Home Blanks for the winter Runic formula for getting money quickly. Runic staves for money are fast-acting. Runic combination clause

Runic formula for getting money quickly. Runic staves for money are fast-acting. Runic combination clause

The word "rune" originates from the ancient Norse word "run", which means a secret, a secret. In ancient times, runes were used in writing among the Slavic peoples and inhabitants of northern Europe. Each rune is the greatest magical symbol capable of awakening the natural, cosmic energies of the universe. This ancient form of writing has remained in the past, but the runic symbols themselves are still widely used in metaphysical practice.

Materials (edit)

Runes are used in fortune-telling, various amulets and talismans are made: for money and wealth, protection, love amulets. You can buy for a wide variety of purposes, you can order a rune talisman from a modern magician, a rune specialist - eril.

But the most powerful and effective are talismans and amulets made with your own hands, in which you have invested part of your energy. And since many are interested in the issue of improving their financial well-being, first of all, it will focus on how you can use runes to attract money and wealth into your life.

The most suitable for runic talismans and amulets are natural materials. Their choice is wide enough: wood, clay, leather, paper, bone, copper, gold, silver. Having decided on the material, it is necessary to apply runic signs or formulas of your choice on it. The methods of application can also be different: inscriptions can be cut, drawn, engraved, they can be applied with essential oils. To attract money and wealth, runes can be applied to bills, bank cards, candles, clothes, and even to your own body.

The most monetary rune

Fehu (Fehu) - the main rune for improving material well-being, the rune of money, wealth, property, life energy. It can be used both independently and as part of various runic formulas. The main meaning of this rune is wealth, which is based on the energy and individual abilities of an individual, a person.

At the metaphysical level, Fehu symbolizes the transition from Nonexistence to Existence, the manifestation of the implicit through the explicit. It is a creative creative Power that forms the visible world from subtle matter according to the Creator's plan. At the level of an individual, these are his personal desires and intentions, any plans that he is ready to implement himself. Therefore, the most powerful influence of the runes will be noticed by those people who are ready to act for the sake of.

The main essence of the action of this rune is the attraction, concentration and transformation of energy flows into material goods (financial, property and even intellectual). Also, this rune is used to protect and preserve existing material wealth.

Other money runes

Yer is a rune symbolizing harvesting, receiving a reward for the efforts made. Be sure that everything that you have in mind and for which you have put in effort will certainly be implemented in the best possible way.

Runogram for obtaining and increasing profit or property


Otal - means property, and in combination with Fehu - making a monetary profit.

Fehu - the rune of property, property and material wealth

Yer - the rune of harvest and receiving a reward, is used if the desired result is actually achievable.

A combination of runes for a stable increase in cash and improvement in material status.


Fehu - material wealth, property, property.

Otal - symbolizes property, and in combination with Fehu - making a monetary profit.

Berkana - in the runic inscription it is used for fertility (the rune of the Great Mother), for the implementation of what was conceived on the material plane, for protection.

Soulrune, personifying willpower, victory and success.

You can apply to a bank card, a deposit agreement, or place it in a wallet with the clear intention of constantly increasing everything that is on the card, in your wallet or in your bank account.

Runic becoming to attract customers for your business


Berkana - fertility, the embodiment of the plan, protection.

Otal - means property, property, and in conjunction with Fehu - receiving monetary benefits.

Fehu - the rune of property and material wealth

Promotes business growth, an increase in the number of customers, a tangible increase in material profits.

Some runic tricks

Since runes are symbolic representations of certain natural forces, they must be handled with respect and extreme caution. Using the runic symbols, as well as the power of your mind, you can “program” certain events in your life, in much the same way as you ask the computer a program, “telling” the higher forces, the direction of movement.

In order for the rune to gain true strength, it is necessary to mentally concentrate on your monetary desire, to visualize it clearly and in all details. You can try these rituals, choose what suits you best:

  • mentally imagine money runes in water, thereby charging to attract money, then you need to slowly drink this water;
  • carry the desired set of signs with you all the time, for example, in the form of a pendant or keychain; ()
  • depict a rune or a combination of several runes on a large bill, carry it with you and do not waste it; very soon, a banknote with runic symbols will start attracting additional funds to its owner; for the same purposes, you can use a bank card.
  • apply the necessary runes directly to your body using monetary essential oils: cinnamon, patchouli, orange;

The life force and energy that feeds our planet is the gift of our Creator to all that exists. It is from this primary source that the subtle energies of the runes emanate. They also return there, aimed at realizing human goals. The more you meditate and practice with runes, the easier it will be for you to see real power in this energy that you can use to realize your cherished desires.

Several more runic staves are described in the video.

There is a belief among some categories of citizens that there is a rune of money, but no one wants to talk about it to the general public, they keep a secret for themselves. People are sure that one has only to do by standing on this magic stone, and immediately all material issues will be resolved, and the need will remain in the past. Let's see if runes can affect money, and is it as easy to do as it seems to some citizens.

Background to the issue

No matter how disgusting it is to read it to the above-mentioned citizens, they will have to figure out why they work. We will try to keep the explanation simple and straightforward. The rune of money does exist. Cool, isn't it? But there is also bad news: you need to pick it up for yourself. The thing is that runes are not at all. Each stone is associated with a certain force working in the universe that affects a person. They also say that runes are a projection of what is in each personality, the concentration of some aspect of it. Stones work only in harmony with the spirit, meaning the creative component of a person. By themselves, these signs are only "toys" that can, perhaps, entertain a person with information. In order for the rune of money (wealth) to really affect your events, it must be selected, in accordance with the situation, activated and maintained in this state. The stone is revived by the energy of the magician. It doesn't work in any other way. There is a popular belief that the runes can take revenge on the owner for an indecent attitude, they say, they begin to interfere in fate on their own. Pure delirium. They can only be directed (activated) by a strong magician. The stones do not work on their own, they only describe information, like books.

Runes for and good luck

To change circumstances or the whole fate, you need to choose the right direction of action. This means that you first need to be aware of your own problems. Why doesn't money come to you? The principle of the universe is the same for everyone: everyone is given what he needs. If you do not have enough money for food and shelter, then there is a problem in consciousness. Runes, no matter how extraordinary properties they have, do not attract banknotes, they correct imbalances in the worldview. And they do it together with a magician, so to speak, in tandem. It is believed that the rune of money is Fehu. But this stone can only be used by those who do not have plugs in their financial channels. It does not eliminate them, it only helps to go in the direction of favorable circumstances. To make it clear, let's consider a regular lottery. If you have traffic jams in the money channel, this does not prevent you from buying a ticket. But you won't be able to win. Rune Fehu will push the lottery seller, but she is not able to organize the winnings. It gives chances for profit, and how you use them depends on what has been accumulated in the aura.

Rune Fehu

What to do?

So far, we have not found out anything irreparable. Becoming, as a rule, consists of several runes. It is necessary to include Fehu in it, but also one or more runes that will eliminate money jams. Below we will look at an example. But before using the magic of the runes, there is a lot of preparatory work to be done. Sit down and honestly look at yourself from the outside. Let's repeat the question: “What prevents you from receiving money? What are the obstacles to fencing off wealth? " Don't say it's hard. You can't cope with it yourself, ask your loved ones, from the outside, as it is believed, they know better. We have the same little vices and sins, and their consequences are not original. Answer yourself these questions:

  • Do I envy anyone?
  • Are other people's successes annoying?
  • Does poverty and people sink to the bottom cause contempt?
  • Do I have fits of jealousy?

The list can be continued indefinitely, but the answers to these questions will give enough for analysis.

How to fix the situation?

Having identified the main problem, select the rune to eliminate it. For example, you are a little envious, that is, you are internally ready to take away from another that is not supposed to. This quality is stopped by the runes of Isa and Inguz. The first helps to stop an unfavorable scenario, the second symbolizes the eternity of life. It allows you to come to terms with the idea that the whole world and you are one. There is no need to take anything away from anyone. Even more interesting with jealousy. This feeling is not in the realm of money. But it is this that creates the biggest traffic jams in the financial channels of the aura. Perth and Nautiz stop him. The first helps to overcome the negative in the past, the second gives strength. That is, by working with internal problems, you create favorable conditions for enrichment.

How runes work

There are many nuances in magic. Runes must have a connection with nature. It is on her strengths that their work is based. They are written on natural materials. All these newfangled plastic toys carry nothing but information. There is no point in activating them. Better to take a piece of a suitable tree and draw signs on it. By the way, the material also helps the work of the stav. For example, for wealth they choose a noble tree that has not been processed. That is, you should not break off the armrests from an armchair or sofa, they will not work. We'll have to go to the forest and cut a branch from a living tree. But first ask for help. For people who have a lot of negativity in their souls, it is better to use ordinary aspen. She will absorb what is harmful to a person. Draw runes with ink or paints. And activation is a special ritual. It is carried out in several ways. We'll look at two of the most common.

how to activate

Having become desirable to do on the waxing moon. Draw your chosen runes on a piece of wood. Light candles and place them around you, for example, on a table. Disconnect all electrical appliances. They create extra fields that interfere with interaction with runes. Better yet, carry out the ritual away from the bustle of the city, in the forest. Look at the runes and imagine how they radiate energy. Soak it into yourself. There are no conspiracies, they are used in black rituals. It is necessary to reflect on the forces that you are launching in order to tune in with them on the same wavelength. This should be done not once, but at least seven days in a row. It is possible and more, believe me, it will not be superfluous. You must feel the activated forces. It is necessary to achieve the feeling that they and you are one whole, then it will work exactly.

Another way to activate

There is a simpler method for organizing the activities of the runes. It is believed that becoming should be inscribed in blood. It is not necessary to paint all signs with your own fabrics. You can drip some blood from your finger onto it. This simple ritual allows you to "absorb" the energy of the runes into the aura. But keep in mind, it will only work if the meaning of the signs and their essence are clear to you. It won't work by itself. We have already mentioned that the rune for attracting money and good luck is not a magic wand, but a great collaboration.

Stav example

In general, rune formulas for money are a subject for individual creativity. Experts can only recommend certain staves that help most people. They do not always work evenly, they fail. It all depends on what kind of problems the person has accumulated. You can achieve greater efficiency of the runes with the help of an independent analysis of the personal situation. Usually they advise this becoming: Soul, Yera and Fehu. The first one attracts power, contributes to the consolidation of a position in life. The second one works for the result, we have already talked about the third one. Activated becoming pushes you to confident, vigorous activity. It is recommended for people who want to earn wealth.

Quick help

If it is necessary to solve some temporary problem, then they act differently. The fast money rune is our Fehu. But it is not enough to activate it, you need to make friends with it. The rune is drawn on the left hand. Do not wash off until it works. The mark should be applied to the pulse area on the wrist. Meditate on it as often as possible. With the right approach, the action appears after three days. One drawback: it is recommended to work with Fehu on the waxing moon, in the opposite phase it slows down. Family people are more suitable She attracts well-being to the family. If you need to quickly get some amount, then meditate on Odal, drawn by the eldest in the family on a piece of oak. You can additionally apply a rune to the pulse of all relatives.


You probably already understood that there is nothing complicated in rune magic. It really works, as it is based on the eternal forces that operated in the universe even before the birth of man. The rune of money is not a single stone, but a combination. It should be selected individually, which is what specialists do. And if you yourself try to approach the solution of the problem creatively, then you will definitely surpass them in terms of the effectiveness of stavov. But do not forget, lying on the couch with the knowledge of a complete understanding of the essence of the runes will not bring money. Magic creates the conditions for their receipt, and how to dispose of them, the person decides. It is difficult for anyone to reach out for a bundle of banknotes. Are you not one of those?

Runes realize our connection with the subtle world... When used correctly and respectfully, they can greatly facilitate a person's life, including when solving material issues.

Money is very convenient form energy equivalent. Each person should have so many of them in order to live in harmony with the world around him and himself.

Runes make it easier process of receiving money, give good luck, creating new unique opportunities for a person's development.

Runes of money and luck

To create optimal cash flow, business development, successful deposits, etc. use special runes, that is, a certain strict sequence of runes. Consider first leading runes to create an effective runescript.

  • Fehu- the main rune that attracts material self-sufficiency and wealth. It should be noted that this rune answers exclusively for movable property and money. She does not like passivity and despondency. Gives a powerful energy impulse to move in the right direction.
  • Hyera- symbolizes receiving decent pay for a job well done. Helps you find ways to effectively use your abilities. And to be more honest: work less and get more money. Responsible for the successful completion of the cycle. Bestows good luck.
  • Runa Otal responsible for property, that is for real estate... With its help, you can profitably invest money.
  • Runa Dagaz can help achieve lasting material well-being and prosperity... Promotes the opening of new prospects in business. It makes a breakthrough from darkness to the light side of reality.
  • Runa Soul does impossible quite probable... Gives optimism and incredible luck. As a bonus, it rejuvenates and stimulates sexual activity.
  • Runa Wunya - allows you to achieve maximum results with minimum effort.

Runic formulas to attract cash flows

  • Fehu-Fehu-Fehu - this is the most popular runescript for improving the financial situation. It gives a strong impetus to the most effective action in the right direction in the current situation.

IMPORTANT! If you are not ready for drastic changes in life, then it is better to use the Kenneth Meadows rune formula.

  • Runescript for creating favorable prospects, where your work gets the recognition it needs and pays well. Dagaz-Eyvaz-Fehu-Otal-Yera Formula begins from the rune Dagaz, which gently begins to clear the way. Then we turn to the Eyvaz rune, which is responsible for professional growth... Fehu converts non-material energy into money and other objects of wealth. Otal consolidates the result with profitable investments and reasonable management of finances. Hyera puts an end to the completion of one cycle and encourages the beginning of a new one.

Runes are very popular Oleg Shaposhnikov's formulas:

  • for the constant growth of cash flow and material well-being: Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soul This is a very effective runescript that immediately creates a necessary portal to attract money, save and increase it.
  • To gain the necessary stable material well-being Teyvaz-Algiz-Fehu-Otal-Fehu-Algiz-Teyvaz This interesting set focuses on protecting the money-investment cycle, which can be successfully used to strengthen financial situation in the family.

You can also use the following runescripts:

  • Teyvaz-Fehu-Laguz Allows you to show and develop the necessary qualities for running a business or high-paying job that requires a lot of responsibility. This formula can also be used to stop negative internal monologue... If a person was put under a "haze" (a sign - a constant "winding oneself up and neurosis"), then this combination of runes can save him from this misfortune.
  • Evaz-Fehu-Soul Gives a strong energy impulse to any business. Clears the way for new beginnings.
  • Teyvaz-Uruz-Otal-Soul The formula for achieving success, even in tough competition.
  • Fehu-Inguz-Otal-Dagaz Helps to achieve a state of material abundance, subject to constant diligent work. This formula is recommended for workaholics.

The most famous runoscripts for good luck in business

  • Ansuz-Uruz-Yera-Ansuz Creates an optimal combination of circumstances, which greatly saves time and effort.
  • Soul-Dagaz-Wunya An amazingly effective formula. For all its brevity, it allows you to find a way out of the most difficult situations.
  • Dagaz-Fehu-Dagaz-Otal Attracts the support of the Universe to obtain material well-being and success.

In business

For a constantly growing income in an already created and fairly successful business, two formulas of the money cycle are recommended:

  1. Soul-Soul-Fehu
  2. Fehu-Otal-Soul-Soul

The first formula involves starting a new business after the successful completion of the old one. The second is the beginning of a new cycle, based on the achievements of the old.

This consistency helps the business to continually grow and improve.

These runescripts write only on hands... The first entry is on the left, the second is on the right hand. For left-handers - the opposite.

A very effective rune notation for those who has already reached certain successes and wants to develop further.

If the business is still only at the very beginning your way, you can use the runic formula: Fehu-Uruz-Otal-Soul, which will immediately give the necessary impetus for development and create the preconditions for obtaining the necessary funds.

Where to write them?

Runes and runescripts can be drawn:

  • on the body- on the wrists and in other specified cases - on the palms... It is desirable that no one sees the runes. You can also write them in the solar plexus area. aromatic oils... For example, vetiver or patchouli oil.
  • Wooden toothpick - on the surface of the water in a glass, which you then need to drink in small sips.
  • It is very useful to take a "money bath" in the evening after work. To do this, on the surface of the water, draw a monetary formula(or a runescript of luck) with a wooden stick, and then indulge in a pleasant procedure.
  • On a bank plastic card.
  • On a strip of paper, which then can be put in wallet.
  • On a copy of any contract related to business and income.
  • On folders containing documents.

Now a little about the rules of writing:

  • runes can be applied to the body, paper or other object only with a special writing agent intended just for this purpose.
  • The color for the rune formulas of luck and cash flow stimulation is red. It seems that it is quite difficult to hide the red runic formula drawn on the palm or on the wrist, but this is not so. If the runes are drawn with very small and thin lines, then for some reason they nobody notices.

REFERENCE! It is not necessary to draw money runes to attract good luck in the living quarters and study. Try the rune formula first by carrying it with you. If you like the result, you can transfer it to other items. For example, a monitor stand if you are using a computer. A runescript for attracting good luck can also be applied to the jamb above the front door.

ATTENTION! Runes should always be drawn so that, if necessary, they can be wash off quickly.

You can also draw runes and runescripts on various items that are intended for making a talisman.

Making a runic talisman with your own hands

Talisman for enhancing cash flow and good luck is always needed do only yourself... It is not recommended to use a talisman, made by another person especially with the use of rune formulas. This is fraught with connection to someone else's thread, with which you may be incompatible.

You can create your personal mascot by following these simple rules:

  • first you need choose a rune formula which is right for you. It is not recommended to work with more than two runostavs at the same time.
  • Then it should be drawn, written, embroidered or applied in another way on a single piece (no holes) any natural material... It can be paper (cardboard), natural fabric (a pillow made of it), leather, stone, wood, etc.

IMPORTANT! The appearance of the talisman should cause you pleasant experience.

  • Color for applying the formula for luck and monetary success - only red... If it annoys you, then try experimenting with shades.

After applying the rune formula to the material, the talisman must be sanctified and activated.

How to consecrate a talisman?

It is customary to consecrate a talisman with a rune formula with four elements:

  • the element of air;
  • land;
  • fire;
  • water.

Consecration by the element of air carried out by fumigating the talisman with the smoke of herbs. To the herbs attracting money can be attributed:

  • mint;
  • sage;
  • basil;
  • verbena;
  • ordinary bay leaf.

To the herbs attracting good luck:

  • chamomile;
  • Clover;
  • lilac (this is more of a bush, but leaves and flowers can still be used).

Herbal mixture you can make yourself from those herbs that you like or take one. For example, sage.

After setting fire to the grass, it should be extinguished immediately, and the talisman should be fumigated with the resulting smoke. At this, the consecration by air is considered complete.

Consecration by the element of the earth carried out using ordinary table salt. For this purpose, only coarse rock salt is suitable, without additives. It is enough to pour a few grains of salt on the talisman and leave it for a while. Let's say one hour. This ends the ritual of consecration to the ground.

For consecration by the element of fire you need to light a candle, preferably red, but you can also green. Then hold the rune talisman over the candle flame for a while so that the flame does not touch it. After that, you should proceed to the following ritual: consecration by water.

For the last stage of consecration, you can take plain water... The main thing is that she should stand in the room for a while, where do you live. If the talisman is made of cardboard or paper, then a few drops of water are enough. Talismans made from other materials can be sprayed harder.

REFERENCE! Runes, applied to the body do not sanctify.

IMPORTANT! Both in the process of consecration and in the process of activating the runes, it is necessary to be in a calm, balanced state, focusing on your intention.

How to activate?

Runes and runic talismans with runic formulas are recommended to be activated by the method of Kenneth Meadows, described in the book: "The Magic of Runes", that is, breathing. For this you need:

  • fold one or two palms at once into the tube, directing it towards the runes.
  • Breathe in, focusing on your intention.
  • Exhale through the palms folded in a tube towards the runes.

After that, you can consider a talisman with a runic inscription. ready to go... To increase efficiency, you can say a pre-formulated reservation before activation, that is, express your intention in words. Basic conditions to draw up a clause:

  • present tense;
  • the absence of a particle of non-, that is, negation in words;
  • purity of intention.

To attract money you can, for example, say: "I ask the runes for a decent job for a decent pay for the Greater Good." or "I ask the runes for good luck in all my deeds and undertakings for the Greater Good." You don't have to add the words "Greater Good". They are recommended to be pronounced with every reservation. for harmonious development subsequent situation. Simply put, so as not to harm anyone.

IMPORTANT! Necessarily thank the runes after activation.

What to do with the talisman or rune record after finishing their work?

Counts , that consecrated and activated runes, as well as runic talismans can work from one and a half to two months.

After this period, the recording should burn or bury into the ground under the tree. If you liked the formula, then the record on paper should be done again, followed by consecration and activation.

It is recommended that talismans be buried in the ground or reactivated without consecration for further cooperation. Before you eliminate the rune record or talisman, you must definitely thank the runes for the help provided (in any case!).

As evidenced by numerous finds left over from ancient civilizations, our distant ancestors were very smart people, possessed all sorts of secret knowledge that is inaccessible to us today. This knowledge concerned almost all spheres of human life - power, love, wealth and others. They also used runes and runic staves. So what is fast money laundering and how do you use it?

What is becoming?

The ancient secret signs, which were also used to attract cash flows and everything that may be associated with them, are called runes. In turn, the runic becoming is a wooden plate (or plate) on which runes of a certain meaning are carved.

But the runes can be applied not only to the tree. Their also worn as amulets, where the symbols are applied to bone, leather, copper or other material... It is important that this material is natural, but wood is mainly used, since it carries "living" energy.

Moreover, the ancient sages always took into account the fact that each tree carries all the special strength and energy, therefore, the same tree was not taken for different purposes. For example:

  • Birch brings calmness and strengthens the bond with ancestors.
  • Oak symbolizes the strength of the stav.
  • Ash- nourishes with information, gives stamina and strength to attack.
  • Alder prolongs the action of the stave, strengthens it, therefore it was used for protection.
  • Pine- also strong for defense.
  • Spruce symbolizes the circle of life - birth and death.
  • Rowan- active protection.
  • Willow was widely used in female magic love spells to induce negative energy, it is a symbol of grief (obviously, because "weeping").
  • Hawthorn good for love and lapel staves.
  • Heather- clears the senses.
  • Holly- a tree that carries balance and balance.
  • Apple tree- well-being, love, peace.

Runes for prosperity

Before starting to work with any rune stave and in general with runes, you need to study well the symbolism of the signs. In addition, you need to understand that, in fact, you are dealing with what is called “subtle matter”.

It should be understood that runes are not just symbols that mean something. Their various combinations are capable of activating energy that carries a certain charge., and if you make a mistake, then you can activate, completely opposite to the one that was supposed.

As for the staves for attracting cash flows, there are also several of them that affect their areas of organization of monetary energy. The 5 most famous and powerful runes that are responsible for material well-being have survived to this day: Otal, Fehu, Hyer, Berkana, Soulo.

In order to quickly receive a large amount of money, the symbol of Yer must be present in the stave.... This becoming capable of working for a very long time, it constantly activates energy, since it contains the symbol of the ring.

Otal is a symbol of accumulated wealth, property, and in combination with Fehu, a symbol of material wealth, profit, money, it symbolizes profit, fertility, wealth, property. If you combine these two runes with Hyères, then such a becoming will not only contribute to material profit, but will also be able to increase income in general.

Generally speaking, to attract money, you can use various combinations of runes that are responsible for some material wealth. The most important thing in this case is to understand what they symbolize, because when drawing up staves, not only the symbols themselves are of great importance, but also the energy of the person and the thoughts with which he composes this becoming.

You can also add to the "material" runes such as Berkana and Soul... Berkana was usually used to implement ideas and protect against enemies, and Soul personified success in endeavors.

Effective formulas

To attract finance and clients

Many modern professions are associated with attracting clients, the number of which determines the profit. For such people, there are also some combinations of runes that will help organize around themselves the right circle of people - potential customers. To do this, you need to use a combination of the following runes:

  • Mannaz- this is a symbol of the person to whom the becoming will belong.
  • Evaz- the movement of clients to the entrepreneur. These two signs alone will greatly enhance your ability to attract customers.
  • You can add another rune Fehu, which means attracting money customers and in itself the movement of money.
  • The rune has a similar meaning Laguz- this is luck, bringing the right customers. This symbol will be useful to those people who do not have enough strength to retain a large number of customers, and the symbol will strengthen them in this. Rune Eira ensures a constant circulation of money and customers.

In addition to these runes, there are also so-called "protective" ones, which are not so directly related to attracting and retaining customers. For example, Teyvaz means supporting oneself in entrepreneurial activity; Algiz is the protection of physical health, which is spent on constant and exhausting work.

To attract good luck in business, use a rune in stavas Petro.

If the work is more connected with various kinds of partnership agreements, then you can use rune gebo, which symbolizes reliable partnerships, understanding of the responsibilities and rights of the parties.

For debt repayment

Sometimes you need to somehow influence a person who has borrowed money, but does not return it for a long time. As you know, requests for repayment, even the most persistent ones, do not always affect the borrower. Then you can resort to using rune staves.

For this, signs that symbolize the consciousness of the debtor are suitable. (Ansuz), compulsion (Nautiz), thoughts about the debt that hangs over the person (Teyvaz)... The rune will help strengthen these signs Evaz, symbolizing acceleration, and the already mentioned rune Hyères as a triggering mechanism for the impact of the compiled stav.

The combination of the already mentioned runes has great power. Fehu and Otal, meaning "return of one's own."


Very strong for attracting quick money from the sky is considered to be "Mill", it is "Money Mill". To compose such a stav, you can use three Fehu runes, drawn in the form of mill blades emanating from a single center.

This is a classic option and, as they say, a win-win. But it can be supplemented with any enhancing runes.... This becoming will not only help to make the cash flow constant, but will also be able to increase it.

"I am a magnet"

The runic formula "Money Magnet" is energetically strong. Its essence lies in the fact that the person who activates this becoming will be like a magnet, not only money will be attracted by itself (after all, it can just as easily leave as it can appear), but opportunities for making money will also be attracted.

This becoming is composed of the following runes: Evaz, Laguz, Perth, Kenaz, Dagaz, Fehu, Otal, Gebo, Soulo, Vuno,- most of which have already been mentioned. This one has become quite complex, however, according to the testimony of people who have experienced its power, it is very effective.

Urgent money

In order to quickly and easily get a large amount, you need to use becoming, which combines runes Fehu, Ansuz, Dagaz, Algiz... This stave is applied to some kind of carrier, and then burned and the ashes are blown off the hand into the wind.


In addition to the fact that you need to draw a certain becoming for yourself, its strength is enhanced by stigma- this is something like a spell that activates the power of the stav. For example, to attract customers, you can use the following:

“By the power of the Runes, I conjure the streams of money. Yes, not the income of my clients, and my income will not run out either. May clients always bring me benefits and prosperity. May each trade be better for me than the previous one. I am in complete control of my own business, I am able (bna) to regulate any external influences. The runes support me at all levels, I always have enough physical, mental, energy, mental and magical resources and skills for the prosperity of my business. "

Naturally, each person can adjust this reservation for themselves, or independently come up with something like that. In addition, the money becoming must be carried near money - in a wallet, wallet, put in a piggy bank. Alternatively, you can draw it directly on your wallet. This will enhance its effect.

If you know how to make a runic becoming for money, signs will attract wealth and success. Runic formulas will allow you to say goodbye to poverty.

In the article:

Runic becoming for money - runes to attract wealth

Runes are unique signs that will attract wealth. Before you start creating your own money stakes, they study popular symbols to attract well-being.

Leading place is a force that can change life for the better, contributes to the accumulation of energy and wealth. The rune is used as an amulet (wood, leather, bone, copper) and in combinations (applied to surfaces).

Runic becoming I want work and money

The symbol allows you to activate cash flows. The sign allows you to keep energy flows and financial benefits. A symbol is often used to protect state, wealth.

Symbolizes the reaping of fruits. If a person simply hopes that magic will help achieve a dream, nothing will work. Only efforts are rewarded.

The sign symbolizes everything that money can buy. It attracts patrons of art, strong authoritative personalities who will become patrons and provide support.

Responsible for prosperity, growth, well-being. Often interpreted as a symbol that gives unlimited possibilities. Means victory, achievement of the goal.

Runic formulas to attract money

The formula for financial well-being consists of three Fehu. The symbol not only attracts luck and finances, but also expands opportunities.

The runogram will help increase income, protect already accumulated benefits from thieves, ill-wishers, and will not allow spending savings on trinkets:

  • Otal- symbolizes accumulated wealth, property, in combination with Fehu - making a profit;
  • Fehu- fertility, prosperity, property;
  • Hyères- activates the work of the inscribed.

Runescript, which is applied to a bank card, wallet, will increase the average income:

  • Fehu- profit, money;
  • Otal- help to acquire property;
  • Berkana- used to implement ideas, protection from enemies;
  • Soulo- personifies victory in endeavors.

Disputes do not subside whether it is worth turning and sacrificing to the gods, speaking symbols. Each master works according to his own method: for some it is enough to depict symbols, others enlist the help of the gods.

Becoming for money

If a patron is not chosen for help in a particular situation, they call on Odin. When it comes to finances, it is advisable to contact Njord or Freyr.

Wine, fruits, sea fish are suitable as offerings. On the working surface, in addition to the victim, there are candles (Fire), incense (Air), salt (Earth) and a container with water. In the middle of the symbols of the elements, they put a thing on which they write the runic formula, or an amulet. Candles and incense are lit with a stipulation, they say the phrase:

Oh great (deity's name), help me conduct the ritual of consecration of the runic formula / amulet / runescript.

If the amulet is not ready, they begin to depict runes, specifying each symbol. For example:

I draw a rune (such and such) to attract (such and such).

When the manipulations are over, they say what they expect from the script. The speech is prepared (written down on a piece of paper). Pronounced:

I illuminate the formula / amulet / runescript (with fire, water, earth, air - for each element in turn).

We thank God for helping to illuminate the runescript. Until the candles and incense burn out, you cannot remove the attribute from the work surface.

What are rune formulas written on for money? This is either a piece of paper that is carried in a wallet, or a bill. The inscription is made with a red or green marker. Do not choose a black marker that is used for harmful magic.

Can blood be used? If the gods want a sacrifice with blood, during the manipulation, you need to cut yourself, inject yourself.

How long will it take to become? The period depends on the personal energy of the person. The stronger the bearer of the runes, the faster the magic will work. Some symbols consume a lot of energy. If the script is not "looped", the attribute will be lost after the task is completed.

Becoming "Cash flow"

A popular runic formula for attracting money. Well-being increases gradually, without abrupt transitions.

Becoming "Cash flow"

Unplanned expenses will disappear, it will be possible to get out of loans and debts. The situation is stabilizing for freelancers - the number of clients will grow. The runescript is necessarily consecrated with the elements. Working runes:

  • Raido- movement towards the goal, the approach of dreams;
  • Fehu- money, material goods;
  • Manaz- the individual who made becoming;
  • Vunyo- joy, happiness from the received;
  • Hyères- reaping the fruits.

The use of symbols is not limited in time: Yer makes the formula cyclical. The rune is applied to the bill that is carried with them.

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