Home Roses State Duma deputy Alexander Sergeevich Starovoitov. Alexander Starovoitov: biography and personal life. Military and state service

State Duma deputy Alexander Sergeevich Starovoitov. Alexander Starovoitov: biography and personal life. Military and state service

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Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation
from 18 September 2016
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation
December 4, 2011 - October 5, 2016
Religion: orthodoxy
Birth: 28 January(1972-01-28 ) (47 years old)
Balashikha, Moscow region, RSFSR, USSR
Death: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Burial place: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Dynasty: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth name: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Father: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Mother: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Spouse: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Children: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
The consignment: Liberal Democratic Party
Education: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Academic degree: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Activity: State Duma deputy
Site: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Autograph: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
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Alexander Sergeevich Starovoitov(born January 28, Balashikha) - public and political figure, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth and seventh convocations from the LDPR party.


Graduated from the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, faculty of counterintelligence. A lawyer with knowledge of a foreign language.

Currently studying at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (sociology of management).

From 1997 to 2000 Served in the unit for combating illegal armed groups and banditry of the FSB RF. Reserve officer.


A family

Raises a son and daughter.

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  • on the website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

An excerpt characterizing Starovoitov, Alexander Sergeevich

- Surely! But why do you need such pain? After all, what the Pope presents is enough for us, isn't it?
- I want to be strong, mom! I want not to be afraid of him, just as the Cathars were not afraid of their killers. I want you not to be ashamed of me! Anna said, proudly throwing up her head.
Every day I was more and more amazed at the strength of the spirit of my young daughter! .. Where did she get so much courage to resist Caraffe himself? .. What moved her proud, warm heart?
- Would you like to see more? - Sever asked softly. - Wouldn't it be better to leave you alone for a while?
- Oh, please, Sever, tell us more about Magdalena! .. And tell us how Radomir died? Anna asked enthusiastically. And immediately, realizing herself, she turned to me: - You do not mind, mom? ..
Of course, I didn’t mind! .. On the contrary, I was ready for anything, just to distract her from thoughts about our near future.
- Please tell us, Sever! It will help us cope and empower us. Tell me what you know, my friend ...
Sever nodded, and we again found ourselves in someone else's, unfamiliar life ... In something long-lived and abandoned past.
A quiet spring evening was fragrant in front of us with southern scents. Somewhere in the distance, the last glare of the dying sunset was still blazing, although the sun, tired for the day, had long since set in order to have time to rest until tomorrow, when it will again return to its daily round trip. In the rapidly darkening, velvet sky, unusually huge stars flared up brighter and brighter. The world around was gradually preparing itself for sleep ... Only sometimes, somewhere, suddenly, you heard the offended cry of a lonely bird, which did not find rest in any way. Or from time to time, sleepy barking disturbed the silence by the echo of local dogs, which showed their vigilant vigilance. But the rest of the night seemed frozen, gentle and calm ...
And only in the garden, enclosed by a high clay wall, were two still sitting. They were Jesus Radomir and his wife Mary Magdalene ...
They spent their last night ... before the crucifixion.
Clung to her husband, resting her tired head on his chest, Maria was silent. She still wanted to tell him so much! .. To say so many important things while there was still time! But I couldn't find the words. All the words have already been spoken. And they all seemed meaningless. Not worth these last precious moments ... No matter how hard she tried to persuade Radomir to leave the foreign land, he did not agree. And it was so inhumanly painful! .. The world remained the same calm and protected, but she knew that it would not be like this when Radomir left ... Without him everything would be empty and cold ...
She asked him to think ... She asked him to return to his distant Northern country, or at least to the Valley of the Mages, to start all over again.
She knew that wonderful people were waiting for them in the Valley of the Mages. They were all gifted. There they could build a new and bright world, as the Magus John assured her. But Radomir didn’t want to ... He didn’t agree. He wanted to sacrifice himself so that the blind could see ... This was precisely the task that the Father raised on his strong shoulders. The White Magus ... And Radomir did not want to retreat ... He wanted to gain understanding ... from the Jews. Even at the cost of your own life.
None of the nine friends, loyal knights of his Spiritual Temple, supported him. None of them wanted to hand him over to the executioners. They didn't want to lose him. They loved him too much ...

Alexander Starovoitov, whose biography is interesting to all Russians who actively follow the country, was born in 1972, on January 28 in the Moscow region, into a family of athletes.

A family

His parents met at the Institute of Physical Education, where both studied. Having received a higher education, Alexander's father mastered military science, and his mother began to teach in high school. The family of the future politician did not live well, but the parents worked hard and tried to give their son what he needed. Alexander grew up in love and care, his mother often worked with her son for many hours and tried to give him more knowledge, since she helped. Father Sergei paid his son not so much attention as his mother. In this he was hindered by his chosen profession. Constant calls to work on weekends, overtime, limited the time that could be spent with his son. However, Sergei Starovoitov still tried to spend as much time as possible with his beloved child.


Alexander Starovoitov, in the future, did not expect that he would connect his life with politics. In the city of his birth - Balashikha, he entered Gymnasium No. 1 in 1979, and then continued his studies at school No. 13 from 1983 to 1989. While still at school, he began to engage in biathlon, successfully took part in competitions and often brought home victory medals. After such successes, he became a coach at the Youth Sports School.

He served in the army for two years (1990-1992) in a military unit on the territory of Belarus. After military service, he entered the university at the counterintelligence department of the Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation. In 1997, he graduated from a higher educational institution as a certified specialist with knowledge of a foreign language and the specification "lawyer". At this, the craving for knowledge did not fade away, and in 2014 Alexander Starovoitov graduated from the Russian Educational School of National Economy and National Service under the head of the Russian Federation. He received his second education in absentia at the Faculty of Sociology. During his studies, Starovoitov showed himself to be quite talented and promising pupil and student. The teachers foreshadowed a good future for him, and Alexander tried to justify their hopes.

Military and state service

After his first higher education, Starovoitov Alexander Sergeevich got a job in the unit for protection from criminal armed formations and banditry under the FSB. Became a reserve officer.

Since the beginning of the XXI century, he has worked in various commercial organizations in leadership positions. He gained experience and became the owner of his own business in 2005.

Thanks to diligence and excellent management skills, Alexander received an invitation to the Central Office of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in 2007. And a year later he was entrusted with the management of the Office of the political party "Liberal Democratic Party" of the Moscow region.

In the summer of 2009, the party leader was sent to head the regional branch of the same party in Astrakhan. Alexander Starovoitov held this position for two years. During this time, he was the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the V convocation of V.S.Seleznev in the Astrakhan direction.

In March 2010 he took part in the elections to the Duma of the municipal formation "City of Astrakhan" and successfully became a deputy, also managed to become the deputy head of the municipal Duma of Astrakhan.

Having received the necessary skills, in 2011 he took part in the elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia of the VI convocation. As part of the LDPR faction, he became a member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Work in elections and in the State Duma

Represented the Astrakhan Region on the regional list of candidates put forward by the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Political Party. Became deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Transport. Among other things, Alexander Sergeevich Starovoitov became the deputy coordinator of the group of State Duma deputies for relations with the parliament of the Abkhaz Republic and became a member of the permanent commission of the CSTO meeting. At the same time, he became deputy coordinator of the group of deputies of the State Duma on cooperation with the Japanese parliament and the working group on parliamentary cooperation "Russia-EU".

Starovoitov's contribution to the political life of the country is very great, and, possibly, will be more carefully evaluated by the future generation. Now Alexander Sergeevich, without stopping, still continues to actively participate in the life of the state.

Democratic institutions in the Russian state have been formed recently. A little over twenty years is a short period by historical standards. At the same time, sufficient experience has been accumulated in order to assess their effectiveness and the problems that arise in the development process. You can become a deputy of the State Duma by winning elections or being a member of a parliamentary party. The biography of Alexander Starovoitov can serve as an example for a thorough analysis of this process.

According to the civil status record, Starovoitov was born on January 28, 1972 in a family of teachers. Parents graduated from the Institute of Physical Education and worked as teachers in one of the schools near Moscow Balashikha. The child grew up in a healthy environment. The father taught military training and, whenever possible, passed on his experience to his son. Alexander went to school with a desire and prepared enough. As often happens, I got carried away with biathlon and achieved decent results in this sport.

Having received a certificate of maturity, he began working at a children's sports school, from where he was drafted into the army. Military service formats a person's character. Instills in him good habits and correct behavior patterns. Alexander was well versed in people and knew how his peers live, what topics they are interested in and what goals they set for themselves. In this context, it should be noted that the structures dealing with state security are doing quite well in our country.

After serving the due date, Starovoitov entered the FSB Academy at the counterintelligence faculty. In 1997 he completed his studies and received the specialty of a lawyer and translator from Japanese. I had to work in the Moscow region. The counterintelligence agent was engaged in the fight against illegal armed groups and bandit formations. In 2005, he moved to work in commercial structures and received an economic education at the Russian Academy of National Economy.

Party work

The political career of Alexander Starovoitov began in 2007. He joined the Liberal Democratic Party and was actively involved in party building. He worked in Astrakhan. In 2011 he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Wide erudition and specific knowledge allowed the deputy to take the position of coordinator of the group for cooperation with parliamentarians of Japan. In 2014 he was awarded the Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For the Return of Crimea", in 2016 the Order of Friendship of Donbass.

Starovoitov's personal life deserves a special story. With the official status of "not married", he has two children. This is a good plot for a movie about the weirdness of love. Alexander is often invited to television as an expert and as the main character. In his opinion, husband and wife should be one. If a woman has cheated, she has no forgiveness. Only a divorce.

The deputy of the State Duma was elected as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the Political Party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia"

Member of the faction of the Political Party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia"

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Transport


Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (1997) - lawyer with knowledge of a foreign language

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (2013) - sociologist

Labor activity:

1989 to 1990 worked as a coach at the Children and Youth Sports School.

1992 to 1997 studied at the counterintelligence faculty of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (eastern direction).

Higher education, lawyer with knowledge of a foreign language.

From 1997 to 2000 Served in the unit for combating illegal armed groups and banditry of the FSB RF.

Currently a reserve officer.

Since the early 2000s, he has worked in various management positions in large commercial structures.

In 2005 he organized his own business.

In 2007 he was invited to work in the Central Office of the Liberal Democratic Party.

2008 to 2009 headed the Liberal Democratic Party of the Moscow region.

Since July 2009, on the personal instructions of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, he was seconded to Astrakhan in order to improve the efficiency of the Astrakhan regional branch of the Liberal Democratic Party.

2009 to 2011 headed the Liberal Democratic Party of the Astrakhan region.

2010 to 2011 Deputy Chairman of the City Duma of the Municipal Formation "City of Astrakhan".

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