Home roses What does a fox tattoo mean. Fox tattoos for men in modern society. Wrist tattoo

What does a fox tattoo mean. Fox tattoos for men in modern society. Wrist tattoo

The image of the fox is archetypal in many, many human cultures, found everywhere where the red predator has historically been inhabited. You should think three times before applying such a tattoo, the reaction to it can be painfully ambiguous.

Countries and peoples

Opinions about the meaning of the fox in the traditions and mythology of different countries are not the same:

  • the Japanese consider this animal a symbol of protection from troubles, long life and rain;
  • Chinese tradition says that it is connected with the afterlife, acts as a messenger or link;
  • the Celts believed that foxes are wise and honest;
  • Indian tribes have an ambiguous attitude.

In most modern cultures, the image of the animal is ambivalent: the cunning of foxes is demonstrated in a tattoo through the use of an additional image of a cigar or pipe, and intelligence and insight are shown through glasses. But with inscriptions, including on the female body, you should not supplement it!

Different methods and types

Fox tattoos do not have gender specifics, moreover, there is no distinction in the choice of places for heels. Body parts such as the shoulder, the inside turn of the arm, the ankle and the wrist are considered universal. Girls most often prefer to have a fox painted on them with some kind of fairy-like or natural look, but small in size. Guys mostly make a choice in favor of a large composition, almost always - together with other living beings.

Men's tribal design gives good results.

Who should draw a redhead

The specificity of the image of the fox is that it is more of a female "trick". It is designed to emphasize such qualities as:

  • some degree of selfishness;
  • admiration for oneself;
  • a high self-evaluation;
  • perfect self-confidence.

Among these photos, it is easy to select exactly the image of a fox that is consistent with your plan.

On the male body, a fox is drawn if they want to demonstrate at the same time willpower, honesty, inner self-sufficiency and resourcefulness in a difficult situation. This tattoo is not only beautiful, but also goes well with almost any heel, both made before it, and the one that you will make later. The most for the purely lovers of underwear painting.

An important nuance: not a single most experienced master can draw a believable live fox on a small area of ​​​​skin, which means a big limitation in the choice of places. The choice of sketches for a picture is simply huge: if you don’t like realism, then you can always prefer black and white style, old school, watercolor style, Japanese spirit and the like. Before you sit on the couch, consult with an experienced specialist!

Half a century ago, tattoos in our country were very rare, and more often they could be seen in people who happened to spend some time in places not so remote. Today, when we see a wearable image, we are not surprised, but sincerely interested. Why did this person choose this particular image? Any drawing can be interpreted in various ways. For example, it is not at all easy to correctly determine the meaning of the fox tattoo. Let's try to consider the most common meanings of this symbol in different world cultures.

Male or female tattoo?

Most often, images of foxes are chosen by the fair sex. What is curious is that until recently this beast was chosen by middle-aged women who have already managed to see a lot in this life and achieve something. But today, among young girls, a real fashion for foxes has spread, many consider them beautiful, graceful and mysterious. At the same time, each wearer can explain the meaning of the "fox" tattoo in his own way. Images of a red forest predator today are sometimes found among male representatives. But still, today the fox is more often a female tattoo.

Foxes in the cultures of different peoples

In eastern countries, foxes have been especially revered since time immemorial. These animals are mentioned in many myths and legends. They are messengers of the gods and carriers of good luck. Even in the modern culture of Japan and China, the fox symbolizes good luck in all areas of life, well-being and prosperity. Such a tattoo is often done, wanting to attract all this into your life.

In traditional Russian culture, the fox is the heroine of many fairy tales and fables. Often, all these stories do not put this beast in the best light. The Russian fox uses her beauty and cunning to deceive those who are weaker and more ingenuous. In ancient Rome, they were afraid of the red beast. He was considered a messenger of dark forces, the reputation of the animal is similar in Scandinavian folklore. The cunning of foxes is not a myth at all, this animal is very difficult to catch with a trap or drive into a trap. In the traditions of the Native Americans, foxes are a trickster and a rogue, but not necessarily evil.

The meaning of the fox tattoo for a girl and a guy

Images of graceful furry predators are often associated with beauty and sexuality. Foxes are endowed with a sharp mind. And not in vain, without it it is impossible to fully use natural cunning and deceit. Do not be surprised if someone tells you that the main meaning of the fox tattoo is pride and selfishness. Images of this beast for a tattoo sketch are often chosen by people who are creative, free-thinking and extraordinary in the understanding of the public. Quite often, this animal is chosen as a symbol and totem by various secret organizations and societies.

If you want to get a fox tattoo, but are afraid of a negative interpretation of this image, feel free to choose a Japanese white fox. It is not for nothing that the bearer of red fur was mentioned in Russian folk art, therefore, the owners of the wearable image of his snowy relative can not be afraid of condemnation.

The meaning of the fox tattoo is complex and multifaceted, thanks to this, tattoos with this animal are suitable for many and are becoming more and more popular.

Foxes in criminal tattoo culture

There are also images of foxes in the tradition of prison tattoos. Most often they are chosen by people who consider themselves cunning and insidious. At the same time, according to the general meaning, this symbol is interpreted in a negative context. The "fox" tattoo meaning in the zone usually has something close to diabolical cunning and demonic deceit. The text tattoo “FOX”, which stands for “Love and Death”, is very popular among prisoners in Russia.

It is customary for red foxes to mourn for the departed wife. If the female dies, the male does not look for a new passion, living a century as a bachelor. True, individuals act differently.

After the male leaves, foxes continue breeding with other cavaliers. Therefore, with the image of a fur-bearing animal, there can be both fidelity and betrayal. However, there are other interpretations of the image. Let's learn about them.

Fox tattoo meaning

Fox tattoo sketches associated with mysticism and longevity. There is a belief in the Celestial Empire that a fur-bearing animal does not die, but is reincarnated. Having reached the age of 50, the individual turns into a woman.

After the turn of the century, the beast becomes young. After 1,000 years it is called Tien Hu. The name translates as "heavenly fox". Such a creature is capable of becoming both a woman and a man.

In Asia, the beast is treated positively. In the same there is a saying: - "Where there are no foxes, you cannot build a village." They even make ceramic and wooden predators and put them in front of the entrance to the house.

Individuals of albinos are considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth in the country of the Rising. They are fashioned from, carved from cherry trunks.

Fox tattoo meaning in Asia acquired not by chance. The predator's diet includes insects and. The latter make up 70% of what is eaten. Farmers in Japan knew that rice fields were protected if foxes lived nearby.

There is a harvest - there is prosperity and well-being in the homes of local residents. In modern times fox tattoo - photo characteristic of Asian farmers and entrepreneurs.

In contrast to the positive attitude towards the animal, the point of view of the ancient Romans arises. They considered foxes to be the messengers of hell and demons. The inhabitants of Scandinavia agreed with this. They portrayed Loki as a predator. This is deceit and deceit.

With cunning, betrayal and seduction fox tattoo connected the tribes of North America. Their views are related to Christians and, in general, to the people. It is not in vain that fairy tales about Kolobok, Pinocchio and not only were created.

What does a fox tattoo mean depends on the style of the image. The emphasis on the pointed muzzle is curiosity. Muzzle with a grin - tricks of the evil one and aggression. Squinted - cunning and ingenuity. Gracefully curved body - sexuality.

Fox tattoo for girls

Every 3rd woman has a positive attitude towards the fur predator young woman. Fox - tattoo, which indicates seductiveness, cunning, temptation, insight. These characteristics are considered part of their personality by many ladies. The tattoo is done to emphasize personal qualities.

Girls prefer to have fox tattoo on leg, in zones, or on the shoulder blades. The last option allows you not to demonstrate deceit openly. In full face it is sweet and perky and, only with, the essence is visible. Show it, or cover it with clothes, hair - a lady.

Those striving for warmth, wishing to close themselves in their little world, put on the body of foxes curled up in a ball. In nature, this posture is justified by the vulnerability of the paws and nose of the animal. The beast wraps its tail around the body to protect against frostbite on areas without fur. Stretched out, the task is not completed. Therefore, foxes fold as compactly as possible.

Fox tattoo for men

Most often found fox tattoo on arm. If the ladies tend to order red cheats, then the fox. At the same time, they tend to images of a beast with an open mouth. The grin indicates a willingness to stand up for oneself, the ability to get food.

Internal throwing, the lack of a sense of freedom, is expressed with the help of foxes in traps. A trapped animal is rare. The animal is cautious, leads a nocturnal lifestyle.

Getting into a trap, foxes often gnaw off their own, just to free themselves. This feature of the predator is also displayed in men who are ready for anything, just not to get into life's "shackles".

The fox is an animal known for its pointed ears, bushy tail, and cunning nature. Thanks to these distinctive features, the image of the animal has become widely used in tattoo art as a symbol denoting sexuality, wisdom, intelligence and resilience. In the article, we will analyze the detailed meaning of the fox tattoo, and also consider male and female sketches.

Fox tattoo meaning

The meaning of fox tattoos can vary depending on the meaning that the owner puts into his drawing. However, there are a number of basic characteristics inherent in the image of an animal, let's get acquainted with them in more detail.

Sexuality or femininity. European and Asian cultures regard this animal as a totem of fertility and prosperity. Also, cute animals are often associated with femininity, which is why sexy women are often called "foxes." If you like to flirt with the opposite sex and consider yourself an insidious seductress, then a fox tattoo will suit you just in time.

Intelligence. Undeniably, foxes are intelligent animals that are often associated with intelligence and wisdom that help them survive in the wild. Those who choose fox tattoos see themselves as people who need to play many different roles in life.

Endurance. For many people, the red animal is a symbol of overcoming life's difficulties. People who have faced difficult periods in their lives, such as betrayal, illness, or injury, may opt for a fox tattoo to showcase their struggle (and eventual success) in overcoming difficult stressful situations. The grin of an animal, or a joint image of a red predator and a wolf, most successfully conveys this message of the picture.

Playfulness. This animal looks very cute, so it is very popular with girls. The fox cub, applied to the female body, will convey the playfulness, kindness, love for children and the cheerfulness of the owner.

The fox tattoo is full of meaning. It can be used to pay homage to times gone by, to celebrate a victory, or to illustrate intelligence and cunning.

Girls can choose cute tattoos as a symbol of sexuality or femininity, while men can use them to convey more masculine characteristics. Visually, this tattoo motif is very attractive, so it is quite common among young people.

Stylized fox tattoos will look great on any part of the body. Small tattoos, which most girls choose, are easy to hide from prying eyes, so they will not interfere with professional activities. For girls, the location of the pattern on the thigh, on the wrist or on the back is most preferable.

Guys choose larger fox tattoo sketches, so it is better to place them on larger areas of the body, for example, on the neck, on the leg or on the arm.

Fox tattoo sketches for guys and girls

Basically, a fox tattoo is done in a style that involves the use of saturated colors: watercolor, realism, old school, etc.

However, for lovers of minimalism, tattoo artists have developed sketches that are made using only black. Examples of such works are a geometric fox, a black and white minimalistic fox, linework drawings, etc.

Volumetric 3D tattoos

When creating a 3D fox tattoo, the craftsmen use the same tools and ink as for regular tattoos, however the difference lies in the design. Artists use optical illusion to create drawings that seem to be able to jump from the skin into the real world at any moment.

Watercolor tattoos

In traditional tattoos, masters use shading and black kennels, while watercolor tattoos have gradient transitions, splashes, spots and fading.

Watercolor fox tattoos are created using a variety of techniques to achieve the same blurry look on the skin that we are used to seeing in paintings and children's drawings.

The subjects of watercolor tattoos are often based on natural elements such as flowers, trees, birds and animals.

Fox with flowers

Sketch style

Sketchy tattoos are fairly new to the world of body art, but despite this, they are quickly gaining popularity. These tattoos are drawings that look like pencil sketches or sketches rather than neatly executed designs.


Minimalist tattoos are usually small designs that show the main features or image of the subject, in this case a fox. This style often shows the face of a fox in profile. Minimalistic tattoos are preferred mainly by women, applying them to the wrists or ankles.

Old school

The Old School tattoo refers to the traditional American style, using hatching, thick black outlines, and a limited selection of colors, usually black, red, green, blue, and yellow.

This style is reminiscent of old tattoos made from the 1900s to the 1950s. In those days, images of foxes dressed in jackets and top hats, smoking or playing cards or other games of chance were popular in tattoos.


One of the most popular styles today, which involves drawing a fox using geometric shapes: triangles, rhombuses, circles, etc.

The image of the fox - the embodiment tricks without cunning. This perception was facilitated by numerous fairy tales and legends in which the fox invariably tried to deceive the protagonist. This predator pursued its goal using cunning tricks but without resorting to extreme measures.

At the same time, in the symbolism of the eastern peoples, the fox was practically deified.
The fox is a beautiful small predatory animal with a bright fluffy tail. Many find this beast very cute.
The external attractiveness of the animal, the image is sometimes full of opposite meanings, explain the popularity of fox tattoos.

Who will suit? The symbol is suitable for purposeful individuals capable of out of the box thinking.
Mind, speed and charm are the essential qualities of a symbol and the person who chose it will have to match them.

Places and style of the tattoo. The image of a fox is universal and looks great on men and girls.
It is very difficult to single out the most popular style. It may seem that photos of brightly colored tattoos should prevail, but surprisingly, black and white sketches are almost as popular.
Geometric tattoo style - when small figures, consisting of straight lines, are added together into one image, it looks very impressive.

Symbol meaning

The general value, despite its ambiguity, in most cases carries a positive value.
Such a tattoo in the modern sense:

  • The combination of evil and good;
  • the desire for development at the same time in the mind, dexterity and ingenuity;
  • purposefulness;
  • wisdom and confidence

The meaning of the tattoo depends on the expression of the muzzle and the position of the animal in the sketch.
Grin- rather cunning than cunning.
If the main focus in the tattoo is on the muzzle beast - curiosity and dexterity.
Fox's tail- dexterity and agility.
Squinted - cunning and ingenuity.
curved body- seductiveness and attractiveness.
Fox, curled up in a ball- tenderness and vulnerability.

Symbol in history: In Russia, she was called a cheat and a liar.
In a number Western countries, during the "holy" inquisition, it is a symbol of the devil.

Chinese style fox:
Men in China they decorated their body with such a tattoo as a protective "amulet". The fox here symbolized good luck and longevity. There was even a proverb "where there are no foxes, you should not found villages."
Chinese fox for women- a symbol of a cunning and insidious homeowner. It was believed that this symbol helps the rival in the seduction of men and destroys families.

nine tailed fox is a symbol of reincarnation. There is a myth according to which a fox once every 1000 years is able to reincarnate into a young man or girl of amazing and incomparable beauty.
The number of tails in a symbol can be either 3 or 9. In the modern sense, this is protection from financial failures and love fiasco.
Japanese style- originally a symbol of fertility and prosperity. It was believed that foxes help Inari (goddess of rice fields). Figurines of rice could be found in the dwelling of almost every farmer.
Now the symbol means craving for self-development simultaneously in different directions: ingenuity, speed, fortitude and observation.

fox in Celtic style. Here the symbol is considered a reliable protection against thieves and robbery. It was believed that the tattoo of this beast contributes to the development of intuition among warriors.
For the Celts, the symbol meant wisdom and knowledge of other worlds.

In a number Indian tribes, the fox was considered a sacred animal. Just like a cow in India. In fact, this attitude on the part of the Indians is not surprising. After all, the fox helped to accumulate a lot of knowledge about the usefulness of certain herbs.
The cunning and caution of the fox was appreciated. The tattoo with the grin of the beast was a symbol of shamans and "doctors".

For northern peoples, the fox is the personification of new life. It was believed that the symbol helps expectant mothers.
The Scandinavians have a myth according to which the fox was able to outwit the god of deceit and deceit named Loki. The fox was able to steal the fire from him.
In the symbolism of these peoples, there is an image of a bracelet of two foxes. This bracelet was used by shamans and soothsayers. It was believed that he develops intuition and allows you to recognize lies.

At Egyptians foxes symbolized the mediator between heaven and earth, the god Toloka.

in Peru- symbolizes the ability to control human consciousness.
AT Korea- feminine charm and attractiveness, sometimes promiscuity.
AT Ancient Rome is a symbol of the devil.

Significance for girls and men

Before you decide on a sketch and a place for your future tattoo, let's remember that there are several varieties of foxes. The most familiar to us are red foxes.

A more severe look black-brown foxes. Appearance white foxes- Embodiments of friendliness and playfulness. Their image is suitable for a fun sketch.

A small fox with big ears is called fennec. This beast lives in the deserts of North Africa, and not in the forests, as all the rest of it gather.

The gray fox is a very beautiful and graceful animal. To the traditional red coloration is added a “cloak” of gray and a black tip of the tail. The expression of the muzzle of such a beast is always calm and a little impudent.

Girls often choose the image of a graceful and graceful predator with a curved body. It is believed that the symbol helps the fair sex in the difficult task of seducing the strong half of humanity.
For men, the sign gives strength on the way to their goal.
Along with this, it is important to remember that the main meaning of the symbol is cunning. Moreover, cunning is not as an extreme measure, but as a way of life. A person with this symbol will cheat, even if it is not required, simply out of "love of art."

For girls A fox tattoo carries the meaning of cunning and seduction. The fox who curled up into a ball is a timid, gentle and a little shy girl. Windiness and inconstancy can also be called the hallmarks of this sign.
For women, the fox symbol means duality. As the beast itself can be wild or domestic. So a person with such a tattoo can be a devoted wife or a depraved seductress.
The duality of the symbol is also manifested in the character: a girl can look sweet, playful and gentle. But, the offenders of such a person will not have it very easy.

The symbol is suitable for girls who are characterized by selfishness and self-confidence. The image of a fox suits a person with character traits:

  • Good mind;
  • Coolness;
  • Grace;
  • Sexuality;
  • Cunning, causing the delight of others;
  • Plastic;
  • Bravery;
  • The desire to stand out from the crowd.

For men the value changes to dexterity, ingenuity and purposefulness. Sometimes men choose the image of a li’sa (the Fox is a male fox).

Expressing the sex of an animal in a sketch is not difficult if you use your imagination. For example, you can depict an animal dressed in a tuxedo or with a huge cigar in his hands, for the latter, of course, an image in a cartoon form is best suited. But, of course, it’s not bad to take into account the meaning of this symbol.

Tattoo with foxom means "one love for life". Because and in wildlife, these animals are truly “monogamous”.

Place on the body: where to beat the fox?

Arms- probably the most popular place for such tattoos. The fox looks great on the shoulders, wrists or forearms.

In a number of Western countries, such a tattoo is common in the business environment. It is believed that this sign will help develop the qualities necessary for an entrepreneur.

fox tattoo on legs- female tattoo. Symbolic and symbolic tattoos for a person are rarely placed on the legs. Basically, the purpose of such tattoos is decoration.

Tattoos of small sizes are best placed on the feet, lower legs or calves. A crouching fox will look spectacular in an area hips.

You will find a huge number of photos and sketches depicting a fox in ours.

Meaning in prison:

In places of deprivation of liberty, as you know, there is a special attitude towards tattoo culture.
Abbreviation "L.I.S." - "Love and death"
The image of a fox means the cunning of the prisoner, his tendency to deceit. Sometimes, such a symbol is a sign of an experienced card player or cheater.


A five-minute video clip: a girl gets a tattoo with the image of a fox muzzle on her leg:

Video collage of photos and sketches for a fox tattoo:

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