Home Roses Forms and types of male genital organs. Types and forms of male penis in men and adolescents: head types, classification. What are the types of male penis

Forms and types of male genital organs. Types and forms of male penis in men and adolescents: head types, classification. What are the types of male penis

Topic: Potency as in 18 years!

From: Mikhail P. ( [email protected])

To: Administration https: // site

Hello! My name is
Michael, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to establish potency. I lead an active sex life, relations with my wife have reached a new level!

And here is my story

From the age of 35, due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, the first problems with potency began, "I was only enough for 1 time", the duration and quality of sex decreased greatly. When I turned 38, real problems began, I began to panic, and in order to somehow improve my sex life, I began to resort to Viagra and its analogues. And it seems that the pills "worked", but later I realized that without the pills, the erection disappeared completely! And Viagra is quite expensive, and besides, it has a huge number of side effects that have an extremely negative effect on the entire body. All this led to constant quarrels with my wife, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, everything was very bad ...

Everything changed when a friend at work advised me one remedy. You have no idea how grateful I am for that. I only drank 2 pills a day and had sex for 2-3 hours every day! In addition, after drinking just one course, her potency was fully restored, and became more powerful than at 18 years old without any pills! The results have lasted for 2 years! Most importantly, family relationships improved. My wife and I are just happy.

It doesn’t matter if you have the first symptoms or have been suffering from poor potency for a long time, I advise you to drink a course of this remedy, I guarantee you will not regret it.

The ejaculate is usually whitish in color, although in some men it is formed. If a man develops or cannot ejaculate, then you should consult a doctor. Ejaculate that has either a greenish tint should also be examined in the laboratory.

Seminal fluid has various consistencies and textures. At times, semen may be thicker than usual. In general, you shouldn't worry about it. A variety of factors can affect its consistency and composition, including when a man last ejaculated, how long he was aroused, and even what he ate early in the morning for breakfast.


It is important to remember that all people are different, there is no member of the ideal form. Healthy penises don't all look the same, so a man shouldn't worry or compare himself to others. Remember that a man can always talk to his doctor if something is bothering him.

Men tend to arrange acts of mental anguish for themselves and worry about the size and appearance of their own genitals. To a lesser extent, they worry about the size of the legs, plump or thin lips, long fingers or other points that may not correspond to their own canons of beauty.

Taking into account the fact that the anatomy of each man is basically the same and the structure of the penis does not differ in different men, external differences for the most part represent variants of the norm, if not accompanied by pathological phenomena and processes.

In contact with

It is necessary to analyze the question of what is the classification, as well as what form the penis like girls and what can be done to change this characteristic.

What are the types of male penis?

So, what are the members in their appearance? It is impossible to answer such a question with one or two examples, since the classification of such a parameter will include seven options at once. And each of the examples is quite common among men, so it could be included in this list.


The type of penis, which belongs to the category of thick ones, is characterized by the fact that it is quite voluminous, but on the contrary, it is short. Most often, such a member visually resembles a barrel. However, there are situations when a man has a rather impressive and long, and the width of the phallus.


Thin types of male members are characterized by rather modest indicators of the diameter of the penis, but the length can be both insignificant, and vice versa - impressive. But the shape for them is characteristic in most cases swept.


The length parameter for long penises is often impressive and exceeds the mark of 15 cm. Moreover, most often, despite their considerable length, their width noticeably lags behind in development.



It is worth considering that this type of members belongs to the category of pathology. Its development is often associated with a violation of the functional activity of the endocrine system, while an insufficient amount of testosterone is synthesized in the body. Namely, testosterone directly affects the development of the male reproductive system and in many respects its effect is aimed at the formation of the penis.


The meaty appearance of members in men is always has an impressive size, even in a completely relaxed state. They are often quite voluminous in all respects, although sometimes there are combinations of large diameter with insignificant length.

Why fleshy members are called nothing more than huge can be seen in the photo.


The owners of this type of penis can have any anatomical model, and a striking difference of such an organ is pronounced swollen veins. Such organs look quite impressive and even rude, but at the same time they evoke an enthusiastic reaction from girls.

The photo clearly shows examples representing the indicated varieties of penis.

Member Forms

No less interesting are the forms of the penis. But this characteristic is also rich in options and depends on many factors, the main of which is the heredity of a young person.

Twisted or curved

This type of penis is characterized by the presence of a deviation of the head or trunk from its middle in any direction. Deviation is most often observed in straight directions: to the right, to the left, up or down. But sometimes there can be curvature in an oblique direction. This variant is more typical for those whose shape was affected by frequent improper placement of the penis in underwear.


Cylindrical is one of the most common shapes. In this case, it looks even, without any veins and irregularities, even the veins on it do not rush into the eyes. In this case, the head and the barrel have approximately the same diameter, and it is difficult to determine the transition between them. The head is rounded.


The members of the conical shape are also common, which are characterized by a rather thick and long trunk with a much smaller head, because of this ratio, the general appearance resembles a cone, which is expanded towards the base and significantly narrowed towards the top.


Often there are types of male penises called "mushroom-shaped". In this case, men have a rather thin trunk, but it expands and visually resembles a mushroom cap. The figure of the head may be more tapered towards the tip, resembling a cone, or rounded with a uniform width.

The shape of the penis, resembling a barrel, is characterized by the fact that the length of the phallus is not large, but the diameter is impressive. At rest, it is not noticeable, and when excited, it is not very long, but thick, and resembles a barrel.


What is the correct or normal form of the penis is difficult to answer. In fact there is no complete and generally accepted idea of ​​the correctness of this characteristic. Each nationality perceived various options as the only correct ones. For example, the Chinese were convinced that mushroom-shaped organs belonged to this category.


There are also many opinions about what the ideal penis shape is. In fact, any physiological figure is obviously ideal, but both the man himself and his partner can have more specific ideas in any direction.


Members of an unusual form can be classified, since this category includes:

  • banana shape. In a state of full erection, the head of such a penis is directed to the south and slightly curved. Also, such an organ has a natural bend, somewhere up to 10 degrees, and with a larger deviation, a visit to the hospital is necessary, since this is an example of pathology.
  • C-shaped. Such a penis, with the development of an erection, begins to bend to the right, and most often a similar phenomenon is observed in those who make a mistake in laying the organ in underwear or have experienced an injury in this area.
  • graviola. This variant visually resembles the ripened fruit of the East African plant, after which it is named. The phallus in this case is short, most often about 10 cm, and extremely wide. In the scrotum, the impressive size of the testicles is also determined.


Often there is a type of member called an arrow, for which the type of head is most important. This can be explained by the fact that such an organ has a rather pronounced narrowing from the base to the head, and in an excited state it resembles an even arrow.

The forms of the members are clearly visible in the photos presented above.

Other differences

The shape and size of the penis are not the only differences between male genitals. This diversity can manifest itself in color, texture, and even in the size of the foreskin.


In most cases, in men, the shade of the penis matches the rest of the skin. However, there are member types that differ in some way from the classic variant, for example:

  • The penis is darker than skin tone, close to brown, and sometimes even reddish.
  • The skin of the phallus is lighter than the main shade on most of the body.
  • Observed dark spots on penis, sometimes it is combined with the same spots all over the body, but such a phenomenon is possible only on manhood.

It is worth mentioning that the shade may not be constant, that is, in an excited state, the penis of one color, and in a relaxed state, of another. This phenomenon is physiological only if it is not combined with pain or the appearance of any pathological elements.


Most men's penises are far from perfectly smooth. In a normal and classic situation, there are visible and even protruding veins on the genitals, especially during an erection. Other men have hair follicles on the phallus, located on the shaft and tactilely perceived as small bumps.

Regarding hair follicles, a man needs to be careful. As soon as redness, irritation, itching or burning, or several signs appear at once, you need to worry and visit a dermatologist, as this clearly indicates the development of a pathological process.

Approximately 25% of the male population have tiny and smooth balls, resembling pearls, located on the head of their dignity. They appear initially at a young age and are harmless, moreover, they are not sexually transmitted, so they should not cause concern.

And in 50% of the population there are so-called, which are located on the trunk or scrotum and look like tubercles of a light red hue. This phenomenon is also harmless and is not transmitted to the partner.

It should be borne in mind that the appearance of irritation or an increase in granules indicates the presence of pathology and requires an urgent visit to the doctor.

Foreskin size

There are differences in what the penis is in terms of the size of the foreskin, which passes to them from their parents. However, there are a number of other factors that affect this characteristic. They include:

  • Surgical manipulations and injuries affecting this area. Under the influence of external factors, the formation of a curved model is possible, which may be associated with trauma to the penis or even tissue rupture, as well as with improperly formed scars on the skin after surgery.
  • Diseases of various etiologies. For example, a large number of venereal diseases, especially in the last stages, have a negative effect on the tissues of the penis. And as a result of exposure to certain pathogens, these tissues can not only be deformed, but even completely destroyed, which leads to curvature of the organ. A striking example of such a pathology is syphilis.
  • Impact of environmental conditions. The change in the shape and size of the penis can be influenced by pesticides, synthetically created antibacterial substances that adversely affect the endocrine system of men and lead not only to the deformation of the phallus, but sometimes even to its gradual destruction.
  • Underwear. What is important here is not the underwear itself, its material or brand, but how the penis fits into it, especially this option, affects the penises of adolescents.

The effect of erection

Erection does not directly affect the development of the shape of the penis. In fact, the erect state only indicates whether there is any curvature of the penis, which may not be noticeable in a relaxed version.

It is interesting for men and what form of penis girls like.

There is no clear answer to this question because each woman has her own preferences in matters of the sexual sphere, and so if one likes mushroom-shaped penises, then the other may prefer cylindrical ones.

However, if a man correctly assesses the shape of his dignity and chooses the appropriate comfortable positions for sex, his version will be ideal for his partner.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video with information on the importance of penis size and shape:

How can I change, correct the parameters of the penis

Men often want to ensure that they have the correct form of the penis. To this end, they can resort to a variety of methods, including:

Despite the huge difference in the possible appearance of male virtues, there is no clear understanding of what form the member should be. Without pathological abnormalities, injuries and diseases, a man can lead a full-fledged sex life and impress his sexual partners by choosing the right positions and having certain skills in sex.

The name speaks for itself - the penis looks like a banana and is attached to the same way as a banana bunch to a palm tree. In an excited state, he points to the south with his tip and bends a little. Do not be afraid of its curvature - this is quite normal and not dangerous.

If in a man, the bend will be more noticeable, but it should not be more than 25 degrees, otherwise, you will have to run to the hospital as soon as possible - this may be evidence of serious deviations.

If you believe the girls who have had the good fortune to have sex with a man with a banana-shaped penis, the sensations are an order of magnitude cooler. Most - "Side", "", "Arch", "Butterfly", "Jockey" and others that involve deep entry. So the G-spot is actively stimulated and the pleasure is doubly pleasant.

hammer shape

Have you ever seen a hammer? We're willing to bet yes. So, this penis shape resembles a hammer in shape. No need to laugh (to be scared too) - he reminds him vaguely, the head of the penis is not as wide as that of a construction tool.

The hammer-shaped penis is distinguished by a rather large head and a small, thin shaft that holds it.

Despite the strange shape, this penis will give you absolute pleasure, but it is better to choose those where the girl is, so that she can control the depth of penetration.

penis karalka

It is bent in the shape of the letter C, and it is bent to the right. Laugh, don't laugh, and such a deformation indicates an injury received earlier (maybe even in childhood) or if you incorrectly "stow" your "friend" in your underpants.

The C-shaped penis does not interfere with sex, however, it is better to choose those positions when: “Cross”, “Leg - glider”, “Dancer”, “Springboard”, “Fireworks”, “Split Bamboo”, etc.

mushroom shape

The mushroom and hammer penises are very similar, only in the first case the penis is smaller in size, and its head is not as wide and resembles an umbrella. There is nothing unusual in this penis, but it is better to choose the same ones as for sex with: “Doggy style”, “Antelope”, “Man lying on top from behind”, “Geisha”, “Frog”, “Sitting”. With the right approach, a large head can bring you unusual sensations due to the effect on the nerve endings of the vagina.

pencil shape

This type of penis is also called cylindrical. Looking at this penis, it may seem that it is without veins, bends and other irregularities. Member in the form of a pencil - smooth, perfect. How to distinguish? Everything is simple - it is so smooth that it is problematic to separate the head from the trunk the first time (they practically do not differ in width).

The main disadvantage of a penis penis is that it is very long and rather thin. With deep penetration, you can feel pain, so you should choose in which you can control the depth of penetration and stop your partner if he hurts you.

"Knee-elbow", "Woman on top", all standing positions, "Snake", "Antelope", "Rabbit" - these are the most suitable positions for sex. The penis in the form of a pencil is capable of fast due to the stimulation of the vagina throughout the depth.

Carrot or cucumber shape

If a small head on a thick leg is a “vegetable” shape. This shape is the complete opposite of the hammer and mushroom, so it's not difficult to tell it apart. This member is especially good for deep penetration, regardless of position. Remember exploitation - "The deeper, the better!" and forward. Be careful - with active and abrupt actions, with inaccurate introduction, it can cause not pleasure, but severe pain.

veiny penis

This type of penis can be absolutely any shape, but ... with swollen veins.

In an erect state, he looks very frightening - the veins protrude even more, giving the impression of a pumped organ.

Some girls are delighted with such male personal belongings, because for any frills. Well, his appearance does not affect strength and power in the least - it depends. How to deal with such penises? As with the usual ones, the pose should be chosen depending on the size and shape.

But not only the size, but also the types of members are important. Science identifies more than 10 of the latter, and they depend only on the peculiarities of the development of the body of each individual representative of the strong half of humanity.

However, to begin the analysis of this topic, of course, it is worth it with what sizes the members are. As for the normal states of the penis, there are four of them:

Also in medicine, there are pathologies in which the length of an erect penis is 3 centimeters or less. Such a sexual organ is called a micropenis, and doctors strongly recommend its owners to undergo an operation to increase male dignity.

Doctors carry out not only the classification of the size of the members, but also their forms. Among them, 4 common options can also be distinguished:

  1. Cylindrical.
  2. Conical.
  3. Mushroom.
  4. Barrel-shaped.

The first are the most popular among the male population of the planet. In this case, we are talking about a penis of medium thickness, in which the width of the trunk and head is approximately equal. Barrel-shaped penises are in many ways similar to cylindrical ones, but the ratio of their thickness to length is greater than that of the average penises.

As for the shape and mushroom shape, everything is clear from the name: the head of the penis resembles a mushroom cap and protrudes beyond the outlines of the trunk. In a conical or, as it is also called, pointed form, the male dignity gradually narrows from the base to the tip.

Guided by statistical data, today we can not only say with accuracy how many percent of men have penises of different sizes, but also get a complete picture of this important organ. So at rest, the length of the penis varies from 5 to 15 centimeters. At the same time, you need to understand that the larger the size of the manhood in a relaxed form, the fewer centimeters an erection adds to it.

It is worth noting that various circumstances can adversely affect the size of the penis at rest. Among the most common are the following:

  • Failure during sexual intimacy. And we are talking not only about the fact that after sex the penis decreases, which is known to everyone, but also about the experiences of a man because of a failure on the intimate front. This can cause the release of hormones into the blood, due to which the penis will become smaller;
  • With severe fatigue. After a hard day at work or hard work, no part of our body wants to work to its full potential. The genital organ is also no exception, so it can decrease in such situations;
  • After bathing and showering. This happens only in case of contact with cold water (warm acts on the penis in the opposite way). Any man knows well how long members are after swimming in the cold sea. In such situations, of course, you can’t show off on the beach;
  • In a cold environment. It works exactly the same as water. The shape and size of the penis in the cold, for completely natural reasons, decrease, which is due to the structure of this organ. However, we need a small sexual organ in such a situation to preserve the health of this organ (and not only it);
  • For psychological problems. In many ways, this is similar to how a man's penis behaves after a failure in sex, but if in the case of intimate pleasures the result can be short-lived, then any psychological disorder can affect the penis (and its function) even for years.

The positive thing about all this is that the change in shape and under the influence of these factors is only temporary. If the problem disappears, then the man's penis will take on a normal appearance for him.

Women's point of view

Of course, the shape and size of the genitals would hardly be of interest to a man if women had nothing to do with it. And, in a sense, it really is. Of course, the girl will look at the penis of her chosen one, and is unlikely to agree to be with someone whose dignity is too small. However, only one sexual organ, and even its size are not such important indicators for a lady, as it often seems to men.

Numerous studies confirm that for most girls, thickness is more important than length.

This can be explained very easily:

  • The average depth of the female vagina is about the same as the length of the male penis;
  • Thanks to the wide shaft and, in particular, the large head, the penis fits snugly against the walls of the vagina, thereby achieving maximum stimulation.

However, for women, the classification of penis sizes is not too important, because even the most ideal penis can simply be meaningless if its owner is unable to give a woman high-quality and much-desired foreplay. Also, a girl will not want a man again and again, if he is in sex, he cannot last long.

But those who are able to excite a girl well during foreplay and guys who can hold out for a long time during intercourse, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity adore even those with below-average genitals.

Determining the size of a man's penis according to various parameters

Although women do not really like to think about what size members are and how many centimeters are needed for happiness, their curiosity still takes its toll. Almost any lady is interested in what kind of penis her chosen one has even before they find themselves in close intimacy with him. In order to determine this, there are several approaches at once.

The simplest is the formula for penis size, in which you need to multiply the size of the thumb by 3. Also, the size of the penis is proposed to be determined by the height of a man, the size of his legs, the distance from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger, the difference between the index and ring fingers, as well as the mass of others options.

There is also a more complex formula developed by Tokyo scientists. It also takes into account the size of the nose and the weight of the man. However, growth is not taken into account, which is also important. Of course, you should not rely on such formulas and other external parameters with 100% certainty, but for the sake of interest, you can study a couple of the most attractive methods.

By the way, this way you can determine not only the size, but also the shape of the male members. If we take the same thumb as an example, then its straight lines and a weakly expressed joint speak of a cylindrical shape, and if the finger is also massive, then it is barrel-shaped. The curvature and bulge of the joint, in turn, may indicate a bend to the side.

A strong neck and full lips also speak of a thick cock. But, again, these are just theories, because members of different lengths and volumes can be in men with similar visual parameters. You can take them into account, but you definitely shouldn’t be surprised when they don’t work.

Curved shape - the norm or pathology?

According to the classification, penises of different sizes can also be smooth and curved to the right or left side. In this case, the bend can be subtle or, on the contrary, significant. However, in none of the cases can there even be talk of an abnormal situation. This type is associated only with the peculiarities of the development of the body of each man.

Problems can only be discussed in the following specific cases:

  • Ectopia. A situation in which the penis is behind the scrotum. In this case, an operation is also required.

If such problems are not observed, then it does not matter at all what size the male penis is and what its shape is. Remember that you can satisfy your partner with an average sexual organ.

At the same time, constant complexes and anxiety about your own dignity can only interfere with you and cause a depressed state, due to which your penis in a relaxed state will become even smaller.

Related video

Men tend to arrange acts of mental anguish for themselves and worry about the size and appearance of their own genitals. To a lesser extent, they worry about the size of the legs, plump or thin lips, long fingers or other points that may not correspond to their own canons of beauty.

Taking into account the fact that the anatomy of each man is basically the same and the structure of the penis does not differ in different men, external differences for the most part represent variants of the norm, if not accompanied by pathological phenomena and processes.

In contact with

It is necessary to analyze the question of what is the classification, as well as what form the penis like girls and what can be done to change this characteristic.

What are the types of male penis?

So, what are the members in their appearance? It is impossible to answer such a question with one or two examples, since the classification of such a parameter will include seven options at once. And each of the examples is quite common among men, so it could be included in this list.


The type of penis, which belongs to the category of thick ones, is characterized by the fact that it is quite voluminous, but on the contrary, it is short. Most often, such a member visually resembles a barrel. However, there are situations when a man has a rather impressive and long, and the width of the phallus.


Thin types of male members are characterized by rather modest indicators of the diameter of the penis, but the length can be both insignificant, and vice versa - impressive. But the shape for them is characteristic in most cases swept.


The length parameter for long penises is often impressive and exceeds the mark of 15 cm. Moreover, most often, despite their considerable length, their width noticeably lags behind in development.



It is worth considering that this type of members belongs to the category of pathology. Its development is often associated with a violation of the functional activity of the endocrine system, while an insufficient amount of testosterone is synthesized in the body. Namely, testosterone directly affects the development of the male reproductive system and in many respects its effect is aimed at the formation of the penis.


The meaty appearance of members in men is always has an impressive size, even in a completely relaxed state. They are often quite voluminous in all respects, although sometimes there are combinations of large diameter with insignificant length.

Why fleshy members are called nothing more than huge can be seen in the photo.


The owners of this type of penis can have any anatomical model, and a striking difference of such an organ is pronounced swollen veins. Such organs look quite impressive and even rude, but at the same time they evoke an enthusiastic reaction from girls.

The photo clearly shows examples representing the indicated varieties of penis.

Member Forms

No less interesting are the forms of the penis. But this characteristic is also rich in options and depends on many factors, the main of which is the heredity of a young person.

Twisted or curved

This type of penis is characterized by the presence of a deviation of the head or trunk from its middle in any direction. Deviation is most often observed in straight directions: to the right, to the left, up or down. But sometimes there can be curvature in an oblique direction. This variant is more typical for those whose shape was affected by frequent improper placement of the penis in underwear.


Cylindrical is one of the most common shapes. In this case, it looks even, without any veins and irregularities, even the veins on it do not rush into the eyes. In this case, the head and the barrel have approximately the same diameter, and it is difficult to determine the transition between them. The head is rounded.


The members of the conical shape are also common, which are characterized by a rather thick and long trunk with a much smaller head, because of this ratio, the general appearance resembles a cone, which is expanded towards the base and significantly narrowed towards the top.


Often there are types of male penises called "mushroom-shaped". In this case, men have a rather thin trunk, but it expands and visually resembles a mushroom cap. The figure of the head may be more tapered towards the tip, resembling a cone, or rounded with a uniform width.

The shape of the penis, resembling a barrel, is characterized by the fact that the length of the phallus is not large, but the diameter is impressive. At rest, it is not noticeable, and when excited, it is not very long, but thick, and resembles a barrel.


What is the correct or normal form of the penis is difficult to answer. In fact there is no complete and generally accepted idea of ​​the correctness of this characteristic. Each nationality perceived various options as the only correct ones. For example, the Chinese were convinced that mushroom-shaped organs belonged to this category.


There are also many opinions about what the ideal penis shape is. In fact, any physiological figure is obviously ideal, but both the man himself and his partner can have more specific ideas in any direction.


Members of an unusual form can be classified, since this category includes:

  • banana shape. In a state of full erection, the head of such a penis is directed to the south and slightly curved. Also, such an organ has a natural bend, somewhere up to 10 degrees, and with a larger deviation, a visit to the hospital is necessary, since this is an example of pathology.
  • C-shaped. Such a penis, with the development of an erection, begins to bend to the right, and most often a similar phenomenon is observed in those who make a mistake in laying the organ in underwear or have experienced an injury in this area.
  • graviola. This variant visually resembles the ripened fruit of the East African plant, after which it is named. The phallus in this case is short, most often about 10 cm, and extremely wide. In the scrotum, the impressive size of the testicles is also determined.


Often there is a type of member called an arrow, for which the type of head is most important. This can be explained by the fact that such an organ has a rather pronounced narrowing from the base to the head, and in an excited state it resembles an even arrow.

The forms of the members are clearly visible in the photos presented above.

Other differences

The shape and size of the penis are not the only differences between male genitals. This diversity can manifest itself in color, texture, and even in the size of the foreskin.


In most cases, in men, the shade of the penis matches the rest of the skin. However, there are member types that differ in some way from the classic variant, for example:

  • The penis is darker than skin tone, close to brown, and sometimes even reddish.
  • The skin of the phallus is lighter than the main shade on most of the body.
  • Observed dark spots on penis, sometimes it is combined with the same spots all over the body, but such a phenomenon is possible only on manhood.

It is worth mentioning that the shade may not be constant, that is, in an excited state, the penis of one color, and in a relaxed state, of another. This phenomenon is physiological only if it is not combined with pain or the appearance of any pathological elements.


Most men's penises are far from perfectly smooth. In a normal and classic situation, there are visible and even protruding veins on the genitals, especially during an erection. Other men have hair follicles on the phallus, located on the shaft and tactilely perceived as small bumps.

Regarding hair follicles, a man needs to be careful. As soon as redness, irritation, itching or burning, or several signs appear at once, you need to worry and visit a dermatologist, as this clearly indicates the development of a pathological process.

Approximately 25% of the male population have tiny and smooth balls, resembling pearls, located on the head of their dignity. They appear initially at a young age and are harmless, moreover, they are not sexually transmitted, so they should not cause concern.

And in 50% of the population there are so-called, which are located on the trunk or scrotum and look like tubercles of a light red hue. This phenomenon is also harmless and is not transmitted to the partner.

It should be borne in mind that the appearance of irritation or an increase in granules indicates the presence of pathology and requires an urgent visit to the doctor.

Foreskin size

There are differences in what the penis is in terms of the size of the foreskin, which passes to them from their parents. However, there are a number of other factors that affect this characteristic. They include:

  • Surgical manipulations and injuries affecting this area. Under the influence of external factors, the formation of a curved model is possible, which may be associated with trauma to the penis or even tissue rupture, as well as with improperly formed scars on the skin after surgery.
  • Diseases of various etiologies. For example, a large number of venereal diseases, especially in the last stages, have a negative effect on the tissues of the penis. And as a result of exposure to certain pathogens, these tissues can not only be deformed, but even completely destroyed, which leads to curvature of the organ. A striking example of such a pathology is syphilis.
  • Impact of environmental conditions. The change in the shape and size of the penis can be influenced by pesticides, synthetically created antibacterial substances that adversely affect the endocrine system of men and lead not only to the deformation of the phallus, but sometimes even to its gradual destruction.
  • Underwear. What is important here is not the underwear itself, its material or brand, but how the penis fits into it, especially this option, affects the penises of adolescents.

The effect of erection

Erection does not directly affect the development of the shape of the penis. In fact, the erect state only indicates whether there is any curvature of the penis, which may not be noticeable in a relaxed version.

It is interesting for men and what form of penis girls like.

There is no clear answer to this question because each woman has her own preferences in matters of the sexual sphere, and so if one likes mushroom-shaped penises, then the other may prefer cylindrical ones.

However, if a man correctly assesses the shape of his dignity and chooses the appropriate comfortable positions for sex, his version will be ideal for his partner.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video with information on the importance of penis size and shape:

How can I change, correct the parameters of the penis

Men often want to ensure that they have the correct form of the penis. To this end, they can resort to a variety of methods, including:

Despite the huge difference in the possible appearance of male virtues, there is no clear understanding of what form the member should be. Without pathological abnormalities, injuries and diseases, a man can lead a full-fledged sex life and impress his sexual partners by choosing the right positions and having certain skills in sex.

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