Home Roses What does direct juice extraction mean? How directly squeezed apple juice is made. Farmer's Directly Pressed Apple Juice

What does direct juice extraction mean? How directly squeezed apple juice is made. Farmer's Directly Pressed Apple Juice

While skating around Ukraine, I received an invitation to visit the Galicia juice plant - one of the few in Ukraine that produces directly squeezed juices. I visited it, taking my son Temka with me - he is certainly interested in seeing all these mechanisms.

Brief historical background: the Yabluneviy Dar enterprise was founded in 2003 in the town of Gorodok, near Lviv. The owner of the plant still has only one - he started with cargo transportation in Ukraine and Europe, having collected a small capital, invested it in production - and he was right.

Today there are already four such factories - three in Ukraine and one in Poland - directly squeezed juices are very popular in Europe. Galicia juices entered the Ukrainian market only in 2011 - I saw them myself for the first time here, in western Ukraine, in central Ukraine there are still few of them.

Of course, buyers are stopped by the relatively high price (2-3 times more expensive than "reconstituted" juices and nectars) and the force of habit. At first, Galicia juices seemed to me somehow "not so", it is difficult to formulate what exactly is wrong, but unusual. No flavors, no dyes, even sugar and water are added - pure juice mixed in different proportions. And now I only drink them - instead of water.

The equipment at the plant is the most modern, so there are not many people working here, several hundred. But the plant employs a huge number of farmers and orchards of western Ukraine, who bring their crops here. In 2011 alone, T.B. Fruit factories (the name of the company after reorganization and entering the international market) processed 200 thousand tons of apples. Where is such a burst of raw materials going? I'll tell you now.

So, a tour of the factory, almost like in a theater, begins with a coat rack. The maximum sterility is maintained, so all newcomers without a book are given such a suit.

Clean, quiet and relatively deserted.

The thing is that apples are brought to the plant during the season - from mid-summer to the end of autumn - at this time there is a queue of cars. It’s the beginning of July and I wasn’t able to look at the unloading, but I still got an idea. Trucks with apples dock here, and not necessarily dump trucks:

See the cannon on the wall? Apples are washed out of the body into the receiver with a strong pressure of water:

It is installed indoors. Small but remote - it processes 1000 tons of apples a day.

This is a wildly intelligent and powerful press, our guide described it with the phrase "among juicers it takes the same place as Ferrari among cars". Only 5% moisture remains in the cake.

The press is told what parameters of the juice should be obtained at the outlet, and he himself determines the nature of the incoming raw materials and accordingly changes the operating mode. Of course, all this is monitored by the operator (only one):

Darkness, as it were, symbolizes that even a child can cope with this.

I will talk a little further about the "bottling shop", now about concentration. You probably know that most juices in supermarkets - pineapple, grape, cherry - in general, all sour juices are made ... that's right, from apple juice. It's just that its taste and acidity are suitable, all that remains is to tint, aromatize - here's the strawberry nectar for you.

At best, manufacturers add fruit puree, at worst, food colors. And almost everyone adds “flavorings that are identical to natural” - you can read the composition on the pack yourself. So you pay for pineapple juice and drink tinted and flavored apple juice.

Where do juice producers get this apple juice? .. They buy it from factories like Yabluny Dara, which have their own orchards and harvest processing facilities. About 60% of the Ukrainian concentrated juice market belongs to the T.B.Fruit company. There are many buyers, among the well-known are Sandora and Pepsi Co.

What is concentrated juice, why is it bad and what is good? There is nothing wrong with it - it's just juice from which excess water has been evaporated. It is evaporated in such vats:

There is a strong smell of kvass in this workshop.

So, concentrated apple juice, strawberry, cherry and currant puree are poured into barrels and stored in a warehouse:

It is shipped to customers all year round:

This is beneficial to everyone - the customer buys concentrate when he needs it (and not only in the season) and as much as he needs; the carrier saves costs (the concentrate takes up much less space). At the buyer's plant, water is added to the concentrate - and in taste and in most parameters, the result does not differ from the original apple juice. Any scam with flavors and dyes begins later (I described above), the concentrate has nothing to do with it.

The buyer also orders the parameters of the concentrate: acidity, sweetness, purity, etc. All this is monitored by the factory chemical laboratory.

The laboratory assistants are happy with the new technique - before they had to measure the acidity manually, but now he poured the juice, pressed the button, waited and it's done.

It turns out that high accuracy and stability of the juice parameters is very important. After all, a buyer may be unpleasantly surprised if he buys a pack of his favorite juice, and it suddenly turns out to be too sour or too sweet, or watery - in short, a couple of such "punctures" and the buyer will go to another brand. Yes, when we make juice at home, we do not bother with such subtleties, but guessing what the juice will taste like is almost impossible.

As promised, we return to the bottling shop. In addition to supplying concentrate to other factories, Galicia started producing its juices - freshly squeezed (they do not go through the concentration stage), without preservatives (they don't even add sugar), without dyes - in short, elite class juices. I do not strive for elitism, but what is important for me to give to children - they have eternal problems with the pancreas, I have to follow.

This small “machine” receives pasteurized (92 degrees Celsius) juice through pipes and bottles through a conveyor. And then, according to a given program, the juices are mixed, bottled and closed - and all this on one conveyor:

The basis is also apple juice, but it is mixed, for example, with currant, in the proportion of 85% apple and 15% blackcurrant - for each juice its own ratio. Once again - no water and sugar are added! Only freshly squeezed juices (in the case of strawberries, fresh puree).

Preservatives are also not used, in principle (salt is added only in tomato juice, but this is for taste). Canning is provided by pasteurization - in short, like at home.

Actually, right at the store (it is located at the entrance), our tour ended. Assortment: apple, apple-blueberry, apple-cherry, apple-blackcurrant, apple-strawberry, apple-carrot, apple-grape, tomato. Orange and other exotic are planned. Everything is terribly useful and recommended for all ages. In any case, I have not seen the proud inscription "Directly squeezed juice" on the bottle / package of many other manufacturers, they are usually even afraid to write the word "Juice" in order to avoid lawsuits.

1.General issues of business organization

1.1) What kind of juice can we get on your line?

Directly squeezed juice according to GOST 52184-2003 for berries and fruits.

1.2) How long does the directly squeezed juice last?

The shelf life of the finished product depends on the applied technology of preserving the product, the acidity of the product, dry matter content, storage conditions, consumer packaging -1 year.

1.3) What do I need to produce direct juice?

You will need: - equipment for the production of juice, water, electricity, gas or diesel, a room where the pressing and bottling process will be carried out, a warehouse for storing finished products, raw materials from which juice will be produced, consumables for bottling - Bag in Box bags , boxes, handles for boxes.

1.4) Where can I find manufacturers of consumables: boxes, pens, bags, bottles?

You can contact us directly or find consumable manufacturers on the website: http://www.upackworld.ru/

1.5) Where can I see the operation of the equipment?

A video showing in detail the production process is posted on our website. If you want to see production live, we organize excursions to the production, where there is a special demo room to demonstrate the operation of equipment with processed raw materials.

1.6) Who is the directly squeezed juice intended for and where can it be sold?

Directly squeezed juices are consumed by almost the entire population. They are very popular with lovers of healthy and natural food. The sale of directly squeezed juices in Europe is popular through farmers' shops, Eco shops, food markets and fairs, health food stores, as well as through the chains of restaurants, hotels, catering companies.

2.Kinds of processed raw materials

2.1) What fruits and vegetables can we process?

Quite varied - everything that you can grind without damaging your equipment:
apples, pears, raspberries, strawberries, figs, dogwood, peach, blackberries, lingonberries, currants, blueberries, blueberries, kiwi, apricots, plums, cherries, cherries, carrots, zucchini, watermelon, melon, grapes, pomegranates.

2.2) What type of raw materials does your equipment work with?

Fresh, thawed, with any other that can be chopped and squeezed.

2.3) I have a product - these are apples, pears, plums, berries, which cannot be sold due to the unmarketable appearance on the market, can I use it to get directly squeezed juice?

Yes, with our equipment you can process any raw material that allows you to grind and get juice. The form does not affect the production process of obtaining juice.

2.4) In our gardens, a lot of carrion is formed during maturation and collection, is it possible to process it on your equipment?

Yes, if the raw material is suitable for transportation and processing, does not have rot, mold and other mechanical damage affecting the safety of the fruit and its taste.

2.5) I am an amateur gardener, I have more than 50 varieties of apple trees, differing in terms of ripening, keeping quality, color and, accordingly, taste. What apples can I process with your juice processing equipment? Is it possible to process several varieties of apples at the same time?

On our equipment, you can process apples of any kind, shape, taste and color, capable of grinding. The taste and color of the finished apple juice will depend directly on the raw materials used: the high iron content in apples will give a dark brown color in the final product, the sugar content - for a sweet taste, acids for the juice taste. Moreover, if you process an apple of the same pomological variety, then you can safely write on the label "Vintage juice", indicating the variety of processed apples.

3. Requirements for the premises, electricity, gas, water.

3.1) I don’t have a large enough room for the equipment, where can I place it?

You will need 8-10 sq.m. to locate a line for direct squeezing juice with a capacity of 500 l / h. If they are not there either, then we will offer you to place the entire line on a chassis: you will not need to carry fruits from distant orchards, now you yourself come to freshly picked berries, fruits, vegetables, saving on transportation costs.

3.2) What is the consumption of electricity, gas and water for your line?

For a line of 500 liters per hour of finished product, the following values ​​are:

Electricity consumption

2,3kW 220V 50Hz
5.72 kW 400V 50Hz
Water consumption Up to 500l / h 3Atm
Compressed air consumption 450l / min
Gas consumption
Natural 4.94 m3 / h
Liquefied 3.65kg / h

3.3) Why does the line require such an amount of water (400-500 l / h, 3 Atm), do you dilute the resulting juice?

The specified amount of water is used to ensure the washing of the entire line, which is carried out within 0.5-1 hours. The rest of the time, water is supplied to clean the belt press from residues of pulp under high pressure, where the consumption is 150-200 l / h and depends on how long and often you will include cleaning the belt. We get 100% natural juice.

3.4) I do not have the opportunity to connect to the natural gas main, and there is not enough power for the electric pasteurization unit. networks. What should I do?

We will offer you 3 options: a pasteurization plant operating on liquefied gas, on gas in cylinders, on a diesel engine. All ensure the high-quality work of the pasteurizer.

4. Calculation of the cost of the product

4.1) How many and how many workers are required in production?

Two workers - inspection of raw materials, packaging of finished products, one worker - supply and unloading of raw materials, storage of finished products and a production manager (laboratory assistant) responsible for quality control of products.

4.2) What is the cost of the kit (box, bag, handle)?

The approximate cost is as follows:

package box handle Total (Euro)
Volume 10L 0,844 0,641 0,082 1,567
Volume 5L 0,61 0,39 0,039 1,039
Volume 3L 0,428 0,285 0,037 0,75

4.2) How much juice can I get from freshly picked apples using your equipment?

Juice yield is limited by the following parameters - quality of raw materials, grinding, press setting. Apples harvested on time yield up to 75% juice yield.

4.3) Why does none of the producers give me accurate data on the juice yield, how can I calculate exactly how much juice from apples, pears, watermelon and other raw materials I can get ready-made juice of a direct extraction?

There are no exact data, there are indicative indicators for each type of berries / fruits / vegetables and for each variety separately. It is due to the fact that each has its own structure and structure, physical and chemical composition, terms and conditions of storage.

4.4) I calculated that this equipment will work from 3 to 6 months a year - from the beginning of picking berries until the end of storage of apples. How do I return my investments quickly?

Depending on the investment and performance of the line, the average payback of the line is 1 season. You can find out the details and full calculation at our office.

4.5) What to do with the equipment for the remaining 6-9 months of the year?

After completing the processing of raw materials, it is necessary to carry out a thorough washing and send the equipment for conservation.

4.6) I do not want the equipment to be idle for 6 to 9 months a year, without bringing me a profit, what else can I produce on it?

If you are interested in continuous production, you can produce reconstituted juice and nectars from concentrates by completing additional containers for mixing, preparation of sugar syrup. The resulting juice and nectar will have nothing to do with that juice, which is called directly squeezed juice. What they have in common is that it will be produced on the same equipment.

5.Washing raw materials

5.1) Why wash apples if they already look beautiful and shiny?

If the final product goes directly to food, namely juice, then the apples must be washed - remove dust, solid particles of sand, earth that settled during storage, wash off everything on the surface - apples are processed before being put into storage, treated for pests and diseases ... Thus, you guarantee a high-quality, safe product and long-term storage.

5.2) We pick berries by hand carefully and carefully (strawberries, currants, cherries) - is it worth washing them before chopping?

It is imperative to wash, even if juice comes from them due to improper storage and transportation.

6 separation of bones

6.1) Why should the pits from apricots, cherries, peaches and plums need to be removed to get juice?

In order not to damage the equipment - (belt press) bones are preliminarily removed on a bone separating machine.

6.2) And if the seeds differ in size: for example, an apricot and a cherry, how to separate them in one machine?

For apricots, a separating sieve is used, the holes of which are larger than the sieve for separating the cherry pits. We recommend that you have one machine and several types of sieves for each individual product.

6.3) What happens if the seed gets along with the bulk to the equipment for juicing?

If the kernel of a cherry, a cherry - it breaks - the oils and esters contained in the seed pass into the final product, you will determine this by the characteristic smell. The belt of the press will not be significantly affected, you can continue to work, but the life of the belt will be significantly reduced. If the pits of plums, apricots, thorns, there is a high risk of damaging the belt, the juice along with the pulp will fall into the collection container for juice, as a result of which the filtering parts and channels will be clogged, the yield quality of the juice during pressing will decrease. If a peach seed occurs, blockage of the input channels for receiving and distributing the fruit mass, wear and damage to the press belt will occur.

6.4) Do you need to remove seeds from berries?

No, you do not need to remove them - they are processed together with fruit mass and do not cause damage to the equipment.

7. Grinding of raw materials

7.1) Why do you need to chop raw materials, if they are already small, for example, juicy strawberries or currants?

Grinding is necessary in order to increase the area of ​​the treated surface, to get more juice yield.

7.2) How do I determine to what extent I need to grind raw materials?

In our shredders, various screens are installed, with different sizes of the output of the crushed raw materials. For freshly harvested apples, a screen with a sieve size of 7mm is used, a long-stored apple is 9-11mm. There is no need to bring the crushed mass to a puree state - the juice yield will noticeably decrease, since the liquid will not be able to move along an unstructured surface.

8. Selection of a press for extraction

8.1) What is the difference between a basket-type hydraulic press and a forming one?

Basket presses are universal in terms of the raw materials used. Molding machines are more productive due to 2 working platforms. Their juice yield is the same - 65-70%.

9.Pasteurization and filtration

9.1) Why do you need to pasteurize juice?

Juice pasteurization is necessary to ensure that the juice is stored for a long time.

9.2) Why filter juice?

Juice filtration is necessary so that large solid particles of the mash are not in the final product.

10.Filling in bags and bottles

10.1) Why rinse containers (glass bottles) before filling?

It is imperative to rinse to remove foreign particles and dust from the inner surface of the bottle.

10.2) Why don't you need to rinse the Bag in Box?

Bag in Box bags are aseptic; they are filled directly into the neck without additional processing.

10.3) What method is used for bottling and Bag in Box filling?

The filling is carried out by the "Hot filling" method at the temperature of the incoming juice from the pasteurizer. Filling into bottles is carried out according to the level under the action of gravity, filling into Bag in Box bags according to a given mass and gravity, or forced according to volume.

10.4) Can I reuse Bag in Box bags?

No, even if you thoroughly washed the bag with detergent solutions, hot water, at the corners, welds, something remains that will cause subsequent damage to the finished product. It is safer not to reuse used packages.

11. Washing equipment

11.1) Why wash equipment and use special detergents?

Washing the equipment ensures the safety of the product against damage by mold, fungi, yeast, in contact with the work surface. The use of detergents guarantees a high-quality wash. During the commissioning of the equipment, one of the important points for us is the training of personnel in the washing procedure.

11.2) How often should you wash?

100% marriage in production and subsequent storage, poisoning, dysbiosis, death: punishment and prosecution in accordance with all articles of the Criminal Code, AK that you violated.

11.4) I process berries - strawberries, raspberries, black currants (dark-colored product), and she paints all the equipment in the appropriate color, what should I do so that this color does not turn into a light-colored product when I process apples, white grapes?

When processing from one product to another (regardless of color), we recommend sanitizing the entire line using detergents. Thus, you remove extraneous odors, color and disinfect production equipment.

12.Technology, different types of juice produced

12.1) Why does the taste and color of NFC juice differ from each other when using your equipment?

The taste and color are different for several reasons: the apple varieties used; physical and chemical indicators - the content of iron, sugars, pectin, soluble solids; the technology used - the use of filtration / decanting, pasteurization.

12.2) Is it possible to add sugar, additional ingredients, during the production of directly squeezed juice, so that the juice is even sweeter and more aromatic, and the color is stable?

You can perform this procedure, observing the basic rule: - "Do no harm!". But the juice will no longer be natural and cannot be called directly squeezed juice, it does not correspond to GOST 52184-2003 for berries and fruits

12.3) I want to get juice from chokeberry and apple, mix them and pour them into BaginBox bags. What do I need for this?

For the production of multicomponent juice, or mix of juices, to the main equipment for direct juice extraction, you need a buffer tank for storing 2 or more types of juice and a mixing container.

12.4) Your line is getting unclarified juice, what do I need to do to get clarified apple, cherry and pomegranate juice?

To clarify the juice, you will need a system of buffer tanks for processing pectalictic enzymes, at least exceeding the daily capacity of the line, an ultrafiltration and decanting system.

12.5) I noticed that the juice in the bags started to swell. What should I do? How can I avoid this?

Swelling occurs due to fermentation - you violated the technological process, the raw materials were not washed with high quality, the recommended equipment was not washed, the pasteurization regimes were violated, the storage conditions were violated. Bloated product bags must be discarded. To avoid marriage, use our recommendations for processing, storage, washing, hygiene conditions.

12.6) Why do I have a sediment at the bottom of a closed bag, although I use the recommended mechanical filters, a separator for separating solid particles, and the juice becomes more dense during storage, not like it was when bottling?

Natural juice tends to sediment, even if you used a separator, solid particles will be present. The juice becomes viscous due to the pectin content in it, and its content is different in each individual apple variety.

13. Production waste

13.1) Waste of the main raw material remains in the production of juice, what to do with it? Is it possible to recycle and reuse them?

The production of directly squeezed juice is environmentally friendly, waste does not harm the environment. The pulp can be processed for the following types of product: compost, dry organic feed, drying the pulp with subsequent use in food (the product is washed, crushed and previously dehydrated in a belt press system). Often, the pulp is used in its original form for pet food. For the secondary use of apple pulp, the technology of recovery and processing with pectalictic enzymes is used. To do this, a small amount of the resulting juice is added to the pulp, until a more viscous state is obtained for moving by pumps, enzymes are heated and infused for 8-10 hours, and then sent for secondary pressing - this process allows you to get more juice yield.

13.2) Where does the used water go?

The used water is transferred directly to the sewer or a collection tank - a septic tank. The used water contains: microparticles of raw materials fibers obtained when removing by a high pressure washer from the press belt, sand and particles of earth from the sink.

14. Conditions of storage of the product

14.1) Storage conditions for directly squeezed juices?

Recommended storage of juice poured into consumer containers with acidity below pH3.8, pasteurized, takes place at a temperature of + 2 + 25 ° C. For some juices, for example: apricot, peach, acidity of which is higher than pH3.8, the recommended storage conditions are at a temperature of +2 +10 degrees Celsius.

Directly squeezed apple juice is unique! It is produced by direct pressing from fresh apples grown on the fertile Don land. Aseptic bottling technology preserves the quality and taste of "live" juice for a long time.
"Sady Pridonya" is its own production. All processes are combined into a single closed cycle: selection of varieties; growing vegetable and fruit crops; processing of fruits and vegetables for juices and purees; production of finished products.
Why does directly squeezed apple juice have such a unique and memorable taste? It's all about apples! More than 60 varieties of apples are grown in the orchards of the company - summer, autumn, winter. Ripening at different times, they convey their taste and character to the juice: in summer it is light and sour, in autumn it is rich and honey-spicy, and in winter it is piercingly invigorating and sweet.
No added sugar. Contains sugars of natural (natural) origin. Without GMO. For children from 3 years old.

The appearance of the product may differ from its image in the online store.
The photo shows a sample presentation / serving of the product.
The quantity of goods when placing an order can be changed downward in the absence of the required quantity of goods.

Juice- a liquid or suspension naturally found in fruits, berries, vegetables, etc. The liquid is also often squeezed out of the listed products, obtaining pure juice. The resulting juice is used directly as a drink or as a raw material for other products. According to GOST R 51398-99 “Canned food. Juices, nectars and juice drinks. Terms and definitions »Juice is a liquid product obtained from fruits or vegetables by mechanical action and preserved by physical methods, except for treatment with ionizing radiation.

In addition, according to this GOST, a product containing sugar, citric acid, preservatives, dyes, and artificial flavors cannot be called juice (for such products, the name nectar or drink must be used).

Common juices: apple, grape, orange, tomato. Pineapple, peach, various fruit and vegetable mixtures are also popular.

Etymology of the word

Unclarified juice- juice with suspensions.

Clarified juice- juice from which suspensions have been removed to a visual transparent state.

Juice with pulp- juice with pulp particles, the mass fraction of which does not exceed 55%.

Fruit juice- juice obtained from good-quality ripe, fresh and kept fresh due to cooling of fruits, unfermented, but fermentable, intended for direct consumption in food or for industrial processing.

Directly squeezed fruit juice- fruit juice obtained directly from fruit by pressing, or centrifugation, or wiping.

Reconstituted fruit juice- fruit juice obtained by restoring concentrated fruit juice with drinking water in a ratio that ensures the preservation of the physicochemical, microbiological, nutritional and organoleptic properties of juice from the fruits of the same name, while restoring the aroma by adding concentrated natural volatile aromatic substances or without restoring the aroma, as well as with or without the addition of the directly squeezed fruit juice of the same name, fruit puree or concentrated fruit puree of the same type of fruit.

Vegetable juice- juice obtained from the edible part of good-quality vegetables, unfermented or lactic acid fermented, intended for direct consumption or for industrial processing.

Diffusion juice- a liquid, unfermented, but fermentable product obtained by extracting extractive substances from pre-chopped fresh fruits or dry fruits of the same type with drinking water, the juice of which cannot be obtained mechanically, unfermented, but capable of fermentation, intended for direct consumption ...

General information about juices

All food products of plant origin are therapeutic and prophylactic and can prolong a person's life. Fruits and vegetables contain essential substances, but there is one drawback - they contain indigestible fiber, which is not always useful for people with gastric ulcer, enterocolitis. In this case, juices are simply irreplaceable. An important property of juice is the absence of harmful chemicals. [Source?] All harmful substances remain in the fiber, and useful substances pass into the juice. The juice flushes out toxins, toxins from the body, improves immunity, promotes rapid healing of wounds, activates enzymes. The therapeutic effect is often so rapid and pronounced that a person for a long time forgets about the use of drugs.

Vegetable and fruit juices are a rich source of sugars: glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, raffinose, cellobiose, galactose. Vegetable juices contain fewer organic acids, which is why they taste more bland, but they are richer in minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, etc. In addition, it is vegetable juices that very effectively restore the body in crisis situations and are low in calories food - they can be used to lose weight and normalize metabolism. Fruit juices tend to be higher in calories because they contain more sugar, but they are also great at cleansing the body. Moreover, during physical exertion, such juices must be combined with vegetable juices: carrots and beets in the form of juice will be the most accessible and quickest source of recovery after tiring work.

Berry juices are high in glucose, fructose and low in sucrose.

Juice classification by preparation method

Freshly squeezed juices- juices produced by physical and mechanical means from one or more types of fruits and not subjected to further processing. The action of raw natural juices is truly unique. In addition to the fact that they have a refreshing and restorative effect on the body, they also have the properties of biogenic stimulants, which ultimately leads to an increase in efficiency. Such a diverse effect of juices is explained by the fact that they almost do not require energy costs for absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and are immediately included in the metabolism, activate biochemical processes, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the recovery process in the body. In addition, juices have a beneficial effect on digestion and assimilation of food. Even elite mineral water cannot be compared in usefulness with freshly squeezed juices. This healthy drink has a diverse effect on the human body:

apple - treats anemia and gastritis,

tomato - restores metabolism and relieves hypertension

grape - used to cleanse the body of harmful factors,

and a whole book is not enough to list the beneficial properties of freshly squeezed juice from commonly available vegetables (carrots, beets, pumpkin, cabbage).

At first glance, this is the healthiest option for drinking natural juice. But there are a number of aspects that you need to pay attention to:

1. Vegetables and fruits, 6 hours after harvest, lose a large amount of vitamins, and 3-4 months after harvest, only fiber remains in the fruits.

2. The shops sell beautiful fruits imported from different countries. There is a possibility that these are genetically modified products or a large amount of fertilizers and other chemicals were used for their cultivation.

3. Carrots, beets, if gnawed by mice, can become a source of infection with pseudotuberculosis or other viruses carried by mice.

Direct juice Is a liquid product obtained by mechanical action directly from fresh ripe (or chilled) fruits or vegetables. Directly squeezed juices are intended for direct consumption, as well as for further industrial processing. For the preparation of juices, the raw materials are first selected. Fruits must be fresh, undamaged, without signs of spoilage, containing all the essential components necessary for the production of juices. The yield of juice from 1 kg of fruit depends on the type of fruit, their quality, the time of their collection, processing and other factors. For example, the maximum juice yield from 1 kg of peeled oranges using modern technological equipment is about 500-600 grams. with a soluble solids content of at least 10 ° Brix. The shelf life of directly squeezed juices depends on the type of canning of the product. Like all juices, directly squeezed juices are preserved exclusively by physical methods, which include cooling or short-term heating (so-called pasteurization or sterilization). Chemical preservation of juices, for example, by adding preservatives, is prohibited. Directly squeezed juices supplied chilled have a limited shelf life, usually less than 1 month. Pasteurized or sterilized direct-pressed juices can have a shelf life of 6 months to 2 years. A new technology for storage and delivery of directly squeezed juices is their deep freezing to the state of ice agglomerates. In this case, delivery is carried out at low temperatures, and defrosting is carried out according to a special temperature program (which, accordingly, affects the cost of the goods).

Concentrated juices (or juice concentrates)

Concentrated juice is obtained by processing directly squeezed juice. For this purpose, directly squeezed juice is concentrated in one of the following ways - by evaporation of water, by freezing water or by the membrane method. Evaporation technology is as follows: natural juice is heated on special baking sheets, but it is not brought to the boiling point, since boiling will simply destroy all useful substances. It turns out a substance very similar to a viscous jam. Then this mass (concentrate) is packed in aseptic barrels or tankers, frozen and sent to the juice producer. The principle of freezing completely repeats evaporation, only water is removed by exposure to cold. By the way, many experts believe that the principle of freezing is much better, since when heated, more nutrients are still lost. Membrane method - when the juice is forced through a membrane with small holes. The water seeps out, and the larger molecules of the juice substances remain in the syrup. At the same time, as a rule, neither sugar nor other sweetening substances are added to concentrated juices. Different fruits produce different amounts of concentrated juice. So, for example, from 1000 kg of oranges, about 100 kg of concentrated juice with 62 ° Brix is ​​obtained, that is, to obtain 1000 kg of concentrated juice with the indicated content of soluble solids, 10 tons of oranges are required. To obtain 1000 kg of concentrated pineapple juice with 62 ° Brix, a similar amount of fruit is used. The yield of concentrated apple juice is higher and is, as a rule, 1340 kg (70 ° Brix) per 10 tons of apples. The content of soluble solids in concentrated juice must be at least 20 ° Brix, while the limit for various juices is 40-70 ° Brix. The higher the content of soluble solids in the concentrated juice, the more it is possible to make reconstituted juice with a given Brix value. There are objective differences in the taste of concentrates produced in different years, in different countries, from different varieties of the same fruit.

Reconstituted juices

Reconstituted juice is a juice made from concentrated juice by adding drinking water to the latter and intended for direct consumption.

Concentrated juices extracted in vacuum

The peculiarity of the technology lies in the fact that the raw materials are processed in the first (I wonder how many?) Hours after collection in order to avoid the loss of vitamins. The raw material is crushed to a finely dispersed mass (down to a micron) in order to maximize the extraction of active substances from the cell. The mass is filled with spring water and evaporation occurs at a temperature of about 40 degrees. These products are the most resource-intensive, however, in terms of efficiency they are close to the usefulness of freshly squeezed juice, while there is no threat of preserving any natural viruses or viruses introduced into the raw material.

Classification of juices by type of container

Packaged juices


1. In juices and juice drinks in bags, the sugar content is about 60 g per 250 ml; because of this, they are high in calories. It is easy to calculate that a liter of juice can contain from 900 to 2000 kcal - this is almost a daily calorie requirement. In addition, most juices increase appetite, which leads to extra pounds of weight. Experts have already proven that the use of juices from tetrapaks every day for 2-3 weeks leads to disruption of the pancreas and the development of diabetes.

2. Often drinks are labeled as “sugar free” on the packaging. However, in fact, sugar has been replaced by an artificial sweetener - saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame - which is no better than sugar, especially in excess.

3. These juices contain colors and flavors. You can remember how sweets, desserts, soda and other products for children look - bright and attractive, and this so that they immediately "bite". Often, children get used to the rich taste of synthetic flavors and already natural products do not seem tasty to them. All this bait is created by synthetic colors and flavors, "identical to natural". Studies in 2007 showed convincingly that six dyes - E102, E104, E110, E122, E124 and E129, widely used in baby drinks and ice cream, can make many children "crazy", causing them to be hyperactive. Parents are familiar with situations when children become restless, uncontrollable, aggressive, and difficult to learn. This is hyperactivity. In this situation, it is necessary to read the composition and know which class E dyes are the safest.

The most common method for obtaining juices is as follows:

1. The juice is concentrated, reducing the volume by 6 times.

2. Then it is diluted with water at the place of spilling into packages, sometimes more water is added, and citric acid, flavorings and preservatives are used to add flavor.

3. In the process of concentration under the action of high temperature in the juice, vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates are destroyed, and manufacturers of products add synthetic vitamins.

When deciding on the purchase of juice, it should be borne in mind that a particular fruit shown on the package does not mean at all that the juice is made from it. Underneath a beautiful photograph may not be juice, but nectar or a drink. According to GOST, nectar is a product obtained by mixing fruit juice, one or more types of concentrated fruit juices, or the edible part of benign, ripe and fresh fruits brought to a puree state with water, sugars or honey. The nectar also contains citric or ascorbic acid. GOST strictly regulates the minimum proportion of juice that must be contained in nectar. This proportion depends on the type of berries and fruits and varies from 25 to 50%. For example, at least 30% of the juice should be in nectars from plums and cranberries, at least 35% in nectars from cherries and mangoes, at least 25% in nectars from passionfruit or bananas. Preservatives and colorants are allowed in nectars. Taking into account the buying psychology, the producers of nectars and juice drinks are betting on the fact that the consumer will not read the description printed in small print on the label or package, but will believe the bright picture. But juices, according to the new GOST, should not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors. It is allowed to add only natural flavoring substances to the reconstituted juices, obtained by a physical method from the fruits of the same name.

Juices in glass jars

The most useful are unclarified juices and juices with pulp. Unclarified juices are obtained by direct extraction. The clarification process is not used, which allows you to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements. The gentle pasteurization method is also aimed at preserving the nutrients in the juice. These juices, in comparison with juices and drinks in tetrapacks, are more useful due to the absence of synthetic components, of course, if there are no violations in their production. However, during pasteurization, the juice heats up and at the same time many useful components are lost - vitamins C, PP. An important distinguishing feature of such juices is the use of only environmentally friendly and safe packaging - glass containers. As a rule, these juices do not contain preservatives, colors, flavors or other food additives, so they are natural, tasty and very healthy.

TO lassification of juices by basic composition (fruit, vegetable, berry)

Vegetable juices- it's just a storehouse of vitamins, essential oils, pectin, fiber. But what is most interesting, and what few people know about, does not make any sense to procure them for future use - all their useful properties are lost during storage. They are best consumed immediately after preparation.

Carrot juice

Content: vitamins C, B, D, E; Trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, iodine, carotene. Positive properties: carrot juice improves vision, digestion, ap-petitis, the structure of teeth and bones, dilates blood vessels, calms nerves, helps with anemia, cardiovascular problems, urolithiasis, polyarthritis, vitamin deficiencies and general loss of strength, increases immunity, normalizes metabolism substances, the function of the thyroid gland, removes unnecessary bile, toxins and cholesterol from the body, protects against dermatitis, relieves eye fatigue. The juice is especially useful for pregnant and lactating mothers. It is a natural solvent for cancer and ulcers, increases resistance to infections, especially in the eyes, ears, throat, nose and respiratory tract, in some cases, carrot juice can even cure infertility. Recommendations: For better assimilation of carrot juice, you must immediately eat some kind of fatty food, best of all - salad seasoned with vegetable oil. Consumption of carrot juice in conjunction with exposure to the sun or in a tanning bed gives a more persistent and faster tanning effect. Depending on the state of the body, carrot juice can be taken from half a liter to 4 liters per day. Pure carrot juice is best taken with spinach juice. Cautions: If the juice is taken in large quantities, the skin color may change. When treating with carrot juice, it is necessary to exclude foods such as sugar in any form, starch and flour from the diet. If in the first days after starting treatment with carrot juice a person does not feel very well, this indicates that the treatment must be continued. In order to make it easier to take carrot juice, you should add a little fresh cream to it.

Potato juice

Positive properties: it has a very beneficial effect on digestion, cleanses the body, helps to get rid of edema and is extremely useful for the nervous system. Cautions: Do not use for those who suffer from severe diabetes and low acidity of the stomach.

Cucumber juice

Positive properties: perfectly preserves the beauty of your hair, as it is rich in mineral salts, sodium, calcium, potassium. It counteracts atherosclerosis well, helps the heart and blood vessels, improves memory. Recommendations: you can use up to half a glass of pure juice, but it is better in combination with tomato, or blackcurrant, apple juice.

Tomato juice

Contents: vitamin C, B vitamins, carotene. Positive properties: The juice is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys or joints, constipation. Due to its low calorie content, it can be drunk by overweight people, the juice also suppresses the processes of putrefaction in the intestines, neutralizes the excess acidity in the body that occurs when eating excess meat and starch. Recommendations: Two glasses of tomato juice replenish the daily need for vitamins C and A. The juice should be drunk 20-30 minutes before meals, as it increases the readiness of the stomach and intestines to digest food. The addition of salt reduces the healing properties of the juice. Instead of salt, you can add chopped garlic and fresh herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro. Cautions: tomato juice is contraindicated in exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. In no case should you use in case of poisoning, even mild! In this case, tomato juice will enhance the existing effect. This juice should not be drunk while eating food containing meat, starch and sugar, as they neutralize its alkalizing effect.

Celery juice

Positive properties: very useful for men. But besides this, it also perfectly improves appetite, normalizes digestion, and removes toxins. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and allows you to quickly recover from heavy physical exertion. And also goes well with other juices.

Pumpkin juice

Contents: sucrose, useful pectin substances, salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and cobalt, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, E, beta-carotene. Positive properties: Pumpkin juice cleanses the body and the digestive system, is useful for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, skin, and constipation. improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended for women with inflammation of the appendages, those who have suffered from Botkin's disease, as well as kidney and bladder stones, obesity, and edema. In addition, a pumpkin drink increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, removes "harmful" cholesterol from the body and strengthens the cardiovascular system, promotes bile secretion. Cautions: There are practically no contraindications for taking pumpkin juice, only individual intolerance. Recommendations: Take 1 glass 3 times a day.

Fruit juices

Apricot juice

Orange juice

Contents: vitamin A, C, a small amount of vitamins K, E, B-6, B-2, B-1, biotin, folic acid, inositol, niacin, bioflonid, 11 amino acids, minerals (calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, copper, fluoride, iron, magnesium, silicone and zinc). Positive properties: Due to its content, the juice quenches thirst well. It should be taken in case of febrile conditions and as a means of prophylaxis and treatment of vitamin deficiencies. Sometimes orange juice is used to treat infected wounds and ulcers, as it contains a lot of phytoncides. The juice helps to avoid colds, improves tone, relieves fatigue and strengthens blood vessels, is useful for atherosclerosis, hypertension, inflammation of the joints, liver and lung problems, pneumonia, inflammation of the gums, anemia and other blood diseases, temperature, high blood pressure, digestive problems, scurvy, skin diseases, exhaustion. Recommendations: People suffering from chronic constipation should either eat 2 oranges a day, or drink the juice on an empty stomach and before bed. In general, it is recommended to consume no more than 3-6 small glasses of juice per week. If you consume more, it is recommended to exercise vigorously in order to neutralize the increase in acidity. Cautions: In case of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity and intestinal disorders, it is better to dilute the juice by half. It should be remembered that excess citrus juices increase acidity and remove calcium from the body.

Grapefruit juice

Content: sugars, organic acids, potassium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, C, E, K, P, PP. Positive properties: The juice is anti-allergic, anti-viral, regenerating. It is useful for varicose veins, lung replacement, fever, exhaustion of the nervous system, improves sleep, digestion, and lowers blood pressure. The juice is indicated for pregnant women. Cautions: Under no circumstances should you take the tablets with grapefruit juice! The fact is that due to its stimulating effect on the intestines, the body's response to the drug changes.

Pear juice

Contents: fiber and pectin compounds. Positive properties: Pear juice has antimicrobial effect, is useful for kidney stones, has a bactericidal effect and is an excellent diuretic, improves digestion and bowel function. Doctors recommend it to those who are prone to diseases of the circulatory system or have kidney problems.

Peach juice

Content: peach juice contains many different organic acids, including malic, tartaric, quinic and citric acids, the juice is rich in essential oils, mineral salts of potassium and iron, vitamins C and B group, carotene and pectin. Positive properties: The juice improves digestion. It is recommended for arrhythmias, anemia, stomach diseases with low acidity, and a tendency to constipation. The vitamins contained in it help the body to adapt to adverse environmental conditions.

Plum Juice

Contents: carotene, potassium salts, PP vitamin. Positive properties: the juice removes water and table salt from the body - this cannot but be appreciated by those who suffer from rheumatism and gout, normalizes the motor-secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents excess cholesterol from being absorbed from the intestines, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis. When taken, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, which occurs with gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Recommendations: If you take this juice on an empty stomach, you can disinfect the intestines, improve digestion and generally cleanse your body. It should be remembered that sour plums have a firming effect on the intestines, and sweet ones have a relaxing effect.

Apple juice

Contents: vitamins B-6, B-2, B-1, A, C, biotin, folic acid, pantotenic acid (vitamin B-5), minerals: chlorin, phosphorus, potassium, copper, fluoride, iron, magnesium , sodium, silicone and sulfur. Positive properties: It is used for atherosclerosis, diseases of the liver, bladder, kidneys, urolithiasis, inflammation of the joints, arthritis, as well as for weight loss. Apple juice pectin with pulp normalizes bowel function; its large amount creates a jelly-like mass in the intestines, which absorbs various poisons. The high content of sugars and organic acids promotes quick recovery from physical activity. The juice is especially useful for skin, hair and nails, with anemia, gastritis with low acidity. Apple juice prevents and treats colds, flu and intestinal infections, removes toxins from the intestines, relieves constipation or indigestion. Apple juice is useful for those involved in mental work, it also removes uric acid salts from the body. Recommendations: Apple juice can be drunk without harm to health up to one liter per day. Sour apple juice, half diluted with mineral water, is a mild but effective laxative. Cautions: Juice is contraindicated in exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer and pancreatitis.

Berry juices

Watermelon juice

Content: glucose, fructose, sucrose, pectin substances, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, folic acid, provitamin A, salts. Positive properties: The juice has a strong diuretic effect, which does not irritate the kidneys and urinary tract, promotes the dissolution of salts and prevents the formation of sand and stones (this effect is achieved by taking 2-2.5 liters of juice during the day). The juice is useful for anemia, diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, the consequences of radiation sickness. They also use it for liver diseases (Botkin's disease, intoxication, cirrhosis, chronic cystitis, cholelithiasis), poor digestion, constipation, putrefactive processes in the intestines, with atherosclerosis, gout, arthritis, obesity (1.5 liters of juice per day) , and also as a choleretic agent for hepatitis. Recommendations: It is recommended as a fasting food.

Grape juice

Content: vitamins B-2, B-1, A and C, minerals - calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, copper, fluoride, iron, magnesium, silicone and sulfur. The complex chemical composition of grape juice is compared to the composition of alkaline mineral waters. In this regard, treatment with grape juice is considered similar to the use of mineral waters. And in terms of the rate of absorption, this juice resembles honey. Positive properties: Grape juice increases the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood, increases the number of red blood cells, regulates the ratio of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood. It has a beneficial effect on the bone marrow, which enhances the function of hematopoiesis. The juice improves metabolism, speeds up digestion, removes toxins from the body, helps in cleansing the body and is used for losing weight. The presence of a large amount of minerals in the juice helps to cleanse the blood and blood formation, cleanse the liver. Grape juice helps with arthritis, liver problems, anemia and other blood diseases, cancer, constipation, high fever, digestive problems, thickening in the mucous membranes, skin diseases and for weight loss. The juice has a good effect on the work of the heart muscle, has a laxative and diuretic effect, is useful for certain diseases of the kidneys, liver, lungs, with exhaustion of the nervous system and loss of strength, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. Recommendations: For medicinal purposes, natural grape juice should be drunk half a glass 3 times a day for three weeks. Before taking it, it should be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Cautions: Grape juice is not recommended for gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, diabetes mellitus, obesity, chronic inflammatory processes in the lungs. It is undesirable to use grape juice and with a tendency to flatulence.

Cherry juice

Contents: folic acid, iron, catechins and anthocyanins. Positive properties: Cherry juice is useful for anemia, for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, has an anti-inflammatory effect and destroys the causative agents of dysentery and pyogenic infections - staphylococcus and streptococcus. Cautions: in case of stomach ulcers and high acidity, it is better not to get carried away with juice.

Pomegranate juice

Melon juice

Sea buckthorn juice

Rowan juice

Chokeberry juice

Blackcurrant juice

Juice diet

A juice diet allows you to completely cleanse the body of harmful substances, promotes natural weight loss, improves overall well-being; in this case, the usual diet is partially or completely replaced by a combination of fresh fruit and vegetable juices. However, you should be aware that a diet of juices can cause temporary lethargy and drowsiness, as well as cause bad breath, indicating that toxins are being expelled from the body. The juice diet assumes that freshly prepared juice is consumed immediately, since fresh juices quickly lose vitamins and minerals. To achieve the desired effect, juice therapy should be carried out for at least two to three weeks.

Cautions: Before starting a diet, everyone should answer the question: "Will my body withstand such a strict diet?" If there are any diseases, even hidden (!), In no case should such shock therapy be arranged. Since fruit juices cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, people with diabetes should talk to their doctor. In addition, it is better not to sit all days exclusively on juices, because the gastrointestinal tract also needs solid food. Therefore, it is prudent to include in your diet fiber to stimulate the body's cleansing functions, as well as enveloping cereals made from whole ground grains and bran.

Juice consumption rules

1. Natural (freshly squeezed) juices should be drunk no more than 10 minutes after their preparation and at least 30 minutes before a meal, so as not to intensify the fermentation process in the intestines, which can lead to food decay and, as a result, to illness ... In the event that the acidity of the gastric juice is increased, then you should drink a glass of juice 1.5 hours before meals. You need to drink in small sips or through a straw.

2. Juices are digested and absorbed literally 15-30 minutes after taking and immediately go to nutrition and restoration of tissues, glands, which means that juices can improve your health and even cleanse some body systems.

3. The best are the so-called cloudy juices, that is, those that contain a lot of starting material. Juices should be filtered only if there are disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in case of respiratory diseases.

4. The volume of beet juice in any composition should not exceed 1/3 (since pure beet juice can cause dizziness and nausea).

5. It is not recommended to mix stone fruit juices (plum, apricot, cherry, etc.) with any other juices. But the juices of pome fruits (apples, grapes, currants, etc.) can be drunk in a mixture with other juices.

6. If the juices taste fresh, citrus juices, sour berries and apples should be added to them.

7. For the preparation of juices, you need to take only whole, unspoiled fruits.

8. Lemon juice is always best diluted with water and drunk with honey.

9. For fasting days, you need to take 1.5 - 2 liters of various juices.

10. Particular attention should be paid to the expiration date.

11. When storing juices at home, it is advisable to maintain a temperature regime of no more than 20 degrees and an air humidity within 65%.

12. Be sure to pay attention to the packaging: if it is crumpled and swollen or the cap is loosely put on the bottle and there are other defects in the packaging, such a product should not be used.

13. Despite the benefits of juices, dentists advise against overusing them. The problem lies in the fruits themselves, especially citrus fruits: the various acids they contain destroy tooth enamel. In juices, they are contained in a concentrated form. A particular danger is the habit of sipping juice, holding it in the mouth: with the same success, according to the assurances of dentists, people could rinse their teeth with dilute acid. And in no case should you brush your teeth immediately after the citrus juice is drunk - the enamel becomes soft and washed off from the teeth along with the paste. As a result, they quickly become brittle and crumble. If it is still difficult to wean from drinking juices, doctors recommend diluting them with water, and for greater safety, drink through a straw so that a minimum of liquid gets on your teeth.

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Today, on the shelves in any supermarket, there is a huge variety of juice products.

But how can a consumer not get lost in such abundance? And find out if the juice bought in the store will benefit the body?

Since the culture of juice consumption began to form relatively recently, we do not yet have sufficient information about how it is produced, stored and what benefits this product brings to the body.

First, you need to figure out what juices exist. PepsiCo employees helped us with this.

By cooking method juices are divided into freshly squeezed, directly squeezed and reconstituted juices. There are also berry fruit drinks.

Fresh juice

Juice prepared from fresh fruits and vegetables in the presence of a customer. Many people like to drink this juice in the morning, coming to a cafe or at the gym after a workout. Of course, freshly squeezed juice is well absorbed by the body. But it must be borne in mind that its benefits will be equal to the benefits of the fruits from which it is prepared, no more. Unfortunately, we cannot be sure that the fruits and vegetables sold in stores contain vitamins and minerals. In addition, the shelf life of freshly squeezed juices is very short - it is recommended to drink such juice within 15-40 minutes.

Direct juice

This juice is made directly from fruits or vegetables during the harvest season. The length of the harvesting and processing season depends on the type of fruit and the geographic region. After pressing, the juices undergo a pasteurization process - one-time heating to extend the shelf life, and are poured into sterile containers. The shelf life of directly squeezed juices is short, they are difficult to transport over a long distance, therefore juices are sold mainly in the regions in which they are produced.

Reconstituted juice

Reconstituted juice is made from natural concentrated juice. Water is evaporated from natural juice and delivered in concentrated form to the production site. On the spot, water is added to the concentrated natural juice, that is, it is restored. This method of preparation does not mean at all that the concentrated natural juice has lost all the beneficial properties and vitamins. If the production technology is followed properly, then the recovered juice is practically not inferior to directly squeezed juice. The technology of production by recovering the concentrated juice allows you to preserve the taste, aroma and healthy substances contained in fresh fruits.


Fruit drink is the most traditional fruit drink in Russia. They are prepared according to old Russian recipes based on natural berries picked by hand in ecologically clean forests. During the production process, no colorants, preservatives or other additives are added to fruit drinks. Thus, they remain absolutely natural, retaining all the beneficial properties and unique taste. On an industrial scale, fruit drinks are made from a mixture of berry juice (berry puree), drinking water, sugar or honey. The minimum proportion of natural concentrated berry juice should be at least 15% of the total volume. Also, instead of water, an aqueous extract of pomace of those berries that were used for the production of juice or puree can be added to the fruit drink.

By consistency juices can be divided into two types: 100% juices and nectar.

Photo from the site tutznayka.ru

100% juices

This juice is made from concentrated juice and drinking water. By consistency, clarified and unclarified juices are distinguished, as well as juice with pulp. Clarified juice is non-chemical purified from fruit pulp, it has a deep and rich taste. Unclarified juice is more viscous, since fine suspended particles are left in it. Pulp juice is a puree juice. Juices with pulp are more nutritious, provide more satiety, and contain the dietary fiber the body needs.


Nectar is prepared from natural concentrated juice with the addition of drinking water. The proportion of juice, depending on the type of fruit and vegetables, is not less than 20-50%. Nectars are usually made when fruit juice cannot be prepared. There may be several reasons for this: either the juice will be very thick (peach, banana) or very tart / sour (cherry).

Most often, it is packaged juices, nectars and fruit drinks that cause doubts and distrust of consumers. Many believe that the concentrated juice that makes up their base contains unnatural substances. In order to understand what the reconstituted juice consists of, you need to know how it is produced. In the production of packaged reconstituted juices, fruits and vegetables are quickly processed and immediately packaged.

Photo from the site pepsico.ru

The main thing is the process!

The first stage in the production of juices is the selection of raw materials for the future juice. Fruits and berries must be environmentally friendly, ripe and retain their firmness and density. The juice is made from fruit varieties specially grown for their production, which are more juicy. Low-quality fruits are harvested at the stage of selection of raw materials.

Modern technologies have become so gentle that they allow you to preserve the beneficial substances of fruits as much as possible. Thus, during production, the share of vitamins and minerals reaches about 80%. All processes for the production of concentrated juice - from fruit processing to the evaporation of excess water - take place under special conditions so that a maximum of vitamins and nutrients remain in the concentrated juice.

The juice production process allows you to preserve vitamins and other nutrients in fruits and vegetables. There is data from an independent expert-analytical center on the content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in certain packaged juices of one flavor or another.

Due to the complete sterility of the production process - from preparation to filling the juice into bags, as well as sealed aseptic (sterile) packaging, the juice does not lose its properties and is stored for a long time.

Aseptic packaging (for example, according to Tetra Pak technology) makes it possible to maintain all the quality characteristics of the product more reliably than when packaging under normal conditions. It is important that the aseptic filling method prevents product spoilage during storage. Thanks to this, preservatives do not have to be added to juices, nectars and fruit drinks.

During storage, the juice should be protected as much as possible from the effects of oxygen, light and bacteria. Accordingly, the higher the protective properties of the package, the longer the juice retains its taste, and also meets the quality and food safety standards.

You can choose a quality juice by following simple rules. The main thing is to check the expiration date and production date of the product, pay attention to the manufacturer, composition and nutritional value. A respectable manufacturer also makes sure that the consumer can, in the event of a problem, contact the quality department and leave their claims.

Photo from telesem.ru

Three "juicy" myths

Absolutely everyone knows what juice is. However, most consumers are poorly aware of the naturalness and benefits of juices. Many are sure that packaged juices contain many unhealthy ingredients, while there are practically no useful substances and microelements. Such perceptions give rise to a huge number of myths about juices.

Myth No. 1. Juices in bags are made from unnatural substances.

Perhaps this is the most common stereotype about juices. In fact, natural substances that are found in fruits and vegetables give a pleasant aroma and rich color to juices, and modern technologies for the production of concentrated juice allow you to preserve the natural smell and taste. Reconstituted juice is made from natural fruits, vegetables and berries. Only he goes a longer way, because before getting to our table, fruits and vegetables are collected in places of their geographical growth. Then, in the factory, they are processed, obtaining natural concentrated juice from them. Concentrating juice is the process of evaporating water from it. This technology makes it possible to transport juice over long distances, thereby offering the consumer a wide range of flavors even from those fruits that do not grow in the region, while maintaining their useful properties.

Myth No. 2. Preservatives, fragrances, dyes and a lot of sugar are added to juices.

By definition, packaged juice cannot contain preservatives, fragrances, dyes and sugar, because in accordance with the current Russian legislation, the drink in which they are contained cannot be called juice.

According to Russian legislation, juice should be understood as “a liquid food product that is unfermented, fermentable, obtained from edible parts of benign, ripe, fresh or preserved fresh or dried fruits and (or) vegetables by physical impact on these edible parts and in which in accordance with the peculiarities of the method for its production, the nutritional value, physicochemical and organoleptic properties characteristic of the juice from the fruits and (or) vegetables of the same name are preserved ”.

The juice contains only fresh fruits and vegetables, which undergo strict quality control. Reconstituted juices can be produced in any country thanks to the concentrated juice technology. However, natural juice concentrate is produced only in areas where fruits grow. A fundamentally important factor is the freshness of the fruit itself from which the juice is made. The less time elapsed between when the fruits or vegetables were harvested and when they were processed, the better and healthier the juice obtained from it.

If we talk about the calorie content of juices, the fruits themselves contain a sufficient amount of natural sugars. Therefore, no sugar is added to 100% juices. Most of the minerals, fruit acids, sugars and vitamins pass from the fruit to the juice.

The juice also does not contain any colorants or flavorings. The color of the juice is determined by the color of the fruit. Vegetables, fruits and berries contain natural substances that give the fruit the appropriate color. And modern technologies help to preserve the aroma of fruits. During the production of natural concentrated juice, they allow not only to evaporate water, but also to preserve volatile aroma-forming substances. With the help of special technologies, these substances are collected, stored, and then added to the juice when reconstituted. Thus, the reconstituted juice retains not only beneficial substances and taste, but also the natural smell of the fruit.

Packaged juice is stored for a long time due to the fact that the product is heated to a certain temperature, and thus bacteria are destroyed, but at the same time most of the nutrients, minerals and vitamins are retained. Then the juice is poured into a sterile container with minimal contact with air. The plant maintains complete sterility of the process: from preparation to filling the juice into bags.

Packaging plays an important role: the juice should be protected as much as possible from the effects of oxygen, light and bacteria during storage. Accordingly, the higher the protective properties of the package, the longer the juice retains its taste, and also meets the quality and food safety standards. Aseptic solutions help preserve the color, texture, natural taste and nutritional value of the juice. The combination of aseptic processing technology and cardboard packaging helps to ensure the safety and useful properties of the product for 12 months.

Myth No. 3. Fruits and freshly squeezed juices are much better and healthier than packaged ones.

Many people find that juicing vegetables and fruits at home is beneficial. However, unfortunately, not everything is so simple and obvious. We can never be 100% sure that fruits bought in a store or on the market are fresh, that temperature or other conditions have not been violated during storage. Also, lovers of freshly squeezed juice should know that it is necessary to drink such juice within the nearest time after pressing, since the amount of vitamins in it decreases every minute. Packaged juices can be stored unopened for quite a long time, since vegetables and fruits are processed directly where they grow, and they go for processing at the moment of their maximum maturity, and conservation technologies allow you to preserve all the advantages of ripe products.

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