Home Roses The film after the apocalypse life with the tribe. Is a zombie apocalypse possible in real life: the likelihood of an uprising of the "living dead." Loner rescue plan

The film after the apocalypse life with the tribe. Is a zombie apocalypse possible in real life: the likelihood of an uprising of the "living dead." Loner rescue plan

Well, as far as cars are concerned, everything is somewhat exaggerated
in arid climates, even buried under the sand, they can survive for a long time. I did observe a very amusing picture of how the abandoned technique gradually spills out into the ground, and the wheels obviously deteriorate faster than everything else. the tire simply turns into such a deflated solid mass, but the body of the paintwork rusts slowly and suffers more from local primates.
another question than to fill than to repair. however, the same diesel engine is quite unpretentious and diesel fuel can be repaired without a complicated process. so there will be cars, but there will be very few of them and it will be very elite.
then, as if the climate from a nuclear war will not change the natural zones too. in 100 in central America there will be clear forests and banana grass like in cruzis. but from the ruins of large cities on which the blow will be struck, almost nothing will remain. there will be a concrete mess with mounds, a layer of moss and black earth. as a nuclear strike is planned for the current on large cities, the rest of the land will be quite suitable for a house in the village. all this means that most likely people will leave the lands that are poorly suitable from the climatic point. will remain the current small working settlements for the extraction of some garbage and a primitive infrastructure ala the wild west.
the social order will also suffer little for the reason that already in the first months of srach camps will be organized there will be dispossession and all that. historically, this will simply lead to a decrease in the efficiency of labor. the efficiency of the land harvest and a clear cut in agriculture, animal husbandry, etc. those rollback almost to the 19th century waxing. but which military they will be like cowboys, nanoposons they will be watching so that the raiders do not pick their food.
you come to such a settlement there, in short, slaves spud potatoes with Samsung haloxy from under the feet of the cockerels jump out so co-co-co. weird couple post apocalypse if science is everything.
but with firearms there will be a bid. unless, of course, they start mass production of barrels of musketof cartridges. gopnik raidirs with spears and slingshots will drive.
at the expense of mutations and degenerations, it is rather difficult to say specifically. it depends on the level of specific radiation contamination of the area and then abandoned nuclear power plants of which in the United States seem to be a lot will create more problems than something that once exploded there and has long been under the layer of the earth. as a consequence of long-term unhurried exposure to radiation, it is primarily a lot of downs and dabilofs of oligophrenics. because the effect on all sorts of thyroid hormones is shorter, and this, in turn, is all sorts of food hormones, the effect on sexual function. even genetically healthy children with wax will behave very badly. husbands by the way will be very sexually active and angry. women, on the contrary, will be such sluggish pliable rickety folded, many will have problems with reproductive function. so tales about savages with painted faces who eat human eggs, hang gays on telegraph poles - all this has a well-grounded physiological scientific nature. so let's say doubling of organs due to viruses from radiation and other embryogenesis, they will also be. the second problem for humans will be germs and viruses. and such and such an invisible killer it will be more terrible than radiation here. if we assume that people will not live very densely, there will be many all sorts of sluggish epidemics. under these conditions, natural selection will accelerate and improve in 130 years or 5-6 generations.
and here is looking for aliens with artifacts. waxing a scientific mess is outlined not sickly, posony.

After the bombs begin to fall, the appearance of the planet will change beyond recognition. For 50 years, this threat lies in wait for us at every moment of our lives. The world lives with the knowledge that it is enough for one person to simply press a button and a nuclear holocaust will ensue.

We stopped thinking about it. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the idea of ​​a massive nuclear strike has become the subject of science fiction films and video games. But in reality, this threat has not disappeared. The bombs are still in place and waiting in the wings. And there are always new enemies to be destroyed.

Scientists have conducted tests and calculations to understand what life will be like after the atomic bombing. Some people will survive. But life on the smoldering remains of a shattered world will be completely different.

10. Black rains will begin

Almost immediately after the nuclear strike, a heavy black rain will begin. It will not be a little rain that will extinguish the flame and beat the dust. These will be thick black jets of water with a texture reminiscent of oil, and they can kill you.

In Hiroshima, black rain began 20 minutes after the bomb exploded. It covered an area with a radius of about 20 kilometers from the point of the explosion and flooded the countryside with a thick liquid, from which it was possible to receive 100 times more radiation than at the epicenter of the explosion.

The people who survived the explosion ended up in a burning city, the fires burned out oxygen, and people were dying of thirst. Making their way through the fire, they were so thirsty that many opened their mouths and tried to drink the strange liquid that was falling from the sky. There was enough radiation in this liquid to make changes in the human blood. The radiation was so strong that the effects of the rain are still felt in the places where it fell. We have every reason to believe that if the bomb falls again, it will happen again.

9. An electromagnetic pulse will cut off all electricity

In a nuclear explosion, an electromagnetic pulse is generated that can damage electrical appliances and even turn off the entire electrical network of the country.

During one of the nuclear tests, the impulse after the detonation of an atomic bomb was so powerful that it disabled street lights, televisions and telephones in homes 1600 kilometers from the center of the explosion. Then it happened by accident, but since then bombs have already appeared, designed specifically for this purpose.

If a bomb designed to send an electromagnetic pulse detonated 400-480 kilometers above a country the size of the United States, the entire electrical grid across the entire territory would be shut off. Therefore, after the bombs fall, the lights will go out everywhere. All refrigerators for storing food will turn off, all computer data will be lost. Worst of all, the sewage treatment plant will stop and we will lose clean drinking water.

It is expected that it will take six months of hard work to bring the country back to normal operating conditions. But this is on condition that people will have the opportunity to work. For a long time after the fall of the bombs, a life without electricity and clean water awaits us.

8. Smoke will block the sunlight

Areas around the epicenters of the explosions will receive an incredible amount of energy, and fires will break out. Everything that can burn will burn. Not only buildings, forests and fences will burn, but even the asphalt on the roads. Refineries, which have remained a prime target since the Cold War, will be engulfed in explosions and flames.

The fires that start around the epicenter of each explosion will release thousands of tons of toxic smoke that will rise into the atmosphere and then higher into the stratosphere. A dark cloud will appear at an altitude of about 15 kilometers above the Earth's surface, which will grow and spread under the influence of the wind until it covers the entire planet and blocks the access of sunlight.

It will take years. For many years after the explosion, we will not see the sun, we will only be able to see black clouds overhead, which will block the light. It is difficult to say exactly how long it will last and when the blue sky will reappear above us. It is believed that in the event of a global nuclear war, we will not see a clear sky for about 30 years.

7. It gets too cold for growing food

When the clouds cover the sunlight, a cold snap will begin. How much depends on the number of bombs detonated. In extreme cases, global temperatures are expected to drop as much as 20 degrees Celsius.

There will be no summer in the first year after a nuclear disaster. Spring and autumn will be like winter. Plants will not be able to grow. Animals all over the planet will starve to death.

This will not mark the beginning of a new ice age. During the first five years, the growing seasons of plants will become one month shorter, but then the situation will gradually improve, and after 25 years the temperature will return to normal. Life will go on - if we can live to this period.

6. The ozone layer will be destroyed

However, this life will no longer be called normal. A year after a nuclear bombardment, atmospheric pollution will cause holes in the ozone layer. It will be devastating. Even a small nuclear war that uses only 0.03 percent of the world's arsenal could destroy up to 50 percent of the ozone layer.

The world will become extinct from ultraviolet rays. Plants will begin to die all over the world, and those living creatures that will be able to survive will have to go through excruciating DNA mutations. Even the most resilient crops will become weaker, smaller, and far less likely to reproduce. So when the skies clear and the world warms up again, growing food will be incredibly difficult. When people try to grow food, entire fields will die, and farmers who stay in the sun long enough will die of skin cancer.

5. Billions of people will starve

After a full-scale nuclear war, it will take about five years before anyone can grow a reasonable amount of food. With freezing temperatures, deadly frosts and damaging ultraviolet radiation from the sky, not many crops can survive long enough to harvest. Millions of people will starve to death.

Those who survive will have to find ways to get food, but it won't be easy. People living by the ocean may have a slightly better chance because the seas will cool more slowly. But life in the oceans will still be scarce.

The darkness from the blocked sky will kill the plankton, the main food source that keeps the ocean alive. Radioactive contamination will accumulate in the water, reducing the number of living organisms and making any captured animals dangerous for food.

Most of the survivors of the explosions will die within the first five years. The food will be too scarce and the competition too fierce.

4. Canned food will remain safe

Drinking bottled water and canned food will be one of the main ways people survive in the first five years - just as it is described in fiction, tightly sealed food bags will remain safe.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which they left bottled beer and soda water near the site of a nuclear explosion. A thick layer of radioactive dust covered the outside of the bottles, but the contents remained safe. Only those drinks that were almost at the epicenter became radioactive, but even their level of radiation was not fatal. However, the testing team rated these drinks as “unsuitable for food”.

Canned foods are believed to be as safe as these bottled drinks. It is also believed that water from deep underground wells may be safe to drink. Thus, the struggle for survival will be a struggle for access to village wells and food.

3. Bones will suffer from radiation

Regardless of access to food, survivors will have to fight widespread cancer. Immediately after the explosion, a huge amount of radioactive dust will rise into the air, which will then fall out all over the world. The dust will be too fine to see, but the level of radiation in it will be large enough to kill.

One of the substances used in nuclear charges is strontium-90, which the body mistakes for calcium and sends directly to the bone marrow and teeth. This leads to bone cancer.

It is not known what the radiation level will be. It is not entirely clear how long it will take for radioactive dust to settle. But if it takes long enough, we can survive. If the dust begins to settle only after two weeks, its radioactivity will decrease 1000 times, and this will be enough for survival. The number of cancers will increase, the life span will be reduced, birth defects will become common, but humanity will not be destroyed.

2. Widespread hurricanes and storms will begin

During the first two to three years of cold and dark, unprecedented hurricanes can be expected. Dust in the stratosphere will not only block out sunlight, but it will also affect the weather.

The clouds will be different, they will contain much more moisture. Until things get back to normal, we can expect it to rain almost continuously.

It will be even worse in coastal areas. Although the global cooling will bring a nuclear winter, the oceans will cool much more slowly. They will be relatively warm, causing massive storms along all coasts. Hurricanes and typhoons will cover all coasts in the world, and this will last for years.

1. Humanity will survive

Billions will die as a result of a nuclear war. We can expect that about 500 million people will die immediately, several billion more will die from hunger and cold.

However, there is every reason to believe that the toughest handful of people can handle it. There won't be many of them, but this is a much more positive vision of the post-apocalyptic future than what was before. In the 1980s, all scientists agreed that the entire planet would be destroyed. But today we have a little more faith that some people will be able to survive.

In 25-30 years, the clouds will dissipate, the temperature will return to normal, and life will begin again. Plants will appear. They may not be as lush as they used to be. But in a few decades, the world may look like what modern Chernobyl looks like, where dense forests rise over the remains of a dead city.

Life will continue and humanity will be reborn. But the world will never be the same again.

The popularity of zombies has long gone beyond the horror genre. The Living Dead have become the favorites of toddlers, fighting with plants in children's games. They are some of the typical enemies in science fiction shooters and TV series. Become an element of youth design in clothing. Are the chilling horrors left in the past, and today no one cares if a zombie apocalypse is possible? Let's try to figure out how relevant this topic is and what the likelihood of the appearance of "living dead" on the streets of modern cities is.

Are there zombies in real life?

Creatures with rotten flesh, snarling and drawing hands and teeth to their brains, are overgrown with many stories, legends and superstitions. They appear in mystical thrillers and melodramas, youth comedies much more often than their "colleagues" vampires, adding a bit of humor or symbolizing the oppressed strata of society. In the world of cinema, the living dead are a constant crowd scene that falls into two main categories:

  1. Classic zombies are corpses who have risen from the graves, often not distinguished by their intelligence and ingenuity.
  2. The living dead are the result of a pandemic that has turned most of humanity into aggressive carnivorous creatures.

What about reality? It is reliably known that zombies in the original sense are not a fiction of Hollywood directors. The word comes from one of the African languages ​​and means "Dead Man's Soul". To the question "Who are zombies and do they exist?" the voodoo priest will answer in the affirmative, adding that he himself would not mind getting a couple of copies for gardening.

  1. The rite of turning a person into an obedient slave really exists in this religion, but does not imply his real death. In Haiti, such practices are illegal.
  2. For the ritual of a potential zombie, the sorcerer needed a puffer fish containing a strong neuroparalytic poison - tetrodotoxin. After tasting the potion of a voodoo priest, a person fell into a coma.
  3. Relatives mourned and buried, and then the "dead" came to life - the poison was removed from the body. However, the "zombie" was too confused and scared to return home. The sorcerer constantly intoxicated him with drugs and forced him to work.

The fictional "living dead" are distinguished by their incredible vitality and strength. They are able to find victims by sound or smell. Neuroscientists have even published a book on the zombie brain to humorously understand the functioning of these strange creatures. In the book by Andrey Cruz "The Age of the Dead", the infected have a frightening effect, demoralizing not only ordinary survivalists, but also professional military men. Consider whether a zombie apocalypse is possible in real life.

  • Even an army of obedient slaves of a voodoo priest, who do not pay attention to pain and bullets, is not capable of causing a global catastrophe of civilization. A horde of this kind can easily be stopped by the usual police or special forces. Soporific gas is enough to make them no longer dangerous.
  • In the event of an epidemic, the virus will be quickly localized and investigated. So far, there is not a single strain that turns a person into a superzombie. Sick people are weakened due to pathological disorders in the body and are not often able to bite even a doctor. The plague epidemic caused significant damage to the Medieval civilization, but the problem lay in the population decline.
  • For the functioning of a living person, the well-coordinated work of many systems is required. After death, an irreversible process of decomposition occurs. Rebel zombies will not be able to roar, but even walk. Although their behavior can be explained by disturbances in certain areas of the brain, but stories with voodoo or an epidemic still remain more believable.

Should you prepare for a zombie apocalypse?

Behind the crowds of aggressive "living dead" is the fear of war, devastation, and the collapse of civilization. All this has happened before, is happening now and will happen in the future without any participation of the living or infected creatures. In the natural world, zombies also take place.

On the occasion of the release of the new episodes of the sixth season of The Walking Dead (Episode 14 - March 24), we decided to recall the worlds in which humanity survived the Apocalypse had to live. Perhaps in this way the masters of Hollywood want to tell the audience: learn to survive, make fires and bake bread?

Through the snow

In this visionary masterpiece, the world froze over. All covered with snow and ice, the continent of Eurasia is cut by a railway, along which a train runs endlessly with survivors. In the first carriages - the elite, and in the last - the beggars and disenfranchised "scum" from whom the mysterious overseers take the children. An amazing metaphor of modern life, the thriller Through the Snow has become a revelation for many.

the walking Dead

Yes, yes, this is your favorite world. The zombie apocalypse is a win-win for the series: at least chew enemies, constant travels, deserted places in the world more than enough and funny make-up. Plus your favorite characters who don't want to die. And Karl, Karl!


This world has not survived the invasion of aliens. Giant aliens, to the destruction of which almost all the armed forces were sent, effortlessly dealt with the threat and spread like an infection across the Earth. It seems to us that the director keeps in mind the revenge of nature that one day he will answer people for the abuse: he shot landscapes of desolation so beautifully.


The cult fantastic action movie shows a dark possible future: the uprising of machines, an eternal war of survivors with the most dangerous and - most importantly - ruthless enemy, robots! A tenacious idea will soon give us the fifth version of the development of events, but that film, the very first: sad and honest, will forever remain a classic.

I'm legend

Vampires. Usually they are portrayed in films as languid, pale, but not in this case. An unknown infection that turns people into hungry creatures, spared a man and a dog, wandering around empty New York for days. Stylish, armor-piercing and brutal. In the book based on which the horror movie was directed, the main character dies. But Will Smith just can't die!

Child of man

Many who could see this film would say that they live in such a world: it looks like a "hot spot". War of all against all. A world without children seeks to devour itself, and who will stop it? Cuarón, director Gravity», Likes to ask uncomfortable questions: do any of us need such a future? Then why do we strive for it so?

Elysium: Heaven is not on Earth

This film embodies the fears of all elites who have lived and existed for thousands of years: that one day all the rabble and rags will rise up and take away everything that is acquired by back-breaking labor. Sometimes the rabble did rise and destroy civilizations. On the other hand, there is no need to go far: the problem of refugees in the world is acute, but it is not solved as radically as in the thriller "Elysium".

The power of fire

Probably one of the most entertaining worlds: the ruins of London invaded by dragons! The main characters are the knights Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey (the latter is generally unrealistically brutal: jumping from a tower with an ax to a dragon is not a cocksucking on a stick!). Yes, the world is also dirty and poor, but there is a kind of rebellious spirit in it.

12 monkeys

This world has been destroyed by viruses. All the people that remained went underground. The best scientists understand that they can correct their present by changing something in the past, and so the prisoner James Cole travels back in time to find out who opened the "Pandora's box". Perhaps the most creepy, passionate, and unconventional fantasy detective in film history.

Mad Max: Fury Road

One of the best films of the last year gave us joy with its drive and beauty. But the Earth that appeared before the viewer is completely unfriendly: disease, hunger, desert, thirst, mutations and class inequality. It is incredibly difficult to survive in such a fairy tale, well, not everyone succeeded.


The land is empty. The last surviving observers serving the robots will soon leave Earth. But, as they say, not everything is what it seems. The gray, oppressive and sad film-dream of Joseph Kosinski (" Throne: Legacy») Deftly deceives the viewer and makes a wild loop in the finale. Tom Cruise proved again that he always chooses the best projects for himself.


If thrash performances of the 80s are dear to you, "America-3000" cannot be missed. Something similar to the hit of Soviet times "New Amazons", this comedy (otherwise it is better not to perceive) will give you everything: female combat troops, nudity, irony and the most disgusting outfits in the world. According to the plot, after a nuclear war, a primitive system and matriarchy were established in the world. Ai-nane-nane!

The world, which survived after a global catastrophe, has made a decision: to rid a person of emotions. Only emotions make him angry, express dissatisfaction, kill, rob. Beautiful and ruthless, graceful and aesthetic dystopia, Equilibrium became a brilliant successor to The Matrix, but beat it in terms of staging fights. It's unforgettable!


Finally, we decided to leave the most kawaii apocalypse. Nobody died, just people so dirty the planet that they flew into space, leaving the baby robots to sort out heaps of garbage.

One of the most fertile themes in cinema is films about the apocalypse, the end of the world and a terrible epidemic. Survival and all kinds of disasters is a period when the remaining people need to be able to adapt, to understand how the new world works. Life before and after are different universes. In this collection, we have compiled a list of the best post-apocalyptic movies. There are new items from 2016 - 2017, but we draw your attention to the older top, these are the best pictures of all time.

28 days later (2002)

London. A young man wakes up in a hospital ward, where he lay in a coma for 28 days. During this time, the world has changed beyond recognition - the virus has taken over the city and people have turned into zombies. Our hero and a few others who want to escape destroy evil spirits, but attempts are in vain - the virus has captured everyone, and those who survived go crazy from what is happening.

I am a legend (2007)

Near future. Scientists found a cure for cancer, but instead of destroying the disease, it destroyed people - everyone turned into mutants. Robert Neville is one of the few who remained healthy. During the day he walks around the city with his dog, and at night he looks for a vaccine against the epidemic. Perhaps he will help those who have survived, but so far little has been achieved.

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Max travels alone and tries to escape from the past. On his way, he meets fugitives who are riding in Furyos' battle wagon. They flee from the citadel of cruelty and vices, where the Immortal Joe reigns. The villain gathers his entire army to catch up with something of value that has been stolen from him.

2016: End of the Night (2011)

The last days of the Earth. The sun has almost ceased to shine, but before that it greatly increases in size and burns the planet to the ground. The few survivors who still manage to hold out roam the roads in search of food and water. They will soon be embroiled in a deadly war to keep themselves alive.

After our era (2013)

It has been 1000 years since the catastrophe. Humanity has found shelter in a new home - on Nova Prime. In Earth orbit, Kiefer Reige's spacecraft collided with an asteroid, after which a father and son make an emergency landing on Earth.

War of the Worlds Z (2013)

A dangerous virus turns people into zombies, which are rapidly spreading the infection around the world. Europe and Asia are already burning in epidemics. Jerry Lane is trying to do at least something to save humanity from death and stop the infection.

28 weeks later (2007)

The virus has wiped out almost all of Britain. Events develop after 28 weeks. Salvation can be found in the so-called green zone - a special area of ​​London, which is under the protection of the military. By this time, the virus had already mutated and now the carriers of the viruses have no signs of the disease.

Welcome to Zombieland (2009)

America was attacked by zombies. Rare survivors roam the roads in search of food. The teenager went to Ohio to see his parents at least once again. He knows how to exterminate the dead, but in order to stay alive, he follows his own rules. Once the guy was lucky enough to meet a traveler and together they get to Florida.

Survival Specialist (2015)

The world's resources are depleted. Overpopulation is doing its dirty work. Hunger and devastation are dramatically reducing the population. A young guy is trying to survive alone, away from people. One day, women with a child come to the door of his hut. They starve and offer their conditions for food.

Orbit of the apocalypse (2015)

Scientists have discovered that an unknown planet has appeared in the solar system, it wanders and attracts the earth with a magnet. Cataclysms occur that cannot be dealt with. People die like insects under the influence of evil elements. Steve Lannon in this chaos is trying to find his family and in attempts accidentally learns the conspiracies of this powerful. The government will arrange a nuclear explosion to return the Earth to its orbit.

Virus (2016)

The virus killed almost the entire population of the planet. Few survived. One of the women tells how her family lives in the quarantine zone and how she tries to keep her sister out of danger while she is infected.

The day after tomorrow (2004)

The Earth is facing global warming. Glaciers are melting at a tremendous rate, which lowers the temperature of the world's oceans. Cataclysms are destroying city after city, country after country. Jack Hall tried to explain what kind of catastrophe awaits humanity, but no one listened to him.

2012 (2009)

In 2012, all the planets of the solar system will align and this will lead to a number of cataclysms on Earth. Humanity is waiting for tsunamis, earthquakes, torrential rains. The main character saves the family from an impending disaster and it is not known whether he will succeed.

Road (2009)

The earth has suffered from numerous disasters. All living things have died and the surviving people are trying to find at least something edible. Father and son flock to the coast, hoping to find food there. There will be many trials on their way.

12 monkeys (1995)

2035 year. The virus attacked humanity and less than one percent of the former population remained alive. To keep themselves alive, the survivors go underground, where scientists minds are developing a time machine. A criminal is chosen as a volunteer, he goes back in time and helps scientists eliminate the mistake from which all of humanity suffered.

Epidemic (1995)

The monkey infects the host with a dangerous virus. The disease is spreading at a great rate. When doctors understand that they are dealing with an epidemic, then the matter is transferred to the hands of the military. To find a serum for the disease, you need to understand who was the first carrier.

Mad Men (2010)

In one small American town, people began to turn into psychopaths. The sheriff discovers a wrecked military plane not far from the town with a suspicious cargo on board. The contaminated water has spread the epidemic and the authorities are now quarantining. But those who are not sick also get into it.

Epidemic (2013)

An epidemic of an unknown disease makes people afraid of open spaces. Those who survived are afraid to go outside, hiding where they have to. Mark used to be an office clerk, and the epidemic caught him just at work, and his wife, pregnant with their child, was waiting for him at home. By all means, he needs to return to her, and now he makes his way through basements and pipes to find his wife.

Carriers (2009)

The virus has spread across the planet and destroyed almost all of humanity. Four friends decided to wait out the epidemic in a secluded place, but along the way they meet infected and in such circumstances it is extremely difficult to stay healthy. From the selection.

Monsters (2010)

Mexico and the United States are separated by a reinforced concrete fence. The Mexican border is crawling with space monsters that each season try to make their way to the American side for mating. Samantha and Andrew are late for the ferry to avoid meeting the monsters and now they need to escape in a closed area.

Quarantine 2: Terminal (2011)

In Los Angeles, the building is being quarantined. This time, on a flight from Los Angeles to Kansas City, Henry tries to carry the hamster, but the flight attendant asks to send the pet to the cargo hold. The hamster bites another passenger, after which the latter becomes ill. The plane is in a panic and the captain is forced to land. But, trying to do this, he realizes that quarantine is everywhere.

Last Holidays 2 (2009)

In a small American town, residents are hosting a large-scale graduation party. At this time, a deadly virus sneaks out of the forest, spreading among people with the help of water.

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

The virus has taken over people, turning them into zombies. The living dead are trying to attack people who are still healthy. The remaining people try to hide in the mall. Among them is Anna, who worked as a nurse. She saw the transformation with her own eyes. There is almost nowhere to hide and there is no escape.

Child of man (2006)

Future. Humanity lives in anarchy. Mass infertility reigns in the world, and the last child was born 18 years ago. Theo will have to lead Key across the border. On the way, the girl confesses that she is pregnant and is the last hope of humanity.

Equilibrium (2003)

After the third world war, humanity decided to give up feelings in order to never again allow wars between people. A special chemical compound is introduced by each individual to pacify fear, love, excitement. But there are still those who do not want to give up their emotions, these people are outlaws and keepers are looking for them, who also begin to feel something.

Judge Dredd (1995)

The earth will never be the same again. Climate change has turned the planet into a desert, leaving only a few city-states that have become anarchist centers. To cope with crime, the authorities appoint judges who catch the criminals and pass sentences on the spot.

The Book of Eli (2010)

A global catastrophe has turned the world into a desert. Gangs are now operating on the roads, ready to kill everyone who meets on their way. Eli is a lonely wanderer who carries with him an important book that can heal humanity from madness.

Oblivion (2013)

Our planet is no longer habitable. Now people live right under the clouds where it is safe. But some still make forays down, because there you can find a lot of interesting things.

The Hunger Games (2012)

When the future came, nothing changed in the world - an oppressive government still enslaves ordinary people. Now the jaded crowd needs more show and is having hunger games where people have to kill each other for food. ...

Planet of the Apes (1968)

The exploration mission of the crew of four is coming to an end, but they will never be able to return back to their Earth due to the so-called Einstein paradox. Now they see another planet in front of them, where people are silent savages, and monkeys rule over civilization.

Shepherd (2011)

An atomic war has passed. People defeated vampires, and power was concentrated in the hands of the church. But not all of the ghouls were caught on the reservation, some still attacked people in remote corners. Once the shepherd's niece was kidnapped, and now he needs to find the girl.

Planet of the Apes: Revolution (2014)

Monkeys led by Caesar threaten the human world. Attempts to establish friendly relations end in failure, and now a war will begin between the species.

Through the snow (2013)

In the near future, a catastrophe occurred on the planet, and now, for 17 years, a train with the remnants of survivors is forced to rush along the highway without stopping its course. Life is concentrated in the car as it was on earth - there is room for the elite, and there is room for ordinary people.

Divider (2011)

In New York, in the basement, 8 people organized a bunker for survival. And now they all have to adapt to new conditions. Some of them will change beyond recognition.

Colony (2013)

Natural disasters have turned the Earth into an icy desert. Colony 7 with the remnants of people trying to survive on running out of food. There is another such colony number 5 nearby, but communication with it has been lost and now a group of brave volunteers is embarking on a dangerous expedition.

Pandemic (2016)

The virus infects the entire population of the planet and now the survivors have to fight for their lives.

5th wave (2016)

The Earth is undergoing an alien invasion, and the aliens plan to destroy humanity, launching 4 waves in turn - blackout, destruction, epidemic and secret penetration. The fifth wave remains, and Cassie needs to save her brother.

Mobile (2016)

Phones transmit strange impulses that change the psyche of people, turning them into insane zombies. Clayton Riddell still has a chance to save his family, for this he gathers survivors and goes in search of them.

Turbo kid (2015)

The apocalypse has reigned on the planet. Forests and meadows were replaced by a scorched desert. A young guy working as a scavenger puts on a superhero costume and saves a girl from enemies. The turbo kid will also have to save the world from a tyrant with sovereignty.

Stormageddon (2015)

The most important processes in the United States are controlled by artificial intelligence, which also controls the weather. Echelon controls literally everything - from simple devices to people's lives. When the program fails, chaos reigns in the world - the Earth is attacked by hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. Scientists are making every effort to turn off the Echelon, and while they think, the planet is collapsing.

Battle of Skyark (2016)

Alien monsters have taken over the planet and have now turned the Earth into a dump, where they continue to pointwise destroy the survivors. In an attempt to save their lives, humanity fought, as a result, only children remained. One of the children set out to save the rest. To do this, it was necessary to cope with monsters and get on a spaceship in order to fly away from the lost planet.

Z for Zechariah (2015)

Ann is 16 years old. She survived a nuclear war. Scientist Lumis is desperate to find his family. When Anne matured, feelings arose between them, but a third extra appears - Caleb. Now a war begins between men for the last woman on the planet.

Shelter (2015)

A nuclear winter burned out the entire planet. Those who tried to escape found shelter in the bunker. The bomb shelter had supplies of food and water, but there was no freedom of movement. This required strength and endurance from the group of survivors, but they needed even more strength to remain human.

Extinction (2015)

The infection instantly destroyed intelligent beings - people. Now the infection has acted on the person as a predator with awakened survival instincts. Three survived - Patrick and Jack with their daughter. Former friends do not communicate with each other. Something terrible happened between them and there is no turning back.

Road Wars (2015)

Apocalypse reigns on Earth. Those who survived were divided into two camps. Some are infected and live at night. Others arm themselves and protect natural resources from pollution, while trying to save their lives at the same time. These two groups could well coexist if nocturnal people did not mutate and adapt to daylight.

Robocalypse (2016)

Robots have long entered human life and have become something like pets. One day, a scientist creates a robot in a new generation and endows it with the ability to feel. This led humanity to extinction, because now ingenious killer robots are planning to take their place on the planet.

Infection (2011)

Beth Ehmhoff returns from Hong Kong. She feels bad, but she writes off the malaise on the flight and the change of time zones, but after 2 days her life ends. Doctors do not understand what is the reason. People have a cough and fever, then convulsions and cerebral hemorrhage, and it always ends in one thing - death. The global epidemic is growing stronger. The CDC is doing everything it can to stop the spreading infection.

Phenomenon (2008)

The virus spreads across America and causes people to commit suicide. At first, a person loses speech, gets disoriented in space. Further loss of movement and suicide attempts. Elliot Moore rescues his wife and daughter, but the nightmare is not easy to stop.

Haze (2007)

In an American town, the storm left people without communication, and then a thick fog appeared. Despite the bad weather, David and his son went to the supermarket, where they discovered that fog is not just a natural phenomenon. Trying to escape behind the walls of the supermarket, people die one by one. But you can be saved, you just need to get out.

These were the best films about post-apocalypse, epidemic and the end of the world. Survival and life after the apocalypse is the topic of these top films. If you know any other disaster movies in the same genre, then add to our list of the best. We are especially interested in the pictures for 2016 - 2017.

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