Home roses How to cure poisoning. What to take in case of food poisoning at home. Restoration of water-salt metabolism

How to cure poisoning. What to take in case of food poisoning at home. Restoration of water-salt metabolism

Food poisoning is one of the most unpleasant conditions. Everything hurts - the stomach, intestines, the temperature rises, bones break, etc. The degree of departure can be so strong that medical intervention is indispensable.

What nuances do you need to know about food poisoning, what to do in case of food poisoning and how to help yourself or a loved one before the doctor arrives? Let's figure it out.

Generally speaking, food poisoning is a violation of the normal functioning of human organs due to the ingestion of toxic or toxic substances.

According to the severity of food poisoning can be divided for several stages.

  • moderate stage. Occurs when a small amount of a toxic substance enters the body. It manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, sometimes a slight increase in temperature is possible.
  • acute stage. It is characterized by sudden and severe damage to the body and the rapid onset of symptoms. Temperature, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - all these effects quickly and abundantly appear within a short period of time.
  • Superacute poisoning. The most severe case of getting a large amount of poisons into the body. The consequences are extremely serious - depressed consciousness or its complete loss, convulsions, convulsions, respiratory arrest.
  • Chronic poisoning. With prolonged exposure to a small amount of toxic substances, for example, with the constant consumption of unsuitable foods, this type of disease is also possible. General passivity, drowsiness, malaise in the digestive tract, unhealthy complexion, nausea indicate chronic poisoning. Moreover, over time, a person’s well-being only worsens until the disease becomes acute.

With its sufficient prevalence, food poisoning remains a kind of blank spot in our lives. This happens for two reasons.

Firstly, the symptoms of poisoning are very extensive and characteristic of many other diseases, which means that diagnosis becomes difficult.

Secondly, and this is completely on the conscience of the patients themselves, we often neglect what we eat. Snacks on the road, incomprehensible cafes, food of dubious quality, unsanitary conditions - nothing stops us from snacking.

General signs of poisoning are known to many, but not everyone knows what symptoms are characteristic of a particular type of phenomenon.

In order to provide effective targeted assistance, it is necessary to take into account following classification of poisonings.

  • Bacterial damage. It takes place when eating food contaminated with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. The following symptoms are characteristic of this poisoning - vomiting, severe intestinal colic, diarrhea. Moreover, it should be taken into account that the listed consequences occur quite quickly after ingestion of poor-quality food - on average, after 1-2 hours.
  • Chemical poisoning. To give an appetizing "fresh" look, many vegetables and fruits are treated with special chemical compounds. Or, such chemicals are already present inside the fruits, since synthetic fertilizers were used in large quantities when growing them. Such poisoning manifests itself as follows - dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, profuse salivation and sweating, pain in the stomach, blurred vision. Symptoms of chemical poisoning appear very quickly, within an hour.
  • Botulism. Fans of canned and pickled foods should be extremely careful. Microorganisms that appear in sealed jars can lead to death. Botulism appears 10-15 hours after eating foods. The central nervous system takes the brunt of botulism. A person's visual and speech functions deteriorate sharply, dry mouth appears and swallowing reflexes are difficult, followed by nausea and vomiting.

Any of the listed poisonings can pass easily, and can cost health and even life. Do not waste precious time, if there are several signs of a particular poisoning, call an ambulance.

Treatment for food poisoning

The disease is treated in several stages.

  • First of all, it is gastric lavage. Be sure to remove the poisonous element from the body.
  • Secondly, it is obligatory to take sorbent substances.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance. During gastric lavage and due to diarrhea and vomiting, a person loses a large amount of fluid that needs to be restored.
  • Final stage- restorative preventive procedures.

In case of severe poisoning, a person is placed in a hospital for several days, where he is given all the necessary procedures.

The question arises - they called an ambulance, but what should we do ourselves: sit back and wait? Of course no. It is necessary to provide the most comfortable conditions for the patient and help him in every possible way. What to do in case of poisoning at home?

As in the case of inpatient treatment, at home, gastric lavage will be the first aid. But if the conditions of a medical institution allow the use of special devices for this procedure, then at home you will have to cope with improvised means.

In case of poisoning at home, it is necessary to induce vomiting artificially. To do this, give the patient a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda (15 g per liter) to drink and press the root of the tongue with two fingers. Repeat the procedure two or three times.

After the initial cleansing, it is necessary to get rid of the remaining toxins as quickly as possible. Activated charcoal works well for this. It should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of the patient's weight.

Next, you need to provide the patient with plenty of fluids. You should drink salted water, weak tea, compotes, fruit drinks. However, it is better to refuse food intake on the first day. And after recovery, start your diet with low-fat dietary and sparing foods - mashed potatoes, dairy-free cereals, kissels, crackers.

After treatment, the patient needs rest and bed rest until complete recovery.


The phrase has already been mentioned more than once and is familiar to everyone - it is better to prevent than to cure. Of course, it is wiser not to bring the situation to a critical point. To prevent food poisoning, follow a few simple rules.

  • Observe the diet. By consuming food at a strictly defined time, you will save yourself from bouts of wild hunger, during which a person is able to eat anything and in large quantities.
  • Eat at home. Homemade food is the safest and healthiest. But if there is no way to eat homemade food, then visit only proven catering places.
  • Plentiful drink. Water helps to get rid of toxins and poisons, so its consumption will be useful not only for those already poisoned, but also as a preventive measure.
  • Buy products in proven mass outlets - hypermarkets, markets, fairs. Tents with vegetables and fruits standing alone by the road are not the most reliable supplier of healthy products.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Acute food poisoning requires treatment as early as possible, since this determines how much of the toxin has time to be absorbed into the bloodstream and begin its destructive effect.

At the very first symptoms of food poisoning, you can help yourself on your own, but still sensibly assessing your condition - many food poisonings are life threatening. Therefore, it is best to seek help from health workers, especially with young children.

General principles for the treatment of food poisoning and differences from the treatment of intestinal infections

Light food poisoning in the general mass, especially those that often occur in everyday life, do not belong to serious illnesses. Even without treatment, such conditions resolve on their own within 1-3 days. The main directions of treatment:

  • elimination of intoxication and the speedy removal of toxins from the body;
  • prevention);
  • restoration of intestinal biocenosis;
  • restoration of the gastrointestinal tract through a sparing diet.

The fundamental difference in the treatment of intestinal infections is the often prescribed etiotropic treatment for the destruction of the pathogen that actively multiplies in the body (antibiotics or antiviral drugs). In addition, the treatment of intestinal infections (, botulism, rotavirus, enterovirus, etc.) is a lengthy process, often occurring only in a hospital setting.

First aid for food poisoning

The earliest treatment for food poisoning, which actually plays the role of first aid to the victim, is extremely important - because the sooner the fight against the incoming toxic substance is started, the sooner the body will cope with intoxication.

  • Cleansing the stomach

As a rule, the body itself gives a signal about the need to empty the stomach when a low-quality product has got there. But the natural urge to vomit is not enough to maximize the gastric lavage.

After the first attack of vomiting, you need to drink about half a liter of warm water, salted, with the addition of potassium permanganate or soda (weak solution!). With the next attack of vomiting, the main amount of food masses will come out, but washing should be carried out, if possible, before clear water is thrown out of the stomach.

Of course, you should not forcefully provoke vomiting if there is no urge to do so - probably, the spoiled product has already left the stomach and is in the intestines.

  • Compensation for lost fluid

Diarrhea and vomiting are protective reactions of the body, but in addition to removing toxins, fluid is excreted and lost, the volume of which must be replenished. At home, after each bowel movement or vomiting, you need to take about 200 grams of liquid, but only in small sips: non-carbonated mineral water, boiled water, glucose-salt solution (for 1 liter of boiled water, 3 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tsp. salt).

  • Natural bowel cleansing

The main mistake in diarrhea associated with food poisoning is to try to stop it by taking imodium and similar drugs. Diarrhea is the fastest and most massive elimination of toxin from the body. The retention of feces in the intestines is tantamount to a blockage in the sewer, because the processes of decay and absorption of toxic products will continue intensively. The question of prescribing antidiarrheal drugs is decided only by a doctor.

  • Hunger Compliance

Earlier, at the peak of symptoms, it was recommended to refrain from eating, especially since there is always no appetite for poisoning. The gastrointestinal tract functions incompletely, so it is necessary to withstand therapeutic hunger during the first day of the disease. However, with Now hunger is not used in treatment, since the intestines and stomach must restore their epithelium, and this is impossible without food. It’s over, if you don’t want to eat, then you don’t force feed. But it is not recommended to specifically observe hunger, especially for children.

When is hospitalization required?

Most cases of food poisoning can be managed at home.
Hospitalization is indicated for the following variants of the course of food poisoning:

  • almost any food poisoning in a child under 3 years of age. Treatment of food poisoning in a young child is carried out only under the supervision of medical personnel, since vomiting and diarrhea quickly lead the body to a state of dehydration, which is very dangerous in childhood. In addition, it is difficult to force a small child to drink a large amount of liquid, while in a hospital, intravenous administration of rehydration solutions is possible;
  • food poisoning in pregnant women and elderly patients;
  • poisoning with mushrooms, poisonous plants, inedible liquids and compounds;
  • severe food poisoning accompanied by:
    • diarrhea more than 10 times a day;
    • diarrhea with an admixture of blood;
    • high temperature that persists during the second day of the disease;
    • indomitable vomiting;
    • strong growing weakness;
  • poisoning with increasing symptoms on the 2nd-3rd day of the disease.

Medical treatment of poisoning

With a mild course of food poisoning, no specific treatment may be needed at all, the main thing is to drink more and follow a sparing diet. Recall that only a doctor can adequately assess a person’s condition and determine the need and amount of treatment.

Rehydration therapy (rehydrants) When food poisoning is diagnosed, treatment with drugs from the group of rehydrants is the main one, since it leads to the restoration of electrolyte and water deficiency in the body. Therapy of this type can be oral and, in severe cases or when restoring fluid volume in young children, parenteral. Oral rehydration with special solutions can be carried out at home, since their application is simple and straightforward, moreover, oral rehydrants should always be in the traveler's first aid kit.
Oral Rehydration Products
  • Oralit
  • Regidron
  • Chlorazole
  • Litrozole
Preparations for parenteral rehydration
  • Trisol
  • Quartasol
  • Acesol
  • Chlosol
  • Lactosol
Sorption therapy (enterosorbents) Action Main drugs:
Preparations from this group help to quickly remove toxins by adsorption. Their use is justified in the period of absence of vomiting, as well as in the two-hour interval between taking other drugs. Sorption therapy is not carried out at high temperatures, and is prescribed with caution to young children and elderly patients.
  • black and white coal, attapulgite, smecta, enterosgel,
  • polyphepan, sorbogel,
Pain medication (antispasmodics) These drugs are indicated for a significant pain symptom, accompanied by diarrhea, with painful urge to defecate.
  • nosh-pa, drotaverine,
  • spazmalgon,
  • rescued.
Antibacterial and antimicrobial therapy (antibiotics and antimicrobials) These drugs are very rarely prescribed for food poisoning and are indicated for mixed poisoning. Unreasonable prescription of antibiotics and combined antimicrobial drugs exacerbates the picture of dysbacteriosis, which develops as a result of the disease.
  • furazolidone,
  • nifuroxazide,
  • intetrix,
  • ersefuril,
  • phthalazol.
Antiemetic and antidiarrheal therapy Since both vomiting and diarrhea are defensive reactions of the body, these, in this case, normal reactions of the body should not be forced. In extreme cases, when vomiting and diarrhea become indomitable, and the bulk of the toxin has already come out with vomit and feces, the following can be prescribed:
  • antiemetics - cerucal, motiluim;
  • antidiarrheal -, trimebutine (see)
Antipyretic therapy (NSAIDs) As a rule, with food poisoning, hyperthermia does not reach high numbers, but people who do not tolerate high temperatures, as well as children, can be prescribed:
  • ibuklin (paracetamol + ibuprofen).
Restoring microflora therapy (pro- and eubiotics) After food poisoning, the normal intestinal biocenosis is almost always disturbed. Therefore, during the recovery period, preparations containing beneficial bacteria or their components are prescribed:
  • bifidumbacterin, lineks; enterogermina; bionorm; bioflora; bactisubtil (see)

Other Treatments for Food Poisoning

In case of severe poisoning, as well as in the absence of vomiting or to induce it in stationary conditions, gastric lavage is performed.

With the help of a probe, which is inserted into the oral cavity and gently moves into the stomach cavity, water is introduced and removed until the liquid becomes clear. On average, an adult needs to use about 10 liters of water for effective gastric lavage.

In the absence of diarrhea, with dangerous and severe poisoning, a siphon enema is performed in the hospital.

Using a special hose and funnel, a liquid whose composition is determined by the doctor (maybe water with potassium permanganate, sodium chloride, etc.) is carefully introduced into the intestine through the anus, then the funnel quickly descends and the water leaves the intestine. Rinsing is carried out to clean water, the volume of liquid consumed is also about 10 liters.

Folk remedies for food poisoning

Treatment of food poisoning with folk remedies is possible with a mild course and after prior consultation with a doctor.

  • Infusion of cinnamon

Cinnamon is considered a natural antispasmodic, as well as a natural sorbent. Half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon is poured into a glass of boiling water and mixed. The infusion is kept for 15 minutes and filtered. Taken warm, during the day. The liquid is drunk in small sips, the daily volume is 1.5 liters.

  • Roots, flowers and leaves of marshmallow

A good remedy that shortens the recovery time for food poisoning. The roots should be crushed and pour 1 teaspoon with 0.5 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain the infusion, add honey to taste, you can drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4 r / day. Flowers and leaves of marshmallow - 2 tbsp. spoons pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, insist 4 hours, drink as tea 3 times a day.

  • Dill decoction with honey

Dill helps to expel toxins as soon as possible and eases the course of vomiting without stopping it. Honey retains potassium, which is also lost in vomiting and diarrhea. One teaspoon of dill seeds is poured with one and a half cups of boiling water and insisted for a couple of minutes. Then the infusion must be boiled for 2 minutes, strained and dissolved in the resulting volume of a teaspoon of honey.
Take during the day, the daily volume is 1 liter.

  • Decoction of wormwood and yarrow

Wormwood and yarrow help cleanse the body of toxic substances. One teaspoon of dry plants is mixed with 500 ml of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion, after filtering, is taken during the day, divided into 5 equal parts.

  • Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons, dilute with water and add sugar to taste. Drink the resulting juice in one gulp, it is believed that lemon juice stops the reproduction of bacteria. This method is contraindicated in persons with and with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when acidic foods are contraindicated.

Nutrition during convalescence

Within a few days after poisoning, one should not eat heavy and fatty foods; milk and any dairy products should be limited. Spicy and alcohol are also prohibited.

You should eat fractionally, in small portions. Meat products should be prepared exclusively in a dietary way and in a crushed form. Of the side dishes, boiled potatoes, rice are good.

An adequate drinking regime during the recovery period is also important, since the body needs to replenish its lost volume. You can drink weak green tea, chamomile tea, slightly sweetened and warm.

Prevention of food poisoning

  • Sufficient heat treatment of food
  • Compliance with the temperature regimes of food storage, compliance with expiration dates
  • Eating only proven and edible mushrooms and plants
  • Pre-boiling homemade milk, water from decentralized sources
  • Compliance with the rules of hygiene when preparing food (thoroughly washing dishes, as well as fruits, vegetables), personal hygiene
  • When purchasing dairy products, it is necessary to check the integrity of the packaging

    Do not eat unfamiliar foods

    Meat and fish must be subjected to high-quality heat treatment

    It is necessary to fight flies, cockroaches, mice - carriers of infections

    Keep separate storage in the refrigerator of raw and finished meat products

    Do not eat cooked meals that have been stored for more than 3 days (even in the refrigerator)

In medical practice, there are often cases when a patient is taken to the hospital with food poisoning. Such a disease can be mild, and then food poisoning is treated at home, but not many people know what to do with a severe stage of the disease. As the doctors say, you should give the patient first aid, and then call an ambulance. ​

Poisoning occurs with products that are contaminated with toxins or pathogenic bacteria. Also, food poisoning can be attributed to the consumption of poisonous mushrooms. It is worth noting that in case of poisoning with ordinary food and mushrooms, the first aid to the patient will be different.

The most dangerous products include meat, various sausages and canned food, as well as dairy products and milk itself. Shredded meat is more susceptible to infection, it is pate and jelly. The first symptoms of poisoning may appear two hours after eating, but in some cases, toxins act on the body slowly, and symptoms appear only after 26 hours. It all depends on the amount of food consumed, as well as the dose of the toxin that was present in it. We will talk in more detail about the symptoms of poisoning, as well as tell you how to provide first aid.

Types of poisoning

Food poisoning is classified into groups, experts distinguish two types, these include microbial and non-microbial. Each of them should be discussed in more detail.

microbial contamination:

microscopic fungi;


botulinum stick;



parahemolytic vibrio.

Non-microbial contamination:

poisoning of the human body with toxic substances contained in plants;

poisoning with products that contain toxins that were formed during improper storage;

Chemical additives that may be present in foods include nitrates, harmful additives and pesticides.

If a person has eaten poor-quality food and has the first symptoms, it is necessary to find out what to do in case of food poisoning. First aid should be provided at home.

The main signs of food poisoning

If indigestion manifests itself as strong signs, the patient needs to provide first aid as soon as possible. If the patient is not helped in a timely manner, then the toxins will continue to poison the body, thereby worsening the symptoms and well-being of the patient, this can lead to serious consequences.

The main signs of food poisoning in the body:

attacks of nausea, sudden profuse vomiting (may occur repeatedly);

diarrhea develops, while the feces have a pungent odor, most often the stool is watery, it contains pieces of undigested food;

there is weakness in the body, darkening in the eyes and severe dizziness due to intoxication;

gas accumulates in the abdomen, which causes bloating, spasms and pain may occur;

in some cases, blood pressure decreases or increases, the heartbeat quickens;

headaches occur;

the patient loses his appetite;

with severe poisoning and intoxication, there is chills and fever.

Since the symptoms are quite serious and can greatly worsen the patient's condition, everyone should know what to do in case of food poisoning. Doctors recommend providing first aid at home so that the patient does not become much worse before the arrival of the ambulance. There are many serious intestinal diseases that pose a serious danger to the body. These diseases include:

rotavirus infection;




intestinal flu.

All these diseases require hospitalization of the patient, as they can lead to some complications. To treat most of the diseases on this list, doctors use antibacterial drugs and antiviral agents. Additionally, a diet is applied.

Seven Basic Rules for Helping

There are seven basic rules that will help to provide first aid to the victim at home. For those who do not know what to do in case of food poisoning, we will describe the basic plan of action:

Cleansing the intestines and stomach. It is very important to remove toxins from the body, since food caused acute poisoning, it is enough to wash the stomach. To do this, the patient is given a few glasses of clean water to drink, and then they induce vomiting. This should be done several times until only pure water comes out of the stomach. You should not use anti-vomiting pills right away, as with this reflex, the body tries to cleanse itself of toxins. This also applies to diarrhoea. After cleansing the stomach, it is allowed to use drugs.

Stop intoxication of the body. To do this, doctors use sorbents that help to collect all the toxins in the stomach and intestines, and then bring them out. For these purposes, Polysorb, Activated carbon or Enterosgel is used. All drugs are very effective.

Antiemetic. If the attacks of vomiting continue, and the stomach has already been washed, the patient is allowed to give a drug that helps to stop the gag reflex. The most commonly used Cerucal tablets.

Prevention of dehydration. An important part of first aid to the patient, since dehydration can be fatal in severe cases. Doctors recommend using solutions such as Regidron or Gastrolit. The composition of these preparations contains minerals that will restore the salt and water balance in the patient's body. Boiled and mineral water is also allowed.

Refusal of food. If the poisoning is not severe and the patient does not need the help of doctors, then it is enough not to give the patient food during the day. After that, it is allowed to use diet food that will not overload the stomach and intestines.

Emergency call. With acute signs of diarrhea, persistent vomiting or loss of consciousness, the patient should immediately call an ambulance. In case of loss of consciousness, it is strictly forbidden to carry out gastric lavage on your own.

Restoration of the stomach and intestines. After poisoning for two weeks, the patient should take enzyme preparations and probiotics. Probiotics include Lactobacterin, the most famous enzyme preparations are Festal and Enzymtal, Mezim can also be used.

We have described in as much detail as possible what to do in case of food poisoning, it is worth considering that antibiotics or cleansing enemas should not be used at home. Only the attending physician can prescribe antibacterial agents; such therapy is used only after the type of pathogen has been established.

First aid for a child

Children are especially prone to food poisoning, as their digestive system cannot always cope with bacteria and germs. Parents should remember that it is impossible to provide first aid to a child under one year old on their own, you should immediately call an ambulance. Children under three years of age with signs of poisoning are hospitalized; it is strictly forbidden for such babies to wash their stomachs on their own. With signs of intoxication, parents can provide first aid:

the patient is provided with complete rest;

the child should be laid on its side and make sure that the vomit does not get into the baby's airways;

until the complete disappearance of vomiting, you can not give the patient food;

you can wash the stomach for children from five years old by diluting a teaspoon of soda in a liter of water;

when the child drinks the solution, the parents press the root of the tongue with their finger, thereby causing vomiting;

after that, the patient is given a sorbent.


Prevention of poisoning is quite simple, it is enough to buy products, monitor their expiration date. In addition, you should not violate the rules for storing meat and dairy products, as well as dishes from them. According to statistics, homemade meals are safer, so it's best to avoid eateries and fast food outlets. It is recommended to purchase products in large supermarkets and trusted stores. It is worth giving up buying meat in tents near the road, as well as buying dairy products that do not have a quality certificate.

Food poisoning can strike anywhere. The incubation period of the pathogenic organisms that cause it is very short. Therefore, already 2-6 hours after ingestion of poor-quality food, symptoms begin to appear: the stomach twists, nausea and diarrhea are noted. This phenomenon is frequent, because everyone should know what to take and do in case of poisoning.

How to identify poisoning

To start helping the victim at home, you need to know what signs to determine food poisoning. These include:

  • Frequent diarrhea, may occur 3-4 times in one hour.
  • Nausea, urge to vomit, but vomiting itself is rare.
  • General weakness.
  • Discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Temperature rise, slight.
  • There is cold sweat on the skin.

The patient's condition is not critical, but very unpleasant. If the symptoms are significantly exacerbated, the cause may be salmonellosis, in which it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The most dangerous food poisoning disease is botulism. It is caused by botulinum toxin, which is produced in home-made canned foods prepared using the wrong technology. This toxin causes disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. There may be visual disturbances, difficulty speaking. In rare cases, visual hallucinations occur. The greatest danger is weakening in the muscles throughout the body: it begins with the muscles of the respiratory system, patients may experience breathing problems, frankly suffocate.

When the symptoms of poisoning are exacerbated, accompanied by pain in the liver or kidneys, disruption of the nervous system, or difficulty breathing, you need to call an ambulance, and not try to do something about it yourself.

What to do in case of food poisoning? In case of severe intoxication, it is necessary first of all to call an ambulance. During the time that doctors will travel, it is important to help the poisoned person relieve symptoms and avoid worsening the condition. First aid must also be provided for mild poisoning, when there is no need to call doctors.

The patient needs to provide bed rest and complete rest. It is better to lie on your side, because with the development of nausea and vomiting, you can choke on vomit. Next, you should do a gastric lavage, for this the patient needs to drink a lot of liquid (water or soda solution, a solution of potassium permanganate) until only water is in the vomiting - this is a mandatory step in eliminating a strong intoxication syndrome.

To wash the stomach, a solution of potassium permanganate is prepared as follows - in warm boiled water, heated to a state of room temperature and a little higher than -25-40 degrees, pour a solution of potassium permanganate until the solution becomes dark pink - for adults, for children, use a solution of pale pink colors. They drink 2-3 liters of the solution, then induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue.

With signs of food poisoning, the victim must be given first aid. It includes a very unpleasant, but necessary procedure - gastric lavage at home. To do this, drink a large amount of boiled water and induce vomiting. The stomach is washed until the water from the mouth begins to flow clear. To stimulate gag reflexes, several crystals of potassium permanganate or baking soda can be used.

After washing, the patient is recommended to take sorbent preparations that slow down the absorption of harmful toxins into the intestines. They are taken during the first hour every 15 minutes, washed down with a small amount of boiled water. You can make cool compresses on the forehead at a temperature or supply the patient with heating pads for chills.

You can take liver-supporting drugs, because it suffers the most. But the main thing that can help the patient is to ensure rest and provide plenty of drink. The body loses a large amount of fluid, which comes out with loose stools and vomiting. You can replenish the liquid by drinking a lot (often in small sips) of mineral water, herbal teas or compotes. You can make saline solutions and alternate drinking with them.

It is recommended to follow a diet, make light meals without spicy, starchy or sweet. Food poisoning passes quickly, the symptoms appear only 1-2 days, after 3-4 the body is completely restored. But in severe cases, hospitalization of the victim may be required.

There are only a few groups of drugs that can be taken for food poisoning. These include:

  • Enterosorbents.
  • Multivitamin complexes.
  • Hepatoprotective agents.

You can not take antibiotics, as well as medicines aimed at combating nausea and diarrhea. You can take some medications only on the recommendation of a doctor, in other cases it is better not to overexert the body.

A doctor may prescribe medications to restore the balance of electrolytes in the body. These include Regidron, which contains a complex of mineral salts and substances necessary for the body. Antibacterial drugs may be prescribed in cases of severe poisoning. But only specialists can make an appointment and set the dosage. It is impossible to engage in drug self-treatment: all components of the drugs are excreted by the liver, and in case of poisoning, it already suffers.

It is necessary to take enterosorbents in case of poisoning so that toxins are absorbed into the intestinal walls as little as possible. It will take longer for the body to remove the absorbed toxins. Sorbents are taken at home immediately after gastric lavage. The most effective sorbents are:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Smekta.
  • Enterosgel.

Charcoal is taken 2-3 tablets at a time. You need to drink every 15 minutes for an hour, drink boiled or filtered water. The maximum dose of activated carbon is 30 grams of pure substance. After taking the feces will be painted black, it's not scary.

A bag of smecta is dissolved in water, the solution is taken immediately after gastric lavage. Can be used to treat poisoning in young children. In rare cases, after use, constipation occurs.

Enterosgel is available in the form of a paste, it is an analogue of Smecta. One and a half tablespoons of the substance dissolve in water, taken after gastric lavage. You need to drink the solution three times a day to enhance the effect. There were no cases of drug overdose.

Most of the work of removing toxins from the body is done by the liver. It has a huge load, therefore it is recommended to use hepatoprotectors during the treatment of poisoning at home. These include:

  • Essentiale Forte N.
  • Heptral.

Essentiale is taken three times a day. During meals, take two capsules inside, drink plenty of liquid. This drug is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. Reception during pregnancy and lactation is possible.

Heptral has not only a hepatoprotective effect, but also belongs to antidepressants. During pregnancy, during lactation, also with bipolar affective disorder, it is prescribed with caution. Not intended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Multivitamin complexes serve as excellent support for the body during the treatment of poisoning at home. Can be used by both children and adults. Such complexes contain vitamins and minerals that are needed for normal metabolic processes. The body is weakened by food poisoning, it needs support. Detoxification mechanisms can be assisted by taking such maintenance vitamins. Common complexes:

  • Vitrum.
  • Alphabet.
  • Doppelhertz.

Vitrum vitamins contain a complex of vitamins necessary for the daily nutrition of the body. Produced in the USA. Another complex - Alfavit, also contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but is produced in Russia and will cost less. A series of multivitamins Doppelherz offers different complexes to support the body, you can choose the general "from A to Zinc", aimed at strengthening the body.

Any medications and multivitamin complexes are recommended to be agreed with the doctor, despite the rapid incubation period of pathogenic organisms. If the symptoms persist for a long time during home treatment, you will need to make an appointment with a doctor or call an ambulance.

Despite the effectiveness of drugs, they are not always necessary to take. You can eliminate the symptoms of intoxication with folk remedies at home, although the usual Smecta helps many. Smekta is inexpensive and is sold in every pharmacy.

It is necessary to start treatment at home only after cleansing the intestines, otherwise the effectiveness of folk remedies will be low.

You can cure poisoning yourself:

  1. Tincture of cinnamon. Pour 150 grams of cinnamon with 2 liters of boiling water and drink for 1 hour.
  2. Althea infusion. Leaves or flowers of marshmallow brew as tea and drink at least 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of dill with honey. Dill seeds should be poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 2 hours in a thermos. Add a spoonful of honey and drink 1 glass every 2 hours.
  4. Lemon juice. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass, dilute with warm water and drink in one gulp.
  5. Sauerkraut juice. Squeeze juice from cabbage and dilute it with water in proportions 1:1. Drink 2 glasses for 2 days.

For a complete recovery, it is necessary to observe a plentiful drinking regimen and diet food for at least 3 days. If the symptoms of intoxication do not disappear for the next 5 days and there is no improvement, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do after poisoning? When the symptoms of intoxication have already passed, it is important to restore the health of the body. First of all, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora, than to do this - with Linex, Bifidumbacterin preparations.

Nutrition, a properly composed diet, is important. Fatty and fried foods, spicy foods, canned food, marinades, fast food, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol should be excluded from the menu. Preference should be given to low-fat broths, cereals and cereals, vegetables and fruits, vegetables can be stewed, baked. It is allowed to eat meat and fish of low-fat varieties. Fermented milk products will help restore the intestinal microflora.

It is necessary to observe the drinking regime, drink enough clean water, you can also use decoctions, kissels, fruit drinks.

The next stage of recovery is to improve the condition of the whole organism, during this period it is recommended to increase immunity, consume a lot of vitamins, and exercise. Sport improves blood circulation throughout the body, including in the digestive tract, which improves the quality of the digestive function.

To prevent food poisoning, prevention is very important:

Be sure to observe personal hygiene (with soap, at least a couple of minutes in a row before eating, wash your hands; especially after visiting the toilet room, communicating with any animals, returning from walks, contact with any frequently used items - a computer, remote controls, etc.)

Use different cutting boards for each type of product (meat, slave, vegetables)

Wash hands before preparing food, rinse food well with soda;

If there are scratches or wounds on the hands, use rubber gloves;

Regularly change the sponges that are used for washing dishes;

It is advisable to use disposable kitchen towels;

When preparing offal from meat, poultry, fish, observe a certain temperature;

Control the temperature at which food is stored in the refrigerator and freezer (they should be stored in food containers with lids)

Any frozen foods should never be re-frozen after thawing;

Expiration dates of products should be checked at the time of purchase and before preparation and consumption of products;

Store waste and garbage in closed containers and out of reach of children.

Food poisoning occurs unexpectedly. As a rule, the reason for this is the intensive reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. These are microorganisms such as staphylococci, enterococci, E. coli, fungus. After the expiration date or if stored improperly, food becomes a fertile environment for the propagation of pathogenic flora. In order to avoid the development of negative consequences in case of food poisoning and for first aid purposes, medicines that cope with painful manifestations should be present in the home first aid kit.

  • Domrid. It is considered an effective remedy, successfully used for vomiting, removes nausea. The medicine is used if the patient is concerned about heartburn, abdominal pain. On pharmacy shelves, the medication is presented in the form of tablets for adults to take and suspensions for use by young children. Domrid is taken within two days. The dosage should correspond to the age category of the patient. If this is a child under twelve years old, the amount of medication is 0.25 ml / kg, if older than 12 or an adult, the intake is increased to 10 milliliters.
  • Cerucal. The drug relieves nausea. Take before meals three times a day. Contraindications: internal bleeding in the organs of the digestive system, lack of motor activity of the intestine, ulcer, pathology of the biliary tract. An overdose of the drug will provoke a desire to sleep, thirst, an unpleasant state in the head, when the surrounding space moves in a circle.
  • Dramina. Used to prevent vomiting and eliminate nausea. This is due to the effect on the central nervous system. The active ingredient in the drug is dimenhydrinate. As a rule, it is prescribed for children from three years old, when the baby is motion sick, it can be used as a prophylactic. Doses depend on the age of the child and are indicated in the instructions.

Before using antiemetics, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications and that it is permissible to take it safely.

As medicines that help with diarrhea, the listed names are often used:

  • Loperamide. The best remedy for diarrhea. Reduces motility in the intestinal tract, reduces the speed of movement of fecal masses through the channels of the body. On the shelves of pharmacies, Loperamide is presented in three forms: capsules, yellow tablets, drops. In this case, the tablet should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved, so that absorption into the bloodstream occurs and useful substances enter the organ faster.
  • Imodium. It acts quickly and effectively against diarrhea in case of intestinal poisoning that has arisen for various reasons. If diarrhea persists after taking Imodium, medical advice should be sought for an examination.


Often, as a result of poisoning and the negative impact of pathogenic microorganisms in the abdomen, pain occurs against the background of a sharp spasm in the muscle tissues of the intestine, stomach cramps. Special medicines help to eliminate the symptom and relieve spasms. They should also be present in the home first aid kit, as they help not only against poisoning, but also against other ailments that provoke spasmodic phenomena in the muscular apparatus.

Doctors note the effectiveness of drugs that have an active ingredient - drotaverine. Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces these preparations in tablet form and injectable solutions.

Due to the vasodilating effect, drugs increase blood flow to the damaged area of ​​​​the body, relieving spasm.

Common drugs that have justified trust and have an effective effect:

Reception of antispasmodics should be carried out carefully. Remember, often manifesting symptoms may not indicate poisoning, but inflammatory processes occurring in the appendix. In this case, taking painkillers is strictly prohibited, since it can blur the clinical picture and lead to complications due to an incorrect diagnosis.

In case of poisoning, it is not recommended to take analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Analgin, Nimid, Nurofen, Nise. Under the influence of these medicines, the patient's condition can deteriorate dramatically, since the constituent components irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Antibacterial agents

When the clinical picture in case of severe poisoning is supplemented by fever, incessant vomiting, blood is observed in the feces, it becomes necessary to use drugs aimed at combating pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Therefore, in the first-aid kit there should be medicines of directed action against intoxication.

Here is a list of medicines that have confirmed the effectiveness of the impact:

  1. Levomycetin. It perfectly neutralizes infections related to purulent and meningococcal groups. Effective against dysentery, typhoid fever. Neutralizes the negative impact of other pathogenic microorganisms that other antimicrobial medicines cannot cope with. Known contraindications prohibiting the use of levomycetin, if there is an allergic reaction to the components. The ban also applies in the presence of a disease of the filtering organs: liver, kidneys. For skin ailments: porphyria, psoriasis, eczema and fungus.
  2. Alpha Normix. The drug is offered in several pharmacological forms: powder and tablets. A suspension is prepared from the powder for oral administration. Alpha Normix contains rifaximin. It is prescribed as an antimicrobial agent in the development of disorders of the digestive system in the acute stage. Allowed even for children after two years. It is worth noting that the dosages prescribed are different for a specific age, so you should read the instructions before use.

  1. Enterofuril. Strong medicine belongs to the group of antibiotics. The active ingredient is nifuroxazide. It has a wide spectrum of action on enterobacteria. It is prescribed even for babies in the second month of life. Analogues: Adisorb, Stopdiar, Lecor.
  2. Furazolidone. An antibiotic used to treat diseases of the internal organs caused by the development of infectious bacteria. It is prescribed for the acute phase of the disease: typhus, diarrhea, enterocolitis, urethritis, cystitis. Children are treated with this drug, starting from the second month of life. You should read the instructions before using. Each age has its own dose and number of applications.

During the course of antimicrobial therapy, it is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages.

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