Home Potato How to open a karaoke bar - practical experience. Own restaurant in a small town: advantages and disadvantages

How to open a karaoke bar - practical experience. Own restaurant in a small town: advantages and disadvantages

Many enterprising people are interested in the restaurant business. Today it is quite branched and diverse. Enough profitable business In this regard, you can consider a karaoke bar. After all, our people from ancient times love to sing after drinking strong drinks. And if there is demand, there must be supply. Therefore, entrepreneurs often think about the question, how does a karaoke bar open .

Opening a karaoke bar

Types of karaoke bars

Before you open karaoke bar, you need to decide what type it should be. Usually there are 2 types:

  • American karaoke bar. In such an institution, the singer performs before the public, openly;
  • nari-ban. This is the Japanese prototype of karaoke. It involves the equipment of separate booths for vocalists.

When you have decided on the type of institution, you need to start planning the premises and equipping it. According to the method of investment and organization, both types of karaoke are identical. You also need to think over the concept of the future institution. It must be interesting and original.

Karaoke bar is a profitable idea

Although now many experts are stating the fact that the restaurant business is in decline due to falling incomes of the population, it is safe to say that this statement is true only for the expensive segment of public catering. This type of business is karaoke bar, was not affected by the crisis. After all, the payback period for such a business is quite short.

Market analysis shows that in karaoke bars people go from twenty to fifty years old age, mostly in their thirties. And this is the most solvent category of the population. Add to this the fact that the entrance to such establishments is inexpensive, as well as the primordial craving of a Russian person for publicity and artistry, and in the end we get a rather attractive business project. Singing to a phonogram is able to embody such subconscious aspirations of a resident of Russia.

Therefore, if certain marketing nuances are observed, a karaoke club is able to generate a stable income.

Location selection

Most often we are faced with karaoke bars when we come to relax by the sea. Indeed, the best location for a karaoke bar is resort area, summer cafe on the coast of the sea or river. But not everyone is lucky enough to live in such a place. Therefore, the question arises of how to open a karaoke bar if you do not live on the seashore. Here are some suggestions for choosing a location:

  • the area must be densely populated;
  • great if the karaoke bar becomes part of a shopping and entertainment center;
  • opening a karaoke bar in the village is a bad idea;
  • if the establishment is not located in the city center, it should be equipped with a spacious parking lot and be close to a transport interchange so that it can be easily reached by public transport. It is necessary to take care of the improvement of the surrounding area.

financial question

Own karaoke bar- costly business. You need to decide where to get the money for it, and make all the necessary calculations. This business can be opened both with your own funds, and you can take it from a bank or enlist investor support.

If you don't have enough money, you can choose a complex option. For example, invest part of your money and borrow the rest from the bank. In this case, the services of companies providing leasing.

To do this, you need to familiarize the representative financial company with his business plan. Before that, you need to calculate how the stage and musical equipment, bar, kitchen, bathroom and other premises will be located, as well as calculate what equipment, furniture and inventory will be needed. Then you need to sign a lease agreement. After that, the premises are renovated and installation work, then, in accordance with the contract, equipment is imported.

Before you open karaoke bar, you need to think carefully, calculate all the possible pluses and possible risks.

Payback of a business project

To open a karaoke bar, you first need about 3 million rubles. That's what the experts said. After all, you will have to spend money on such aspects:

  • purchase or rent of premises for karaoke;
  • repair, redevelopment of the premises (if necessary) and installation work;
  • installation of necessary communications (electricity, water, sewerage, ventilation system, fire protection system);
  • purchase and installation of musical equipment;
  • purchase of furniture: bar counter, freezer, chairs, tables, everything for the bar, etc.;
  • purchase of kitchen equipment (dishes, cabinets, cutting tables, refrigerators);
  • purchase of equipment for the office in which accounting calculations will be made.

If we add wages for workers to this sum, we get not less than six million rubles.

As can be seen from the above, opening your own karaoke bar is a very costly business. But if you approach doing business wisely, then this institution can pay off even after a year.

Making calculations

Now we can calculate for what period our business idea with the opening karaoke bar will pay off and begin to generate income. Suppose that a karaoke bar is designed for twenty tables. Behind each of them sits four visitors. On average, we get about eighty visitors per evening. We get the following calculations:

  • check for one person. Includes use of the bar and entrance fee. Multiply 80 people by 900 rubles, we get 72 thousand rubles;
  • we take into account a 10% flow coefficient, add ten percent to the previous amount - and as a result we get 81 thousand rubles;
  • monthly turnover will be 2 430 000 rubles;
  • we expect net profit equal to 30%(including payments on the loan, taxes, wages and contributions to the pension). We get monthly profit, equal to 729 thousand rubles;
  • thus, if seven and a half million were spent on opening an enterprise, then the payback period of the enterprise is less than one year, which is an excellent indicator of payback.

If we take into account that the average payback period for a restaurant business is usually three years, then it can be seen that opening of a karaoke bar- quite promising. If you approach this issue correctly, it is obvious that this is a profitable business project. To do this, you need to assess your strengths, make the right calculations and make a strong-willed decision. Now you know how to open a karaoke bar.

Probably, every person in his life thought about such an opportunity as opening his own business. Only now someone turned this, even fleeting, dream into a goal, later trying to achieve it, while someone left it unfulfilled. In fact, everything can be achieved, you just have to really want it and make every effort.

Let's say you still decide to start your own business, ready to invest in it finances. But what is the main thing? You need to choose your direction future activities. Hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, shops, salons - the choice is incredibly wide! Why not combine several types of business and open a karaoke bar?

Karaoke bar: a bit of theory

Let's start with the fact that a karaoke bar is an institution related to such an industry as catering and hotel industry. HoReCa (Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe/Catering) is the term that explains the direction of this type of business (hotel, restaurant, cafe/catering).

It should also be noted that although the entertainment services market today is rapidly and is gaining momentum, expanding and expanding every year, the business idea, which implies opening a karaoke bar, is not very popular among start-up entrepreneurs.

Therefore, there are real chances to develop this business on maximum level earning considerable income from it. The average payback period for such institutions is approximately three years. At the same time, a brand new restaurant will reach the same indicator over a longer period of five or more years. And, in the end, choosing between an ordinary cafe and a karaoke bar with the intention of spending leisure time as fun and unforgettable as possible, what will visitors prefer? Most likely, of course, it is a karaoke bar.

How to open a karaoke bar

So, the choice of the direction of future activity is made. Now on the agenda is an incredibly important and difficult question: "Actually, how to open a karaoke bar: where to start?" Conventionally, the process of opening a karaoke bar can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Registration of all necessary papers, certificates, obtaining an IP (individual entrepreneur).
  2. Choosing and buying or, most likely, renting a room.
  3. Choice of interior.
  4. Procurement of all necessary equipment.
  5. Creation of a working team.
  6. Creation of an advertising campaign of the institution.

Business plan for a karaoke bar

What is a business plan? It is a means of creating a successful and profitable institution by building its financial model. How to open a karaoke bar? In the implementation of the question posed, the presence of a business plan is a necessary condition.

A business plan for a karaoke bar is a well-thought-out and planned strategy, which describes: the size and structure of nominal investments, income and expenses; average check karaoke, bar, and kitchen; area of ​​the institution; attendance dynamics, etc.

The main thing that it should provide is the presence good premises. And it, in turn, must carry out two of its tasks: to comply with the marketing plan for daily traffic and all technical and sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

Premises for a karaoke bar

No one will be able to develop in the HoReCa industry if he does not have the appropriate premises. The choice of premises is very important, one of the initial stages of opening a karaoke bar. As a rule, such institutions are organized in areas that are densely populated, or in the center.

And this is indeed correct, because then the probability high level attendance will increase significantly. Although a lot depends on a rather banal factor: how quickly and easily customers can get to your karaoke bar. That is, here you need to think carefully and, if possible, choose a location that would meet these two conditions.

But all of the above is major cities. And how to open a karaoke bar in small town? Now the area for choosing the future location of the institution is significantly narrowed. But you will greatly benefit if you can rent a room located in the center, which in small towns is the very place where they usually gather for leisure and recreation.

It would also be nice to organize a parking lot near the karaoke bar: motorists will definitely appreciate such a manifestation of attention and care for themselves and their vehicles.

The interior of the karaoke bar

As they say, they are greeted by clothes ... Indeed, what is the first thing a visitor looks at when he enters an institution for the first time? Of course, on its interior. It all depends on the flight of your imagination, but at the same time, it is undesirable to overdo it so as not to frighten off future customers. The design should be original, something different, attractive. It can be something thematic (for example, the legendary music of the 80s and 90s), or just a combination of bright harmonizing colors and shades.

You should also know that there are two types of decoration of a room created for karaoke: Japanese style (“nare-ban”) and American. When choosing the first, Japanese style, you will have to make separate booths, each of which will be equipped with karaoke equipment.

And the American style implies the presence of a common stage for all visitors. Of course, the second option is less expensive. You can also combine these two types, which will undoubtedly contribute to a significant increase in clientele.

Karaoke bar equipment

What do you need to open a karaoke bar? What is indispensable, what, in fact, makes it karaoke? Of course, it's equipment.

The list of karaoke equipment for the bar is rather big. These are a variety of acoustic, lighting and laser installations, mirror balls that will turn the singing process into a bright, stellar, unforgettable show.

Remember, karaoke equipment for a bar is definitely not worth saving on. After all, that is what determines the purpose. this institution. If you want positive rumors about your karaoke bar, then you should definitely purchase: a karaoke system, sound amplifiers, subwoofers, a mixing console, microphones, cables, a plasma panel or a projector. You choose the amount of equipment yourself, but it also depends on what type of design you have chosen: Japanese or American.

Music library of the karaoke bar

Why will customers visit a karaoke bar? To practice my vocal abilities. And for this it is necessary that visitors have something to use in order to achieve this goal. A good karaoke bar has a music library of at least 5,000 songs.

You need to buy only negative compositions from specially designed companies that supply such discs. Unwanted decision there will be a purchase of pirated discs - this may entail a fine, or even the closure of the karaoke bar.

Franchise karaoke bar

A franchise is an object of franchising, which is defined as the opportunity to use already created, developed and proven technologies, a well-known trademark, brand, etc. This organizational form is ideal for those who are afraid for their money and want to be sure that their business is not burn out.

That's when the idea of ​​franchising is applied. With a karaoke bar, this can also be used. If you carefully plan the franchising program, then in the future it will allow you to significantly expand the boundaries of your own capabilities, choose the primary areas of activity, make forecasts possible income, become famous in certain circles, etc.

In the end, having gained experience in doing business using franchising, you can now open your own karaoke bar, and perhaps it will become the most fashionable and visited.

On the question of price

The most interesting question: how much does it cost to open a karaoke bar? Indeed, taking into account the fulfillment of all points of the business plan, with the acquisition of the necessary equipment, it is important to know how much this pleasure will cost. The amount of payment for rent may vary depending on the location of both the city and the premises itself, its area, etc.

The cost also affects whether it is necessary to make repairs in the room, and if so, how serious. There is no definite answer to the question of how much you have to pay to open a karaoke bar. We can talk a little more precisely about the equipment. For example, a good speaker system costs at least $15,000.

The price of a mixing console averages 3 thousand, and a subwoofer - from a thousand or more. But professional karaoke systems amaze with their cost: such a new generation system - AST-100 - is estimated at 52 thousand USD. e. Yes, a lot will have to be invested in the development of this business - both forces and money.

Attracting clientele

To the question: "How to open a karaoke bar?" the answer has been given. No less important is the aspect of attracting customers. Here, too, a lot depends on your degree of creativity, ingenuity, innovation. Alternatively, you can arrange competitions, competitions for the best singer / singer / duet.

The prize can be a free table in your establishment. If you want to kill two birds with one stone (and attract customers, and get additional profit), then you can record songs that were performed by visitors on discs, and then sell them. Of course, the “singers” themselves will buy them, but how much delight there will be!


So, in this article, the question of how to open a karaoke bar was considered: what is needed for this, how much it costs, is it real at all, etc. Indeed, HoReCa is a direction in such an industry as catering and hotel industry - now it is rapidly developing, every day it becomes more popular and in demand.

A karaoke bar is a very promising business choice. But, like everything else, it has its own nuances, details, requirements that need to be studied as accurately as possible in order to successfully conduct activities in the chosen direction.

Say what you like, but a Russian person loves and, most importantly, knows how to take a walk! Wide, wide! This is what Russians are famous for all over the world. Go to youtube - hosting is simply full of videos about the adventures of our compatriots in foreign resorts. However, at home “our” people do things even worse. Any revelry is necessarily accompanied by the reception of "hot" drinks, dances, and songs. Apparently, many of us have it all laid down at the gene level.

What Russian doesn't like to drive fast? As well as black caviar, cold vodka, and folk songs. The latter include those that sound now from all the speakers. Russian people love to sing. Even though most people can't. That is why the business idea that we will talk about today will be (and is!) Popular in both small and big cities. This topic is how to open a karaoke bar.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs: 1 500 000-3 500 000
Relevant for cities with a population: from 100 000 people
Situation in the industry:supply market is not saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 2.5-3 years

How to open a karaoke bar in a small town

We have already written about how to open a cafe on wheels, an Internet cafe, we published an anti-cafe business plan. A karaoke bar is a slightly different kind of entertainment. In principle, the business scheme looks almost the same as for big city, and for a small provincial settlement. The differences can only be in the amount of expenses for the organization, and, perhaps, in the repertoire.

For your information: the first karaoke bars appeared in the 2nd half of the last century in Japan. And by the way, the person who invented karaoke - drummer Inouye received in 2004 for his famous idea Ig Nobel Prize, as for the most useless invention. And there it is as it turned - now karaoke has become popular all over the world. By the way, the word "karaoke" is translated from Japanese language like an "empty orchestra".

The easiest way is for the owners of existing bars. Remodeling your own karaoke bar is literally a matter of days and not as much money as opening a karaoke bar from scratch. By the way, the name for the institution is not so important - if you want, you can call it a karaoke restaurant, karaoke cafe, or something else. The essence of this will not change. The step by step process will look like this:

  • LLC registration.
  • Obtaining a license to sell alcohol.
  • Obtaining permits from the SES, the fire inspectorate, and the local city administration.

So, the first thing you need if you decide to start a business from scratch is to find a suitable room. According to the requirements of the law, for the sale of alcoholic beverages, you must have a room (including a warehouse) of at least 50 square meters. meters. To this we can add that it will be better if the premises are not located in close proximity to residential buildings in order to avoid complaints from residents about the noise produced.

One of the most important conditions that directly affects the success of a karaoke bar, its attendance, the mood of visitors, and many other factors is the design of the premises. Typically, such institutions are usually issued in three formats:

  1. According to the American type, characterized by one stage for the performances of all the guests of the establishment.
  2. By Japanese type- the so-called "nari-ban". These are separate booths for different companies, each of which has its own karaoke system.
  3. Mixed type, combining both styles - the most common and most optimal type of karaoke bars in our country: a stage + 2-3 isolated booths for visitors who want privacy.

What you need to open a karaoke bar

In addition to the standard set of furniture for an ordinary bar, consisting of tables, chairs, a bar counter, and equipment, you will need specific equipment designed specifically for karaoke bars:

  • Acoustic system for the stage and several separate mini-systems in the booths, if you equip one in your bar.
  • Professional karaoke equipment.
  • Light installations for special effects.

Another nuance associated with the opening of a karaoke bar is the copyright for the songs performed. Usually a disc with "backing tracks" is sold as a set along with karaoke systems. The number of compositions can be different - from several hundred to several thousand. To avoid being prosecuted for unauthorized use pirated versions songs, you have to pay a monthly fee to a disc distributor who has the right to distribute it.

Karaoke bar staff

In addition to the usual full-time staff of any bar - a bartender, security, waiters, cooks, cleaners, the specifics of a karaoke establishment also require an employee-specialist in servicing karaoke systems and an administrator who resolves all issues related to the use of karaoke. In addition, from time to time you can invite professional entertainers (even if not very famous) to perform in order to create the appropriate “atmosphere” in the bar.

Given that the vast majority of visitors go on stage "under the influence", non-standard situations can arise every evening. Therefore, based on the experience of other karaoke bars, you can pre-compile a price list for the most "crazy" desires of guests. For example:

  • Perform a song with obscene content - 25 thousand rubles.
  • Group performance - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Undressing during performance - 8 thousand rubles
  • Etc.

With such a “menu”, you will somewhat cool the “hot heads”, but if not, you will still be in the black, having received a fee for the services provided in advance specified in the price list.

How much does it cost to open a karaoke bar

The specific figure of all upcoming costs depends on many factors:

  • Rent for the premises, which varies in each city.
  • Choosing a karaoke system The price of equipment varies from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  • Interior design of a karaoke bar, and much more.

Therefore, it is not possible to unambiguously name the numbers, but we can definitely say that if you want to open a karaoke bar in a small town (say, up to 150,000 people), without having an amount of one and a half million, you can forget about your dream for a while. However, for each individual case everything should be reflected in the business plan. You can find out how to draw up a strategy for your business here -. You can also order the creation of a business plan on this site, or get help in certain moments of its preparation. And most importantly, remember that dreams always come true!

If you are thinking about how to open a karaoke bar, then you need to draw up a competent business plan with calculations and analyze the market in the selected region. This is the only way to count on the success of the project and reach a quick payback.

Relatively recently, such clubs began to open rapidly throughout Russia and won their client. People are interested in spending time with friends, having fun, but not spending too much. This type of recreation is accessible and interesting, and therefore is popular with various age categories.

Business Features

The karaoke bar combines the activities of restaurants and entertainment complexes. In it, people gather in large or small companies, drink drinks and light snacks and perform their favorite pop hits on their own. This way of rest came to us from Japan, but in just 10 years it conquered the whole world.

The relevance of this type of business is also confirmed by the fact that in times of crisis people try to find such a way to free time which won't be too costly. And karaoke bars in this regard significantly outperform restaurants and cafes. You can expect that the institution will have customers at any time.

Basic target audience are considered to be people aged 25-35 with an average income and not embarrassed by public speaking. The number of men and women who prefer such a holiday is approximately equal. But when creating the interior of an institution and selecting a music library, other categories of the population must be taken into account. So, often older people and young people become guests here.

Like any other business, opening a karaoke bar has its pros and cons. This must be taken into account:

  1. Starting investments are quite high, but they pay off much faster than when creating a restaurant or entertainment complex.
  2. You need to carefully monitor the visitors and prevent the appearance of too drunk or aggressive customers in the hall.
  3. Highly important issue the reputation of the institution remains, on which its popularity will depend.
  4. If you open a karaoke bar in a small town, then some business organization issues become easier, but in this case it will be more difficult to achieve a constant high attendance.

Today there are two main types of karaoke clubs:

  • Nari bar is a Japanese system where individual booths for individual companies are installed. This will require high financial investments in the creation restricted areas with full soundproofing and a karaoke system for each of them.
  • The American club is more suitable for daring performers who want to perform on a common stage. From the entrepreneur, this will require lower costs and simpler design of the hall.

Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to predict which version will appeal to your potential customers.

Registration process

Where to begin entrepreneurial activity? Of course, with paperwork. To do this, you will have to contact the tax service and apply for the creation of an individual entrepreneur, joint-stock company or LLC. The first form is convenient only if you are not going to sell alcohol and limit yourself to the small size of the room. But without the sale of alcoholic beverages, a karaoke club has almost no chance of success.

More correct form organization is considered a JSC or LLC. However, you can share starting investments for several people who will become co-founders. So, it will be easier to open a good and interesting institution, which will soon pay for itself and begin to bring high profits.

The OKVED activity code is indicated as follows:

  1. 40 - for the bar.
  2. 30 - restaurants and cafes, which are also related to the karaoke bar, which serves various snacks and desserts.
  3. 29 - responsible for entertainment program and recreation for visitors.

Since the establishment will operate as a restaurant business and various drinks and food are served to customers, the sanitary and epidemiological service imposes special requirements on the premises. To do this, you need to prepare it in accordance with SanPiN Only after a thorough check will you be issued a permit.

You will also have to pay for a license to sell alcohol. It is these drinks that are preferred by the majority of visitors to karaoke bars, so without selling them it will be difficult to attract enough customers.

The fire department will monitor the safety of the premises and issue required documents. To do this, the building must have emergency exits, a fire extinguisher, a fire alarm and an evacuation plan.

Don't forget to visit and city ​​administration where you will be given another permission to operate and open a club in certain place. Since a karaoke bar involves an entertainment program, for these purposes you will also need to familiarize yourself with such documents as GOST 30389 and 31985-2013.

Prepare for the fact that the whole process will take a lot of time and require certain financial investments to register a company. If you feel like you can't handle everything, or just don't want to deal with the paperwork, then hire a lawyer, an experienced professional, to take over. most bureaucratic worries.

Another way to make organizing a business easier is to purchase a franchise. At the same time, you will have step-by-step instruction, how to open a successful karaoke bar, a recognizable brand, the help of experienced entrepreneurs and a set of everything you need to equip the establishment.

Which room to choose?

First, focus your attention on the location of the future club. This does not have to be in the city center, where rent is quite expensive, but sleeping or industrial areas will not work either. The choice of location must meet the following criteria:

  • proximity to densely populated areas of the city;
  • the club is easy to get to;
  • there is public or private parking nearby;
  • the institution is located at some distance from residential buildings so that the noise from the music does not interfere with residents.

The room itself must meet all the standards and norms of the SES and GPI, and also be at least 100 square meters in size. m. It is this space that should be enough to place on its territory a hall for visitors, a kitchen, a bar, a bathroom, a wardrobe and utility rooms. It is very important that a ventilation system is installed in the building, electricity, water supply and sewerage are carried out.

If you decide to create karaoke in a residential building, then you will have to seriously take care of the soundproofing of the room. Don't forget about the design of the club. It should be modern, attractive and appeal to visitors of all ages and social status.

Of course, most of the clients do not belong to the elite, so furniture, curtains and various decorations do not have to be expensive. But the hall is decorated with taste. You may need to hire a designer for this.


The amount of capital investment will largely depend on how much the selected equipment, furniture, etc. cost. But saving on equipment in this case you can’t, because the quality of the acoustics completely depends on whether visitors will come to you next time or not. If equipment fails frequently, this will not only increase fixed costs for repairs, but also scare away most of the customers.

Here is a list of important components:

  1. Directly karaoke system.
  2. Acoustic microphones.
  3. Mixer.
  4. Light equipment.
  5. Projector.
  6. Mirror ball.
  7. Plasma TVs.
  8. Columns.
  9. Amplifiers.
  10. Furniture for visitors (tables, chairs, sofas).
  11. Bar counter with shelves for alcohol.
  12. Kitchen appliances (rather simple, since you don’t have to cook hot dishes).
  13. Tableware.
  14. Bathroom equipment.
  15. Cash machine.
  16. Some little things for office space (lockers, shelves, etc.).

In addition to the equipment and furniture itself, you need to take care of the repertoire for the performers. It also has special requirements:

  • The number of songs should be at least 3000-4000, but more is better.
  • The range of tracks includes a variety of genres of music.
  • Once every six months, the repertoire should be changed, adding modern, popular and recently released hits.
  • All discs must be licensed, otherwise huge fines can be paid for a pirated music library. In addition, it threatens to completely close the club.


Since the karaoke bar is usually open from 12.00 to 24.00, without days off and holidays, it is advisable to hire two shifts of employees at once. The minimum staff consists of:

  1. Manager (his functions can be performed independently).
  2. Bartender.
  3. Accountant (more often they invite a person from outside to perform certain operations).
  4. Cooks.
  5. 2 waiters.
  6. Security guard.
  7. Cleaning ladies.

In order to save money, you can hire unskilled specialists for most vacancies. For example, students are not averse to working as waiters or bartenders and at the same time do not require high salaries. But the cook and accountant must be professionals in their field.

When opening a karaoke bar from scratch, you need to prepare for the fact that the influx of visitors will not appear immediately. This requires a competent and purposeful advertising campaign:

  • Think about how to name the institution and place a bright and noticeable sign above the entrance.
  • Use banners on entertainment sites and forums.
  • Hang up posters and ads where many of your potential customers walk.
  • Print flyers and distribute them in public places.
  • Spend interesting contests and theme nights giving valuable prizes to the winners.

Connecting fantasy and creativity you can get a lot of regular customers who will return to your karaoke bar almost every week. And here it is important to maintain a certain level of service so that visitors always leave satisfied and bring their friends.


When drawing up a business plan, it is important to correctly calculate and determine how much money is needed to start and maintain the club on a permanent basis. To do this, prescribe all the estimated costs.

In addition, each month you will need large sum for regular payments.

But more exact numbers will depend on the selected models and set of equipment, thoughtful interior, quality of furniture and accessories, dishes, etc.

How to earn?

Income is much more difficult to predict, since it’s not immediately clear how many people will become your regular visitors and how much money they decide to leave in a bar in one visit. Initially, consider what form of payment is expected. Today, the following options are popular:

  1. Purchase of tickets plus separate prices for drinks and snacks.
  2. Hourly rate for staying in the club.
  3. The entrance fee includes a standard set from the menu and the performance of songs.
  4. The client deposits a certain amount into an escrow account, from which the payment for the order is gradually deducted, and karaoke is provided on an affordable basis.
  5. Unlimited access to the club with a pre-set price per evening.
  6. There is a price list for dishes, drinks and songs separately, and the visitor himself decides what he will spend the estimated amount on.

Average statistics show that a popular karaoke bar in small town brings monthly income of about 750,000 rubles. After all calculations, net profit remains 250 thousand, which will help cover the initial investment only after 8 months.

But these are just averages. Everything will largely depend on the attendance of your bar, the prices set, the services offered, the presence of competitors in the area and much more.

Be prepared for the fact that in the first months you will have to work at a loss, since very few people still know about your discovery and are not always ready to immediately change their usual vacation spots for something new. Therefore, it will take some time to gain momentum. It is believed that the full payback of such a business comes in 1.5-2 years.

Video: how to open a karaoke bar?

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