Home Useful properties of fruits What is a profanity definition. A long tradition of prohibiting obscene language. Profanity in Russian

What is a profanity definition. A long tradition of prohibiting obscene language. Profanity in Russian

Posted date: 2009-11-01

“You cannot joke with language, with a human word, with speech with impunity; human speech is an invisible, tangible connection, an alliance between body and spirit. "

Vladimir Dal

The Russian language differs from other languages ​​in its beauty, flexibility and diversity. No wonder they call him great and mighty. To our deep regret, a huge number of Russian-speaking adults and even children often insert obscene words into their speech.

If we keep this percentage, we can avoid the catastrophe of life without swearing. Holy shit. As a printed word, it has been banned for centuries. Here are some examples of how the word can be used. Damn it! Fucked up. Damn it. A mess, a bad luck, a serious mistake. I do not care. Don't fuck with me. Do not mess with me. What the hell do you want? What the hell are you doing? It was a damn good movie. It was a fucking movie. This is fanatical! This is a good fuck!

  • Go!
  • Get out!
  • Fuck you!
Expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation in English!

How many words are there obscene language? In general, somewhere around a hundred. In active vocabulary is mostly about 20-30. But replacements of these words are very actively used (damn, yo-mine, edrena-matryona, japon mother, fir-trees, yoksel-moxel, ruff your copper, yoklmn, etc.)

Today, profanity has penetrated literature, cinema, and even media mass media... But few know about the consequences of such verbiage.

What do you think of the advice on the most famous word in the English language? Do you know all its meanings and applications? If you know of a different origin for this term, please send us your comment, but be sure to include the source of the link. Submit your answer in the comments section at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your interest and participation.

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So what is an obscene speech or, as the people say, mate?

Recently head of the department foreign languages Volgograd Agricultural Academy, Professor, Doctor of Philology A. Olyalin, conducted a whole Scientific research dedicated to profanity. “If we compare native vocabulary with powerful water stream, then mate is a kind of "discharges" of impurities, pollution of speech, "the scientist believes.

Speak English and conquer your dreams!

Without wishing to apologize for the use of low slang words, the intention of this post is to clarify how and where to use, and mainly not to use such expressions. Knowledge is still the best alternative to ignorance. Translation suggestions are only an alternative given by the author of the book. Other more vulgar variations may also be used. Use with caution if necessary. Want to get more actual tips is free?

The teacher goes to the bathroom and, when she returns to the room, looks at the curse written on the chalkboard. Rather than delivering a sermon, it lists all the great ways to say the same thing. This situation did happen, and the teacher's response to the provocation of the students impressed teacher Maria Angela Barbato Carneiro, coordinator of the Center for Culture, Research and Research at the Papal catholic university Sao Paulo. She was in a hurry for children!

The researcher came to the conclusion that obscene words originated from ancient spells. The professor believes that in ancient times, words that are considered obscene today served as curses and conspiracies. Obscene speech takes its roots in rituals of pagan origin and is of a ritual nature.

A person, pronouncing some of the words that we call foul language, curses both himself and the people around him. There are also obscene words - the names of demons. The one who pronounces such a word automatically summons the demon on himself, his children, his kind. These demons affect mood, health, finances, and relationships with other people.

For her, instead of constantly repeating “can't talk about it,” parents should help their children express themselves in other ways. This may not always be as direct as the example teacher: Small children do not understand this. But you can say what you are thinking without saying a word.

What to do when your child speaks dirty words for the first time? If it wasn’t very clear, it’s worth even pretending you didn’t hear it. But if it was loud and clear, explain that it is ugly and show other words that he can use to release anger or euphoria. “Parents can offer lighter words to express their feelings,” says Maria Angela.

That is why, in the ancient Russian manuscripts, the use of obscene speech was considered as a feature of the behavior of a person possessed by demons.

The famous physician-psychophysiologist, member of the World Ecological Academy L. Kitaev-Smyk has been dealing with the problem of stress and mate as an integral part of it for almost 40 years.

Swearing speech stimulates the production of male sex hormones - androgens, which are stress hormone antagonists. According to L. Kitaev-Smyk, a person resorts to swearing when he is not confident in his abilities, i.e. feels inferior. Studies have shown that regular consumption obscene language may indicate hidden homosexuality (which a person may not even be aware of) or problems with potency. Normal, healthy person far from such vocabulary. The use of swear words leads to hormonal disorders.

But you have to keep the match, no matter how much you punish! Should parents explain what a bad word means? When the child is small, she already knows what to say is wrong, but most time she has no idea what she is talking about. You may even know the situation in which you say it, but you do not understand the meaning. Better not to explain so as not to reinforce the use of the word curse. From 7 or 8 years old, you can turn this moment into learning. “At this stage, the child begins to use the dictionary and gives the opportunity to use and explore with him words that can replace a heavy word,” teaches Maria Angela.

This is especially noticeable in women. Cosmetologists notice that clients who cannot live without a mat suffer more than others from increased hairiness of the extremities. The voice of such women becomes lower and lower over time. In other words, if a woman swears, a hormonal imbalance occurs in her body.

The scientific director of the Center for Environmental Survival and Safety G. Cheurin empirically came to the conclusion about the pernicious influence of swearing on human body... The results were presented in a 20-minute documentary "How Our Word Will Respond ..."

When does a child start swearing? Usually very small. “After two and a half years or three years, she is repeating the curse,” explains the teacher. Just start talking better and the risk is already there. Do today's kids speak dirtier than they used to?

The words that the child learns have nothing to do with modernity. "Language is associated with environment where does he live? ”says Maria Angela. That is, if the family talks about worse words, the children tend to talk too. But according to the expert, some children and adolescents can separate things: they use words of curse in school, but not at home.

They are also confirmed by recent studies by a group of Russian scientists who tested the influence of foul language on water, which, according to G. Cheurin, has a "memory". Scientists cursed the liquid with a choice mat, and then poured wheat seeds on it. As a result, the seeds that were watered with "swollen" water germinated only in 49 cases out of 100. Those that were watered with water over which prayers were said germinated in 96 cases.

If the parents don't say bad words, should they keep the child in conversation? Not necessary. “When it’s someone from a family or a close friend, can the parents talk and ask not to talk in front of the child?” The teacher advises. After all, your child cannot be isolated from the world, but you cannot allow bad language to become a habit.

It is often funny for adults to hear children say curses. She doesn't understand that this is an impulsive response. You may think you enjoy repeating over and over again. swear words... Why the hell is this "shit" dirty word? By the way, why has the word "devils", inexpressible several decades ago, ceased to be one? Another: you must have already stumbled on a rock and, to fight back, cursed her for something like a "spitting daughter", although she does not know either mother or mother.

G. Cheurin also assures that men who abuse obscenities will inevitably face impotence. "The abundance of obscene speech in Everyday life- this is a serious symptom, - the scientist believes. - It turns out that society is in a state of chronic stress, experiences sexual problems. A culture of work is being formed in Russia, but there is still no culture of recreation, which is brilliantly developed in the West.

That's right: there are more secrets in the world of profanity than common sense. But science helps to unravel them. Recent research shows that dirty words are born in a separate world in the brain. While mutual language and conscious thought are responsible for more tricky part gray matter, neocortex, swearing "life" in the basements of the head. More precisely, in the limbic system. This is the bottom of the brain, the part that controls our emotions. This is a primitive zone: if our neocortex is more advanced than that of other mammals, the limbic system is very similar.

Our people, as before, after exhausting work relieves stress with alcohol, and it suppresses sexual energy. Naturally, subconsciously, a person tries to strengthen his sexuality with obscenities. As you can see, everything is interconnected ... "

At the Institute of Quantum Genetics, candidate biological sciences P.P. Goryaev and Candidate of Technical Sciences G.T. Tertyshny carried out an interesting research several years ago. With the help of the equipment developed by scientists, human words can be represented in the form electromagnetic waves that directly affect the properties and structure of DNA molecules responsible for human heredity.

And from time to time it happens in the form of profanity. Medicine helps to understand this. Take the case of Tourette's syndrome. This disease affects people who have suffered from the basal ganglia, the part of the brain whose function is to guide the limbic system. They get nervous all the time. And sometimes more than that. This shows that without the basal ganglion taking over, the limbic system has weakened everything. And profanation proceeds as if it were nervous tics in the form of words.

Of course, you don't have to have any injuries to spiral out of control. As we said, all you have to do is stumble upon a rock so that it is at serious risk of being insulted. If it depended on conscious thought, no one would ever hurt something inanimate. But the limbic system is dumb. Without knowing exactly when this animal part of the brain "speaks", it can translate certain emotions with incomparable intensity. I swear from this point of view, it's poetry in the very deep sense this word.

If a person constantly uses swear words in his speech, his chromosomes begin to actively change their structure, a "negative program" is developed in DNA molecules. Gradually, these distortions become so significant that they alter the structure of DNA, and this is passed on to descendants. The accumulation of such negative qualities can be called a “self-destruction program”.

So think about a strong word. Passion, for example. This substance, yes, but it is far from conveying the entire emotional charge of passion itself. But with the big, fat "bitch who gave birth to him", the story is different. It goes straight to the point, conveys the emotions of the speaker's limbic system to the listener. For this reason, some researchers find the word more complex than a common language.

This is what cognitive psychologist Stephen Pinker of Harvard University thinks. In his latest book, The Thing of Thought, he wrote: More than any other form of language, he curses the recruitment of our powers of expression to the fullest: the power of combining syntax; the evocative power of metaphor and the emotional burden of our relationship, both thoughtful and thoughtless.

Scientists have recorded: a swear word causes a mutagenic effect, similar to radiation exposure. A person using obscene words is like receiving the same dose of radiation as at the epicenter atomic explosion... It has a particularly detrimental effect on reproductive organs and the sexual functions of both men and women.

They express any kind of untold emotion, good or bad. Therefore, if a football player shouts out profanities after scoring a goal, he does not, because he is rude, but because only a word from the limbic system can convey what he feels. Another proof of their effectiveness is that they tighten our social bonds. If you curse someone for free, and the guy is not angry, then he is your friend. Therefore, groups of people like to use compliments like "They say you asshole!"

Timothy Jay knows what he's talking about. For the past three decades, he has been recording the dirt he heard in in public places... Collecting over 10,000 hits. Since profanity is born in the primitive part of the brain, almost everyone talks about the two most basic things.

This ultimately can lead not only to the inability to give birth. healthy child, but even to the impossibility of having an intimate relationship.

Wave "ears" of DNA molecules directly assimilate sound vibrations. At the same time, it does not matter for them whether the interlocutor is a living person or a television hero ...

DNA molecules hear human speech. Their "ears" are specially adapted to the perception of such acoustic vibrations. Moreover, the molecules of heredity also receive light information: a person may not reproduce aloud, but mentally read the text, but the content will still “reach” his genetic apparatus through electromagnetic channels.

See you. "Shit" is more offensive curse than "piss", and in turn is harder than "spit", which is not superfluous. If you chose any of these things on the street, it would also be a way of affecting other people, from the best to the least shocking. It is no coincidence that the substances that give the greatest aversion are also carriers of diseases. The reaction of aversion to the word is the desire not to touch or eat, - says American physician Val Curtis in the book Hygiene in Our Genes.

While it’s not hard to understand why workwisms are profanity, we cannot say about the terms associated with sex. Not necessary. He carries high risks including disease, exploitation, pedophilia and rape. These vices have left their mark on our habits and emotions, says Pinker. Choosing women by force, the man allowed to make dozens, hundreds of children, who counted points in the evolutionary game. For women, this is hell. Therefore, parenting choice is fundamental and getting pregnant by someone who raped her is a bad loss.

But the most important thing is that DNA is not indifferent to the information it receives. Some messages heal them, others hurt them. Words that carry the light of love awaken backup capabilities genome, and curses damage even those curses that ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Thus, the most great harm, inflicts foul language on himself and his offspring. As many modern scientists believe, human genes "hear" thoughts and words, perceive them and fix them in genetic code passing on the mutation to the next generation.

Therefore, it was natural that the expression "fuck someone" was synonymous with "commit great mistake". Nearly every opportunity to bridge the gap is swearing. With a swear word, the story is different. They make it clear: Mary is always in worse situation... Please note that the origins of "fucked" and their equivalents are not related to sex as a tool to serve men against women. But from men and men. Homosexual rape has always been and continues to be effective way to clarify the situation among the men who are the boss - sexual violence in prisons proves this.

It is alarming that a significant part of Russians, according to polls, uses obscene words in their speech (often - 13%, sometimes - 52%). 35% of citizens do not use it at all, i.e. a smaller part of the country's population.

Men use foul language more often than women. Old people scold less often than young people and middle-aged people. People with high level income allow themselves to "express themselves" more often than Russians with an average income. V large cities obscene speech is heard less often than in rural areas.

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  • 1.as a means of expressing the profane beginning, opposed to the sacred beginning,
  • 2.cathartic,
  • 3.decreasing means social status addressee,
  • 4.means of establishing contact between equal people,
  • 5.a means of friendly teasing or cheering,
  • 6. "dueling" means,
  • 7. expresses the attitude of two to the third as a "scapegoat",
  • 8.cryptolalic function (like password),
  • 9.for self-encouragement,
  • 10.for self-deprecation,
  • 11. introduce yourself as a "person without prejudice",
  • 12. realization of the “elitism of the cultural position through its denial”,
  • 13.symbol of sympathy for the oppressed classes,
  • 14.narrative group - attracting attention,
  • 15. apotropic function - "confuse",
  • 16.the transfer of the opponent to the power of evil forces,
  • 17.magic function,
  • 18. a sense of power over the "demon of sexuality",
  • 19. demonstration of the gender of the speaker,
  • 20.eschrological function (ritual invectivization of speech),
  • 21. used in psychoanalysis to treat nervous disorders,
  • 22.pathological foul language,
  • 23. invective as art,
  • 24. invective as a riot,
  • 25.as a means of verbal aggression,
  • 26. division into allowed and unauthorized groups,
  • 27. as an interjection.

Profanity in Russian

A kind of obscene vocabulary that has received wide distribution in Russian, is Russian mat, numbering 6-7 word bases. In the Russian language there are also several dozen other obscene words that are not obscene and much less taboo, but are also considered "indecent".

Profanity and society

Soviet propaganda poster "Our condition - down with foul language!", Author - Konstantin Ivanov, 1981

A strict ban on the public use of obscene vocabulary and phraseology, ideographically and semantically related to the forbidden topic of sex and the sexual sphere, developed among the Eastern Slavs - the ancestors of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians - back in the pagan era as a strong tradition folk culture, and was strictly supported by the Orthodox Church. Therefore, this taboo has acquired an old tradition for the Russian people, consecrated for more than one millennium.

In this regard, the data of a sociological survey published by the Interfax news agency on the issue of the attitude of Russians to the use of profanity in public speaking stars of show business, held in July 2004 by the All-Russian Center for the Study of public opinion... The overwhelming majority of Russians (80%) have a negative attitude towards the use of profanity in public speeches of show business stars, in programs and materials intended for a mass audience, considering the use of swear words an unacceptable manifestation of promiscuity.

13% of respondents admit the use of the mat in those cases when it is used as a necessary artistic means... And only 3% believe that if swearing is often used in communication between people, then attempts to prohibit it on the stage, in the cinema, on television is just hypocrisy.

Despite the prevalence obscene language in all strata of Russian society at all stages of its history, in Russia there was traditionally a taboo on the use of obscene vocabulary in printed form (hence, obviously, the name “obscene language” comes from). This taboo has eased somewhat in recent times due to the democratization of society and the weakening state control behind the printing sphere (the first in the history of Russia to abolish censorship for a long time), changes in public morality after the collapse of the USSR, mass publication literary works and the correspondence of recognized Russian classics, dissident writers and current postmodernists. Removal of the ban on coverage of certain topics and social groups led to an expansion of the scope of acceptable vocabulary in written speech... Swearing and jargon became fashionable, becoming one of the means of public relations.

Among children and adolescents, the ability to swear was subconsciously considered and is considered one of the signs of adulthood. And of course, as soon as the younger generation mastered the basics of this knowledge, it felt an urgent need to demonstrate what had been achieved - hence the inscriptions on the fences, walls public toilets, school desks- and now on the Internet.

It should be noted that, contrary to popular belief, profanity is relatively little used in places of deprivation of liberty. This is due to tough criminal "concepts", according to which every prisoner should be held accountable for everything he said ("responsible for the market"), and many persistent obscene expressions are taken literally. For example, sending someone to "three letters" is considered an indication this person that his place is right there, that is, as a declaration of his belonging to the caste of "roosters". Failure to prove such a claim can lead to dire consequences for the “sender”.

Returning to the topic “profanity and society”, it should be emphasized that the current freedom of expression still does not abolish the responsibility of the speaker and writer (see, for example, Article 20.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). Of course, it is hardly possible to prohibit a person from swearing if this is the only means of self-expression that is available to him (taking into account the restrictions imposed by upbringing or the conditions of existence - "to live with wolves - howl like a wolf"). Of course, the books of fashionable writers should not be burned (or otherwise destroyed). However, public abuse in a normal environment inevitably violates the rights and humiliates the dignity of those people for whom the taboo remains valid (for moral, religious and other reasons).

Precedent "Aroyan vs. Kirkorov"

Use of profanity in art and media

Tabooing obscene vocabulary is a relatively late phenomenon: even in documents and correspondence of Peter's time, it is found relatively freely. However, by the second half of the 18th century, its use in print media It ceased to be possible, and the poems of Ivan Barkov, widely using obscene vocabulary, were distributed exclusively in lists. Throughout the 19th century, obscene vocabulary also remained the lot of the "unofficial" part creative heritage poets and writers: obscene epigrams and satirical poems by Pushkin, Lermontov and other authors were not published by them themselves and in general were not subject to publication in Russia (political emigrants from Russia began to publish them in Europe only in the second half of the 19th century).

The first attempts to remove taboos from obscene vocabulary were made in the 1920s. and were not of a mass character; interest in swear words the majority of authors was not self-sufficient at this time and was associated mainly with the desire to speak freely about the sexual sphere.

During the Soviet period, the public ban on obscene vocabulary acted very consistently, which did not prevent (and still does not prevent) the overwhelming majority of the population willingly using this vocabulary in privacy... The tasks of the artistic development of obscene vocabulary were set by the writers of Russian samizdat, starting with Yuz Aleshkovsky.

"The main" three whales "of the Russian mat ... etymologically deciphered quite decently: the Proto-Slavic * jebti originally meant" to beat, hit ", * huj (related to the word needles) -" a needle of a coniferous tree, something prickly ", * pisuda -" urinary organ "" ...

The same original forms (albeit with some doubt about * huj) are given in.

It is interesting to note that the semantic changes of the modern euphemism "fuck" practically repeat the history of the word * jebti.

Categorization of Russian abusive vocabulary

A. V. Chernyshev distributes key terms of the obscene lexicon"Into three groups:

  • denoting male and female genital organs and denoting sexual intercourse;
  • transferring the meaning of the genitals and sexual intercourse to a person as an object of naming;
  • in a deliberately coarse form of borrowing from "cultural speech" (condom, homosexual).

V.M. Mokienko considers this classification too generalized and offers his own, more detailed, classification of Russian abusive vocabulary and phraseology... Moreover, the terms “ swear words" and " obscene vocabulary"Are understood to be mutually intersecting, although not completely identical. Swearing are offensive, abusive words, while obscene vocabulary- these are the most rude vulgar expressions, taboo words. The main feature, inextricably linking these two lexical groups, is an emotionally expressive reaction to unexpected and unpleasant events, words, actions, etc.

The researcher classifies Russian abusive vocabulary according to the functional-thematic principle, distinguishing the following main groups:

  • Names of persons with emphatically negative characteristics of the type:
    • stupid, incomprehensible person;
    • vile, low man;
    • insignificant person, insignificance;
    • a prostitute, a corrupt woman.
  • The names of “indecent”, socially taboo parts of the body are “shameful words”.
  • The naming of the process of intercourse.
  • The names of physiological functions (items).
  • Names of "results" of physiological functions.

VM Mokienko points out that these groups of abusive and obscene vocabulary are generally represented in almost all languages. As for national characteristics abusive vocabulary, then, in his opinion, they are associated with combinatorics and the frequency of lexemes of a certain type in each specific language.

  • "Anal-excrement" type (Scheiss-culture);
  • "Sexual" type (Sex-culture).

However, in the adopted version of the above-mentioned law ( the federal law from 01.06.2005 N 53-ФЗ "О state language Russian Federation») This is not mentioned.

see also

Notes (edit)


  • V. M. Mokienko "Russian abusive vocabulary: censorship and obscene" (Rusistika. - Berlin, 1994, No. 1/2)
  • S. Curiy "On the battlefield (the origin of swearing)", magazine "Time Z", № 1/2007.

List of scientific works and dictionaries of the second half of the XX century

The list is mainly taken from an article by V.M. Mokienko

  • 27 dictionaries published in Russia and the USSR from 1859 to 2005. - CD "COLLECTION OF INTERPRETATION DICTIONARIES OF PRISON AND BLAT ZHARGON", M .: 2005, ETS Dictionary Publishing House (Electronic and Traditional Dictionaries), ISBN 5864601187
  • Baldaev V.K., Isupov I.M. M., "The Edge of Moscow", 1992, 526 pages.
  • Bykov V. Russian Fenya. Dictionary of the modern interjargon of asocial elements. Munchen, 1992, 173 pp.
  • Zhelvis V.I. Foul language like social problem... M .: Ladomir, 2001, 350 p.
  • Ilyasov F.N. 1990, No. 3, 198-204.
  • Kozlovsky V. Collection of Russian thieves' dictionaries in four volumes. TT. 1-4. New york, 1983.
  • Kozlovsky V. Argo of the Russian homosexual subculture. Materials for study. New York, 1986, 228 pp.
  • Kostsinsky K. Profanity and dictionaries // Russian Linguistics, 1980, No. 4, 363-396.
  • Levin Yu. I. On obscene expressions of the Russian language // Russian Linguistics, 1986, no. 10, 61-72.
  • Mokienko V.M. Images of Russian speech. M., 1986, 278 pages.
  • International Dictionary of Obscenity. A guide to dirty words and obscene expressions in Russian, Italian, French, German, Spanish, English... Ed. A. N. Kokhteva. M., 1992, 90 pages.
  • Pluzer-Sarno, A. Big dictionary mata / Enter. Art. D. filol. D., prof. A. D. Dulichenko and D. Philol. n. V.P. Rudnev. Vol. 1: Experience in building a reference and bibliographic database of lexical and phraseological meanings the words "dick". SPb .: Limbus Press, 2001. ISBN 5-8370-0161-1
  • Rossi Jacques. Guide to the Gulag. A Historical Dictionary of Penitentiary Institutions and Forced Labor Terms. Foreword by Alain Besançon. London, 1987, 546 pp. Ed. 2nd (in two parts), enlarged. Text checked by N. Gorbanevskaya. M., 1991.
  • Russian obscenities. Explanatory dictionary CD, ETS Dictionary Publishing House (Electronic and Traditional Dictionaries)
  • Dictionary of the thieves' language. Words, expressions, gestures, tattoos. Tyumen, NILPO, 1991, 170 pp.
  • Three centuries of Russian Eros poetry. Publications and Research. Moscow, Publishing Center of the Theater "Five Evenings", 1992, 160 pp.
  • Uspensky B.A.Mythological aspect of Russian expressive phraseology (article one) // Studia Slavica Hungarica. XXIX, Budapest, 1983, 33-69.
  • Uspensky B.A.Mythological aspect of Russian expressive phraseology (article two) // Studia Slavica Hungarica. XXXIII / 1-4, Budapest, 1987, 37-76.
  • Uspensky B.A.Religious and mythological aspect of Russian expressive phraseology // Semiotics and the History of Culture. Ohio, 1988, 197-302.
  • Fine A., Lurie V. Everything is high. SPb., 1991, 196 pp.
  • Fasmer M. Etymological Dictionary Russian language. Ed. B. A. Larina. Translation from it. and a foreword by O. N. Trubachev. TT. 1-4. M., 1964-1973; 2nd ed. 1986-1987.
  • Chernyshev A.V. Modern Soviet mythology. Tver, 1992, 80 pages.
  • Erotica 1992 - Erotica in Russian literature: from Barkov to the present day. Texts and comments (Literary review. Special issue). M., 1992, 112 pages.
  • Brodsky Hannah. Modern Trends in English Borrowings into Russian // Australian Slavonic and East European Studies. 1992, no. 2, 71-84.
  • Prof. Devkin V. Russische obszöne Lexika (Langenscheidt Verlag, Germany)
  • Drummond D.A., Perkins G. Dictionary of Russian Obscenities. 3-d, revised edition. Oakland, 1987, 94 pp.
  • Elyanov D. The Learner's Russian-English Dictionary of Indecent Words and Expressions. 2-d revised edition. Pacific Grove, 1987, 128 pp.
  • Ermen I. Der obszöne Wortschatz im Russischen. Etymologie, Wortbildung, Semantik, Funktion. Magisterarbeit. Berlin, 1991, 105 pp.
  • Galler Meyer, Marquess Harlan E. Soviet Prison Camp Speach. A Survivor's Glossary. Supplement by Terms from the Works of A.I. Solzenicyn. Madison, 1972, 216 pp.
  • Galler Meyer. Soviet Prison Camp Speach. A Survivor's Glossary. Supplement. Hayward, California, 1977, 102 pp.
  • Geiges A., Suworowa T. Liebe steht nicht auf dem Plan. Frankfurt, 1989.
  • Glasnost M. 100 schmutzige engische Woörter. Deutsch-kyrillische Lautschrift. Herausgegeben von M. Glastnost und illustriert von G. Bauer. Frankfurt / Main, 1988, 69 pp.
  • Haudressy Dola. Les mutations de la langue russe. Ces mots qui disent l'actualité. Paris, 1992, 269 pp.
  • Kaufmann Ch.A. A Survey of Russian Obscenities and Invective Usage // Maledicta IV, 2, 1981, 261-282.
  • Patton F.R. Expressive means in Russian youth slang // Slavic and East European Journal, 1980, no. 24, 270-282.
  • Plahn J. Huynya Mui Ne and the like // Russian Linguistics, vol. 11, 1987, 37-41.
  • Raskin V. On Some Peculiarities of Russian Lexikon // Papers from the Parasession on the Lexicon. Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society. 1978, 312-325.
  • Razvratnikov Boris Sukich. Elementary Russian Obscenity // Maledicta III, 197-204.
  • Timroth W. von: Russische und sowjetische Soziolinguistik und tabuisierte Varietäten des Russischen (Argot, Jargons, Slang und Mat) // Slawistische Beiträge. Bd. 164. München, 1983, 7-73.
  • Timroth W. von: Russian and Soviet Sociolinguistics and Taboo Varieties of the Russian Language (Slawistische Beiträge, Bd. 205). München, 1986.

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