Home Roses Horoscope dragon and cat women compatibility. Compatibility in the relationship of a rabbit and a dragon. General Dragon and Rabbit Compatibility

Horoscope dragon and cat women compatibility. Compatibility in the relationship of a rabbit and a dragon. General Dragon and Rabbit Compatibility

Rabbit (Cat) personality traits

When it comes to such a contrasting pair as the Rabbit and the Dragon, their compatibility raises doubts among the layman. However, astrological experts know some secrets that will help harmonize this uneasy relationship. In Eastern mythology, the Rabbit is not at all a defenseless creature. He is cunning, quick and unprincipled, and therefore knows no obstacles. Despite the apparent softness, it is extremely stable, taking the most advantageous position during falls.

The second name of the symbol is the Cat, the one that always lands on its paws. If the Dragon and the Cat-Rabbit converge, the compatibility of the pair often depends on the interest and diplomacy of the second. The Capricorn cat is recognized as the most suitable partner: he will appreciate the greatness and beauty like no other sign of the zodiac. In second place is Scorpio, who is not familiar with vanity by hearsay.

Such different Dragons

Even without being an astrologer, you can easily recognize the Dragon in any crowd, especially if he is also a Leo in addition. Proud posture unwittingly attracts attention. A dragon born under the sign of Libra is reputed to be lucky: he is not threatened with love suffering. The representative of this combination of signs often becomes an object of adoration, rather than falls in love himself.

Pisces is the most unbalanced symbol, subject to the struggle of the elements of Fire and Water. They especially desperately need a soft, sensitive and understanding interlocutor, which is the Rabbit. An independent and imperturbable Taurus in the depths of his soul is experiencing no less intense passions between earth and heaven: the attraction of the zodiacal element of the Earth does not allow him to fly free. The dragons are accompanied by prosperity, they are not afraid of difficulties, and leadership is won without effort: for some reason, in their presence, no one has the question of who is in charge here.

Rabbit man, Dragon woman

When a Rabbit man and a Dragon woman converge, compatibility promises to be difficult, but nevertheless exciting. As a rule, physical attraction between them arises easily and naturally, but mutual understanding has to be worked on. The Dragoness's practicality more than compensates for the passivity and irresponsibility sometimes inherent in Hares.

The connecting link of this couple is the craving for novelty and fun, both do not accept monotony. Overconfidence and disorganization, the flip side of being able to act spontaneously, can be destructive. Both have an equally developed need for communication; they are an open and hospitable family.

Dragon man and Rabbit woman

In a pair where a Dragon man is combined, a Rabbit woman compatibility rarely arises on its own. Paradoxically, the initiator of the relationship is often not the sparkling Dragon, but the inconspicuous, but resourceful Rabbit.

As a result, the woman also places responsibility for the further development of relationships on her fragile shoulders. The dragon is used to radiating splendor anywhere, just not in the family circle, sometimes not realizing how important a reliable rear is for him - a place where you can get moral support and energy supply. The aggressiveness of the partner can somewhat discourage the peace-loving Rabbit.

From dating to honeymoon

At the initial stage of the relationship, the Dragon and Rabbit can easily get compatibility in love. She is fascinated by the strength and charisma of the Dragon, and he, in turn, is touched by her ability to listen carefully and empathize, without reproaching anything. Having become spouses, Rabbit and Dragon reinforce compatibility in marriage with communication. There is a risk that the Dragon will develop a habit of criticizing the soul mate.

Undoubtedly, from the best intentions: so that it corresponds to the ideal. The opposite situation, when she is a Dragon, and he is a Rabbit, is no less destructive. The cat retreats to the last, but, being cornered, is forced to attack. The dragon (he or she) will show wisdom if he does not persist and generously gives the Hare the palm. The partner must have shown delicacy in return.

He and she in family life

The compatibility horoscope of Rabbit and Dragon attaches great importance to the spontaneity of both. This unambiguously positive and attractive factor at the beginning of a relationship often brings chaos to the general life. The rabbit is kept in constant tension by the task of avoiding the sharp corners that the noisy and assertive Dragon regularly creates. Since rabbit ingenuity knows no bounds, the Dragon often finds himself in front of facts that he cannot comprehend.

In order for advice and love to reign in the family, spouses will have to learn to act synchronously. Over time, the new habit will require less and less effort, because in fact the spouses strive for a common goal: a reasonable balance of stability and diversity.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon (man) and Rabbit (woman) are quite capable of building strong and harmonious relationships. In this case, the dragon receives tenderness and care from his chosen one, and the Rabbit girl receives the safety that she needs so much. Simply put, behind the wide and incredibly beautiful wings of the Dragon, she will feel like a stone wall. Namely, this is what she needs for full happiness!

So, what is the compatibility of a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman in family ties, love and intimate relationships? And what advice can you give to such a couple? Let's look at it in more detail.

Dragon man and Rabbit woman (Cat): general compatibility

Such a union is considered quite successful, because both partners will be able to satisfy absolutely all their needs in it. Dragons in Rabbit women are attracted by their education, breadth of horizons and awareness in almost all areas of knowledge. On the other hand, the Rabbit ladies like in the Dragon Cavaliers their masculinity, courage, strength and beauty - both external and internal.

In the Dragon man, all the self-sufficiency and brutality of the male character is very clearly manifested.

All Dragons tend to be a little rough and callous. The presence of a sophisticated Rabbit girl in the life of such people will smooth out all the sharp, uneven corners and roughnesses in their difficult nature. With such a partner, the "fire-breathing" will at once turn into a real aristocrat with good taste and excellent manners.

The joint cooperation of this couple promises to be long and fruitful enough, family life - prosperous and happy. After all, both Dragons and Rabbits have one unique ability - they can ignore and ignore the negative character traits of their partner. Of course, such, at first glance, ideal relationships have their own nuances and negative aspects. We will tell you about them further.

Dragon man: bright and attractive

Dragon Men have tremendous creativity. They are creative, talented and very bright personalities. Often outstanding. At the same time, they are characterized by great natural magnetism, which simply cannot be overlooked by the representatives of the opposite sex.

Dragons (men) are generally courageous and brave. And it helps them to achieve a lot in life and career. However, there are negative traits in their character. These include excessive aggressiveness, impulsiveness and incontinence. Because of these qualities, Dragons often make serious mistakes, however, they are able to immediately correct them.

Most often, Dragons prefer quiet and "domestic" women, without much ambition. Therefore, a lady who wants to please the Dragon needs only to show gentleness, calmness and modesty. By the way, the Rabbit woman possesses all these qualities.

Rabbit woman (Cat): sophisticated and "domestic"

Gentle and sensitive woman Rabbit (Cat) - the center of everyone's attention

Rabbits (or Cats) are polite and very refined natures. They easily master all manners of etiquette and know how to behave in a decent society. Moreover, they often become the center of universal attention in it. Of course, such a woman will become a worthy adornment for any man. What can we say about the vain and slightly arrogant Dragons.

Of the negative traits, it is very difficult for Rabbit girls to concentrate on any one activity for a long time. Therefore, they grab onto several things at once, not really completing any of them. As a rule, they study any question superficially, but at the same time manage to give the impression of knowledgeable and extremely knowledgeable young ladies.

What do Dragons and Rabbits have in common? Both are very fond of communication, noisy "parties" and happy holidays. As a rule, this is where they find each other.

Dragon man and Rabbit woman (Cat): compatibility in love

The Rabbit Woman perfectly feels and understands people. And she will gladly pass on these empathic abilities to her chosen one - the Dragon. He, in turn, is able to make his partner truly happy. A Dragon man for a Rabbit woman is exactly that hot spark that she so lacked in her quiet and measured life.

In an intimate life, these two people will always have a frenzied passion and tender sensuality. In bed, neither the Dragon nor the Rabbit can be called selfish. They perfectly feel desires and happily embody all the sexual dreams of their partner into reality.

The romance between a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman is felt even in everyday trifles.

Dragons and Colic are similar in another aspect: they both like sensual caresses. In other words, intimacy for them is beautiful in itself. Therefore, sexual relations between such partners will be very bright and intense. In addition, such couples always have very beautiful and happy children, which also cannot but rejoice.

Dragon man and Rabbit woman (Cat): compatibility in marriage

Cat Women tend to become caring mothers, loving wives, and excellent housewives. There are, of course, exceptions. But more often than not, they do an excellent job with all the chores around the house, have various culinary talents and know how to find a common language with the kids. Perfect wives!

The Rabbit Woman prefers a quiet and calm life at the "family hearth". But her Dragon husband is almost always in worries outside the house. His task is to provide material support for the family. And he copes with it as well as possible. Neither the wife nor the children of such a man will need anything.

At the same time, the Rabbit woman is quite ready to come to terms with this situation. She will always look forward to her spouse from work, a long business trip or protracted business negotiations. And it is this trait of her that helps to keep such a family. After all, it is very important for a Dragon man to know that he is loved and awaited at home.

But here, too, there is a danger. If the Rabbit woman is completely and completely mired in household chores, then she will become boring and insipid for her man. And the Dragon, without hesitation, will rush to seek thrills on the side.

In general, the portrait of such a married couple is as follows: the Dragon man is a full-fledged head of the family and leader, and the Rabbit woman obeys and fulfills all his wishes. At the same time, she completely accepts such an arrangement and is ready to sacrifice almost everything for the sake of her chosen one. She devotes almost all her time to her husband and children, creating and maintaining comfort and beauty in the house. Nevertheless, a real hurricane of disagreements often rages in her inner world. Unfortunately, the Dragon man cannot always understand the full depth of her thoughts and feelings.

In spite of everything, the marriage of the Dragon and the Rabbit (Cat) may well become long and happy. Of course, it is foolish to expect a rainbow and carefree family life: there will be quarrels, conflicts, and disappointments. But if such a married couple learn to make concessions and compromises, then all problems can be solved.

Dragon and Rabbit: possible relationship problems

Despite the relatively good compatibility of the Dragon and the Rabbit, this pair can have its own problems and disagreements. Therefore, the relationship will have to work a lot.

First of all, it is worth noting that the Rabbit woman is not so "domestic" as it might seem at first glance. She is quite capricious and freedom-loving. And when the Dragon man is too busy with his career, politics or public affairs, the relationship in this couple can go into a dead corner, and subsequently break off altogether.

Very often, any disagreement in such a family is aggravated by the fact that the Dragons themselves are very impulsive and unpredictable. It is difficult to predict exactly how such a man will react to this or that situation. Therefore, it is very important for the Rabbit woman to learn how to avoid dangers and extinguish all family conflicts in time. Inborn flexibility and wisdom will only help her in this.

Grinding the characters of the Dragon man and the Rabbit woman is a long and difficult process, but if mutual understanding is found, then this is for life

If fate brought the Rabbit woman to the Dragon man, then it is important for her to understand one thing: her chosen one is unlikely to be changed. Therefore, it must be accepted exactly as it is. And as a gratitude, the Dragon will teach his life partner to take everything easier and not take negativity to heart.

In general, the longer the Dragon and Rabbit live together, the better they will understand each other. Time can solve all family problems in this couple. Eventually, they will fully adjust and begin to positively influence each other.

No matter how good the horoscope compatibility is, in the life of any couple, problems may arise that will need to be solved immediately. Ignoring problems and difficulties in the family, as a rule, does not lead to anything good.

Only mutual concessions will be able to create a lasting alliance from the Dragon and Rabbit.

In a married couple of Dragon and Rabbit (Cat), it is very important for partners to learn how to make certain compromises. They need to talk to each other as often as possible, try to understand and accept their partner (or partner) with all his "cockroaches". The strength and durability of the marriage will depend on this.

Despite the colossal differences between these signs, there is still a lot in common between them. So, both the Dragon and the Rabbit value a trusting family relationship very much. Closeness and trust for them are extremely important and necessary things. It is important for a Rabbit woman to understand that she is the only one and is loved by her husband.

One effective "recipe" will help to avoid unnecessary conflicts in this married couple: any disagreements should be discussed in advance, without bringing them to a "scandalous" phase. A clear distribution of responsibilities in the family is another useful option. We should not forget about romance, unpredictability, so that a routine and clearly planned life does not bore both partners. The Dragon man should also remember that his fragile chosen one needs constant protection and increased attention.

Are you making enough money?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

You may have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to remove the lack of money.

The Rabbit woman is domestic, sociable and affectionate, she loves to be in her own walls, to take care of children and wait for her husband from work. She has a house full of freshly prepared goodies, she is a great hostess and an empathetic caring mother. She is calm, friendly and peaceful, giving her partner confidence, attention and stability. Her life is measured, carefully planned and quiet, anxiety, excitement and a crowded society annoy her, make her nervous and angry. Most of the time, the Rabbit woman is busy analyzing her inner thoughts and feelings, she prefers, does not share her innermost with others, delves into the thick of her feelings and emotions on her own. The dragon is a completely opposite personality, you will not find him at home with fire during the day, he is constantly busy with something, now meetings, now negotiations, now important matters. The dragon fully provides for the family, his wife and children never need anything, his family lives in abundance. Bright, creative, talented, positive, attractive, this man is simply eye-catching, it is impossible for him to say no. Of course, the Rabbit woman, subject to this natural magnetism of the Dragon, surrenders to him completely and completely.
The future of this couple depends on how much each partner makes concessions for the other. If these two learn to talk, understand and accept each other as they really are, everything will turn out well. They just need a compromise in order to live together, otherwise there is no way. What they have in common is that they both value a close relationship, completely trust each other. The Rabbit woman helps him to open up and calm down, and the Dragon gives her those emotions thanks to which she feels that she is needed, unique and loved.

Rabbit woman and Dragon man compatibility

In the Rabbit plus Dragon pair, everything is decided and discussed in advance, they try not to bring minor quarrels to scandals, problems and major conflicts. She brilliantly does all the household work, and he successfully provides for the family and plans their joint family leisure with high ingenuity.
Over time, this stability can get bored, they become too obvious and predictable for each other, all the differences between them become exposed. Bright flaws of each other will become noticeable with double force, the couple will need urgent rehabilitation of the relationship. Let the Dragon man help the Rabbit around the house, and she will admire him more, add a little romance to life, and every day he lives will sparkle with new juicy colors, giving joy, inspiration and love.

Rabbit and Dragon compatibility is controversial. These two have a fragmented understanding of family life and love relationships. The Cat (Rabbit) is looking for calmness and constancy, and the Dragon decides everything spontaneously and does not accept monotony in a relationship. This union can be very problematic and the horoscope promises people of these signs a short life together.

They can enter into a so-called guest marriage and exist in it quite comfortably, but how long it will last is not known.

Next, we will take a closer look at the compatibility of the Rabbit and Dragon horoscope in love and find out if everything is really as bad as the horoscope says. We will tell you about the compatibility of a couple where the Dragon is a man, and the Cat is a woman and vice versa. This article will allow you to better understand the nature of these signs and understand them more deeply.

Rabbit man Dragon woman: What is their fate in a joint family life?

Love in this couple may not be long, unlike a couple, for example, a man Rabbit, a woman Rabbit. This can happen because a Cat man is looking for harmony and stability in a relationship, and a Dragon woman cannot give him this to the fullest. She is used to spontaneous decisions and shows her impulsive nature in everything. This woman is sometimes very difficult to stop and she goes to a break in achieving her goal. These women are especially temperamental of the following signs of the zodiac:

  1. Aries;
  2. Sagittarius;
  3. Scorpion;

A marriage between a Dragon and a Cat, where the Dragon is a woman, is most often doomed to failure. The fact is that between these signs, so-called vector marriages develop, where one partner leads, and the second obediently obeys.

The Rabbit man is not able to obey his woman, even if he has strong and deep feelings towards her.

The Dragon woman must moderate her ardor and give the man Kotu freedom of action if she wants to really save her family. It will be more successful to do this with a Dragon born under one of the following zodiac signs:

  1. Taurus;
  2. Scales;
  3. Capricorn;
  4. A fish.

Rabbit woman Dragon man: Marriage and love compatibility

The compatibility of the Cat and the Dragon, provided that the Dragon is a man, is more real and successful than in a pair with a man Cat and in a pair a woman Rabbit a man Rabbit. The dragon will take the leading role in the family, and the Rabbit woman will be able to take it for granted. She loves her man very much and will not fight with him for the role of the main one in the family.

A man will appreciate his darling for thriftiness and the ability to create comfort and coziness in the house and in relations with him.

He will teach her to relate to life easier and more easily endure adversity and sorrow.

Although the dragon will be somewhat impulsive and spontaneous, he will not greatly annoy his wife with these character traits. She will be fine and calm with him. The Cat woman will allow herself to relax a little next to such a man and find support and protection in him.

The couple will be perfectly intimate compatible. Both partners are able to give each other true pleasure and pleasure from intimacy. They feel the desires and innermost sexual dreams of each other and easily translate them into reality. Such couples have beautiful and happy children.

This can be the compatibility of the Rabbit and the Dragon in love and marriage. Remember that even the most incompatible signs can live together for a long time and build a strong family if they truly love each other and there is mutual respect in their union. You need to trust your partner more and compromise in a disputable situation, then there will be much less scandals and breaks in the relationship.

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Rabbit (in another version - the Cat) depends on the distribution of roles in a pair, on the willingness to make concessions and patience. They can form a strong alliance under certain conditions.

General Dragon and Rabbit Compatibility

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Rabbit depends on the sphere of the relationship that will arise between them - love, friendship or work. A love union is based on physical attraction.

They can fall in love with each other, because they are united by common interests, however, long-term love relationships between them rarely arise, because the Rabbit and Dragon are very different in temperament. As soon as the candy-bouquet period passes and the veil of love begins to subside, the shortcomings of each partner are exposed, which provoke serious contradictions in the couple.

The Dragon and Rabbits rarely reach the registry office, because they break up before the relationship has time to move to a new stage. However, sometimes marriages are still concluded, and then their duration and strength depends on the distribution of roles in the couple.

Of great importance is the fact who exactly was born under the sign of the Dragon, and who was born in the year of Colic. Both Dragons and Rabbits love adventures, noisy companies, but the Rabbit quickly gets tired of such events, while the Dragon can revel in days.

The rabbit needs harmony and tranquility in life, he tries to exclude negativity from his life, therefore he prefers to bypass risks. The dragon adores its active life, which is similar to existence next to an active volcano. He prefers to live impulsively, and

The rabbit values ​​stability. Over time, the Fire Dragon begins to get bored next to a person who avoids risks and prefers calmness to thrills and new emotions. To achieve harmony in a relationship, both signs must accept each other and stop remaking a partner.

Most often, the Dragon becomes the leader, who charges the Rabbit with confidence and protects him from enemies. The rabbit becomes a reliable rear for the Dragon, allows him to unravel intrigues and holds back from making rash decisions.

If the Rabbit and the Dragon can accept each other, a strong attraction can arise between them, thanks to which they will create a harmonious marriage. They make wonderful children who grow up in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and love. For the sake of a brighter future, you can try to improve relationships and overcome all disagreements.

Compatibility is also affected by the zodiac horoscope. The signs of Aries and Scorpio make the Dragon and Rabbit more stubborn and conflicting. Taurus and Cancer, on the contrary, calm the hot-tempered Dragon and make the Rabbit even quieter. Rabbit and Dragon, born under the sign of Gemini, become even more sociable.

Leo strengthens the Dragon's desire to become a leader, and if a Rabbit is born under this zodiac sign, the confrontation in a pair reaches its climax. Virgo adds prudence to the signs, and Libra adds intelligence and tact. The Sagittarius Dragon is less conceited and devoid of arrogance. The signs of Capricorn and Aquarius add strength, and Pisces make them soft and romantic.

Character features

An active Dragon from birth has good health and great vitality. He does not know what hypocrisy and cowardice are, so he is always extremely honest with others. The Dragon does not know how to establish diplomatic ties at all, because he always speaks the truth in person.

He cannot be called naive, but he often finds himself in bad situations due to excessive gullibility. Being sensitive and receptive, he clogs his head with worries over trifles and trifles.

Inborn meticulousness and perfectionism lead to the fact that the Dragon makes too many demands on himself and on the people around him. The representative of this sign always gives good advice to acquaintances and friends, which are worth listening to.

A gifted and strong-willed Dragon achieves everything he wants in life, he never knows the need. He is very popular with the opposite sex, they often fall in love with him. It is difficult for dragons to create a family union, because they feel so much better alone. If the Dragon ends up in the registry office, it will only be for great love.

People born in the year of the Rabbit are characterized by humble demeanor and kindness. They have a variety of talents, have a delicate taste and feel beauty in their gut. The rabbit is sociable, it is easy for him to find a common language with others, therefore in a large society he feels like a fish in water.

Representatives of the sign are distinguished by increased sensitivity to other people's problems and know how to compassion, therefore for loved ones they are the best companions who will always help and never betray.

Resourcefulness and a sharp mind help the Rabbit find a way out of various situations and make the right choice. He knows what needs to be done in order to achieve certain success in life, but he understands that there are things that cannot always be obtained. An optimistic attitude allows him to boldly face the future.

One of the main meanings of the Rabbit's life is to create his own family. He anxiously preserves family values ​​and does not allow anyone to offend his loved ones. The rabbit takes good care of animals, plants and nature in general. Basically, all people born in the year of the Rabbit are quiet and calm. They rarely show emotions, especially in public.

Dragon Man and Rabbit Woman Compatibility

Compatibility in a pair reaches high rates if a man is born in the year of the Dragon, and a woman is a Rabbit.

In love

Thanks to the Rabbit woman, the Dragon man begins to better understand people and stops thinking only of himself. He makes his partner really happy. Love does not come gradually. The modest Rabbit woman attracts the Dragon, because she is not at all like him - temperamental and emotional.

Out of sports interest, he begins to look after her, but over time he sees in her a person suitable for the role of a wife. Then the relationship takes a serious turn. A Rabbit woman will make an excellent wife and mother. She will be happy to take care of children and her husband and will become a virtuoso hostess. Delicious dinners, perfectly ironed clothes and a charming smile await the Dragon if he joins his life with the Rabbit.

The Rabbit Woman is an ideal spouse, quiet and calm, who prefers home comfort to various kinds of parties. The Dragon Man spends a lot of time outside the family, trying to earn money for his relatives so that they do not need anything. Both the wife and the children of the Dragon will really not need anything.

A woman's gentle nature will help her to more easily endure separation from her husband, while he will try for the good of the family. She faithfully awaits her husband from a business trip or after a long work, preparing a cozy little world for him. It is always important for the dragon to know that they are waiting for him after hard work, so he will tremendously appreciate such loyalty.

However, there is a danger here. If the Rabbit woman does not develop, but completely devotes herself to housework, she will cease to be interesting for the Dragon, and he will begin to look for emotions and thrills on the side, without being tormented by remorse.

In the family boat of a man-Dragon and a woman-Rabbit, each takes his own position: the man is the head and stands "at the helm", and the woman completely obeys and fulfills his wishes. Outwardly, she may seem calm, but inside her sometimes an ocean of passions rages. Unfortunately, the Dragon cannot always fully understand his woman, which makes her sad.

In sex

In an intimate life, the Dragon and the Rabbit have excellent compatibility. Thanks to the Dragon, there will be a storm of passions and an ocean of emotions in it, and the Rabbit will bring romance and tenderness. They do not show selfishness in bed, everyone thinks about a partner and tries to adjust to their soul mate.

The dragon is always ready for exploits if his woman wants it. Dragon and Rabbit are united by love for affection and tenderness, therefore the love process itself gives them pleasure. Intimate relationships between partners will be intense and full of passion. It is believed that the Dragon and the Rabbit make "puppet" children, that is, very beautiful children.

In friendship

The friendship between a Rabbit woman and a Dragon man begins with joint hobbies. The modest Rabbit woman loves social events, so she begins to go to dances, singing or to sports meetings. The Dragon shines there, with whom they quickly find a common language.

Both are versatile, so they always have topics of conversation. The Rabbit stops the impulsive Dragon from making rash and hasty decisions. The rabbit helps a friend to comprehend the situation and make the really right decision. The dragon makes the Rabbit's life more varied, constantly pulling him out of the house. Often, the friendship of the Rabbit woman and the Dragon man grows into love.

In work

Dragon and Rabbit can do business together, but under certain conditions. The Rabbit must admit that the Dragon is the main one in their tandem and it is he who makes the final decisions.

A man will be the initiator of various events and a generator of original ideas that he will immediately want to bring to life. The wise Rabbit will stop a partner from rash actions, but he should remember that sometimes he has to take risks in business.

In percents

  • in love - 80;
  • married - 100;
  • total - 90.

Rabbit Man and Dragon Woman Compatibility

The Rabbit man and the Dragon woman will be able to create a harmonious union if everyone comes to terms with the peculiarities of the partner's character.

In love

A woman born in the year of the Dragon will strive for a leadership position in the family, which a man will not always like. However, his wisdom and calmness will help to find a way out of the situation. It will be difficult for a woman who is accustomed to a constant holiday in life, to spontaneity and impulsiveness to adapt to the realities of marriage, where she must manage the household and look after the children.

The rabbit will need peace and quiet, so the excessive activity of the spouse can annoy him. A stormy romance, full of romance and tenderness, soon turns into a conflict relationship, when the veil of love falls, and partners begin to consider each other's shortcomings.

The Rabbit man never makes hasty decisions, he tries to think things over and only then make a choice. He is extremely cautious and does not like anything new, since he has a conservative view of the world. A woman is the complete opposite, so it will be difficult for both to maintain a relationship.

A man is practically not interested in the events taking place in the world, only his own life is important for him. In the family, the Rabbit gets a supporting role. He is engaged in creativity and self-development in peace and quiet. The Dragon Woman brings up children, deals with everyday life and solves financial problems. She has enough energy for such activities, but to discharge she simply needs noisy fun, which the spouse should also understand.

In sex

The Dragon and the Rabbit try to please each other, so they take into account not only their own desires. The romantic Rabbit loves to create surroundings and surprise women. The dragon behaves like a hurricane, which the partner likes.

He is never bored with him, although the woman herself often lacks the sparkle emanating from the man. In her understanding, it is the man who should "light" the woman. If the Rabbit does not take into account the wishes of the partner, she may get bored and start looking for attention on the side, which will ruin the relationship.

In friendship

Friendship rarely develops between two signs. A woman is bored next to the correct and sensible Rabbit, she needs someone like her. The Rabbit is unlikely to share the Dragon's desire for constant entertainment. On weekends, a man prefers a cozy home and a cup of coffee.

In work

The workers' union will flourish with the Dragon as the boss and the Rabbit as the subordinate. The dragon generates new ideas, comes up with original marketing moves, and the Rabbit brings his plans to life, while keeping the boss from hasty decisions, cooling his ardor and trying to calculate all the risks.

In percents

Percentage compatibility is:

  • in love - 70;
  • married - 40;
  • total - 55.

How can you improve your relationship?

Despite the excellent compatibility, problems and conflicts will arise in the pair. If partners ignore difficulties or withdraw from their solution, a serious crisis in the relationship will soon mature, which can lead to a breakup.

Spouses must learn to make compromises so that they don’t try each other’s patience. Frequent conversations are needed. The rabbit needs to describe in detail his feelings and emotions so that the Dragon can understand him.

The dragon, in turn, also needs to share experiences in order to receive the necessary support. If both learn to speak correctly and convey their feelings to their partner, the marriage will last a long time.

The couple should give mutual trust, so the Dragon, who inherently loves romantic adventures, should not give any reason to suspect him of treason.

Once trust is eroded, the couple will start to get into serious trouble. Any disagreements should be discussed immediately, without bringing them to a critical exacerbation.

A clear distribution of responsibilities will help to streamline the union, according to which the man is the head of the family and the breadwinner, and the woman is the keeper of the hearth.

Family everyday life needs to be made bright by planning interesting leisure activities. This is necessary so that the marriage does not bore any of the spouses. The dragon must definitely find time for the Rabbit, since the latter requires increased attention.

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