Home Preparations for the winter In search of truth, self-knowledge. Self-knowledge lesson plan. spiritual and moral education "Self-Knowledge"

In search of truth, self-knowledge. Self-knowledge lesson plan. spiritual and moral education "Self-Knowledge"

Socrates(ancient Greek Σωκράτης, c. 469 BC, Athens - 399 BC, ibid.) - an ancient Greek philosopher, whose teaching marks a turn in philosophy - from consideration of nature and the world to consideration of a person. His work is a turning point in ancient philosophy. With his method of analyzing concepts (maieutics, dialectics) and identifying virtue and knowledge, he directed the attention of philosophers to the unconditional significance of the human personality.

Socrates was the son of a stonemason (sculptor) Sophroniscus and a midwife Fenareta, he had a maternal brother Patroclus. Received a varied education. He was married to a woman named Xanthippe. He took an active part in the public life of Athens. Participated in the Peloponnesian War - fought at Potidea and at Delia. He was a teacher and senior friend of the Athenian politician and commander Alcibiades. In 399 BC e. he was charged with the fact that "he does not honor the gods that the city honors, but introduces new deities, and is guilty of corrupting youth." As a free Athenian citizen, he was not executed, but he himself took poison (according to a common legend, an infusion of hemlock, but - judging by the symptoms - spotted hemlock).


The theme of love (eros) and friendship is the most well-attested theme of Socrates' reasoning: “I always say that I know nothing, except perhaps one very small science - erotica. And in it I am terribly strong ”(Feag). In addition to the obviously present play on words derived from “to ask” and “to love” (erôtaô - to ask, erôtikos - in love), the love theme was important as a psychological justification for the identity of truth and goodness: one can only loving him; and love for a particular person, more precisely, according to Socrates, for his soul, has the greatest meaning - to the extent that it is virtuous or strives for this. Every soul has a good beginning, just as every soul has a patron demon. Socrates heard the voice of his "demon", warning him or his friends to do certain things. It was for this doctrine, suspicious from the point of view of the state religion, that he was accused of impiety.

Socrates expressed his thoughts orally, in conversations with different persons; we have received information about the content of these conversations in the writings of his students, Plato and Xenophon (Memoirs of Socrates, Defense of Socrates at the trial, Feast, Domostroy), and only in an insignificant proportion in the writings of Aristotle.

Philosophical views of Socrates

The philosophy of Socrates was between the objectivism of pre-Socratics and the subjectivism of sophistry. The human soul (consciousness) is subject to its own laws, which are by no means arbitrary, as the sophists wanted to prove; self-knowledge has an internal criterion of truth: if knowledge and goodness are identical, then, knowing ourselves, we must become better. Socrates understood the famous Delphic maxim “Know thyself” as a call for moral self-improvement and saw true religious piety in this.

Using the method of dialectical disputes, Socrates tried to restore through his philosophy the authority of knowledge, shaken by the sophists. The Sophists neglected the truth, and Socrates made it his beloved. Despite the fact that his views were largely not shared by other representatives of sophism, Socrates can still be considered the founder of the philosophy of sophism, since it was his ideas that most fully reflected the essence of this doctrine.

“... Socrates investigated the moral virtues and was the first to try to give their general definitions (after all, of those who talked about nature, only Democritus touched on this a little and in some way gave definitions of warm and cold; and the Pythagoreans - before him - did this for a little, the definitions of which they reduced to numbers , indicating, for example, what an opportunity is, or justice, or matrimony). ... Two things can rightly be attributed to Socrates - evidence through guidance and general definitions: both of them concern the beginning of knowledge, ”wrote Aristotle (“Metaphysics”, XIII, 4).

The line between the spiritual processes inherent in man and the material world, already outlined by the previous development of Greek philosophy (in the teachings of Pythagoras, the Sophists, etc.), was more clearly marked by Socrates: he emphasized the uniqueness of consciousness in comparison with material existence and was one of the first to deeply reveal the sphere of the spiritual. as an independent reality, proclaiming it as something no less certain than the being of the perceived world (monism).

In matters of ethics, Socrates developed the principles of rationalism, arguing that virtue stems from knowledge, and a person who knows what good is will not act badly. After all, goodness is also knowledge, so the culture of intelligence can make people kind

Socratic Method

The dialogism of the teachings of Socrates, sociable by nature, had the following justification. He was proclaimed by the Delphic oracle "the wisest of men" (this is narrated by Plato in the Apology of Socrates). But his own conviction is that he himself "knows nothing" and, in order to become wise, asks other people who are considered wise. Socrates came to the conclusion that this belief in his own ignorance makes him the wisest, since other people do not even know this. Socrates called his method of interviewing maieutics (“midwifery”), meaning that it only helps the “birth” of knowledge, but is not its source itself: not a question, but an answer is a positive statement, then the interlocutor who answered the questions of Socrates was considered “knowing”. The usual methods of conducting dialogue with Socrates: refutation through reduction to contradiction and irony - feigned ignorance, avoidance of direct answers. According to the Platonic Apology, in fact, Socrates, speaking the "pure truth" about his ignorance, wanted to point out the insignificance of human knowledge in comparison with divine wisdom; without hiding his ignorance, he wanted to bring his interlocutors to the same state.

Socrates compared his methods of research with the "art of the midwife" (maieutics); his method of questions, involving a critical attitude to dogmatic statements, was called "Socratic irony." Socrates did not write down his thoughts, believing that this weakens his memory. And he led his students to a true judgment through a dialogue, where he asked a general question, having received an answer, asked the next clarifying question, and so on until the final answer.

Protagoras' attitude to the gods was also original and revolutionary for that time: "About the gods, I cannot know whether they exist or not, because too much prevents such knowledge - the question is dark, and human life is short."

The most respected of the philosophers related to sophistry was Socrates (469 - 399 BC).

Socrates did not leave significant philosophical works, but went down in history as an outstanding polemicist, sage, philosopher-teacher.

The main method developed and applied by Socrates was called "maieutics". The essence of maieutics is not to teach the truth, but to bring the interlocutor to the independent finding of the truth, thanks to logical techniques, leading questions.

Mayeutics. The soil is prepared, but Socrates himself did not want to sow it. After all, he emphasized that he knew nothing. But he talks with the tamed "expert", asks him questions, receives answers, weighs them and asks new questions. “When I ask you,” Socrates says to his interlocutor, “I only explore the subject together, because I myself do not know it” (165 V). Considering that he himself did not possess the truth, Socrates helped her to be born in the soul of his interlocutor. He likened his method to the midwifery art-profession of his mother. Just as she helped children be born, Socrates helped the truth be born. Socrates therefore called his method maieutics, the midwifery art.

Essence of the Methods of Socrates:

Irony. However, Socrates was an interlocutor of his own mind. He is ironic and sly. Pretending to be a simpleton and an ignoramus, he modestly asked his interlocutor to explain to him what, by the nature of his occupation, this interlocutor should know well. Not yet suspecting with whom he was dealing, the interlocutor began to lecture Socrates. He asked several premeditated questions, and the interlocutor of Socrates was lost. Socrates, however, continued to calmly and methodically raise questions, still ironically over him. Finally, one of these interlocutors, Menon, bitterly declared: “I, Socrates, even before meeting you heard that you only do what you yourself are confused and confusing people. And now, in my opinion; you bewitched and enchanted me and spoke so much that I have complete confusion in my head ... After all, I spoke a thousand times about virtue in every way to different people, and very well, as it seemed to me, but now I can’t even say that she is like that” (80 A B). So the soil is plowed. The interlocutor of Socrates was freed from self-confidence. Now he is ready to work together to seek the truth.

Induction. The Socratic method also pursued the achievement of conceptual knowledge. This was achieved through induction (guidance), ascent from the particular to the general, in the process of interviewing. For example, in the dialogue Laches, Socrates asks two Athenian generals what courage is. Some preliminary definition is established. To the question of Socrates, one of the commanders Laches answers without thinking: “This, by Zeus, is not difficult [to say]. Whoever decides to hold his place in the ranks, repel the enemy and not run away, he is certainly courageous ”(190 E). However, then it turns out that such a definition does not fit the whole subject, but only some of its aspects. Then some contradictory case is taken. Didn't the Scythians in the wars, the Spartans in the battle of Plataea not show courage? But the Scythians rush into a feigned flight to destroy the pursuing system, and then stop and hit the enemies. The Spartans did the same. Then Socrates clarified the formulation of the question. “I had an idea,” he said, “to ask about the courageous not only in the infantry, but also in the cavalry, and in general in every kind of war, and I’m not only talking about warriors, but also about those who courageously face dangers on sea, courageous against disease, poverty" (191 D). So, “what is courage, as one and the same in everything? (191 E). In other words, Socrates posed the question: what is courage as such, what is the concept of courage that would express the essential features of all kinds of cases of courage? This should be the subject of dialectical reasoning. Gnoseologically, the pathos of the entire philosophy of Socrates is to find the concept. Since no one yet understood this, except for Socrates, he turned out to be the wisest of all. But since Socrates himself had not yet reached such concepts and knew about it, he claimed that he knew nothing.

Socrates conducted his philosophy and educational work in the midst of the people, in the squares, markets in the form of an open conversation (dialogue, dispute), the topics of which were the topical problems of that time, which are still relevant today: good; evil; love; happiness; honesty, etc.

The philosopher was a supporter of ethical realism, according to which.

All knowledge is good;

Any evil, vice is committed from ignorance.

Socrates was not understood by the official authorities and was perceived by them as an ordinary sophist, undermining the foundations of society, confusing the youth and not honoring the gods. For this he was in 399 BC. e. sentenced to death and took a bowl of poison - hemlock.

The historical significance of Socrates is that he:

Contributed to the dissemination of knowledge, enlightenment of citizens;

I was looking for answers to the eternal problems of mankind - good and evil, love, honor, etc.;

He discovered the method of maieutics, widely used in modern education;

Introduced a dialogical method of finding the truth - by proving it in a free dispute, and not declaring it, as a number of previous philosophers did;

He brought up many students, successors of his work (for example, Plato), stood at the origins of a number of so-called "Socratic schools".

"Socratic schools" - philosophical teachings that were formed under the influence of the ideas of Socrates and developed by his students. Socratic schools include:

Academy of Plato;

School of Cynics;

Kirenskaya school;

Ligarskaya school;

Elido-Erythrian school.


maieutics(Greek Μαιευτική - lit. - midwifery, obstetrics) - Socrates' method of extracting knowledge hidden in a person with the help of skillful leading questions.

Socratic schools- philosophical schools created by the students of Socrates in the 4th century BC. e. Representatives of these schools are called Socrates.

Plato (Filatov)

Plato (Aristocles).

Plato (428 or 427 BC, Athens - 348 or 347 BC, ibid.) - Ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle. Plato symbolizes the objectively idealistic type of philosophical outlook. Plato is the founder of idealism. The main provisions of his idealistic teachings are as follows: material things are changeable, impermanent and eventually cease to exist; the surrounding world (“the world of things” is also temporary and changeable and does not really exist as an independent substance; only pure (incorporeal) ideas (eidoses) really exist ); pure (incorporeal) ideas are true, eternal and permanent; any existing thing is just a material reflection of the original idea (eidos) of this thing (for example, horses are born and die, but they are only the embodiment of the idea of ​​a horse, which is eternal and unchanging, etc. .d.); the whole world is a reflection of pure ideas (eidos).


The exact date of Plato's birth is unknown. Following ancient sources, most researchers believe that Plato was born in 428-427 BC. e. in Athens or Aegina at the height of the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta. Plato's first teacher was Cratylus. Around 407 he met Socrates and became one of his students. It is characteristic that Socrates is a constant participant in almost all of Plato's writings, written in the form of dialogues between historical and sometimes fictional characters. According to Diogenes Laertes, Plato's real name is Aristocles (literally, "the best glory"). Plato is a nickname meaning "broad, broad-shouldered." On the contrary, there are studies showing that the legend of his name Aristocles originated during the Hellenistic period.

Academy of Plato. Plato's Academy is a religious and philosophical school created by Plato in 387 in the nature of Athens and existed for about 1000 years (until 529 AD). The most famous students of the academy were: Aristotle (studied with Plato, founded his own philosophical school - Lyceum), Xenocrite, Cracket, Arcilaus. Clytomachus of Carthage, Philo of Larissa (teacher of Cicero). The Academy was closed in 529 by the Byzantine emperor Justinian as a hotbed of paganism and "harmful" ideas, but over its history it managed to achieve that Platonism and Neoplatonism became the leading trends in European philosophy.

Chronology of works.

Early period (approximately 90s of the 4th century BC) "Apology of Socrates", "Crito", "Euthyphro", "Lachet", "Lysis", "Charmides", "Protagoras", 1st book "States".

Transitional period (80s) “Gorgias”, “Menon”, “Eutydem”, “Kratyl”, “Hippius the Lesser”.

Mature period (70-60s) "Phaedo", "Feast", "Phaedrus", II-X books of "States" (the doctrine of ideas), "Theaetetus", "Parmenides", "Sophist", "Politician ”,“ Philebus ”,“ Timaeus ”,“ Critias ”.

Late period "Laws" (50s), Post-law (editor - Philip Opuntsky).

Ontology of Plato

People have always, one way or another, felt the need to seek, acquire, have the truth. In the pre-scientific era, people's understanding of truth was very ambiguous: it included experienced and sacred knowledge, skills (knowledge of how to do something), traditions, beliefs, signs, hopes, beliefs, etc. But truth was always highly valued. Its bearers enjoyed special respect: the elderly, sages, philosophers, and scientists. The far-sighted rulers cared and care about the development of science and education... This means that the truth is on a par with other initial values, the main ones for all people. This is the highest spiritual and moral value of a person.

Truth is the eternal essence of the primary reality, it is the property underlying creation, it is the primordial nature of man. It is not limited by the limits of time in its three hypostases - past, present and future, and is not subject to changes in the material and spiritual dimensions.

At the level of human morality, truth implies revealing the true essence and causes of things and actions, truthfulness, loyalty to one's words and promises.

In essence, truth is a fundamental life principle: a spiritual principle that permeates all creation, a single essence inherent in the entire universe. The experience of its comprehension, consonant with the beating of the heart, the breathing of the lungs and the voice of conscience, is possible only from within. Therefore, popular wisdom says that experience is the greatest teacher of truth, and perfection in truth can only be achieved through merging with life the ideals of truth, righteous conduct, peace, non-violence and love.

Man has an innate intuition, or the ability to distinguish good from evil. Under favorable conditions, he uses this gift based on his true nature. But in critical situations, possessed by fear or a sense of guilt, he goes astray and, not at all caring about the truth, acts on his own, directly opposite to what his conscience tells him, then finding himself face to face with the consequences. At the same time, however, in the depths of his soul he knows that, in the end, the truth will prevail.

Among other things, situations often arise in life when a person is faced with the problem of choice: whether to consider a written law, an established custom, or an indisputable fact to be true. That is why Mahatma Gandhi proclaimed that this truth comes from the inner voice, the voice of the human conscience.

So, the saying “Tell the truth” means joining to the spiritual truth, which is the eternal truth, unchanged at all times, the ancient sages said. These are sincere words coming from the depths of the soul, this is the innermost voice of conscience.

Truth is often understood as an accurate statement of what is happening around. However, what is said today may change radically tomorrow. For example, an actor in the theater plays the role of a king. He puts on a crown, sits on a throne, issues decrees, governs the state ... The performance is over, the actor takes off his crown, puts on his costume and goes home. What we saw in the theater is true, and what happened after the performance is also true. These can be called facts, but not truth. Truth is constant and unchanging in all three periods of time: in the past, present and future. All objects of the material world are also impermanent. Even if some objects exist for 100-200 years, nevertheless, this is not eternity. Everything that has a birth has an end. In the same way, a person at birth receives a “ticket” to the Death station. And, no matter what a person does in his life, at the appointed time, he will arrive at the final destination. So, during the lifetime, a person must realize the truth about what is eternal and what is transient and learn to distinguish the eternal and permanent from the changing and transient. And our inner spiritual essence is unchanging, it stands above time and qualities. Even just by hearing and reading about the truth, one feels happiness.

The desire to know the truth prompts a person to ask himself questions: Who am I? What is the purpose of my life? The words "Know Thyself" were inscribed above the entrance to the temple of Apollo at Delphi, at the seat of the sacred oracle, which thus wished to convey to visitors the important message that, however great the revelation from the oracle that descended upon them, this would not save them from further suffering if they fail to see the truth contained in this aphorism - Know Thyself. A person who has known himself is no longer interested in the past and the future, he constantly lives in the eternal present. These words also mean the following - before asking anything, first ask yourself the key and most important question of your life: Who am I?

The great Abai Kunanbaev wrote such wise words about the importance of obtaining, first of all, spiritual knowledge for a person:

Look, don't get lost know where to go.

Come on out here right ways,

Do not brag, if you are not learned,

Have modesty.

Man lives only by knowledge,

Only knowledge moves the age.

Only knowledge is the light of hearts.

Realization of the truth opens the way to a powerful flow of energy that fills the inner space of a human being. The purpose of teaching the manifestation of truth is to support the child in the search for his true nature and the realization that this search is the most important goal in life, since truth is the nature of man.

Truth is the knowledge of the original nature of everything that exists, the intelligent eternal all-penetrating energy of life, which, condensing, manifests itself as the material world. Einstein expressed this process in his ingenious formula E, which means that matter is condensed energy.

Truth is the awareness of unity in diversity, the perception of oneself as part of an indivisible whole, participating in everything and responsible for everything. There is only one absolute truth, which is the source of all others. When you find it, your actions align with it.

The qualities of honesty, truthfulness, commitment to justice are a manifestation in a person of a universal value - truth. It is very important for a person to tell the truth. The pronunciation of untruth leads to a destructive, negative influence on a person. A detailed description of the ongoing processes at the molecular-cellular level during the utterance of a lie is published in the works on wave genetics by Professor P.P. The ancients said that one should always speak the truth, and one should speak the truth very softly. If this truth can hurt a person, then it is better not to tell it.

Man is endowed with an intellect that allows him to distinguish right from wrong, good from bad, good from evil through discrimination. It is important to develop the ability to distinguish in children, creating the prerequisites for the development of the next level of obtaining reliable information - intuition.

Truth is not limited by space and time. For all countries, all eras, for everyone and everyone, the truth is one and the same. The truth is unchanging. She is one, although she takes the form of many.

We transfer truth to worldly affairs and identify it with the outside world. Truth in a mundane or material sense: it is a report of what actually happened or a true statement of thought. It is believed that to follow the Truth is to accurately convey what was said, done, seen, or heard. However, the real truth is conscience. For example, a thief entered the house and stole something. On suspicion of theft, the police arrest the man the next day. The thief claims he did not commit the theft. But his conscience will always remind him of what he did. Words are full of falsehood, but conscience is always true.

When words follow conscience, they become truth. Truth can lead to difficulties. But one should not indulge in lies in order to avoid difficulties. By deceiving, you can escape punishment, but in due time you will be subjected to serious trials.

Righteous behavior is behavior that comes from adherence to the truth, a striking example of which in the history of mankind can be the person of Mahatma Gandhi. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in one of the small principalities of Western India. The ancient family of Gandhi belonged to the merchant caste, however, both grandfather and father of Gandhi were chief ministers of small principalities. Religious rites were strictly observed in the Gandhi family - the mother was deeply religious. Gandhi's father was revered for justice and incorruptibility and, despite his high position, remained a poor man. He was an opponent of religious and communal strife, respected people regardless of their religious and caste affiliation, which was not often found in India at that time.

Mohandas was the youngest child in the family and recalled his childhood as follows: “I was very shy and avoided the company of children. My only friends were books and lessons... I literally ran home (from school) because I couldn't stand talking to anyone... Besides, I was a coward. I was afraid of thieves, ghosts and snakes... The darkness terrified me... As far as I remember, I myself did not have a very good opinion of my abilities. I used to be surprised when I received awards or scholarships. At the same time, I was extremely proud, the slightest remark brought tears to my eyes.

The timid, shy boy was distinguished by unchildlike firmness and independence of thought. He was 11 years old when he realized that he could not agree with one of the Indian traditions. For a long time in India there was a class of untouchables - people doing the dirtiest work. They were forbidden to visit Hindu temples, drink water from the same source with caste Hindus. They had to wear a bell around their neck to warn of their presence. Untouchability was passed from parents to children, and it was impossible to leave this estate.

Like all Indian children, Mohandas was forbidden by his parents to communicate with the untouchables. “Naturally, I obeyed, but objected with a smile that untouchability was not sanctified by religion and could not be sanctified. I was a very obedient child, but, as far as respect for my parents allowed me, I entered into an argument with them about this, ”Gandhi recalled. After many years, it was he who managed to convince the Indians to abandon this cruel prejudice.

Such inspiring stories from the lives of wonderful people, demonstrating a commitment to the truth, can be told to students in the classroom as a basis for a deep spiritual and moral conversation.

Self-Knowledge Lesson Plan

Schoolthe dateLesson #25

Theme "In Search of Truth"value is truth

Qualities-modesty, honesty, unity of thought, word and deed,

Teacher-Musatai T.A.Class -6Number of students-14

Purpose: to expand students' ideas about the search for truth through the universal value of "truth"


Deepening the understanding of students in the knowledge of the truth,

To expand students' understanding of what is "honesty", "modesty", "unity of thought, word and deed";

Education of the desire to comprehend the truth.


During the classes.1. Org. moment.

Positive attitude towards the world.

Imagine that light begins to spread throughout your body. It gets stronger and brighter. Mentally lower the light down your arms. Your hands are filled with light and illuminated. Hands will do only good, good deeds and will help everyone. The light descends down the legs. The legs are filled with light and illuminated. Your feet will only lead you to good places to do good deeds. They will become instruments of light and love. Further, the light rises to your mouth, tongue. The tongue will speak only the truth and only good, kind words. Point the light to the ears, the ears will hear good words, beautiful sounds. The light reaches the eyes, the eyes will look only at the good, and see the good in everything. All your head was filled with light, and in your head there are only good, bright thoughts. The light becomes more intense and brighter and goes beyond your body in expanding circles. Send light to all your relatives, teachers, friends, acquaintances. Send light to those with whom you have temporary misunderstandings and conflicts. May light fill their hearts. Let this light spread to the whole world: to all people, animals, plants, to all living things, everywhere ... Send light to all corners of the Universe. Mentally say: “I am in the Light… The Light is within me… I am the Light.” Stay a little longer in this state of Light, Love and Peace… Now place this Light again in your heart. The whole Universe, filled with Light, is in your heart. Keep her so beautiful ...... Slowly you can open your eyes. Thank you!

2. Checking homework.

Issues for discussion.

1. What is truth for?

2. Why does a person seek the truth?

3. Is it easy to discover the truth? Why?

4. Have you ever had to prove the truth? Tell about it.

5. Have you pursued the truth? How?



3 .Positive statement .

“Truth is one, but you can go to it in different ways. Every person is the Path to Truth. How many people - so many ways. But the shortest of them is the path of the heart, love and harmony.”

Lev Tolstoy

Issues for discussion.

Who is L. Tolstoy?

What works do you know?

What ways does a person use in search of truth?

How do you understand the expression "how many people - so many ways"?

What is the shortest path to truth?

4 .Telling a story (conversation)

Search for truth

Indian parable

One man searched for the Truth for many years, tried to understand its meaning. He climbed high into mountains, descended deep into abysses, crossed oceans and deserts, but nowhere could he find the Truth.

Finally, the search for Truth led a man to a distant cave, in which, according to ancient legends, there was a wishing well. Gathering his thoughts, he uttered the cherished words and waited. The well was very deep, we had to wait several days until the answer came from it: "Go back to the people, and there, at the crossroads, you will find what you have been looking for for a long time."

The man perked up from the mere opportunity to find the long-awaited Truth and rushed back to the path. When he reached the first crossroads, where ordinary people were going about their business, he saw three nondescript shops. In one of them they traded wooden blanks, in another - pieces of metal, in the third - belts and strings. The man was upset, because, in his opinion, all this had nothing to do with the Truth.

Disappointed, he dejectedly turned away and wandered off in search of the Truth... Days and months passed, which turned into years, and the man kept looking for the Truth. He had already forgotten about the wishing well. He forgot both communication with people and the simple joys of human life, did not notice the beauty of the earth, until one day, tired of endless wanderings, he heard quivering music that awakened new hope in him. The man, without hesitation, went in the direction from where the bewitching sounds of a beautiful melody were heard. And I saw a musician who, closing his eyes, enthusiastically performed a marvelous melody on the sitar.

This melody attracted the attention of the seeker of Truth. He remembered these wooden and metal parts from which it was made, and the strings that under the fingers of the musician gave birth to a magical melody - everything that was sold in those three shops at the crossroads ... And then an insight came to him: Truth is nearby - to find it, you need to be able to combine different parts into one whole, and then that will appear, the nature of which was hidden from man.

The man understood: Truth is acquired knowledge that helps to benefit people. It is born where there is a desire of a person to discover in different things something common, connecting everything, where there is a desire to dedicate his discoveries to all people.

Issues for discussion.

1. What answer did the wishing well give about the search for truth?

2. What insight came to a person when he heard a beautiful melody?

3. What did the person understand, what is the Truth?

4. What do you think is Truth?

5. Creative activity .

Read the statements and decide which of them are true.

The wind blows with truth, the sun shines with truth, truth is the basis of speech,

ancient Indian wisdom

· In disputed matters, judgments are different, but the truth is always the same.


· The truth is so tender that as soon as you depart from it, you fall into error; but this delusion is so subtle that one has only to deviate from it a little, and one finds oneself in the truth.

Blaise Pascal

· The pursuit of truth is the only occupation worthy of a hero.

Giordano Bruno

6. Group singing.

The song "There is only a moment ..."

That is what is called life.

There is only a moment - and hold on to it.

There is only a moment between the past and the future.

That is what is called life.

Resources: song "There is only a moment ..."

7. Homework .

The teacher invites students to complete task 1 in a notebook, which provides an opportunity to comprehend the concept of "truth" by putting their understanding into a verbal form.

Exercise 1

Formulate your understanding of the truth, using the textbook material and key words: truth, sincerity, honesty, openness, frankness, authenticity, reality, confidence, conscience, purity, trust, wisdom, knowledge, strength.

8. The final minute of silence.

And now guys, our lesson has come to an end. The topic of our lesson is in search of truth. Quote "Truth is one, but you can go to it in different ways." Remember that the shortest path to knowing the truth is the path of the heart, love and harmony. Do not forget that the most precious thing for you is your parents and relatives. Try not to upset, bring them more joy!

Teacher's words to classical music

Everything is ghostly in this raging world.

There is only a moment - and hold on to it.

There is only a moment between the past and the future.

That is what is called life.

Eternal peace is unlikely to please the heart.

Eternal rest for gray pyramids

And for the star that broke and falls

There is only a moment - a dazzling moment.

Let this world fly into the distance through the centuries.

But not always on the way to me with him.

What I value, what I risk in the world -

In one moment - only in one moment.

Happiness is given to meet, but still trouble

There is only a moment - and hold on to it.

There is only a moment between the past and the future.

That is what is called life.

Eternal peace is unlikely to please the heart.

Eternal rest for gray pyramids

And for the star that broke and falls

There is only a moment - a dazzling moment.

Let this world fly into the distance through the centuries.

But not always on the way to me with him.

What I value, what I risk in the world -

In one moment - only in one moment.

Happiness is given to meet, but still trouble

There is only a moment - and hold on to it.

There is only a moment between the past and the future.

That is what is called life.

Open Lesson Plan "Self-Knowledge"

School: State Institution "Karabalyk Secondary School named after Abay Kunanbaev of the Education Department of the Akimat of Karabalyk District"

Class : 6

Lesson № 25

Topic : "In Search of Truth"

Number of students : 22

the date 06/10/2016

Value : True

Qualities : search for knowledge; seeing the good in everything;be honest with yourself, have a positive attitude towards the world around you.

Teacher : Galeeva S.A.

Resources: presentation,audio recording of Ludwig van Beethovna "Melody of Tears", music for relaxation "Rose", 3 A4 sheets, 1 A3 sheet, 2 drawing paper, felt-tip pens, pencils, cut blanks with statements about the truth, a video “Do good and it will return to you”, blanks for collages on A4 sheets, glue, backing track of the song “By the way of good”, leaflets with song lyrics for each student, sketch of a tree on A3, stickers in the form of flowers in 2 colors.

Target: to promote the formation of students' motives for the search for truth as an important value in knowing themselves and the world around them.


- expansion of subjective experience in the knowledge of truth;

Development of the ability to understand the significance of the search for truth for the formation and development of a person;

Cultivate the desire to comprehend the truth.


To divide the class into three groups, the guys at the entrance to the office choose one of the colored inverted circles.

During the classes:

    Organizing time. Positive attitude.

Hello guys, sit down, I am very glad to welcome you to our open lesson, the theme of which is: "In search of truth."slide 1

And in order to tune in to the topic of our lesson, I suggest you relax, sit comfortably, ask you to put your hands on your knees, close your eyes and listen to the beautiful melody of Ludwig van Beethoven.

( Sounds like audio recording of a musical work from the heritage of Ludwig van Beethovna "Melody of Tears")


Remember that spring has already come and that the bright sun, smiling, shines through our window. Imagine that the light of this sun penetrates your head and descends into the middle of your chest. In the middle of the chest is a flower bud. And under the rays of light that enters your head, this bud slowly opens, petal by petal. A beautiful flower blooms in your heart, fresh and very beautiful. Light begins to spread throughout the body. It gets stronger and brighter. Mentally lower the light down your arms. Your hands are filled with light and illuminated. Hands will do only good, good deeds and will help everyone. The light descends down the legs. The legs are filled with light and illuminated. Your feet will only lead you to good places to do good deeds.
The light rises to your lips. Your lips will speak only the truth and only good, kind words. Your whole head is filled with light, and in your head there are only good, bright thoughts.
Now place that Light back into your heart. May this light help you understand the truth in your lesson today and feel it in your heart.

And now we slowly open our eyes and return to our favorite class.

Very good, guys, you are all great, you are very positive and positive about our lesson.

    Conversation. Compiling a cluster

So, the topic of our lesson is “In search of truth”, and now I would like to ask you guys, what do you think, what is truth or what is truth?slide 2 But I will ask you not to speak your answers aloud, but to express your opinion through the cluster. You have A4 sheets of paper on your tables and using pencils and felt-tip pens, I will ask you to make a cluster.

(Presentation of works by one speaker, works are posted on the board)

That's right, guys, you are all great, now we have revealed our initial knowledge about understanding the word "Truth". And the purpose of our lesson is to deepen knowledge about the concept of the word "Truth" and learn as much as possible about its meaning in human life. slide 3

Judging by your clusters we can say that truth is almost the same as truth. But there are a lot of meanings of the word truth, that is, truth is in everything, it is in science, in logic, in philosophy, in creativity, and in many other things. And there is, guys, the truth in relations between people. And today we will talk about this truth, about the truth of relationships.slide 4 . People say true behavior, that is, righteous behavior or right, in other words, behavior.

And what is the true or correct behavior of a person in relation to the world around us or the people around us? (student answers)

- What is truth for?(Student answers)

- Why does a person seek truth?(Student answers)

That is the truth lies in the processes familiar to us, in our everyday affairs and actions. Knowing the world around us, a person is constantly in search of truth. But you and I learn something new every day, we meet and communicate with people around us, we develop, grow, learn to distinguish between good and evil, learn to live among people, learn to live in harmony with ourselves and with the world, thereby learning truth in human relations. A person's desire for truth is the path to self-improvement or the creation of beauty in oneself.

How do you understand the phrase beauty of the human soul?(Student answers)

So, in order for us to become beautiful souls, we must know the truth and such values ​​as love, kindness, justice, honor, courage, sincerity, modesty, honesty, etc. are the key to understanding the truth.slide 5

    Positive statement. Lesson Quote

"Truth has a simple speech"slide 6 Frying pan Grigory Savvich


    How do you understand the meaning of this expression? (Student answers)

That's right, guys, the truth speaks to us in a simple language, it lies in things familiar to us, and we can only know it when we place kindness and mercy in our hearts..

    Do you strive to know the truth? How?(Student answers)

    teacher's gift

Parable. Conversation.

Search for truth

Indian parable

One man searched for the Truth for many yearsSlide 7 trying to understand its meaning. He climbed high into mountains, descended deep into abysses, crossed oceans and deserts, but nowhere could he find the Truth.

Finally, the search for Truth led a man to a distant caveSlide 8 , in which, according to ancient legends, there was a well of desiresSlide 9 . Gathering his thoughts, he uttered the cherished words and waited. The well was very deep, we had to wait several days until the answer came from it: "Go back to the people, and there, at the crossroads, you will find what you have been looking for for a long time."

The man perked up from the mere opportunity to find the long-awaited Truth and rushed back to the path. When he reached the first crossroads where ordinary people were going about their business, he saw three nondescript trading stalls.Slide 10 In one of them they traded wooden blanks, in another - pieces of metal, in the third - belts and strings. The man was upset, because, in his opinion, all this had nothing to do with the Truth.

And disappointed, he turned away and wandered on in search of the Truth...slide 11 Days and months passed, which turned into years, and the person was still looking for the Truth. He had already forgotten about the wishing well. He forgot both communication with people and the simple joys of human life, did not notice the beauty of the earth, until one day, tired of endless wanderings, he suddenly heard quivering musicslide 12 that gave him new hope. The man, without hesitation, went in the direction from where the bewitching sounds of a beautiful melody were heard. And I saw a musician who, closing his eyes, enthusiastically performed a marvelous melody on the sitarslide 13 . (The sitar is a three-stringed Indian musical instrument.

This melody attracted the attention of the seeker of Truth. He remembered these wooden and metal details and the strings from which it was made, which under the fingers of the musician gave birth to a magical melody from what was sold in those three shops at the crossroads ... And then an insight came to him: The truth is nearby - to find it, you need to be able to combine different parts into one whole, and then that, the nature of which was hidden from man, will appear in man himself.

The man understood: Truth is acquired knowledge that helps to benefit people.Slide 14

What is the meaning of this parable?(Student answers)

How can we benefit people every day?(Student answers)

We can bring benefit to the people around us by good deeds, a good attitude towards the world around us. And only having known the truth, we will be able to look at the world with an open soul and joy.

    Assignment with proverbs

- Do you guys know proverbs about truth?(Answers)

I invite you to get acquainted with proverbs about truth and ask you to complete the task: collect the statements that are on your tables.

One speaker per group, children read proverbs and explain their meaning.

One by one, the proverbs appear on the board.slide 15

Tell me, guys, which of the proverbs confirms the meaning of the parable told to you?

(Student response, explanation of the choice of statement)

    The river of truth flows through the channels of error.Tagore R.

    In disputed matters, judgments are different, but the truth is always the same.petrarch

    It is much easier to find an error than the truth.

The error lies on the surface, and you notice it immediately, but the truth is hidden in the depths, and not everyone can find it.

The reasoning of students should be brought to the idea that the search for truth leads a person to comprehend his life, actions, desires, aspirations. It is important for students to understand that the search for truth allows us to understand the essence of familiar phenomena, the comprehension of which illuminates a person, fills him with meaning. life.

    Valeological pause

Today we talked about the fact that one of the qualities in knowing the truth is kindness. And I suggest you take a break and listen to a poem performed by your classmate about kindness.

Kindness certainly saves the whole world!
Helps everyone grow!
To bring harmony to people, to find peace -
Warm your heart in goodness!
Mercy suddenly lit up in your heart
And it definitely exploded!
Everyone will know him if in your heart
It even lit up for a moment.
A lot of effort and diligence needs to be invested,
So that Goodness and Patience are preserved.
The only Truth is to be able to save

All Love and Warm Respect!

Let's clap guys! Thank you for this wonderful poem.

    View video "Do good and it will come back to you"

Discussion video on questions:

1. What is this video about?

Doing good, helping people is very easy, you just need to take the first step and it will definitely come back to us.

    Creative activity

slide 16

1 group collage "Man, knowing truth";

2 group collage "Manknowing truth";

(blanks for a collage and whatman paper for each group on the tables)

Group 3: on sheet A3, compose a syncwine with the word "Truth".

During creative activity, the song “You never dreamed” plays

Presentation of works (2-3 speakers per group)

The work is posted on the board.


What is the difference between the first collage and the second? (Student answers)

- What difficulties did you experience in compiling the syncwine?(Answers)

    Group singing.

Performance of the song "By the Way of Kindness"

Muses. - Mark Minkova,

Sl. - Yuri Entin .

1. Ask strict life
Which way to go?

Where in the world white

Leave in the morning?

Follow the sun

Though the path is unknown

Go my friend, always go

Dear good!

2. Forget your worries,
Falls and rises

Don't whine when fate leads

Not like a sister

And if it's bad with a friend -

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always go

Dear good!

3.Oh, how many will be different
Doubts and temptations

Don't forget that this life

Not child's play!

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law:

Go my friend, always go

Dear good!

4. Ask strict life
Which way to go?

Where in the world white

Leave in the morning?

Follow the sun

Though the path is unknown

Go my friend, always go

Dear good!

As in this song, I wish you always follow the path of good.


In the next lesson, we will continue to talk about the truth, so I ask you to open your diaries and write down dz.
In the textbook, page 127, read and complete the dialogue between the man and the sage.Slide 17

11. Reflection

Guys, today at the lesson, with your answers, with your positive thoughts and reasoning, you “grew” a real tree of truth. And since it is already spring outside, our tree of truth should bloom with the knowledge that you received today in the lesson. I ask you to choose a flower of the same color and stick it on our tree. Just think before that. If today in the lesson you understood what truth is in relationships between people, then choose a pink flower, if not completely and in the next lesson you will have to make more efforts, then choose a yellow flower.

These beautiful flowers bloomed our tree thanks to you guys!

12. Final minute of silence .

(sounds music for relaxation - "Rose" ) And at the end of the lesson, I will ask you to relax again, sit back, close your eyes and listen to the words of the great Kahlil Gibran, who said:

“Let everything that you do,
There will be a trace of spiritual purity:
After all, strength is not in your appearance,
But only in your humanity ... "

Remember all that we talked about today in the lesson, what we worked on and what new things did you learn today? On the way to the truth, a person learns to make the right decisions, cope with difficulties, make the most important discoveries in the world around him, thanks to which his life becomes rich and interesting. Therefore, I wish you to never stop on the path of comprehension of the truth.

Thank you for the lesson!Slide 18

There is a time, reflected by human consciousness, when action is conditioned by thought and faith. In this understanding lies the truth. Truth is what the Soul leads to, and the Soul is mind and heart at the same time, and there is no separation between them. The line between reality and consciousness of reality should never be drawn, everything is one in the Universe and in every Soul. Consciousness of reality is the Soul itself. Its embodiment in real life, in which the karmic destiny is realized. But everyone is able to gain freedom from their karma and find the path that will lead to the one God without division into any religions. God is one in every word and in every faith. Everything that a person worships is a manifestation of infinite Love and Light, the Universal energy, which is reflected in his thoughts and feelings. There is no good or bad, there is no right or wrong, you create your attitude to every thing, thought and action in the world, which has a corresponding reaction in the Universe and gives the fruits of the life that you now have.

It would be wrong to say that someone should act this way and that way, everyone acts in accordance with their inner preferences, everyone directs the energy of thought where they want to direct it. And only his Spirit can be responsible for each subsequent act. Because the Spirit is the expression of everything that is given to man from birth. Man's matter is created in such a way that he can fully realize all the qualities and abilities and discover his destiny in the Soul.

The earth is only a temporary place of stay, where everyone has to play a certain role, to fulfill their earthly program does not yet mean to come to the final action. The essence of each is in the knowledge of the Universal Love and God, in the discovery of Light in one's soul. Then all channels open leading a person to the Single Source, where the Soul can connect with all the energies of the Universe and realize its real home, in which it was created, as a single creative force capable of loving, creating, giving and receiving light. The soul is capable of possessing great power, but only in full self-consciousness, when there is the only way to the truth of life - the discovery of the energy of Light and Love in the cognition of God.

People attached to the material world and material things create karma for themselves, transferring them to subsequent lives, where they have to work out the lessons that were not completed in this incarnation. Everyone is responsible for their actions, for every action taken, due to this or that energy of thought. Because thought is a creative force that creates a program for your earthly destinations. There are no more subtle and powerful energies than the energies of thought, when desire confirms its existence in the world. This is the only truth that leads to a correct understanding of desires. And you must remember that desire can be not only loving and bright, where you realize the potential of your Soul, but also dangerous, when a person can harm other people and the Earth. You must remember the Divine Love that protects your heart and protect others with this Love, not allowing yourself to create such desires that could harm others. In any case, you must remember that karmic retribution will follow. Everything that will be done by you will be rewarded to you in full and even more.

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