyceum in Innopolis.

A complete rating of the best urban and rural schools in Tatarstan can be found at website Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Top 100 best urban and rural schools Tatarstan was determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. The list is published on the ministry's website.

The fourth and fifth places were taken by Lyceum named after NI Lobachevsky and gymnasium № 7 named after Hero of Russia A. V. Kozin, respectively. Both schools are located in the capital of Tatarstan.

The top ten also includes educational institutions Bugulma: Lyceum No. 2 and School No. 6 took 7th and 10th places, respectively. Naberezhnye Chelny Lyceum No. 78 named after A. S. Pushkin and the boarding school of innovative technologies No. 36 took 5th and 9th places. On the 8th place is MAOU SOSHI "SOLNTSE" from the Vakhitovo district of Kazan.

“Among rural schools, the schools of the Sabinsky district turned out to be the“ strongest ”. In the top five, they took first, second, fourth and fifth places. The third place belongs to the multidisciplinary lyceum named after. A. M. Bulatov in Kukmor, ”the ministry said in a statement.

The rating compilers took into account how the pupils of the schools passed the Unified State Exam, namely: the overall score for the Russian language, mathematics and an elective subject. The number of winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads and students who did not receive a certificate were also counted.

USE-2017. Rating of the best schools in Kazan

The exam is over. Schools show their cards. Together with the Ministry of Education of Tatarstan, we are talking about the results of examinations in Kazan schools. Spoiler: the strongest schools according to the USE results are in the Vakhitovsky district of Kazan.

The rating of the "best schools" according to the USE results is made every year. The Ministry of Education compares the average scores in Russian language and mathematics and finds excellent and poor students among schools. Boring statistics have a very useful task - to tell the parents of future graduates about schools in which they prepare well for the exam.

The highest USE scores in Russian language and mathematics are in Lyceum №131 on Butlerova. Graduates passed the Russian language by an average of 83 points, and mathematics - by 78. The results of IT Lyceum KFU in the Volga region (83 Russian and 75 mathematicians).

Another lyceum from the university - Lyceum named after Lobachevsky , - slightly lost ground (last year the school had 2nd place). Graduates passed the Russian language by only 80 points, and mathematics by 72.

She distinguished herself in the Novo-Savinovsky district gymnasium number 7 ... They know Russian better here than in IT - lyceum, but in mathematics they managed to score only 69 points. School"Sun" in the Vakhitovsky district (not far from one of the KFU skyscrapers) she scored 73 points in mathematics and 80 points in the Russian language and closed the top five.

Next school - Lyceum No. 159 in the Soviet region. Apparently, they like to write here more than to count: 80 points in Russian, but 66 points in mathematics. Similar results in school number 12 (82 points in Russian and 63 in mathematics) and in boarding school №4 (79 points Russian and 61 points - mathematics).

In the Moscow region, the best school was gymnasium №94 (80 points in Russian and 66 points in mathematics). Rounding out the top ten gymnasium №19 Privolzhsky region. The gymnasium went down from the 5th place and showed 77 points for the Russian language and 64 points for mathematics.

Hundreds of the best schools in Tatarstan according to the results of final exams are closed this year Lyceum No. 116 (76 points Russian and 55 points mathematics) in the Vakhitovsky region and school number 165 in Novo-Savinovsky (72 points in Russian and 56 in mathematics).

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Today the list of 100 best schools of the Republic of Tatarstan has been published

Today, the TOP-100 best schools of the Republic of Tatarstan became known based on the results of the activities of educational organizations in the 2016-2017 academic year. 14 schools of the Vakhitovsky district were included in this honorable hundred!
MAOU "Lyceum №131" (director AB Khabibullina), OSHI "IT-lyceum of FGAOU VO K (P) FU" (director T.R.Samerkhanov), OSHI "Lyceum named after N.I. Lobachevsky "FGAOU VO K (P) FU" (director E.G. Skobeltsin), MAOU SOSHI "Solntse" (director P.A. Shmakov), MBOU "School No. 12" (director O.L. Trup) , MAOU "Gymnasium No. 19" (director A. L. Talmanov), MAOU "Gymnasium No. 139" (director T. S. Borer), MBOU "Lyceum No. 83", (director D. D. Bikueva), MBOU "Gymnasium No. 6" (director O. Baklashova), MAOU "School No. 39" (director G. A. Nazipova), MBOU "Gymnasium No. 40" (director A. G. Derinovskaya), MBOU " Gymnasium No. 3 "(A.Yu. Morozov), MAOU" School No. 18 "(director N. M. Sheveleva), MBOU" Lyceum No. 116 "(director G. D. Mukhametzyanova).
The first place was shared by lyceum №131 and IT-lyceum.
The rating was compiled in order to improve the quality of general education by identifying and stimulating the activities of educational institutions that have shown a high quality of education.
We congratulate the collectives of the schools and wish them further creative and professional success!

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