Home Blanks for the winter Through the fire of war. There are nine potential companions in Dragon Age: Origins

Through the fire of war. There are nine potential companions in Dragon Age: Origins

0. Probably, writing articles about heroes of interest to me is already a kind of tradition. And, of course, I cannot ignore the new for me, but already quite my own fandom. For me, one of the indicators that a character is deep, interesting and well thought out by its creators is that this character makes a diametrically opposite impression on people. The line of games "Dragon age" hooked me, first of all, with just such characters. And on one of them I will focus my closest attention. Why? Well, excluding the fact that he interested me, I will say that about his character and actions, I had some dispute with a close friend. It didn’t come to a fight, but it’s a matter of honor to prove to a friend that the hero is not so bad. So, Antivan Ravens greet you ... 1. If you go into the discussion of one dedicated to the games of the group, then about Zevran you can find the following opinions: “Zevran, stsuka, traitor. And a fagot. And an elf. No chance ... "" ... he disgraces the elves' uk "" And it was not a fig to substitute an ass "" A sneaky assassin who kicks in the back "" But an experienced one, and an Antivan massage can do "" Zevran will never betray you if you make friends with him "" Zevran is small and weak, a criminal. " “And Zevran. he is cheerful and not afraid of life, he knows how to look at things soberly and weigh all the pros and cons, knows how to extract good even from the most unpleasant moments of life. in my opinion, excellent qualities. " “He runs from reality and goes with the flow, living for one day. In addition, he has no moral responsibility to anyone (except for the Gray Guardian, with a certain passage) " advice, I noticed that he is generally speaking, and that he is actually not as preoccupied dunce as he tries to seem. " "The vulgar" spoiled "Zevran, if your GG dies, will grieve about her until the end of his days, or love if he survives." * As you can see, opinions are completely different. And they mainly depend on two factors: 1. The degree of homophobia and blinkered views of the players; 2. Betrayed or not by Zevran the Guard at the moment of meeting with Tallesen in the "dirty nook". Actually, our peace dispute with a friend began precisely with the fact that Zevran "betrayed" his friend. And, since I can’t do anything about homophobia (although I’ll touch on Arannaya’s orientation in the article, I suppose), I think it’s worth talking about the possible betrayal of Antivanets. 2. Zevran can betray you after the Lands Collection. While moving between locations, you find yourself in a "dirty nook", where the Antivan Ravens, led by Tallesen, are already waiting for you. Who is Tallesen? Ferelden boy, one of eighteen bought by Ravens at 9:12 Dragon. And one of the two who survived to the end of the training. As you can imagine, the second survivor is Zevran. It turns out that at the time of the meeting in Denerim, the Ravens have known each other for eighteen years. Moreover, they studied side by side and worked together for almost all these years. What kind of relationship do they have? In one of the dialogues with the Guardian, Zevran says the following phrase: "Crows never have friends." Is it so? And can Tallesen and Zevran be called old friends? If Zevran is going to betray, it is the "old friend" that he calls Tallesen. And, probably, he doesn’t bend his soul too much. These two have clearly gone through a lot together and probably some form of "friendship" can be called their relationship. But then, can it be considered a betrayal at all that Zevran leaves the Guard? Yes. Because he breaks his own oath: “I hereby swear my devotion to you, as long as you do not want to relieve me of this burden. I place myself at your disposal unconditionally. I swear. " With all this, he himself does not consider this a betrayal, since from the very beginning he said in plain text that he was joining the Guardian and his team not out of patriotic and heroic motives, but because the Crows did not forgive failure. And then, it seems, forgiveness has come, and even in the guise of an old comrade in arms, with whom more than one pound of salt has certainly been eaten. I will not speak about the fact that it is not a fact that Arannay will really be allowed to return, since there is no information about anything like that anywhere. So. Even if Tallesen is an "old friend", a comrade in arms, a man who is dearer to Zevran than the Guardian and his companions, Arannaya's return to the Ravens is a betrayal, from the point of view of generally accepted morality. And, of course, it is worth blaming. But if we abstract from this very generally accepted morality, we get a much more interesting picture ... interesting and, in some places, incomprehensible. Guard Zevran betrays only if your relationship with him is below +26. The threshold is not so high, and if you didn’t manage to win the respect of Zevran, you didn’t manage to reach at least the “warmth” mark in the scale of relationships, then perhaps it’s not a matter of an unscrupulous killer? Zevran makes it clear with every action that over the years of his life he has acquired one useful habit: the habit of surviving. But what he could not get used to was ... slavery. 3. To continue the conversation about betrayal, I would like to talk about the aforementioned slavery. "Slavery is a type of stratification that is characterized by an economic, legal and social form of enslavement of people, which borders on extreme social inequality and complete lack of rights" - I managed to find approximately such a definition on the Internet. In general, in almost all countries of Thedas, slavery is prohibited. However, we see the opposite picture in the elfinage of Denerim, if we undertake to save the local elves. We can observe crowds of slavers in the second part of the epic in the Free Marches. We do not know much about Antiva, but what we do know for sure is that the Crows buy their killers as children. Zevran was bought out of the brothel where he grew up after his mother, a courtesan, died in childbirth. They bought it for three gold pieces, which, according to him, was not a bad price at all, given that it was "skin and bones, and could not distinguish the hilt of a dagger from the blade." The price is not bad, but does it change the essence? At the age of seven, Zevran essentially became a slave. Although he says that the Ravens are respected in Antiva, that if you are a Raven, then you are rich and all women (and men) are yours. However, is this true, given the fact that literally at the first meeting, Arannai says that the guild master receives the money for the order, and the killer himself is poor, “like a church mouse”? The only explanation is this: Ravens, who have become full-fledged killers, receive some amounts of money, so to speak, for "pocket" expenses. I would not be surprised that both weapons and uniforms are issued by the organization. The young "crows" do not even have the right to keep personal belongings, which Zevran mentions when talking about the gloves of his Dolian mother. Therefore, the Ravens, in fact, do not have the right to own private property. Can Ravens voluntarily leave their guildmaster masters? As we can see from the example of Arannaya, no. Ravens, like escaped slaves, are persecuted, searched for, or even killed for flight. What about punishments? Recall that the sixteen children bought at 9:12 am Dragon died before the end of their training. There is no reliable information about how they died, but I think I will not be very mistaken if I say that their teachers had a hand in this. And not just the hand. In addition, one of the "final exams", as we see during the passage of the "Broken Circle" quest (if, of course, we take Arannaya with us) is torture. On the one hand, there is a certain logic to this: killers should not be afraid of pain. On the other hand ... it is unlikely that untrained adolescents will be stretched out on a rack. So they had been instilled with pain resistance much earlier, right? But can we talk about "extreme social inequality"? On the example of Zevran, we can understand that it is both yes and no. The only way to get rid of the pursuit of Ravens that this far from stupid and very cunning character could come up with was to lead the guild. Therefore, the Raven is forced to carry out all the orders of the guild master ... unless he himself becomes one. And you can only rise so high by killing all other applicants. 4. From the above, we can conclude that Zevran was a slave for almost his entire life. But a slave, it seems, is more freedom-loving than he wants to seem. He betrays the Ravens without a twinge of conscience, first of all, precisely because he does not consider himself obligated to be faithful to them. The slave serves the master, yes. But should he do it with desire? Should he not even think about freedom? Now, let's think about this. If Zevran considers the guild master to be his "master" (unloved and cruel), then why should he treat the Guardian differently, who did not become (or even did not try to become) his friend? Arannay says to himself: "I, actually, the very fidelity ... but exactly as long as they do not force me to pay with my life for a mistake." To this definition, I would add this: he really is loyalty itself. But only for someone who truly respects. And who doesn't use it. The position of a "slave" is familiar to a murderer. Even in his oath there is something that clearly hints at this: "I put myself at your disposal." He is ready to serve, yes. But there is no need to wait for sincerity. Isn't it necessary? .. 5. Each of the DAO's companions has a turning point, after which they can leave the main character. Moreover, it is noteworthy that for almost all the probability of leaving does not depend on the degree of approval in the scale of relationships. For example, Alistair will in any case leave you if you spare Loghain, and Leliana - if you desecrate Andraste's urn with ashes. Here only the principles of the heroes themselves come into play. Why is that? First, they all fight primarily because fighting Blight is what they see as their duty. That is, the personality of the Guardian is not of fundamental importance to them, but his decisions, which contradict their personal concept of morality, are really important. The exception is Morrigan. She will leave if you refuse to help her, and she did not hit the road at all out of patriotic feelings. As for Zevran, everything is much more delicate. He may object to the decisions of the Main character, but he, almost always, can be persuaded. Or he just stays with his own and will not insist. So, for example, he will not leave the Guardian, even if he sided with the werewolves in the Breselian Forest, although he begs him to spare the Dalish. The War with the Blight is not Zevran's war. Ferelden is not his homeland. He takes the side of the Guardian only for reasons of his own benefit. And at the same time, in fact, only for him the only paramount is precisely the relationship with the Guardian. If the main character achieves his location at least to the level of "warmth", then Arannai will not betray him in any case. He will clearly tell Tallesen - no. Perhaps he will not fight against him on the side of the Guardian, but here I cannot reproach him: Tallesen is not a stranger to him. And if the approval is higher than +71, and even the novel ... then Zevran chooses the side of the Main character entirely. And he may well kill the "old friend" himself. Will this be a betrayal of Tallesen? Perhaps, if we take on faith his words about a possible return. However, to me personally, the fact that a friend himself came to "hook up" a fugitive comrade seems strange. Don't you think that this also smells of betrayal? Is it possible to betray a traitor? Moral issues are very complex and, to be honest, I do not want to go deep into them too much. Let's better talk about the notorious "+71". That is, about love ... 6. "Actually, I am loyalty itself." I cannot help repeating this phrase again. It is in everything that concerns love that she very clearly reflects Zevran. Although at first glance you can't tell ... In DA: Oh, unlike DA2, there are only two bisexual characters: Leliana and Zevran. Arannai tells the hero that if he chooses, he will prefer women. However, in connection with a man, he, like all Antivans, does not see anything vicious. Moreover, in everything that concerns sex, he thinks and acts very freely. Zevran, it seems, did not leave any of his companions without his attention: he admires Wynn's breasts (which, according to her, suits him as a grandmother), teases Ogren by offering sex, at the first meeting calls Leliana a beauty ... "Ask to go to the tent." True, with not the highest approval, Zevran can take this invitation as a hint that, in addition to covering the back of the Guardian in battle, he must also serve as his personal "toy". Although, these words will have little effect on further relations. Zevran's location isn't hard to earn. But it will not rise to the level of "love" until the meeting with Tallesen takes place. As already mentioned, in the case of the novel, Zevran remains in the team. And after that, he gives the Guardian an earring taken from the first victim. Also a very remarkable moment: Arannay for some reason tells not the most "pure" story of this subject. Do you know what this says? This says that Arannai is afraid of love. This is also confirmed by the fact that after realizing his crush on the Guardian, at some point he will refuse to “go into the tent”, he will be confused, and will start snarling. Then, however, he will explain that he simply cannot understand himself. Zevran, in the presence of a novel, will remain without any problems with the Heroine, if she at the end becomes queen under Alistair, or with the Hero, if he becomes king under Anor. Arannaya position of a lover is quite satisfied. His concepts of morality are generally very vague. But one thing can be said: he generally puts love above all else. It is love or, at least, friendship that is the guarantee that the elf will not betray you and will always be there. Another fact that confirms such absolute loyalty to a loved one / beloved is that in the epilogue of the game, if the Hero of Ferelden died, it will be said that Zevran, despite frequent proposals of sexual partners, did not love anyone again. But, of course, Arannaya cannot be called monogamous either. No, we are not talking about the mass of sexual partners in the past, and not even about the fact that in DA2 he, even during an affair with the Hero / Heroine of Ferelden, accepts Isabella's proposal (very unambiguous). Sex and love for Zevran are completely different concepts, which, in general, is quite logical for an elf who grew up in a brothel and uses seduction methods to kill his victims. It's about Rinne. About a girl about whom not much is known, but with whom Arannai was in love. And which Tallesen killed in front of him, with his own permission. And then Zevran "spat on her body." Rinna was accused of treason and Arannai, apparently, considered her guilt sufficient for death. And upon learning that the accusations were false ... He tells the Guardian that in Ferelden he was looking not for the glory that could be provided for him by the murder of the last Gray Guardians, but for death. What made him change his mind? Love for life, as he says in the first conversation: "I like living." Could it be considered that he betrayed his love, his Rinn? Betrayed when he let her be killed? Or when he refused to part with his life out of guilt? In the first case, it is possible. In the second, it is unlikely. I will not justify him, I will just say that he himself, apparently, reproaches much more than anyone else could reproach him. Perhaps it was this fatal mistake that led to the fact that, having fallen in love with the Guardian, he would never betray him. It won't even offer sex to Hawk in DA2, which is significant. And Isabella ... oh, this is a completely different story, which has nothing to do with either love or infidelity ... on the part of Zevran, of course. Especially that sex with her is also possible for the Hero of Ferelden. And even in the company of Arannaya himself ... 7. And, nevertheless, why exactly the personal good attitude of Zevran is the guarantee of his devotion? Here, for some reason, I recalled lines from Cinderella's monologue from the play by Yevgeny Schwartz: "And how much care ... no one has ever cared about me like that." Zevran does not know what love, friendship and care are, not because he is a villain. He just didn't see any of it. His reaction at the moment when you give him Dalish gloves is very indicative. Confusion, some kind of suspicion, looking for a catch ... and then he directly says that he was never given gifts. It is not surprising that a person who not only listens to his stories (Zevran every time hints that he doubts that the Guardian is interested in them), but also makes gifts, becomes an object of absolute loyalty for the killer. Because this is no longer slavery. This is no longer forced cooperation and subordination. He is recognized as an equal, people think of him, they listen to him ... for a person who grew up in terrible conditions, a good attitude is something unknown and ... desirable. 8. What do I want to say in the end? Yes, Zevran can leave the Main character, but each of the companions can do it. Yes, Zevran has a vague understanding of morality, but this is quite natural, given that there was no one to instill in him a normal understanding. Yes, Zevran is bisexual, but I personally cannot imagine how this can be a claim, especially considering that it really harmoniously fits into the character, behavior and, in fact, the occupation. Yes, he breaks his own oath, but ... no, here, perhaps, without a "but". It violates and, yes, it does not show it from the best side. However, as I already wrote, it is impossible to expect anything different from a slave who loves freedom at heart. You can treat a character in different ways. But to cut off the shoulder and draw conclusions from one act, in my opinion, is wrong. For me, why Zevran can betray the Guardian is obvious and understandable. I really hope that my arguments turned out to be fairly objective and understandable. And I also hope that my friend, nevertheless, will change his mind about this hero. About a hero who fell in love with me incredibly strongly, just as much interested and, of course, willingly fought with Tallesen on my side.

Dragon Age: Origins

The Guardian can make decisions, as a result of which the companion can leave or even die. If the companion leaves the Guardian or dies, his / her equipment is lost.

There are nine potential companions in Dragon Age: The Beginning.

Young Gray Warden,
one of the companions of the Hero (ini) Ferelden,
the last member of the Teirin dynasty.

Romantic interest for the Female Guardian.

Joins: in Ostagar.

Personal quest:

Alistair seeks to meet Goldanna, a woman he considers his half-sister. With the help of the Guardian, he eventually manages to find her in Denerim. However, the desire to reunite with the family is not mutual. Goldanna blames him for the death of their mother and for the fact that while Alistair "lived like a prince", she had to live in poverty.

Alistair's character has not changed:

Alistair is saddened by his sister's reluctance to accept him, but this hardly affects his worldview.

Alistair toughened up:

Alistair is saddened by his sister's unwillingness to accept him, and with the help of the Guardian, he realizes that it is worth reconsidering his worldview. He becomes tougher and more pragmatic, and he also begins with much more calmness about the possibility of becoming a king in the future.

You can execute him at the Land Gathering.

If Alistair becomes king, the relationship will end unless the Guardian is of noble birth and Alistair is not escalated. Even if it is tightened, the relationship will end if the Guardian spares Loghain or chooses the wrong lines in the dialogue after the Land Gathering. Select the line "No one can force the king to do what he does not want to do" to convince Alistair to continue the relationship. However, even if Alistair broke up with the Guardian, he retains tender feelings for her, although he tries to avoid talking about it in dialogues with the Guardian and other party members.

If the Guardian did not agree to the offer of Morrigan and took Aleister to the battle with the Archdemon, then he would sacrifice himself even if he parted with the Guardian on his own initiative.

If you go to Amarantine when Sigrun is in a group, the gnome will meet with her old friend Mischa. It turns out that she once patronized Sigrun, despite the fact that she is untouchable, until Sigrun framed her, as a result of which Mischa lost her position in Orzammar and was forced to go to the surface. After this meeting, Sigrun will be upset and will want to apologize to her old friend and even give her the ring that she received from her only friend in the Legion - Varlan Vollney. This will activate the quest "Sigrun's Thieves Past". In it, the Commander can help Sigrun sort out his feelings.

If you take her to the Mother's Lair in the finale, when meeting with the Architect, Sigrun will be skeptical about the idea of ​​changing the creatures of darkness. She will be outraged at the opportunity to make a deal with the Architect. If the Commander decides to accept the offer, Sigrun can accuse him / her of not being a Gray Warden, since he is willing to do this. The Commander can convince her of the correctness of his decision, or enter into battle with her and kill her.

Golems of Amgarrak

Descend underground to rescue the lost expedition of dwarfs, which set out to search for the ancient secrets of creating terrible creatures ... Only you can find out the terrible fate that befell them.
Return your Guardian to the ranks and explore new locations, meet new characters and fight with creatures never seen before.

Brogan Day

Jerrick Day's brother and seasoned warrior. Jerrick and Brogan were brothers, members of the noble house of Days of Orzammar, and cousins ​​of the head of the house, Anver Dyes. Although both were excellent warriors, the eldest, Jerrick, received more recognition than Brogan. But Brogan seemed content to be in Jerrick's shadow, celebrating his brother's victories as if they were theirs.

Brogan is a ferocious warrior, and whenever House Day raided the Abyssal Trails, Brogan was in the front ranks. Considered a bit naive and even simple by other warriors, most of his comrades-in-arms consider him solid and reliable as a stone. Brogan's loyalty was never in question. He has a strong bond with his brother Jerrick. Such a brotherly bond is considered rare among the nobility of Orzammar.

The Guardian and Jerrick find Brogan trapped in the Shadow at the Amgarrak thaig. He became mentally unstable due to the strong effects of pure lyrium, but resilient enough to retain the ability to wield his weapon. After the group finds Darion's corpse, he successfully convinces Jerrick to destroy the anvil in Amgarrak to make sure that the experiments that were conducted here will never be repeated.

Jerrick Day

Nephew of Lord Anver Deis, head of House Deis, and companion of the Guardian.
Jerrick has a growing reputation as a gnome, tackling any challenge. An experienced veteran of many expeditions to the Deep Roads, he survived the Battle of Umgol Fortress, Perin Edukan's final battle, and participated in the final campaign in which the darkspawn were driven from the mines of Orzammar beyond Karidin's Crossroads.

Jerrick Day loves to use the longsword and dagger in battles. Piotin calls Jerrick a loyal ally and implacable enemy, adding that "you have to be wiser to be sure that he is on your side." Day always takes the Kid with him, the faithful bronto he went out on his first trip. The kid is fiercely loyal, surprisingly smart and rarely leaves his master.

The rules state that when Anver Deis dies, House Deis can majority support Jerrick's candidacy, not Anver's son Mandar. Of course, the two cousins ​​are fierce rivals who have fought each other many times in the arena, and Jerrick has always emerged victorious. This rivalry can be attributed to several attempts to assassinate Jerrick in which he remained alive.

When the scientist Darion Olmech approached the Daes with evidence that he had located the teig Amgarrak, one of the centers where the creation of golems was studied, the House of Daes financed and supported his expedition, believing that it would bring them wealth and a higher position in society. Brogan, Jerrick's brother, went on an expedition that went missing. Although Lord Anver Day said that the expedition was lost and all its members were dead, Jerrick did not accept the death of his brother and gathered his own team to find the missing expedition. Ultimately, Jerrick turned to the Gray Wardens for help.

Jerrick Day's faithful hand-made bronto.
When Jerrick, along with the Sentinel Commander, goes to the Amgarrak teig in search of the missing expedition, among whose members was Jerrick's brother Brogan, the Kid follows his master.

The kid is a unique creature. Only Jerrick can summon him. Other ranger characters cannot summon him even with advanced skill; the ability to "summon bronto" does not exist.

Due to the Kid's classed as a summoned creature, Jerrick cannot summon other ranger pets until he recalls him. But then Jerrick again changes any summoned creature to the Kid. The Master Pathfinder talent increases the characteristics of the Kid.

Ariana and the Guardian meet at the empty Flemeth hut in the Korkari Wilds. She says that she found herself here on behalf of her Guardian, who ordered to find Asha "Belanar. Ariana hoped that she would help find her daughter, Morrigan, who stole an ancient tome about the eluvians of Arlathan's time kept by the clan. Ariana offers to go to the Circle of Magi on Lake Calenhad and look for clues in the vast library, since the book was brought to the clan by an elf mage who escaped from the Circle.
Upon arriving at the Dragonbone Cemetery, Ariana will ask the Guardian to ask Morrigan about the book and keep Finn waiting to study the current eluvian. During the conversation, Morrigan will say that the book remained by the fire and Ariana can pick it up, which she does before leaving the cemetery.

Florian Phineas Horatio Aldebrant, Esq. Or simply Finn, is a young magician from the Circle of Ferelden in the Citadel of Kinloch, a companion of the Gray Guard.
Finn considers himself the best linguist of the Circle and an expert on the history of Ancient Tevinter, although other sorcerers consider him a bookworm and recluse, spending all his time sitting in the library. Finn is smart and strives for knowledge, be it the history of elves, gnomes or ancient magic. He was never inclined to adventures, but a thirst for knowledge can push Finn to leave the safe library and embark on an adventure. The battles, however, scare him, and the sight of his own blood can make Finn faint. He rarely shows attention to the problems of others and also rarely spares their feelings by directly saying what he thinks. Unlike most sorcerers who do not maintain contact with their families, Finn is very close to his parents.

Sentinel Commander first meets Finn in the Circle Tower library while searching for clues about the contents of a book that Morrigan stole from Ariana's clan. After the Guardian discovers mention of the term "eluvian" somehow related to Morrigan's goal, Finn approaches and explains that it is a magic mirror of the ancient elves. He says that Tevinter's mages tried to awaken the power of the eluvians after the fall of Arlatan, but were only able to use them to communicate at a distance. Finn believes that the whole eluvian can be found with the help of the broken fragments, found by the Sabré clan in the Brecilian forest. Finn is extremely interested in the topic of the eluvians, so he will join the search, even if he has to leave the Tower for this, but first he will offer to ask for advice from someone who knows about Ancient Tevinter not by hearsay.

Finn leads the Guardian and Ariana to the basement of the Tower, where a "living" statue is kept, the seat of the spirit of the Tevinter prophetess Elenai Zinovia. The statue will confirm that the search will require the shards of the shattered eluvian, as well as the fires of Arlatan. She will also regretfully notice that this is her last conversation with Finn, since he will never return to the Tower. This prophecy scares Finn, but he leaves the Circle. Sketch is a scientist, a nervous magician who becomes frighteningly capable when pressed against a wall. Although Sketch does not like to travel, he prefers the bardic Game of life in a cage under the supervision of templars. Sketch knows when to shut up and uses it often.

During the events of Leliana's Song, Sketch accompanies Leliana and Thug during the Game in Denerim. He is very suspicious of everything that happens because of his fear. The sketch participates in infiltrating Raleigh's mansion, and then, along with Leliana and Thug, enters the dungeons. When Leliana, Sketch, and Silas Courtwaite find Thug's body, Sketch is very worried as Thug sacrificed himself to distract the guards. Otherwise they would have cut off the hands of the magician. Sketch also participates in the murder of Captain Raleigh.

Gnome-ground, companion of Leliana. He is sassy, ​​cunning and simple - a great frontline thug who doesn’t ask unnecessary questions and knows that someone else will make the plan for him. Loyal to his friends, even if he is going through hard times. It is strange to see him in the ranks of the bards, although he claims that there is no better place.

Tag helps Leliana and Sketch complete Marjoline's mission in Denerim. An attempt to return valuable Orlesian papers ended in the betrayal of Marjoline, and he ends up in a dungeon, where he is tortured and killed by the henchmen of Commander Harwin Raleigh. As Sketch told Leliana, Thug was tortured because of his constant chatter, which he started to protect Sketch from having his hands cut off (according to the guards, the only way to make the mage "safe").

Silas Courtwaite

Warrior man, companion of Leliana. During the war between Ferelden and Orlais, Silas was a soldier. After the war, he became a poacher. For this occupation, Captain Raleigh caught him and put him in a dungeon. He had been there for several months when Leliana found him.

Leliana finds him in Raleigh's dungeon when she escapes from the dungeon in which she found herself due to the betrayal of Marjoline. After Leliana, Sketch, and Silas fight their way out of the dungeons, Silas becomes a member of the church.

If in the quest Memory of Tag Leliana gives Silas the Sekir Tag, he can use it as a weapon.

Silas joins Leliana and Sketch in pursuit of Marjoline and Harwin Raleigh. Once they overtake the fugitives, Leliana can (at the player's choice) instruct Silas to deliver the final blow to Raleigh.

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Dragon Age: Origins companion quests walkthrough

Companions will join you in different locations and at different levels of the game. In order for a character to want to join you, and in order for you to have a good relationship, you need to choose the right tone in conversation with him. I advise you to save before starting a conversation, otherwise you risk losing your companion if you choose the wrong answer. Also, with a successful conversation, the companion receives a bonus to characteristics.

The first to join you Alistair in Ostagar, at the beginning of the game. He is happy to go to the Gray Wardens, since he is bored with a quiet life, and is not at all happy with the prospect of joining the ranks of the Templars, and the latter also give little pleasure to the latter.

A key character, you need to talk to him often, in the process of long conversations he will give a personal task: a visit to his sister in Denerim. During the quest, you can and should toughen the companion's character. After talking with Alistair's sister, Goldanna, choose the option "Every man for himself" and during the conversation in the camp later confirm your words. If, after the conversation, you console Alistair, this will not at all have a positive effect on his fate in the end.

Alistair is a human warrior, Templar specialization. It will make a good tank if you properly manage your skill leveling. To put on your armor, pump up your strength. Pump over the skills of the warrior and the shield. You also need dexterity. It is not worth downloading the skills of the templar.

The character can die or leave you during the Land Gathering. If he falls in love, then he gives the object of sighing a rose. This is only possible with a female character.

Special gifts. In Dragon Age: Origins, companions need to give gifts to improve your relationship with them. Each companion has its own preferences, for example, Alistair prefers figurines of magical creatures and runestones, and special gifts for him will be the "Amulet of Alistair's mother", which can be found in Earl Eamon's office in the castle of Redcliffe, and "Duncan's Shield", it will be possible to get it before Gathering lands, free Hou the Gray Guardian Riordan from prison, and then talk to him at Eamon's mansion about the Guardian's warehouse. Riordan will give you the key to the cache, which has now appeared there. The warehouse is located in the shopping area.

Your second companion, or rather a companion, will be Morrigan who will join you after the Battle of Ostagar. Also a key character, he will stay with you until the end of the game. A man, a werewolf magician, herbalist, knows how to brew potions. It is useful to pump her cold magic, the "Cone of Ice" spell affects all bosses. Morrigan is not a gift, a quarrelsome character, does not like to do good deeds. You need to give her gifts to pacify her temper a little. She will give a personal quest when she receives a special gift: "Black Grimoire", you will find it during the passage of the Tower of Mages in Irving's office.

If he falls in love, he gives a ring. Falls in love exclusively with male characters. Will be in an intimate relationship with the hero only until this relationship reaches the mark of "love".

Jewelry will become gifts for her, you can buy them from the gnome in the camp. Special gifts will be the same Grimoire, Grimoire Flemet and the Golden Mirror, which the merchant Givin has in Orzammar. Morrigan will leave before the final battle if she declines her offer after the Land Gathering.

The next companion in Dragon Age: Origins will be Dog... If you are a noble man, you just take the dog from the kitchen, the rest need to do the quest at the hunter in Ostagar. He prefers bones as gifts, though this is not necessary, he loves you anyway, and bones can be presented to the most harmful of companions. If you talk to your dog and ask if he sees something interesting, chances are that he will bring something really valuable. From time to time send him in search, he can bring wine, give it to Ogren, give the pie and tattered trousers to anyone you want. If there was a conversation between Wynne and Stan about Ferelden frosts, then the skein of woolen thread brought by the dog will be useful to Wynne to knit something warm for Sten. There is a chance to find a unique item - boots from ancient elven armor. This part of the kit is no longer available.

If the dog marks the territory (I think you understand what I mean), then his fighting qualities in this area will increase.

The next satellite is Lillian... A man, a robber, a developed Cunning is needed, since her specialization is picking locks and carrying wallets. Bard. She will join you during the skirmish with Loghain's soldiers at Dane's Refuge in Lothering. You need to be as careful as possible with her, save yourself before talking to her, because one incorrectly spoken word will forever discourage her from talking and giving you any task. Talk to her more often, otherwise you may miss the moment of the necessary conversation, which will lead to the same consequences.

To receive a personal assignment, you must have at least +25 approval. Ask her about the reasons for going to church, about the minstrels. She will tell you about Marjoline, and when you move between locations with Liliana in the group, robbers will attack you, whom she recognizes as those who came after her. Interrogate the robbers and deal with Marjoline. As a result, you will receive a bow that only Liliana can use. Talk to Liliana about the church, that being a Bard isn't bad, that you need to be yourself and live your life. In the process, it turns out that she still wants to live life to the fullest, and she was bored in church.

Liliana is gay, her last love was a woman, and if you get to know her better, then find out that she does not have very good memories of relationships with men. But if your hero is a man, and you have enough patience and desire, then you can win her heart. Compliment her appearance and talk to her about what someone like her has done in church. If you have patience and talk with her about such women's things as hairstyles, shoes, etc., then in the future Liliana will tell interesting legends and sing songs. If your character is a woman, then Liliana herself will start talking about relationships. Start with a phrase about how glad to see you. Asking her if she often enjoys female company so often, she will answer with the phrase “What if I say what happens sometimes? What will you answer? " If you want to have an affair with her, then you should giggle. If you already had an affair with her, which ended in a breakup, then after completing a personal quest, you can resume it. Liliana will turn out to be a faithful companion, and if she has an affair with the hero, then she will stay with you until the end. But this is only until the moment the hero (heroine) marries, even if this happens solely for the sake of benefit. She will leave immediately.

Gifts for her will be jewelry, blue shoes and the Silver Sword of Mercy, which can be bought from a gnome that is encountered when moving between locations, as well as Symbols of Andraste. Special Gifts for Liliana: Grace of Andraste, these flowers can be found in the Bressilian Forest, in Redcliffe by the mill, and in Elphinage. Tame Naked: If you don't have love or friendship, then she won't ask for it. If so, when you are in Orzamar with Liliana in a group, take the task of capturing the naga from the driver, and then hire the Idle Dwarf in Dusty City to find a clean and well-fed wild naga.

If you did not speak with Liliana during the personal quest about the church and did not convince her not to fall into fanaticism, then she will become your enemy if you desecrate the remains of the Ashes of Andraste's Sacred Urn with the blood of a dragon. If you "sober up" her, then even after that she will remain with the hero.

The next companion will be Sten... He specializes in two-handed weapons, the main parameter is strength. But do not pump everything into strength, pump also agility, otherwise there will be many misses on the target.

He does not like magicians, will not approve of the desire to preserve the circle of Magicians. I do not advise taking him to clear the Mages Tower. He will only be glad if all the magicians are destroyed, and will do everything possible for this, and getting rid of the magicians is not profitable, they will play a very large role in the final battle and in many quests.

You will find the wall in a cage in Lothering. You can open it either with a lockpick, or go with Liliana to the church, and after she vouches for you, the priestess will give the key. He will give a personal task if you have enough approval points. Talk to him about the past, about why he did not return with a report after collecting information for the Qunari. Or the reasons why he killed the peasants, then the sword. He lost his sword at the entrance to the Lake Calenhad location. Interrogate the marauder, go to the Frosty Mountains, and there you will find out the name of the buyer of the sword. It will be Dvin of Redcliffe. Go to him and demand to return the sword. If Stan is with you, then Dvin will not say anything about damages, but if the Wall is not, then you will have to pay a large sum.

Does not start a romantic relationship. If you deserve respect, he will invite you to the lands of the Qunari on a journey.

Pictures will become gifts for him.


Another mage companion in Dragon Age: Origins. Specialization - Spiritual Healer. Its purpose is to heal the group, resurrect in battle, and buffs for the group.

Whole, non-conflict person who will support in difficult times, knits warm clothes for the Wall. A little prejudiced against the elves, and this is most likely due to Zevran, who turned all conversations into attempts to cry on her chest, which could not leave Wynne indifferent. In this regard, she approves of the hero by as much as +7 points when he seduces an elf in the Dalish camp.

She will join you during the clearing of the Circle Tower, offer her help, and after completing the quest, invite her to go with you to fight the Blight. She will give a personal task if the approval is more than 25. Many dialogues are available with Wynn, but to get the quest, you need to talk to her about her past, about whether she regrets anything. Find out that her student has disappeared, ask about him in the Dalish camp. You will find him at the cleared location of the Bressilian Forest, where there is a hermit's stump. Talk to him, get a reward and thanks to Wynn.

Books and scrolls will become gifts for her. The merchant in Lothering has a bottle of wine for Wynn. All other alcoholic drinks are for Ogren.

You will lose Wynn if you decide to destroy all the mages during the quest in the Tower of Mages. She will also really not like it if you desecrate the remains of the Ashes of the Sacred Urn of Andraste with the blood of a dragon. There were cases when the hero quarreled with her, becoming a blood mage, but in my case everything was fine, she did not react to these spells in any way.


Poison specialist, killer, elf. Train him with assassin skills and the skill of handling weapons in both hands. It takes agility and a little strength. It is optimal to place it behind the enemy's back, and do not forget about poisons. Paired with Morrigan works great. Doesn't like it when vows are broken. Advice: when you leave the ruins, in a conversation with Zatrian, promise him protection only if he does not attack first, in case you promise her just like that, and then talk to him about lifting the curse, Zevran will not like it very much. Dislikes it when elves are offended.

Strongly partial to women, everyone, including Wynn, was in his area of ​​attention. His reasoning and advice regarding romantic relationships should not reach children’s ears. Joins you after completing the first story quest. Your actions attract the attention of the authorities, and when you move to another location, you will see a video in which Loghain hires a representative of the assassins guild. Now, with the next transitions from loka to loka, you can expect an ambush with traps and archers. After destroying the enemies, decide for yourself - you can kill Zevran, or you can take him to your service.

After receiving the quest to save Queen Anora, when moving to another location, you will meet a group of Ravens. You need to fight them, always in a group with Zevran. If your relationship with him is bad, then he will go over to their side, although at the moment of the game the relationship can be very difficult to remain bad, because even simple chatter improves his attitude towards you. After the Ravens are beaten, Zevran says that he could have left, but you do not see a strong desire to do so. At camp, he will thank you for getting rid of the Crows. If you are having an affair, then his attitude towards you will rise to "love", and he will give you an earring. If there was no romance, then now there will be an opportunity to start one.

Zevran prefers women, but does not hesitate to have connections with men due to his former profession. But still, without hints from the main character - a man, he will not take the initiative. After completing a personal quest, when you rid him of the Ravens, he will change a lot, stop pestering women.

If the hero or heroine becomes the king (queen), then Zevran stays with the hero. If you have a novel, and the hero dies, then Zevran goes to the Ravens, destroys everything and everyone there, becomes the head of the organization and is sad for the rest of his life, does not start new novels.

Bars of precious metals will become gifts for him. Special Gifts: Dalish Deerskin Gloves, found in the Bressilian Forest, in the Trap Camp, Antivan Leather Boots, in a chest in the Hideout. Don't let his attitude towards you sink to the bottom. In this case, he will either turn against you in the battle against the Ravens, or simply want to leave.

Another satellite - Ogren.

Dwarf warrior, carries a two-handed weapon. Unlike Wall, he has a bonus not to strength, but to constitution, and otherwise pump him just like Wall. It is worth listening to the dialogues with Ogren during the obligatory chatting in some areas.

Will join you when you go to look for the Perfect One, in Orzamar, when you meet at the exit to the Deep Paths.

To receive a personal quest, you need to talk to him about a woman named Felsi. Speak with her at the tavern on the Calenhad Lake Pier. Now go to her with Organ. You can help him to establish a relationship with her, prompt him the necessary phrases during a conversation.

He loves to drink, as a gift he will be delighted with a drink. Watch his attitude towards you, in case of a fall in approval, he will leave. In this case, you can persuade him to stay, challenge him to battle, at the end either kill him, or force him to stay, or drive him out.

Sheila, a companion from the Dragon Age: Origins add-on content.

Joins after completing the quest The Stone Captive. For a personal quest, talk to her about Karidin after completing the quest in Orzamar. Now go with her to the Deep Paths, a new loka has opened there, clean it up and talk to Sheila again.

Presents for her are precious stones.

It will also leave the party if the approval gets too low. In addition, if the character decides to keep the "Anvil of the Void", the golem will also leave the party, and it does not matter if he is in the group at the moment or remains in the camp.


If after the "Gathering of Lands" you do not kill him, then you can force him to become a Gray Guardian. True, Alistair will not like it very much, so he will leave. If you tightened him, as advised above, he will marry Anora, will be removed from the board, but he will leave the party anyway. If not toughened, it will simply get drunk. Maps and historical documents will be gifts for Loghain.

Interesting Facts

Zevran Arannay

Zevran Arannay- a sensual elf-robber from Antiva. He is a possible companion and romantic interest for any gender Guardian in Dragon Age: Origins. If Zevran's approval is 27 or more, he will learn Assassin Specialization Guardian. For the Zevran melee trigger to work, the Guardian must complete one of the game's main quests (Broken Circle, Beast Nature, Perfect, Earl Redcliffe, or Urn of Holy Ashes).


Zevran is the son of a Dalish elf who left her clan and moved to the city due to the fact that she fell in love with a woodcutter elf. Pretty soon her husband died due to illness and the elf had to work as a prostitute to pay off his debts. She soon died in childbirth. Zevran was raised by other prostitutes until the age of seven, and then sold for three gold coins to the Antivan Ravens, an elite assassin's guild. He tried to resist such a decision, but one day he agreed and distinguished himself in their case. Zevran quickly became one of the most promising members of the guild, excellent at both killing and seducing.

Dragon age: origins

Zevran was hired by Thayrn Loghain and Earl Howe to assassinate the Guardian. To this end, Zevran set up a trap on the road. If Zevran is defeated in a fight, the Guardian will have a choice: either kill him or let him speak in his defense. Left alive for questioning, Zevran will be asked to join the group, offering protection and service to the Guardian in return for his life. Alistair, Morrigan, and Ogren will object to taking him to the group, and Leliana will approve of his proposal. Wynne, Sheila and Stan won't react. For the Zevran melee trigger to work, the Guardian must complete one of the game's main quests (Broken Circle, Beast Nature, Perfect, Earl Redcliffe, or Urn of Holy Ashes). Confident and eager to channel his abilities on track under the command of the Sentinel, Zevran is good-natured by nature. Although many of the party members have doubts about his reliability, he understands their suspicions and jokingly denies the accusations. He does not hide anything about his life and does not try to embellish his role as the Crow. He admits that he is a murderer and cannot pretend to be anyone else. But even despite this, he has some concepts of morality, which are guided in his actions. Zevran takes its place among a minority of companions with subjective opinion. Killing a Guardian in quests, good or bad, rarely affects his disposition by more than a few points (like everyone else), although there are some exceptions. He objects to the destruction of the Nether Anvil, believing that it could be a valuable asset in the war. He also protests against the destruction of mages in the Broken Circle quest, asking why the Guardian cannot spare the mages if he spared the killer. If Zevran is in the group when the Guardian proposes to kill the Dalish, the elf will plead for mercy, although the Guardian may disagree with him and persuade him to support himself without losing his approval. If you ask about the Dalish elves after completing the quest Nature of the Beast, supporting the werewolves, he will snap back that it is disgusting to bring him up after everything that happened (even if he was not in the group before the events described), although he admits that the werewolves earned a chance and that the Dalish lost because of weakness. Despite his Dalish ancestry and the fact that he briefly lived in a nomadic clan, Zevran considers himself more Antivan than an elf. He claims that he does not feel kinship with other elves, at least with the urban ones: Zevran sees that they accept his kindness due to the fact that they consider themselves inferior to other people, and thinks that they must fight to become respected. Despite his words, Zevran approves of the Guardian's actions if he helps the elves in general. For example, he would approve of Soris's release from Howe's prison during the Land Gathering, and would not approve if the Guardian released Vaughan's banna, but only if the Guardian brought up the topic of an elven rebellion in Denerim (-5 approval). When the Guardian gets enough approval from Zevran, the elf will begin to reveal some details of his missions when he was the Raven. The last job he did in Antiva was helping his assassin buddies Tallesen and Rinna. Zevran explains that he began to genuinely fall in love with Rinna in a way that directly violates the rules of the hit man. As the trio planned their attack, Tallesen learned that Rinna had been bribed by the victim and the girl was planning to betray them. Zevran saw Tallesen kill the traitor, taunting her words that she was innocent and dying declarations of love to him, and the two men continued the mission on their own. After the death of their target, they found the victim's real informant, who in turn proved that Rinna was telling the truth. Heartbroken and self-loathing, Zevran returned to the Ravens and accepted a mission that seemed to many to be suicidal: to kill the remaining Gray Wardens in Ferelden. He accepted the mission, expecting and even hoping to die at the hands of legendary heroes, only with a mercy that he did not give Rinna. This comes up when talking to the Guardian, who asks Zevran if he has any remorse for killing her. Almost at the end of the game, when Earl Eamon in Denerim calls the Meeting of the Lands, Tallesen appears and invites Zevran to return to Antitiva. If the elf's approval is high (+26 or at least "warm" or "interested"), he will refuse the Ravens. If he is having an affair with the Guardian and is at least "interested" but below +71, he may refuse to fight, depending on the Guardian's responses to Thalesen. If this happens, the Guardian will be able to later ask Zevran about his relationship with Tallesen. If Zevran is romantically with the Guardian and the approval is high enough, he will fight on the Guardian's side. Subsequently, Zevran will say that the Ravens will think that he joined Tallesen and died with him. This will allow Zevran to disappear before they know the truth and locate him, if he asks for his freedom or remains in the group and continues to help in the salvation from Blight.

Dragon age ii

You can meet him by taking the "Killing Crows" quest (if Zevran was killed in Origins, there will be no quest). Gives it to Nunzio in Act 3 in the Red Light District. Zevran will be asked to kill as a dangerous criminal. During the meeting, the elf will not tempt fate a second time (the first time was with the Guardian) and will immediately surrender to the mercy of the Protector. Hawk has the choice to let Zevran go or take him to Nunzio. Zevran in Dragon Age 2 If at the end of Origins Zevran was not in an affair with the Guardian, he will flirt with Hawk. If you help him kill the Ravens, Zevran will offer Hawk to "get to know each other better." With Hawke's romance with Fenris, Anders or Merril (provided that the love interest is in the group), the partner will be extremely jealous of such a proposal, and Zevran will quickly take the words back. If there is Isabella in the group, in any case, she will remember the old days with Zevran, and being in an affair with Hawke, she will also offer him / her to spend time together, but she can be dissuaded by choosing the appropriate phrase, to which she will object, they say, ask Hawke double rate ... If you do not drag Zevran to the assassins and help him cope with them in the future, he can come to the rescue during the battle with Meredith in the Casemates.


A master of seduction (according to his own statement), Zevran will openly flirt with the Guardian, and with some other companions too, albeit just as a joke. He is not too picky and clearly underestimates his needs, which makes it easier to start an affair with the Guardian, regardless of gender. Almost immediately after joining the team, he shows sympathy for the Guardian, and he can reciprocate. Entering Zevran's location is easy enough. He loves playful hints and questions about his adventures, and as long as the Guardian takes his sexual past for granted, the romance will continue. He can be asked to accompany the Guardian in a tent, even at the "Interest" level, to which he will gladly agree. After that, Zevran explains that he does not hold the character and it is his choice whether their night will be an isolated incident or the relationship will continue. On the contrary, if Zevran has high approval and the Guardian has not yet asked him to sleep, he will offer his company for the night. If you ask Zevran about love afterwards, it will lead to a loss of influence, however, if you tell him that it was only for one night, then this will lead to a significantly greater loss and end of the relationship. The best option is to say "I'm fine with this." Zevran is just as loyal in relationships as the rest of the partners, although he flirts recklessly with other characters. Regardless of the level of approval, Zevran's attitude will change to "love" until the Lands Assembly is convened. The group will face (and kill) Zevran's old friend, Talisien, and Zevran will get respite from the Ravens' pursuit. In gratitude, he offers the Guardian his earring. If you ask him if this is a sign of his love, then Zevran will react awkwardly, making the answer obvious. Pushing him away by abandoning the earring will cause a loss of approval (not significant if not too rude). Later, he again offers the Guardian the earring (if the Guardian chooses the correct lines, asking Zevran why he does not want to continue sexual relations anymore). If the Guardian wants, then Zevran will give the earring as "a sign of ... mmm ... sympathy". Apparently, he wants this too, since if the Guardian decides that the offer is too much, the relationship will end, since Zevran wants some guarantees of a joint future, which he openly states in a conversation. After the first offer of the earring, Zevran will refuse to go to the tent. If you ask him the reason for this or ask him if he wants to continue the relationship, he will snap back and at the end of the conversation will give out a few points of approval. After that (in a new dialogue), you can ask about the change in behavior, and Zevran explains that he is embarrassed by his feelings. From this point on, the Guardian can either express his love or end the romance. If the conversation ends well, then Zevran will again go to the tent to the Guardian. If the Guardian survives the battle against the Archdemon and chooses to recreate the Gray Guardians, Zevran will accompany him in rebuilding the order, assisting with recruitment and training, although he will never fully join them. If the guardian would prefer to stay in Denerim / return to the clan / travel or any other option, Zevran will stay with him for a while. The circumstances are unclear, although the epilogue states that Zevran still loves the Guardian. The Guardian can also leave Zevran as consort if his approval is high enough, despite marrying Alistair or Anora and becoming king or queen. In an additional conversation with him after the announcement of the engagement, when he asks about where to stay and the romance will continue despite the upcoming wedding. Finally, if the Guardian sacrificed himself in the final battle, the epilogue will say that Zevran, despite frequent suggestions of sexual partners, did not love anyone again.


Zevran loves leather goods and gold and silver bars. If you present him with Dalish deerskin gloves, he starts a dialogue, which can bring a few extra points of approval up to a maximum of (+12). He also likes the Rare Antivan Brandy (DLC), which brings (+50)

Dalish Buckskin Gloves- West Brecilian

Antivan Leather Boots- Shelter

Small Gold Ingot- Rooms of the Templars

Small Silver Ingot- Vault Church

Medium Gold Bar- Earl Denerim's estate

Medium silver mergedTo- Anvil of the Nether

Initial statistics

Zevran joins the Guardian as a Rogue, one level higher than the main character. The growth of characteristics with increasing level Strength: 0.5 Dexterity: 1.5 Willpower: 0.5 Magic: 0 Cunning: 1.3 Constitution: 0.8 Class: Rogue Specialization: Assassin Starting skills: Skillful manufacture of poisons, Exceptional combat training. Starting Abilities: Assassin: Marked for Death Rogue: Dirty Struggle, Low Hit, Mortal Strike, Lethality, Stealth in combat, Stealth, Stealth. Weapon in each hand: Possession of a weapon in each hand, Two-handed sweep with a weapon, Flurry, Dash. Starting Equipment Long Sword Raven Dagger Antivan Bow Leather Armor Leather Gloves Leather Boots Alloy Round Quotes Antivan Ravens welcome you! After the coronation of Alistair: "I wonder if the Ferelden monarchy needs hired assassins? Hmm, maybe I should ask, or it's not worth it now ..."

Interesting Facts

David Gaider described Zevran as "deceptively spicy salsa." One of Zevran's prototypes was Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lord Rockester from Plunkett & MacLaine.

Some of Zevran's behavior is believed to have come from the 1970s and 1980s television series (see Easter Eggs). However, many aspects and behavior of the character are borrowed from Puss in Boots from Shrek 2, such as his love for leather boots, the fact that he is a killer sent by the king, how he offers service in return for saving life, and Kota was also called a "vile killer" how Zevran is seen by the rest.

The quote during one of the possible endings "You meet interesting people and then kill them" is a reference to the movie "Full Metal Jacket" in which the main character says that he wants to "meet interesting and stimulating people of ancient culture ... and kill them."

Coincidentally, he and Nathaniel share the same hairstyle and specialization.

Zevran- an elf-robber who arrived from Antiva. A rather controversial character who does not differ in special trust and can join the player's group after one of the tasks in which he will try to kill you. Can become a love interest for both a woman's Guardian and a man. If you have earned enough of his trust points, then you can count on training for the Assassin specialization.

Also in the article about you can see the full list of those who, depending on the decisions, can follow you in the fight against the Archdemon.


Zevran's mother was Dalish, but left her clan for the sake of an elf lumberjack, who soon died of an illness. Unable to provide herself with a life, the elf went to prostitute and later died during childbirth. The boy until the age of seven was kept in the care of other girls of easy virtue and then sold to the Antivan Ravens guild for a few gold pieces. At first, Zevran resisted such a fate, but in the end he became one of its outstanding members, possessing both the skill to kill and seduce.

In Game

To meet the robber you need to complete one of the main quests. At any moment, your journey around the map will be interrupted due to a trap on the road - the robbers were hired by Loghain to finish off the remaining Guardians. Here, after the defeat of the detachment, you will be given the choice to leave Zevran alive or to kill. It is worth knowing that Morrigan, Alistair and Ogren will react negatively to the decision to leave the assassin with the group.

The character itself is playful and ironically refers to the group's doubts about his own cause, not hiding anything about his past and his essence, declaring that he does not see himself as someone else except as a murderer.

It is worth knowing that the character will be against the destruction of the Anvil of the Void and the killing of magicians in the Broken Circle quest, as well as reproach the guards after the Nature of the Beast quest.

Zevran considers himself more Antivan than Dalish, although in general he will protect his people and may even get angry if, during the liberation of Vaughan's ban, you raise the topic of the elf rebellion in Denerim.

Depending on the approval gained, the character after the personal quest will remain in the group, go his own way, or side with the Antivan Ravens.


It will not be difficult to start a relationship with Zevran - he frankly flirts with the Guardian almost all the time. The easiest way to gain confidence is by asking about his adventures. When he invites you to the tent, it is better to say "I am fine with this" so as not to lose most of the trust.

After that, something like this will not happen again, and only after a personal quest will Zevran give you a pile earring as a sign of sympathy.

If you take him to the team, then you will most likely be interested in reading about that as efficiently as possible.

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