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Plant cucumbers in open ground. Growing cucumbers in the open field - varieties, seeds, care. When is it better to sow cucumbers

If you decide to breed chickens on your personal plot or in the country, you will have to carefully think over all the nuances so that the bird rushes well. To do this, you will need not only to equip a chicken coop and a place for walking, but also make nests for laying hens so that eggs do not peck.

How to make do-it-yourself nests for laying hens

Chickens are very finicky in terms of choosing a place for laying eggs; they can ignore a convenient nest in your opinion and start laying in a completely inappropriate place for this. Therefore, before equipping a nest for laying eggs, observe the birds: what places they prefer, how many chickens sit in the same nest, at what time approximately.

Photo of a nest for laying hens from scrap materials

In order to choose the desired nest design for laying hens with your own hands, you must proceed from the number of chickens in your farm. For a few farms, simple designs and drawings are suitable, and for large ones, more spacious and complex ones.

Drawing with the dimensions of the nest for laying hens

The most elementary option is the most ordinary wooden box of a suitable size, in your opinion, for arranging a nest of laying hens so that they do not peck eggs. You need to put straw or hay on the bottom, and you're done!

Photo of a nest idea for a laying hen

Another option is to put together the box yourself from plywood or board, sawing it into 3 identical parts. Next, install the bottom, fill it with dry material. The general rule for all types of nests: they should be installed at a height of about half a meter from the floor.

Photo of nests in the chicken coop so that chickens do not peck eggs

The final step is to install a ladder to the nest so that the bird can get into it. Better if it is a wide board with crossbars nailed to it. The dimensions of such a box can be approximately as follows: depth - about 40 cm, width - not less than 35 cm. These dimensions are observed for all types of boxes.

How to make a nest for a laying hen with egg collector

It happens that it is impossible to visit your pets regularly, and it becomes necessary to preserve the eggs until the next visit. In this case, it is recommended to build a nest with an egg collector. Its essence is that chicken eggs roll into a special tray in the bottom of the box and accumulate there.

Photo of a nest with an egg collector

The process of making a box with a pallet is quite simple: first, knock down a simple box, as mentioned earlier, cut a hole in the bottom for an egg, and set the second pull-out bottom not evenly, but with a slope of 8-10 degrees. And, as usual, cover the bottom with bedding.

This nest with egg collector for laying hens can be improved by making several sections or tiers in it. The angle of inclination of the bottom in such a box is not 10, but about 40 degrees. Making it a little more difficult than the previous one, but quite capable. The nest should be higher from the floor than the usual one - at a distance of at least half a meter. Along the entire length of such a box, it is necessary to build a kind of "corridor" so that the chickens can enter the free sections. Such boxes are installed in such chicken coops where there are many laying hens.

Idea of ​​a nest with egg collector for laying hens

You can also make a house that looks like a dog's booth - completely closed with a hole cut in the front wall, enough for a chicken to crawl into it. Add straw to the nest for comfort and you're done.

For craftsmen, there is an interesting option - a frame nest according to individual sizes. To make it, you need to put together 2 frames for attaching wooden bars about 40 cm in size to them. The frames must be fastened together with bars in such a way that a square or rectangle is formed. Next, install the walls of the nest for laying hens, a suitable bottom (even or sloping), fill with hay or straw. This design is highly durable.

The size of the nest for chickens so that they do not peck eggs

As can be seen from all of the above, special skill and skills are not required to build a chicken nest. Materials can be used at hand, tools - hammer and nails - can be found in every household. The only thing left is to find an acceptable solution and bring the idea to life!

DIY nests for laying hens can be made from the photo, knowing the dimensions. Experiment, then your chickens will not peck eggs and will delight you with high egg production. When farming and raising poultry at home, observation and resourcefulness are important.

Breeding chickens is usually not a troublesome business and does not cause any problems or inconveniences. But, spending very little time, you can achieve not only providing the family with chicken meat, but also a large number of eggs. But in order for everything to go without any problems, it is worthwhile to think over a nest for a hen-laying hen in advance and equip it correctly. This will help protect the eggs from damage.

DIY nesting rules for laying hens

Laying hens must be taught from the very beginning of their laying to fly into the nest that you will build for them in the hen house. But so that the bird gets used to it as quickly as possible, the following conditions must be met:

Types of bird nests - layers

The easiest way, of course, is to purchase already ready chicken house... You can use any boxes and baskets that are in any home to equip such a cozy nest. But most often, many laying hen owners decide to make it for their bird on their own.

Today, there are the following types of structures for laying hens:

  1. Box-shaped nests. It is easy to make it, and it is even easier to accustom a bird to it, just by closing it for a while in one of the cells.
  2. Nests with egg collector. Such designs are easy to use and the hens practically do not touch eggs.

Dimensions of nests for laying hens with a do-it-yourself egg collector

The size of the nest for laying hens depends on the size of the bird, and this is already determined by the breed of chickens... It has been proven that if a chicken is uncomfortable in a house, then it will not carry in it, but will look for another place. For example, for a meat and egg breed, a house will be required, the width of which will be equal to 30 centimeters, and for a laying hen, 25 centimeters. And the height and depth of the chicken house also differ.

There are standard nest sizes available regardless of breed or size. To start making them yourself, these dimensions must be taken into account.

The depth of the house, as well as its height and width, should be not less than 30 centimeters... You can make a little more, for example, 35 centimeters. All material, such as boards, must be well polished. And those parts that protrude are cut off with a grinder so that laying hens do not damage their bodies.

Before entering the house, you definitely need a shelf that will help the bird take off. It is advisable that the nest in the hen house appears even before the bird is launched there. This will allow her to quickly get used to it and rush, sitting in a special design.

A nest for laying hens, first of all, must be done according to a prepared drawing, then there will be no problems. Of course, it's impossible to make a birdhouse without using a tool. What is needed to make it? Still, it is worth taking care of them in advance and preparing them.

To make a nest for laying hens with your own hands, you will need the following material and tool:

  1. The material from which the nest will be made.
  2. Self-tapping screws or nails.
  3. Hacksaw for wood.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. A knife or scissors, and more often both of these tools.
  8. Soft fabric, you can use foam rubber.
  9. Other items that will be needed when making a specific chicken house with your own hands.

Sometimes making a nest with a collector requires also use rubber... But this material can be used individually, replacing it with something else.

The simplest DIY nests for laying hens

The simplest chicken house can be made using the following material:

  1. Plastic boxes.
  2. Plywood for blackout.

This design also has disadvantages: the bird is not always comfortable in it, and even more often they are placed on the floor, which leads to the disease of the laying hens.

Still, a more convenient option is considered house made of boards... It is necessary to select the material in advance, process it, make several holes in such a box. It is best to first complete the drawing, and then build the structure on it. If the design turns out to be multi-tiered, then, accordingly, it is necessary to think over several stairs.

Making nests with egg collectors

Often, the owners of laying hens cannot watch all day long when their bird is laid to pick up the eggs. Therefore, the "tricky" nests were invented. Making them is a little more complicated than those described earlier. But it will be with him easier to collect eggs.

There are several ways to make such "tricky" houses:

  1. Double bottom socket.
  2. House with a container for eggs.

To make a double bottom chicken house, you need plywood or you can use thin boards, sandpaper, fasteners, a hacksaw, a hammer and a screwdriver, pallet upholstery material, scissors and a knife.

The resulting structure in its appearance will strongly resemble a doghouse. It is carried out according to the drawing, but it is worth remembering that you cannot use too long nails or self-tapping screws, which later can hurt a bird... The bottom of the structure requires special attention, which must be performed with a slight slope, about a five-degree slope. It is worth remembering when building a house for a laying hen that a hole should remain between the wall and the bottom, where the eggs should just roll out so that the bird cannot peck them.

The saucer is upholstered with a soft cloth, because it will be about 10 centimeters longer than the nest itself. This is done in order to be able to freely pick up eggs at any convenient time. It is imperative to also fix the bar, which will not allow the egg to fall to the ground, because it will just break that way.

The second option for a house with an egg collector is your own structure, which you can easily think of. So, let's take the following material for its manufacture: plywood and containers for eggs, a hammer and a hacksaw, soft material and nails.

Work is under construction according to a certain plan... First of all, you need to draw up a drawing that will help you not to go astray during its manufacture. First, a box is made, in which the side walls will be located at a slope.

The front part should also be closed, leaving only holes for the layers. And in the back wall, a small hole should be made so that the egg can roll out through it. We attach the container into which the eggs will be collected. Since such a container will be with a soft cloth, then, accordingly, damage to the eggs will not occur.

We fix the nests in the chicken coop

To install a house for laying hens in a hen house there are two options:

  1. On pre-made stands.
  2. On the walls, but without contact of the nest itself with the wall of the chicken coop.

In the first case, the board is necessary in order to place all the nests on it. Then we install another similar board and another, in order to install nests for layers on them.

But still more accessible to humans are "hinged" nests. The owner of such a comfortable chicken coop will not even need to enter the room, but simply open the back door, which is adjacent to the nest, and take eggs from there. But this design is fine suitable for wooden sheds, and it is necessary to insulate it.

If the nest is properly arranged, then the person will only have to make sure that the bird is warm and damp, and even feed it correctly. And then the laying hens will thank their owner.

How to train birds to a new nest

There are several rules that allow you to quickly and comfortably train laying hens to a new house, and sometimes this is not easy to do. Sometimes you have to cover the bird and keep it in such nests for several days so that it gets used to it. But knowledge of the rules will now help to go along the path of a softer regime for poultry and a more successful achievement of the result.

If nothing can force your chickens to lay eggs in the structure that you made with your own hands, then this means that you missed something and you need to consider everything in detail again and, accordingly, fix everything, and maybe even make a new bird nest.

Making nests for laying hens

The arrangement of any chicken coop assumes the presence of nests for chickens in it. The quality of such nests affects both the quality and the number of whole eggs that chickens lay. To ensure the most comfortable conditions, you can start designing the nests with your own hands and figure out how to make the nest correctly, thinking over every detail.

It is of paramount importance to familiarize yourself with some rules that will help in the further process of arrangement:

The place where the eggs are laid should be dry and warm.

  1. It is recommended to place the nests in a place with a predominance of shade, where the sun's rays do not reach.
  2. The place where the eggs are laid must be dry and warm, which can be ensured by laying straw or sawdust. Based on the practical experience of farmers, it is better to use sawdust, because this type of litter is not thrown out of the nest by the birds.
  3. The level of sawdust or straw should not exceed the edges of the boards to prevent eggs from rolling out and falling.
  4. It is recommended to make the bottom of the mesh when designing nests. This will ensure the ventilation of the litter for a long time.
  5. The installation location should be chosen based on the opposite: places where humidity prevails and cold air passes through will not work.
  6. It is not recommended to attach the nests to the walls, as there is a risk for the birds to catch a cold, and the nests will have to be changed or reconstructed more often.
  7. The completed structure of the nest should not have any rough surfaces, protruding nails or other sharp elements, because the bird can get hurt.
  8. The calculation of the number of nests is carried out based on a ratio of 5: 1, i.e. 5 chickens per nest.

In addition to the rules, it is worth understanding which nests are best to make.

There are three different designs for chicken nests.

The characteristics of the three possible types of nests are as follows:

Nest type Characteristic
Nest boxes The design of this type of nest is very simple - it is an ordinary box, in which a hole is made for the free passage of the bird inside. The number of cells in this installation may vary. A good advantage of box nests is that the hens are easy to learn to carry in the nest; you just have to close the bird in such a nest for a short period of time, and there will be no problems in the future.
From scrap materials This variety is mainly used by novice poultry breeders who have not yet fully equipped the chicken coop. It is also a good option for those who keep a small number of birds, because the nests come out short-lived. But in some cases, there is nothing left but to make a nest for laying hens from ordinary boxes or baskets. The main condition in this case is to choose elements without defects, having previously cleaned them from debris and dust. It is also worth remembering that the space with this type of nest cannot be rationally used.
Egg-collecting nests The most optimal type of nest, albeit time consuming. In this case, you will need to carefully read the process and understand how to make the nests yourself, because the design involves the spontaneous rolling of the eggs so that the birds do not peck them. For the construction, special pallets are needed into which the eggs will roll. In addition, a nest can be made by equipping it with a funnel-shaped hole in the center, or with an inclined floor surface.

Based on the size of the chickens, the parameters of the nests are selected. The main task in this case is to provide birds with free penetration into the nest and placement inside it. The size for laying hens is 25x35x35 cm.

The size of one nest for laying hens is 25x35x35 cm.

It is best to first make drawings on which all the necessary parameters of the structure are marked. In addition to the above, it is worth considering the height of the sill, which should be at least 5 cm, and the take-off shelf with an optimal section of 5x2 cm, it is located at a distance of 10 cm from the entrance.

Important. The nest cover is installed at an angle of 45 degrees to exclude the possibility of birds sitting on the nest.

For the simplest nest, any box is suitable, for example, a vegetable made of plastic and a sheet of plywood. The latter can be replaced with another material that is necessary for the construction of the curtain. With some flooring and shading, a simple nest design can be achieved.

The simplest version of a nest for laying hens is wooden or plastic boxes.

It should be understood that the quality of such nests is not very good. In addition, they will have to be placed on the ground, which will negatively affect the health of the birds and reduce their level of productivity.

Important. In an uncomfortable nest, the bird will not lay eggs. This is worth remembering when deciding on the type of design.

To build such nests, you need to use:

  • plywood or board;
  • bar;
  • fasteners;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw;
  • a screwdriver;
  • hammer.

In the photo, a drawing of two-tier nests for laying hens.

Step-by-step construction instructions are as follows:

  1. Initially, the wood material must be sanded.
  2. Next, they cut out all the blanks, starting from the required dimensions. To calculate the required number of cells, it is necessary to divide the length of the entire structure by the width of one of the cells. The height (tier) is determined in the same way.
  3. The next step is to connect all the blanks with nails.
  4. The inner side of the boxes must be reinforced with a bar. Fastening is carried out in the corners.
  5. After that, an inlet is constructed that can be cut out.
  6. Next, a sill is made, the width of which should not be less than 10 cm. The connection of this element is carried out with the lower part of the boxes along the entire length.
  7. The take-off platform is fixed at a distance of 10 cm from the entrance opening.
  8. If the nests are built in several tiers, then it is worth taking care of the construction of a ladder to each of them.

The inner walls of the nests are reinforced with bars.

If you want to build such a type of nest, it is worth deciding on the option of such a design. It will be a little more difficult to make this type of nest, but it will provide more free time for the farmer and preserve the integrity of the chicken eggs.

Double bottom

The materials indicated in the previous version should be added for the construction process:

  • upholstery on a pallet;
  • scissors.

The installation process for the jacks is as follows:

The depth of the pallet is made more than the depth of the nests by 10 cm.
  1. The first step is to build an ordinary nest, as in the previous case, taking into account all the nuances of such a process.
  2. A feature of this design is the bottom, which must be attached taking into account the angle of inclination relative to the rear wall of 5 degrees. In this case, the distance from the wall to the bottom is left such that the eggs roll freely, passing through it.
  3. Next, a pallet is built, which is immediately upholstered with upholstery. To do this, you can use felt, rubber or linoleum, turned inside out.
  4. The depth of the pan is made 10 cm deeper than the depth of the nests, this will allow the eggs to be collected from the outside.
  5. The pallet is also fixed at an inclination of 5 degrees.

Egg container

Using the diagram below, you can build your own structure.

The material for manufacturing is similar, and the installation process is as follows:

  1. Initially, a box is assembled, in which the bottom is located with an inclination of 10 degrees.
  2. The front part of the structure is closed, an inlet is previously cut out in it.
  3. A hole is cut on the lower part of the back wall, the size of which is slightly larger than the egg.
  4. Next, the container for eggs is installed, which is covered with a soft material on the inside to ensure the integrity of the eggs during rolling.

In the photo there is a nest for a laying hen with an egg collector in the form of a container.

Important. There should not be a lot of upholstery material; it can become an obstacle for the eggs to roll into the tray.

Attaching the sockets can be done in two ways:

  • on special supports that are made in advance;
  • to the walls, excluding their contact with the nests.

If there are no questions about mounting on special supports, then how to attach the nest to the wall, you should figure it out in more detail:

The nests are fixed to the wall or to special supports.
  1. A board with parameters 30x4x2 cm is attached to the wall.It will serve as a base and support for further fixing the structure.
  2. The second board with the same dimensions is fixed, observing an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, the distance from one board to another should be at least 40 cm. The boards diverge downward.
  3. Further, with an indent of 45 cm, a similar structure is attached, only the convergence of the boards will be on top.
  4. The nests are attached to the resulting bases, which have compartments. You need to fix them with screws to the strip located at an angle.

An option for arranging a chicken coop can be the construction of hinged-type nests. The advantage of such a structure is its accessibility for the farmer, because there is no need to go after eggs. The only caveat is the need for insulation.

Important. This type of nest can only be made in the case of a wooden chicken coop.

You can build a hinged nest in the following way:

At first glance, such a process may seem complicated, but in fact, you don't need to make much effort for this. One has only to provide the necessary conditions for the chicken, and she herself will be accommodated in the nest.

If all conditions are created for the hen, she will go to the nest for laying herself.

When designing nests, you should carefully monitor both the size of the holes for entering the nest and the parameters of the nest itself, namely, to provide free access and placement of the bird in it. In addition, it is worth keeping the temperature at 10-12 degrees and keeping the nest clean.

It is also worth bringing in nests before placing chickens in the house. It is very important to provide nests with dry bedding and to place them in a comfortable location. It is best to put the nests along the side wall, the short one located on the side of the doorway hinges. This will avoid drafts and maintain the optimal temperature, and, consequently, the health of the birds.

We offer for viewing a video instruction on assembling nests for laying hens. We wish you a pleasant viewing!

8067 10/17/2019 7 minutes

Laying hens' nests are a mandatory attribute of any subsidiary farm located in rural areas. If you do not make them in advance, then the chickens will lay in any place that seems convenient to them at that time. You will have to look for eggs literally all over your site, looking into each bush, stirring up straw, etc. That is why, having a comfortable nest with an egg collector will allow you to train chickens to lay eggs in one place, saving you from unnecessary problems.

How to build a chicken coop correctly

Nests for chickens must be foreseen in advance, i.e. until the moment when they start laying eggs. However, in order for the chicken to get used to the new place, you need to take into account certain rules and recommendations regarding the location and arrangement of nests:

  1. Chicken nests should be located in the darkest part of the coop.
  2. Naturally, the place where the eggs are laid must be completely dry and protected from moisture. The nest should also be warm enough to include sawdust or straw bedding. Remember that the litter should not be too bulky, otherwise the eggs will simply roll out of the sides of the nest.
  3. Several holes can be made at the bottom of the nest for better ventilation.
  4. Chicken nests should not be located near the entrance to the hen house, because drafts periodically appear there.
  5. Nests do not need to be nailed to the wall, because in the cold season, ice forms on them, which leads to a decrease in the egg production of hens.
  6. Make sure that the chicken nest is well made, without any protruding nails or other piercing objects. Otherwise, the hen can get hurt by them, and the injured hen practically does not lay eggs.
  7. The number of nests must be calculated individually, based on the proportion - five chickens per nest.

Remember that chicken nests should be comfortable not only for your poultry, but also for yourself. You must have easy access to them to change bedding, clean up and collect eggs on time. If you notice that the chickens are reluctant to rush to the established nest, then you need to think about changing their location, because it is quite possible that you did not take into account some nuance.

Types of nests for laying hens

Some owners solve this problem simply, i.e. purchasing a ready-made chicken nest or house. Others adapt various boxes and boxes for this purpose, but it is best to spend a little of your time on your own making a chicken nest that would meet all the requirements.

Homemade nests are divided into two types:

  1. Drawer-shaped constructions. Making such a nest is not particularly difficult, and training a chicken is even easier - you just need to close it in a box for a certain time.
  2. Constructions with an egg receiver. A distinctive feature of such nests is the almost complete absence of contact between the chicken and the egg.

Drawer-shaped construction drawing

To make a box-shaped chicken nest, we need certain tools and materials:

  1. Thin board or plywood.
  2. Bar.
  3. Small nails or screws.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. Hammer.

After making sure that the above tools and materials are available, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the socket.

Construction drawing

The frequency of work will be as follows:

  1. If a board is used as the main material, then it must be pre-processed with sandpaper.
  2. Next, you need to cut the components of the future nest from our material. It should be borne in mind that the minimum allowable size of each side of the cell should be at least 30 centimeters.
  3. It is necessary to put together a box from the cut parts. To make the structure more stable, the timber must be fixed inside at the corners.
  4. The entrance to the nest can be clogged with plywood, having previously cut out a circle from it so that the chicken can freely get inside. Some owners just leave the entrance open, without any plywood.
  5. The bottom of the box must be equipped with a wooden plank with a width of 10 centimeters. It will act as a threshold, so it should be located along the entire length of the box.
  6. Next, you need to equip the take-off platform, fixing the bar 10 centimeters from the entrance to the box.

The design is quite simple, so its production should not cause any special difficulties.

How to make a chicken nest with an egg container

To arrange nests with an egg collector a little complicated in their structure, but they are more perfect in execution, therefore, many summer residents are inclined towards this option. Consider two options for performing this design. should be no less than: height - about forty-five to fifty, length - thirty-thirty-five and depth - forty centimeters.

To make a chicken nest with a container, we need the following standard kit:

  • hammer;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • small nails;
  • plywood;
  • tank for eggs;
  • foam rubber or any other similar material.

Container design

  1. We knock off the box. Remember that the bottom of the box should be made at a slight angle - about 10 degrees.
  2. The front of the nest is covered with plywood with a cut-out hole to allow the chicken to get inside.
  3. In the lower part of the back wall of the box, it is necessary to cut a hole that would be larger in diameter than a chicken egg.
  4. Under the bottom, you need to install our reservoir, upholstered with foam rubber. The soft material is necessary to prevent the eggs from breaking when rolling.

A minimum amount of flooring is required to ensure that laid eggs can enter the tank without hindrance. Otherwise, the eggs will get stuck.

DIY double bottom device

To have a rough idea of ​​the design of a double bottom nest, you can take a look at the drawing below:

Double Bottom Nest

Here are the optimal ratios of all sides of the structure, by which you can navigate in the work. To make such a nest, we need the following materials and tools:

  1. Thin boards or plywood.
  2. Self-tapping screws or nails.
  3. Sandpaper.
  4. Hacksaw for wood.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. Soft material.
  8. Scissors, knife, etc.

The order of work will be as follows:

  1. To begin with, we cut out all the components of the future box, focusing on the above drawing. Next, we hammer together the box itself, using small nails so that they do not stick out of the walls of our booth.
  2. The drawing shows that the bottom of the box must be done with a slight slope - about 5 degrees. At the same time, the space between the bottom and the back wall is visible, which is necessary so that the egg can freely roll into this gap.
  3. You can proceed to the manufacture of the pallet. Remember that its length should be 10 cm longer than the entire structure, so that eggs can be collected freely from the outside. Also, the pallet should be padded with some kind of material, such as felt or rubber, to reduce slipping on the surface.
  4. The pallet is attached to the structure at an angle of 5 degrees. This is necessary so that the egg rolls down, wherever it is until you pick it up.

Such a design of such a device is good in that it excludes further contact of the chicken with the egg, i.e. she will not be able to spit it out, which happens quite often.

Build a homemade perch with an egg collector

Roosts in play a very important role, because the hens rest on them, sleep, i.e. spend a lot of time. That is why they must be designed to accommodate all adult birds.

In order to build a perch with your own hands, boards, thick poles and other materials that the chicken cannot grasp with its paws are not suitable. The ideal shape for roosting is a small circle, because enough attention is paid to the chicken's leg, where one toe is in the back and the other four in the front, to allow it to securely grip branches and sticks.

Based on this, we can conclude that the best option for making a perch would be a bar with the following parameters - 40 by 60 or 50 by 50 mm. At the same time, the upper edges of the bar need to be cut with a plane to round them off. After that, the surface is treated with sandpaper to avoid injury to the hens. The length of the perch is selected individually, focusing on the number of birds. On average, one hen has about 20 centimeters of roost space.

If possible, make the roost longer so that the chickens are positioned on it with a margin - this will prevent a possible fight between them for free space. But you should not get carried away with its length, because if the perch is too long, then it can sag under the weight of the hens.

Roosts are of the following types:

  • single-tiered. They are located along the wall with sufficient distance from each other. They are mounted on boards with grooves so that the bars do not move during operation;


  • multi-tiered. The beams are spaced at a distance of about 50 cm from each other. The beams are attached to the boards fixed between the floor and the wall;
  • perches under the nests. These roosts should be placed along walls opposite doors or windows. The distance between nests and perches should be at least 30 centimeters. It is better to cover the roof of the nest with tin, which will simplify the removal of droppings. By the way, such an arrangement of the perch will require regular cleaning of these roofs, otherwise the nests will become dirty;
  • corner. Such perches are easy enough to make by placing the bars between the two nearest walls. They can be multi-tiered or single-tiered, depending on the wishes of the owner himself;
  • portable. Such perches are a table with a pallet where chicken droppings will accumulate. It must be made in such a way that it can be freely moved from one room to another, otherwise there will be no sense in such a design. This option is used if the chickens are temporarily kept in a room.
  • The perch is made from wooden beams. In this case, it is better to use birch or other hardwoods, because they do not emit resins, unlike conifers. If only pine needles are available, then they must first be burned with a blowtorch, which will prevent the process of decay and the release of resins.


    An example of creating a nest with an egg collector, see the video


    After you arrange a normal nest for the birds, you just have to regularly maintain the frequency in them, as well as throughout the room. Proper handling of the birds will bear fruit quite quickly, because layers lay more productively egg laying precisely in comfortable conditions.

Own vegetables are a huge help in the household. If you are concerned about the question of how to plant cucumbers in open ground, do not rush to sow a crop. Cucumbers are a thermophilic plant, they are afraid of night frosts, and from cold watering they develop diseases. Growing a vegetable begins with the choice of soil, variety, season. Planting this culture requires patience from gardeners, knowledge of the tricks and features of the plant.

What varieties of cucumbers are best for planting in open ground

For cultivation, hybrid varieties of vegetables are considered more suitable (there is an F1 mark on the bag). Cucumbers from such seeds germinate faster, are better pollinated, and give a good harvest. Three-year-old crop seeds are best suited for planting. They develop more slowly, but form more inflorescences, are famous for their rich productivity. Plants grow disease resistant. The best vegetable varieties for planting in open soil:

  • Competitor;
  • Universal;
  • Cascade;
  • Altaic;
  • Far Eastern;
  • Russian taste;
  • Leader;
  • Fair cucumber;
  • Antoshka;
  • Emelya;
  • Brigantine;
  • Fabulous.

When can you plant seed cucumbers?

The best time for sowing a crop is when the weather is stable, the average daily air temperature is + 25C °, the night temperature will not fall below + 10C °. According to folklore, the vegetable is sown on Yuri on May 6. Early varieties of cucumbers, such as Competitor, Universal, Altai, are planted until the middle of the last spring month. The best time for planting late ripening cucumbers (Antoshka, Emelya, Magnificent) is late spring, June.

How to prepare the soil for planting cucumbers

When the top layer of the earth warms up well, and there is no need to worry about the germination of the culture, they start growing a vegetable. So that the landing does not present you with unpleasant surprises, use the advice of the candidate of agricultural sciences Oktyabrina Ganichkina. To grow cucumbers, choose a spacious, well-lit, sheltered from the wind and fertilized with manure place in the garden.

To make the earth warm well, dig up and loosen it. Place the cucumber planting in the place of the garden where tomatoes, herbs, vegetables or legumes (except for beans) grew before. This culture does not like pumpkin predecessors. The cucumbers are planted by seed or seedlings directly into open soil. The planting is watered with warm water. Subject to reasonable agricultural practices, you will get good crop germination.

Seed treatment, care and feeding

Soak the material for 10 hours before planting until it swells. For safety reasons, mix the swollen seeds with dry ones, then proceed to sowing. Colored (processed) seeds are sown without preliminary soaking in water. When the crop is germinated, start trimming the whiskers regularly so that they do not take nourishment from the fruit of the plant. Water the cucumbers gently so that the water does not brush the leaves. For a good harvest, provide the crop with favorable conditions and sufficient nutrition.

Feeding cucumbers is one of the most difficult tasks that gardeners constantly have to solve when cultivating this crop. Carry out the first feeding of the plant 2 weeks after planting, the second - when pollination begins, and the third - during the fruiting period. Spray on a sunny, windless day. The optimal processing period for the plant is morning or evening. Use a superphosphate fertilizer. Process cucumbers carefully so as not to damage seedlings, fruitful flowers and leaves.

What is the optimal planting depth

    Cucumbers are sown into a hole with a depth of 3 to 5 cm, previously watered with water. Seeds are placed along or across the bed.

    When sowing along, in the middle, a string is pulled and grooves are drawn at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other with a depth of 7-9 cm.

    If sowing across the bed, make equal spacing between the grooves. The culture is sown at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, and then the groove is covered with a 2-3 cm layer of soil, the top of the bed is mulched with peat.

    Experienced gardeners make deep holes (10-12 cm) so that after sowing they can be covered with glass or garden film to stimulate the appearance of the first shoots and protect them from frost.

Preparing seedlings for transplanting into the ground

    Prepare the cups before planting the vegetable. This will save the culture from transplanting in the future, since cucumbers tolerate it extremely poorly.

    Fill the containers with soil, pour with a warm weak solution of potassium salt (potassium permanganate).

    After holding for about 30 minutes. sow the seeds. In each container, deepen one grain, after making a small hole in the center. The depth of the hole is about 1.5 cm. Place the seed flat.

    Then cover it with sifted soil, sprinkle with warm water. To retain moisture, place the container on a stable pallet, cover with garden film.

    Put the pallet in a warm, well-lit place, wait for the shoots to appear. A greenhouse or window sill is great for this.

    Loosening and watering are prerequisites for good seed germination.

Since the formation of culture takes place in greenhouse conditions, it must be strengthened - gradually accustomed to natural conditions: air, sunlight, lower temperatures. To do this, open the vents at home or take out the seedlings on the balcony during the day. Increase the time of its stay in the fresh air step by step. When growing a crop in a greenhouse, a film is opened to strengthen the plant.

High-quality seedlings have a thick, strong stem, leaves of a thick green tint. Only in this form is it ready for transplanting into open ground. If the seedling has weak roots and large leaves, then reduce its watering. Do not rush to replant the culture, the fragile plant will die. The video below will help you prepare cucumber seedlings for transplanting into open ground.

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