Home Blanks for the winter Urolithiasis in cats Treatment of urolithiasis in cats at home: symptoms and signs, how to feed (diet) and how to help the cat. Why does urolithiasis occur?

Urolithiasis in cats Treatment of urolithiasis in cats at home: symptoms and signs, how to feed (diet) and how to help the cat. Why does urolithiasis occur?

Urolithiasis in cats and cats is an extremely insidious pathological condition, which until relatively recently was considered incurable and led to the painful death of animals. Currently, this disease is becoming more common. ICD in cats and cats is often observed even at a young age. If the owners of the animal are responsible for its health and often visit the veterinarian, this pathological condition is detected during diagnostic studies.

In other cases, the deterioration of the pet's condition for its owners becomes a complete surprise. It will be better for the cat if the violation of the outflow of urine due to a blockage of the urinary tract is diagnosed as early as possible. Treatment at home and without consulting a veterinarian is impossible in most cases. In some cases, to save the life of the animal, emergency care and the installation of a catheter to remove urine are required. In severe cases in the absence of targeted therapy, the animal quickly dies.

What is feline urolithiasis?

In terms of the prevalence of this disease, it takes almost the first place. Many people believe that kittens are unpretentious, therefore they do not approach the right choice of food and general care. Such negligence becomes the reason that relatively young animals acquire serious problems with the kidneys, bladder and excretory tract due to the stones that form in them. ICD in adult cats may not show pronounced symptoms for a long time, so the owners of the animal are not even aware of the development of this life-threatening disease. Especially negative impact - this pathological condition can have during pregnancy or in the postpartum period.

An enlarged abdomen can cause stones to move and complications. There are a number of other conditions that can provoke a deterioration in the course of this pathology in females. Currently, there is no complete statistics covering the prevalence of this disease, since not all owners turn to veterinarians when it develops. Some veterinarians point out that one in 15 domestic cats, starting from the age of 8 years, has a similar problem. Cats suffer from this disease much more often. This is due to the structure of the urinary system. It is now known that in cats the channel through which urine is removed from the body is 3 times narrower than in cats. Thus, even small stones can block the flow of urine. In cats, the characteristic manifestations of this pathology begin to appear during the spree period. This usually happens in springtime. Urolithiasis is less common in castrated cats. Thus, the maintenance of an animal of this sex requires special attention.

Etiology of urolithiasis in cats

The reasons for the development of this pathological condition are rooted in the violation of metabolic processes. Especially dangerous are the lack of protein production, improper selection of food, including the combination of dry and wet food, as well as the periodic inclusion of human food. If this negligent approach is systematic, it contributes to the development of such a disease. Improper feeding can quickly provoke metabolic disorders. Even young animals with an improperly selected diet can form stones. Tap water can cause urolithiasis in cats. Significant danger in regions where it is very severe.

To prevent the appearance of this pathological condition, it is necessary to give the pet only settled water.

Despite the fact that castration significantly reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis in a cat, in some cases it is this operation that creates the prerequisites for the development of this disease. The recommended age of the animal for such a procedure is 8-12 months. In the case of an operation up to 6 months, there is a high risk of injury to the not yet formed urethra. This not only can provoke the formation of stones, but often causes a more severe course. In spayed cats, this disease is no more common than in animals that have not undergone this procedure. However, when carrying out the procedure to an animal that has not had childbirth, the risk of infections, and then urolithiasis, is significantly higher. These are far from all the reasons for the development of such a pathological condition. Factors contributing to the onset of this disease include:

  • diseases of the external genital organs;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • digestive disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of water when feeding dry food.

This disease is not uncommon in animals that are severely obese. Relative inactivity greatly contributes to metabolic disorders and the formation of Symptoms of urolithiasis in cats may appear due to the animal's congenital anomalies in the structure of the urinary tract. The increased ambient temperature contributes to the formation of kidney deposits in the pet.

Symptoms of urolithiasis in cats

The first manifestation of this pathological condition can be weak and short-lived. Small stones can be excreted with urine, but even they give the pet a lot of discomfort, since such formations often have sharp edges that can injure the mucous membranes. When urolithiasis develops in cats, symptoms usually increase gradually. Acute signs of a pathological process usually appear only if the outflow of urine is completely blocked. Thus, when urolithiasis develops in cats, symptoms may not always be promptly noted by the owner of the animal.

Pet's restless behavior is probably the first warning sign. The cat or cat starts urinating more often. Often, the animal does this outside the installed tray. Considering the signs of urolithiasis in a cat, it is especially worth highlighting that if a pet sits in the tray for a long time in a position that is characteristic of urination, this speaks in favor of the fact that she suffers from stones that prevent the normal outflow of urine. In some cases, painful trips to the toilet are accompanied by groans and plaintive meows of the animal. This is due to the fact that the process of excretion of urine causes severe pain in the animal.

The stronger the blockage of the excretory tract, the more intense the signs of urolithiasis in cats.

For example, due to the movement of large stones along the ducts, mucous membranes can be injured. This often causes the color of the urine to change. Urine can turn dark, brown and even red. This is the result of blood entering it. When urine drainage is severely blocked, symptoms of urolithiasis in cats can be life threatening. The animal's body temperature rises significantly and signs of intoxication of the body increase. Vomiting may occur. If you do not take action, the signs of urolithiasis in cats become even more noticeable. The pet's belly increases in size. On palpation, the overflowing bladder is well palpated. Such manipulations should be carried out very carefully, as it can burst due to pressure. If no help is needed at this time, the pet may die due to ruptured bladder and peritonitis.

Methods for the diagnosis of urolithiasis in cats

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is imperative to contact the veterinarian, since it is not possible to cure the animal on your own at home. When you first contact a specialist, it is very important to describe all the symptoms that are present, this will significantly speed up the diagnosis. Considering that kidney and urinary tract stones can have a different structure. Most often, cats suffer from:

  • struvite;
  • cystines;
  • calcium oxalates;
  • ammonium urate.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats is carried out only after the chemical composition of the stones. For example, struvite, which is mainly composed of ammonium, magnesium and phosphate, if small, may well be dissolved. Calcium oxalates can only be removed by surgery. Thus, only by understanding the chemical composition of the stones, the best preparations can be selected. To determine this most important parameter, first of all, blood and urine tests are carried out. Chemical analysis of stones or sand is also advisable. If there is a suspicion of a blockage of the urinary ducts, an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys is immediately prescribed. In some cases, when this diagnostic method is ineffective, radiography is required.

First aid for animals with urolithiasis in cats

When it comes to this disease, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. Do not self-medicate, as this can be fatal for a cat. Painkillers, antispasmodics and even more diuretics cannot be given to an animal without a doctor's prescription, as this can aggravate the situation. If the condition of the animal is not critical, special drugs are first introduced to eliminate the pain syndrome. Antispasmodics are usually used for this purpose, for example, Papaverine or No-shpa.

A necessary measure is the removal of the accumulated urine from the bladder.

With severe urolithiasis in a cat, catheterization is required to quickly improve the condition. This procedure is not curative. With its help, all accumulated urine is removed mechanically. Catheterization allows you to remove even small stones and sand from the bladder. For this purpose, special solutions and antibiotics are injected into the bladder. The catheter is usually sutured to the skin and left in place for about 3 days.

At this time, the animal must be given sedatives, which help to eliminate painful sensations, spasms and reduce physical activity. To improve the condition of cats with urolithiasis after the installation of a catheter, disinfection measures are taken. Special drugs administered with a dropper allow you to quickly remove all harmful substances that have accumulated in the animal's blood due to a violation of urine drainage. In some cases, haemostatic medications, antibiotics, and cardiac supporters are given to the animal as part of first aid.

Complex therapy of urolithiasis in cats

Even if the animal's condition has improved after the measures taken, this is not a reason to stop therapy. With urolithiasis, the method of therapy depends on their chemical composition. Thus, only a qualified veterinarian can determine how to treat urolithiasis in cats. Self-administration of therapy is dangerous for the animal. In some cases, the treatment of KSD in cats is carried out with the help of drugs that dissolve the existing stones. To eliminate such formations and their removal from the body, such means can be used as

  • Kanephron;
  • Cyston;
  • Half-fallen, etc.

The therapy regimen introduces drugs intended to relieve the inflammatory process and normalize metabolism. Usually, treatment of urolithiasis in cats is carried out with the use of antibiotics, which can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent this, probiotics are prescribed, that is, funds that allow you to restore the normal intestinal microflora. The attending veterinarian may recommend the use of drugs such as Vetom, Linex, Lactoferon, etc. The therapy can be supplemented with other drugs.

When urolithiasis develops in cats, treatment is not always possible with conservative methods.

If the stones are too large or cannot be dissolved with special preparations, veterinarians resort to surgical intervention. If urolithiasis occurs in cats, surgical treatment is very traumatic. Surgery may require dissection of the bladder kidney. Such injuries then take a long time to heal, which makes the animal uncomfortable. However, such therapy in some cases is the only way to save a pet's life.

Diet therapy for urolithiasis in cats

Both conservative and surgical treatment of this pathological condition is always supplemented with special nutrition. How to feed a cat with urolithiasis should be decided by a veterinarian who is familiar with the chemical composition of stones located in the kidneys and bladder of the animal. Meals should be balanced and properly selected. It is advisable to transfer the animal to a special food for cats with urolithiasis. Food should be given strictly following the recommendations of the veterinarian. Leftover leftovers must be eliminated. It is desirable to feed a cat with urolithiasis with special dry mixtures according to the schedule. However, not all pets are ready to switch to medicated cat food in the presence of this disease. In this case, the diet for urolithiasis may include various natural products.

With this approach to feeding, it is especially important to remove leftover food so that the pet does not have access to it between meals.

Nutrition of a cat with urolithiasis, accompanied by struvite stones, requires the introduction of products that acidify urine into the diet. These include the yolk of chicken eggs, redcurrant or lemon juice diluted with plenty of water, dairy products and meat. When oxalate formations are formed in the bladder and kidneys of an animal, the diet for cats with urolithiasis includes fish in limited quantities, boiled meat and eggs. If the animal has previously consumed acidic fruits and vegetables, they must be completely removed from the diet. Liver, dairy products and other food should also not be given to the cat.

The nutrition of cats with urolithiasis should be balanced, but at the same time change the acidity of urine. In addition to a properly composed diet, clean water must be present in the pet's constant access. Usually, medicated food for cats and for cats allows you to remove stones from their animal's body much faster, so it is worth switching to them if possible.

Prevention of urolithiasis in cats

Currently, many owners of these animals pay a lot of attention to prevent the development of this disease. Prevention of urolithiasis in cats and cats primarily involves the timely conduct of castration or sterilization. This can significantly reduce the risk of developing this pathological condition. Prevention of ICD involves an examination by a veterinarian and a study of the animal's urine, at least once a year.

This allows early detection of a tendency to the formation of stones and promptly eliminate them.

Even as a kitten, metabolic disorders can already occur in the animal's body and sand begins to form. It takes months for the stones to grow, so it is very important to start visiting a veterinarian from the first year of life for the prevention of urolithiasis. It is very important to provide the animal with the ability to move. Pet owners need to monitor their diet and fight excess weight in the cat. Prevention of urolithiasis in cats involves providing the animals with the required amount of clean filtered water. Simple preventive measures prevent this disease from developing.

Urolithiasis - urolithiasis - is the most common and dangerous disease in cats. The high mortality rate of animals is confirmation of this. It is characterized by the presence of sand and stones in the organs of the genitourinary system - kidneys, bladder.

According to statistics, cats most often suffer from urolithiasis at the age of 5 years.

The risk group includes:

  • males;
  • age category 2 - 6 years old;
  • obese animals;
  • long-haired breeds;
  • males after sterilization;


The disease has genetic roots, is chronic, with acute relapses.

The latent course can last up to 2 years, after which an exacerbation occurs and it is difficult to do without surgery.

Factors of the appearance of urolithiasis

This ultrasound shows urolithiasis in a cat. Although cats are much less likely to suffer from this disease than cats.

The fact that sand and stones appear in the pelvic organs depends on several components. These components, in turn, are divided into external and internal.

External factors

Water quality plays a direct role in the development of urolithiasis in cats.

The list of external factors includes:

  • climatic conditions - from how hot it is in the house, urine becomes more concentrated and it becomes impossible to filter it through the kidneys;
  • the quality of the liquid used - the presence of salts in the water leads to the accumulation of salts in the urine and, as a result, the formation of stones;
  • nutrition- an excess or lack of protein in food leads to an accelerated concentration of urine;
  • hypovitaminosis, - lack of vitamins provokes lack of nutrition of the epithelium, accelerating its destruction.

Internal factors

The predisposition to urolithiasis can be genetically transmitted.

Factors acting from within the body are called internal or endogenous. These include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • feature of anatomy;
  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heredity;
  • infections, viruses.

Causes of urolithiasis in cats

The stones formed are of two types: struvite and oxalate.

Struvites were removed after an operation to treat urolithiasis.

The most common reason for the development of urolithiasis is metabolic disorder.

Minerals entering the cat's body react with slags. Dying cells in the bladder become the focus of crystals. Passing through the urinary canals, crystals injure their mucous membranes. An excessive amount of such crystals is the cause of blockage of the lumen, a hindrance to the release of urine. The kidneys continue to produce urine, but it accumulates in the lumen, which causes it, leading to severe intoxication.

The peak of the disease occurs in autumn and spring. A significant role in the appearance of pathology is played by the presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. The result of these processes can be the formation of crystals... Individual predisposition is also a significant factor in the development of the disease.

Features of the anatomy - too narrow a lumen of the urethra, which makes it difficult to drain fluid, forming a "congestion".

Video about the five main causes of the onset of the disease

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of urolithiasis.

They diagnose the presence of stones or sand in laboratory conditions, but at home, a preliminary diagnosis can be made based on some signs.

  1. The cat urinates frequently, sometimes uncontrollably, sometimes with difficulty and in small portions.
  2. In time .
  3. The urine darkens, becomes reddish, or has blood in it.
  4. The animal tries to move less, refuses food, water.
  5. Due to the small waste of urine, the abdomen becomes larger.
  6. Intoxication of the body occurs,.
  7. The temperature rises to 39-40 degrees. It is aggravated by convulsions, tremors of the whole body.

Such symptoms indicate a long-term illness, at least 1-2 years. It is important not to allow a severe form, to constantly undergo a veterinary examination, otherwise lethal outcome is 80%... With timely diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis is favorable. A complete clinical picture is drawn up by a veterinarian based on visual examination and laboratory tests.

Treatment and diet for a cat

Therapy of urolithiasis is carried out in a complex manner, using radical methods in the form of surgical removal of stones and cleaning the urogenital tract from sand.

Inserting a catheter through the ducts into the bladder under general anesthesia.

The period of treatment is complex and long, requires considerable effort on the part of the attending physician and the owner of the cat. The first emergency aid is the possibility of free flow of urine. A catheter is inserted through the ducts into the bladder under general anesthesia. Obstructed catheter insertion is an indication for immediate surgery, during which the catheter is inserted and left in place for 1–2 weeks.

Intensive treatment involves the use of symptomatic therapy: pain relievers, antispasmodics. Anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, immunostimulants, diet. Along with the use of drugs of a narrow focus, drugs are shown that support the work of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract. By means of.



Drugs often used in the treatment of KSD with the possibility of urine patency: nitroxoline tablets, phytoelite "Healthy kidneys", phytolysin solution, neurovital tablets, baralgin injections.

In more complex cases, with surgical treatment, therapy is indicated: injections of amoxicin, baralgin. Inside - phytoelite "Healthy kidneys", phytolysin. Catheterization is carried out using an anesthetic duo in the form of drugs xylazine, ketamine.

To cleanse and prevent infection, a metragil solution with saline is injected into the catheter. During the rehabilitation period, general strengthening therapy is required. Apply cotervin, nefroket, renal powder, suspension or tablets "", tablets "Urinari tract support".

How to feed a cat with urolithiasis at home

The appointment of a diet for urolithiasis depends on the type of stones in the urogenital system of the animal.

The presence of oxalates excludes the intake of oxalic acid into the body. It is found in the liver, kidneys, tea. Food containing calcium is subject to restriction: dairy, fermented milk products.

Veterinary clinics sell special food for cats with urolithiasis.

Recommended saturate the body with alkali which is found in beets, legumes, cauliflower. Products shown, rich in magnesium : peas, boiled meat, fish, rice, other types of cereals. Eliminate completely dry food, use canned meat and fish.

Struvite defeat

Struvite damage involves the exclusion of foods saturated with calcium and its compounds. This group includes: dairy and fermented milk products, egg yolk.

Special food for cats and cats with urolithiasis.

It is allowed to dilute: oatmeal, liver, cabbage. Use canned meat and fish feed. Dry food - only medicinal, with the presence of useful additives for the cat... The dietary food ration should be agreed with the doctor and strictly adhere to the regimen and feeding norms.

Throughout the rehabilitation periodically exercise laboratory urine test , exercise strict control of the animal's well-being. Combining ready-made dry or canned food in the same dish with homemade food is strictly prohibited.

Prevention of urolithiasis in cats

A complex of preventive measures for urolithiasis in cats is available to everyone. It is necessary to control the quality of the pet's food, its quantity. Overeating is fraught with an increase in alkali in the urine. Insufficient intake of calcium in the body contributes to the formation of phosphate formations, therefore, a moderate intake of food rich in calcium compounds is important.

Monitor the cat's drinking... Water should be purchased, soft or boiled and settled. Do not use - only as a complementary food, if possible, its complete exclusion from the diet is required.

Dry feeding should be provided with sufficient water. Feed the animal not only solid food. Add soups and liquid cereals to the diet. Keeping the pet in favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, to prevent the occurrence of other infections.

In order to avoid the appearance of urolithiasis or its recurrence, a mandatory clinical examination is indicated. Being in a safe environment, the animal has a minimum of risks of developing pathologies of the genitourinary system.

The first days after surgery

We have specially selected such a picture. Postoperative quarantine must be strictly observed!

The first few weeks after the operation, strict quarantine of the animal is required. A balanced diet, a ban on leaving the house, contact with other animals. Do not allow "accidental" food, food outside the regime. Do not miss the mandatory medication indicated for rehabilitation.

Sand, and in advanced cases, kidney or bladder stones in an animal are called urolithiasis. Cats that have not only undergone an operation to remove the testicles, but also not neutered, are several times more susceptible to urolithiasis than cats. It is the ICD that is the most common cause of death in pets. Knowing the reasons due to which the animal starts this disease, and the main symptoms, the owner of the cat will be able to quickly guess about the problem and contact the veterinarian. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the easier and more successful the treatment of the animal will be.

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    Causes of urolithiasis in cats

    Urolithiasis or otherwise urolithiasis can occur in cats of different ages, regardless of gender. . However, scientists have found that cats are less susceptible to this disease. This is due to the different structure of the urinary tract. In cats, they are narrower and more curved.

    Many believe that castration is the cause of the disease. Far from it. Castration can only complicate the course of the disease. Removing the testicles too early (before six months) leaves the urethra underdeveloped. As a result, ICD will be very difficult for castrated cats. Grains of sand will quickly clog the narrow lumen of the urethra and the pet simply will not be able to go to the toilet normally. With such a pathology, there is a high probability of death.

    One of the most common causes of ICD is considered to be improper metabolism.

    Often times, pet owners do not follow the nutritional sequence for their pet. Hand-feed the pet with fatty or salty food, which is strictly contraindicated for animals. Such food leads to obesity, and, as a result, ICD occurs. This is especially true of eunuchs, who move so little.

    Factors contributing to the onset and development of the disease:

    • Too much fresh fish in the diet.
    • Feeding the animal with cheap economy class feed.
    • The inclusion of regular food in the diet of the animal along with dry food.
    • Insufficient supply of fresh water or poor quality water to the pet.
    • Being overweight or not active enough.
    • Congenital pathologies of the urinary tract.
    • Genetic factors, heredity.
    • The presence of an infection in the genitourinary system.

    Another important factor is the climatic conditions in the cat's place of residence. If the room temperature is too high, urine becomes concentrated and it becomes difficult to filter it through the kidneys. Most often, urolithiasis occurs in animals between the ages of one and seven years.

    The main symptoms by which you can determine the presence of ICD in a cat

    The early stage of the disease is practically invisible to the prying eye. It is difficult to determine that a pet has urolithiasis, and not something else. Many animals live with the disease for a long time, until the deterioration occurs and the owner notices the poor health of the cat. But there are some signs that you need to see your veterinarian. Do not try to help the animal at home, this can lead to the death of the cat.

    Symptoms of urolithiasis:

    1. 1. The cat often lies, stops playing and moving.
    2. 2. The pet lost appetite, he began to refuse food and drink.
    3. 3. The animal fusses around the tray, now it comes, then it leaves. Often sits down, but does not urinate. Can scream and push as if.
    4. 4. After using the toilet, he licks the genitals too hard.

    When the condition worsens, the following symptoms appear:

    1. 1. The cat can sit in the litter box for a long time, trying to go to the toilet.
    2. 2. Urination becomes more frequent.
    3. 3. Screams when urinating.
    4. 4. There may be blood clots in the tray, and the urine itself is pink.
    5. 5. The cat stops going to the litter box and urinates elsewhere.
    6. 6. The pet becomes restless, hides in the corners, tries to hide away from eyes.
    7. 7. The temperature may rise. Convulsions begin. The animal often vomits and shivers.

    If the last 7 symptoms are present, the life of the animal is at risk. Salt deposits have already begun to move along the urethral ducts. The ducts become clogged and urine begins to accumulate in the bladder. This leads to intoxication.

    If urine does not leave the body for more than a day, it is detrimental to the animal. You should immediately contact your veterinarian.

    Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

    The animal will, of course, be treated at home, but under the obligatory supervision of a veterinarian.

    In no case should you give your cat diuretics, this will only aggravate the situation. To alleviate the condition of the animal and remove spasms, you can give a no-shpy pill. If there is blood in the urine, Traumatin's pain-relieving injections are acceptable. This homeopathic remedy will relieve pain and promote healing of wounds caused by the movement of stones along the duct. This is where the first aid should end. The decision on further treatment should be made by a specialist based on research results.

    Diet therapy

    When treating KSD, proper nutrition of cats is of great importance. For animals that eat natural, not dry food, the diet must be followed. Cat owners must adhere to certain feeding rules:

    • Follow the regimen advised by your veterinarian. After the cat has eaten, the food must be removed and not given until the next feeding. Excess of a certain portion of food increases the mineral content in the urine.
    • If struvite stones (soluble stones) are found in the kidney of an animal, dairy products and eggs should be excluded from food. The urine will need to be acidified. If the cat does not refuse to drink the acidified liquid, it will be possible to drip lemon or black currant juice into a container with water.
    • If oxalate stones (insoluble stones, their formation occurs due to an excess of calcium in the urine) are found in the animal's body, acidic vegetables and fruits, liver and foods rich in calcium are excluded from the diet. Cooked meat, fish and dairy products are given with caution.
    • Fresh, clean water should always be freely available. It is necessary to soak food if the cat does not drink.

    Also, the doctor should prescribe drugs that help remove stones and sand from the kidneys.

    Medicinal feed

    Often, experts insist that the animal feed on special factory feed during treatment. But pets don't always agree to this. Hosts can try combining natural foods and medicated foods.

    It is important not to combine natural and medicated food.

    Therapeutic nutrition is selected depending on the type of stones found in the kidneys of the animal:

    • Such feeds as Hills Prescription Diet Feline S / D, Eukanuba Struvite Urinary Formula promote the dissolution of struvite and their excretion from the body.
    • If oxalates are found in the kidneys, pets are fed the Hills Prescription Diet Feline X / D or Eukanuba Oxalate Urinary Formula.
    • If both types of stones are found in the body, then give Royal Canin Urinary S / O Feline.

    Drug therapy

    If urolithiasis is detected on time, surgery is not required. But just adherence to a diet and diet will not solve all the problems. It is required to help the cat with medication. With ICD, the following drugs are usually prescribed:

    1. 1. Antibiotics. The doctor prescribes them if there is a concomitant infection in the body. Cats are given antibiotics of the cephalosporin group, such as Cefarin or Kefzol. The cat should drink them for 5-7 days, one tablet twice a day.
    2. 2. Uroseptics. These drugs act directly on the genitourinary system. Cats can take medications such as 5-NOK or Furagin, 1/4 of the tablet, 2 times a day.
    3. 3. In case of severe dehydration of the body, the cat is prescribed Regidron. Dilute as recommended by a doctor and pour in small portions to the cat.
    4. 4. Homeopathic remedy Cantaren is prescribed in the presence of severe spasms and painful sensations in a cat. Also acts as a diuretic. The course of treatment is usually 7 to 10 days.

    You cannot treat a cat without the knowledge of a specialist. Not all human drugs are suitable for animals.


    A catheter is placed if the cat is unable to urinate on its own. A special tube is inserted into the urinary tract through which urine exits the bladder. If the stones in the bladder are too large or the urethra is too swollen, the tube may be hemmed for several days.

    After the procedure, it will be necessary to cure the intoxication that has arisen in the cat due to the accumulation of urine. The specialist will give the animal a Detox drip.

    Traditional medicine

    Folk remedies can be used only at the initial stage of the disease. Before starting treatment, you should consult with your veterinarian.

    Folk remedies for cats usually include herbal teas that are given to pets to drink. They can be made from plantain, lingonberry, heather, bearberry. It is also a good prevention of urolithiasis.

    Surgical intervention

    The operation is necessary for cats in the following cases:

    • Kidney or bladder stones are very large and cannot come out on their own.
    • Calcium oxalates are found in the body. Since they do not dissolve, they will have to be removed surgically.
    • Blocked urinary ducts.

    There are two types of stone removal operations:

    • Urethrotomy. A small hole is made in the urinary duct through which stones are removed. Until the cat is feeling better, the hole is not allowed to overgrow.
    • Cystotomy. This operation is used only in the most difficult cases, when there is little chance of a cure. Its essence is that the cat's bladder is opened and stones are removed from there. Such a complex intervention is only used when the stones are very large and cannot be removed in any other way.

    Prevention of ICD

    Urolithiasis has frequent relapses. Therefore, both recovered and never sick animals require prophylaxis aimed at controlling the acidity of urine:

    • From the age of one year, take a urine test every six months.
    • Observe the dosage in the diet.
    • Monitor the freshness of the water and regularly change it at least once a day.
    • Track urinary frequency. The norm is twice a day.
    • Play more with the cat so that the metabolism does not slow down.
    • Buy special food for the prevention of ICD.

    It is important to remember that the disease is easiest to heal in the early stages. It is necessary to observe the pet, to notice signs of malaise. And, of course, pay attention to preventive measures.

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!


The formation of sand, and then stones (uroliths) in a pet in the bladder and kidneys, is a common cause of death of pets. In veterinary practice, the following designations are used: ICD, urolithiasis. With an early diagnosis of urolithiasis in cats, home treatment will be effective. In advanced cases, hospitalization and surgery will be required.

Causes of the disease

Cats are more prone to urolithiasis than cats. In castrated urolithiasis, urolithiasis is common, as in their non-sterile counterparts. Castration does not apply to the causes of the disease, but if it was done when the kitten was less than six months old, the animal's urethra will remain underdeveloped. Urolithiasis will be difficult, deposits will quickly clog the narrow lumen of the urinary canal. The list of causes of urolithiasis in cats is headed by an incorrect metabolism.

Factors contributing to the onset of the disease:

  • excess fish;
  • fatty food;
  • cheap feed;
  • mixing regular food and feed in one feeding;
  • lack of fluid, poor water;
  • obesity, low activity;
  • congenital disorders of the genitourinary system, heredity;
  • infections, staphylococci, streptococci.

Main signs and symptoms

It is difficult to notice the disease at an early stage. Many owners begin to sound the alarm, already observing clear signs of urolithiasis in a cat, when the situation is close to critical. Without timely assistance, the animal can die, so it is important to take action without waiting for an exacerbation. Pet owners need to respond to possible symptoms of urolithiasis in cats:

  • the cat is “sad”, moves less;
  • the animal has lost appetite;
  • the cat behaves restlessly when urinating, comes up to the tray several times, does not urinate on the first try, intensively licks the genitals.

In the future, more serious symptoms appear:

  • Urination becomes more frequent, the cat sits in the tray for a long time.
  • Soreness appears, the cat screams during urination.
  • The urine turns pink, and blood clots remain in the tray.

At this stage, the cat's life is already in danger. Salt deposits move along the urinary tract, stones get stuck in the urethra, the ducts become clogged, fluid accumulates in the bladder, which leads to intoxication. If urine does not leave the body for more than a day, it is deadly. The cat's bladder is distended during illness, the abdomen is greatly enlarged.


The symptoms of the disease are so obvious that the veterinarian will make a diagnosis already at the first visit to him. To choose a method of treating a cat, prescribing drugs, the most important condition is to draw up a complete clinical picture. The chemical composition of stones varies. Highlighted:

  • struvite (they contain magnesium, phosphate or ammonium), soluble stones;
  • calcium oxalates (insoluble, surgically removed);
  • cystines;
  • ammonium urate.

In cats, struvite predominates, but oxalates are also found, as well as a mixed type of disease. It is imperative to determine the type of deposits in order to prescribe the appropriate medication. A detailed study of the disease includes:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • X-ray (to determine the size, shape, location of stones);
  • Ultrasound (bladder, kidney);
  • chemical analysis of stones.

How to treat urolithiasis in cats

It is possible to cure a cat at home, but under the guidance of a veterinarian. It is impossible to give a diuretic in the absence of urination, this will aggravate the disease. To relieve the spasm, it is permissible to give "No-shpa". If there is blood in the urine, the homeopathic injections "Travmatin" are recommended, they relieve pain, heal wounds. This is the end of the first aid. How to cure a cat, a specialist will decide, starting from the course of the disease.

Diet therapy

Nutrition of a cat with urolithiasis is of paramount importance. Not all animals agree to eat dry food, they prefer natural products. In this case, diet will help. It is important for the owners to adhere to the rules of feeding the animal:

  1. Observe the regimen, feed the cat up to 3 times a day, removing the leftover food. In between feedings, the animal has no access to food. Exceeding the recommended dose of food increases the content of minerals in the urine.
  2. With struvite stones, it is important to enrich the cat's menu with food that acidifies the urine. Dairy products, eggs (yolk), food mainly meat are excluded. If the cat agrees to drink acidified water, drip lemon, cranberry, red currant juice into it.
  3. When the cat has oxalates, fish, eggs and boiled meat are given in limited quantities. If the animal loves sour vegetables and fruits, remove them from the diet. Liver and calcium-rich foods are not allowed.
  4. The water should be clean and fresh, the sick animal needs a lot of liquid. If the cat does not drink much, soak the food.

How to feed a cat with urolithiasis

Diet for urolithiasis in cats always includes medicated food. Many veterinarians insist on using only plant food, dry or wet, during illness, with the rejection of natural products. If the owners decide to combine food with regular food, it should not be done in one meal. Special therapeutic food is selected depending on the composition of the deposits:

  1. Hills Prescription Diet Feline S / D, Eukanuba Struvite Urinary Formula will help with struvite uroliths. These feeds help dissolve stones and remove them from the body.
  2. For oxalates, Hills Prescription Diet Feline X / D, Eukanuba Oxalate Urinary Formula are prescribed.
  3. If the disease is mixed, Royal Canin Urinary S / O Feline is recommended.

Drug treatment

If the pet's condition is not serious, conservative treatment will help, without surgery. With the help of diet, the acidity of urine changes, struvite, cystine and urate stones dissolve. But proper cat nutrition does not solve all problems; medicinal support is needed. For urolithiasis, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics If the disease is complicated by an infection, the veterinarian prescribes "Lincomycin" or antimicrobials from the group of cephalosporins ("Kefzol", "Tseparin", etc.). Give for 5-7 days, 0.2 g twice a day.
  2. Uroseptics are antibacterial drugs that act on the genitourinary system. The cats are prescribed "5-NOK", "Palin", "Furagin". Take 7 days, a quarter of a tablet, 2-3 times.
  3. Means for rehydration (for dehydration) - "Rehydron". Pour into the cat's mouth in small portions, with severe dehydration, every half hour.
  4. Homeopathic remedies. These include "Kantaren" for injection. Relieves spasm, acts as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic. In case of urolithiasis, inject subcutaneously or intramuscularly, 1-2 ml up to three times a day. The course is 7-10 days.


When the cat cannot urinate for a long time, catheterization is done. A tube is inserted into the urinary canal to drain fluid. Sometimes the catheter is sutured for 2-3 days. This is required if the calculi (stones) are large or the urethra is severely swollen. After catheterization, it is necessary to remove the intoxication, while the urine did not leave, the cat's body was poisoned, from which the kidneys could suffer. The pet is given a dropper.

Surgical intervention

The operation is required for a cat if:

  • stones are very large and do not come out after washing;
  • oxalate calculi, insoluble;
  • the urethra of the cat is blocked.

There are two types of surgical treatment for a cat's disease:

  1. Urethrostomy. A hole is made in the urethra through which stones are removed. Until the condition of the cat becomes stable, the hole is not allowed to overgrow.
  2. Cystotomy. A more radical method of intervention is used in severe cases of the course of the disease. The cat's bladder is opened and the uroliths removed. You have to go for such an operation when the stones are very large, and otherwise they cannot be removed.

Disease prevention

Some animals suffer from urolithiasis once, but in most it recurs. Cats, both recovered and those who have never had urolithiasis, need prevention. It is aimed at controlling the acidity of your pet's urine and includes the following points:

  • From one year of age, take a urine test every six months.
  • Divide the animal's daily ration into equal portions and give, observing the dosage.
  • The cat's nutrition should be balanced.
  • The bowl should contain water: fresh, not hard, from the filter. Check whether it is regularly decreasing.
  • Track the urination of the cat, if it is rare, the urine will be concentrated, as well as the substances dissolved in it. The norm is twice a day.
  • The cat needs to move more so that the metabolism does not slow down.
  • Use food for the prevention of urolithiasis, for castrated cats (if the animal has been operated on).

Video: how urolithiasis manifests itself in cats and cats

Details on how the owner can prevent a dangerous disease in his pet is described in the video. If you recognize the first "bells" of the ICD, this increases the chances of helping the pet without surgery and complications. The "risk group" is covered - cats and cats, which are likely to get an unpleasant diagnosis.

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Urolithiasis in cats

One of the most insidious and common ailments associated with metabolic disorders is urolithiasis or urolithiasis in cats (abbreviated as ICD). The pathology is quite serious and, if untimely correction, is dangerous for the life of a fluffy pet. Are there any prospects for a cure and methods for preventing its appearance? Having learned all about this disease, you have a chance to defeat it.


Urolithiasis in cats is a chronic condition in which a furry pet develops salt deposits in the form of stones or sand in one or both kidneys, urinary ducts or bladder.

For a while, the formations from salts may not manifest themselves in any way, but over time they increase in size. A moment comes and the stone moves away from the wall of the organ and begins to move with the flow of urine. A small pebble can cause mechanical damage while passing, causing pain in a four-legged friend. A large salt formation can block the urinary tract, which leads to fluid stagnation, severe pain and intoxication of the animal. In this case, the lack of emergency assistance is most often fatal.


It is impossible to identify the main source of the appearance of pathology. Experts have identified many factors that result in urolithiasis in cats. The causes of this pathology are mainly associated with improper diet, lifestyle, care, heredity.

Most often, the disease is caused by:


It is quite difficult to diagnose an ailment when a pet is just beginning to have urolithiasis. Symptoms in cats and cats in the primary stage are subtle to the owner. The animal simply becomes lethargic, shows less activity, eats worse and feels discomfort when passing urine - these signs cannot always be compared with the ICD. During this period, only urine analysis will help to recognize the disease.

The number and size of formations are increasing. They eventually begin to move, so they can partially or completely block the urinary duct. At this stage, the pet is already easily diagnosed with urolithiasis. Symptoms in cats or cats are obvious:

  • due to acute pain during urination (dysuria), the animal meows on the tray;
  • often runs to the toilet, as he feels a constant urge (pollakiuria);
  • The litter in the tray has a reddish-pinkish tint instead of yellowish due to the presence of blood particles in the urine (hematuria);
  • a complete cessation of urination is possible - the animal pushes to no avail, sometimes there are cases of rectal prolapse;
  • on palpation, you can feel that the abdomen has become tight and painful;
  • urination in the wrong place, uncharacteristic for a well-bred pet;
  • signs of urolithiasis in cats are also manifested in behavior: a furry friend behaves persistently and fussy, trying to draw the attention of the owner, or, conversely, clogs into a corner and cannot jump to a height;
  • loss of appetite, rapid breathing.


The specialist compares the clinical signs with the responses of the pet owner and prescribes a number of research procedures. Urolithiasis in cats is diagnosed using X-ray examination, ultrasound, examination of urine sediment in laboratory conditions in order to determine the type of salt formation.

Knowledge of the composition of the crystal helps to determine the preventive and therapeutic procedures. Microscopic examination allows only an approximate determination of mineral constituents, because many conditions affect their formation, growth and dissolution. A more accurate identification of the composition of the salt formation is possible using qualitative methods of analysis, which include polarized light microscopy, x-ray diffraction, or other modern techniques.

Types of treatment

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the specialist prescribes a course of procedures aimed at alleviating the acute condition that causes urolithiasis in cats. He selects treatment individually, taking into account the degree of damage, neglect of the disease, age, sex and general condition of the patient. Today there are a number of special complex measures that effectively relieve this ailment and its consequences. There are two lines of solution to the problem: conservative and operational.

Depending on the course of the disease and the severity, the specialist may prescribe the removal of stones using a catheter (catheterization) or their surgical removal under general anesthesia. Catheterization is performed under anesthesia. First, sand or stone is removed from the urethra using a catheter, then the urethral lumen is treated with antiseptics.

Conservative treatment

Treatment procedures are prescribed to restore urinary outflow and relieve the inflammatory process that causes urolithiasis in cats. Treatment should not only eliminate pain, but also be aimed at prevention, excluding relapses and complications.

Obturation most often occurs due to muscle spasm, which is caused by irritation and mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the urinary ducts. The animal is prescribed a medication course that eliminates urinary stagnation and restores the patency of the ureters. For this, sedative medicines and antispasmodics (baralgin, spasmolitin, atropine and others) are used, as well as antibiotics and homeopathy (magnesia, cantaris, apis and others). So the attack of urolithiasis in the cat is stopped and the patient's condition is alleviated. In combination with drugs, lumbar novocaine blockade and heat are used.


Surgical removal of stones is the leading method of treatment. Violations of the outflow of urinary fluid and kidney functionality, leading to hydronephrotic transformation and attacks of pyelonephritis in the acute stage, hematuria and severe pain - such complications are caused by urolithiasis in cats. The operation in most of these cases is simply necessary.

Depending on the type of formation, the veterinarian chooses a urethrostomy or cystotamia. In the first case, an outlet channel is artificially created, reaching the area of ​​obstruction. Cystotamia is considered a more complex abdominal operation. It is used when the size of large uroliths exceeds the diameter of the urethra.

After surgical measures, the outflow of urine is restored, but the animal needs an additional course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.


After stabilizing the pet's well-being, he needs lifelong preventive measures. KSD is not completely cured and cats are at risk of recurrence. It's better to spend a little time caring for your furry friend than treating the effects of this serious problem. Prevention of urolithiasis in cats includes the following activities:

By adhering to these simple rules, the fluffy pet will have the opportunity to live many more years of a fulfilling life.


In combination with the treatment, the specialist prescribes a special dietary regimen for the animal. It is chosen depending on the type of disturbance in salt metabolism, due to which urolithiasis occurs. Diet in cats helps to restore the correct metabolic process, and also maintains homeostasis. The choice of dietary food depends on the type of disturbance in salt metabolism:

  • oxaltic - the diet is aimed at maintaining the pH in urine from 6.8 to 7.2 and dissolving uroliths;
  • struvite - the selected nutrition prevents the formation of struvites, restores the normal density, volume and pH level of urine, for this it reduces the consumption of minerals, in particular magnesium (no more than 20 mg per 100 kcal).

Natural food

An improperly selected diet is one of the common causes of the appearance or recurrence of ICD. The ideal option is to develop a diet for cats with urolithiasis with a specialist in this field.

When eating natural dishes, vitamins A and B are additionally prescribed. With oxalate MCB, carrots, boiled eggs, white beets are recommended for pets, and with struvite - cheese, cottage cheese, boiled meat and rice. Food must be freshly prepared.

From the diet of a furry friend, you need to exclude the use of pork, chicken, fish, sausages, canned food and caviar. Dishes should be dietary, that is, non-acidic, low-fat, mild and savory. They should not contain excessive amounts of protein.

Feeding feed

When using industrial products, it is better to feed the furry friend with special feeds. They have a special content of minerals, for example, phosphorus (not higher than 0.8%), magnesium (less than 0.1%). These minerals in large quantities provoke the appearance of triple phosphate stones, which are most often found in ICD. Cheap food of economy class is prohibited. If the animal drinks little, then it is better to soak dry snacks or refuse them in favor of special canned food for cats with urolithiasis.


There is a fairly widespread point of view that urolithiasis occurs more often in castrated cats than in their counterparts with all sexual functions. There are no reliable scientific facts on this topic today, the opinions of scientists on this matter are contradictory. But it is possible to trace the connection between the ICD and the castrated animal.

By removing the testes to his pet, the owner is already putting him at risk. The fact is that after such an operation, the hormonal background of a furry friend changes. He becomes calm, lazy, does not shout, does not aim, is not interested in cats. As you know, inactivity is one of the causes of this pathology.

In addition, the animal replaces interest in individuals of the opposite sex with an addiction to food. Increased appetite combined with passivity is a direct path to obesity. According to various sources, about 50-85% of overweight pets fall ill with ICD.

The only and main way out is not to overfeed the furry friend. You can reduce the portion or switch to a low-calorie feed.

According to some scientists, castrated pets urinate less often, which causes problems in the organs of the urinary system. With early castration in some cats, the urethra remains narrow and stops developing. In any case, castrated animals are more susceptible to problems with the urinary organs.


Urolithiasis is a rather insidious and dangerous disease for a pet. It makes him suffer from pain, damages his health and in some cases is even fatal. Any suspicion of signs of urolithiasis in cats is a reason for immediate consultation with a veterinarian. Timely treatment, care, attention, proper nutrition and adherence to preventive rules enable the furry friend to continue a healthy life.

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