Home Preparations for the winter “You are a man exhausted by Ramzan”: a brief retelling of the battle between Oksimiron and Gnoyny

“You are a man exhausted by Ramzan”: a brief retelling of the battle between Oksimiron and Gnoyny

For those who want to understand jokes without wasting extra time.

To bookmarks

You're a budget version of Versus, you're a fun cosplay for me.

We are waiting for the cutscene where Cheney drives to the 1702 bar in a Lexus.


Purulent: You don't understand battles, you have four times less experience: If your lines were spoken by someone else, they would be worth nothing. And even now there are many inconsistencies in your tracks and rounds (you used to criticize Guf, and then started praising him). Battle rap is dead, you are not its father, and I want to be the automaton who kills this genre.

He has a lot of such ***** [garbage] in his text, because he goes into OFC.

After all, he serves it with the arrogant ***** [bread] of an expert.

"My flow - DDoS attack, we have remote access"

A well-grounded humanist, we can’t fly to deep space with such specialists.

DDoS actually interferes with remote access.

Oksimiron answers the crowd: Ian, I checked this punch, why didn’t you tell me?

Round 3

Oksimiron: While I was on vacation, I read great book“Hero with a Thousand Faces”, which helped me get out of the dead end. Mythologies, books, movies, comics, and religions all have the same theme: the hero follows the voice, defeats the dragon, and returns home changed. So it is in a battle - a clash of archetypes. The dragon has no way of its own, you are the dragon, you are afraid of me and hide behind sarcasm. My entire battle was without swearing, because I don’t want to waste it on you. You are in my coordinate system and you will get out of there as soon as you come up with something of your own.

​Slava, Slava, you are lively and affectionate, but pull my organ out of your throat.

You were just a rather long pear in my preparation for the Dizaster.


Purulent: I've done more for grime than you in four years. I'm fine with being unknown, fuck the mainstream. You refused advertising in order to be offered more more money. Partnering with Reebok for the sake of money, making “Dom-2” out of a quarrel with LSP, pretending to be a man, forgetting about hatred in the tracks, starring in Zhigan’s film to please him, you are a traitor. No one will follow you, you are pretentious, talk only about yourself and lead the crowd to the bottom.

So, stadium rapper, where are you going?

You don't cut a window to the West. You are the Pied Piper of Hamelin, you are dragging everyone to the very bottom.

Like all yours new school, I've heard enough of this,

On the night of August 14, one of the most anticipated Russian rap battles took place, in which Oksimiron and Gnoyny (under the nickname Slava CPSU) fought. A week before the video appeared, the Internet was filled with videos with the results of the confrontation, but before the official premiere on YouTube it was impossible to draw official conclusions.

As soon as the video appeared on YouTube, it immediately began to quickly gain views - half a million in about half an hour. Previous record belonged to another battle of Oksimiron: then the video received a million views in a day.

A brief retelling of the battle between Oksimiron and Gnoyny

1 round

Oksimiron: I am an experienced and seasoned rapper, but you are not. You are a fake enemy that I created for myself. You are a hypocrite. You repeated many of my mistakes and actions, for example, you publicly apologized and created an association with a similar meaning. Do you remember that time in Thailand you slept with a transsexual? Of course, you don’t remember, because I made it up to joke about the fashion for rappers to look for “dirty” details about their opponent.

The one who gave you a powerful push a year ago with one tweet will become the one who will push you away today. This is an irony of fate, isn't it amazing? Before I battle someone, I have to praise him first.

Gnoyny: You died as a creator. Gorgorod is a poorly written dystopian audiobook with a tired theme. A very hackneyed topic. The record is full of “liberal clichés”, but you are afraid to take a political position, for example, you missed anti-corruption actions.

You dare to say directly and even “He’s not Dimon for you.” In this regard, it’s bolder than your fucking album. You will say: “I’m not a politician, I’m an artist, I don’t write statements, I write tracks,” But like a politician, you’re a populist, otherwise why would you stick to the topic? Was he rooting for Russia so much that he was losing his nerves? But when the rallies took place here, where were you sitting? In England.

Round 2

Oksimiron: Being in demand, I refuse to go on television and speak at corporate events. I even turned down a joint song with Major Lazer for 15 million rubles. You are ready to do anything for TV. Versus has become a mess due to blogger battles and an abundance of advertising, but it will be revived. But SlovoSPB betrayed its “father’s” project and must “die.” Gnoyny is no different from his envious and vile platform. A poem by “my late homey” would fit the theme here.

You're a budget version of Versus, you're a fun cosplay for me. We are waiting for the cutscene where Cheney drives to the 1702 bar in a Lexus.

Gnoyny: You don’t understand battles, you have four times less experience: if your lines were spoken by someone else, they would be worth nothing. And even now there are many inconsistencies in your tracks and rounds (you used to criticize Guf, and then started praising him). Battle rap is dead, you are not its father, and I want to be the automaton who kills this genre.

He has a lot of this kind of crap in his text, because he goes OFC. After all, he serves it with the arrogant poise of a connoisseur. “My flow is a DDoS attack, we have remote access.” A pissed off humanist, with such specialists we can’t fly to deep space. DDoS actually interferes with remote access. Oksimiron answers the crowd: Ian, I checked this punch, why didn’t you tell me?

Round 3

Oksimiron: While I was on vacation, I read the great book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces,” which helped me get out of the dead end. Mythologies, books, movies, comics, and religions all have the same theme: the hero follows the voice, defeats the dragon, and returns home changed. So it is in a battle - a clash of archetypes. The dragon has no way, you are the dragon, you are afraid of me and hide behind sarcasm. My entire battle was without swearing, because I don’t want to waste it on you. You are in my coordinate system and you will get out of there as soon as you come up with something of your own.

​Slava, Slava, you are lively and affectionate, but pull my organ out of your throat. You were just a rather long pear in my preparation for the Dizaster.

Gnoyny: I’ve done more for grime than you have in four years. I'm fine with being unknown, fuck the mainstream. You refused advertising in order to be offered even more money. Partnering with Reebok for the sake of money, making “Dom-2” out of a quarrel with LSP, pretending to be a man, forgetting about hatred in the tracks, starring in Zhigan’s film to please him, you are a traitor. No one will follow you, you are pretentious, talk only about yourself and lead the crowd to the bottom.

So, stadium rapper, where are you going? You don't cut a window to the West. You are the Pied Piper of Hamelin, you are dragging everyone to the very bottom. Like the rest of your new school, I’ve heard enough of this. If you want to do like there, then open a McDonald’s franchise.


Dmitry Egorov, Gaboon Viper, organizer of hip-hop battles: Purulent won. As long as there are such battles, the genre will not die.

Lokos, rapper: Purulent won. I am familiar with all the facts that were brought up in the battle, but it was still cool. But Oksimiron only criticized, and Gnoyny suggested.

4eu3, rapper and beatmaker: Gnoiny won. Thanks for the battle.

Evgeny Bazhenov, blogger Bad Comedian: Purulent won. I’m a layman, I watched all of Oksimiron’s battles and a couple of his opponent’s, but the last two rounds went to Gnoiny.

Ruslan Bely, stand-up comedian: Purulent won. First of all, in terms of the number of punchlines. But Russian YouTube won from this fight.

Score: 5:0 in favor of Gnoyny.

Reading time 2 minutes

Over the course of a couple of years, Oksimiron formed a rap community around himself that, it seems, had never existed in Russia (in fact, this is how Versus appeared). It’s hard to imagine that a few years ago, during a battle, opponents, in parallel with jokes about “Dom-2” and Ivan Urgant, quoted classics and even read out entire quatrains from Silver Age— let’s figure out which ones and which ones.

First round

“Let's talk about your album, / Let's look at Lavrentiy Beria with composure. / You didn't do well in your Gryffindor. / If Russians know one thing, it’s to destroy empires,” - Gnoyny and an allusion to the “Harry Potter” universe (actually, Oksimiron studied at Oxford - and it seems that Gnoyny doesn’t like it too much).

“Everyone waited four years. He whipped up the intrigue as best he could, / And all that came to his mind was to record an audiobook (we’re talking about the album “Gorgorod.” - Note ed.). / And a banal dystopia. / This level of discourse is more suitable for Jamal and Loic. / With a plot that every stupid cunt can handle, / Your rap is cheap paperback literature. / This is a collection of the most boring clichés that have existed in history. / Marginal plot, tragic love in the middle of a dystopia. / No one had anything like this, neither Orwell nor Zamyatin. / It’s like a pop motif that is completely fucked up,” Gnoyny sorted out the components of the dystopian genre that was popular at the beginning of the 20th century and at the same time criticized Oksimiron’s album “Gorgorod”.

“You mold images like a cripple with clay stumps. / You can be confused with a poet, like a bag of dicks and a spinner. / “A thin shoulder print” - teachers, what a shame. / Pasternak couldn’t have had this - it’s simply ignorant,” it seems that now we know Gnoyny’s role model among poets.

“Fuck the stupid politicians and fuck all the greedy bankers. / The worst thing is you, the creators of this obscene taste, / Where Yesenin’s third-rate remix or Aldas Huxley’s first-rate / Have social approval. But I don’t give a fuck about Jewish fairy tales - / I don’t listen to “Gorgorod”, I don’t read the Torah and I don’t hang out on “Echo of Moscow”. / It’s strange, in the right sector they love bald people, but they would give you pussy there. / For graphomania, like Brodsky, shit lyrics, like Yesenin. / Where are you walking along the edge?” — Gnoyny about authors who are not close to him in spirit.

“And I’m bringing you the revolution, like before, on the road from Tushino. / The axles of this cart are spinning, / The futurists threw Pushkin off the ship of modernity, / And you still clung to Oxy, because he’s alive. / But just a living example that anyone can write out and become a nobody in four years. / He squandered his talent - and not on a hop, but on dope and powder. / Your Oxy is an inflated figure, like a glass cockerel,” Gnoyny suddenly remembered the Cubo-Futurists’ manifesto “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste,” where Khlebnikov, Mayakovsky and Burliuk promised to throw off the ship (sic!) of modernity not only Pushkin, but also Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

OXXXYMIRON x Reebok Classic - IMPERIVM2017

Second round

“So you understand the scale, I didn’t fit Major Lazer for fifteen lemons. / For a small change from a sponsor, you will begin to suck a black bolt, like the writer Limonov. / And they will say to me: “Mirosha, you are crazy.” No, I just don’t like Major Lazer,” Oksimiron was the first to mention the name outside school curriculum on literature.

“You are forever in the shadow of big brother, you are a copycat, even under alcohol. / You’re a Restaurateur on minimal wages,” Oksimiron and greetings to George Orwell’s novel “1984,” as well as to the organizers of the SlovoSPB series of battles, whom the rapper accused of being secondary and unprofessional. The fact is that SlovoSPB separated from the already existing SLOVO project of Anton Belogay, without even changing the name.

“For the life of me, you won’t understand how to make tracks that are fun. / You only know how to battle and write remakes, / And I am a universal soldier. The club won’t sell out until, ugh, you wipe my drool off your forehead. / Fool, there really is family here. Obe and Drago, we are like the Three Musketeers from Remarque’s novel with Dumas,” Oksimiron chose the most sentimental image of male friendship in world literature.

“And now my dead homie will read the epilogue for me. Aka Nikolay Gumilyov. / Here's about you. / “When God bowed his face over the new world, then / The Sun was stopped by the Word, cities were destroyed by the Word. / And the eagle did not flap its wings, the stars huddled in horror towards the moon, / If, like a pink flame, the Word floated in the heights,” - yes, these are just two quatrains from Nikolai Gumilyov, explaining why Oksimiron came to the battle in a pink shirt.

5.5 million views on the Internet (at the time of writing - RG note) a video was collected in which Oksimiron lost the rap battle (aka battle) to Slava CPSU (Gnoyny) with a score of 0:5. Moreover, Miron Fedorov, who planned a stadium tour of Russian cities in 2017 (only Basta, who “took” the Olympic Stadium, managed to gather such an impressive audience) lost to his opponent, also performing under the pseudonyms Valentin Dyadka and Sonya Marmeladova, dryly. Unanimously, by decision of all five rapper judges.

Oksimiron himself challenged his opponent to battle. He stated that he is good in such battles, although good songs He doesn’t really know how to write. And therefore he is obliged to challenge him to a duel and win according to all rapper rules. The fight and the warm-up before it really looked like a duel, almost according to boxing traditions - each of the opponents expressed disrespect for the other. Sometimes without mincing words. This is where Slava KPSS (aka Gnoiny), who was more experienced in such battles, especially succeeded. If they had entered the ring immediately after such “greetings,” they would probably have started beating each other.

But rap battles are still a completely different competition. In them, musicians compete in their knowledge of hip-hop, the ability to immediately rhyme and produce improvisational tracks, and also make fun of their opponents along the way, more often - ironically humiliating him with their rather evil and belligerent sarcasm and humor. This is not surprising - hip-hop is still quite tough, sharp and assertive musical culture, and sharp slaps of rhythms and verses are accepted here and in trend.

Oksimiron and Gnoyny clashed in the center of the circle, surrounded by spectators. And the more commercially successful performer immediately went on the attack, while the second one ironically sipped something dark from a transparent glass and smiled... Oksimiron read his lines quickly, found words and rhymed, expressed the right thoughts in honor of truth-loving hip-hop, with confident in his abilities and even with a sense of superiority, he bullied his opponent, who for the time being sarcastically looked at him through large dark glasses from the height of his slightly taller height...

But, of course, this couldn’t go on for long... It seems that Gnoyny was turned on when Oksimiron began accusing him of retelling someone else’s track in the first round. The opponent replied that this was not so... Oksimiron continued the attack and said that he had never sung at corporate events, and then that he had not sung for big money with the popular group Major Lazer.

He began to scold his opponent because, on the contrary, he would do everything for money... Along the way, Oksimiron cursed a bunch of colleagues (many rappers were in the forefront). “If rats master the syllable, then what is left for the servants,” he got angry in earnest, pointing at Gnoyny and then saying that he was only echoing him... The opponent had long ago taken off his arrogant dark glasses and, it seems, was a little confused by such pressure and obvious rudeness, but he looked patiently and a little surprised...

“You’re absolutely empty, not a damn soul!” - Oksimiron was spinning like an annoying bumblebee around the silent Purulent, who, it seemed, was even a little confused and just shook his head with intonation: well, has he gone completely crazy or has he become insolent beyond measure?

Then Oksimiron rapped more words in rhyme: “You’re just babbles,” and, it seems, spat on his opponent’s forehead, and at the same time told about his origin. But in fact, he only got an opponent... Purulent turned out to have more punches, he attacked Oksimiron sharper and wittier, more belligerently, the audience often laughed at his cruel jokes, waved his hands sharply and emotionally, and the audience gradually began to support him. Yes, maybe he didn’t rhyme so cleverly; he often didn’t have enough words, which is why he switched to profanity... Moreover, he found unsuccessful, in his opinion, lines from Oksimiron, and recalled his path to fame, television. Slava (this is his real name) funny and evilly sneered at Miron (also real), the hall exploded with applause, hooted and behaved indifferently. At the same time, he sharply and controversially analyzed current state rap and battles. And in the end, the audience applauded him again, despite the doubts expressed that rap was dead, or, according to at least, is going through hard times.

The battle ended up lasting almost an hour and was watched and listened to in one breath.

And then the judges took the floor. Dmitry Egorov, who spoke first, said:

As long as there are such battles, the genre is not dead, it will not die for a long time. Because people will watch such battles...

As a result, all five judges unanimously gave victory to Slava CPSU (aka Gnoyny). Although it is hardly possible to talk about such an unconditional victory. Maybe she came out in such a way that someone was offended: the critical Oksimiron did not spare even his colleagues in his readings...

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