Home Roses Yeast dough. The best recipes with photos. What to cook from yeast dough

Yeast dough. The best recipes with photos. What to cook from yeast dough

For many housewives, cooking yeast dough seems to be something from the realm of fantasy and as a result, many refuse to deal with it and thus limit their family to delicious pastries based on it. As you can imagine, this type of dough cannot be prepared without the main component - yeast. For the dough to turn out to be great, it is important to choose the right yeast.

Whether you use dry or wet yeast (cubed), it is very important to keep it fresh. It is also important to remember that wet yeast rises by an order of magnitude better than dry yeast due to better fermentation activity, which is why they are more popular.

In fact, yeast dough recipes are very diverse. Among them there are those that do not require special products and time-consuming. Baking from such a dough will be no worse than the one made from yeast dough, which can take almost a whole day to knead.

Believe it or not, yeast dough, mixed with yeast and water alone, can be many times more magnificent than the one whose recipe includes a large number of eggs, milk and butter. This clearly indicates that in the process of its creation, not only the constituent ingredients are important, but also the method of preparation. Today we offer you best yeast dough recipes, with which you can bake delicious cakes, rolls, cheesecakes, rolls, pizza and many other pastries.

Yeast dough. The best recipes with photos

Yeast dough - recipe


  • yeast - 1 pack
  • kefir - 0.5 l.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons

Consider recipe for yeast dough with kefir... Make a brew initially. First, dissolve 1 pack of yeast in water and add sugar and salt there, then cover them and set aside for 10-15 minutes. The tremors should increase in volume during this time. Bring the kefir to room temperature and add the egg there, stir well with the rest of the sugar. It is worth remembering that you do not need to be zealous with sugar, since if there is a lot of sugar in the dough, it will slow down fermentation.

Add the risen yeast there and stir further. Pour 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil into this mass. By adding a little flour, knead the dough, the exact amount of flour is difficult to guess, so you need to look at its appearance. Yeast dough (photo) it should be light and soft. Cover it with a towel, move the dough to a hotter place and wait for it to fit. This process will take somewhere around 40-50 minutes.

Now consider yeast dough recipe with photo which is cooked without eggs.

Yeast dough without eggs


  • milk - 500 ml
  • flour - 250 g.
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • dry yeast - 3 tsp
  • butter - 120 g.
  • salt - 2 tsp

Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it to 40 degrees. Dissolve yeast in it, and then add sugar. Move the saucepan to a warm place for a few minutes. Take a clean dish and melt the butter in it. Pour the flour into a deep bowl, and then add salt and sugar there. Pour 500 ml into the flour mixture. prepared milk and then mix everything well, add melted butter there and start kneading the dough.

Due to the oil, the dough will not stick at first. Knead without stopping until it sticks to your hands. After that, continue to knead the dough for another 10-15 minutes. Observing all these subtleties, the dough will turn out to be airy and soft. Form a ball out of it, and then place it in a greased bowl before this. Cover it with a towel. Leave yeast dough for pies 2 hours for it to rise.

Yeast dough (unpaired method) - recipe


  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • dry yeast - 5 g.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 4 tsp
  • butter (melted) - 3 tablespoons
  • salt - a pinch

To prepare a bezoparny, you do not need to put milk in a warm place, it is enough to first heat it and then add yeast there, and only then add the rest of the ingredients, and it would be best to beat the eggs in a separate bowl and add salt there and melt the butter separately. Then knead the dough last and add the chilled butter to it. Knead until the dough sticks well from your hands and from the dishes, respectively.

Grease the dough with butter and sprinkle with flour, then cover it with a warm cloth and set aside to rise for a few minutes. Then knead it lightly again and let it rise again for a couple of minutes. Yeast dough pies (photo) according to this recipe, they are always very fluffy and soft.

Yeast dough in the oven - recipe


  • Water or milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast - 2-2.5 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 500 g.

So, let's prepare yeast dough in the oven... First, heat the water or milk until warm. It is important that the liquid is not too hot. Next, add yeast, salt and sugar to warm milk or water. Then put it all in a preheated oven for 5-7 minutes to form a "cap" of the dissolved yeast. While the mixture is in the oven, whisk the eggs with a whisk, adding vegetable oil and a pinch of salt, and then some flour. Sift flour for better kneading.

When you have mixed everything, take out the milk and pour into the dough, stir and add the rest of the flour. Knead the dough first in a bowl and then with your hands until it is elastic. No need to overdo it with flour and "hammer" the dough. After kneading, return the dough to the oven at the lowest temperature, leave until it rises. When it has risen, knead it again, and leave it no longer in the oven, but simply covered and for a lesser number of minutes, so that it will increase a little again. ready for baking.

Puff yeast dough - recipe


  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Dry or fresh yeast - 10 g.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Butter (margarine) - 300 g.
  • Sugar - 3 tsp

So let's start cooking yeast puff pastry... First, take butter (margarine) and soften it by cutting into small pieces. Warm the milk to room temperature. Add yeast, then salt and sugar. The flour must be sifted into a separate container in order for the dough to knead better and easier. Add a piece of butter (margarine) to the dissolved yeast, about 50 grams.

Stir well and start adding flour a little at a time. Next, knead the dough, let it rise a little, then send it to the refrigerator. Place the rest of the butter (margarine) between two parchment sheets of paper in the shape of a rectangle, and place in the refrigerator for the dough.

Roll out the raised dough in the same way as before rolling out the butter on the parchment. Put the rolled butter (margarine) on the dough, and then wrap in the edge. Fold this layer again in three and refrigerate. Repeat this entire procedure two more times. Puff yeast dough ready to bake.

Yeast dough for pies - recipe


  • Wheat flour - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Dry / fresh yeast - 8g / 30g.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 3 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons
  • A pinch of salt.

For cooking yeast dough for pies first put the dough to come. For dough, dissolve dry or fresh yeast in milk at room temperature. Add a pinch of salt and sugar there. While the dough is fine, beat the eggs and add salt and oil. Pour the matched dough into the eggs and slowly stir in the flour.

Sift the flour well before adding it, then the dough will not be clogged, but it will turn out to be airy and light. Knead it thoroughly first in a bowl, then with your hands, do not be lazy, the dough loves warm hands and thorough kneading. When it's smooth and won't stick to your fingers, cover it with a warm cloth or terrycloth towel to come up. Then knead the yeast dough again and divide into balls. Yeast dough pies this recipe can be cooked both in the oven and in a pan.

And finally, let's consider mustard powder yeast dough recipe... This version of yeast dough with mustard powder is good for making loaves, bread, savory pastries with various fillings and spices. In addition, pizza can be baked on such a dough; it will turn out to be very appetizing, aromatic and original.

The texture of baked goods, due to the content of mustard powder, turns out to be very delicate, airy, with a piquant taste and strong aroma (in which the spice itself is not caught). The time to create this recipe is 50-70 minutes. You just need to add all the ingredients to a bowl, mix and leave for a while.

There are several types of yeast dough: classic, butter and puff. What to cook from it depends on what kind of dough the hostess prefers.

Classic is a dough with a low amount of sugar and fat. His taste is also classic bread. This dough makes excellent homemade bread or pizza. The base of a regular yeast dough is yeast (1 tablespoon) and flour (3 cups). Add salt (1 teaspoon) and quite a bit of sugar (1 tablespoon) - to "establish" the yeast. If you pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into this dough, it will become more elastic and perfect for pizza. Knead the same dough in soda water and add olive oil - here is the basis for the Italian foccaccha bread. After spreading the dough in the form of a cake on a sheet, make indentations in it with your fingers. Next, brush the surface with melted butter and sprinkle with coarse salt, crushed garlic and finely chopped dill. After baking, you will have aromatic and delicious Italian bread on your table.

Love to experiment - add finely chopped olives, fried onions, any spices to your taste. Every time you get a brand new bread. You can bake it in a special bread form or simply on a sheet in the form of a pita bread or a loaf.

Butter yeast dough requires more complex recipes - there are many of them. Now we will give you the simplest, but time-tested one:
  1. Mix 4 tablespoons of yeast with one glass of warm milk. Add 1 cup sugar and 1 cup flour. It will be a dough, and let it ferment.
  2. Whisk 4 eggs with six tablespoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt while the dough is fine.
  3. Mix the dough and egg mixture and add 150 grams of margarine, softened until creamy.
  4. Pour flour into the base for the dough, it will need 1.3-1.8 kg. Let the dough sit twice and then start cooking.
A variety of buns (sprinkle with cinnamon, poppy seeds, brown sugar), pies with berries and fruits, cheesecakes with cottage cheese or jam can be baked from butter yeast dough. This dough is perfect for pies with fish, pies with meat, mushrooms, cabbage - just halve the amount of sugar. The most difficult thing to prepare is puff yeast dough. Not even every experienced housewife can cook it. Therefore, buy puff yeast dough in the store and surprise your loved ones with airy pies, rolls and pies that melt in your mouth. The layers of butter between the layers of the dough give lightness and brittleness to the puff pastry. And the filling in puff products can also be very diverse: berry, fruit, mushroom, meat.

If you have learned how to make yeast dough and bake bread, rolls and pies from it, now you will always have fresh homemade cakes on your table. Bon Appetit!

With all the wealth of pastries that can be purchased in any supermarket, any housewife sometimes wants to pamper households with her own pastries.

The word itself, then, what: "baking"! Delicious, fragrant, aromatic and homely cozy. Yeast dough is perfect for delicious homemade baked goods. You can buy it ready-made in the store, you can cook it yourself.

Dissolve 50 grams of yeast in one and a half to two glasses of warm milk, add a glass of flour. The dough should be like sour cream in consistency. This mixture (called dough) is placed in a warm place for 1.5 hours.

Then eggs are introduced into it (4-6 pieces are needed), 1 glass of sugar - if the baked goods are sweet, if not, then 2 tablespoons are enough. Add 200 grams of butter or margarine, 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Flour is sifted through a sieve (4.5-5 cups will be needed) and poured into the dough.

The resulting dough must be kneaded, adding a little flour, until it sticks to your hands. The dough must be kneaded for a long time, at least 15-20 minutes, so that it is filled with air.

After that, the test must be allowed to come up again. They put it in a warm place for a couple of hours, covered with a napkin. When the dough has come up, you can start cooking.

What the hostesses have not come up with for the centuries-old history of yeast dough! Pies, donuts, pies and pies, cheesecakes and pies, rolls and bagels - just countless.

A sausage dough is perfect for a hearty breakfast. The dough is divided into several parts (according to the number of sausages). Roll out the pieces of dough so that you get thin ribbons with which you can wrap the sausages. Swaddled sausages are laid out on a greased baking sheet, after 30-40 minutes they will be ready. If the dough is rolled out not into ribbons, but into square "rags", then stew or sauerkraut can be added to the sausage. You can take such a sausage in the dough for lunch, give your child to school.

For a family meal, you can prepare a fish pie with potatoes. The dough is rolled out in a thick layer, placed in a greased frying pan. Reconciliation is placed in thin slices of potatoes. The next layer is fish deboned, then onions, cut into rings. Top it is necessary to close the pie with a second layer of dough, pinching along the edges. In an hour, which the pie is held in a hot oven, simply unearthly smells will spread through the apartment!

If the hostess has time, then you can cook chicken. For him, you need to fry 6-8 pancakes and cook several minced meat: the first is rice mixed with chopped herbs; the second - mushrooms fried with onions and carrots; the third is boiled chopped chicken.

One half of the yeast dough is rolled into a large thin cake, a pancake is put on it, the first minced meat is on top of it, so all the pancakes are laid out, interspersed with different minced meat. When all the pancakes and minced meat are stacked, everything is covered with the second half of the yeast dough. It splits at the edges - and in the oven for 50 minutes.

But yeast pies can be prepared with any filling! Meat, chopped herbs with an egg, cottage cheese, jam and jam, mushrooms, berries - everything will do. You can even make several fillings in small quantities and make pies to everyone's taste. And in order not to confuse them later, you can make them in different shapes.

It also happens that you need to cook something very quickly from purchased yeast dough. An excellent solution is cheesecakes. The dough is divided into small balls, they are rolled out, cottage cheese is placed in the center.

Another quick recipe is apple and cinnamon roll. Apples cut into thin slices and sprinkled with cinnamon are laid out on a rolled layer of toast. The dough is rolled up and put into the oven for 40-55 minutes.

Family members and egg pies will be appreciated. The dough is rolled into small boats with a depression in the center. Gently drive a raw egg into it - and into the oven. After 40 minutes, the pies will be ready.

It's even easier to make buns. The dough is formed into balls, laid out on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle each bun on top with sugar or poppy seeds, sesame seeds.

Whatever is prepared from yeast dough, baked goods will delight everyone: the hostess, family members, and guests. Each hostess has a lot of secrets to make the baking lush and tasty. But they are all united in one thing: yeast dough should be done in a good mood, without fuss and bad thoughts.

You can pamper your family and friends by making delicious buns made from yeast dough, they will give strength and energy, and will also be much healthier than purchased sweets.


  • Whey (milk or kefir) - 200 mg;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs;
  • Dry yeast - 3 tsp;
  • Butter 73% fat - 100 gr;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Half a pack of vanillin or a pack of vanilla sugar;
  • Flour of the highest grade - 0.5 kg;
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking strand

  1. To prepare fluffy buns in the oven, you need to slightly warm the whey (milk or kefir), then add the required amount of yeast. Then butter is melted in a water bath, and the eggs are thoroughly beaten with a whisk, vanillin and sugar are introduced into them. After adding the last ingredients, the egg mixture is whisked again. Add beaten eggs, sunflower oil and butter to the whey. Then the mass is thoroughly mixed again.
  2. After mixing all the ingredients, at the last stage flour is introduced, step by step, in small portions, with gradual stirring of the mixture. Then you need to knead the dough, kneading it well. It should be soft and elastic as a result. After reaching the desired consistency, it is placed in a warm place for infusion, covered with a thin towel on top.
  3. After a slight increase in size, the finished dough is divided into several parts, mixed well, and then rolled out onto a medium-thick layer. It is greased with melted butter, sprinkled with sugar and a choice of poppy seeds or cinnamon. Next, the layer is rolled up, cut into small pieces and smeared with a beaten egg. The buns are laid out on a baking sheet and baked in the oven at a temperature of about 180 degrees for 25 minutes, until golden brown.

Sweet yeast dough pastries recipes

Having prepared a quick yeast dough, from which you can make pies, buns, the basis for a sweet pie with a filling, a woman will be able to devote more time to herself or her family, and her family will enjoy fragrant homemade cakes.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour;
  • Servings: 15;
  • Kcal: 275;
  • Proteins / Fats / Carbohydrates: 7 g. / 7 g. / 48 g.


  1. Milk - half a liter;
  2. Butter or butter or margarine - 120 gr;
  3. Flour - 1 kg;
  4. Yeast - 50 gr;
  5. Sugar - 1 - 3 tbsp. l;
  6. A pinch of salt.

The oil must be put in a steam bath, it must be warm, then yeast, milk, salt and sugar are introduced into it.

After stirring, add the right amount of flour and knead the dough.

Sweet Yeast Pies Recipe

It is not difficult to bake quick and sweet pies in water and yeast, and everyone will enjoy them, even in the photo they turn out to be appetizing, and all guests will definitely ask for a recipe for their preparation.

  • Cooking time: 2 h 35 min;
  • Servings: 8;
  • Kcal: 206;
  • Proteins / Fats / Carbohydrates: 6 g. / 7 g. / 32 g.

Baking pies will be not only pleasant, but also effective if you use fresh apples as a filling.


  • Wheat flour - 750 gr;
  • Milk - 250 gr;
  • Dry yeast - 10 gr;
  • Margarine - 60 gr;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar - three tbsp. l;
  • Rock salt - half a tsp.
  • Chopped apples for the filling - 4 large;
  • Butter for filling - 60 gr;
  • Sugar for the filling - three tbsp. l.

To prepare delicious pies, you must:

  1. Prepare the filling - cut the apples into small pieces, put in the pan, sprinkle with sugar and add butter. Simmer all ingredients for about 10 minutes, then transfer to another container to cool;
  2. Salt, yeast, sugar, eggs are added to the sifted flour and a dough is made. The dough must be pushed back and covered with a towel, this will allow it to ferment and rise. After climbing, the dough needs to be kneaded and kneaded well;
  3. Then the resulting dough is divided into a sausage, which is cut into slices, each part is rolled out and the filling is put into it, forming a pie and carefully covering the edges. The items should lie on the sheet for about 10 minutes to fit well;
  4. Fluffy pies must be greased with knocked down yolk on top and baked in an oven set to 190 degrees. You need to bake the pies for up to 30 minutes, and remove when a golden crust forms.

Homemade cakes will be more useful and flavorful if you experiment with the filling, adding not only sweets, but also boiled eggs, cottage cheese with raisins, mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage. The child's body is the most vulnerable to various chemical additives and dyes, so eating homemade snacks will be more beneficial for its health than products from the store.

Sweet yeast dough buns recipe step by step with photo

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