Home Roses April 12 educational scenario kindergarten. Scenarios of the day of cosmonautics in kindergarten. Flight preparation

April 12 educational scenario kindergarten. Scenarios of the day of cosmonautics in kindergarten. Flight preparation

Organization: GBOU "School number 1359" preschool department number 3

Locality: Moscow


  • Raise children's interest and love for books;
  • develop speech activity, the ability to verbal description and illustrations;
  • identify familiar books and fairy tales.

Conversation progress:

Educator:- Do you guys like it when they read books to you? Who reads them to you? Are there any books in our group? Where do they live? That's right, in our book corner. Have you noticed that recently the doll Katya came to our book corner, she read many books and that is why she became so smart. All day she sits here on a chair, watching us, and in the evening, when you go home, she talks to me. Today Katya agreed to talk to you too.

Educator:(takes the doll): “Hello guys! I watch you every day and see which of you loves books, who knows how to handle them carefully, accurately. But smart people have long said: "Books are best friends"! The books contain poems and fairy tales, funny stories and vivid pictures.

Educator:- Katya, but our children do not yet know how to read themselves, how do they know what, for example, this book is about?

Doll:- Let them first look at the picture and say who is drawn on it (bunny). Who knows the poem about the bunny? Who is drawn here? (bull, bear - reading poetry). You see, from the pictures you recognized your favorite book called "Toys".

Now try to guess what kind of fairy tale this riddle is about?

Masha is sitting in a box, she looks far away.

Who carries it, answer, with quick steps?

And the bear carries it along with the pies.

The baby spent it, he will be smarter in the future.

Here we have a book. This is (Masha and the Bear).

Educator: Find this book in our book corner and show it.

(the same for other books)

He was baked out of flour,

It was mixed with sour cream.

He froze at the window,

He rolled along the path.

(Gingerbread man)

Once upon a time there were seven guys -

Little white kids.

Mom loved them very much,

I gave milk to the children.

Then teeth click and click

The gray wolf appeared.

(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Educator: You know, Katya, the guys and I read fairy tales, and then we play them. Let's show you how we do it!

Warm-up game "Smooth circle"

How did Kolobok's grandmother cook? (show movements)

How did Mashenka pick mushrooms in the forest?

How did grandfather pull a Turnip from the ground?

(put on chairs again)

Doll: - Do you know that there are people who know how to compose interesting fairy tales, funny stories for children?

Educator: - Of course, in our corner of books there is a portrait of the writer Korney Chukovsky, and the guys know his books well. What, for example, is this book called? ("Fly-Tsokotukha", "Moidodyr", "Telephone", "Aibolit").

Educator: - Listen, Katya, I will read a few lines from these books, and the guys will definitely help me.

Doll: - Well done! I realized that you love books, and therefore I decided to give such smart and well-mannered children a box with books.

Educator: - Thanks, Kate! Guys, let's see what books are in this chest.

These are baby books, they are very fond of both the smallest children and older children. It is convenient for mom to put them in her bag or in her backpack and bring them to friends in kindergarten.

And this is a big book of fairy tales. See how wonderful the pictures are. Do you know these tales? (show first familiar 2-3 illustrations, and then new ones). We will be reading this wonderful book here in a group.

The smartest book is an encyclopedia! In it you can find answers to a variety of questions: why does the sun shine? Where do the clouds go? Why does a hedgehog need needles?

This book is called ABC! Do you want to learn to read? All people: your mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers learned to read the ABC. This means that this book will be useful to you very soon!

Guys, is it possible to draw in these books? Of course not! There are special coloring books for this, and Katya gave us such books!

Let's all say "Thank you" to Katya and promise to take care of them and be sure to read all these books.

Ksenia Kartakova

IMG] /upload/blogs/detsad-1025437-1508235137.jpg IMG] /upload/blogs/detsad-1025437-1508235070.jpg municipal state preschool educational institution

Suzunsky district

"Shaidurovsky Kindergarten"

« Space trip»

(Scenario a holiday for children of all groups, dedicated to the Day Cosmonautics)

Musical director: Kartakova K. A



Expand and deepen the knowledge of preschoolers about outer space.


Consolidate existing ideas about space rockets, the first cosmonaut Yu... A. Gagarina;

Expand the horizons of children and develop their imaginations;

To foster a sense of patriotism and pride for the Fatherland;

Create a positive emotional attitude.

(The lights are off in the hall, the hall is decorated with garlands, lanterns, stars. (On the floor, on the side, there are soft parts of the designer, in a scatter, from which the ship should later be built)

Under space an alien enters music with a flashlight, dances like a robot, in the dark, twirls flashlights, plays with light, but does not shine on himself)

Enlaoshka: Hello children living on earth! Oh, am I really on earth? What about my voice? It seems he has become the same as that of all earthly people? Hi Guys, my name is Enleoshka, I flew to you from space to congratulate you on the holiday, do you know what holiday is today? (Children answer) Of course! My assignment is complete! But it seems mine the spaceship broke down, and all the radios and communication devices stopped working, how can I get back home now? (walks back and forth, thinking)

Invented! I need helpers! (Suitable for children, takes any 5-6 people from different groups and asks for help in assembling the ship in parts)

Enlaoshka: Children, your task is to assemble a broken spaceship! (Music plays, children collect, build, when they sit down, they sit in their places)

Enlaoshka: Thank you guys, now we will check if you have collected correctly? Will I be able to go up into the sky on such a ship?

Enlaoshka: What kind of pictures are these? (Considers) These are probably mine space friends put me with some hints? (Shows the first photo of Gagarin) Who are these guys? Maybe, you know? (the children answer, but the enlaeoshka says that he does not know this. She takes out the second photo with the image of the dogs Belka and Strelka) And what kind of creatures are they? This is the first time I see such people (He is trying to get from children as much information about dogs, about Gagarin, asks questions about who was the first to fly in space, on what? did you come back? After that, music sounds and the light goes out again) Two dogs appear, walk around the hall in the dark, illuminate the children and Enleoshka, create a fabulous, mysterious atmosphere.

Squirrel: Hello everybody! We heard that someone needs help here?

Arrow: Do you guys recognize us? Of course, we are Belka and Strelka and we know about everything in space!

Squirrel: Hello Enleoshka, a signal from space that we have an alien guest who is in trouble?

Enlaoshka: Hello friends, glad to meet you! And the kids told me a lot about you. You know, my ship broke down, the guys helped me fix it, but we haven't had time to check it yet!

Arrow: So let's try to start it, but in order for it to work for sure we need to sing a song!

Squirrel: Guys, get up soon, we will now call the "Helper". The helper is such a magical force that always helps everyone in everything, we will now sing and dance about him!

(We dance the dance Fixiki the Helper (after the dance, the children sit in their places)

Enlaoshka: Well, what shall we try to start? (He approaches the rocket, examines, twists, at this moment the melody "Rocket launching, and soap bubbles are flying from the rocket)

Hooray! Guys, it turned out, you are great! You could help me! I am very glad, thank you very much!

Arrow: Enleoshka, well, you won't fly away so quickly to your place?

Squirrel: Wait, don't fly away! Stay with us a little longer, and tell the guys how you got there in outer space?

Enlaoshka: Okay, I'll stay, and we will prepare for a flight to visit me, maybe someday you will want to fly to me, but I won't be able to take you right away, this requires very good preparation!

Arrow: And the kids and I know what is needed to fly to space really guys?

Squirrel: We will now perform a song about space and everyone will immediately understand everything

(All the kids are invited, the elders are singing, the rest are dancing. The song is playing. " Space")

Enlaoshka: I noticed that you know a lot about outer space, but you still need a little more practice, so I offer you an interesting space charge and imagine that we are taking off. Guys, close your eyes and imagine that we are flying to space!

(The lights turn off, soothing music sounds, one of the dogs reads the text, the children sit on chairs and repeat)

When taking off from the ground, overloads occur (lean back, press yourself against the back of a chair, strain your legs and arms.

One, two, the speed of light! Three, four, we fly

We want to get to distant planets as soon as possible

The separation also occurred in space weightlessness(you can chat with your arms and legs).

Weightlessness comes, everything spins and flies.

Arrow: Introduced? Now let's do one more warm-up, just for this, get up all on your feet

Warm-up cosmodrome

Everything is ready for flight --- (hands forward, up)

Missiles are waiting for all the guys --- (hands together over head)

Little time to take off --- (walking in place)

The astronauts stood in a row ---(jump, hands up, clap)

Bowed to the right, to the left, --- (slopes)

Let's bow to the earth --- (forward bends)

Here the rocket flew --- (jumping on two legs)

Our cosmodrome ---(sat down)

Squirrel: Enlaoshka, what do you think? Are we ready to fly now? Are you well prepared?

Enlaoshka: I don't even know, but how are you going to cope with lack of weight? How will you eat? Drink?

Arrow: Exactly, somehow we didn’t think about it, can you teach us a little bit too?

Enlaoshka: Okay, let's go! For this I need 4 people

And so, your task is to feed your friends without hands (Rules games: On the one hand there will be two people who will feed (The older ones, on the other hand, two (the younger ones, who will eat. Everyone feeds their partner, and the task of the children they will feed is also to catch food in a spoon without using their hands. (for example, we show each other)

(Children sit in their seats)

Squirrel: I'll take a few more astronauts for training(Conducts a competition with balls, children are given one ball to be thrown to the top, the child must not let the ball fall, but not touch with his hands, you can support with his head, shoulders, nose, you can move around the hall, but the ball must not fall)

Arrow: Well, everyone is doing well, but what is still missing, maybe we can check your knowledge once more? I propose to guess riddles for you

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,

Flew into a flock of stars.


Consists of points of light,

The upper room of the planets is full.


To arm the eye

And be friends with the stars

See the milky way

Need a powerful (Telescope)

A telescope for hundreds of years

They study the life of the planets.

He will tell us about everything

Clever uncle (astronomer)

Astronomer - he is a stargazer

Knows everything!

Only the stars are seen better

The sky is full (star)

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon

But he can do it

Make it fast (Rocket)

The rocket has a driver

Weightlessness lover.

In English: "astronaut",

And in Russian (Astronaut)

Astronaut sitting in a rocket,

Cursing everything in the world -

In orbit as luck would have it

Appeared ... (UFO)

There is darkness in black holes

Busy with something black.

I finished my flight there

Interplanetary (starship)

And the galaxies are flying

In the loose as they want.

Very hefty

This is all. (Universe)

Enlaoshka: What are you all great! I'm so glad I came here and made friends with you! Thank you very much Belka and Strelka, but it's time for me to leave! I am waiting for you to visit me as soon as you grow up!

Squirrel: Well, well, since it's time for you, the guys and I will accompany you! See you soon, Enleoshka, we will definitely come to visit you! Happy flight! Guys, we all need to close our eyes so that we are not blinded by the bright light of the rocket, when Enleoshka takes off, let's close our eyes together and shout out: "Bon voyage!" (They shout several times, music sounds, at this moment Enleoshka runs away through the doors, quickly remove the rocket parts)

Arrow: Guys, tell me that you still want to ride a rocket, even though it's too early for us? But all the same you want so much? Let us now stand up quietly and take off? Want to? Only shhhhh, this will be our secret! (we lay the hoops on the floor, the children enter through the hoop-hatch) we will take off right from here (The song about space, about takeoff, imagine that we are flying on a rocket)

Squirrel: Our flight went just fine! We are back on earth! Everyone was worthy astronauts! But it's time for us to return to the groups, so we leave the rocket through the hatch as well, thank you all very much, we were glad to meet you and fly! See you soon (We put a hoop at the door, the children go through it to the music "And we do not dream of a rumble cosmodrome")

Scenario of the event dedicated to the "World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day" for the senior group of preschoolers

Antonova Yulia Vladimirovna, librarian of the Children's Library, Neya
Relevance: April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is traditionally celebrated in our country. Who has not dreamed of becoming an astronaut or astronomer in childhood? Space has always attracted people, because there, in its endless expanses, there are so many mysterious and unknown things. And as we all know, this is what attracts children.
Target: to acquaint with the holiday of aviation and astronautics, to give an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe space, the life of cosmonauts to children.
Expand the horizons of children in the field of space science;
Develop speech, logical thinking (by answering the questions asked);
To develop the physical activity of children through outdoor games.
Materials used: slide presentation, 2 balloons, rope + candy, Whatman paper + stars (made of paper or cardboard), glue stick or double-sided tape.

Event progress

The universe is the entire world around us. All the vast expanses of outer space with stars, planets, galaxies - this is the entire Universe. It includes our Earth, and everything that exists on it, and stellar worlds infinitely distant from us.
Our planet revolves around the Sun at great speed. Each star system has its own sun, around which other celestial bodies also revolve: planets, their satellites, comets, asteroids. Collectively, this is called the solar system. And the Sun is the star at the center of this entire system. It is even impossible to determine exactly how many solar systems there are in our galaxy, a huge star system called the Milky Way, there are about 150 billion of them. Can you imagine how much it is? And besides our galaxy there are many others, and there are also more than a billion of them. And in order to understand all this, people had a dream of traveling into space. Who can name the planets in our solar system? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
The founder of the science of space and space flight was Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, an outstanding researcher, scientist in the field of aeronautics, aviation and astronautics. The date of birth of the space age is October 4, 1957. On this day, a space rocket flew into orbit - this is the first artificial satellite of the Earth. The chief designer of the first spacecraft was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. The first living creatures that flew into space and returned safely to Earth were two little mongrels - Belka and Strelka. They were trained for flight for a whole year, like real cosmonauts. The first people to land on Earth's satellite Moon were American astronauts.
On April 12, the whole world celebrates the Day of Aviation and Astronautics. This is a special celebration for all those involved in the space industry. On this day in 1961, Major Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft made the first orbital flight around the Earth for the first time in the world. The spacecraft made one revolution around the Earth in 108 minutes and landed in the Saratov region. The cosmonaut received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and April 12 was declared a public holiday - Cosmonautics Day.
The name of Yuri Gagarin is now known to everyone - both children and adults. He is an ordinary, disposing, smiling person. This is true. But not just cheerful, not just courageous, not just strong-willed. In the name of a dream he lived, in the name of this dream he accomplished his feat, in the name of this dream, continuing to work, he gave his life.
Before the flight, he said: “To be the first in space, to enter one-on-one in an unprecedented duel with nature - can you dream of more? But after that I thought about the colossal responsibility that fell on me ... to be the first to pave the way for humanity into space ... tell me a more difficult task than the one that fell to me. This is not a responsibility to one, not to a dozen people, not to a team. This is responsibility before the entire Soviet people, before all mankind, before its present and future ... "
With the flight of Yuri Gagarin into space, a new chapter in the history of our planet began - the era of human conquest of the solar space. Why do you think it was so important? (children's answers).

I remember the sun sparkled that day:
What an amazing April it was!
And in my heart joy shone with pride:
Gagarin flew in from space!

Everyone recognized him by his smile -
Such a smile was not the second!
The whole world applauded! Everyone was jubilant:
Gagarin circled our globe!

Since then, unknown distances have approached,
Ships are exploring space ...
And he started out as a Russian, nice guy,
I. Levchenko

Game "Restore the letter"
In this game, children have to guess with what words they need to continue the started sentence.
“You, kid, do not forget: you are holding… (the way) as astronauts! Our main rule is to carry out any ... (order)! If you want to become an astronaut, you have to do a lot ... (know). Any space route is open to those who love ... (labor). Only a friendly spaceship can take with it on ... (flight). We will not take the boring, gloomy and angry to ... (orbits)! "
Well done!

What do you guys think, is it easy to be an astronaut? And who of you dreams of becoming one?
Physical education.
We're going to the cosmodrome
We walk together in leg (walking in place).
We walk on our socks
We walk on our heels.
They checked the posture
And they brought the shoulder blades together (straightened the back).
Let's run guys together -
We all need to warm up (running in place).

An astronaut is a person who tests and operates space technology in space flight (in the United States they are called astronauts). The first candidates for cosmonauts were selected from among military pilots, test pilots, because people of these professions had the ability to make decisions instantly, they tolerated noise, vibration, and acceleration well. Later, engineers and scientists were accepted into the crew.
In space, a person and all objects are in a state of weightlessness. What does it mean? In space, weightlessness is when a person, objects are very light and fly (image of an astronaut in a state of weightlessness).

Game "Weightlessness"
You will need two balloons to play. Children must blow on the ball, and whose ball stays in the air longer, he won. With the help of a balloon, you can visually show children how objects in a state of weightlessness behave.

As you might have guessed, a person cannot leave a spaceship without a special protective spacesuit (demonstration of the image of the spacesuit). Inside such a spacesuit, the astronaut finds himself in an artificial atmosphere that supplies him with oxygen for breathing and maintains the necessary pressure. Although it looks bulky, it is free to walk, jump and bend over in it.
Did you guys know that you can live in space for weeks, months, and even years? For a long stay in space, there is the International Space Station - ISS. This is how our planet Earth is seen by astronauts from space (image of the planet Earth). Blue is water, green is plants, brown is land. And what is needed for a long stay in space? (children's answers). Of course, astronauts need food, but they don't prepare it themselves. It is prepared for astronauts on Earth, then the astronauts take it with them into space. It is in cans and tubes, you can't use plates in space. Why? Of course, because of weightlessness. There are almost no differences from ordinary earthly food. Space food is quite varied. Astronauts choose it themselves from a special menu. Immediately before the flight, they give a tasting and make a wish list about what they want to eat in space. The menu for Russian cosmonauts looks like this:
* First breakfast: biscuit, lemon tea or coffee.
* Second breakfast: pork (beef), juice, bread.
* Lunch: chicken broth, prunes with nuts, juice (or milk soup with vegetables, ice cream and chocolate).
* Dinner: pork with mashed potatoes, biscuits, cheese, milk.
The bread is packaged in small pieces so that they can be sent whole to your mouth. Water is in bags, it is drunk through a straw. In zero gravity, while eating, astronauts must also make sure that pieces of food do not fall, otherwise they will float around the ship and it will be impossible to catch them.
Game "Dessert for an astronaut". This will require any string to which small sweets are hung according to the number of children. I blindfold the child, and he must randomly cut the sweet from the string. This will show toddlers how not easy to manage with food in a state of weightlessness.

How do astronauts sleep in a state of weightlessness, your options? The cosmonauts sleep with their seatbelt on, because there is zero gravity in space. Sleeping bags with zippers are attached directly to the walls.

Did you like our "space flight"? (children's answers) But it's time to return to Earth, home. And now we will all together draw up our own map of the starry sky as a keepsake. (This will require a Whatman paper, or half of it, the size depends on the number of children, pre-prepared paper stars, each must be signed with the name of the child. Children stick each of their stars to the Whatman paper).

Thank you for the attention! Come to us again!

List of sources:
Ian Nicholson "Universe", scientific and educational literature for children;
Sergei Yurievich Modestov "Cosmos", a schoolchild's handbook;
Planets. Stars. Constellations. Compiled by Kiseleva N.Yu.
Holidays in Russia. Compiled by Yatsenko I.F.
Yuri Gagarin - I see the Earth ...


I remember the sun sparkled that day:

What an amazing April it was!

And in my heart joy shone with pride:

Gagarin flew in from space!

Everyone recognized him by his smile -

Such a smile was not the second!

The whole world applauded! Everyone was jubilant:

Gagarin circled our globe!

Since then, unknown distances have approached,

Ships are exploring space ...

And he started out as a Russian, nice guy,


( A scientist enters and ponders)

Scientist: Why are there 12 months in a year? Not 20 or 25? Why are there no stairs to the sky, To reach the stars and get them? Well, and keep records of the stars, I could - the Great Scientist!

Leading: Hello Great Scientist! We really need your help.

Scientist: Hello dear guys and adults! Listen, what happened to you?

Leading: The guys and I came to the hall for the holiday, and we can't figure out which one, we only know that GAGARIN is the FIRST COSMONAUT OF THE EARTH!

(The scientist opens the book, looks and speaks) - Slide number 1

Scientist: Guys, today is a holiday - April 12 - Cosmonautics Day. 55 years ago - on April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union launched the Vostok spacecraft into Earth's orbit. The flight duration was 1 hour 48 minutes. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut of the planet Earth, took off on the Vostok spacecraft. This is how the cosmonaut profession appeared on Earth, and on April 12, the World Day of Aviation and Astronautics is celebrated. Dear educator, in the current age of nanotechnology, take this disc and turn it on, I have prepared very interesting information for you.

(Video "Do you know what kind of guy he was")

Leading: (Slide number 2- portrait of Gagarin)

He was born near the city of Gzhatsk,

Russian boy in a peasant family.

Proud name Yuri Gagarin

Everyone on earth knows now.

The whole world, the whole planet is proud of him,

The name Yuri is on everyone's lips,

The Russian guy rose above the world,

Giving your heart to Russia.

The very first orbit over the planet

He did for the glory of the country,

As a bright star rising to the sky

On a clear day in that beautiful spring.

With this feat Yuri Gagarin,

Having made an unparalleled flight

He glorified the whole of Russia for centuries

And our great Russian people.

Everything will someday become commonplace

And a flight to the moon and to Mars,

And tourists are already being delivered

To the vastness of space tracks

There will be many discoveries in the future

There is endless space above the ground

But always a new step someone's first

She will do it at the risk of herself.

(Children read the poem "Cosmonauts have a holiday!")

A special day has come to us -

The cosmonauts have a holiday!

He knows it well

Quiet and prankster!

And everyone repeats, who is not lazy,

Always the same:

Since I was born on this day

Must become an astronaut!

No, I don't want to be an astronaut.

Rather, an astronomer.

I will study all the planets

Without leaving home.

But maybe it's still a doctor? -

There will be no problems in the family

I will always lend my shoulder

To relatives and friends.

And become a traveler

All the boys dream

To open countries, lands,

Write books about it.

Scientist: So today we guys will go to travel to outer space. ( Slide number 3 - outer space)

Leading: Oh, how interesting! We are happy, Great Scientist! Children, let's go on a trip?

(Runs in Dunno)

Dunno: Aha! They wanted to fly away without me !?

Leading: Sorry! And who are you?

Dunno: Well, they don't even know who I am! I am a great astronaut! I was the first to go to space!

Leading: Children! Is it possible that Yuri Gagarin himself came to us! Well, hello, I'm sorry we didn't recognize it right away! Guys, does he really look like Yuri Gagarin?

Dunno: Not! No! I'm not Yuri Gagarin! And in general, I don’t know who your Yuri Gagarin is!

Scientist: Guys, come on, repeat this guest who Yuri Gagarin is! ( Children's answer). Yes Yes! It was Yuri Gagarin who was the first person who flew into space and spent 108 minutes in the orbit of our planet.

Dunno: Oh, think 108 minutes! I would have spent all 200 minutes there! And you are Gagarin! Gagarin!

Leading: Well, you are a liar! And you not only did not say hello to the guys, you even forgot to introduce yourself to us!

(Dunno gets into the position of the offended and turns away, mimicking the presenter)

Leading: Guys, have you already guessed who this ill-mannered guest is? Yes, of course, this is Dunno, turn to us, we recognized you!

Dunno: Well, it’s not even interesting already! I'll go away from you!

(Dunno goes to the door, but the host stops him)

Leading: Wait, don't go! Stay, I think you will still be interested with us! Don't go away!

Scientist: And, really, let's travel with us in outer space?

Dunno(comes back): okay, I'll stay. I even know how you and I will go to this outer space. Is everyone ready to fly? Then - let's go! And the on-board computer will help us on our journey ( children get to their feet and repeat the movements for Dunno). Let's count down: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, start! Let's fly!

(dance "Childish time").

Dunno: Well, we flew in ... Wow, just look at everything here ... ( Dunno shows on the screen)

(Video "Walk in Space")

Dunno: Blimey…

Leading: How beautiful…

Scientist: Space has been little explored, it is very large. And we will explore it, and we will start with you from our planet, which is what is called?

(Video about planet Earth)

Scientist: There are countless stars in the sky, and now, we scientists are discovering new stars, they are looking for them in the sky with the help of powerful telescopes. And we guys will now play the game "Collect the Star". Slide number 4 - "Starry sky"

(Game "Collect a Star")


We continue our research:

Scientist: Guys, we got acquainted with the planet Earth, and do you know what other planets are in space?

Dunno: I know! I know! Planet "Gems", planet "Riddles", planet "Fairy Tales", planet "Marmaladok", planet "Jokes", planet "Dances", planet "Desires".

Scientist: And not right Dunno.

Dunno: How so? And not right? I have named all seven planets!

Scientist: There are not seven of them! There are 9 of them! And their names are different! Look here they are ( Scientist shows on the screen).

(Video "Planets of the Solar System")

Leading: How interesting is it guys? ( Slide number 5 - Outer space)

(Sound signal)

Leading: Scientist, what's going on? What sounds?

Dunno: Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid ... help ( running around the hall)

Scientist: Do not be afraid! These are the sounds of a spaceship, something happened there, this is a signal from outer space.

Leading: A spaceship? Which one?

Scientist: Each planet has its own inhabitants, who also move in their spaceships, there must have been malfunctions, and an inhabitant from one of the planets will soon come to us.

Dunno: How do we recognize him?

(An alien enters the hall)

Alien (speaks slowly, on one note): Hello, earthlings!

Leading: Hello dear alien! Our crews received an alarm signal from your spaceship. What happened to you? Maybe we can help?

Alien: I cannot return to my planet until I collect the cosmic crystals.

Leading(addressing children): Guys, you need to help, a resident from another planet, the crystals need to be decomposed into compartments: red crystals are red, green crystals are round in shape.

(Game "Collect Crystals")

Alien: How cleverly you managed to collect space crystals! Well done, earthlings! You have done a wonderful job with my assignment! I would like to show you my planet, but it disappeared from the starry sky ... How can I get home? I don't know how to build a rocket.

Leading: Don't be upset, please! We will try to help you. We have very talented and intelligent children in our kindergarten. Guys, let's help the alien get to his home, because his parents probably lost him.

(Children are divided into three teams. The first and second teams are to lay out the buildings of the rocket, the third is, according to the alien's description of his planet, to find it against the background of the starry sky among other space objects)

Alien... Thank you, earthlings! You helped me a lot. I am in a hurry to return to my planet.

Leading: Yes, and it is time for us guys to return to our most wonderful planet in the entire universe.

Scientist: Yes, dear teacher and children, our journey has dragged on. After all, I have so much unknown, unexplored ahead of me, so many experiments need to be carried out.

Alien. And why is it the most wonderful you have?

Leading... And you listen to our song and you yourself will understand.

(Song "Multicolored Planet", lyrics by A. Orlov, music by N. Novisova.)

Alien: And, really, your planet is colorful, oh, wonderful. But each one has its own wonderful one where I live, and you, where is your home. Goodbye guys! It was a pleasure to meet you! ( Waves his hand and leaves)

Dunno: And I have to go, it was so interesting to travel with you. I’ll go to Znayka and to all the short people from the Flower City I’ll tell you what I learned today. They'll be surprised!

Leading: Goodbye, Dunno! Visit us more often! In our kindergarten you will learn a lot of new and interesting things!

Leading: Guys, while our ship is making a soft landing on Earth, tell us what you remember and liked about the trip?

(Children's poems)

It's so cool in space!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Sailing slowly!

It's so cool in space!

Sharp rockets

At great speed

They rush here and there!

So wonderful in space!

So magical in space!

In real space

Visited once!

In real space!

In the one that saw through

In the one that saw through

Paper telescope!

Scientist: A touch ... There is a touch! Everybody guys! We returned to Earth, to your kindergarten. Today we have made an interesting journey into outer space. Until next time! Goodbye, guys!

Game program for children

Design and props: poster "A Journey to Unknown Planets", large photographs of Y. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova, dogs Belka and Strelka; multi-colored paper stars for contests and stars-awards for the winners, a fabulous chest with "magic" things; paper, pencils, paints.

Leading. Hello dear guys! It is nice to see brave dreamers and dreamers in this room, from whom outstanding people later grow! Who can tell me which World Holiday falls on April 12? That's right, it's Aviation and Astronautics Day!

The mysterious, enigmatic world of stars and planets from ancient times attracted the attention of people who dreamed of penetrating into it, mastering it. More than one generation of earthlings puzzled over how to build a spaceship to fly higher than the stars. This dream was made possible by an unprecedented technical progress. Only with the penetration of man into outer space, the distant mysterious world became closer and more accessible.
Since people sought not only to put a record of heights, but to thoroughly learn, scientifically study the sky, then in spacecraft they needed eyes that could see through thousands of kilometers, they needed ears to hear the universe, they needed hands that could control a point - a ship lost in the infinity of the world's oceans. "Eyes" were created by locators, "ears" - by radio astronomers, "hands" - by specialists in automation. Thousands of inventive minds were included in the common work, and thousands of skillful, talented hands created spaceships that carried out long-awaited flights.
Now, guys, tell me, which of the people was the first in the history of mankind to fly into space in a spaceship? (Children answer.) Right! It was our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (portrait of Gagarin), who flew into space on April 12, 1961 on the Vostok spacecraft. But even a few years before the immortal feat of the pilot-cosmonaut Gagarin, on November 3, 1957, a living heart beat in the lifeless, cold, always black space of space. A dog lived, breathed, flew over the world in the sealed cabin of the satellite ... Who remembers her name? That's right, Laika. And after Laika, two more famous dogs followed into space. What were their names? That's right, Belka and Strelka. (Show photos of dogs.) Guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits have also been in space - all of them honestly served the realization of the great dream of mankind. Years will pass, a grandiose all-human museum of the conquest of space will be created, one of the halls of which will certainly be dedicated to the four-legged heroes of space - the selfless partners of astronauts in the exploration of the unknown world.
Heroic flights were carried out on spaceships not only by men, but also by women. And the first woman - an astronaut was ...

(Children call Valentina Tereshkova, photo show.)

Since then, many cosmonauts from different countries have been in space: Americans, Japanese, Chinese, French, etc.
Previously, only specially trained and professionally educated people flew into space. And today, just imagine, you can fly into space as a tourist, having paid, however, a hefty sum for it. It's like making a hiking trip.
Let us and we go on such an exotic "hike". Raise your hands, who wants to go into space? Fine! And we will fly with you on the SPACE. What sounds does the device make during flight? W-w-w-w-w! Let's fly, let's fly! Have arrived! Muffled all motors!
Here we are with you and got to the first planet. A human has never set foot here before us. Let's come up with a name for it. (Children come up with a name, and depending on it, the Leader names the inhabitants of the planet.) They live here. We need to learn to speak with them. They do not understand the language of earthlings, but since we flew to visit them, we must somehow greet them. Now we will try to learn this with you.

Game program for children

(He invites several people to the middle of the hall. They should greet each other with gestures, and these gestures should not be repeated with each other. A competitive game is held, the Host encourages the winner and invites everyone to fly to the next planet. Team to fly.)
Have arrived! And this planet is called Alphacentaurus. Whom do we see! Look, guys, we are met by an alien named Vertunchik!
Vertuychik... This is cool! We have guests! Very happy, very happy! So you say, did you come from the Earth itself? So, probably, they are smart and understand space problems. Let's check it out now. Guess the riddles!

1. A blue fur coat has covered the whole world. (Sky.)
2. At the grandmother's hut above the hut Hangs the edge of the sky.
The dogs are barking
But they can't get it. (Month.)
3- On clear nights
Mom is walking with her daughters.
She does not tell her daughters:
Go to bed, it's late!
Because the mother is the moon,
And the daughters - ... (Stars.)
4. I grumble, grumble, -
I'll fly to heaven. (Helicopter.)
5. There are no clouds on the horizon,
But an umbrella opened in the sky,
A few minutes later, he dropped down .... (Parachute).
6. Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
Flew into a flock of stars. (Rocket.)

Well done, earthlings! All my riddles have been guessed! Enjoy your further flight! (Leaves.)
Leading... Let's fly! F-f-f-f ... We fly ... we fly ... We arrived! We are on the planet Zvezdalia. It got this name because of the large number of stars falling on its surface. They keep falling and falling ... (Scatters multi-colored paper stars on the floor.) Let's collect them as souvenirs from outer space.

The game "Who will collect the stars faster"

5 people are participating. While the Leader is counting to five, the guys should pick up as many stars as possible from the floor. At the command "Stop!" stop. After counting the collected stars from each participant, the Host names the winner and awards him an Honorary Star (big red star). The losing guys are advised not to be upset, because they are left with the stars they have collected as a gift. Children return to their seats.

Leading. Let's continue our journey. Let's fly! F-f-f-f ... We fly ... we fly ... We arrived! This time, guys, we got to the moon. The moon is a satellite of the earth (image of the moon), and we are currently lunatics. And, therefore, we will play with air "moons".
(Two teams of 6 people are recruited. The guys stand in columns and raise their hands up. The leading players of each team are given a balloon, which they, without turning around, must pass into the hands of the player standing behind, he to the next, etc. The team wins, in which the last player gets the ball first, the Honorary Star is awarded.)
Let's fly! .. We've got to the Fabulous planet. (A "fabulous" chest is brought to the stage.) Look, guys, what a wonderful fabulous chest we found here!
(He opens the chest and invites the children to play the game "Guess which fairy tale is it from?"

What is this fruit in my hands? (Apple.)

What fairy tales do you know where the apple is present? ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes".)
And now what do I have in my hands? (Red flower.) In what fairy tale does such a beautiful flower appear? ("The Scarlet Flower".)
What are these shoes in my hands? (A boot.) Well, and what fairy tale character does he belong to? ("Puss in Boots".)
What is it? (Egg.)

Name fairy tales in which the egg plays an important role. ("Ryaba Chicken", "The Frog Princess".)

Guess what it is? (Nutshell.)

In what fairy tale is she found? ("Thumbelina".)
And what is this thing? (Thermometer.)

And what fairy-tale character uses it? ("Dr. Aibolit".)

And now what do I have in my hands? (Goroshina) In which fairy tale did she play a certain role? ("Princess on the Pea".)
Well done boys! They did not lose face in front of the inhabitants of the Fantastic planet - you know fairy tales well. And now we will continue our journey in the Spaceship. Let's fly! F-f-f-f ... We fly, we fly ... We arrived! We turn off the motors! So we have reached the last point of our wanderings, landed on our home planet - Earth. As you know, innumerable species of living creatures live here: people, animals, birds, fish, insects ... Some of them fly, others walk, others crawl ... I suggest you play the game "Flies - does not fly". If I name an object or a creature that flies, you raise your hands up; if it doesn’t fly, you don’t raise your hands. Be careful!
(Examples of questions: Eagle flies? Goat flies? Helicopter flies? Hippo flies? Table flies? Chicken flies? Etc.)

Great guys! And now a serious creative competition is announced. Break up into several teams and draw those fabulous planets that we never had a chance to visit. Try to give them interesting names and explain how they are especially different.
(The children begin the task, then the Leader will reward the children.)
Our journey to uncharted planets has ended. We are back in our hall, on our native land. As the saying goes, "visiting is good, but at home is better." So let us love and protect our home - our Earth! Until next time, guys!

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