Home Blanks for the winter Eysenck test results self-assessment of mental states. G. Eysenck's questionnaire. Tests for senior classes. Determining the type of temperament using the test

Eysenck test results self-assessment of mental states. G. Eysenck's questionnaire. Tests for senior classes. Determining the type of temperament using the test

Scales: anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness, rigidity

Test purpose

The technique is designed to diagnose such mental states as: anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness, rigidity.

Test instructions

We offer you a description of various mental states. If this condition is often inherent in you, give 2 points, if this condition happens, but rarely, give 1 point, if it does not happen at all - 0 points.


1. I don't feel confident in myself.
2. Often blush because of trifles.
3. My sleep is restless.
4. I get discouraged easily.
5. I only worry about imaginary troubles.
6. Difficulties scare me.
7. I love to delve into my shortcomings.
8. I am easily convinced.
9. I am suspicious.
10. I can hardly stand the waiting time.
11. Quite often it seems to me hopeless situations, from which one can nevertheless find a way out.
12. Trouble makes me very upset, I lose heart.
13. When there is big trouble, I tend to blame myself unnecessarily.
14. Misfortune and failure teach me nothing.
15. I often refuse to fight, considering it fruitless.
16. I often feel defenseless.
17. Sometimes I have a state of despair.
18. I feel confused in the face of difficulties.
19. In difficult moments of life, sometimes I behave like a child, I want to be sorry.
20. I consider my flaws in my character incorrigible.
21. I reserve the last word.
22. I often interrupt my interlocutor in a conversation.
23. I get angry easily.
24. I like to comment on others.
25. I want to be an authority for others.
26. I am not content with little, I want the most.
27. When I get angry, I restrain myself badly.
28. I prefer to lead rather than obey.
29. I have harsh, rude gestures.
30. I am vindictive.
31. I find it difficult to change habits.
32. It is not easy to shift attention.
33. I am very wary of everything new.
34. It's hard to convince me.
35. Quite often I do not get out of my head a thought, from which I should get rid of.
36. I have a hard time getting close to people.
37. Even minor violations of the plan upset me.
38. I often show stubbornness.
39. I am reluctant to take risks.
40. I am very worried about deviations from the routine of the day that I have adopted.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Processing test results

Calculate the amount of points for each group of questions:

I. Questions 1-10 - anxiety;
... II. Questions 11-20 - frustration;
... III. Questions 21-30 - aggressiveness;
... IV. Questions 31-40 - rigidity.

Interpretation of test results

I. Anxiety:

0-7 points - no anxiety;
... 8-14 points - average anxiety, acceptable level;
... 15-20 points - high anxiety.

II. Frustration:

0-7 points - you have high self-esteem, are resistant to failures, are not afraid of difficulties;
... 8-14 points - an average level, there is frustration;
... 15-20 points - you have low self-esteem, you avoid difficulties, are afraid of failures, are frustrated.

III. Aggressiveness:

0-7 points - you are calm, self-possessed;
... 8-14 points - the average level of aggressiveness;
... 15-20 points - you are aggressive, unstable, there are difficulties in communicating and working with people.

IV. Rigidity:

0-7 points - no rigidity, easy switching;
... 8-14 points - average level;
... 15-20 points - strongly expressed rigidity, invariability of behavior, beliefs, views, even if they diverge, do not correspond to the real situation, life.

The Hans Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPI) will help you find out your temperament, determine the type of temperament, taking into account the introversion and extraversion of the personality, as well as emotional stability. Diagnostics of self-esteem according to G. Eysenck is, perhaps, a classic method for determining temperament and one of the most significant in modern psychology.

Having passed the Eysenck temperament test, you will be able to better know your own self. You will understand what your character is and will be able to take a more correct position in life. Knowing the temperament of your loved ones and friends will help you get along comfortably in your family and work collective. For example, in some schools, applicants must pass a temperament test. Classes will be formed in accordance with these tests. When hiring, many employers also offer to take a temperament test in order to choose one of the applicants who will successfully fit into the team.


You are invited to answer 57 questions. The questions are aimed at identifying your usual behavior. Try to imagine typical situations and give the first “natural” answer that comes to your mind. If you agree with the statement, put a + (yes) sign next to its number, if not, put a - (no) sign.

Stimulus material for G. Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire (EPI temperament test. Eysenck's self-assessment. Method for determining temperament).

  1. Do you like the excitement and bustle around you?
  2. Do you often have a restless feeling that you want something, but you do not know what?
  3. Are you one of those people who do not go into your pocket for a word?
  4. Do you feel sometimes happy and sometimes sad for no reason?
  5. Do you usually stay in the shade at parties or in a company?
  6. As a child, did you always do what you were ordered to do immediately and without complaint?
  7. Do you get in a bad mood sometimes?
  8. When you get dragged into an argument, do you prefer to keep silent, hoping that everything will be okay?
  9. Do you easily succumb to mood swings?
  10. Do you like being around people?
  11. How often have you lost sleep due to your worries?
  12. Are you stubborn sometimes?
  13. Would you call yourself dishonorable?
  14. Do you often have good thoughts too late?
  15. Do you prefer to work alone?
  16. Do you often feel lethargic and tired for no good reason?
  17. Are you a living person by nature?
  18. Do you sometimes laugh at indecent jokes?
  19. Do you often feel so bored of something that you feel “fed up”?
  20. Do you feel uncomfortable in any outfit other than casual?
  21. Are your thoughts often distracted when you are trying to focus on something?
  22. Can you quickly put your thoughts into words?
  23. How often do you find yourself immersed in your thoughts?
  24. Are you completely free from any prejudice?
  25. Do you like April Fools' jokes?
  26. Do you often think about your work?
  27. Do you really like to eat well?
  28. Do you need a friendly person to speak out when you are annoyed?
  29. Is it very unpleasant for you to borrow or sell something when you need money?
  30. Do you brag sometimes?
  31. Are you very sensitive to certain things?
  32. Would you rather be alone at home than go to a boring party?
  33. Are you sometimes so restless that you cannot sit still for a long time?
  34. Do you tend to plan your affairs carefully and earlier than you should?
  35. Do you have dizziness?
  36. Do you always reply to emails immediately after reading them?
  37. Do you do a better job by thinking it over yourself rather than discussing it with others?
  38. Do you ever have shortness of breath even if you haven't done any hard work?
  39. Can we say that you are a person who does not care about everything being exactly as it should be?
  40. Do you prefer making plans rather than acting?
  41. Do you sometimes put off until tomorrow what you have to do today?
  42. Are you nervous in places like elevator, subway, tunnel?
  43. When you meet, are you usually the first to take the initiative?
  44. Do you have severe headaches?
  45. Do you usually think that everything will work out by itself and return to normal?
  46. Have you ever lied in your life?
  47. Do you sometimes say the first thing that comes to mind?
  48. How long do you worry after the embarrassment that happened?
  49. Are you usually withdrawn with everyone except close friends?
  50. How often do you get in trouble?
  51. Do you like to tell stories to your friends?
  52. Do you prefer winning more than losing?
  53. Do you often feel uncomfortable in the company of people above you in position?
  54. When circumstances are against you, usually you think, however, that it is worth doing something else?
  55. Do you often suck in your stomach before an important task?

Key, processing of the results of the Personal Questionnaire by G. Eysenck (Test for temperament EPI. Diagnostics of self-esteem according to Eysenck. Method for determining temperament)

Extraversion - Introversion:

  • "Yes" (+): 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56;
  • "No" (-): 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 37, 41, 51.

Neuroticism (emotional stability - emotional instability):

  • "Yes" (+): 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52 , 55, 57.

"Scale of lies":

  • "Yes" (+): 6, 24, 36;
  • "No" (-): 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

Answers that match the key are worth 1 point.

Interpretation of the results of the personality questionnaire G. Eysenck (Test for temperament EPI. Diagnostics of self-esteem according to Eysenck. Method for determining temperament)

When analyzing the results, you should adhere to the following guidelines.

Extraversion - Introversion:

  • more than 19 - a bright extrovert,
  • more than 15 - extrovert,
  • more than 12 - a tendency to extroversion,
  • 12 - average value,
  • less than 12 - a tendency to introversion,
  • less than 9 - introvert,
  • less than 5 is a deep introvert.


  • more than 19 - a very high level of neuroticism,
  • more than 13 - a high level of neuroticism,
  • 9 - 13 - average value,
  • less than 9 - low level of neuroticism.


  • more than 4 - insincerity in the answers, which also testifies to some demonstrative behavior and orientation of the subject towards social approval,
  • less than 4 is the norm.

Description of scales

Extraversion - Introversion

Characterizing a typical extrovert, the author notes his sociability and the individual's outward orientation, a wide circle of acquaintances, and the need for contacts. He acts under the influence of the moment, is impulsive, quick-tempered, carefree, optimistic, good-natured, cheerful. Prefers movement and action, tends to be aggressive. Feelings and emotions do not have strict control, prone to risky actions. You can't always rely on him.

The typical introvert is a calm, shy, introjective person who is prone to introspection. Restrained and distant from everyone except close friends. He plans and thinks about his actions in advance, does not trust sudden urges, takes decisions seriously, loves order in everything. He is in control of his feelings, it is not easy to piss him off. Possesses pessimism, values ​​moral standards.


Characterizes emotional stability or instability (emotional stability or instability). Neuroticism, according to some reports, is associated with indicators of the lability of the nervous system. Emotional stability is a trait that expresses the preservation of organized behavior, situational purposefulness in ordinary and stressful situations. It is characterized by maturity, excellent adaptation, lack of great tension, anxiety, as well as a tendency towards leadership, sociability. Neuroticism is expressed in extreme nervousness, instability, poor adaptation, a tendency to quickly change moods (lability), feelings of guilt and anxiety, anxiety, depressive reactions, distraction of attention, instability in stressful situations. Neuroticism corresponds to emotionality, impulsivity; unevenness in contacts with people, variability of interests, self-doubt, pronounced sensitivity, impressionability, tendency to irritability. The neurotic personality is characterized by inadequately strong reactions in relation to the stimuli that cause them. Individuals with high indices on the neuroticism scale may develop neurosis in unfavorable stressful situations.

Eysenck's circle.

Explanation for the drawing "Eysenck's circle":

Sanguine = stable + extroverted

Phlegmatic = stable + introverted

Melancholic = unstable + introverted

Choleric = unstable + extroverted

The presentation of the results on the scales of extraversion and neuroticism is carried out using a coordinate system. The interpretation of the results obtained is carried out on the basis of the psychological characteristics of a person, corresponding to one or another square of the coordinate model, taking into account the degree of expression of individual psychological properties and the degree of reliability of the data obtained.

Drawing on data from the physiology of higher nervous activity, Eysenck hypothesizes that the strong and weak types, according to Pavlov, are very close to the extraverted and introverted personality types. The nature of introversion and extraversion is seen in the innate properties of the central nervous system, which ensure the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

Thus, using survey data on the scales of extraversion, introversion and neuroticism, it is possible to derive indicators of personality temperament according to the classification of Pavlov, who described four classical types: sanguine (according to the main properties of the central nervous system, it is characterized as strong, balanced, mobile), choleric (strong, unbalanced, mobile), phlegmatic (strong, balanced, inert), melancholic (weak, unbalanced, inert).

"Clean" sanguine(high extraversion and low neuroticism) quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly converges with people, is sociable. Feelings easily arise and change, emotional experiences, as a rule, are shallow. The facial expressions are rich, agile, expressive. He is somewhat restless, needs new impressions, does not regulate his impulses enough, does not know how to strictly adhere to the established routine, life, system in work. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out a task that requires an equal expenditure of energy, prolonged and methodical tension, perseverance, stability of attention, patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, creative activity, superficiality and inconstancy are developed.

Choleric(high extraversion and high neuroticism) characterized by increased excitability, actions are intermittent. He is characterized by sharpness and impetuosity of movements, strength, impulsiveness, vivid expression of emotional experiences. Due to imbalance, carried away by business, he is inclined to act with all his might, to be depleted more than he should. Having public interests, the temperament shows in initiative, energy, adherence to principles. In the absence of spiritual life, choleric temperament often manifests itself in irritability, efficiency, incontinence, irascibility, inability for self-control under emotional circumstances.

Phlegmatic person (high introvesy and high neuroticism) characterized by a relatively low level of activity of behavior, new forms of which are developed slowly, but are persistent. Possesses slowness and calmness in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and moods. A persistent and stubborn "worker of life", he rarely loses his temper, is not inclined to affect, calculating his strength, brings the matter to the end, is even in relationships, moderately sociable, does not like to chat in vain. Saves energy, does not waste it. Depending on the conditions, in some cases, a phlegmatic person can be characterized by "positive" traits - endurance, depth of thought, constancy, thoroughness, etc., in others - lethargy, indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to fulfill only habitual actions.

Melancholic(high introversion and high neuroticism). His reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus, there is a depth and stability of feelings with their weak expression. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time. Strong influences often cause a prolonged inhibitory reaction in the melancholic (hands drop). He is characterized by restraint and muffledness of motor skills and speech, shyness, timidity, indecision. Under normal conditions, a melancholic is a deep, meaningful person, can be a good worker, successfully cope with life's tasks. Under unfavorable conditions, it can turn into a closed, fearful, anxious, vulnerable person, prone to heavy inner experiences of such life circumstances that do not deserve it at all.

Section: tests in psychology with answers.

We offer you a description of various mental states. If this condition is often inherent in you, give 2 points, if this condition happens, but rarely, then give 1 point, if it does not suit at all - 0 points.

I. 1. I don't feel confident in myself.

2. Often blush because of trifles.

3. My sleep is restless.

4. I get discouraged easily.

5. I only worry about imaginary troubles.

6. Difficulties scare me.

7. I love to delve into my shortcomings.

8. I am easy to convince.

9. I'm suspicious.

10. I can hardly stand the waiting time.

II. 11.It often seems to me hopeless situations, from which you can still find a way out.

12. Adversity makes me very upset, I am discouraged.

13. When I'm in big trouble, I tend to blame myself unnecessarily.

14. Misfortune and failure teach me nothing.

15. I often give up the struggle, considering it fruitless.

16. I often feel defenseless.

17. Sometimes I have a state of despair.

18. I feel confused in the face of difficulties.

19. In difficult moments of life, sometimes I behave like a child, I want to be sorry.

20. I consider my flaws in my character incorrigible.

III. 21. I reserve the last word.

22. Often in a conversation I interrupt the interlocutor.

23. I am easily angry.

24. I love making comments to others.

26. I am not content with little, I want the most.

27. When I get angry, I do not control myself well.

28. I prefer to lead rather than obey.

29. I have harsh, rude gestures.

30. I'm vengeful.

Vi. 31. I find it difficult to change habits.

32. It's not easy to shift attention.

33. I am very wary of everything new.

34. It's hard to convince me.

35. Quite often I do not get out of my head a thought from which I should free myself.

36. I am not easy to get close to people.

37. Even minor violations of the plan frustrate me.

38. I am often stubborn.

39. I am reluctant to take risks.

40. I am very worried about deviations from the routine of the day that I have adopted.

Processing of results. Calculate the amount of points for each group of questions:

I. 1 ... 10 question - anxiety;

II. 11 ... 20 question - frustration;

III. 21 ... 30 questions - aggressiveness;

IV. 31 ... 40 questions - rigidity.

Assessment and interpretation of scores.
I. Anxiety: 0 ... 7 - not alarmed; 8 ... 14 points - average anxiety, permissible level; 15 ... 20 points are very alarming.

II. Frustration: 0 ... 7 points - do not have high self-esteem, are resistant to failures, are not afraid of difficulties; 8 ... 14 points - average level, frustration takes place; 15 ... 20 points - you have low self-esteem, you avoid difficulties, are afraid of failures, are frustrated.

III. Aggressiveness:I 0 ... 7 points - you are calm, self-possessed; 8 ... 14 points - average level of aggressiveness; 15 ... 20 points - you are aggressive, unstable, there are difficulties in communicating and working with people.

IV. Rigidity: 0 ... 7 points - no rigidity, easy switching, 8 ... 14 points - average level; 15 ... 20 points - strongly expressed rigidity, invariability of behavior, beliefs, views, even if they diverge ^ do not correspond to the real situation, life. Change of work, changes in the family are contraindicated for you.

Details Category: Mental states / personality traits

Diagnostic technique for self-assessment of mental states (according to G. Eysenck).

online version of the Eysenck test (diagnostics of self-assessment of mental states)

We offer you a description of various mental states. If this condition suits you very much, then 2 points are given for the answer; if suitable, but not very good, then 1 point; if it does not fit at all, then 0 points.

Mental states


Suitable, but not very good

Does not fit

I don't feel confident in myself.

Often I blush because of trifles.

My sleep is restless.

I get discouraged easily.

I only worry about the imaginary troubles.

Difficulties frighten me.

I love to delve into my shortcomings.

I am easy to convince.

I'm suspicious.


I can hardly stand the waiting time.


Often times I find hopeless situations from which a way out can be found.


Trouble makes me very upset, I lose heart.


When I'm in big trouble, I tend to blame myself unnecessarily.


Misfortune and failure teach me nothing.


I often refuse to fight, considering it fruitless.


I often feel defenseless.


Sometimes I feel desperate.


I feel confused in front of difficulties.


In difficult moments of life, sometimes I behave like a child, I want to be pitied.


I consider my flaws in my character incorrigible.


I reserve the last word for myself.


I often interrupt my interlocutor in a conversation.


It's easy to piss me off.


I love making comments to others.



I am not content with little, I want the most.


When I get angry, I hold back myself badly.


I prefer to lead rather than subordinate.


I have harsh, rude gestures.


I'm vengeful.


I find it difficult to change habits.


It's not easy to shift my attention.


I am very wary of everything new.


It's hard to convince me.


Quite often, thoughts do not leave my head, from which I should get rid of.


I have a hard time getting close to people.


Even minor violations of the plan upset me.


I am often stubborn.


I am reluctant to take risks.


I am very worried about deviations from the regime I have adopted.

Calculate the amount of points for each of the 4 groups of questions:

1 - 10 questions



11 - 20 questions



21 - 30 questions



31 - 40 questions


I. Anxiety

II. Frustration

III. Aggressiveness

Diagnostic technique for self-assessment of mental states (according to Eysenck) (November)

Diagnostics is designed to determine the level of the following important mental traits: anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness and rigidity.

Anxiety: Not Disturbing 14

Tolerable anxiety 6

Very disturbing 0

Frustration: high self-esteem, resilient to failure 11

Frustration takes place 9

Low self-esteem, avoid failure 0

Aggressiveness: calm 13

Intermediate level 6

Aggressive, unrestrained 1

Rigidity: Easy switchability 12

Intermediate level 6

High rigidity 2

Anxiety is the property of a person to come into a state of heightened anxiety, to experience fear and anxiety in specific situations.

Frustration is an emotionally difficult experience of a person's failure, accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness, the collapse of hopes in achieving a certain desired goal.

Self-esteem - a person's assessment of his own qualities, strengths and weaknesses.

Aggressiveness (hostility) - human behavior towards other people, which is characterized by the desire to cause them trouble, harm.

Rigidity is one of the most important personality traits, which is a difficulty (up to a complete inability) in changing the program of activity outlined by a person in conditions that objectively require its restructuring.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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